#✧ soccer! ( stephanie likes )
theforesteldritch · 2 months
Sport is not safe for intersex people. I’ve known this ever since I first heard about how the olympics has treated intersex athletes. Especially intersex people who aren’t white. Hell, I have a whole pretty popular post that still gets reblogged about how much the high level sporting world has hurt and ruined the lives of intersex people. But I’ve been reminded again of this in the past few days. It’s so fucking hard and crushing to see people all over talk about how people like you are disgusting, cheaters, freaks and more.
I’ve been playing competitive soccer for years, since I was about 12. I’m obviously not an Olympic level athlete, or anywhere close, but I’d say I’m pretty good at my position and have put in countless hours over the years to get to this point. I grew up watching Christine Sinclair score goals for Canada and I screamed so hard with happiness my voice gave out when I watched as Stephanie Labbe made an amazing save in penalties to win Canada the gold at the Tokyo olympics. Like a lot of kids, I’d sometimes dream of standing beside them, triumphant on the podium. But it seems that that dream isn’t one intersex kids are allowed to have. Because god fucking forbid we be athletes, or even worse, good athletes. God fucking forbid we are better in our sport than another person, because a target is painted on our backs. Especially, especially for intersex women who aren’t white.
Intersex people in sport aren’t allowed to be strong or talented. We aren’t allowed to be world class athletes. The world doesn’t want us to exist, but especially not in sport.
It makes me so fucking angry. Because much as the dream of competing in the olympics will never materialize for most kids, it’s still a dream that’s allowed to exist. Intersex kids don’t get to dream of the olympics the same way, because the sporting world hates us.
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gejo333 · 1 year
An Unexpected Match
DILF/DBF Miguel O’Hara x Female Reader
Pt. 2
Summary: You come back home from a two month long trip across Europe with friends when you meet an unexpected guest and your dad’s new best friend at your family’s backyard barbecue.
New Story Alert!🚨🚨🚨
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I missed.
Wc: 2.2k
You closed your eyes as you basked in the summer sun, enjoying the warmth of the rays against your skin. The breeze picked up as it brushed against your face and arm, gently sticking out the car window. A nice cool contrast against the heat of the sun.
"I can't believe our two-month trip across Europe is over. I want to go back." Whined your best friend who was driving. A small chuckle escaped from you, hearing her dramatic personality.
"Yeah, it was amazing. But I'm glad to be back home and lay in my bed for a whole day. It felt like we walked across Europe." You relax further into your seat, happy to be back in your suburb neighborhood of Nueva York.
"Well, sadly, not today. Don't you have that monthly barbecue today?"
"Ugh, don't even bring that up, Stephanie. Those things are so draining when you're not a kid anymore. All the nosy neighbors want to know every detail of your life." You groan out loud in frustration when you remember where the barbecue was hosted this month. "Damn, I forgot my parents are hosting this month. I thought it was next month. Out of all days to come back. You're going too." You say the last part bluntly to your friend as she looks back at you with a glare as she scoffs.
"Ugh, fine! But you owe me a meal at Jane's Diner then." Stephanie adds as you playfully roll your eyes and chuckle.
"Ok, deal." You do your handshake that you two started in elementary school before continuing to drive back to your house.
After another 15 minutes, you arrive at your driveway as Stephanie parks her car next to your dad's car. You gaze at yourself in the mirror in the car as a small frown is on your lips. You quickly make yourself presentable by fixing your hair and makeup and adding perfume to eliminate that airport stink. You smile at yourself, thinking you look good enough to enter the lion's den in your large backyard.
"We can leave the stuff in the car. It'll be safe. Are you ready?" You ask Stephanie, who just finished applying her lip gloss, smacking her lips before smiling as she exited the car.
"Let's do this!"
Instead of going through the front door, you used the gate to the fence to go straight to the backyard, where you see practically the whole neighborhood in your backyard. You spot your mother, of course, by the grill, cooking. As you try to make your way over there, neighbors who recognize you stop you to say hi before you can politely leave and get to your destination.
Right before you get to your parents, a soccer ball gently hits the side of your calf. A young brunette girl with big brown eyes wearing a soccer uniform runs over to you.
"I'm sorry!" Said the girl as she came up to you.
You looked down at her with a warm smile. You do a quick soccer trick that gets the ball back in your hands, which makes the young girl staring at you in awe. "You're totally good. Here you go." You pass her the ball, and she says thank you.
"That move was so cool! Do you play soccer?"The young girl asked.
"Sadly, not anymore. But I played for 15 years."
"Wow! I've only been playing for two years. My papa signed me up for the club team when we moved here." She said as she twiddled with the ball in her hands.
"Oh, for the Clovers? I played on that team, too, when I was a kid. It's a great club to be a part of. That's how I met my best friend here, Stephanie." You say as your friend says hello to the young girl.
The young girl's attention is drawn away when she hears a few kids call her over. "My friends are calling me back. Nice meeting you!" She smiled brightly up at you before she ran back over and began to play.
"She was sweet." Said Stephanie.
"Yeah, she was." You say as you finally get to your parents. Your mom sees you and wraps you in a big hug.
"Hi! I've missed you! Glad you were able to make it back to the barbecue. I can't wait to hear about your adventures around Europe. With your brothers back from college, it's been a house full of boys and hectic without you. Hi Stephanie, I hope you guys had fun on your trip." Your mother releases you from a hug before going to hug Stephanie. "You know that older son of mine will be excited to see you." She said, which made Stephanie's cheeks go red.
Your older brother, Jack, has been dating your best friend for months. When it first started, you were 100% for it as you would tease her about her becoming your sister.
"I didn't see him on our way in. Is he here?" Asked Stephanie.
"He went to get more ice from the corner store. He should be back in a minute, though. Oh, y/n I saw that you met Gabi. Isn't she just the sweetest thing." Said your mother. Your brows furrowed when she mentioned a name, but then you connected it with the little girl you met a few minutes ago.
"She was really sweet. It brought back memories of when I used to play soccer in that same uniform in this backyard ages ago. I know I haven't been around as frequently, but when did a new family move to the neighborhood?" You briefly look back to the kids playing some form of soccer as you smile at all their happy faces before you look back to your mom, who passed you a plate with a hot dog.
"Here. Gabi and her father moved in around two years ago from the city. They come over here a lot cause Miguel and your father are now best pals." Your mother chuckled as she continued to flip more burgers and hotdogs as you and Stephanie helped plate them.
"So, any future Mrs. O'Hara's catch your eye?" Sam said as he passed Miguel another beer. Miguel's eyes widen slightly before looking at Sam instead of the soccer match playing on the tv in the living room.
"Great conversation starter there, Sam." Miguel chuckled as he took a sip from the bottle.
"I remember you said it a while ago to me. Was curious if my best bud was getting any action." Sam chuckled as he sat on the couch. He sighed before looking down at his small pouch.
"How do you stay so fit? It's like you haven't aged at all. Those photos of you in your college days. You look identical. I know you are 8 years younger than me. But still!" Sam grumbled as he sipped his beer and continued to watch the match.
"You've seen my workout routine. And my diet. If you did the same, you would see the results." Miguel chuckled as he watched his friend mope and look at the game.
"Yeah, I can't give up my beer and nachos. But back to my original question." Sam switched the subject, feeling the green monster slightly that his friend looked great.
"Well, when I find her. I'll know. I hope she wants to have a big family. Cause I would want to give Gabriella a couple of brothers and sisters. And also make sure that whoever I end up with loves Gabriella as if she were her own daughter."
"Well, that's good quality. But anything else? Like looks? personality qualities?" Sam asked.
"Well, if she is kind and positive."
"Miguel... Physical looks?" Sam grinned in frustration.
"If I'm attracted to her, I'm attracted to her," Miguel said as he took another sip from his beer. He would have to work another hour to ensure he could burn off this second beer.
"Alright, fine. I won't ask any more questions anymore." Sam chuckled as they went to grab a few chips from the bowl on the table. Sam's view went to the backyard, where he spotted his wife and daughter.
"Miguel, let's go outside for a bit. I want you to meet my daughter, y/n." Sam said as he stood from the couch and made his way to the backyard, followed by Miguel.
As you continued to catch up with your mom and tell her some things about your and Stephanie's trip, two hands went over your best friend's eyes.
"Guess who?" Said the man. Stephanie turns around and hugs your older brother Jack.
"Hi, Jack," Stephanie said as she kissed your brother's cheek.
"I bet you're happy to see your favorite L/N sibling." Jack chuckled as he looked at you. You playfully rolled your eyes and gently punched him on the shoulder as payback. Your brother puts a hand on his arm as he fakes a pout. "Mom, she hit me."
"Jack, your 23. Stop whining. And you too, young lady. You're 21. Not 12." Your mother lightly reprimanded you, which made you, Stephanie, and your brother try to stifle a laugh. Your mother only rolled her eyes and lightly laughed at her children's lack of maturity as she continued to grill.
"You've been working away at the grill this hour, honey. Let me take it from here." Said your father as he walked up to you and gave you a hug. "How's my little Angel doing?" Said your dad.
"She's definitely no angel." Mumbled your brother as he laughed. He stopped when Stephanie gently elbowed him in the stomach. You laugh as you roll your eyes at your brother.
"I'm doing good, Dad. How about you?" You smile as you return the hug before he switches places with your mother.
"Good as always. Oh, I'd like you to meet my friend, Miguel." Your dad pointed towards a very tall man walking your way.
His biceps naturally flexed as he moved over here. You couldn't help but slightly check him out. He had a big frame that trimmed down to a narrow waist with an obviously chiseled chest that could be technically seen as his shirt fit tight around him. His fair tan complexion glowed against the rays of the sun. He was obviously a very attractive man.
It wasn't until his reddish-brown eyes met yours that your eyes widened, and your cheeks were dusted a shade of pink.
You felt your heart pound rapidly against your chest as your gaze met his. However, you pushed your emotions down and put a smile on your face as you said, "Hi, it's nice to meet you, Miguel."
"It's nice to meet you too, Y/n." He smiled as his eyes never left you, a chill going up your spine.
"S-so I heard you and your daughter moved in two years ago. How do you like the neighborhood so far?"
"It's been great so far. Everyone has been very welcoming. I heard you are a college student. What year?" Miguel moved slightly closer to you, which only you seemed to notice as your heart began to pound faster against your chest.
"S-senior. I'm going to be a senior in college." You say as you slightly move back from him, which seems to only catch his attention as he smirks for a split second at you before going back to his gentlemanly smile. You noticed the change in his lips, which reddened your cheeks.
"One more year before going into the real world. Enjoy it while it lasts. What do you study?" Miguel chuckled as he took a sip from his beer.
"Bioengineering with a concentration in genetics." Your answer.
"Oh, y/n! Miguel actually works in the same field. He works as the head of the genetics department at Alchamex. Isn't that your dream company to work at?" Said your dad as he continued to flip burgers and was oblivious (like everyone else) to the secret conversation between you and Miguel.
Miguel's smile widened, and his eyes lit up at your father's words. "Is that so. Well, maybe send me a copy of your resume, and maybe you can get an internship in my department."
"Wow, that would be amazing, Miguel. Wouldn't it y/n?" Said your father.
"Y-yeah. It would be. Thank you." You smile up at Miguel as his gaze meets yours. Staring straight into his brown eyes. So much was being said. If only you could fully decipher his secret words. Butterflies began to flutter in your stomach as he gently placed his hand against your mid-back.
"Of course. Anything for my best friend's daughter."
"Oh shoot, I forgot my phone in the car. Y/n, can you help me find it? We'll be back!" Stephanie hooked her arms around yours as she whisked you away from your family and Miguel, who you felt eyes were staring at your back as you walked away.
As the two of you made it inside the house and up the stairs to your bedroom, Stephanie pushed you inside before shutting the door.
You sit on your bed in shock from the events that recently played out in the backyard.
"Omg, y/n. Isn’t that Miguel the same Miguel you had that amazing two-night hookup with two years ago on our getaway weekend to Miami?" You look up at her with the same wide eyes as hers as you bite your lip in panic.
"Yeah, it is."
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! 💕💕💕
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fidothefinch · 1 year
It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
Bruce was hit with the thought mid-chuckle, a forkful of birthday cake halfway to his mouth.
Dick paused in his story, ever the perceptive one. He studied Bruce just a moment, the gray at his temples making the blue of his eyes even brighter. “Everything okay?”
Bruce looked around the lawn again with fresh eyes. Tim, Barbara, Duke, and their partners were sitting at the other picnic table under the canopy, cake all-but-forgotten in lieu of whatever they were talking about.
Jason ran by with a small child on his back – it was Damian’s youngest, and Jason had sworn after their last family outing that he wouldn’t attempt piggy-back rides again, but clearly the little girl had won him over with her doe eyes. They were chased by a puppy. Scamp, if he remembered correctly.
Members of the Justice League were scattered amongst the partygoers. Clark and Lois kicked a soccer ball with some of Bruce’s older grandchildren. Jim Gordon tapped his cane against his knee as Wally recounted an old speedster story.
As if she could feel his eyes on her, Cassandra looked up from her conversation with Damian, Stephanie, and Wonder Woman. She searched him a moment, before smiling softly at him. She had laugh lines around her eyes now, and Bruce cherished the sight of them.
Somewhere between losing his parents and becoming a vigilante, he had given up the idea of a future for himself. Familiar with contingency plans, he had mentally hedged his promises with “if I make it that long.”
He always thought he would die alone in the dark.
“Bruce?” Dick repeated, next to him. He would probably be more worried, if Bruce hadn’t begun to lose his hearing years ago.
The banner strung across the canopy read, Happy 82nd birthday! Someone had added ‘you old fart’ to the end with a marker.
“Yes,” Bruce answered, and found that he meant it. “Everything is okay.”
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luvly-writer · 2 months
Crimes of a Mother
Ch. 2 Under the radar
Batfamily x reader
Authors note: Hi!! I am SO! EXCITED!! This fic is getting so much love and it genuinely warms my heart so thank you all for reading. This chapter went through a lot of editing. This fic will have slow updates. If you want to be added to the taglist, leave a comment or a reblog!
Warnings: none so far
Taglist: @nxdxsworld @give-jack-a-lightsaber @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @can-i-feel @n4muar @snowy-violet @ferakillia @mariadvorak @idonthaveanameforthisacc @yandereheros
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Y/n would come around the manor one a week for dinner. They enjoyed her presence a lot. Hearing about her childhood was refreshing truly. She had the childhood and teenage hood none of them got to have and they were glad. She was family, even if she didn’t know it. What was frustrating though was that she never spoke of her investigation or her findings. When asked, she would just show a knowing grin and shake her head. She was unto them. Damian would observe her mannerism like a hawk. It was undeniable she was Bruces child.
She still followed them during the night, a difficult thing to get rid off. They tried grappling away, smoke bombs, the shadows, she would catch them. Whether it was by foot, roof, or car, she was watching, camera in hand and her bag slung over her shoulder. Some days, they noticed her two friends would be with her. The camera woman, the getaway driver, and the lookout, they were an excelent team. They had been thinking of ways to confront her about it in mask but everytime they tried, she was with them. It was a slow night for patrol in a crisp November night and the fastastic trio, as they had named them were out on the hunt. Taylor was on the drive seat, Y/n was on the passenger seat and Charlie stayed in the back.
-“he looked at he as if I was some sort of freak for suggesting that his strategy was absolute shit and went for my shoes, MY!! CLEETS!! That man is absolutely gay, I’m calling it!!!”
Charlie exclaimed complaining about the captain of his soccer team, who he was sure had it against him.
-“Maybe it’s an enemies to lovers trope” (T)
-“You know those never work in real life” (Y)
-“Unless you add sports and a heavy load of sexual tension” (T)
-“Instead on knife to the throat it is a cleet” (Y)
The three laughed as they ate Batbuger. Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood watched the scene from above in the shadows; both appretiating the girl enjoying her life and protecting the car from posibble danger. Maybe they were living vicariously through her and her sense of freedom.
-“So hows the investigation coming through?”
Asked Taylor with a mouthful. At that, they all perked up. Yn chewed and motioned to pull up the windows. As they did, Jason shot a small hearing device before the window closed. It stuck to the floor under one of the seats without any of the three noticing. They turned on the volume and connected it to the comns. Everyone was listening.
-“First of all, ew, dont talk with your mouth open and second of all, which of the three?”
-“Three? She has three undergoing investigations?!?!”
Whisper-yelled Dick and Jason shrugged.
-“Umm all three? I mean, we aren’t risking our necks in the middle of the night in a random dirty ass alley in Gotham just to get halfsies”
Charlie argued
-“Fair, let’s start with the least complicated one, Batman’s identity…”
Even though, Stephanie, Cass, and Duke were patroling on the other side of town; and Barbara was at the cave with Alfred, they were all intently listening. Finally, she carried on,
-“I have been tailing him, well them for weeks. They are eight in total that take turns patroling. Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, Black Bat, Signal, and Spoiler. They have been knowing I have been following them ever since the second week of university, but we all know I started the night I went to Wayne Manor. They vary in sizes and thankfully, I was able to get enough pictures to get their heights and test their tracks for estimated weight, see-“
She opens her laptop and shows them; Bruce tries to zoom in with his lenses and see.
-“She’s got most of them correct”, he mutters
-“This somewhat narrows it down. We are looking at four blackettes and a blonde, Signal and Black Bat are still a mystery. Signal is black though, which helps. Then I thought about who could possibly have the money to fund all of these gadgets and suits, which moves us to the upper east and eliminates Crime Alley and such. This carries on to the question, who would have the resources for such team, and I'm not talking money anymore, I'm talking human resources. This could direct us to one Billionare in specific, with precisely seven kids and a Blonde family friend. Bruce Wayne. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all have black hair. Yes, it's true, Red Hood wears a helmet, but I have seen him fight without it, and his hair is black. The only other person that matches the height and the hair is Jason. Damian's skin color matches Robin’s. Duke is the only black member in the family and Stephanie is the only blonde. Barbara is in a wheel chair, which rules her out. Now, even though the height matches with Bruce and Batman, I have not seen Batman without the cowl so I’m not entirely sure if it could be him. He might be Batman, or he might just be the one investing in all of this. They are my main suspects, but I still need more information to actually confirm it’s them. For all I know, these could be all coincidences. I can’t make an accusation on these alone.
-“Oh fuck….that is still amazing ” (T)
-“Shit….yeah that brain of yours is something else” (C)
-“Now, even though I’m like 50% sure it might be them, I still need DNA samples. I managed to swab some of the blood in one of the fights they had before it dried after they left and am currently searching how to identify DNA samples. Might go to the forensic lab and get some help from that girl you’ve been talking to, Tay”
-“Oh we aren’t talking anymore, she’s too clingy”
-“Fuck” (Y)
-“Sucks being a journalism major and not a bio one huh” (C)
-“right now, it really does” (y)
-“But you can tell her I'll link up one last time if she helps, erases the data after, and keeps her mouth shut. She was a good fuck” (T)
-“Thank youuu for your sacrifice” (Y)
Both Taylor and Charlie snort,
-“It only took her a few fucking months...” (t)
-“Tim you found our identities when you were 9” (d)
-“or maybe you all have just been sloppy” (da)
-“Shut up, Damian, that includes you, you know” (t)
-“Now, as for, the case of my father, there must be a reason as to why my mother sent me to Bruce Wayne of all people, he must know”
-“and if he is what you think he is, then he might have information on your family!” (Ta)
-“Correct! But if he isn’t….them i’m fucked. Which means I’d have to start the investigation all over again”
- “Damn…what would you do if you’re correct though?” (C)
-“If he is Batman, or my father, or both?”
-“All of the above I guess” (C)
“…I don’t know…maybe I’ll ask him why was he never there, what happened between my mom and him, who is my family, I mean even if he isn’t batman or my father, he for sure knows who my family is and what, and unless I have something against him to make him tell me, this will prove even harder that I thought. I guess, I’m hoping my hypothesis is true so that I can ask him and get some answers. If I have learned anything about Bruce Wayne these last few weeks I’ve been with them is that he is a mystery that keeps on birthing more mysteries. Honest-“
A loud noice startled them. They all stiffen and look at each other. Charlie sits up and looks at the hour, marking 20 minutes till three. Some of the lights that had been around them started dimming and if there’s something they’d learned these past few months in Gotham, was that that was never a good sign
-“I think it’s time to go!” (C)
-“Seconding that,” said Taylor, turning the car on and pulling out of the alley.
-“Yeah, as much as I trust the fact that they were there patrolling near us, I’m not gonna risk it if the suddenly have their hands full”
Y/n agreed. As the began driving, Yn noticed a few strange things from the alley they were just in. She knew Batman, Nightwing, and Red Hood had been watching from above, making sure their car was safe, but it wasn’t that. A few shadowy figures had been still on one of the roof tops and they had mistaken them earlier for gargoyles. The city was filled with them so it was an honest mistake. She saw that some of them moved and quickly took out her camera. Following them the best she could she took pictures of them. If the Batcrew (title given by Charlie) were slippery and difficult to photograph (hence why it had taken her so long to get a hypothesis and study each individually), these were way worse. Halfway through the drive; she saw less and less of them until, finally, they had gotten to the security of their apartment complex parking lot. Taylor parked the car and Charlie began cleaning up the trash. They had gotten out and noticed Y/n stayed in the car.
-“You coming?”
Taylor asked, worried as Y/n looked in her camera’s gallery.
-“Go ahead, I’ll be right up in a sec”
Taylor nodded and left towards the elevator with Charlie. As she looked in her gallery, she noticed some figures would have some sort of dark green silk with golden accents when the light would hit them. How odd. She began to put things back in her bag when she remembered earlier she had lent her charger to Charlie in the back and he never gave it back. She exited the car, opened the back door and searched for it. As she did, her hand touched on something small with a weird shape stuck to the rug under the driver seat. She pulled and found a small pin sized and bat shaped object with a red beating light.
-“Curious and curiouser” she muttered
Why would Batman leave this inside her car? It had been her turn to clean the car yesterday and this wasn’t there. She went to feel were she had plucked it from again and noticed that the rug had an indent in it.
-“This was shot in…not just simply placed,” she turned to look at the pin again, “Kind of heavy for a pin, which means it has technology inside and the red light indicates it’s on”
She pulled out her phone and turned the flashlight on, once again looking at where the pin was. She saw that the mark it left was light, but identifiable.
-“…if physics tells me anything, it had to be shot at a good distance with enough force to leave this kind of mark. hm….”
She pocketed it and closed the car. She went up to her apartment, and into her room. There she placed her stuff down and pulled out her notebook. She had told only half of the information she had found to Charlie and Taylor. Although she trusted them with her life, she knew that this information is mostly classified. That why she played it as if she was mostly uncertain, but she knew.
The last few months she would occasionally suggest doing activities that would test out their skills and compare them to what she saw at night. Nightwing was able to pull various tricks that Dick had done when she asked about his life as a Flying Grayson, which have only been seen performed by them. Jason’s aim was impecable every time they played darts and pool, almost similar to how Red Hood was know to be have perfect marksmanship. Damian’s mastery with and love for knives was impressive and strangely familiar with Robin’s. It had been one of the slow nights when the Batcrew had decided to debate on which weapons were the best and Robin seemed strangely fond of knives, daggers, and swords. Stephanie and Duke were quite obvious because of their distinctive traits. Black Bat had remained a mystery because of how easy it was for her to disappear in the night, yet Cass had that same silent aura on her. It was confirmed furthermore when she had recorded the Batcrew and the Wayne’s and compared the timbers of their voices, which were almost identical. The big Bat was the one who left her with the most doubt, he was almost impossible. Mostly silent, hair covered, and nothing to match Bruce’s behavior. The only thing that matched was height and the fact that he was a white man….and that helped with little to almost nothing.
She wasn’t 50% sure, she was 80% sure and the missing twenty was because she didn’t who Batman was.
She sat in her desk chair and spun around. Y/n had felt tired back in the car but finding the bat like pin woke her mind up. She pulled it out of her pocket and inspected it. Seeing it much clearer now, she found a few holes in the device. A tracker of some sort that could listen and record maybe?
-“You know I’m getting closer and that has you on high alert. You think you’re slick, Batsy.”
She said and pulled out her drawer, placing it in a a box inside just in case it also had a camera. Y/n was hardly ever wrong about an investigation, but this one made her doubt. It was one thing to go around in your small town from an Island, chasing mysteries and being damn good at it. Another thing was messing with a vigilante. She hoped Batman was Bruce, because if it were anyone else, she wouldn’t have her mother’s favor and the care he has gained for her protecting her and that terrified her just a little.
Back in the cave, Bruce sat down, reviewing footage from his tracker. To confirm, it is a tracker that records sounds and videos. He sees Y/n find the tracker and inspect it. Hearing her commentary and seeing her formulating her hypothesis created a certain fondness he didn’t know how to handle. (what feeling do you know how to handle, Bruce?) She was fascinating. He knew she observed them on the daily and took notes of it. It was a matter of time before she found out and it was impressive. He had called her mother and she had said Y/n had photographic memory, which explained her attention to detail.
Seeing her put the tracker in the box, he turned it off and closed the tab; opening another one. The thing Valentina and he had dreaded has finally happened. Y/n was under the Salazar’s radar and tonight’s spies proved it. He had called Valentina the moment he saw them and they both agreed that it was best for the Bats to stay close to Y/n even if it meant risking revealing their identities to her. He had no doubts she could discover them on her own and when she did, this situation might be able to make itself ten times easier.
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yeetus-feetus · 9 months
Okay but what about Bruce ends up taking all the little kids to a gala with him because none of his kids want to go and they'll only escape anyway if he drags them there.
He's got baby Helena on his hip and Lizzie clinging to his side even dropping on adult conversations. Lian and Mar'i are sucking up to the older ladies so they can con sweet treats and hard candy from them. Jake and Ellie (Stephanie's daughter whom I named Elizabeth way before I knew about Diana's daughter) are colouring at a table together quietly.
And Bruce can't stop talking about his babies and grandbabies. And he's showing all the other rich socialites cute little photos and everyone's just gushing over how cute they are.
And they all look so adorable in their little outfits too!! Dressing them all up and taking photos at the gala and just gloating over how these kids are the best kids, even better than all the other socialites kids/grandkids.
And obviously this won't last long, soon the little ones will be whining about how boring the galas are and Bruce will have to find new people to drag along with him. But I definitely think Lian and Mar'i will keep coming for as long as they can milk the adorable little girl acts to fill their pockets with treats.
Dick is probably a little disappointed at Mar'i but it's not like he didn't do the exact same thing himself so he'd be a hypocrite for telling her off. Jason and Roy just high five Lian with a laugh and ask her to share the goods she collected with them.
Also like Bruce going to their school or sports things whenever he can get the time to do so. He's one of those mom types that are convinced their kids are the best in the play or on the soccer field and he gets really bitchy about other mums who do the exact same thing.
And obviously Bruce pays for all there school fees to get them into good education. He spoils the little ones absolutely rotten.
Like the kids at school will be like "oh yeah my grandparents gave me $500 for Christmas so I could choose whatever I wanted". And Jake is like "yeah well my grandpop got me a real motorbike and a phone!"
Holy hell does Dick parental lock the shit out of that phone btw. He also knows Bruce has a tracker on it because he's paranoid about the little ones getting hurt or something. Which is contradictory to the fact he got the kid an actual kid-sized motorcycle. Dick is not happy. Kori thinks it's awesome.
Also like, of you wanted you can also add Tim's baby clones in here too. A little Bart clone and a little Kon clone causing chaos everywhere they go. Bruce loves his grandbabies despite everything but damn those little boys really wear him out running circles around him.
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happygirl2oo2 · 4 months
Queer Sports Romance Books Recs For Pride Month 🌈 (all are books I've either read or currently have on my own tbr list)
Rookie Recovery (Bobcat Boys #1) by Jemma Croft and Lex Veia [mlm]
Vancouver Orcas interconnected series by Amy Aislin [mlm]
Hometown Hero (Whistleport Hockey #1) by Declan Rhodes [mlm]
Hockey Guys interconnected series by Sarina Bowen [mlm]
Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt [mlm]
Fake Boyfriend interconnected series by Eden Finley [mlm]
Caught off Guard by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Chicago Thunder interconnected series by Jodi Oliver [mlm]
Don't Look Down (Best Laid Plans #1) by Jessica Ann [mlm]
Hockey Ever After interconnected series by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James [mlm]
Love & Other Inconveniences by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Time to Shine by Rachel Reid [mlm]
Relationship Goals interconnected series by Brigham Vaughn [mlm]
Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver [mlm]
Puckboys interconnected series by Eden Finley and Saxon James [mlm]
Hot Shot (Orlando Storm #1) by Marissa James [mlm]
Breakaway partially-interconnected series by E.L. Massey [mlm]
Delay of Game interconnected series by Hannah Henry [mlm]
Offsides interconnected series by J.J. Mulder [mlm]
Roughing (Portland Seabirds #1) by Michaela Grey [mlm]
Stick Side interconnected series by Amy Aislin [mlm]
Let's Do This (IFU Hockey #1) by Loren Leigh [mlm]
CU Hockey interconnected series by Eden Finley and Saxon James [mlm]
Back to Center (Mohegan U Hockey #2) by Ryan Taylor and Joshua Harwood [mlm]
Penalty Box interconnected series by Ari Baran [mlm]
Shenanigans (Brooklyn Hockey #6) by Sarina Bowen [m/f with a bi mc]
The Inside Edge by Ashlyn Kane [mlm]
Icebreaker by A. L. Graziadei [mlm]
Hockey Bois by A.L. Heard [mlm]
Three Is The Luckiest Number by Catherine Cloud [mlm]
Not Over You by Samantha Wayland [mlm]
Wake Up, Nat & Darcy by Kate Cochrane [wlw]
It's a Love/Skate Relationship by Carli J. Corson [wlw]
Off the Bench Duet Series by Kimberly Knight [mlm]
Twincerely Yours by Eden Finley [mlm]
Car Racing
Pole Position by Rebecca J. Caffery [mlm]
Lights Out Series interconnected series by various authors [mlm]
Fast Love (Fast Love #1) by Kerry Lockhart [wlw]
Driven By Passion (Gamble Racing #2) by Renee Dahlia [mlm]
Redline (Redline #1) by Emma Barlowe [mlm]
Furious by Jamie Pacton and Rebecca Podos [wlw]
The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee [wlw]
The Prospects by KT Hoffman [mlm]
Batting Style by Louisa Masters [mlm]
You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian [mlm]
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes by Danielle Dawsen [mlm]
We Got the Beat by Jenna Miller [wlw]
Always More (Sports #1) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Roller derby
Mighty Millie Novak by Elizabeth Holden [wlw]
False Start by Santana Knox [wlw]
How You Get the Girl by Anita Kelly [wlw]
Love and Sportsball (Atlanta Cannons #1) by Meka James [wlw]
Zone Defense interconnected series by Becca Seymour [mlm]
Fence comic series by C.S. Pacat and Joanna the Mad [mlm]
One Last Play by E.B. Neal [mlm]
Coming Out on the Sidelines by Dev Hahn [wlw]
Forward Entry (Sydney Swallows #1) by Aurora Crane [mlm]
The Game (Charleston Condors #2) by Beth Bolden
Atlanta Lightning interconnected series by Riley Hart [mlm]
Fumbled Past (San Diego Seals #2) by Cecelia Storm [mlm]
Onside Kiss (Domingo #1) by Octavia Jensen [mlm]
You Started It (Fan Service Series #3) by Hinsel Meyer [mlm]
Tigers and Devils (Tigers and Devils #1) by Sean Kennedy [mlm]
Roosevelt College interconnected series by Christina Lee [mlm]
You & Me by Tal Bauer [mlm]
Crushing on the Quarterback by Baylin Crow [mlm]
Deuce (Tennyson Bend #2) by P.T. Ambler [mlm]
You Don't Have a Shot by Racquel Marie [wlw]
Everything for You (Bergman Brothers #5) by Chloe Liese [mlm]
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner [wlw]
Pull Me Under by Zarah Detand [mlm]
The Game Changer (Denver Defiant, #1) by Finley Chuva [wlw]
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber [mlm]
Finding a Keeper (Sports #4) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Don't Hate the Player by Shelby Elizabeth [mlm]
Endgame by Zoe Reed [wlw]
Hotshot by Clare Lydon [wlw]
Attractive Forces by Jax Calder [mlm]
The Tighthead (Lincoln Knights #1) by Charlie Novak [mlm]
The Unexpected Dream (Sports #3) by Nicole Pyland [wlw]
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill [trans boy x boy]
Alondra by Gina Femia [bisexual girl mc]
Catch and Cradle by Katia Rose [wlw]
Tears in the Water Margherita Scialla [LGBTQ+]
Shy by Ashish Rastogi [mlm]
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hyprfxatn · 1 month
My bestie proposed a question to me last night and now I must pose it to you.
'Philosophical question of the day: Brinic Summer Olympics AU, what sport does each do? It has to be a different sport for each and you can list other characters but we mainly talking your boys'
While this was supposed to be about Fast and Furious it quickly shifted to the DC universe. So here we have it (going off vibes, some canon points, and the fact I cannot use an event more than once):
Bruce - Triathlon, he's an over achiever and no other reasons past that
Alfred - shooting, honestly would do handgun and rifle but mainly rifle
Dick - Gymnastics, all of them, no elaboration needed
Jason - Hockey, full contact sport, requires an insane amount of endurance and balance, and you can't tell me Jason doesn't give off Hockey vibes
Tim - Skateboarding, it's something he is actively good at
Damien - Fencing, not only is it a style of swordwork, but it also feels like a sport he would actually appreciate
Stephanie - tennis, she would absolutely wreck a tennis court
Cass - all martial arts, judo, taekwondo, karate the whole 9 yards
Duke - Lacrosse, I just feel like he'd do really well in Lacrosse
Roy Harper - Archery, obviously
Ivy - Equestrian, show jumping specifically
Selena - Also Equestrian but she does Dressage, it's expensive, high profile, and very well dressed
Harley - Pole Vaulting, there was discussion with this but I think Harley would do well in Vaulting
Clark - Table Tennis, he's the right level of nerd for it and I feel like he wouldn't do a strength thing
Kon - Shot Put, he's a show off and we love him
Jon - High Dive, closest to flying that's not high jump or gymnastics
Bart - Relay, he could do singles but Bart cheering with a team after winning first is my whole heart, he'd be the one to cross the finish line
Garfield - soccer, he could also breakdance, but that won't be added until 2028
Vincent - Weightlifting, this is Cyborg we're talking about
Artemis - my only double, Archery
Bane - Hammer Throw
In the crowd:
Babs, Raven, Bernard
Lois is doing coverage because those are her boys
Joker is a streaker lmfao
Feel free to add more! We had so much fun with this 🤣
Also please take this wonderful concept art of Joker Streaking through the field while Harley does her vaulting routine
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toulousewayne · 8 months
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 4
The Wayne family attends Gala all the time. Some have for years, but that doesn’t mean that all enjoy them. Bruce and Damian attend them purely for appearances, Dick is there to kept his siblings from burning down the building, Jason always sneaks in as different undercover identities, Tim has to go because he has to also keep up appearances but most of the time you will find him indirectly call the investors idiots. Duke and Steph are at the snack table, Cass sticks next to Babs at the table and they watch the chaos together. Alfred joins them sometimes.
It comes as to no shock that Tim has severe Narcolepsy, but Dick and Bruce have insomnia.
Damian watched Tim while he sleeps. No one knows when he started but he always tells the other it’s because Tim is prone to falling. Which is lie but no one ever stops him.
Stephanie is very skilled mechanic, sometimes when there’s down time she’s found repairing or working on of the bat bikes or the Batmobile.
Dick Grayson is color blind. It’s only when he comments on Stephanie’s brown sweater that Jason points out to him. Barbara and Bruce knew the whole time and just thought he was doing it to be funny, it comes as a shock to Dick though.
Duke and Cass go to the flee market every Sunday. The buy fresh produce and eggs for Alfred. Cass even thrifts a few clothing pieces.
Speaking of Clothes, no one has all their clothes anymore. Jason’s hoodies are always stole from the manor, his safehouses in the city and out of the country it doesn’t matter. They’ll usually end up in Cass, Tim or Steph’s closet. Dick’s T-shirts are public domain at this point because all his siblings have at least one of them. Barbara can never find her fuzzy socks until she visit the manor next and find them on Damian and Stephanie’s feet. Tim’s jewelry is always around Cass’ neck. Damian is the only safe because no one can fit his stuff but he does get Duke and Tim’s clothes they’ve outgrown.
Cass will sometimes spend time with Alfred in the cave repairing the suits. She’s very good at sewing.
Selina is lactose intolerant, Bruce finds this hilarious.
Duke took dance classes sense he was eight. He can dance the waltz, break dance, ballet, jig, salsa, and a few others.
Bruce allowed Tim create the design of the newest bat tech.
Alfred enjoys his tea with sugar and crème, Damian of course likes sugar and lemon. They have weekly tea parties in the sunroom with Alfred the cat and Titus.
Dick has the most mixed playlist of songs. So, whether he’s on a steal out with Bruce, driving Damian to soccer practice, or even just cleaning his apartment by himself he’s got something for everyone.
Barbara loves Amy Winehouse, she plays her record several times a day in the Clocktower.
While on the subject of music, Tim can sing and it was very embarrassing when his family found out. Tim was in his room singing with his headphones on but his door was open and he didn’t realize how loud he was. Dick and Steph came across him singing. Stephanie record it and sent it to the group. Tim was embraced by his family for his beautiful voice and they wanted to hear more, but poor Tim wanted the world to swallow him whole. Jason can play guitar and Dick can’t sing well but he can also play guitar in addition to the bass.
Damian is able to find his family with little tech involved. The OG Titans came back to the tower after helping Donna with a mission and Robin was perched in their living room. He gave Wally a heart attack. Tim was having a game night with Conner,Bart, and Cassie and the scream Bart unleashed when they found Damian in the kitchen starring at the pizza boxes on the counter and questioned Tim on lack of a proper diet.
Clark has nearly broken the sound barrier twice over not being able to hear Bruce’s heartbeat. Luckily both times Bruce had to slow his heart rate to be near death to escape sticky situations and both were ended due to a worried Krypton.
“I wanted Red Claw to think I was dead, I had to slow my heart rate to throw her off.”
Speaking of the Man of Steel, when Dick was freshly Robin and before Clark married Lois, the Boy Wonder tried to set up his father and Clark on several blind dates. Once he canceled a date of Bruce’s and rescheduled a business dinner for Clark and the two ended up on a romantic balcony date in Metropolis. They were both shocked and a blushing mess. It got worse when the waiter address the “Happy Couple” has was instructed from the reservation that Dick set.
Robin got an ear full the next morning from Bruce but to Dick it was worth it and even Alfred may have pulled a string or two.
Another time Bruce couldn’t watch Dick and Alfred was visiting London for the next week and Bruce had to Wayne Enterprises Event. He asked Clark if he could watch Dick for the night and of course he offered.
Not even five minutes after he left did Dick turn to Clark,”So, your dating my Father?”
Clark was as red as his cape and he tried to explain to Dick they are just friends. “Whatever you say Clark, but just curious would you take his last name or will he take yours? Because honestly I don’t see why you can’t use both—“
Clark cover his face as the young bird continued to show his support for his favorite ship.
“Are you also gonna adopt me too now?”
“Okay, time to see what time your Father’s coming back.” He sighed.
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acowardinmordor · 10 months
a concept from me and @mephestopheles wanting bizarre versions of trans experiences.
The Harrington's move them to Hawkins when Stevie is like, 9 or 10. They're rarely ever home, so, it only takes a tiny bit of work and one helpful nanny for Stephen Harrington to tweak the records, and get to live as Stephanie, Stevie, Harrington. She only has to act like a boy a few days a year, and keeps her hair longish, but not so long she can't play if off when they come home.
Everyone in school thinks she's a bit of a tomboy, but she takes choir to get better control of her voice. Stays in sports because she loves sports, still rules the school bc she can have parties whenever, still has her slut era, but is known for being... generous with lovers, which keeps anyone from noticing.
This means she meets Robin in soccer, and it doesn't stop Stevie being a mean girl and super popular, and kinda bitchy, but its good for her anyway.
How does this intersect with canon? unknown.
How does this eventually become a plot? shrug emoji.
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waywardducks · 1 year
I had this idea and I had to write it down so I'm writing here! What sport would the bat kids play in a non hero universe? I’ve seen other people do electives in general (which included some sports) but never seen someone do strictly sport. So I'm here to do just that!!
Dick is in gymnastics, obviously, it’s a given. He does it because of his parents. It makes him feel sentimental to be able to replicate the same moves his parents invented. He knows he makes them proud with every flip or twist. It certainly makes Bruce proud.
I feel like Jason would be a swimmer? Why? Idk, he just gives swim team/theater kid vibes. He has the body type for it as well, with very broad shoulders. He probably started it bc Dick was doing a sport and he wanted to as well.
Tim is difficult. I want to say figure skating, (it’s my favorite sport tbh) he has the perfect body for it and I could see his parents having him do it from a young age. He definitely hates it at first, but slowly learns to love it as he gets older. The only other option I would have for him is cross country or track. But I’m not sure his parents would have him do that, (not sophisticated enough) so figure skating it is! He definitely skateboards more that figure skates though. He could go pro skateboarding if he wanted.
Stephanie is a tenis player. She loves cute mini skirts and all her stuff is purple. She probably joined for the outfits to begin with and stayed because she liked the game.
Cass is a ballerina, this is another given. She could totally go pro, but doesn't want to. She just does it because it's something that's always brought her joy.
Damian is probably in both soccer and fencing. He seems like an, “I’m doing everything at once” kinda kid. He’s probably in some form of marshal arts as well. I feel like Jon plays soccer, which is why Damian got into it.
Duke seems like a baseball fan if I’m being honest. He probably collects cards. Bruce probably took him to get signed merch at games. He definitely wants to play pro one day so he works hard. He’s not as athletic as his siblings (he didn’t start playing until he met was adopted) but he will be!
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, pregnancy
After we had a nice day at the pool, N.’s Mom later came home to see me. I was so nervous!! As if this was our first meeting.🤦‍♀️But no, this was not our first meeting just a reunion.
Anyway. Nico and I went down to the living room to wait for her. As soon as we heard the front door, I panicked! I was afraid his Mom will talk to me about the past. Philip & Nico, you know? However, N's Mom was nice to me, as she saw me there in her livingroom with Nico. She seemed surprised, but she guessed that Nico and I met again. She hugged me and told me I looked very pretty. I immediately felt welcome & a bit better. I was about to have some small talk with her, but N.’s Mom didn’t hesitate long. She changed the topic to my pregnancy...
N.'s Mom: Congratulations! I’m happy for you two.... When are you due?
Me: Do I look so fat, or-?... But well, 18 January is the exact due date. So, don't worry, we still have another five months ahead of us. 😳😬
N.'s Mom: You look stunning! Honestly. You're glowing like... the brightest star. It’s nice to see how happy you are. Do your parents know?
Me: Yes. N and I told my Mom, and she told my.... Dad.🤨
N.'s Mom: Wow, that’s good news! Your Dad knows and my son’s still alive. 😬🤷‍♀️That's.... good.
Me: Yea, really ... good. He-he😬 ....
Nico: All right, Ma! Now that you know... we're off!
N.'s Mom: No, no. Hold on! Wait a minute! I still have some questions for you two!... Let's sit down and talk, guys.
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Nico: Come on, we don’t have time for this shit! I mean, what else is there to discuss? She’s pregnant, the baby’s coming in January, you and her parents know, we’re back together, I love her and that won’t change. That's all you have to know.
N.'s Mom: Uhm... no! Where are you two going to live? What about soccer? Should I take care of Aleksa again, while you’re abroad?... And what about Stephanie? She moved back into your apartment, N.!! 🤷‍♀️You’re planning on doing another weird thing? Aleksa and Stephanie together? With you? 🤨
Me: What?😨NEVER!!! Without ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😤😠
Nico: Whoa! Chill out, both of you! Stephanie is not an issue for me!! It's over, for a long time already! She'll move out! But A. & I are looking for a new place for us. Just us!! I’m here for 6 months now and in this time, I’ll take care of everything.
N.'s Mom: OK, I understand. But... what about your condition, A.? Are you stable? You know what I mean.
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Me: What do YOU, think N.? Am I stable?... Why don’t you explain it to your Mom?
Nico: W-why would I do that?...  It’s none of her business, in my opinion. You..... really want that?
Me: Idk? I mean, I don't wanna talk about that. But I don’t mind if you tell her. 😞
N's Mom: Tell me, N... Please! 🙁
We all sat down to talk in peace about my addiction. I thought Nico was about to tell his Mom what we discussed with my Doc at the hospital. It was hard for me to talk about this issue. In general, I avoided this topic.... I was looking forward to my Baby and I was overjoyed to be a mother. But the fear for my baby, it could go through hell after birth, because of my damn pills, was... always lurking in the back of my brain somewhere. Nico and I never really talked about it, to be honest. But what if our Baby actually gets withdrawal symptoms and needs to be treated with morphine?? Idk? That’s why I asked Nico to enlighten his Mom, because I didn’t know how he felt about it. I didn’t know what to say and if he even wants me to talk about it.... Once we sat down, Nico got up again. He decided not to talk to his mother about it. I was confused! So I got up too. He grabbed my hand and told me we didn’t have to explain anything to his Mom.
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Nico (to his Mom): Listen! She’s fine, she’s not hooked or so. That’s all you need to know.
Me: But-... Are we just leaving? 😳
Nico (to me): You don’t want this, I know that! I’m doing this for you! I promised...
Me: Yea, but your Mom isn't Melanie. You can explain everything to her. I don’t mind, I just can't talk about it myself.
Nico: But there’s nothing to explain, babe. You're fine! Our Baby's fine too! And I know it’s all gonna be okay. Trust me!
Me: Sure, I trust you. That’s why I’m here, with YOU! 🙂
N.'s Mom: What are you two talking about? Aleksa please sit down! You can talk to me.
Me: I know! But everything’s fine. Besides, that’s N.’s decision. He doesn’t want to talk about it rn. I respect that.
N.'s Mom: I'll call your Mom, A.
Me: Yea, just go on. Call her. I really don’t mind.
Nico and I went up to his room. I felt bad about his Mom, but I did what I thought was right. I was here with him, just visiting. So I followed N.... If that was right or wrong, I don’t know? Anyway, his Mom wasn’t mad at me, and she’ll get the answers to her questions anyway. But tbh, I was glad Nico got me out of that unpleasant situation/conversation.
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gejo333 · 11 months
An Unexpected Match VI
DILF/DBF Miguel O’Hara x Female Reader
Pt. 1 Pt. 7
Summary: You’ve been living with the O’Hara’s for a month and it’s been the perfect life. But your nerves of your secret relationship begin to worsen when it was Miguel’s turn to host the barbecue which would be the last one before it became too cold, meaning everyone would be there, causing drama to stir…
Hey guys, sorry for another late update. I’ve just had so much writing assignments that it’s caused some writers block. Sadly no smut in this chapter, I had writers block with that and I really wanted to get a chapter to you guys, cause I feel so bad for not updating as much, cause I know what it feels like to be on the reader’s side.
Haven’t looked this over yet so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Wc: 4.1k
A long sigh escapes from you as you exit the lecture hall of your last class of the day, as you couldn't  wait to enjoy a nice three day weekend. You almost lost your balance as Stephanie side tackled you with a hug. 
"Hey! What you doing for the rest of the day?"
"Miguel's going to pick me up for work in a few minutes and we're driving to Gabi's soccer match. Then nothing else." You walk across the street and stop at the pickup spot.
"Cute. You know I totally support and love that you moved in with Miguel almost a month ago. But we haven't gone out clubbing since. I miss dancing with my bestie." Stephanie pouts which makes you roll your eyes and chuckle. You look ahead and see a familiar black Aston Martin drive up which puts a giddy smile on your face.
"Damn girl. You've got it bad." Stephanie chuckled as she lightly elbowed you in the shoulder. The car pulled up right in front of the both of you.
"See you tomorrow Steph." You open the car door.
"For barbecue or clubbing?"
"Both." You say before saying goodbye and getting into the car.
"Hola, mi amor. How was your day?" Miguel smiled as he leaned over and gently took your chin, placing a sweet kiss to your lips.
"Hi Miggy. It was good. Glad the weeks over. How was work?" You happily return the kiss not before hearing a light tap on your car window as you see Stephanie smirking at you and mouthing the word, "love birds," before waving goodbye.
You chuckled from your best friends lack of maturity as Miguel drives off, headings towards the soccer fields.
"It wasn't bad. A bit stressful. Guess I shouldn't complain about it too much since you want to work there. The thought of that sounds like a dream come true." Miguel smirked as he squeezed your thigh that his hand was resting on.
"Get your dirty mind out of the gutter O'Hara." You lightly pinch his face from his comment, knowing exactly the thoughts circling his mind at the moment.
"No promises, hermosa." Miguel chuckled as his hand slipped higher up your thigh. Wearing a skirt today you knew his hand was only going to go further up your leg. Knowing it wasn't the right time you intertwined your hand in his.
After driving in a comfortable silence, saying something every once in a while about each others day, the car pulled into the soccer field parking lot. Miguel found a spot and turned off the car as he checked the time.
"Perfect. Got here a few minutes before it starts."
Before you got out of the car you noticed certain parents from the neighborhood sitting at the bleachers.
"Amor?" Miguel looked at you in concern from your sudden hesitation. His gaze followed the direction of your gaze finding the answer to your hesitation from exiting the car.
"I know the truth has to come out sooner than later. I just don't want to deal with the backlash. I don't care if my parents or the neighborhood might not approve. But I love you and Gabi. It's been so peaceful lately. I just don't want to disrupt it. I don't want this perfect bubble to pop." You look at Miguel as you still hold his hand. He smiles at you lovingly as he gently caresses you face before lifting your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles.
"I understand. I don't want it to end either. But we both know no matter the reaction we'll both feel better to be public about our relationship. Plus it's better to do it sooner than later. Your parents will be less upset. Hopefully." Miguel sighed as he got out of the car you following right after as you both walk over to the bleachers.
You both find a seat right as the whistle from the ref went off, initiating the the first half of the game. After a few minutes into the game Gabi noticed the two of you in the crowd as she happily waved before paying attention to the game.
As the game continued the entire time both you and Miguel were the biggest fans as you both loudly cheered for Gabi when she had the ball.
"Run Gabi run!! You got this!"
"Vamos Gabriella! ¡Eres mejor que todos los demás jugadores! ¡Esto es fácil para ti!" (Let's go Gabriella! you are better than all the other players! This is easy for you!)
Both you and Miguel cheered louder as Gabi neared the goal and scored the final point in the game before ref blew the final whistle.
"Great job Gabi!" You cheered as you watch Gabi and her teammates jump and run around in excitement. After the team settled down you and Miguel along with other parents left the bleachers to join the kids. The coach had brought cupcakes for the team. When Gabi noticed you and Miguel walking over she ran over, face covered in chocolate frosting from the cupcake she devoured.
"Y/n! Papa! Did you see my goal?!"
"We did princesa. It was amazing. Now come here my little messy soccer player." Miguel kneeled down as he grabbed a small pack of tissues and used one to wipe her face.
"Thank you, Papa!" Gabi gave him a toothy grin, with one tooth missing. You smiled at the sight. She really was the cutest thing on earth.
"Are you ready to go home Gabi?" You extend your hand to her, which she happily took as she skipped while the three of you walked back to the car.
"Yeah! Can I get a Happy Meal?" Gabi looked up at you with her puppy eyes which made your heart melt.
"Only if Papa says it's ok." You smiled down at her to which she turns towards Miguel. Miguel scratches the back of his neck as he smiles back at his daughter.
"Since you scored such an awesome goal and you've been good with eating your vegetables this week, we can get you one."
After arriving home, preparing for the barbecue tomorrow, and eating dinner it was time for everyone to go to bed.
You sat, in your pj shorts and tank top, on your shared bed in the master bedroom with your textbooks and notes sprawled out on the bed.
"It looks like my work desk in here." Miguel chuckled as he walked in and closed the door. He walked over to the walk in closest to grab a pair of sweats. He then walked back over to the bed as he picked you up and sat you on his lap after he sat on the bed.
"Sorry, I'll clean it up soon. I have a biochem midterm in two weeks and I'm a little nervous about it." You grab some of your notes as you rest your back against Miguel's chest.
"I don't mind, hermosa. I was in the same exact boat when I was in college." Miguel brushed your hair to one side as he gently placed his lips against your neck, leaving small kisses up and down your neck.
"Even though it's been two years since our time in Miami. You still look like you're in your twenties." You chuckle as you switch out your notes for another pile on the bed.
"Keep talking like that and you won't be studying for that chem exam." Miguel chuckled as he continued to place his lips against your neck and shoulder as one of his hands went under your shirt and began to caress your breasts making a small moan escape your lips.
"Miggy nooo....I have to study. Maybe tomorrow night." You lean into his touch as he continues to caress you.
"I thought you were going dancing tomorrow night, hmm?" Miguel's tone showed a hint of annoyance. Not for you going out but the thought of other men seeing you all dressed up and trying to win their luck with you made his blood boil. Hearing the hint of jealousy, you turn your body to face him, now straddling his lap. Most definitely not the smartest idea when it comes to your perverted boyfriend.
"Stephanie really misses going out dancing. And I haven't been spending enough time with her lately. So I definitely owe her this one." You brush some of his curls back before leaving a sweet kiss on his lips. "But I'll give this night to you."
"Well I'll make sure it's worth your while." Miguel smirked as he grabbed you by the waist, lifting you up from his lap and pushing you down on the bed as he hovered over you.
The sweet kiss pressed to your forehead happily woke you from your slumber as your eyes met the reddish-brown hues that makes your heart swoon.
"Buenos días, cariño. I made you coffee." Miguel smiled lovingly as he places a cup of coffee on your bedside table.
"Thank you Miggy. What time is it? You're already up and dressed." You sat up as you happily took the coffee as the scent of caffeine was beginning to wake you up.
"It's only 8:30. You slept through your normal alarm but I thought you needed the rest since I kept you up really late last night. I'll be downstairs beginning to prep the food. See you downstairs." Miguel left you with a sweet kiss before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
After taking another sip you decided to get out of bed. You winced from feeling sore. Damn, Miguel really was rough last night. Not that your complaining but it probably wasn't the best day to hide a slight limp. And ugh, you were suppose to go out tonight with Stephanie. You got dressed and ready before heading downstairs to the kitchen where you saw sweet Gabi eating her colorful cereal while Miguel began preparing food for the barbecue
"Good Morning my Baby Bug." You gently comb your fingers through Gabi's hair as she gives you a big hug which you happily return. Moving to the other side of the kitchen with Miguel you give him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek before you begin helping with food preparations.
"Thank you for the help Amor." Miguel returned the kiss to your cheek as he continued to chop up vegetables.
The sound of the doorbell rang followed by a  deep voice yelling out for Miguel. If you didn't physically see Miguel standing right next to you, you almost would have thought it was him at the door.
"Dios mío ¿por qué está aquí a esta hora?"
(My god, why is he here at this hour?) Miguel groaned in frustration as he stopped his task, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Tío Gabi! Papa! Tío Gabi is here!" Gabi jumped in her seat excited before getting down and running to the front door.
"Gabi, no running." Miguel said but his words fell deaf to his daughter's ears as she went to open the door.
"Your brother?" you can't help but smile from your boyfriend's frustration which also annoyed him. He playfully sent you a glare before giving you a sweet kiss to the lips, as a loving warning to not go along with the antics.
You heard Gabi talking away in excitement about her past week to her uncle as they made it in to the kitchen. Following after a happy five year old was a tall man (not as tall as Miguel.) with the iconic O'Hara hair, eyes, and smile.
"So this is the famous Y/n, I've heard so much about. Mig is always talking about you. It's nice to put name to face." Gabriel gave you a hug before trying to give one to his brother which, Miguel only gave him a half-assed one in return.
"It's nice to meet you too Gabriel." You lightly glared at Miguel to give a proper hug to which he rolled his eyes and then gave his younger brother a hug.
"You can call me Gabe, you're family! Wish my brother would pop the question though and make it official." Gabe said happily as he took an apple from the bowl on the island. His comment made you blush, you understand now where Gabi gets her bright personality from.
"It's not even 9am yet. Why are you here so early?" Miguel said as he went back to prepping food, which you continued to help with. In between the two of you came Gabe as he quickly stole an empanada before Miguel could react. However, when he tried to steal another one Miguel snatched his wrist and sent him a glare to which he held his hand up in surrender.
"Can I have one?" You dramatically fluttered your eyes at Miguel to which he happily offered you one. "Thank you, honey." You kissed his cheek before taking a bite out of it.
"Hey, why the warmth for her and not me too?" Gabe whined. His smile returned when you snuck him another empanada. As he happily ate it. "Never mind. Mig she's a keeper."
Miguel looked back at the tray and to Gabe eating what seemed like a second empanada before lightly glaring out you. "Cariño, I thought you were on my side." He pouted to which you caressed his cheek.
"I'm always on your side Miguel. But he gave me the puppy eyes. I couldn't resist not giving him another one."
Gabi walked up and tugged on Miguel's pants to get his attention. "Papa can I have one?"
"Of course princesa. Here." Miguel gave her one and within seconds she handed it to her uncle.
"I can't trust anyone in this household anymore." Miguel huffed as he put tin foil over the food and put it on a shelf only he could reach.
"Aw, we all still love you. Right Gabi?" You wrap your arms around Miguel's waist. Gabi ran back and hugged both your and Miguel's legs before Miguel picked her up in one arm as you both give him a hug, placing a huge smile on his face. His happy family.
"The reason why I came early was to meet Y/n before you two have to pretend you aren't together at the barbecue." Gabe said as he finished is third empanada.
"What does Tío mean papa?" Asked Gabi, confused by his words.
"Do you remember when Papa and I told you to keep a secret about our relationship until we told you it was time?"
"Yeah. I don't like it."
"I know you don't like it princesa. We don't either. But we have to keep the secret at the barbecue too." Said Miguel as he continued to hold her in his arms.
"But why can't we tell people?"
"Well, some people might not be happy about your papa and I being together. And it's been such a happy and peaceful bubble that it's scary to pop that." Your heart started to crack from seeing Gabi's lips pout. You brushed some of her brown curls behind her ear. "Oh sweetie, it breaks my heart to see you sad. But I promise it won't be a secret for long."
Your words made her smile appear again as she lifted her tiny hand and tossed her pinky. "Pinky promise?"
You smiled as you hooked your pinky around hers. "Pinky promise."
After getting the rest of the food prepared and the backyard all set up, with the help of Gabe and a little bit from Gabi it was time from people to arrive for the barbecue. While setting up you and Miguel made sure nothing of yours in the main space was hidden away, you've done it a few times every time your father came over to hangout with Miguel.
As people from the neighborhood began to flood in, the background was filled with local gossip and music. It was hard not to gravitate to Miguel, but luckily you had many neighbors who were eager to catch up with you, most likely trying to hear the gossip about your argument with your parents.
"Hey! This barbecue is great! So many people are here. Best one this season." Stephanie hugged you when she spotted you.
"Hey! Probably because majority of the people here are the single mothers or wives who are flirts trying to get Miguel's attention." You rolled your eyes as your crossed your arms.
"Ooo someone's jealous. But no need to worry, cause that man is heads over heels in love with you." Whispered Stephanie which made your smile widen as you took a quick glance to see where Miguel was, talking to a random dad from Gabi's class. As if noticing your gaze he looked back at you, eyes and smile soften.
"Aww your so in love too. I've never seen you like this. It's so cute." Stephanie gave you another hug in excitement. You then heard a familiar female voice. As you turned in that direction you noticed your parents, walking straight in your direction.
"Hi sweetie." Said your mom. She stood by your father, but you knew she wanted to give you a hug.
"Honey, we've missed you so much these past few months. We feel so guilty for how we needed things. We... I mean I should have been supportive instead of taking Tyler's side and trying to keep you together. I just thought your were so happy together, but I realized I was wrong." Your mother said as she tried not to tear up.
"Its been a few months so I'm over it now. But I'm glad that you realized your mistake. And I'm admit I missed you both too." You hugged both your parents which made them both happy.
"We know you are living with Stephanie these passed few months. We can talk about you moving back later." Said your mom.
"Actually, Stephanie and I decided that we are going to be roommates. She has extra room so." You said, though you were living currently in the house your were in right now you weren't technically lying. You had lived with Stephanie.
"Oh, ok. Well, your mother and I hope to see you for dinner tomorrow?" Said your father. Though you wanted to, you and Miguel made plans with Gabi to go to the beach and spend the night up there since it was a three day weekend.
"I already have plans for the rest of the weekend but how about this coming Thursday for dinner?"
You suggested, which put a smile to your parents' faces.
"That works for us. Now where are those famous empanadas." Your dad said as he made his way to where Miguel was at the barbecue.
As you caught up with your mom and Stephanie, Gabi ran up to you.
"Hi Gabi, is everything alright?"
"Yeah! My friends and I  are playing tag, but my ponytail fell out. Can you braid my hair?" Asked Gabi as she helped up her green pony tail with a plastic flower on it.
"Of course I can. Do you want one or two braids?" You smile happily as you take the hair tie.
"Can I have two please?" Gabi held Theo fingers up as she answered you.
"Perfect. Without running can you go grab another ponytail for me?"
"Yep!" Gabi smiled up at you before speed walking inside the house followed by two of her friends.
"Your going to be a great mom, when the time comes. You're so good with Gabi. She loves you." Said your mom as she watched Gabi go inside the house.
"Yeah. When the time comes." You smile softly as you also watch her go inside. Little did your mom know that you unofficially adopted Gabi. You couldn't bare to have her or Miguel not in your life. It would break your heart.
Two minutes later Gabi came back outside and walked back to you, handing you the same style hair tie but in pink.
"Thank you." You began to braid her hair while talking with Gabi, Stephanie and your mom. After a few minutes you finished the braids. "All done." You smile as Gabi gently lift her braids, looking at them before smiling up at you.
"Thank you! It's perfect!" Gabi gave you a big hug which you happily returned.
"Of course." Your attention was turned towards someone calling out your name, loudly. Your eyes widen when you saw that voice came from Tyler, who was angrily walking towards you. "Gabi please go to your father." Out of instinct you gently move her behind you, to protect her from the angry man walking your way. As if she understood your words she quietly nodded before making her way to her dad.
"What are you doing here Tyler?"
"You're a fucking liar, bitch!" Tyler pointed a finger in your face as he yelled at you, spit flying everywhere his face red.
"Watch your language Tyler. There's children here." You argue back. "And can we please do this not in the middle of a neighborhood backyard?"
"Fuck no! You are a fucking whore and a cheating cunt!" Your eyes widen from his crude words.
"What's going on over here?" Miguel said as he walked over to your side.
"You! You're the asshole whose this slut is fucking!" Accused Tyler which made your eyes widen and a few people in the crowd gasp.
"For the last time Tyler, I'm his daughter's babysitter. He's a full time single father. He needs the help. Coming here and calling me names and false accusations is really low. You cheated on my Tyler. We're done. Let it go."
"You fucking liar." Tyler was about to hit you when Miguel stepped in front of you as he grabbed Tyler and went to throw him out of the house.
"The audacity of that man."
"He must have been drunk."
"How dare he make such accusations."
Whispers from the crowd echoed through the backyard until Miguel walked back in the backyard. "Sorry about that everyone. Go back to enjoying the food and drinks." After his words everyone listened, as the music came back on quieting the gossipy neighbors.
Your eyes widen you noticed Miguel's lip was split. Both your gazed made contact as you direct him to meet you inside in a few minutes. You leave to go inside, upstairs to the master bathroom as you get the first aid kit.
A few minutes later, Miguel walked in as he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you against him as he leans down to kiss your neck. A hiss came from him, obviously from his split lip. You turn around, still in his arms.
"I've been dying to hold you all day, amor. It's so hard not to be near you."
"I know. It's been hard for me too. But I need to fix that up. I can’t believe that asshole hit you. If I ever see him again, I will-“ You were interrupted by another sweet kiss to your lips. You pulled away as you lightly hit his chest. “Miguel…”
“I know I know. But I just can’t keep my self off of you.” He was about to kiss you again but instead you put your hand in-front of his lips before gesturing for him to sit on the bed. As he sat on the bed he grabbed you by surprise and had you straddle his lap.
“What? It will help you fix me up.” Miguel smirked as he kept you in a strong hold as you took some ointment and gently spread it on his lower lip before it dissolved. You kissed the top of his nose. “There all done. But I don’t think you should use those lips for a day, maybe two.”
“Amor, that’s torture. I’ll wait till everyone leaves. But not before I do this.”
Miguel was about to kiss you again but you easily blocked him with your finger, earning a frown from him. You then got off his lap.
“I’ll see you downstairs.” You wink at him before making your way down.
After sometime the barbecue began to die down and practically everyone was gone except for your older brother and Stephanie who helped clean up.
“You know what y/n. I’m going to have to reschedule our clubbing night, I’m exhausted from this evening. But I’ll snatch you away next Saturday.” Said Stephanie as she hugged you goodbye before walking out. Your older brother came up to you and gave you a hug which he rarely does.
“I think you two are great together. I’ll be there for you when you tell mom and dad.” He whispered with a smile before leaving and closing the door. Miguel walked up to you as he warped his arms around you in a loving embrace.
“What’s on your mind?”
“I think I’m getting closer to telling my parents about us.”
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raidpirate52 · 3 months
Backyard Sports OC
Name: Jett Hawke
Nickname: The Flyer
Gender: Boy
Birthday: November 18th
Hair Color: Dark Brown
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Body: Tall (between Ricky and Jorge)
Wears sports goggles.
Best friends: Felix Grant, Ace Patterson, Reese Worthington, Sidney Webber (crush), Marky DuBois.
Friends: Ashley Webber, Luanne Lui, Angela Delvecchio, Betty Houston, Buddy Cheque
Friendly Rivals: Pablo Sanchez, Kiesha Phillips, Ernie Steele, Dante Robinson, Stephanie Morgan
Bitter Rivals (but okay with off the field): Achmed Khan, Tony Delvecchio, Ronny Dobbs, Joey MacAdoo.
Enemies: Jay Green, Dmitri Petrovich, Jimmy Knuckles
Bio: A standard jock, Jett loves sports and loves to boast. Whether it's guarding the plate, guarding the endzone, the basket or the goal, you can expect Jett to come up with big defensive plays and then mock you in your face. Very competitive, he's often at ends with the Backyard Sports neighborhood at large with the more casual sports kids and likewise more competitive ones.
Around Sidney, however, his stats either go up or down. In front of her as a teammate he'll want to impress her and will play better. On the other team, however, he'll be at her whim (i.e.: He'll tell her what pitch is coming next, leading her to have a big hit, or hand the ball off to her for an easy basket in basketball), much to his teammates annoyance.
Before Reese rose to power as a sports captain, Jett was mostly an above-average generic, but one season would put the two together and the two would bond over their mutual liking of comics, film and video games. After that season, he, Felix, and Ace would become friends and nominate Reese to become a captain to regularly recruit the three of them.
(I might make a post about the shenanigans these four get into some other time, but as for Jett): His main role in the group is often protecting Reese after the latter runs his mouth off to the wrong person and has to run behind him.
General Notes:
Gets a stat increase when wearing green; a stat decrease if wearing pink.
Gets a stat increase when teamed with Sidney Webber; decrease if opposing her. Sidney is unaffected.
Nicknamed "The Flyer", beyond his name, is after "The Land Before Time" character, Petrie. His birthday was chosen to coincide the film's anniversary.
Sports Accomplishments:
-1x Backyard Soccer Town Champion*
-2x Cereal Bowl Champion**
-4x Clanky Cup Champion
*- I head canon that the neighborhood has its own league then sends its best players for the international tournament after season's end, which he isn't selected, but Reese regularly is.
**- Wone one without Reese and his other friends (there was a season where all four were strategically broken up).
Below is his sports stats.
Baseball Stats:
Main position: Catcher
Batting: 7/10
Running: 8/10
Pitching : 3/10
Fielding: 5/10
Football Stats:
Main Position: Linebacker
Throwing: 2/4
Catching: 3/4
Blocking: 3/4
Kicking: 2/4
Soccer Stats:
Main position: Defender
Kicking: 2/4
Control: 2/4
Defending: 4/4
Running: 4/4
Basketball Stats:
Inside Shooting: 6/10
Outside Shooting: 5/10
Ball-Handling: 5/10
Defense: 8/10
Quickness: 8/10
Hockey Stats:
Main Position: Defender
Shooting: 8/10
Passing: 5/10
Skating: 9/10
Defending: 10/10
Goaltending: 6/10
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stvrl0st · 16 days
(takes place in act 1, year 1993)
name: Stephanie "Stevie" Lilies.
age: 13.
birthday, dec 16th, wednesday, 1980.
family: Julia Lilies, (mother) Quinn Lilies, (father)
friends: Nicky Roth, Aaron Peterson, & Mya Peterson.
(fc: ariana carvelhais I think😭 also pretend there's no nose ring)
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I lived in the city until I was 10, then I moved to this town called 'Raven Brooks' Missouri in 1991. A week after we settled in, I met this girl named Mya Peterson, or just Mya, at school, we became best friends, & she introduced me to her brother, Aaron Peterson (aka Aaron) we all became really close & hung out almost every day, I met their parents, Mr & Mrs. Peterson, they were like a second family. In november of 1992, a new boy named Nicky Roth moved to our neighborhood. My parents & i went to his house to welcome him & his parents to the neighborhood, we started hanging out more & then I introduced him to Mya & Aaron, & we all quickly became inseparable. Until April 17th, 1993. April 17th was the day Mya & Aarons parents got into a car crash, Mr. Peterson survived, Mrs. Peterson didn't, that, me & Nicky never really saw Mya & Aaron, except at school, but they never talked to us that much. One month after the crash, we always saw Aaron at school & stuff but never Mya, I just assumed she was still really sad & didn't wanna see anyone. One night, me & Nicky were outside playing soccer because we we're having a sleepover & we saw Mr. Peterson digging something from across the road, we were curious, so we hid behind his car. I saw Mya's doll, she always carried it around with her, so it was definitely weird that she didn't have it & Mr. Peterson had it while he was digging something out in his yard. Me & Nicky got freaked out & ran back to my house. That night, we ended up looking out my window & we heard someone scream from The Peterson House, we got really worried & ran out of my bedroom window to see what was happening. We saw Mr. Peterson locking the basement door & whoever was behind that door kept yelling & screaming. We ran back to my bedroom & just tried to convince ourselves it wasn't Aaron. The next day, I ended up going over to the house & asked Mr. Peterson, where Mya & Aaron went, he shut the door in my face & yelled at me, saying I shouldn't ask questions. My parents ended up telling me Mya died from an "accident" & that Aaron didn't wanna talk or see anyone again. They said Mr. Peterson told them this & I instantly told Nicky & we decided to do our own investigation.
also this takes place in act 1 & I make this scirpt like two days ago & I'm still working on it so this is all I got rn😞🫶
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wendigoruble · 3 months
Lazytown, Soccor Sucker:
My thots and feels on one of my favorite episodes. Mostly pertaining to Robbie and Sportacus ofc. [Long post]
The episode opens with Pixel and Ziggy playing a soccer video game when Stephanie invites them to actually play outside. This leads the kids into kicking their soccer ball so hard that it flies into the hatch to Robbies lair.
Meanwhile, Robbie is just trying to eat cake, drink soda, and watch the shopping channel... Then his cake gets splooted.
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I'd be upset as well. This leads Robbie to realize what the kids are doing when he gets a convenient ad for the Soccer Bot.
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I can't get over his stance as he leans on the railing. He looks like a crab 😭
So Robbie orders a robot, and his mission is to stop the kids from playing soccer. This is really important. Enter Sportacus. He sees the kids are playing, and he needs to warm up before joining them, obviously.
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This is really important for soccer. After a banger of the musical number, Sportacus finally joins the kids. They're playing together, and it's really sweet and cute, then Robbie gets punished for lurking on them the entire time
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His poor fingies! After a little rant, he decides to confront Sportacus and once again has the ball kicked at him. Further punishment for lurking.
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Okay for one look at the way Sportacus was running the heck are his arms doing.
But also I just really like their interaction in this section of the episode. Robbie pops out from behind the wall with a "Hello Sportacus!" As catching the ball. Sportacus returns the greeting with a very chipper "Hi Robbie!"
For some reason, that just sits so softly in my heart. It's so precious. Not to mention, when Robbie challenges them to a game, Sportacus is quick to invite Robbie to join their team. He wants to include Robbie, and that's just 😭💜🩵💜🩵💜🩵 Plus. Stephanie and Ziggie are also willing to have Robbie on their team, so thats just extra!!! AHH
Anyways, Robbie challenges Sportacus to a one on one game. All the while, Sportacus is smiling and looking back for approval to let Robbie play. And it's so precious!!!!
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Look how happy he is to play with Robbie!! (Hah) Now I know Robbie told Sportacus he wouldn't be playing him, but you can't tell me Sport didn't know Robbie was in the soccer robot. Just a couple scenes later through a speaker in the robot Robbie calls him "Sportaloser". He has to know its Robbie then.
Also.... Notice something really important.
ROBBIE DIDN'T CHALLENGE WITH THE USUAL "SPORTACUS MUST LEAVE IF I WIN!" Robbie just wanted to win! (All be it to get the kids to stop playing, but still!)
Sportacus is slightly intimidated by the robot, but he doesn't back down, of course. He happily takes on the challenge, and when they get down to actually playing, Sportacus is having fun.
Robbie is tripping him, pushing him, and overall playing extremely rough (inside a giant metal suit, no less). But literally the entire time, Sportacus is smiling. He even gets up after being pushed down, and he shakes his head with a most gleeful smile. During this entire thing, Robbie yells, "I love sports!!" And Sportacus loses 7 to 1.
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Their game closes with Stephanie concerned that Sportacus lost and Sportacus just happily stating "I did it best!" And I honestly think he's just happy he finally got to play a game with Robbie
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genuinerio · 1 year
STILL INTO YOU ↠ 「 The Summer I Turned Pretty 」
Profile of Stephanie Fisher.
NOTE: I decide to change my OC’s name to Cassandra, apologies for such confusion as I previously was not sure that I was only feeling Stephanie for this particular OC’s name anymore so I decided to write the OC as having two names. I’ll use Alexandra for a different OC’s name. Also, beware that if she has a love interest, it will most likely be Steven and I’m thinking of writing Stephanie and Steven’s relationship as a slow-burn romance.
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NICKNAMES: CASSIE. (everyone), CASS, KID, KIDDO. (conrad), CASEY, HIPPIE. (jeremiah), PRINCESS, MY LITTLE GIRL. (adam), MISS THING. (laurel), CARA. (belly and steven), CANDY, MY MINI ME, MY HEART. (susannah), GREENPEACE. (cousins beach residents).
HEIGHT: 5’7.
FAMILY: ADAM FISHER. (father, estranged), SUSANNAH FISHER. (mother, deceased), CONRAD FISHER. (older brother), JEREMIAH FISHER. (younger brother), JULIA. (aunt), SKYE. (cousin), UNNAMED. (grandmother), UNNAMED. (great-grandmother).
FRIENDS: SHAYLA WANG. (best friend), NICOLE. (close friend), BELLY CONKLIN. (close friend), TAYLOR. (good friend), STEVEN CONKLIN. (close friend), LAUREL CONKLIN. (friend, like a mother).
LOVE INTERESTS: STEVEN CONKLIN. (close friend, potential eventual love interest), UNNAMED. (ex-boyfriend), UNNAMED. (hookups), UNNAMED. (ex-girlfriend).
1. The name Cassandra is of Greek origin and means, “Shining Upon Men.” The name comes from Greek words kassos meaning “to excel,” and andros meaning “men.”
2. Like Jeremiah, she is a free spirit and tends to enjoy being the life of the party but is also responsible when needed in serious situations like Conrad. Her mother’s cancer returning has taught her and made her realize that she wants to live her life on her own terms and to explore all the new possibilities that come into her life as life is too short to be unhappy with her life.
3. Both her family and friends say that Cassandra reminds them a lot of Susannah especially considering their strong resemblance in looks and personalities as mother and daughter along with their passionate interest in art.
4. Despite the teasing relationship between both of her brothers, she remains very close with them both. Sometimes, it is believed that she’s closer to Conrad as Cassandra takes the time to understand his perspective more than Jeremiah does. In which she is closer to him as for the reasons explained above.
5. Both Conrad and Jeremiah are very protective of Cassandra as they don’t tend to trust the boys around Cousins Beach especially Conrad which tends to annoy her oftentimes more so from Conrad with believing that her brothers treat her as if they’re her babysitters and she has to answer to them.
6. Like her brothers, she has a very close and strong relationship with her mother as she cannot imagine a life without her. Her and her mother have many similarities especially particularly an interest in art to which Susannah had taught her in.
7. The middle Fisher child is often considered the peacemaker when it comes to family fights especially when it comes between her brothers as she believes that there can all be a solution to the issue and that fighting won’t solve anything.
8. She tends to follow her own truths rather than follow the truths of others, this is something that tends to get her into trouble at times but also gave her the image of a rebellious woman.
9. Despite her tough girl facade, her mother’s cancer diagnosis has caused her a fear of commitment as she believes that not everything is meant to last forever.
10. Although, she is supportive of Belly’s relationships with both of her brothers, she hates the fighting that comes along with it especially when she feels pressured in having to choose sides on which brother she supports.
11. Her mother Susannah’s diagnosis in cancer has brought her an interest in learning both medicine and in pursuing a career in nursing.
12. As a child, she had shared a once close relationship with her father, Adam which however ended up strained when Cassandra had learned of her father cheating on her mother especially during her cancer treatment and unfairness to Conrad.
13. Like her older brother, Cassandra was very passionate and into sports as she enjoyed playing soccer and was among the star players of her school’s soccer team in high school.
14. Family friends tend to joke that Cassandra is a mixture of both her brothers combined as they tease that she is a female counterpart of both of them.
15. Like Conrad, she enjoys smoking weed and is a strong believer that weed isn’t as bad as people think it is as she finds it to be a great way to ease her stress and to be a major comfort in all of her family drama.
16. In order to get back at Conrad with him embarrassing her often in being the overprotective older brother with scaring off guys who crush on her, she annoys him back with teasing him about his relationship with Belly.
17. Despite teasing Conrad about Belly, Cassandra feels bad for Jeremiah as she knows that Belly has a crush on Conrad and doesn’t want him to get his heartbroken nor expect too much when he doesn’t have much of a chance.
18. Besides smoking weed, painting, surfing and partying, she also enjoys time in playing the bass guitar which she had taught herself at a young age.
19. Rock music is among her top favorite genres of music as Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Joy Division, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are among her favorite bands.
20. She frequently gets told that she’s very alike to Conrad especially, particularly in resemblance and multiple personality traits; also, if he was to ever have a female counterpart, she’d be it which annoys her quite often.
21. Like her brother, she also enjoys surfing which is something that Conrad had taught her in. The two often enjoy spending time together with surfing along with smoking weed.
22. Conrad understandably has expressed an undeniable soft spot for his sister oftentimes to which Cassandra sometimes uses to her advantage which was another thing he taught her and has helped herself immensely.
23. Cassandra is considered to be the girl to run to when in need of gossip around Cousins Beach as she’s very close to numerous people who confide their gossip and secrets to her. However, she remains to keep them a secret.
24. As mentioned, Cassandra oftentimes gets told that she is her mother’s lookalike and mini me as they share similar interests and personality traits. However, since her mother’s death, she’s become heartbroken by the comment simply as it brings her a lot of grief and heartache.
25. Conrad has mentioned when discussing about his sister that among other reasons, he admires her for her kind heart. As he views her as someone who is always willing to help someone and never judge them. Because of their closeness in age, they are also close as siblings and they often talk, she has never criticized him for how he sees things even if she has opposite views.
26. Cassandra is the ultimate rock and folk music fan as Conrad notes considering she collects vinyl records and can oftentimes be found playing her bass guitar when in times of need and distress as she explained that it brings her back to herself.
27. Residents of Cousins Beach teasingly call her greenpeace because she has a passionate interest in caring for the environment. This along with her personality traits of being free spirited and preaching to spread love and not hate earns her the description of being called a hippie in which sometimes Jeremiah entertains the description which she despises.
28. When she was younger and once Conrad discovered his own love for surfing, he had taught Cassandra how to surf which is another thing the two often bond over. The Fisher siblings’s love of surfing is something very passionate with the two often admitting that they spend some of their summer days at the beach surfing.
29. Cassandra has a mixture of both hippie and grunge style in fashion and music. She favors both tastes as she believes that they both represent herself along with her personality.
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