#〔   * 。゚. ✧    ┊   texts      ⤑      sonny.   〕
tawaifeddiediaz · 2 months
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(or, really, zee thinks she’s funny knows sonny's funny) (pt 8)
(for @rylivers <3)
[ID: two gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 911 7.05. They are in the gym, and Buck is watching Eddie workout.
GIF 1: Buck talking, looking pensively at Eddie as he clasps his hands together. Overlaid is a discord message from username back on my cegan bullshit reading "don't feel guilty girl what are you catholic.
GIF 2: a gif of Eddie doing tricep dips against the bench, moving up and down as he glowers at Buck from underneath his brow.
/end ID]
646 notes · View notes
cathrrrine · 8 months
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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kentjohnson91 · 18 days
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earlgodwin · 2 months
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honestly marketing couldn't get cuntier than that
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mitamicah · 5 months
Gig report: Käärijä at Böle Arena and Club 05.04.24
It has now been five days since my first Käärijä gig in Finland and my first stadium gig with him as well. In short it was an amazing experience and one of those concerts I probably will keep with me forever. However, there were both great and less great parts of the whole thing.
TLDR; I loved the shows especially because we were able to see Jere live out his Rammstein fanboy dreams and that we got Paidaton Riehuja during the spontaneous DJ booth set which made me cry. However, I was more than once annoyed about security and their lack of communication to the fans.
Disclaimer: this report is written from my point of view. Keep in mind that this is just the opinion of one kääryle and some of these experiences are very much subjective to my unique situation.
My trip to Helsinki was far from ideal. The flight I was meant to take on Friday May 3 2024 was cancelled and so I have to wander around in Copenhagen Airport for eight hours before flying to Stockholm then Helsinki and landing around dinner time instead of the originally plan 9.20 in the morning. For this reason I had to cancel the tattoo appointment I just made and mentally cancel my plans to explore the inner city of Helsinki. Luckily I wasn’t alone since another fan had been scheduled to take the same flight so we hung out together. Our luck didn’t improve however so we caught the Joker Out travelling curse in Helsinki when our bags were missing for half an hour to an hour. Because of this we were only arriving to Pasila station around 8-9 o’clock in the evening.
I blame me having been up very early (2 am), the annoyance of all we’ve gone through and my autism making me like clear cut rules that people actually following for my feelings about the next part. The thing is that we were a group of four going to Böle just to see the venue after eating some Korean/Japanese food to be met by a big group of campers outside the venue. This confused me since the venue had informed on more than one occasion that queuing before 8 am Saturday was prohibited. From what I gather from Elmi (ehaapasalo on ig) that talked to some of the campers the security personnel had given into the campers to be allowed to camp at the venue although NOT at the main entrance. Yet they (the venue) had not make an official statement about this making it so half or more of the fans would not have known about this chance of plans. I was way too tired and it was way too late for me mentally to change my plans so I went to my hotel where I slept horribly given I worried about the queue the entire night.
Next morning I woke up as I’d planned at 5.30 (would’ve been more than enough time had the queue started at 8 am) to be informed through IG group message that there were already 60+ numbers given in the unofficial queue. Already slightly sleep deprived I went to the queue a little past 7 am with a big, lurking cloud (figuratively) over my head. I got number 99.
At 8 am the second big change of plans where announced: Instead of starting giving out official numbers at 11 the security would now ask people to line up so the numbers could be given at 8 am. This change didn’t bother me as much as the previous one but it was still not a great feeling I was left with since this was not clearly communicated before now. We got our numbers (mine was 95) and pretty much 85-90% if not more went home to sleep and/or eat. That meant me that had looked forward to hang out and meet people in the queue felt I was getting even more punished for following the rules.
Because of this and my foolish hope of getting Käärijä to notice my sign asking for a tattoo, when a fan told me there were still tickets to the day show I ended up buying one for myself. (and so I ended up with yet another number being 38). More people slowly starting to arrive after that, and with the company the anxiety and sour taste in my mouth subsided slightly.
The dayshow would start at 3 pm, so we had been asked to be back at 1. The line however only started to form because we (the fans) got impatient at 1.30. Other than that the personnel did alright when double checking our numbers and I’d say getting inside seemed to go smooth and easy so cookie points for that at least.
The day event would be the first (and so far only) time I’ve gotten barricade (however I wouldn’t have it for long since I allowed two squeaks fourth of my height to stand in front of me – it was an all-ages show after all). I was standing next to @duekko a bit to the right of the stage yet still somewhat close to the middle and we had a lovely time waiting (and enjoying the concert) together I’d say.
The show itself was amazing- I loved seeing Jere fulfill all his Rammstein fanboy dreams with amazing outfits, outfit changes, pyro, smoke and silly gags. I especially enjoyed hearing People’s Champion (laughed my ass off seeing häärijä in the mushroom hat) live for the first time and the Tequila interlude and having the dancers around for Huhhahhei, Kot Kot (although in chicken costumes) and of course Cha Cha Cha was a treat.
The one thing that might have slightly made the experience less enjoyable for me was definitely my own fault. The barricade seemed miles away from the stage (to make space for pyro) and it was so dark that you could not see anything from the stage (I believe). That meant that no matter how much I tried it was definitely not going to work out with having Jere notice my sign. I did try both here and at the evening event yet I felt much more in the way and self conscious about it than I had hoped. So that slightly coloured my experience since I personally like to be as little aware of myself when I’m at a concert as possible. It also seemed that Jere were a bit nervous (understandably so) inbetween songs having to keep to a schedule yet as soon as the songs started he was back in performance mode and seemed to have a great time so that was lovely to see.
After the day show I got about an hour of queuing with people again which was lovely yet far from enough to speak to everybody I wanted to. A third little annoyance with the security arrived when we were lining up for the evening and then got the message to go inside 15 min before but just stay inside awkwardly in our queue until the doors opened for real. That truly was a strange experience and I have no idea what the security was thinking. Of course somebody in front started running as soon as we was allowed to move so to not getting stampeded everybody had to move. This whole chaos ended with me getting a way better spot than I’d imagined (third row a bit to the right yet still closer to the middle than in the day show). In some ways I think this spot was better than the day show at least in terms of the angle I was looking at the stage from.
The support band from the evening show was decent yet I am not sure they’d be added to my spotify playlist anytime soon. The evening show felt a lot like the day show just turned up to eleven with Erika joining for Rouska (as expected yet still very much appreciated) and songs like Rock Rock (the original version) and Menestynyt Yksilö being added to the setlist. Before Urheilujätkä (that was also being played at the day show) we held a little memorial for Hanna which made me teary eyed. We also got Cha Cha Cha twice this time which gave me big flash backs to the Europe tour which is only a good thing. (but yeah again my sign quest was a dud).
After the concert I was able to meet Aarni which was really cool (I went into big golden retriever puppy mode so by the off chance you are reading this Aarni, I am sorry for being so in your face x’D). I got a picture with him and gave him three stickers so he could give some to Jere and Häärijä (later in the evening I met him again and he confirmed that the boy had indeed gotten the stickers). My sidequest did cost me a setlist however but that is okay because Anniina (@formulalakana) got it instead which I am more than happy about (you may have seen it going around since it is the one with the Bojan picture at the bottom).
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Joining the afterparty the first I did was finally buying that green hoodie I’d wanted since the Stockholm gig and then I went to buy water since I hadn’t really drunk anything since that morning. Sonny was the DJ of the evening and he played Käärijä songs – new, old, known and unknown – all evening. It was great hearing studio versions of People’s Champion and Ihan Sama yet also just hearing Morgan and Kovis being played on speakers at a club healed my soul.
I ended up joining the dancers just at the right time because 3-4 songs later Käärijä and crew joined the DJ booth to play a very spontaneous extra set for us. This was by far my favourite part of the evening because unlike the stadium shows the vibe was way more personal and intimate and heat of the moment. We bullied Jere into performing Kovis, we got the demo version of Cha Cha Cha, we got Ihan Sama and Punainen Marli. Heck, we even got to hear the new collab between him and Joost called Traffik! Everything seemed to go too well when suddenly a person behind me fainted and we immediately called for the show to stop. While it took a bit for the people on stage and security around to notice we were able to help the person (I really hope they are okay). I will give a few cookies to the security there as well – they seemed to react pretty quickly and professionally in this situation (they’d also actually been taking us seriously during the concert when asking for water unlike at Joker Out at Kulttuuritalo day 2 where we had to almost have people fainting before we were allowed water).
The DJ set ended in the most magical way because Jere decided to end with Paidaton Riehuja. Now I am a transmasculine person who like many transmasc kääryleet probably have a very strong connection to this song. Because of that I had been daydreaming about one day being lucky enough to be at a käärijä show where this song would play (preferably after my top surgery) so I could confidently and comfortably throw my shirt off and join Jere being shirtless and just feel the relief of not caring about my looks together with the wind on my chest. I had never imagined this would actually happen and definitely not here at Böle not even half a year into my hrt journey and pre op. Because of the rarity of the moment however I without thinking struggled my way through four layers of shirts to by the half way point of the song stand in only my sports bra howling with the little bit of the voice I had left. When the song was finished it hit me what I’d just done (for context: this is the first and only time I’ve willfully stripped down shirtless in public after coming out and the first time as long as I can remember I’ve been this unclothed and felt completely safe about it). I cried. And that is a first. I have never cried at a concert like that- always after the fact. So this is the one moment that make it so I think I will remember Böle forever. (I also cried at least two more times after exiting the dancefloor). Before exiting the danceflor however somebody next to me found a flower pin that they thought was mine (it wasn't) that I ended up taking with me home - so if anybody lost a flower that day (you can see it in the picture below) and what it back feel free to let me know :'D xD.
I stayed till the end of the evening chatting with new and old friends and dancing with strangers. I at one point saw Jesse yet was not fast enough to get over to meet him. I didn’t managed to meet everybody else yet heard about others having amazing moments with the guys which made me very happy for them (even if I myself also felt a bit sad that it hadn’t been me but you cannot get everything).
In the end I’d say Käärijä was a good first gig for the venue yet there are things they can definitely approve such as their ability to communicate and stick to what they have put out there as the official rules to make it the fairest for everybody involved.
As always I thank all of you for the amazing stickers, bracelets and other gifts I got this evening!!! (I got 23 bracelets which has definitely broken the last record which was held by Joker Out in Helsinki day 2). It was amazing meeting you all, taking pictures with you, getting excited with you, dancing and laughing with you and just overall sharing this amazing time together.
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For the ones that are curious I did manage to get my tattoo appointment rescheduled for Sunday (that will probably be its own post) and because of that I also had time to add in a spontaneous tattoo to celebrate the milestone that is me being comfortable enough to take off my shirt first time in public. The rest of the trip in Helsinki was spend going on a Käärijä related solo tourist tour that you may-may not have seen me post about already.
Thank you for reading this gig report and I hope to see some of you again in July.  
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (270)
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brockhamptuons · 8 months
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little did we know, love was just a glance away ˚ ◌༘♡ ⋆。˚
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sonni-the-silly · 2 months
I was picking up my brother from school and I heard one of the year 4 kids say “why do we abbreviate things when texting??? Like who started it???” and everyone acted like it was a super deep thing to say
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appalachiabrat · 5 months
If you don't mind me asking, what journal do u use?
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so i got the journal itself from 5 below, the lace from goodwill, and the patch from depop! and then i just put it all together <3 i usually find cool journals at goodwill, but i wanted one that was really cute n springy bc i go through a journal every month or so. decorating it myself was so so fun n i will probably start doing that from now on because it feels so intimate n special
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neverlandmylove · 4 months
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this is a crazy statement tbh.
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cathrrrine · 9 months
based on this incorrect quote i posted
how the svu characters would react to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” text
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Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Fin Tutuola
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Elliot Stabler
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Part 2!
472 notes · View notes
sin-simps · 6 months
-sobs and cries and throws up-
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
hate it when ppl are like "wow haha 2000s kids shows had atrocious fashion" and then post some teenage girl in an outfit that absolutely slaps
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wolftheidioticfan · 2 months
yeh colors are da cool. I don’t use often but da cool !!
Discord doesn't have that and it is simply not fair to me. :(
It is also unfair there is no YELLOW. Or well...Okay this is limited.
Tumblr is too cowardly to give us a color wheel my guy
...Blog backgrounds have color wheels, though? I don't understand.
Tumblr is too cowardly.
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eybefioro · 7 months
Ahhhh okay for the tmi Tuesday game i wanna ask them all but I'll restrain myself hahah for the fandom questions: 23 & 26, for the fic writer questions: 9 & 15 :))
Hope you're having a great day💙
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Tsunami! I have... a complicated relationship with writing. I've been writing since i learned how to (Literally. When I was 5/6 my mom teached me how to read, and then i made a whole story with illustrations and bound it like a book). It is an outlet for me, but i put a lot of pressure on myself about it. I'm very insecure about my words and my stories (maybe a bit of it comes from my dad being a writer but i don't wanna go there lol). I had never written Fanfiction before, only original stuff, and Tsunami was my first one. IT WAS FREEING. Fanfiction is such an open space. There's no stakes. Nothing matters. It's for me by me, and I am lucky that other people enjoy it too, and everyone is so open! There's something about fanfic that just makes me feel so good, and so free, it's becoming a comfort place where i can let my words and thoughts flow (and I have to thank everyone here for it 💛yall are awesome!)
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
Titles are my nemesis lol Tsunami was the central idea of that one so it was easier... All I want for Christmas is you was because i wanted a very cheesy very silly name. Vavooming was a suggestion, and A soft carpet to lie down was the general concept of that one again. Idk, maybe i tend to choose titles that describe the central idea? To be a Guardian is also like that.
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Music always help! But also i do enjoy just letting my mind wander. Sometimes i just lie down, close my eyes and let it do whatever with the characters. It's fun! In my work, I also deal with creation, so I have to say that references are EVERYTHING. So, if you wanna write, read, if you wanna paint, look at paintings, and etc. immerse yourself in the things you wanna create, in the things you love!
15) why did you start writing?
I think i ended up answering that on the first one lol I didn't really had a choice. it just. happened. It's my outlet, it always has been my way to express myself and have fun, i think (not that I'm super good at it, but it's my way nonetheless).
TMI tuesday fanfic game
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (247)
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