#…so why does anti not have any shoes??
a-hypnos-v · 2 years
Wasn’t able to attend the stream, but still kind of know what’s going on but like…
Why are they shoeless?-
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jewreallythinkthat · 1 month
One of the reasons I think there has been such a breakdown between the "progressive" left and the Jewish community is actually something that I've watched before fostered in left wing spaces for well over a decade and that is looking for offence.
When someone says something antisemitic, that does not mean they are an antisemite. I remember when the BLM marches took place, people rightly pointed out that there is a lot of unconscious bias against PoC and that being called out for eating something you didn't realise was problematic does not mean you are actually racist, just that you need to think a bit more when talking about a subject which in many cases, doesn't affect you as such. The same principle should apply to antisemitism.
If I say someone has said something antisemitic, their first reaction (on the left wing - because the right will proudly nod that yes, it was antisemitic) is often "you're calling me an antisemite and trying to silence me, Zionist". This is not true. What I am saying is that you are saying something that is discriminatory, invoked blood libel, accused Jews of ruling the world etc etc. I fully believe most people do not realise they are doing this. The point of dog whistles is that you are not supposed to recognise them, that's how they propagate. Anti-jewish racism is one of the oldest forms of hatred and it stretches back multiple millennia so it makes sense that it's literally inside the common vernacular. That doesn't mean everyone using it is an antisemite.
Instead of immidiately jumping to the defensive, I wish people would take a moment to ask, in good faith, "why would a Jewish person find this antisemitic?" Take the opportunity to learn, to better themself. Do not assume every Jew is trying to silence you - assuming the worst every time of Jewish people is a type of antisemitism so please try and put yourself in their shoes and maybe even ask them to explain so you can do better in the future.
Just a general overview, here's a couple of ones to look out for (a non exhaustive list).
1. Replace the word "Zionist" in what has Ben said with "Jew". If it sounds like something leeched out of Nazi Germanh or the Soviet Union, it's probably going to be antisemitism.
2. Saying you don't think any country should exist but focusing exclusively on the destruction of Israel. The only thing that makes Israel unique is that it's a Jewish majority country. So why is that the only county you actively want to get rid of?
2.1 Holding Israel to a higher standard than any other country is antisemitic as laid out above in point 2.
3. Assuming the worst of Jews and Israel every time is antisemitism. It's no different to assuming Black people are always out to get you or all Muslims are terrorists. If it's racist to do this to one minority group, it is racist to do it to any.
4. Tokenizing extremists in a community (Ben Gvir and the West Bank settlers on the right wing in Israel, the Neturi Karta by the progressive left when discussing I/P) is racist. If you only listen to Jews who prove your point, you are actively excluding the majority of a community so you can beat them down, this is racist.
I don't like calling people antisemitic because most people are not actually that, what they are is uneducated on antisemetism because the majority of that education is not being done by Jews - let alone Jews who represent the majority of the community.
But if you refuse to talk to Jews in good faith when they try to explain why what you have said is antisemitic, you are running the risk of moving from "ignorant user of antisemetic language" to "antisemite" (also a note, ignorant not meaning stupid but rather that you do not know something).
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Izzy IS about community. He’s ALWAYS BEEN about community in his own messed up way. The Canyon was right and the haters were wrong.
He wanted Blackbeard back because that was what kept the crew safe. He was terrible about it and hurt the man he obviously loves in the process, but it WAS for the greater good. It wasn’t a purely selfish act the antis love to frame it as. He wanted to feel safe again and he wanted the crew to be safe as well.
Hell, he was doing his best to help Edward through his post-breakup depression. He didn’t understand what was going on and was clearly distressed by it but he provided what Ed needed. He *knew* he lacked the emotional capacity to help his captain himself so he agreed to bring him Lucius. I really think he would have just gritted his teeth and suffered through it if Ed didn’t say the one thing that could collapse his whole world.
"Why do we even bother being pirates?" That was what freaked Izzy out so much that he pushed Edward to violence. Not because he selfishly wanted Ed to be close at all times but because Blackbeard the legend was the pillar of his community. That legend kept everyone safe and even if Izzy is a horrible asshole, he *does* care about his crew. He knows the world is a horrible hostile place and he focuses on risk mitigation, even if it means hurting the one person he really cares about.
He really tried to provide that to the crew when Edward and Stede took the Act of Grace. It was a terribly misguided attempt at keeping things under control and it was certainly influenced by his submissive tendencies which make him crave structure and feel safe within hierarchies. He *knows* he lacks Ed's charisma and ability to think outside the box and with such huge shoes to fill it's not really surprising he acted out in anger and in result failed miserably. But he was *NEVER* an asshole just for the sake of it.
Now he realizes those days are gone for good. He's already done everything he could to bring Ed back to his senses, including using *Stede fuckin' Bonnet’s* name. It didn’t work. The realization that his one true safeguard is really gone must be terrible, but it also pushes him to take action.
The moment he realizes the crew are in real danger, he takes things into his own hands. He not only goes against the hierarchy he believed to be sacred but also against the man he *LOVES*. He fucking shoots his beloved captain to save the crew. You don’t get much more *community* than that.
He is clearly struggling. He's just tried to fucking kill himself after being maimed AND told he was disposable by a man whom he's apparently served for dacades. He will have to reevaluate his whole life and he *knows* it. But he puts it all to the side and he does what needs to be done. He took all of Edward’s abuse without complaint it seems but the moment the crew are in real danger, he intervenes. You can’t tell me a community (*any* community) doesn’t need people like that.
It all feels very old-time queer to me. The willingness to make terrible sacrifices to protect one's space. The decision (conscious or not) to be effective rather than liked. The choice to stay alive despite terrible heartbreak and go on fighting.
He's absolutely NOT an irredimable villain. He’s an asshole who tries to keep his little world safe. He’s Larry Kramer getting kicked out of GMHC for being too confrontational and politically incorrect to be palatable to the general public.
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zedecksiew · 7 months
How To Play The Revolution
So: I do not like the idea of TTRPGs making formal mechanics designed to incentivise ethical play.
But, to be honest, I do not like the idea of any single game pushing any particular formal mechanics about ethical play at all.
So here I am, trying to think through the reasons why, and proposing a solution. (Sort of. A procedure, really.)
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Some genres of game resist ethical play. A grand strategy game dehumanises people into census data. The fun of a shooter is violence. This is truest in videogames, but applies to tabletop games also.
Games can question their own ethics, to an extent. Terra Nil is an anti-city-builder. But it is a management game at heart, so may elide critiques of "efficiency = virtue".
Not all games should try to design for ethical play. I believe games that incentivise "bad" behaviour have a lot to teach us about those behaviours, if you approach them with eyes open.
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The systems that currently govern our real lives are terrible: oligarchy, profit motive; patriarchy, nation-states, ethno-centrisms. They fuel our problems: class and sectarian strife, destruction of climate and people, spiritual desertification.
They are so total that the aspiration to ethical behaviour is subsumed by their logics. See: social enterprise; corpos and occupying forces flying rainbow flags; etc.
Nowadays, when I hear "ethical", I don't hear "we remember to be decent". I hear "we must work to be better". Good ethics is radical transformation.
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If a videogame shooter crosses a line for you, your only real response is to stop playing. This is true for other mechanically-bounded games, like CCGs or boardgames.
In TTRPGs, players have the innate capability to act as their own referees. (even in GM-ed games adjudications are / should be by consensus.) If you don't like certain aspects of a game, you could avoid it---but also you could change it.
Only in TTRPGs can you ditch basic rules of the game and keep playing.
D&D's rules are an engine for accumulation: more levels, more power, more stuff, more numbers going up.
If you build a subsystem in D&D for egalitarian action, but have to quantify it in ways legible to the game's other mechanical parts---what does that mean? Is your radical aspiration feeding into / providing cover for the game's underlying logics of accumulation?
At the very least it feels unsatisfactory---"non-representative of what critique / revolution entails as a rupture," to quote Marcia, in conversations we've been having around this subject, over on Discord.
How do we imagine and represent rupture, to the extent that the word "revolution" evokes?
My proposal: we rupture the game.
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How To Play The Revolution
Over the course of play, your player-characters have decided to begin a revolution:
An armed struggle against an invader; overturning a feudal hierarchy; a community-wide decision to abandon the silver standard.
Toss out your rule book and sheets.
And then:
Keep playing.
You already know who your characters are: how they prefer to act; what they are capable of; how well they might do at certain tasks; what their context is. You and your group are quite capable of improv-ing what happens next.
Of course, this might be unsatisfactory; you are here to play a TTRPG, after all. Structures are fun. Therefore:
Decide what the rules of your game will be, going forward.
Which rules you want to keep. Which you want to discard. Jury-rig different bits from different games. Shoe-horn a tarot deck into a map-making game---play that. Be as comprehensive or as freeform as you like. Patchwork and house-rule the mechanics of your new reality.
The god designer will not lead you to the revolution. You broke the tyranny of their design. You will lead yourself. You, as a group, together. The revolution is DIY.
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This is mostly a thought experiment into a personal obsession. I am genuinely tempted to write a ruleset just so I can stick the above bit into it as a codified procedure.
I am tickled to imagine how the way this works may mirror the ways revolutions have played out in history.
A group might already have alternative ruleset in mind, that they want to replace the old ruleset with wholesale. A vanguard for their preferred system.
Things could happen piecemeal, progressively. Abandon fiat currency and a game's equipment price list. Adopt pacifism and replace the combat system with an alternative resolution mechanic. As contradictions pile up, do you continue, or revert?
Discover that the shift is too uncomfortable, too unpredictable, and default back to more familiar rules. The old order reacting, reasserting itself.
I keep returning to this damn idea, of players crossing thresholds between rulesets through the course of play. The Revolution is a rupture of ethical reality like Faerie or the Zone is a rupture in geography.
But writing all this down is primarily spurred by this post from Sofinho talking about his game PARIAH and the idea that "switching games/systems mid-session" is an opportunity to explore different lives and ethics:
Granted this is not an original conceit (I'm not claiming to have done anything not already explored by Plato or Zhuangzi) but I think it's a fun possibility to present to your players: dropping into a parallel nightmare realm where their characters can lead different lives and chase different goals.
Jay Dragon tells me she is already exploring this idea in a new game, Seven Part Pact:
"the game mechanics are downright oppressive but also present the capacity to sunder them utterly, so the only way to behave ethically is to reject the rules of the game and build something new."
VINDICATION! If other designers are also thinking along these lines this means the idea isn't dumb and I'm not alone!
( Images:
https://pangroksulap.com/about/ )
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slexenskee · 8 months
Anti-Hero 1: A random scene from Gojo's childhood in MDNSY that never fit into the story proper.
Fuyumi stares up at him in stricken horror, tiny face drained of color as her gray eyes well with tears. A shattered vase lies on the ground around her bare feet. 
He’d heard the sound of glass breaking against the floor, and left his study to investigate the noise. Anger is easiest to call, fueled by his daily frustrations on his own inadequacies as a hero who cannot surpass All Might, by the quiet self-loathing he harbors for himself for dragging innocent souls into this mess. Anger at Rei, because she’s supposed to be watching the children while he’s working. At Fuyumi, for breaking a vase in the middle of the day and potentially injuring herself in an attempt to clean the house even though she knows damn well they have staff for that. 
He yells at her, even though he immediately regrets it. She’s just trying to be helpful. She didn’t mean to break the vase. Even though she’s doing things that are unnecessary, potentially dangerous ,and utterly purposeless, she didn’t do it to cause trouble. She’s frightened of him— she always is when he raises his voice. She starts sobbing uncontrollably, stammering about cleaning it up. Her noisy crying draws the attention of the entire house. 
She takes a step forward to start trying to pick up the pieces of glass with her bare hands. He shouts at her to stop moving; there are shards of glass everywhere around her and she’s not wearing shoes. He lunges towards her with his hand raised, to pick her up before she cuts up her feet. Natsuo comes barreling out onto the engawa from the living room, sees the broken vase and his sister crying, and him looming over her with his hand raised towards her and screams bloody murder. 
“Get the fuck away from her!” He shouts, hurtling towards them with the intent to— Endeavor doesn’t even know. Push him away? He barely comes up to Endeavor’s chest. And he’s cursing, too. He’s not even in double digits yet. Touya’s influence, no doubt. He clicks his tongue. What is Rei doing with them? Is she not disciplining them at all? 
“Stay where you are!” He booms back at him, loud enough to rattle the shoji screens. There’s glass all over the floor where he and Fuyumi are standing, and Natsuo is also not wearing shoes. 
“Leave her alone!” Natsuo screams back. 
The shoji screen to his right slides open. Touya sticks his head out, hair in disarray as he rubs one eye. He looks like he’d just woken up from a nap somewhere. Shouto toddles behind him, dropping his pacifier on the ground as he does so and then plops on the ground next to it to put it back in his mouth. Endeavor is disgusted. And overwhelmed. He’s never had to deal with all of his kids at once like this, all the noise and the chaos and the clashing personalities. Where the hell is Rei? Why isn’t she watching any of them? 
“Calm down, would ya, old man? It’s just a vase.” Touya yawns, looking as unimpressed with him as always. “You okay, Yumi-chan?”
Fuyumi sniffles, nodding hesitantly. 
“Don’t move, there’s glass all around you,” his eldest says, calmly, and then proceeds to ignore his own sound advice and walk directly into the hall. “I’ll go get a broom.” 
Everything about it infuriates Endeavor. The way he just ignores him, disrespects him so blatantly, doesn’t even look his way when he addresses him. They way his siblings automatically respond to him and listen to him, look to him for answers and direction— even when their father is right in front of them. 
“Stop right now boy!” He shouts at his eldest. Touya ignores him, picking his way through the glass with a graceful ease. 
The white-haired child laughs meanly at him. “Don’t tell me what to do, old man.”
That’s what makes him see red. The audacity of this child, to speak to his father that way. If Endeavor had ever tried such a thing with his own father, he’d have gotten a beating for his cheek. No matter how he shouts or disciplines him, this impudent child never respects him at all. Never gives in, never apologizes or admits wrongdoing. It infuriates Endeavor to no end, that this failure of a child that cannot ever hope to surpass him can stare at him with such baleful eyes and find him wanting. 
He charges towards him. To grab him by the scruff of his neck and lift him up before he stupidly cuts himself on the glass, and maybe none-too-gently toss him into the grass off the side of the engawa. Instead Touya’s eyes flash, and he’s ducking out of his reach with astounding speed. He crouches low and angles all his weight onto his shoulder, shoves it into Endeavor’s stomach, and vaults him right over his shoulder, through the shoji screen wall and into the koi pond outside. As he resurfaces he hears Fuyumi’s shriek, Natsuo’s delighted shout, and Touya’s uproarious laughter as he calls him some rather unflattering names. Touya stops laughing after a beat, and when Endeavor blinks pond water out of his eyes, he’s lit up yet another cigarette in the house and is staring curiously at Shouto behind him. 
“Who’s this lil’ guy?” He says, sounding surprised to see him.
“That’s… Shouto.” Fuyumi trails off. 
“Oh.” There’s some vague recognition in that tone. Touya hauls Fuyumi up and carries her back into the house proper. He drops her next to Shouto. “Well whatever. Let’s go get ice cream. Shouto too.” 
As he walks away, Endeavor can’t help but notice his feet are clean and undamaged even after all of that movement, no blood or glass to be seen. 
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fatkish · 3 months
Weird ask but could you maybe write smthing like.. Aizawa fosters this kid who has a locked knew from previous abuse? Uses a cane to keep pressure off of it and stuff. Idk I just wanna see how he’d go about accommodating that or how he’s treat me I really hope this makes ANY sort of sense -🐶
(I hope you don’t mind 🐶anon, but I decided to make this a little less specific and made it based on readers with limited or hindered mobility.)
Aizawa x Child Reader: Mobility
It doesn’t matter how, what or why your ability to get around is hindered. Be it a issue from birth like cerebral palsy, an accident leading to the loss of limbs or some other reason, he treats it all the same
He makes sure that he pushes in his chairs so that you don’t trip on them
He makes sure that the floors are clear of anything like shoes or anything else you could trip on
If you have difficulty going up stairs then he’ll either make sure everything you need access to is on the first floor, or he’ll arrange for one of those motorized elevator chair things that take people up the stairs
If you’re wheelchair bound, then he’ll even pay to have his home remodeled or buy a new home with better accessibility accommodations
The bathroom of course has handrails to help you get up and around. The tub and shower have anti-slip mats so that you always have traction and don’t slip and fall
If you have to wear a brace of some kind or have a prosthetic, he’ll gladly help you put them on
If your condition affects your ability to reach things then he’ll make sure that everything you need is within reachable distance
He makes sure that you’re able to get into his care without any issues
If you walk with a cane then he makes sure to not move it from where you left it without warning you or left you know
If people give you a hard time for your condition (Karens) then Aizawa will gladly step in and defend you, making sure that you’re okay
He doesn’t treat you any differently than he would treat normal people, he doesn’t treat you like you’re some delicate piece of glass, although he does hold more concern for you, he trusts that you’ll ask for help when you need it
If you’re joints get sore and you need to ice them or take a bath or something, then Aizawa will happily get you the ice packs or get you some therapeutic bath salts
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Welcome New Followers Post xiv
gonna make this bullet points of Things to Know because deadlines, but hi! welcome!
-this is not a jewish identity or a jumblr blog. i am a jewish person and a holocaust historian, so my content often overlaps with those realms of tumblr
-this is first and foremost a public history blog. public history and public historians do history for the public. we're passionate about transmitting complex historical topics from the academe to the people, and we're in constant (one-sided lmao) conversation with entities such as: film writers and producers, textbook writers, government bodies, journalists, etc regarding the construction of public memory, and the responsibilities that entails
-you don't have to ask if something is ok to reblog. I appreciate the thought, but unless I turn off reblogs or specifically ask people not to engage in certain ways, you're fine, that said:
-I do see and read all tags, replies, and rbs. I consider them public, and I often respond to them as new posts. If you want to engage with me and don't want others to see, then send me an ask which includes the words "please respond privately"
-You can should disagree with me and tell me when you think I'm wrong! Now, I won't lie, years of existing as a young-appearing hyper feminine (i like skirts and bows and sparkly shoes it is what it is) female, Jewish historian have made me defensive and bitey af, and I often misread neutral tones as "coming for me" tones and respond in kind. I apologize for when/if that happens to you, and I assure that, once I realize you're not coming at me in bad faith, I will feel horribly guilty.
-There is a learning curve here. I don't have any desire to gatekeep my blog (it's the opposite tbh), but I do use high level terms which can have multiple meanings in different contexts. I actively try to avoid using impenetrable academic jargon in this space, but sometimes that jargon is the only appropriate phrasing available. In those cases, I urge you to do some research and poke around and then, if you still don't understand what I mean, DM me.
-I am a white, American woman. I am actively anti-racist, and anti-bigotry in general, but there will be times when I do or say something clueless or privileged. If you see that and you have the energy, please tell me! I want this blog to be a welcome place for all,* and I appreciate call-outs as an opportunity for (un)learning.
-Building on that, this is an anti-bigotry space which I'd like people of all demographics and identities to feel comfortable engaging with.* That said, I don't play nice when some random corner of tumblr rolls up in here and barfs their shit all over my posts.
-I am a cringe millennial. I started this blog in 2011, when I was 21, had just finished college, before I'd heard back from any graduate schools, and before I had much resembling a career. I am currently 34. It's fine. But a lot of you are in your teens and 20s and are just starting on your careers, so like, please don't negatively compare yourselves to me or get self-deprecating when/if you want to contact me. We all learn and achieve at different paces and that's ok.
-My book, The Girl Bandits of the Warsaw Ghetto, will be released in Fall 2025. Trust me I will be screaming from the rooftops and you will not miss the announcements lmao.
-If I don't reply to an ask or a DM, it's not because I hate you. There are 800 reasons why I may not reply, and none of them are personal.
and finally
-I am not your Good Leftist Anti-Zionist Jew. I am not here as a rhetorical cudgel for left-wing anti-Semites who seek out Jews with politics similar to mine to then use as a weapon against other Jewish folks. Don't fucking do it.
*That does not mean that everything I post here will make you feel comfortable. History isn't supposed to make you feel comfortable. Sometimes, it can and should make you feel actively uncomfortable, because that discomfort/cognitive dissonance means you're learning (keep your cognitive dissonance temper tantrums tf away from me, tho). It does mean that I, as an individual, want you all to feel that this is a space where you are welcome to learn and ask questions.
i tried to use bullet points to keep this short, and i failed miserably. on brand.
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If Nettles was white, she would be as popular as Lyanna, Brienne or Arya, and y’all know it.
She grew up a homeless orphan (which is why it’s so insulting when people try to act like she’s a freaking idiot who doesn’t know how to bathe herself yet she can tame a dragon🤦🏽‍♀️ Put most of the highborn women in her position and they wouldn’t survive a day in her shoes).
She’s the only known non-Valyrian dragonrider who claims a wild dragon. A prince who believes in Valyrian supremacy falls in love with her to the point where he’s willing to sacrifice his life for her. Nettles singlehandedly disproves the whole idea of Targaryen exceptionalism and their blood purity. She slowly earns a dragon’s trust by bringing him sheep, and gradually he lets her closer, and then forms the dragonrider bond and lets her fly. up until this point, nobody had tried a strategy like that before.
Nettles is self-made. She’s self-taught. She’s loved for herself. She survives a freaking war and becomes a fire goddess/witch. Who wouldn’t want her ? Who wouldn’t want to be her ? Unlike Rhaenyra and Alicent, she’s the final girl of F&B.
Once again, I don't understand where you got that I'm anti Nettles? I'm anti Nettles x Daemon, but other than that theory, I very much am a fan of Nettles as a character. I won't say that there isn't racism and unfairness that happen regarding Nettles' character (though I haven't seen it personally), because people can be really shitty. But me personally, again, I'm not anti Nettles, I just dislike certain groups of her stans.
Again, I don't deny that Nettles was a strong woman. She endured many things most characters in F&B don't and most likely survived the Dance. However, I do disagree with some of the ideas you're stating as fact.
For starters, we don't know if Nettles is non-Valyrian; that's one of the many theories surrounding her, but it's not confirmed, so stating it as fact is misleading. Just because she lacks traditional Valyrian features doesn't means she isn't a dragonseed.
Jace and his brothers don't look Valyrian but they very obviously are of Valyrian descent. Rhaenys, the queen who never was, had black hair; Duncan the son of Aegon V looked like his mother, Betha Blackwood; Aegor Rivers also had black hair; Baelor Breakspear had dark hair; Daeron son of Maekar had sandy brown hair; Rhaenys the daughter of Rhaegar had her mother, Elia Martell's features.
Moving on, Daemon's relationship with Nettles is ambiguous. We don't know if they were in a romantic relationship or if his attack on Aemond was purely to save her (though I'm sure that was part of his decision). Again, you are stating a theory you believe as fact, even though it's unconfirmed.
I'm not going to touch the whole thing of Targaryen exceptionalism, because, as I said earlier, Nettles' parentage is unconfirmed. But the whole blood purity thing still hasn't been disproven at any point of GRRM's works; they intermarried to preserve their magic blood, the magic blood still exists in ASOIAF due to the incest.
Nettles is an important character in the story of the Dance, but she isn't the "final girl" you claim she is, let alone of the whole book. There are several dragon riders who survived the Dance and thrived. Rhaena is the ancestor of the Tyrells in the main series. Aegon III is the ancestor of Daenerys, the Baratheons, any remaining Blackfyres, and possibly Jon Snow and Young Griff. Baela and Alyn are the ancestors of Aurane Waters and the Velaryons.
The book of F&B is so much more than the Dance of the Dragons. Saying that Nettles is the "final girl" of the book doesn't make any sense when she only appears in a few sections. That's like saying Alys Rivers is actually the main character of the book. Nettles disappears after the Dance and doesn't appear in any other event. She does nothing else after her disappearance and has relatively little impact on the history of Westeros post Dance.
I have absolutely no idea where you're getting the whole "fire goddess/witch" thing. However, you have already been throwing out theories and your personal biases as fact, so I don't think it matters. I'm not trying to control who your fav is, I totally understand wanting to be a certain book character. But that doesn't mean you can act like everyone else is wrong for not having the same fav as you.
It's that kind of entitlement, thinking you're better than everyone else that makes people not like Nettles stans. It's almost on par with stansas and Alicent stans. People like you project so hard onto your favs, you take any perceived insult, critique, or argument as a personal attack. It's exhausting interacting with people like you.
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zia, could I request an aaron warner x reader where he kills a spider for you 😪
I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM😭😭 i HATE bugs so i scream if i see many esp spiders ☹️☹️ had to do this immediately TYSM FOR THE SEND EIR 🫶🩷
this is a drabble hope thats ok🤞🤞 (is 1.1k a drabble….)
tw: spider stuff, and anti-spider themes🕷️🕷️
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aaron warner doesn’t sleep peacefully. — or at least he didn’t, until he met you. now every night by your side is enough to have him sleeping soundly.
or it usually has him sleeping soundly when you don’t wake him up with your screeches.
“aaron! help!"
aaron is jump started awake at the sound of your distress. he look to your aide, you weren’t in bed. his first instinct was to grab the pistol he kept in the drawer of his night stand, and assess the scene for danger.
“aaron, please come quick!”
as soon as he locates your voice, aaron is charging into his office. he slams the door open and thrust his gun forward, expecting the worse; someone hurting you, an intruder, or you were brutally injured.
but it was none of the above. because low and behold, there you were — standing on top of his desk chair screaming for your life, pointing at something on the surface of his desk.
he’s so bewildered it takes him a good second to process what the hell is going on. in his vision, he didn’t see anything or anyone that could be described as dangerous or potentially life threatening to you.
he lowered his gun, “love, what’s going on?” his voice has both concern and confusion.
you snap your head toward him, relieved to see he finally woke up and arrived in the office. but then your face shifts to a look of distress, remembering the whole reason you screamed bloody murder.
“aaron! you’re finally here!” you cry out relieved.
“is…is this a joke?” he genuinely does not understand the source of your distress.
you scowl, “is your girlfriend being in danger a joke to you?”
“i’m not seeing any danger here, love.”
“are you blind? there's a spider on your desk! kill it quick!”
aaron waltzes over to his desk, next to you, who is standing on the chair freaking out and pointing. he follows your line of vision, and it takes him a moment, but then he sees it. it’s a harmless little spider, about an inch or a little more big.
he can’t help but grin at your dramatics. you woke him up out of bed, just to kill a spider.
“it’s not funny.”
“no, no, you’re right. it’s not funny, sweetheart.” his face opposes his statement. he’s holding back a chuckle, badly covering it by pretending to wipe his face.
aaron can’t help himself; he lets out a deep chuckle. he found it absolutely amusing that you were so distressed over a mere insect. he knew he should take your fear more seriously, but you looked too adorable when you freaked out.
“oh my god!” you squeal, “it’s moving, kill it now! use your shoe or something!”
“i’m not wearing shoes. you pulled me straight out of bed with your commotion, remember?”
“fetch one of your shoes!” you state like it’s the most obvious thing.
aaron frowns, he looks almost offended, "i refuse to use one of my costly shoes to squash a bug."
you groan, “then shoot at it for all i care!” you snap at him, waving your arms sporadically.
aaron rolls his eyes at your dramatics. he was not willing to shoot holes through his vintage wooden desk for the purpose of killing a spider.
“how about i just capture it, then let it go free outside.” aaron compromises.
you gape at him, “so it can lay more spider babies?” you say as if it was blasphemy.
your boyfriend shrugs, “or i could leave it. i mean, it’s not doing any harm, why should i remove it?” aaron says with a teasing voice.
your eyes widen, “no, no!" you quickly wave your hands to stop him.
"okay, fine, just get rid of it, quick!” you relent, deciding it was better than leaving the spider in the office.
he nods, then scans the room for a jar. he finds one that he uses for pens, and swiftly empties its contents on another surface. he grabs a paper then takes long steps to stand next to you.
aaron crouches down a little to get a better look at the spider. he acts like a predator about to pounce on its prey. you can’t even bare to look anymore, you cover your eyes with your eyes. in one move the makes his attack and traps the spider into the glass.
you peak out through your fingers and see aaron has got the little critter. you shiver as you see it move around the glass, realizing its trapped. you can’t stare at it too long before you get grossed out, so you cover your eyes again.
aaron uses the paper he grabbed to slide it under the jar, along with the spider. once he has it, he quickly flips the jar over, and continues covering the top with the paper. the beast itsy bitsy spider was captured.
once you saw he was contained, you let out a sigh of relief, much more calm now that aaron has got it.
aaron turns toward you with the spider jar in hand. “see, this little guy won’t hurt you.” he then brings the jar closer to your face.
you shriek, trying to back away, almost offing off the chair in the process, “get it away!”
aaron laughs, reaching one hand on your wrist to stop you from losing balance, “okay i’ll release this guy outside so he doesn’t bother you anymore. but first get off that chair before you hurt yourself.”
you roll your eyes but do as he says. aaron’s using one strong arm to wrap around your waist and bring you down. always the gentleman when it came to you.
you start shoving his chest, “ok, ok, now seriously get rid of that thing. make sure you go far.” you articulate to him. you did not want that ugly thing coming back.
now aaron is the one rolling his eyes, nodding that he understands and will make sure to do so. then he leaves out the door with the spider jar.
outside, aaron made a good distance from the base, hitting part of the woody area that surrounded it. he finds a rocky area before he kneels down on one knee, setting the jar down.
he turns the jar upside-down and removes the paper. — but he doesn’t lift the jar just yet.
“apologies for this, but can’t let you go crawling around scaring my girlfriend again.” he grins to himself a little, “after all i never said i was opposed to squashing you with a rock.”
then aaron dies just that, he grabs the nearest rock, lifts the jar, and squishes the spider.
aarons stands up and dusts himself off. what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, he thinks.
plus, aaron can’t deny he loves helping you when you’re a damsel in distress, even it the distress in question is a tiny bug.
he then turns to walk back to base, but when aaron turns, he’s see a figure standing there.
of course it was kenji.
kenji’s eyes are wide. “did i just witness a murder?”
aaron facepalms himself.
sorry but spiders are not safe in my fics 😋😋
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
You will do a character/personality analysis of Shinomori, Banjo and En?
I already did some analyses of these guys, but I think I'm gonna put down this masterlist of what I can pull off the top of my head so far
In relation to posts I made, got asked about, or reblogs about the vestiges and analysis/reading comprehension, from what I can remember,
(Edit: this is a list I'm updating as time goes. Does not include the AFO posts I make [I also like that guy])
En being a product of the time he grew up in
En being cut in half by AFO and not OFA
This ask about if I think En has an anxiety disorder
En and Shinomori's vol 41 illustrations
Shinomori being cute and also some character stuff
Shinomori and Hood should've been the same person
Shinomori was a weirdo
Shinomori and Bruce can be related (appearance and similar character/habits)
This ask about Shinomori being Bruce's nephew
Banjo is a Vigilante, not a Pro Hero
Banjo is where AFO realized taking OFA needed more
Banjo word vomit from an ask asking if he wears a clown mask over his problems
Kudo's really kind
Kudo and Lady Nagant
(Extra point to Kudo-Nagant parallels- THEIR QUIRKS. When they used them, they shot bullets FROM THEIR ARMS and could make the bullet go WHERE THEY WANTED. Nagant by skill, Kudo by Ability)
Kudo, OFA, and "San-San-Kudo" symbolism
Kudo and Bakugo look alike
Kudo and Bakugo resemble each other in s7 too
Kudo and Bruce have eyebags
Kudo smiles like a muppet
Kudo makes funny expressions
Kudo is so short he tucks his pants in
The temptation to write about Kudo knowing nothing about babies and getting one thrown on him in the Resistance era + opening paragraphs
AFO hating Kudo while also being scared shitless
Me over a Kudo cameo
How Kudo fell when Yoichi died, and Kudo and Bruce's different reactions
The foreshadowing of why AFO can't hate strongly, with reference to Kudo
Just a mention in tags about what if Kudo was AFO's soulmate in a Soulmate AU
The Resistance were squatters
Me realizing Kudo's anti-AFO group is actually nameless
Bruce is hot but also has great character
This ask about Bruce's smile
The contrast between the only two times we see Bruce smile (as of ch 424)
Baby u r my angel (Bruce) + tags about being in Bruce's shoes
Some pics of Bruce at bad angles (+ he got the Ojiro treatment)
Me in the tags over Bruce fanart
Why Yoichi can be considered the older twin
Me in the tags when Yoichi shows up as a vestige in s7 ep 12
Some Yoichi-Midoriya parallels
AFO seeing Yoichi in Mineta of all people
Me mentioning people should consider Yoichi, AFO, and their mom in a red light district AU setting
3 reasons for why All Might couldn't find information on the first Three (Yoichi, Kudo, Bruce)
Me going buckwild over a Yoichi and Kudo gif and breaking tag containment
Yoichi + Kudo to Midoriya + Bakugo parallels in the [holding out a hand] scenes
Even as a vestige, Yoichi couldn't look AFO in the eye until Kudo was with Yoichi
The first Three's appearances in s7 ep 13
S7 ep 13 and Midoriya punches AFO with the power of rainbows, right after Yoichi and Kudo appear
*COUGH* Kudo Yoichi Bruce dynamic reblog *COUGH*
Me in the tags looking for rare content about the first Three
Me in the tags over the parallels of Orpheus and Eurydice, to Yoichi, AFO, and Kudo
Me asking if OC-centric fics exist, set in the times of vestiges
Chronological events based off AFO's chase of the past vestiges
Why OFA users are good bases for High-Ends
When the vestiges are smiling without any stressors. Just. Smiling. Oh my gosh-
A point in this post about how determination to beat AFO was what remained of the vestiges
Reblog of post that showed Bruce was crying when he fought AFO
Reblog of a post where Midoriya manages to kill 7 dead people (the vestiges)
Me in the tags wishing Ultra Analysis had pages of the other vestiges
Me in the tags about Horikoshi having detailed backstories for the vestiges and not giving them
My pinned post, which involves a masterlist for my BNHA OC fic stuff (all involve the vestiges, and set in their time periods)
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exeggcute · 3 months
the internet and Tumblr in general was already full of shut ins with anxiety and COVID has obviously transformed many of them into hypochondriac agoraphobes who are well trained on moralizing lol. there are people who still think we should never have ended lockdown and that it somehow had no negative social or economic impacts, or at least that the economy is fake enough that those impacts weren't really real
lol yeah. answering this in daylight hours I feel like I should preface it with a note about how I've been masking consistently for four years straight (and have only recently started easing up in certain situations), have lost respect for and/or ended friendships with people who were doing reckless shit during the height of the pandemic, all that. god knows I have an anxious hypochondriac shut-in streak lol. but if the bitch with contamination OCD who's been doing the "disinfect your phone when you get home" thing for years and years before covid and who has literal nightmares about people wearing shoes in my house is like hey guys I think you might be exaggerating some of this just a bit. well. imagine how literally anyone else is gonna feel...
also for reference the thing that got me on this soapbox was an article I saw shared on bluesky about how san francisco is currently experiencing "the highest covid wastewater rates ever measured," which immediately sounded off to me, so I read the damn article, and what it actually seemed to be saying was that there's a summer spike in CA right now same as there's been for the last several summers, and SF currently has a higher rate than any other region in CA at the moment. (the article was legit poorly written to the point where it was hard to tell, but a different wastewater graph someone pulled up seemed to corroborate my reading of this. the current spike is still a fraction of pre-vaccine spikes.)
which, like, is useful information even without the embellishment! I would appreciate knowing that so I could adjust my behavior accordingly. and I'd like to believe that your average person who's receptive to stuff would also take the truth in good stride. so why do we have to fucking lie about it lol.
and to some extent I really do get the impulse to catastrophize because there's no way around it: we super duper fucked up the initial covid response. many individuals were callous and most institutions failed to protect us. but at the same time (1) barn door situation and (2) I don't think exaggerating risks now does anything to compensate for the downplayed risks being peddled to us for the last several years. it's more than fair to celebrate wins when they come (all the new tools in our anti-covid toolbelt, improved case/death rates) without erasing the many many losses up to this point.
still gonna wear a mask on airplanes and shit for the rest of my life though. I'm glad that's an iota more socially acceptable now (and jealous of places where it's already been the norm this whole time) because people are fucking nasty!!!
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broadwaybalogna · 2 months
I, a Zutara shipper, would have way more fun self inserting on Mai
So why don’t I?
A short essay on self inserting, what it means, my experience, and why it shouldn’t be a problem.
So the ‘problem’ of me self inserting recently arose again with discourse surrounding a post of mine. I’ll spare you the details, but someone, in an attempt to make me look like a bad person (I assume) said that I was a “self insert”. At first, I was confused because I don’t understand why something like that would be used as an insult. Then I remembered the horrible stigmatization that self inserting has had on the atla fandom.
So I’d like to bring light to what it truly means to self insert.
For this short essay, I’ll be using the term “self insertion” as defined by Wikipedia:
“Self-insertion is a literary device in which the author writes themselves into the story under the guise of, or from the perspective of, a fictional character. The character, overtly or otherwise, behaves like, has the personality of, and may even be described as physically resembling the author of the work.”
First, I would like to go over why I would personally prefer self inserting on Mai, since it’s technically the clickbait for this post.
I had a very large emo/goth phase a few years back. I loved wearing black, chokers, being depressed, etc. while I don’t necessarily identify with that version of myself anymore, I still hold high praise to any and all people who are emo/grunge/goth/fall under that kind of category. Now, I’m not saying that Mai is emo, she’s actually the exact opposite as she doesn’t display much of any emotion, but she is a badass female character who has space buns, a fiery personality, and really cool weapons. I actually like the idea of her a bit more than Katara, and it would certainly be easy to self insert onto her since her character was never really fleshed out.
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(Look at her… she’s so cool. I can’t decide if I wanna be her or be with her…) this would probably also be a great time to say that I don’t feel here nor there about Mai in fandom spaces. There are many anti Mai people out there, but I honestly don’t care much for her at this point other than what I’ve already established.
I can relate to a good portion of her problems (being the face of her family, holding their reputation, not having many friends etc.) so self inserting on to her would honestly be no problem for me. So why don’t I do it?
Because my characterization as a shipper doesn’t revolve around myself. If it did, I’d totally okay into that sarcastic brooding gf because I think it’s kinda badass.
I ship Zutara not because I personally wanna be with Zuko, but because I want Katara to be with Zuko. Does that mean that I don’t self insert onto Katara? Hell to the no.
Self inserting helps me understand a character to the best of my ability. In order to figure out how a character might act, react, or approach a situation, I have to put myself into their shoes, that’s just how I work. I don’t think this is a mindset that is personal to just me either, there are plenty of other people who self insert onto Katara and Zuko in order to best convey the realism of their stories.
Now, I’ve self inserted onto BOTH Katara and Zuko, (which probably won’t stop the haters any more than before since I am attracted to both men and women) and in each of those times, I am sure to always stay true to the original characters. I am always considering how the characters were brought up, what they have experienced that has shaped their personality and how they have behaved before.
But I can’t just rely on that to help me tell a story. I have to feel the characters. I have to know what they’re feeling and how it affects them.
This may seem weird, but when writing, I’ll often close my eyes and imagine myself in a scenario much like what the people I’m writing about are experiencing.
This is how I became well known for some of my writing.
I’ve written monologues for characters to say that reflect my own experiences to help give myself and others peace of mind.
I’ve written relationships based on flaws I’ve had with people in my life.
And I’ve written hate. Because I feel hate, and I know that Katara and Zuko do too.
Self inserting shouldn’t be viewed as something that’s horrible for authors to do, it should be embraced. There shouldn’t be a world where people can’t share their experiences through people they relate to.
If you can’t see yourself agreeing with me, I’m sorry, but I don’t think we’ll ever see eye to eye. This is something that I am passionate about, and I will not be thrown off my stance because of a small insult.
In conclusion, I could very easily self insert onto Mai, you could even say it would be lemon squeezy, but self insertion isn’t the only thing that drives me to ship characters, and it never will be. I am a complex person with complex emotions that have led me to look at Katara and Zuko and envy their relationship. Yeah, I want it, and there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that.
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hilacopter · 2 months
I think one of the things that annoys me the most about the anti Israel and anti Zionist arguments in general is like…
“Israel is illegal nation” (and the like etc) which, how are we presuming legality here? On which laws?
By who laws? The governments that voted to it? Making it legal? While not how most of the countries got established (getting voted on) the land in the 1948 plan (which the Arabs living on the land rejected) that was supposed to be Jewish there was already a Jewish population living there, with the lands they bought from their money. Never mind the fact that some of the Jews never left the land!
Gd law? Okay, let’s go by the Jewish gd since we talking about the Middle East. We weren’t banished from the land of Israel in the Torah by gd, but by the Romans who took over the land. I don’t recall any mention of it being gd who banished us.
So I don’t understand how Israel is illegal?
Jews, were already there. Some never left, some bought land there with their own money.
And like, why a Palestinian family that moved in 1930 to the land of the than British mandate of Palestine from let’s say Iraq have more rights to the land than the Jewish family who was living there for countries before them?
Bottom line, i just want to hear your thoughts on the matter and stuff.
-a tired and traumatized Israeli Jew that just want everything to end and for the hostages to be back home and is tired of hypocrisy
I think when they say that they mean international law, not that they really know what they're talking about. The recent ICJ ruling had people going "SeE ThIS Is PrOOf IsNOTreAl is aN iLLeGal ApARtHeid StaTe" when the ruling only referred to the West Bank settlements being illegal which, yeah, but they were acting like it referred to the whole of Israel (my guess is some people phrased it that way on purpose and the herd, not wanting to bother with pesky fact-checking, ate it up). Also as you said literally a lot of land in Israel was bought by Jews with money before the state was even established, which is something I barely see even people here in the jumblr space bring up. It's weird to me, I feel like that makes for a better argument against a pro-palestinian who'd rather die than acknowledge Jews being indigenous to the levant.
As for God's law I usually stay out of religious discussion because I am very secular. Though these people often say that Jews aren't indigenous to the levant and we're just going off of the bible (despite there being a ton of actual historical evidence) so I think they couldn't give less of a shit about religious law and religion in general (unless it's Islam because a lot of them really have a case of raging Islamophilia). I don't know barely anything about the Quran so I don't know Israel's validity by it's standards. If anyone with more religious knowledge than me wants to add then go ahead.
Why does that Palestinian family have more rights to the land than Jews who have been living them for centuries before? I wrote this again as a rethorical question because I wanted to try and answer from the average idiot goy's perspective, but as soon as I tried to formulate an argument in their shoes it fell apart. Their definition of indigeneity when it comes to this conflict is very flawed and simply put I think they'd rather base it on who's more oppressed and exotic to them than acknowledge the complicated history of the levant and the various groups of people who have and do live in it, their simple black and white narrative is just sooo much more convenient after all. They'd probably say that the Jewish family has a right to the land under Palestinian rule and resort to the happy dhimmi narrative.
I get that last part anon. The hypocrisy and double standards are getting on my nerves. But we gotta chin up because remember that we will outlive them. The hostages will come home as well, one way or another. !עם ישראל חי
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
As human beings, we’re not used to thinking of things being produced in industrial settings by machines. When you go to the grocery store and pick up a can of gravy, you’re not thinking about the immense machinery at the Franco-American factory, behind armoured anti-truck emplacements, pumping it out all day long. Because we are social animals, we don’t like to think about machines doing our work.
You want to believe that it’s done by individual human beings, labouring at the factory, watching for anything going wrong, committed to that product. Even if that product does cost thirty-five cents a can, isn’t a consistent shade of brown, and makes you feel like you might be about to die if you drink a mere five of them in one sitting.
Truth is, the advancement of humanity has largely been done through automation. And one of those automations, the motor vehicle, is the only good one that has ever existed. Horses are lazy and require feeding even when you’re not driving them somewhere, and walking to the next town over wears out your shoes too quickly. Human beings are simply too delicate and inconsistent to trust to any difficult or mind-numbing labour. We stop paying attention to the gravy machine, for instance, when we’re thinking about last night’s TV movie production. A machine is a better use, which frees us up.
Doubters will often say that these machines take away our jobs. And they do, but they’re shitty, awful jobs supervising the gravy machine. The problem is that there hasn’t been any replacement. Our industrial betters sneer at our jobless masses left soaking in the gutter.
This is why, when I become Prime Minister, I will create a whole shitload of cooler jobs for us to do while the machines are busy making products for us to enjoy. For instance, there currently aren’t a lot of astronauts. I will create a thousand new positions for astronauts. Will all of them make it back to earth? Maybe! At least it won’t be boring to find out. What about pinball repair? There’s hardly any jobs in that right now, but that sounds pretty good too. I’ll open Pinball Canada and we’ll make a government-socialized pinball machine that breaks down all the fucking time, so you have lots of little surprises to keep your mind active.
What you won’t have is thirty-five cent gravy. We’re gonna force the factory owner to turn up the “quality” lever to at least thirty-seven cent gravy. You’ll be able to afford the increase with all the tips you’ll make from your pinball repair gig.
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lorei-writes · 5 months
HC: Beast - Silvio
x Reader Fantasy AU ~1.2k words
With special dedication for @echoes-in-the-forest . It took me a moment, so I hope it was worth the wait. <3
Content Warnings: none
Inherited curse, something he has done nothing to earn, but was much rather born into along his riches and regal fate. A headache passed from father to son, a secret kept from even their mothers… A reality of being a beast in both name and flesh, although the latter occurs only under specific set of circumstances. The crests are more than just pretty decorations.
Silvio’s curse is the revenge of the turbulent seas, of lands unknown and unreachable that he so impertinently dared to trespass upon. A cue for scoffers to laugh at his expense, and with impunity at that, it eternally binds him to the docks… kind of.
A prince he may be, yet it is trade that runs through Silvio’s veins. Wherever there is gold to be made and deals to be acquired, he is there, his heart drumming a war march as his tongue sharpens itself for a battle of wits. Such he is, so truly, it has never occurred to you there may be anything more to it than pure, selfish desire for wealth.
Cursed be anti-capitalism when your lover is the predecessor of a CEO (squared).
The threat of being neglected on behalf of profit has crossed your mind in the past. Nevertheless, it has never been as real, as tangible, as it is now that the heels of your shoes are being sanded down on the road leading to the docks. Your arms coiled around Silvio’s waist, you hope for your glare to truly pierce the back of his head.
“Dammit, let go already!”
“It’s my birthday!” you hiss out and cling to him even tighter. You’d assume your lover to be out of breath, but his powerful legs do not slow down for even a step. No, no, if anything, Silvio picks up his pace… even if his face grows redder still, once a vivid representation of a ripe apple, once a distant cousin of a delicious borscht.
“I’ll take ya out later, so quit sulkin’!” he yells, thus demonstrating the monstrous capacity of his lungs. Silvio drags you along further, any of your complaints falling on deaf ears.
Unthinkable. How dare he assume you are sulking, let alone due to not being taken out for dinner? Well, yes, your stomach is empty, but that is entirely not the point! You are enraged! Furious! Incensed!
How dare THAT scoundrel, sleazebag, sea rat, bastard, bitch…!
How dare HE, after all that you’ve been through, imply that YOU are with HIM for MONEY?! No amount of golden coins could make you love that filthy mouth of his if you hadn’t loved him already!
By all accounts, not even his own mother loved it. And THAT is WHY you are in THIS situation!
To insult you is one thing – a bitch, a whore, oh, you’ve heard worse while at the docks. (Editorial Note: Why you were at the docks, by yourself, and in alleys of dubious reputation – that the esteemed narrator does not know, regardless of how much money may be tossed at them. Your secret is perfectly safe… Although, if you do accept any advice, the esteemed narrator that has narrated many a love story suggests you communicate with your lover, lest a tragedy is to befall you. The art of espionage is honourable, truly, yet it does have its limitations.) But to insult your love?! You will not stand for that. Never! Never!
You dig your heels into the ground even firmer, squeeze Silvio even harder just below his ribs. Oh, you lean back, as ferocious as a sea serpent or the kraken itself. And you pull! And he jangles! And you both jingle, as yes, you have indeed dressed up for a date! Oh, what a struggle it is (and what a display you are)! But the docks are ruthless and they still appear out of the blue, blue ocean.
Silvio somehow manages to run with you still attached to him. (Perhaps that is the power acquired by those who have risked scurvy and emerged without golden dentures.) And you? In your last desperate effort, you cling to his pants, or much rather his belt, and perhaps not as much cling, as… uncling, or unbuckle, it.
However, it is not clothes that fall. (Of course. Bespoke garments do not rely on any accessories to be kept in place.)
A salty mist envelops you. It ruins your hair, the surprisingly wet winds from god-knows-where whipping your face and tearing your make-up off. Silvio curses, oh he curses up a storm – from damn-its, to fuck-s, to motherfuckers, Protestants, Catholics, and Azel the god himself. He yaps and he barks, and he howls and he… He actually barks.
Where your lover stood, now there is a Dalmatian dog. And was it not for the jewellery? You’d question your sanity. But there is absolutely no way in the entire world that anybody would dress their Bruno, Dolce or other Giuseppe in the very jewels worn by the prince of the nation. The rings do not appear exactly comfortable, but he doesn’t seem to be complaining.
You fall to your knees on the spot.
(The esteemed narrator would like to remind you of the advice they have given. Too late? Too late.)
You do not understand it fully, but it appears your lover had his true nature revealed in the most surprising of ways. However, you still love him, even if he may now belong in a kennel rather than the palace.
Your hands raise to your mouth, your lips twisting into a surprised “o”. Your eyes water.
“Oh, Silvio? Silvio. My poor Silvio,” you whisper urgently, his ears lying flat… although his tail does wag rather fervently. “Where should we go now? Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll figure something out… I’ve read in a story that —”
Stories do not seem to be of interest to him, however.
Silvio takes your hand into his snout, passers-by turning their head towards the both of you as he leads you all the way back to the palace. The guards… They, somehow, seem to know what to do, and before long you are not only back in your room, but are sitting at the edge of a silken dog bed of monstrous size.
An ornamental collar has been brought out as well, benitoite gemstones shimmering in their golden casings. Your jaw drops. Apparently, fashion is important regardless of the form one may take.
For the following month, life continues on as per usual… Except certain documents may be signed with a paw print rather than names, but no matter. Wicked businessmen never rest.
Ocean breeze wafts over the salty streets of the Benitoitian capital, infused with the somnolent gasps and silver moonlight. It twists to then turn, to step over the drunkards sleeping in the narrow alleys and dead ends, scale the walls of various mansions and to eventually arrive at the palace. Silvio trots out onto the balcony, his tail wagging as you follow after him.
There, under the full moon, he howls. Clouds wrap around him. At once, your lover has been returned to his former self.
“I told ya to quit sulkin’, ehh…”
… Can you get the dog back? Perhaps next month.
When he was a dog, well. At least his tail was honest.
You’ve learnt not to mess with the man and his docks. The dog, on the other hand? That’s free game.
You'v seen a typo? Let me know!
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather
@tele86 @rinaririr @keithsandwich @cheese-ception @bis-enti
@claviscollections @queengiuliettafirstlady @sh0jun @lucyw260 @starlitmanor-network
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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aclosetfan · 3 days
I once did a "what's in their purse" writing exercise, where i just wrote for ten minutes for each girl, so I wanted to do that again, but their go-to uniforms :)
Bubbles: She would have the most creative fun with her uniforms, pushing the line of impracticability. She's opposed to matching identically with her sisters except when she gets to plan their group uniforms. Her sisters taint her creativity. Typically, her uniforms resemble magic-girl animes, like Sailor Moon. She loves a more feminine look with big waist bows and frilled accents. She wears skirts mostly or dresses, and they're hardly athletic. Her outfits are LOUD and aggressively there. She sparkles and shines with jewelry and homemade earrings, which always get tangled when she fights or is yanked off by bad guys. Her shoes are heels, strappy sandals, or sparkly converses (but Blossom usually forces her to change into closed-toed shoes). She over-dresses and knows it, but when she's covered in muck, grim, and monster guts, she feels she deserves to be a little over the top in her dressings. If she's NOT wearing something over the top, she's wearing something more boho chic. Still obnoxious, but make it more "hippy." She likes bandanas and tie-dye, which I think she can still make aggressively feminine, but sometimes, she needs to step back and go on a nature hike. If you could marry the two concepts, I feel you'd have what I picture as quintessential Bubbles. Someone in tune with nature and crystals, but also someone who shops at Claire's. A cotton candy witch with a bedazzler problem.
Blossom: Her uniforms are sleek with clean lines. She's practical to the max and professional. Compared to Bubbles, her style is minimalist. She prefers wearing skorts or athletic dresses, but never without anything underneath, for decency's sake. On occasion, she'll also wear athletic leggings, which are form-fitting but practical for combat. She wears steel-toed sneakers. Besides a ponytail, she doesn't wear any other accessories; occasionally, she may forget to take off a necklace and wear normal stud earrings. She stays away from jackets during combat but keeps a matching one around in case she gets cold or has a wardrobe malfunction. Her tops/dresses are long-sleeved athleisure wear with the occasional thumb hole. Overall, she's a modest dresser who rarely varies styles. If there was a term for it, it would be tennis player/country club golfer. It fits her active lifestyle, and often, she chooses to just wear a uniform throughout the day so she doesn't have to worry about changing. Make-up-wise, like Buttercup, she wears little to none. Not because she's anti-makeup but because she doesn't like it when she gets sweaty and it streaks. Again, practicality is key for her. If it isn't practical, it's not for Blossom, which is why she unironically sports a fanny pack for convenience. However, she may be found to have backup ponytails or a bowed scrunchie on her wrist.
Buttercup: Like Blossom, Buttercup lives in athleisure wear, except unlike Blossom, she's very casual about it. Blossom's professional, but Buttercup? We're just lucky if she remembers to wear a bra; if she does, it's a sports bra, and she may not have a shirt covering it. She's also the worst at sticking to their color coordination. Her closet is full of greens and yellow accents, but sometimes she'll show up to a fight in some weird t-shirt she got at overnight and away camp the girls went to in middle school because it was the only thing clean and beggars can't be choosers. It's not rebellious like some people think; she's just a little lazy. Her shoes consist of combat boots and tennis shoes. She likes joggers and athletic shorts and is fine with skorts. She'll wear athletic dresses if Blossom picks them out but refuses to wear what Bubbles demands they wear. She doesn't wear much jewelry unless it's a necklace/bracelet/etc, that a family member or friend gave her. She had earrings, but they've been ripped out too many times during fights for her to continue wearing them. Her jewelry is surprisingly dainty. If she gets caught in a fight wearing makeup, she goes heavy on eye makeup but less on lipstick and blush. Very punk. But for the most part, she skips over it because she accidentally rubs it off throughout the day. Hair accessories consist of ponytails if her hair is long enough and bandanas/headbands she steals from Bubbles. She's an incredibly casual jock with punk undertones.
I totally think all three girls would wear knee or elbow braces, especially if they've had prior injuries.
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