beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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👆 My son asked me : Mom, Do you know who's he? then he told me that ~
日本職棒名星選手-大谷翔平 Shohei Ohtani/おおたに しょうへい 
(b. 1994) 他目前效力於美國職棒大聯盟洛杉磯道奇,主要擔任投手及指定打擊(即投打「二刀流」) Los Angeles Dodgers – No. 17
He is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB). Nicknamed "Shotime".
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My son is a chemical engineer at LCY GROUP in Taiwan. He called me two days ago and said: Mom, he got a promotion and a salary increase, so he took me to eat, go shopping, and buy ice cream to go home and enjoy. lol (He is a very pragmatic big boy who never dreams. Maybe because he is a child of a single parent, because they have experienced many human relationships with me, inculded up and down in life since they were young, so they mature very early. Fruits were pulled from the tree before they were ripe. hahaha) In fact, his company is not as profitable as in previous years in general this year, but he is lucky. He is the only one in his department at the Kaohsiung factory who has been promoted and received a salary increase.
We chatted and laughed about all kinds of topics. I am really lucky. God has given me two children who are smart, independent, sensible and gentle. Of course he also gives me dividends lol I like and appreciate that every time he takes the initiative to give me money, I always see the light of accomplishment and love in his eyes ~ shining like stars in the sky! 🙏 Thank God!
Although "it is more blessed to give than to receive". But there is another deeper understanding, especially for some people with strong self-esteem. Sometimes you have to learn to meekly "accept" gifts from those who love you in life.
我的兒子是台灣榮化集團(LCY GROUP)的化材工程師,前兩天打電話跟我說:媽媽,他升職加薪了,所以他帶我去吃飯、逛街和買冰淇淋回家享受。lol (他是個相當務實,從來不會作夢的大男孩。可能因為是單親的小孩,因他們從小就跟著我經歷許多人情冷暖,所以很早熟。果子還沒熟就從樹上拔下來了。hahaha) 其實今年他的公司總體來說並不如往年利多,但他很幸運,高雄廠在他的部門只有他一個人被升職和加薪。
我們聊天又笑呵呵的各種話題無所不談,我真的很幸運,天主賜給我兩個既聰明獨立又懂事溫順的孩子。當然他也分紅給我 lol 我喜歡也感謝當他每次主動地給我錢時,我總會看到他眼中充滿著成就感和愛的光芒~像天上星子閃爍著! 🙏 感謝天主!
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📌Restaurant餐廳:鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung is a Taiwanese restaurant chain specializing in Chinese cuisine, particularly famous for its Xiaolongbao. Based in Taipei, Taiwan, Din Tai Fung also has branches in Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
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shiri1124 · 2 months
僕も好きと言ってもらえたこと。(僕も好きやでと言われたのが嬉しいし可愛いしで飛び跳ねそうになった)性交についてかなり高評価のレビューをいただけたこと。旅行行きたいね、それはまたいつかねなど私のいる未来が当たり前のように想定されていること、を急に思い出し、本日仕事中ずっとその喜びを噛み締めていました。今まですぐ捨てられるかも!秒で愛想つかされるかも!やり捨てられるかも!とか言ってたけど 冷静に考えたら一回り近く年下で、ちゃんと働いていて、ビジュもある程度刺さってて、ちゃんと攻めもできる挿入も気持ちのいい女なんて捨てるわけがないよね??  恋人今も遊び人だと思っていたが、ここ数年めっきりモテなくなってしまったと言っていたので、ましてやアラフォーがこんな好条件な女を手放す必要性はこれっぽっちもないよなと自分に自信が湧いてきたという話。また自信がなくなった時見返すようにメモメモ。
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135481403135481403 · 2 months
2024/07/17(水) 22:22:19 「南風」、フルで流されてるのかなぁ·· 実際に見に行ってみたい❗ #レミオロメン #氷結 Quote 総合報道【公式】サイン・ディスプレイ業界専門メディア @sogohodopopeye · 2024/07/17(水) 13:00:00 夏は飲料・お酒の広告をよく見る気がします👀 渋谷道玄坂ハッピーボードで #石井杏奈 さん起用の氷結の広告を発見🍋 広告を見ていると音楽が聞こえる…👂上部にスピーカーが設置され、#レミオロメン の「南風」が流れていました♫ #おいしいだけでしあわせだ
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cssnder · 7 months
ABOUT ME: My name is Cassander. I am a French twenty-three year old with a morbid fascination for all things austere, provocative, old and ugly.
ABOUT MY WRITING: I've been writing for over a decade now. I only write original fictions — the genre varies but I often come back to thrillers, psychological fictions, literary fictions. My work is usually very atmospheric and philosophical; full of symbolism; with vile, despicable and sometimes down-right immoral characters; and heavy themes. I do not write graphic sex scenes nor do I write romance as I have no interest in writing those.
I am currently working on my first serious novel or shall I say, the first I actually seriously intent to write from start to finish. It is titled "Thus Saith The Lord" and has themes of morality, philosophy, religion, obsession and identity. All the information about it can be found either under the tag Thus Saith The Lord or in this masterpost.
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On the side, I am also developing ideas and writing scenes here and there, for another novel that is, to this day, still untitled. It must be said that while my main novel Thus Saith The Lord contains heavy themes and a bleak atmosphere, this second work of mine is much more twisted, much more sensual, and dare I say... immoral. Think of it as The Dreamers meets Lolita meets The Carnivorous Lamb meets The Secret History — a juxtaposition of beauty and deviance.
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I must, by the way, precise that I like to take my time to write as it lets me refine my work, and I will not hesitate to take up to a decade if needed. Thus, you are warned.
WHERE TO FIND MY WORK: I haven't published anything yet, but once I'll be ready, you'll be able to find my work — both in French and in English for the novels — on my Substack. All the infos are in the welcome email. It is totally free and you'll be able to unsubscribe at any time.
“I think here I will leave you. It has come to seem there is no perfect ending. Indeed, there are infinite endings. Or perhaps, once one begins, there are only endings.”
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vhscorp · 2 months
La nostalgie des amours passés laisse au cœur des blessures profondes…
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olafkardanadam · 2 months
“Seninle olmanın en güzel yanı ne biliyor musun? Elin elime değmeden avuçlarımı terleten sıcaklığını taa içimde hissetmek...
Seninle olmanın en kötü yanı ne biliyor musun? ”Seni seviyorum” sözcüğü dilimin ucunu ısırırken her konuşmamızda boş yere saatlerce havadan sudan söz etmek.
Seninle olmanın en heyecanlı yanı ne biliyor musun? Aynı şeyleri seninle aynı anda düşünmek birlikte ağlamak gülmek. Ve buradayken bile seni çılgınca özlemek…
Seninle olmanın en acı yanı ne biliyor musun? Seni hiç tanımadığım bir sürü insanlarla paylaşmak. Senin yanında olan, seninle konuşan herkesi çocukça kıskanmak.
Seninle olmanın en mutlu yanı ne biliyor musun? Tanıdık birileriyle karşılaşma tedirginliği ile yollarda yürümek yan yana… Elimdeki şemsiyeye inat yağmurda ıslanmak birlikte. Elimde ay'çiçeğiyle seni beklemek… Aynı mekanlarda aynı yiyecekleri yemek.
Seninle olmanın en romantik yanı ne biliyor musun? Sensiz gecelerde sana söyleyemediklerimi yıldızlara aya anlatmak… Okuduğum kitabın sayfalarında dinlediğim şarkıların türkülerin şiirlerin her mısrasında seni bulmak.
Seninle olmanın en zor yanı ne biliyor musun? Seni kaybetme korkusuyla hayatta ilk kez tattığım o tarifsiz duygularımı umut denizinin ortasında küreksiz bir sandala hapsetmek. Sevgili yerine yıllarca dost kalmayı başarmak. Yalın ayak yürümek bıçağın en keskin yerinde. Kanadıkça tuz yerine gözyaşlarımı basmak yüreğime...”
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nicoscheer · 2 months
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killbotic · 2 months
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name: UNIT R053 alias': ruby rose, the red rabbit age: unknown, appears to be in her late twenties to early thirties (approx. 307 years old) homeworld: created for meridian prime's entertainment sector where she entertained and endeared herself to billions across the galaxy for nearly a century. species: android, operated by a highly intelligent artificial intelligence. designed to formulate television programing and occupy dead air with talk show segments, cooking shows, and other various activities. decommissioned and later repurposed to serve the galactic coalition in the animus wars. danger level: S-TIER, rogue AI capable of accessing critical infrastructure data and fully armed / equipped with MARK III front-line weaponry abilities: capable of transferring her conscience through the cyber web, taking control of electronic mediums, disabling encrypted security systems, and various other high risk assessments height: five foot six eyes: pink, heart shaped irises hair: shades of purple tattoos: standard issue barcode on the back of her neck known allies: artemis aura, elektra alrune status: wanted dead or alive bounty: 400 million credits THANK YOU FOR DOING YOUR PART TO KEEP OUR GALAXY SAFE!
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ao3org · 3 months
AO3 Planned Downtime
The Archive of Our Own will be down for about 10 hours of maintenance between 07:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC (check what time that is for you). This downtime will allow our AD&T and Systems teams to prepare our search database for a software update.
Date: 07:00 UTC, June 29, 2024
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skrubu · 3 days
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luckylokesh · 3 days
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September 17, 2024 8:07am
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body-logs · 3 days
💪筋肉: 59.465 Kg 🐷脂肪: 13.8 Kg 📊脂肪率: 18.84 % 📅 September 17, 2024 at 07:18AM
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135481403135481403 · 2 months
2024/07/17(水) 22:17:09 Replying to @ryosasuke39 and @ABEMA はい、他の曲も全部最高に素敵だったのでせめて3曲くらいは配信して欲しかったです💦
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cssnder · 2 months
The Books I Read or Re-Read During The Writing of My Novel
Whenever I work on a project, I tend to read the books that influenced me most in my own writing or books that are thematically relevant to what I am working on. Thus, I present to you the books I have read or re-read that have influenced and shaped Thus Saith The Lord. Please note that, since it'll take a few years before the completion of my novel, I will keep updating this list.
The Holy Bible
Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
The Trouble With Being Born, Emil Cioran.
On The Heights of Despair, Emil Cioran.
The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
The Secret History, Donna Tartt.
Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre.
Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert.
The Anti-Christ, Friedrich Nietzsche.
Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh.
Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov.
The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle by Palinurus, Cyril Connolly.
Stoner, John Williams.
My Mother, George Bataille.
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fernand0 · 2 months
Después de la poda.
(2024-05-18) (2024-05-18) (2024-05-24) (2024-05-24) (2024-07-17) (2024-07-17) (2024-07-17) (2024-07-17)
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elicatkin · 2 months
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