#尋問 ||; questions
noblewarrior · 1 year
Oi! -- Are you prepared to admit that my jokes are gold, yet, Captain Kuchiki?
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" Some people do perceive fool's gold as the real thing and live on without ever truly knowing the difference. I, however, am not one of those individuals, Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro. "
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impetuousdesigns · 2 months
故郷について何も知らない・I don’t know anything about my hometown
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地域再発見を受けている学生は主に留学生だが、日本人も1名いる。春学期はもうすぐ終わるから、「この授業で知ったことの中で、何が一番面白い?」とクラスに尋ねた。地名の由来伝説や神戸の歴史などが面白いと言う答えがあったが、ほとんどの答えは「学校とバイトでとても忙しい。あちこちにある観光地に行く時間がない。この授業で、毎週旅をしているみたい!」日本人学生は「レイチェル先生がそんなことが面白いと思うことが僕にとって一番面白かった 。僕は今まで1回もそのことについて考えたことがなかった。」 と言った。
I’m teaching a class called Local Discovery at a university in Kobe. The purpose of this class is to introduce foreign students to and deepen their interest in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, and the Kansai Region. To prepare for this class, I have looked up and learned so many things about Kobe. One of those things is that the Port of Kobe opened to trade with foreign merchants in 1868. Under the influence of those foreigners, the culture, technology, and food habits of Kobe changed, or you could even say evolved. An Englishman wanted to eat beef, and thus Kobe Beef was born. Coffee-drinking foreigners brought coffee with them, and Kobe became the site of Japan’s first coffee shop. Thanks to international trade, jazz, film, western style clothes, western architecture and more were introduced to Japan
The students who are taking the Local Discovery class are mostly from other countries, but there is one Japanese student, too. Since the spring term will end soon, I asked the class, “Of all the things you’ve learned in this class, what was the most interesting?” While some students answered that learning the origins of place names or Kobe history were interesting, most students said something like, “I’m so busy with school and my part-time job that I don’t really have time to travel. In this class, it feels like we take a trip each week!” The Japanese student replied, “What I found interesting was what Rachel thought was interesting. I never thought about those things before this class.”
Everyone’s that way, right? When you live somewhere, you don’t really have much interest in that place. I’m from Virginia, but when I lived there, the only things I knew about Virginia were what I learned in school. Since coming to Japan, I’ve been asked so many questions about my hometown. At first, my answers were really superficial, but recently I’ve looked up things online so I have some more knowledge about the state. If I ever took a Local Discovery class taught by a foreigner about Virginia, I wonder what I would learn. 
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rose-learns-japanese · 5 months
Today I read
暗黒デルタ Ch. 5 (For free!)
New to me Vocab:
剥きだす (むきだす)- Show or bare teeth
撃破 (げきは)- Crush
尋問 (じんもん) - Questioning
引き留める (ひきとめる)- (commonly 引き止める) To restrain or stop
簡易 (かんい)- Convenience, simple
起動 (きどう) - Start or boot
舐める (なめる) - To lick (literally with your tongue); To underestimate
崩壊 (ほうかい)- Crumbling
纏う (まとう)- Wear
当機 (とうき) - This craft
着陸態勢 (ちゃくりくたいせい) - Landing position/altitude 
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no-gram · 22 days
よし、尋問をするときに迷わないように台本を用意しよう。台本なしでアドリブを入れるのはまだ難しそうだから、ゆっくり考えることにしよう。 では、いくつか質問を考えてください!終わったら渡すよ。
Okay, let's get a script ready so we don't get lost when we do the interrogation. I'll have to think slowly, because it still seems difficult for you to improvise without a script. Now, think of some questions! I'll give it to her when I'm done.
Please send them to ASK, stating that it is a written interrogation. We will close it with quantity and timing.
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第2章 :
日本の考古学者の皆さん、哲学的観点から見た新しい日本考古学へようこそ。 — 前の章で、特定のトピック、歴史、考古学、人類学について質問されるとき、たとえば「私たちの先祖は誰ですか?」とコメントしました。 そして彼らはどうやって X 場所にたどり着いたのでしょうか? 考古学自体が 19 世紀末の 1877 年に登場したとき、1884 年に人類学研究所が、1895 年に日本考古学協会が誕生したことについて触れます。 - 19 世紀の人なら、「私は誰ですか、どこから来たのですか?」と尋ねるでしょう。 ドイツ語、中国語、ノルウェー語、日本語などを尋ねることができます。 この種の質問は今日に至るまで答えられていません。 歴史学と考古学はそれらに答えを与えておらず、今日の他の分野でさえさらに多くのことを知っていますが、道のりはまだ長いです。 19世紀の日本、特にその終わり頃は、自分たちの起源を知りませんでした。 1980 年代の日本の科学者なら誰でも、最初の日本人入植者は誰だったのか疑問に思うでしょう。 ここに定住するきっかけは何ですか? 現在、最初の入植者は約 3 万年前に到着したことが知られていますが、彼らだけだったのでしょうか? この諸島には、海面が現在より 120 倍も低かったため、中国と朝鮮の半島を北と南から通ってやって来た最初の入植者がいたことが知られています。 日本人は非常に古い本を 2 冊持っていることが知られており、1 冊は西暦 711 年、もう 1 冊は西暦 722 年のものです。 最初の書紀は古事記と呼ばれ、二番目の日本書紀は、神 (カミスと呼ばれる) による西暦 660 年からの日本の建国について語っています。この日本の神聖な起源の概念は、第二次世界大戦 (第二次世界大戦) まで続きます。 これら 2 冊の本は、ヨーロッパではギリシャとローマに遡る最古の本に相当します。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください。
Episode 2:
Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, seen from a philosophical point of view. Having said that, get comfortable and let's begin.
In the previous chapter, we commented that when we are asked questions about certain topics, history, archeology and anthropology, for example: Who were our ancestors? And how did they get to X place? We mention, when archeology itself emerged at the end of the 19th century, 1877, the origin of the anthropology laboratory in 1884 and in 1895 the Japanese archeology society.
A person from the 19th century would ask: Who am I, where do I come from? We could ask a: German, Chinese, Norwegian, Japanese, etc. These types of questions remain unanswered to this day. History and archeology have not given them an answer, even other disciplines today know much more, but there is still a long way to go. Japan during the 19th century, especially the end of that period, did not know its own origin. Any Japanese scientist in the 1980s would wonder who were the first Japanese settlers? What led you to settle here? Currently, it is known that the first settlers arrived about 30,000 years ago. Were they the only ones? It is known that the archipelago was inhabited by other inhabitants who were the first settlers. They arrived through the peninsula of China and Korea, both from the north and the south, since the sea level was 120 times lower than today. It is known that the Japanese have two very old books, one dates from 711 and the other from 722 AD. The first is called Kojiki and the second Nihonshoki, the Kojiki tells of the founding of Japan from the year 660 AD by the gods (called kamis), this concept of the divine origin of Japan would last until World War II (2ww). These two books would be the equivalent in Europe of the oldest dating back to Greece and Rome.
I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
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ryotarox · 8 months
(GPT-4にお礼を言わなくても回答は向上する「プロンプト26の原則」アブダビの研究者グループが発表 | Ledge.aiから)
モデルの回答を向上させる「プロンプト26の原則」 内容 1. LLM使用時のコミュニケーション: 礼儀的なフレーズ(「お願いします」「もしよろしければ」「ありがとう」)は不要。直接的な言葉遣いをする。 2. 対象者の明示: 「専門家向け」といった対象者をプロンプトに含める。 3. 複雑なタスクの分解: 難しいタスクは、簡単なプロンプトの連続に分けて実行する。 4. 肯定的な指示: 「~する」という肯定的な指示を使用し、「~しない」という否定的な表現を避ける。 5. 明確化と理解の促進: 特定のトピックを簡単な言葉で説明する。11歳の子供に説明するようにする。初心者向けの説明を���う。エッセイ/テキスト/パラグラフを5歳児に説明するように簡略化する。 6. 報酬の提示: 「より良い解決策にはxxxドルのチップを払う」と報酬を明示する。 7. 例題主導型のプロンプト: 数例に基づくプロンプトを使用する。 8. プロンプトのフォーマット: 「###Instruction###」で指示を開始する。必要に応じて「###Example###」や「###Question###」を追加する。指示、例、質問、文脈、入力データを区別するために改行を使用する。 9. 指示的なフレーズの使用: 「あなたのタスクは」「あなたは必ず」といったフレーズを含める。 10. ペナルティの提示: 「あなたはペナルティを受ける」というフレーズをプロンプトに組み込む。 11. 自然な回答の促進: 「自然で人間らしい方法で質問に答える」というフレーズを使用する。 12. ステップ・バイ・ステップの考慮: 導入的なフレーズとして「ステップ・バイ・ステップ考える」を使用する。 13. バイアスのチェック: 「あなたの回答にバイアスがかかっていないか、固定観念によるものではないかを確認してください」というフレーズを追加する。 14. 情報の精密化: AIモデルが必要な情報を得るまで、ユーザーに繰り返し質問するよう指示する。 15. 理解度のテスト: 特定のトピックやアイデアについて尋ね、ユーザー自身の理解度をテストする。 16. モデルへの役割割り当て: モデルに特定の役割を割り当てる。 17. 区切り文字の使用: 区切り文字を使用する。 18. 単語やフレーズの繰り返し: プロンプト内で特定の単語やフレーズを複数回繰り返す。 19. 思考の連鎖と例示: CoT(Chain-of-Thought)と例示を組み合わせる。 20. 出力プライマーの使用: 望ましい応答の開始部分でプロンプトを終了する。 21. 詳細な記述の要求: 必要な情報を提供し、[トピック]について詳細な[エッセイ/テキスト/段落]を書くよう指示する。 22. 文体の維持における修正: ユーザーの送信したすべての段落を見直し、文法や語彙を改善するよう指示するが、文体を変えない。 23. 複雑なコーディングプロンプト: 複数のファイルにまたがるコードを生成する際に、指定されたファイルを自動的に作成するよう指示する。 24. 一貫性のあるテキスト生成: ユーザーが提供する出発点から、LLMが一貫性を持ってテキストを生成するよう促進する。 25. 生成要件の明示: モデルがコンテンツを生成するために従うべき要件を、キーワード、規制、ヒント、または指示の形で明確に示す。 26. サンプルに基づくテキスト作成: 提供されたサンプルに似たエッセイや段落などのテキストを書くよう指示する。
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primnroses · 2 years
Konohagakure is officially divided in several departments and teams that allow the better functionality of the village. Throughout Naruto and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, more aspects of the hierarchy of the village have been shown, as well as the people who run the different departments and contribute to the development of Konohagakure as ninja. 
This official organization chart is based on official material written in the databooks and fanbooks by Masashi Kishimoto, and the English and the Japanese equivalent have been verified by the anime and databooks. There is also official information from Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. Every point will contain a link to an individual post explaining the department or team in question with a more detailed look.
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The main government of Konohagakure is composed of the Hokage and their advisors, and two other major departments that work together with the leader of the village. The hierarchy is divided in five parts: 
↳ The Hokage (火影) ↳ Advisors (ご意見番) ↳ ANBU (暗部) ↳ Medical Department (医療部門) ↳ Operations Unit/Regular Troops (正規部隊)
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Konoha Organization System according to the official fanbook.
↳ THE HOKAGE (火影) — currently Uzumaki Naruto as the Seventh Hokage (七代目火影): 
The Hokage sits at the top of the hierarchy as the Head of the village. His role is to lead and protect Konoha with the aid of their Advisors, take the most important decisions and safeguard the future of the village. Uzumaki Naruto, now the Seventh Hokage can make most decisions on their own, but matters concerning the appointment of a new Hokage or the allocation of budget must be reported to the Fire Daimyō.
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Naruto Uzumaki, the Seventh Hokage as depicted in "The Day Naruto Became Hokage"
After the Fourth Shinobi World War, the Hokage and the other Kage from the Alliance collaborate and coordinate international relations, always represented by their head of state. 
↳ ADVISORS (ご意見番) — Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, currently Tsunade and Hatake Kakashi as well: 
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Advisors according to episode 72.
The wisdom and experience of the elders help the Hokage rule a successful government. 
    • Advisory Staff: Among the close advisors of the Hokage are Nara Shikamaru, officially working as the Hokage’s aid and advisor, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi, Tsunade and Shizune, officially working as the Hokage’s aid and doctor. 
Other people that qualify and help Naruto take decisions are Uchiha Sakura and Yamanaka Sai who take on this role in anime and novels. 
↳ ANBU (暗部) — now Yamanaka Sai as the Chief of ANBU (暗部の班): 
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ANBU as depicted in Naruto. Do not appear in Boruto.
The ANBU special unit is an organization that was under the direct control of the Hokage and is now managed by Yamanaka Sai as their Chief. They specialize in torture, assassination and spying, and among their ranks are the best and most elite ninja selected by the Hokage of their Chief. ANBU are currently not shown in any material.
    • General ANBU squads : Although there is not an official hierarchy inside ANBU besides their Chief, any teams that are dispatched by Sai or the Hokage are led by a captain (分隊長, squad captain). Uchiha Itachi, Yamanaka Sai and Konohamaru’s parents are examples of ANBU members.
    • Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force (拷問・尋問部隊隊長): Actually under Morino Ibiki as the Captain of the Torture and Interrogation Force (拷問・尋問部隊隊長), this Intelligence Division sub-unit works closely with the ANBU to interrogate any threats to Konohagakure. 
↳ MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (医療部門) — Uchiha Sakura as the Head of the Medical Department (医療部門の責任者): 
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The new Konoha Hospital.
The main support system of Konohagakure, the Medical Department is the organization that provides healthcare in battle and within the village and managed by Uchiha Sakura as the Head of Department. They also train field medical ninja and future doctors to ensure the life quality of the village and its villagers. 
Unlike the ANBU, the Medical Department does not function under the orders of the Hokage but it is an essential part in the hierarchy and government of Konoha. They have two official working buildings.
    • Konoha Hospital (木ノ葉病院): The main center of medicine in Konohagakure is Konoha Hospital. The numerous professional medical ninja work here as the personnel for treating ninja and villagers of Konoha; as well as being the place where future field medical ninja start their training. It is currently directed by Uchiha Sakura.
→ Medic Corps (医療部隊): They are the professional doctors that provide medical care and that work in Konoha Hospital, different from field medical ninja. They develop techniques, medicines, study diseases and research about the human body. They use a distinctive full outfit with the symbol of the Medic Corps on their right side (医). Some members include Migaki, Mitake and Mogusa, among others.
Their skills go from chūnin level to jōnin level. When they reach jōnin level their skills are considered "near godly” among doctors. Some examples include Uchiha Sakura and Shizune. 
          → Nursing Staff: Among the personnel of the Medic Corps, nurses are responsible for measuring the vitals of the patients. They were a different outfit from the doctors Medic Corps that resembles a nurse outfit. 
          → Medical Teams (医療班): When there has been an emergency outside Konoha Hospital that needs medical assistance, the Medic Corps mobilize in small teams to tackle the situation. They are also stationed during the Chūnin Exams to take injured participants. Some members include Hōshō, Iyashi or Kanpō, among many others.
          → Therapy Center (子ども心療室): Founded by Uchiha Sakura after the Fourth Shinobi World War, this mental health clinic is a new hospital ward directed to assess children’s minds and hearts. Sakura has left this job to therapist in Konoha Hospital.
          → Veterinary Medical Staff: Inside the hospital there are also medical ninja directed to the care of ninken. Hana Inuzuka is an example of a veterinary medical staff.
            → Medical Ninjutsu Training: Inside Konoha Hospital, the medical ninjutsu teacher, Uchiha Sakura, uses a room to train future medical ninja. Among the students are Goetsu Dōshu, Kuroi Hako, Uchiha Sarada, Uzuno Wasabi, Yamanaka Inojin and Yuino Iwabe.
    • Medical Office (医務室): Inside the Hokage Residence, the Medical Department uses a special room for important cases that need the supervision of the Hokage. Personnel of the Medic Corps treat patients in this area to have better communication with the Hokage and advisors. 
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The Medical Office in the Hokage Residence, the second medical facility.
• Field Medical Ninja (医療忍): Generally known as medical-nin, these are shinobi specialized in ninjutsu to heal people during missions. After Tsunade became Hokage, she advocated that a member of each squad is trained in medical ninjutsu. They are given basic classes at the Ninja Academy and trained by Uchiha Sakura. Some examples include Yamanaka Inojin, Mitsuki and Yuino Iwabe. 
↳ OPERATIONS UNIT/REGULAR TROOPS (正規部隊) — Previously Nara Shikaku as the Jōnin Commander (上忍班長) currently unknown:
Considered the backbone of Konoha, the Operations Unit is composed of active ninja from the different ranks. They complete missions for Konohagakure or are tasked with educational or administrative duties. In the past, they were represented by the Jōnin Commander, previously Shikaku Nara and now unknown but presumably Nara Shikamaru. 
The members of the Operations Unit belong to one of the four ninja ranks: 
    • Genin (下忍): The lowest ninja rank, genin are the ninja that support Konoha by taking countless missions to gain skill and experience. They are placed in three-man cells with a jōnin that will guide them and pass down their techniques.
The current genin are the Akimichi Chōchō, Kakei Sumire, Mitsuki, Yamanaka Inojin and Uzumaki Boruto for the new generation, among others, and Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. 
     • Chūnin (中忍): The middle ninja rank, their skills stand in the middle. They have more abilities and experience than new ninjas and they are required to have leadership competences to command shinobi teams in missions or lead teams in an administrative or departmental manner.
When a genin is promoted to chūnin rank they are given a green flak jacket, also called chūnin vest and there is only one color for them. Some jōnin like Kakashi wear this outfit often. Jōnin vests do not exist.
The current chūnin are Nara Shikadai, Uchiha Sarada, Shinki, Izuno Wasabi and Kaminarimon Denki for the new generation, and the majority of the Konoha 11 such as Aburame Shino, Akimichi Chōji, Inuzuka Kiba, Tenten and Yamanaka Ino, among others.
    • Special jōnin or tokubetsu jōnin (特別上忍): Their rank stands between a jōnin and a chūnin, and they only specialize in one specific area rather than having the all-around skills of an elite ninja. Some renowned tokubetsu are called to lead genin teams.
The current tokubetsu are Ebisu, Morino Ibiki, Mitarashi Anko, Namiashi Raidō, Shiranui Genma, Tōno Katasuke and Yamashiro Aoba.
    • Jōnin (上忍): The highest ninja rank, among the jōnin are the most experienced and skilled shinobi, and they sit at the top of the hierarchy. They are sent on the most difficult missions or given the task to train new generations of ninja. The jōnin are also summoned to take some important decisions for the village, such as voting when a new Hokage is appointed. 
The current jōnin are Hatake Kakashi, Hyūga Hanabi, Ise Udon, Kazamatsuri Moegi, Nara Shikamaru, Nara Temari, Rock Lee, Sarutobi Konohamaru, Shizune, Uchiha Sakura, among others.
Academy Students and Kage are often included in shinobi ranks but they do not complete missions for the village.
INTELLIGENCE: ↳ Intelligence Division (情報部) RESEARCH ↳ Scientific Ninja Weapons Team (科学忍具班) ↳ Kaminarimon Company (雷門カンパニー) SECURITY  ↳ Barrier Team (結界班) ↳ Konoha Military Police Force (木ノ葉警務部隊) ↳ Hokage Guard Platoon (火影護衛小隊) ACAMEMIC ↳ Ninja Academy (忍者学校) ↳ Chūnin Exams (中忍選抜試験)
Although these departments and teams are not part of the main government of Konohagakure, they play an important role to protect and develop the village. Some of these teams such as the Barrier Team and Konoha Military Police Force are dedicated to protect the village’s border and the order from the inside.  
↳ INTELLIGENCE DIVISION (情報部) — Morino Ibiki as the Head of the Intelligence Division (木ノ葉隠れ情報部のリーダ):
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Intelligence Department as depicted in Naruto. Do not appear in Boruto.
They are an organization focused on studying the enemy and extracting any information that could present a future threat to the village. The many sub-units composing this department vary from decoding messages to interrogating individuals. They are called “Konoha’s Special Forces”.
    • Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force (拷問・尋問部隊隊長): Captained by Morino Ibiki (拷問・尋問部隊隊長), their mission is to gain information from the enemy by torturing them or exposing them to arduous interrogation methods. They often work together with ANBU. Some members include Mozuku and Morino Ibiki.
    • Analysis Team (解析班): Previously led by Yamanaka Inoichi and now unknown, their role was to take over if the Torture and Interrogation Force was unsuccessful. Using secret techniques to read the mind, they obtain information directly from the target’s memories. Some members include Dokuraku Mawashi, Kumadori, Tobitake Ronbo and Yamashiro Aoba, among others. 
Currently, Uchiha Sasuke is called to interrogate and extract memories from targets using his Sharingan. Yamanaka Ino was once called to read the mind of a target. 
    • Medical Analysis Team: Composed by members of the Medical Department such as Shizune, Uchiha Sakura or Ranka, they perform autopsies to obtain information from deceased individuals such as a Pain or White Zetsu.
    • Cryptanalysis Team (暗号解読班): They are a special team with the mission of decoding secret passwords or messages led by Mitoku. Some members include Shiho, Mitoku and Yurka, as well as Nara Shikamaru and Uchiha Sakura occasionally. 
    • Konoha Aviary: Although it is unknown if they belong to the Intelligence Division, this team collaborates with the Cryptanalysis Team. They receive messages from other villages by hawk, often encrypted or containing secret messages.
This team has probably vanished due to new technologies. 
    • Astronomical Team: Introduced in The Last: Naruto the Movie, their role is to study the moon and other celestial bodies and search for anomalies that could threaten Konohagakure. 
    • Analytical Study (解読班): Founded by Uzumaki Naruto when he became Hokage, this new team is located in the Hokage Residence. They are focused on deciphering ancient codes such as Ōtsutsuki scrolls and similar objects. According to Hatake Kakashi, some members include Nara Shikamaru, Shizune and Uchiha Sakura.
↳ SCIENTIFIC NINJA WEAPONS TEAM (科学忍具班) — Tōnō Katasuke as the Leader of the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team (科学忍具班班長):
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The Scientific Ninja Weapons building.
Following the Fourth Shinobi World War, this team was set up to develop machines able to accumulate or absorb chakra and launch jutsu. They also collaborate with the Medical Department to create prosthetics and help other teams such as the Barrier Team to modernize their facilities. Some members include Inuzuka Akita, Kakei Sumire, Kōsuke, Sanzu Amado and Tōnō Katasuke.
Some of their initial work consisted of decoding military technologies for civilian research.
↳ KAMINARIMON COMPANY (雷門カンパニー) — Kaminarimon Ereki as the President of Kaminarimon Company (雷門カンパニー 社長):
The biggest company in the Land of Fire and founded by a shinobi that fought in the Fourth Shinobi World War, the Kaminarimon builds Thunder Trains that connect the Five Nations. They are also in charge of digitizing and archiving Konoha's entire background of its history, citizens, as well as creations and other achievements.
↳ BARRIER TEAM (結界班) — Yamanaka Clan as Leader of the Barrier Team (official name not revealed):
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Barrier Team as depicted in Naruto.
This team composed mainly of sensor-type ninja is in charge of detecting and intercepting intruders that cross the automatic Sensing Barrier surrounding Konohagakure.  They are located inside the Hokage Residence and it was previously led by Kakoi, but since its mechanization it is now by in charge of sensor-type shinobi. 
    • Detection Team (automated): It was a task for Kakoi to sense any threat that crossed the limits of the village. After Naruto became Hokage this system is automated and managed by chūnin using head devices for mind transmission and a database to identify intruders.
    • Interception Team (潜入班): Previously formed by some sensor-type shinobi, their task was to locate the intruder and stop them using barrier ninjutsu. Some members included Hyūga Iroha, Tasuki and Nishi. This team has disappeared and Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto locate and defeat the enemies instead.
↳ MILITARY POLICE FORCE (木ノ葉警務部隊) — Previously Uchiha Fugaku and now Fūma Kōtarō as the Captain of the Konoha Military Police Force (木ノ葉警務部隊隊長):
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The new Military Police building.
Originally built by Senju Tobirama, the Second Hokage, to isolate the Uchiha Clan from the rest of the village, the Military Police grew to be one of Konohagakure’s most important security assets. After the Fall of the Uchiha Clan, their distant relatives, the Fūma Clan, took over the abandoned facility and are now in charge of putting order in the village, as well as evacuating in emergency situations. They work closely with the ANBU.
↳ HOKAGE GUARD PLATOON (火影護衛小隊) — No known leader:
This group of elite shinobi serves as the personal protection squad for the Hokage, especially when the village’s head goes on any formal event or outside the village. They use special ninjutsu to aid the Hokage such a Hiraijin to teleport people to other locations. Some members included Namiashi Raidō, Shiranui Genma and Tatami Iwashi for the protection of the Fourth and Fifth Hokage. 
Currently, the Seventh Hokage also has a group of bodyguards that include Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. 
↳ NINJA ACADEMY (忍者学校) — currently Umino Iruka as Principal (忍者学校の校長):
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The new Ninja Academy.
Founded by the Senju Tobirama, the Second Hokage, it is the place where children go to start their shinobi education. The Ninja Academy is now supervised by the principal, Umino Iruka, who was a teacher in the past.
   • Teaching Staff: The sensei that teach the aspiring shinobi everything they need to know before graduation. The children learn ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu, and girls take kunoichi classes. The new system also includes basic medical ninjutsu training and learning one nature transformation. Some teachers are Aburame Shino and Mitarashi Anko, among others. 
   • Post-graduation Teaching Staff: After the ninja students become genin, they are assigned to a team to pursue advanced training with a jōnin sensei. Some sensei include Hyūga Hanabi, Ise Udon, Kazamatsuri Moegi and Sarutobi Konohamaru. Substitutes include Morino Ibiki and Yamanaka Sai.
   • Mission Assignment Desk (任務受付): The place where shinobi teams get their mission assignments, previously given personally by the Hokage and now a responsibility of Kannonji Suika. The missions are of five different ranks:
     - D-rank: Missions for genin. 
     - C-rank: Missions for experienced genin or chūnin.
     - B-rank: Missions for experienced chūnin or jōnin.
     - A-rank: Missions for jōnin.
     - S-rank: Missions for very experienced jōnin.
  • Chūnin Exams Staff (中忍選抜試験): When the jōnin sensei nominates their genin team for the Chūnin Exams, a series of proctors supervise each of the stages. Some proctors include Aburame Shino, Rock Lee, Tenten and Yamanaka Sai. 
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Chūnin Exams Proctor Team.
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months
《Where Olive Trees Weep 橄欖樹哭泣的地方》 offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.
We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work to a group of women who were tortured in Israeli prisons.
Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives.
This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty?
我們關注的人物包括巴勒斯坦記者兼治療師阿希拉·達爾維什 (Ashira Darwish)、草根活動人士阿赫德·塔米米 (Ahed Tamimi) 和以色列記者阿米拉·哈斯 (Amira Hass)。我們也見證了加博爾·馬特醫生為一群在以色列監獄中遭受酷刑的婦女提供創傷治療服務。
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jasperakalucy · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Tags!
I was tagged by: @pencil-case-watches hi
Nickname: Lucy/Jasper/Jay/Rae/Lu-Lu (thanks Void)
Height: 5'5 (154 cm)
Last Thing I Googled: “euro rock” for AA4 reasons
Song Stuck in My Head: 尋問 ~モデラート 2001 (Cross-Examination - Moderato 2001) (THIS ISNT EVEN FROM THE GAME I’M PLAYING BRAIN WHY)
Number of Followers: 64
Amount of Sleep: vague question. but it’s 1:30 am. currently my sleep schedule is 2am-12pm but this will change in under a week. college aaaaaa
My Dream Job: hell if I know, but graphic designer, drawfee person, twitch streamer, singer/songwriter, youtuber, therapist, freelance artist.... list goes on
Wearing: jeans and drawfee merch
Book/Movie That Summarizes Me: THE BELL JAR BY SYLVIA PLATH I- I cannot praise this book enough, it deals with dark topics yes but it fully may have saved my life. I am so serious I love that book
Favorite Song: rn it’s Against the Kitchen Floor because I’m mentally ill. but a good classic is perhaps Follow Through by the Altogether (sidenote pencil you’d get along with @/callsignwizard so well - AJR and BSA??? hello???)
Aesthetic: jeans and a tshirt. sometimes i am a bit edgy and sometimes i look like a middle school boy. usually somewhere in between
Favorite Author: Sylvia Plath is up there but she only wrote the one novel, the rest is poems, so idk if she counts lol
Fun Fact: no. it’s joke time. what do you call a fish with a tie? .................sofishticated. thanks for your time
No pressure tags: @moon-jellie @dragonwolf3416 @xperplexer @pleafyistired and anyone else who wants to!
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pulipuli · 26 days
看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思 / From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts https://blog.pulipuli.info/2024/08/from-generative-ai-to-contextual-ai-reflections-on-ai-talent-development-in-the-faculty-of-arts.html 這是我在2024年6月於「智慧人文沙龍」活動中演講的主題「從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思」。 演講中我一邊回顧了在淡江任教時應用的「人工智慧」,一邊對於現今的「人工智慧」教育提出疑問,最後提出文學院培育AI的三個方向。 This is the topic of my speech at the "Smart Humanities Salon" event in June 2024, titled "From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts." In this speech, I reviewed the application of "artificial intelligence" during my course at Tamkang University, questioned the current state of "artificial intelligence" education, and finally proposed three directions for AI talent development in the Faculty of Arts.。 Fixed Short URL: http://l.pulipuli.info/24/tku/ai。 ---- # 簡介 / Introduction 現今教育界亟欲將人工智慧(AI)教學融入到課堂活動中。 不僅理工科系的學生要學AI、連文學院的學生也要學AI。 作為一位相關專業背景、但剛好在文學院教書的老師,我在這場演講中分享了我在教學實務中會用到的「人工智慧」。 不論是教材圖片的製作、問答機器人的設計、課堂討論的分析、專業課程索引和搜尋引擎的製作、甚至是克服網路問題的物聯網。 在這兩年的教職活動中,我學到最精髓的事情就是笑著跟大家說:「這一點也不難,很~~~簡單的呦。 」。 然而,跟著大家一起去學那些AI怎麽操作,一窩蜂地付費投入各種號稱能夠解決萬事的人工智慧應用,這就是「文學院」的師生所要作的事情嗎?現在的人工智慧,真的是我們想要的「革命性應用」嗎?作為「文學院」的師生,我們到底該往那個方向走?這都是我在這份演講中,試圖引發大家討論的要點。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ 從生成式AI到脈絡式AI:文學院AI人才培育的反思 / From Generative AI to Contextual AI: Reflections on AI Talent Development in the Faculty of Arts https://blog.pulipuli.info/2024/08/from-generative-ai-to-contextual-ai-reflections-on-ai-talent-development-in-the-faculty-of-arts.html
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kennak · 5 months
This paper provides new evidence on a long-standing question asked by Shiller (1997): Why do we dislike inflation? I conducted two surveys on representative samples of the US population to elicit people’s perceptions about the impacts of inflation and their reactions to it. The predominant reason for people’s aversion to inflation is the widespread belief that it diminishes their buying power, as neither personal nor general wage increases seem to match the pace of rising prices. As a result, respondents report having to make costly adjustments in their budgets and behaviors, especially among lower-income groups. Inflation also provokes stress, emotional responses, and a sense of inequity, as the wages of high-income individuals are perceived to grow more rapidly amidst inflation. Many respondents believe that firms have considerable discretion in setting wages, opting not to raise them in order to boost profits, rather than being compelled by market dynamics. The potential positive associations of inflation, such as with reduced unemployment or enhanced economic activity, are typically not recognized by respondents. Inflation ranks high in priority among various economic and social issues, with respondents blaming the government and businesses for it. I also highlight a substantial polarization in attitudes towards inflation along partisan lines, as well as across income groups. (拙訳) 本稿は、シラー(1997*2)が尋ねた長きに亘る疑問に対し、新たな実証結果を提示する。その疑問とは、なぜ我々はインフレを嫌うのか、というものである。私は米国民の代表的なサンプルに2つのサーベイを実施し、インフレの影響に関する人々の認識と、それに対する彼らの反応を聞き出した。人々がインフレを忌避する主な理由は、個人もしくは全般的な賃金上昇は物価上昇のペースに追いつかないように思われるため、自分の購買力を減じる、という広く行き渡った考えであった*3。その結果、特に低所得層において回答者は、予算と行動について、高く付く調整を行う必要があった*4。インフレはまた、ストレスと感情的な反応を引き起こすほか、所得の高い人はインフレの中でも伸び率が高いと思われているため、不平等の感覚も引き起こす。多くの回答者は、企業は賃金設定に大きな裁量を有しており、市場動学によって已む無く決めているのではなく、利益を押し上げるために上げないことを選択している、と考えている。失業率の低下や経済活動の活発化といったインフレのプラスの側面になり得ることは、回答者によって認識されないのが通常であった。様々な経済や社会の問題の中でインフレの順位は高く、回答者は政府と企業を責めていた。私はまた、党派ならびに所得層によってインフレへの態度が大きく分極化することに焦点を当てる*5。
なぜ我々はインフレを嫌うのか? - himaginary’s diary
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noblewarrior · 1 year
Send = for a way Muse and Mun are similar.
Send = for a way Muse and Mun are similar.
著者 ||; A strong sense of right and wrong is something we share. Byakuya will do whatever it takes to uphold the justice he believes in and it reminds me of my bad habit of seeing things as very black and white. To both of us it is hard to see middle ground in things; you simply are either good or bad. Right or wrong. Friend or foe. We struggle with the grayscale and prefer things very clear cut.
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shigerunakano · 10 months
満天の朝焼け (3)
 最後に一実が安室奈美恵の「CAN YOU CELEBRATE」を歌い終えたところで自然とお開きになった。先ほど彼女のメールアドレスと電話番号は聞いていたので、会おうと思えばまた会えそうだったので、解散という運びになった。すなわちそのような申し合わせがあったのだ。
 彼はシェイクスピアその人を思う。書く人であるシェイクスピア。「ハムレット」のことだ。これはよりベタな表象への接近、すなわち専門家にとってのライミングになるが、「生きるべきか、死ぬべきか、それこそが問題だ」“To be or not to be, that is the question. ”というセリフはジークムント・フロイトが提起した「死の欲動」的には、主人公ハムレットの家系にまつわる悩みが死への衝動として現れたものと見なされるが、これはいわば、後付けである。彼らは同時代人ではない。なぜそんなことが可能なのかといえば、西洋においてシェイクスピアのテキスト(文)は検討可能な内容である、という暗黙の了解があるからで、それは文学研究において批評と呼ばれる。逆になぜそれが西洋的であるかといえば、仏陀や親鸞、はたまた空海にま��わるテキストは検討可能な内容とはみなされないからである。宗教的に。
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russellian-j · 10 months
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バートランド・ラッセルの言葉 366_画像版 n.2589j (Dec. 3, 2023)
 これまで私は、"正しい"行為とは、一般的善を促進する可能性が最も高い行為である、と言って満足してきた。 しかし、これは -私は正しいと思うが- 定義ではなく、非常に議論の余地のある命題かもしれない。もしあなたが「私は何をすべきか」と尋ね、私が「あなたは恐らく一般的善を促進するであろうことをすべきである」と答えたとしたら、私はあなたの質問の意味を語っている(質問の意味内容に対して語っている)のではなく、あなたがすでに知っていると感じていることを語っているのである。・・・。  この言葉は、真であれ偽であれ、倫理の命題であって、辞書に期待する権利があるような言葉の命題ではない(事実命題ではない)。
So far, I have been content to say that the ‘‘right” act is that most likely to promote the general good ; but this, though I believe it to be true, may be not a definition, but a highly debatable proposition. If you ask "what ought I to do?" and I reply "you ought to do what will probably promote the general good", I am not telling you the meaning of your question, which you feel that you already know. … … this statement, true or false, is a proposition of ethics, not a verbal proposition such as we have a right to expect from the dictionary.  Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 5 More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-0601.htm
<寸言>  つまり、「・・・である。」は事実命題であるが、「・・・すべき(である)」は事実命題ではなく、当為命題であるということです。( 哲学においては、「どれだけ事実命題を積み重ねようと、推論によって当為命題を導き出せない」とされています。)  ヒュームの法則:事実命題から当為命題は推論(論証)によって導きだすことはできない。(両者の間には「断絶」がある!= Hume's guillotine :ヒュームのギロチン) バートランド・ラッセルの言葉 366_画像版 n.2589j (Dec. 3, 2023)
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no-gram · 3 months
Ah, yes. Aren't you going to question Tsuguha? The interrogation was abrupt, so you can take your time this time! We'll interrogate him in writing. You decide the questions.
Please send them to ASK, stating that it is a written interrogation. We will close it with quantity and timing.
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sfujioka1 · 11 months
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