#“yeah right.” —♟️
ink-blots-realm · 6 days
The song references you make are immaculate
also have any of u ever played stardew valley i thinm u should its a nice game
or minecraft
// gah:3 thank youu— avid music listener club member/j
“ ‘Stardew Valley’? I have. It subdued my anger for some time.” “However, I truly do hate Shane.”
“Other ones an L tho, He wouldn’t sit down to play MC.”
“It is horribly childish, Shroud. I have far better things to do with my time.”
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volfoss · 10 months
actually one of the funniest (and worst at times) side effects of volfoss spelling out certain terms in katakana vs hiragana is the translation. so they use the word burglars a LOT but its spelled like this "バーグラー" instead of "強盗". which to explain. its used more phonetically than the actual word for burglar in jp, meaning google translate hits me with the "oh this town is terrorized by burgers" OFTEN. because they have a hard time translating the exact way the katakana spells it out.
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kingspuppet · 1 year
I know I don't have to, but I do want to apologize for the lack of...everything really. Replies to threads, asks, DMs, too many OOC posts that are just me screaming about Goro without any substance, etc. I'm so behind that it's extremely overwhelming and I was already bad at keeping up with things before, but this has just made it so much worse. And because I'm so behind I'm overthinking things like mad and struggling with self-worth. So I apologize for dipping in and out like a maniac, and for making ya'll wait a thousand years for replies (especially if they're DMs). I'm trying to figure out how to tackle all that I have to do without making it worse on myself. So I won't promise anything, but I'm gonna do my best to try sorting it all out. Either way thanks for your continued patience. It means a lot. 💙
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Dark/yandere king x the queen's lady in waiting mc, perhaps with Anne boleyn vibes👑🌹♟️♥️
Saw the witch x priest post and I have to say that the morally grey protagonist is a really refreshing and unique take
Yandere! King pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Even though you were never assigned to him Yandere! King couldn’t help but want to be by his side no matter what. You are the in-waiting for the queen, you’ve been with her for all her life and you adored her. She was strong willed and she was extremely intelligent. You’ve been by her side ever since you were young and have a tight bond with her. She was cold but you were happy to serve someone like her. Yandere! King was someone that people couldn’t be offended easily. When in his presence, everyone needed to watch their tongues if they wanted to keep it. He was a ruthless man who only cared about his own needs and goals. Even though he was married it was clear to see that the marriage was clearly political. There was no love between the two of them and they would almost daily cheat on each other. He sometimes even forgot that she existed. It was due to this loveless marriage that he became so interested in you.
Any normal person would be intimidated by this but you honestly didn’t care. If his attention would help you get a pay raise then let him stare at you all you want. In this economy, there was no way you were letting this money bag go. Something that you noticed about this man was that he was overly possessive and seemingly jealous of the things that he considered “his”. If he remotely took interest in something then it was his until he got bored and discards it. No one is dumb enough to stand in his way; he's cunning, backstabbing, and absolutely brutal. Morality means nothing when faced in his way.
Right now, your current situation was… strange. In a dining hall filled with luxurious food. There was a centerpiece in the middle of the table that no one could take their eyes off of.
“You’re majesty, please let me go! I repent, please forgive me for my sins! Please just don’t kill me!” The man screams with streams of tears pouring down his face. It was quite a pathetic sight to behold.
Yandere! King stared coldly at the man nailed down to the dining table. The look on his face could send shivers down anyone’s spine. He was absolutely pissed off right now. Aside from the man in the middle screaming, the room was filled with absolute silence as everyone held their breath. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut it with a knife.
“Your highness please have mercy on my husband! He didn’t mean to! He wasn’t in the right mind! Please forgive him!” The man’s wife begged.
“Listen to him scream like a pig. He touched someone who belonged to me. A sin like that is unforgivable.” Looking your way the king says in a menacing voice. “Tell me where he touched you.” Oh boy, you knew for sure that this was about to get very bloody. Man you really wanted to leave right now. All you could do was hope that he’d increase your salary pay after this for compensation for having to witness this. Like yeah it sucked that someone was going to die right now but there’s no way that you’re quitting. This job paid way too much and you were way too money hungry to quit.
“Tell me where did he touch you? I’ll make sure to gouge out the exact body parts to match.”
“My cheek, my neck, my waist, and my thigh”
Giving you a dismissive look, the king finally allows you to finally leave. On your way out all you could hear were the screams of the man and the sound of ripping flesh. Thank god that was over, it was starting to get annoying. Now you might be wondering where was the queen in all of this? Well, she was with her lover of course! Like I said, the king and queens marriage was only a political one. As long as they didn’t bother each other or get into the other's business, then they did not care about what the other did. It was just truly a loveless marriage.
Making your way towards the queen’s chambers you begin to perform your daily duties. Mindless tasks that bore you to death. The only reason your pay was so good was because of how fond Yandere! King is of you. Any other person in your position would only get a fraction of your wage. You were a bit thankful for this because if he ever deemed you as boring and fired you. You’d still have enough money to live a fairly decent lifestyle. Something that you’ve learned while working for the royal family was that it was always best to stay away from their personal affairs. It gets real ugly once an outsider ever decides to interfere. You honestly wished you knew this before your parents forced you to sign up for this job. Maybe it would have saved you from an annoying king?
Sometimes he’d hand you little trinkets to indulge yourself in. It seemed that he was quite fond of observing you and witnessing your reaction to new devices. With someone like him running the country most people would think that it’d be in ruins. However, he’s definitely smart and knows how to run a country. It’s thanks to him that his kingdom has one of the best economies in the world.
Even though you were primarily assigned to the queen you saw Yandere! King more than her. To you, he was an obnoxious and dangerous figure. One that can easily win wars and conquer any land he so desires. He is a very selfish man that has a habit of being physically and emotionally manipulative. To be honest you can’t say you were any better. Oftentimes you’d use people to your own benefit but he’d definitely take it to the extreme. The amount of people that he used and discarded was insane. Weakness is a word that seems to be out of his dictionary.You could never tell what exactly he was thinking, he was like an enigma. One thing you were certain about was that with the rate of his obsession he’d never leave you alone.
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etherealily · 3 months
𝒮𝐻𝒜𝑅𝒟𝒮 // 🇳​​🇦​​🇹​​🇪​ ​🇯​​🇦​​🇨​​🇴​​🇧​​🇸​.
Nate Jacobs + Fem!reader. Warnings : Dark. SFW, but discretion advised. Slur used.
This one is loooong.
Part 1 : Whiplash
Part 2 : 9 Lives
Part 3 : Blessed
Part 5 : Eighteen
Part 6 : Sin
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You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : Bender? Nah, bend...her (to your will).
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Nate didn't really seem the type to get anxious.
Okay, scratch that. He got anxious when you weren't there to high-five him before a game.
But even that didn't come close to whatever the fuck he was feeling when he called you that evening, yelling as if you'd killed his fucking cat, or something.
"Come faster, come faster!", he urged, ignoring you as you informed him you were only human, and you were on your way as fast as possible. The lewd joke was right there, and he didn't take it. Something was seriously wrong.
"Why the hell are you so jumpy?"
"I'll explain when you get here. Slight change of plans. You're wearing something... conservative, yeah?"
"Like, jeans and a T-shirt is fine, I guess.", he muttered, on the other end of the line, as if he was mentally picturing exactly what he wanted you to be wearing.
"Did you think my original plan was to show up in lingerie?"
"Jesus fucking Christ, stop being so fucking defensive!"
That was a slur that you just heard in his voice. "Are you drunk?"
"You're scarily good at this."
"Why are you drunk already?" Wasn't even dark yet.
"Can you just fucking drive, please?"
You rolled your eyes, taking a small moment to sadistically picture his head caught in the wheel, before placing your phone down and speeding up the car that unfortunately had to relive the trauma of driving because Nate Jacobs told it to.
The Jacobs household was infuriatingly stereotypical. Of course he'd have a pretty spectacular front doorstep. It was almost designed to lure you in.
You weren't even allowed to ring the doorbell, he answered the door much before. That was a shame. You wanted to be the one forcing him to come somewhere reluctantly, for once.
"Don't speak unless spoken to." Well, hello to you, too.
"It's not just us."
No, no, no, no.
"Nate, you fucking asshole.", you hissed.
"I didn't know! My brother found out you were coming over and told my parents, so they cancelled plans to meet you."
"'Cause our Dad's a jerk, and my Mom's probably going to judge you, and my brother's a coward who hates me."
That was way too much Jacobs drama for one single minute, and you were not even two steps into the house.
"Wait, just-"
"It's fine, just sit next to me, shut up, and don't like... make eye contact."
"Am I meeting your family or getting into the cage with a fucking tiger?"
"Also, don't cuss.", he warned, pointing a finger at you and guiding you by your shoulders further into the abyss he called a home. "Smile. A lot."
Was it really even a normal family dinner if you had to be prepped this much? No, probably not.
"Hey, look who finally showed up!", he chuckled, the fakest breeze in his voice as he steered your shoulders towards a chair.
The rest of the Jacobs family looked up at you.
And suddenly, you'd have been fine clinging to Nate, because he was evidently the mildest of them. Rich freaks.
"Oh, the project partner." His mother, laying plates down on the table before patting your head, was a sight to behold. "Bit late.", she remarked, sickening sweetness lacing her tone as she stared pointedly at Nate behind you as if you couldn't fucking see it.
"Yeah, well, she's just learning to drive, y'know? Goes really slow."
Oh, boo-fucking-hoo, mama's boy, just say you had no intention of having your family here tonight.
"Nate, you never told me she could legally drive."
That must be the brother - the coward. He looked like he'd fucking rip you apart with just a glare.
"I didn't tell you anything.', he mumbled, more for you than him, before making his voice louder. "Y/N, this is my brother, Aaron, Aaron, Y/N."
His eyes made your skin crawl. Like you were a weapon he'd just been able to use against Nate.
"And, uh, my dad. Dad, this is, uh-"
You had no idea when your name had become so hard for him to pronounce, the way he was unable to get it out.
"Y/N, yes, I heard. I'm Cal. Cal Jacobs."
You'd take Nate forcing a gun down your throat to the feel of Cal's hand shaking yours any day.
In comparison, Nate's gun was basically the gentlest thing you'd ever be able to feel. A caress, essentially.
"Sit, sit.", he instructed, gesturing at you to do as he said in his own house or else. "So."
He was so fucking drunk. You could see it in his eyes.
Both Cal and Nate Jacobs were shitfaced.
Nate, you understood, because after hearing his description, even you seemed to need liquid courage to get through a dinner with his drunk dad.
"So.", responded Nate, blankly, as he sat down next to you, as promised.
The chairs you were on were fancy but seemed tired, in a way. Like they were putting up a strong front.
"What, pray tell, is this famous project that you've apparently been sneaking out for, according to Aaron?"
Oh, that was the problem! The sneaking out! Oh, that was okay, that was in your jurisdiction, you could just fix it. Make it sound like there was no other time to meet up. Cool cool cool.
"It's just this thing for psychology. About athletes and superstitions."
"My Nate doesn't have any superstitions. He wins because he's the best.", interjected his mother, as if you'd been holding a gun to his face and she'd just jumped in front of him. You looked at the giant plate she'd just set down. Fucking steak.
With a knowing glance at Nate, you nodded. "Yes, but jocks don't really like admitting it. So I just ask him about his buddies who do have superstitions. Seeing as he has none of his own."
You didn't bother to look at the fuck-you-so-much glare he was sending your way.
"Oh, yes, Mom, Nate's just the best. Don't you think he's just the best, Y/N?", cooed Aaron, clearly hinting at something only he and Nate were in on.
"Yes, yes, he's very good at what he does."
"What he does?"
"I mean, you are talking about him as QB, right?"
He took a gulp of water, nodding as he searched into your eyes for some tell that he'd expected you to have. "Right."
Nate subtly shook his head after you frowned at him. Let it go.
"So, you've taken psychology."
His dad didn't really seem the jerk that Nate had made him out to be. Sure, he had the whole terrifying handshake thing going, but he wasn't all bad. He was the only one with his sanity intact, and the fact that he was plastered yet normal was both relieving and mildly concerning.
"How come?"
"Always been interested in how it works."
"Can you read minds?"
"Read mine."
"I... don't know you well enough."
"Later, then. When we know each other a bit better. Meanwhile, dig in."
Involuntarily, your gaze turned back to the asshole you'd had the misfortune of interacting with for the past three weeks, and he nodded, either telling you you did well, or giving you permission to eat.
Either way, your mouth was now shut and would continue to be unless someone forced it open. The awkward clinks of glasses and clangs of cutlery rang through the room, battling fruitlessly to dissolve the tension.
"How's the food?"
Why was Nate trying to get you to talk?
"Oh, great, I really like it."
Nate's mother smiled at that. "Well, thanks. It's actually a new recipe I found on some obscure old cooking show tape my mother had recorded, back in her day! God, I'm telling you, those were simpler times."
Oh. So Nate hadn't cooked. Couldn't say you were surprised.
"Well, it's lovely.", you replied, smiling down at the garbage you had to put into your system. It was nothing personal, really, steak was just gross.
"I must say, Y/N, you're so much more polite than that girl. She was a real-"
"Mom. Mom.", warned Nate, shaking his head and waving his hand in front of his throat in a cut it out motion."She's friends with Maddy."
The entire table suddenly went silent, as if he'd just confirmed your involvement in a pyramid scheme. "Oh.", said Aaron, and his fucking eyes showed you he was full of pure mirth. "That's interesting."
"You're friends with both Nate and Maddy?", questioned Mrs Jacobs, as if trying so desperately to figure out your intentions for her baby boy.
"I'm friends with Maddy, and have been for... basically my whole life. And, yeah, I guess now I'm friends with Nate for the project. I don't get why it's so-"
"She's pretending to be her friend, Mom, alright? It's a childhood loyalty thing, but no one likes Maddy, she's a fu- she's not likeable."
Oh, so now Nate could suddenly write out your entire story and replace it with a script of his own making?
Acting as if she'd just dodged a cancer scare, she placed her hand on her chest, sighing in relief. "Thank god. You could've said that, dear. I was worried for a moment there."
You looked back down at the food. You couldn't shake the feeling that your lack of response had been a form of betrayal, though it was rooted in fear.
"So you and Nate are friends?"
I don't know, Aaron, why do people befriend psychopaths? To save their own asses, of course.
"I mean... what do I even say to that?", you laughed, and it was supposed to mock him, but it just showed how nervous you really were. Fuck. Blood in shark-infested waters. "I guess he's... a nice guy, so, y'know."
Even you didn't believe that. Even NATE didn't believe that.
"That's a new one."
You nodded, clearing your throat as you continued to work on slicing up your steak. All three Jacobs men watched the piece go into your mouth and you wanted to throw it right back up.
"You think he's hot?"
"Nate. My lil' bro. You think he's hot?"
"Aaron, honestly!", muttered his mother, shaking her head as if this was all just a playful banter session. "Stop it. Nate said they're friends, so they're friends."
Your phone buzzed.
'I really didn't know they'd be here.'
'Shut up.'
'Ur doing great.'
'I said shut up.'
"Nate, didn't you tell her we've got a strict no-phones-at-the-table rule?"
You stuffed the phone back in your pocket, as well as any hope you'd get out of this house anytime soon.
"I mean, you're a total smokeshow. And he's..."
Aaron smirked through his chewing, winking at you. "Well, he's attracted to smokeshows. Total match. But you're, what, a cheerleader? That's his real type."
"No, I'm not a cheerleader."
He sucked in breath, sharply, tutting as he shaked his head. "Tough luck."
"Aaron.", warned Nate, sucking his teeth. "Shut up."
"I'm just saying. It's not surprising he hasn't dicked you down yet."
THAT escalated fast.
"Aaron! No cussing at the table, and especially not in front of guests.", hissed Mrs. Jacobs, as if her youngest son's entire vocabulary didn't consist of the word 'fuck'. "I'm sorry, he gets like this when he teases his brother."
"Or maybe he... oh, wait, didn't he invite you here alone first?", mused Aaron, frowning in mock curiosity.
Nate's hand found your knee under the table, patting the side of it as if he could tell you were losing it. There was some kind of psychological warfare underfoot, and you weren't in on the joke, the origin or the punchline. You were being blindsided. Let it go. Fuck what his eyes told you, you'd fucking riot if you didn't get out of there right now.
Cal, who'd been perfectly silent for all this time, leaned back in his chair, his fork down and apparently, his booze-filled blood shooting up. "I'm curious, too. In more polite words than that. Why are you and Y/N just friends?"
Okay, this was clearly not your jurisdiction. This treatment was not because he'd, like, broken curfew or something.
"Dad, we're just partners. Project partners."
"Shame. She's a knockout."
Okay, Aaron saying that was creepy enough.
"No, seriously, Y/N, you're really beautiful. Nate couldn't do better if he tried." Sounded backhanded, and it probably was. "If you're not attracted to him, it's kind of an insult to me, isn't it?", he inquired, innocently, his eyes twinkling. "Aren't I good looking?"
"What the fuck are you guys doing?" It was weird seeing Nate playing the white knight in your story and not the dragon, but hey, you'd take it.
"I mean...", continued Cal, taking a bite of his food, all the while gazing at you. "Unless your issue is just with his personality. Because then..."
What. The. Fuck.
"Y'know.", said Cal, offhandedly, as if the entire fucking table didn't know what he was implying. "Just food for thought."
"What the fuck are you guys doing?", he repeated, his voice sounding more strained by the minute.
"No, Mom, I will fucking cuss, if they're sitting here being fucking assholes about it!"
"Don't you DARE talk to me like that, son!", yelled Cal, and suddenly, you felt like a voyeur zooming in on someone else's life, someone else's argument, someone else's issues.
Aaron lifted up his hands in defense, standing up as well. "Hey, man, I'm just saying. You're disappointing men everywhere if you don't hit that."
"Oh, you're one to talk, you bitchless waste of FUCKING space."
"One goddamn night! One goddamned night without this bullshit, please!"
"Oh, come on, Marsha, you know full fucking well you're no innocent here! You've raised these boys up so goddamn weak that they can't even fucking do their own laundry, and CLEARLY can't fucking learn RESPECT!"
Evidently the no-cuss-rule was out.
Nate's hand slammed down on the table next to you so hard your plate shook, and suddenly, you wished you had shown up in lingerie. At least the mother would've kicked you out as soon as you'd walked in.
Your eyes stayed on your fork, the shitty fucking steak, and you waited. For what, you didn't know. But eventually, Nate sat back down, and so did the other two Jacobs men.
Okay. Phew.
And then Nate muttered 'faggot', and suddenly, Aaron was ushering you into a room - Nate's room, he informed you, in a hurry - and you were locked in. Screams, the sound of things slamming on the floor, and a distinct crack ensued.
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The light from the living room beamed into the room with the monogrammed pillows -pathetic, you had to remember to mock him for it later- about twelve minutes later.
You knew that because you'd been keeping track.
The entire evening was surrounded by a lack of clarity, and after whatever had happened out there that you were not allowed to be privy to, thankfully , you were now completely in the dark as to what the whole stiff, insinuation during dinner was all about. What, they thought you guys were hooking up, was that it?
But all that just dissipated once you saw Nate standing in the doorway, looking at you as if he had just accidentally broken your favourite toy on the playground at five years old. And he was even drunker than he was before.
And once more, you allowed your heart to break for Nate Jacobs.
Wait, no, scratch that.
Your heart broke for him, with none of your own volition. It just fucking happened.
"Are you okay?" What you were really asking was 'did he hurt you?', but you didn't say it.
He didn't respond, and instead took cautious steps toward you, as though you were a bomb he'd never learnt to dismantle before.
But the caution wore off quite fast, because suddenly, your hands were stroking his hair and he was clinging onto you like a vine. Or a python with its prey. TBD.
He kept muttering things into the crook of your neck, things that vaguely resembled 'I'm sorry', but, I mean, it was Nate.
That was usually followed by some kind of blackmail, right?
Blackmail, not pained moments when his mind led him to thoughts that made him grip tighter onto you, like the hug was his lifeline. RIGHT?
"I'm so fucking sorry."
Evidently, you'd heard him right the first time.
"It's okay. Shh. It's okay." At this point there was nothing else you could do except lie to him.
"I fucking hate him, he's a fucking asshole!", he grunted, his words muffled but strong in your hair.
"It's fine, I wasn't offended." You understood. People are weird when drunk. Not usually asking a minor to fuck them kind of weird, but maybe that was just your lack of exposure.
He pushed you away, looking at you as if you'd just suggested cannibalism or something even more sickening. "It's fine? You weren't offended? Y/N, my dad literally asked to fuck you! What, do you want him to, is that why you were looking at him like that?"
'He's sloshed, he's sloshed, he's sloshed.' , you reminded yourself, lest you punch him again.
"No. I have a question.", he said, closing his eyes and then opening them wide for a moment. This told you that the liquor had just pierced his skull. "You- You fuck Shane Crestin, the biggest fucking cunt in the world, you wanna fuck my DAD, but you won't fuck ME?", he asked, his voice increasing in decibel and his finger repeatedly slamming against his chest, like he apparently wanted to do to you.
"Nate, I didn't fuck Shane, I don't want to fuck your dad, and I- I don't wanna fuck anyone!"
"Why not ME? Do you not like me? You think I'm a prick? I'm not good enough for your whore ass?"
"Nate, I'm just-"
"I'm not! It makes me sick, but-"
You almost cried at how fast you had to dodge the lamp that came whizzing your way before crashing and disintegrating against the wall behind you.
It amazed you how you knew that this boy's mother and brother were probably still lingering in the same house, hearing this bullshit, and yet not a peep came out of them. Fucking jerks.
"I swear to god, Y/N, if you don't say it right now-"
"Fine, he's an asshole!"
He looked up at you. He didn't believe it. It's fine, you didn't give a shit anymore. It went without saying, and if he needed you to say it, he was an idiot. "Bullshit."
"You're not apologizing?"
"For what? Yelling? No, I'm not."
Deliberately obtuse, just like always.
Speaking of which, you were a hundred percent sure you'd been grazed at your temple. Your fingers returned from the site with red all over them.
"I could've been hurt." You displayed those fingers to him, right in front of the eyes, so he could better view the same scarlet gore you had to see in his first ever text to you, but he looked at them like you'd showed him his own face in the mirror.
'That's normal', his look said.
"You could've fucked my dad, too, but neither of those things happened tonight." This was what he actually said.
It was like he'd forgotten what happened two seconds ago. Like the shards of glass lying in front of his wall had always been there, and were nothing out of the ordinary.
"Okay, that's fucking it.", you scoffed, shouldering past him on your way out. You'd hoped he wouldn't stop you, but you'd known he would.
Okay, you'd expected 'wait', or something nicer.
"Shut up, Nate, don't push me."
"You're bleeding. The corner store doesn't have first-aid. I do."
He said it like that was the answer to everything. That you should never have any more questions about his actions.
You let him lead you back to the bed, the silence gnawing at you both. He seemed more than happy to let it devour him whole, seeing as he was tight-lipped and disinterested, almost, when he turned on the light in his bathroom, foraging around for his first-aid kit, or whatever.
He looked like he was about to go batshit for a second time that night, the frantic manner in which he was throwing stuff off his counter to find it, yanking the drawers open so forcefully they'd scream if they could.
Luckily, though, he found the damn thing, tossing it to you from where he stood. Catching it, you opened the box, wordlessly rummaging through for cotton or band-aids or something to keep your hand and eyes - and most importantly, mind - busy.
The cotton sitting nervously in your hand, you took tentative steps into the bathroom, wisely keeping your distance from Nate, who stood still, ruminating on something with one hand still on the drawer's handle.
You stood in front of the mirror.
The mirror lied to you. It always has, always will. Your damage looked minimal, but that was excluding the emotional one.
You looked away from your reflection's eyes to focus on the side of your forehead, and sometimes to your left, at the occassional huff that escaped him.
Mirror-you grimaced just like real-you, as you harshly rubbed at the skin around your cut. So much red.
At this point, it was impossible to avoid your own eyes, those essentially vapid pools of numbness at this point. You didn't know what was going on, and lord knew if you'd understand it even if it was explained to you like a five year old.
Because it couldn't be real. You couldn't be standing right next to the guy who almost maybe blinded you, maybe even KILLED you, had the impact been angled differently.
Your pain only seemed to be getting exacerbated the more cotton you used up. The piece of glass you were trying to remove from your temple was stubborn, like the man who helped transform it from its shape to a shard.
When you finally did remove it, you were quick to try to put a stopper to the gushing blood coming out of it, but the way you did it had you wanting to scream in agony.
"What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to dab, not rub.", he muttered, sucking in his breath sharply as he slapped your hands away, seeming furious at you for not knowing what to do after you get impaled by a piece of broken glass. "The rubbing makes it worse."
His finger turned your jaw toward him, and he snatched the cotton from you before dabbing softly at and around the wound where the little refracting fragment of glass had sat before, and intact, unblemished skin had sat once before that.
Dutifully grabbing a bottle of antiseptic from the first aid box, he tilted it so that it would gently stain the cotton, before pressing it to your temple, shushing you softly as you winced.
Jovially traumatizing what you imagined to be every single cell in the wound, the antiseptic finally fizzled out, its effect no longer sharp and concentrated and debilitatingly painful.
"You're a mess." His voice was so cold, so unkind, so... detached.
You're one to talk.
"Are you going to say anything?" He sounded almost... bored.
You stayed silent. If he thought you were going to give him more things to throw shit at you over, he was sorely mistaken.
He sighed, his jaw ticking slightly. "Y/N."
Your eyes moved away from the mirror behind him and back to his.
He paused his lazy movements to look down at you, your eyes, specifically, before gently bending down so he was suddenly looking up at them.
What that was supposed to achieve was unclear, but what it did affect was your ability to look away.
"I want to hear your voice.", he informed, his eyes moving between yours.
Like a bull craves the muleta.
Glancing down at him, you realized his eyes didn't match his tone. There was something almost dead about them.
"What do you want me to say?"
"Cuss me out, maybe? I don't know. I don't like the quiet."
"Why, 'cause it makes you think?", you scoffed.
"Yes, actually.", he replied, looking at you deadpan. "It does, and that's not really what I wanna do right now, okay?"
He wasn't bored, you realized. He was numb.
"So say something, damn it."
"About what?"
"Y/N. Listen to me when I'm talking to you. I don't give a shit. ANYTHING." He shook your shoulders as if that would cause you to spit out a good conversation in the aftermath of this night.
"Okay, uh... you promised me you'd listen to Queen with me."
He stared at you for a good while before his face softened, just enough for you to wonder if you'd imagined it, and then he frowned. "I did?"
"Then I will."
You nodded. "'Kay."
"Tell me about Queen."
"Look, man, I don't know-"
"Y/N.", he warned, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he reached for a band-aid, eyes never leaving your wound.
"Jeez, fine. Uh, 'We Will Rock You'. 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. 'Another One Bites The Dust'."
"That was them?", he mused softly, the words dying out a little before they reached your ears, as he ripped the cover open with his teeth, then unwrapped the band-aid.
"Yes. Freddie Mercury's the lead singer."
"The one with the teeth?", he inquired, pressing slightly on the band-aid to ensure it stuck.
The sheer dichotomy of what he was doing - cleaning up a wound caused by him that might have killed you- and what he was saying - some quip about the lead singer of some '70's band he'd barely heard of - was astounding.
"Yup." You popped your p, hoping that would echo around the room and fill the silence for long enough that Nate wouldn't pester you to talk again, which was the last thing you felt like doing.
He gazed at your wound for a little while longer before nodding. "Done. Don't touch it for another week, maybe two."
"And I'll get you, like, a blanket or whatever, let me just put this shit back."
"A blanket?"
"Well, yeah. You don't get cold? What are you, superhuman?"
"I'm not staying here. I'm going home."
"Like hell you are.", he laughed dryly, opening his drawer and carefully placing the box back in before moving to the sink again. His hands moved quickly, squeezing paste onto his brush. "Not this late."
You looked down at your watch. "It's nine."
"It's late."
You snorted. "Thought you were the badass curfew-less one. Now you're freaking out about nine p.m?"
Why were you even still talking to this... thing in front of you? Why were you arguing with him? You could just fucking walk out.
He rolled his eyes, his toothbrush being as thorough as possible for a couple minutes before he spat it out, gargling and then turning to look at you. "It's late."
"I'm not spending the night, Nate."
"You a sleep-talker? 'Cause that's crazy shit.", he said, spitting out his mouthwash and wiping with the back of his hand, walking past you as he opened a cupboard, and tossed a heavy-looking duvet down at your feet.
"Nate, I'm not staying over!"
"But the really creepy ones are the sleep-walkers, I'm tellin' you.", he continued, shaking his head as he picked and chose two of his pillows and threw them at your feet, too. "My cousin, back when we were eight, I woke up and found him, like, banging his head on the door. Ouija board shit, bro, I'm tellin' you."
It was clear he was blatantly ignoring you, but what infuriated you the most was that he expected you to sleep on the same floor which was strewn with dangerous, nigh invisible shards of glass.
"No, seriously, I don't care if it's like, a medical condition or whatever, they're like the fucking Conjuring movie, bro!", he declared, throwing his hands up as he distractedly moved to the other side of his bed, now, checking his phone. "You're not one of 'em, right?"
"You're such a fucking asshole, I'm leaving."
"If you step out that door, I will fucking kill you."
What unnerved you was that his eyes never moved from his phone. This was as casual as his reply to his Mom asking what he wanted for breakfast or something.
Saying he'd kill you was like saying 'pancakes with butter' to him.
"I'm going to kill you if you leave." , he huffed, tiredly. And this time, it was clear he really was bored. Bored of the conversation, bored of your resistance, bored.
"You're fucked up."
"Look, sweetie, we've both had a long day-"
"Don't fucking call me that."
He let out a breathy snicker, nodding. Almost like he'd been wondering when you'd call him out on it.
"Fair. Look, bitch, we've both had a long day...", he corrected himself, with a self-satisfied grin, before continuing, "... and I'm not letting you drive home alone with a bleeding forehead."
"I thought you fixed it."
"With the way you're yelling right now, the blood vessel you're about to pop could rip the bandage from the inside out. Look- I- I can't deal with this shit, Y/N, okay? Not tonight. So shut up and close the fucking door."
"My family's expecting me home."
He raised a brow, as if you'd just said something so pathetic he almost felt sorry for you - like you'd just said you still fucking watched Disney Channel, or something. "They know you're here?"
"No." As if.
"Where do they think you are?"
Oh, he'd expected you to have told them you were with another friend. Sorry to disappoint, asshole, but some people aren't as prepared to stay over because their friend had a psycho family.
"I'd rather not talk about it - I don't like to recall my lies."
His eyes widened, and it looked like, for the first time that entire, painful night, he was actually amused, and fuck you for being so pathetic, but you were actually glad you'd mitigated the agony, at least a little bit. "They still think you're at your internship? You didn't tell them?"
"Tell them what? That some jock thinks touching me is his good luck charm, so he stalked me, found out where I worked, and cost me my entire internship by barging in?"
"Or you could've just said your boss was a perv, and you quit."
"He wasn't a perv."
"I'm a guy. I can tell."
Wow, way to dig at an entire gender's ability to perceive danger.
You shook your head, rubbing your forehead. "What is your problem, Nate?"
"I care too much."
You laughed loudly at that, and he looked too tired to even be mad. "I just don't like the thought of you driving home alone at night, okay? Simple as that."
"Then don't think the thought."
"You're staying."
"Like hell I am."
He groaned, putting his phone back down and rubbing his face as he walked towards the front of the bed - towards you. "Why not?"
"Because I don't want to. Because my family-"
He rolled his eyes, reaching into your pocket and grabbing both your wrists to keep you from stopping him as he scrolled through your contacts - god, you had to get a fucking passcode.
"Maddy- no fucking way.", he mumbled, his thumb racing across the screen. "Cassie- one of Maddy's minions, so no- oh. Who's Lex?"
"Oh, Alexis Howard? Lexi? She'll cover for you, right?"
"Not without telling Cassie. Now give me back my phone!"
"She won't tell Cassie. How's this? 'Lex, tell my family I'm sleeping over at yours, ok? Love you, xoxo!'", he read out, his voice attempting to mimic yours.
"Is that what you think girls talk like?"
"Yeah, with a scary amount of emojis."
"Badge of honour, baby. I'm sure Lexi, one of your best gal pals will cover for you."
Yes, of course, but that was besides the point.
"That's not the point-"
"The point is that you don't feel safe enough to fall asleep around me."
"That hurts, sweetie."
"You know what else hurts?", you spat, pointing at the band-aid at your temple.
"It'll heal." He was still refusing to apologize.
════════════════════ ⋆ ♟️ ⋆ ══════════════════
"Smash or pass, uh... McKay."
You almost laughed right then and there. "Smash."
You looked up at his ceiling, imagining him up on the bed, judging your smashability-scale.
"Yeah, why not?"
"You could never do it, you know? Realistically. You're not his type."
"Shut up. Smash or pass... Kat."
"Pass. Hard. Pass."
"I should say it's because she's close to Maddy, but you and I both know the real reason is 'cause she's so fucking ugly that-"
"Alright, shut up."
"See, this is the problem with you girls. Just agree. She's ugly."
"I don't think anyone's ugly. I think it's all action-based."
"God, then you must think I'm hideous."
He scoffed at the silence that followed. "Ouch."
"I don't think you're hideous, Nate. Just extremely unattractive."
"Superlatives, really? Y'know, whatever, I deserve it. Uh... smash or pass, Shane."
"Uh... pass."
"Why?" The glee in his voice was evident and mildly amusing.
"He cussed me out after I said the date wasn't going well."
The laughter that escaped Nate seemed to go on for hours on end. "In the middle of the restaurant?!"
"We weren't in a restaurant."
"Where were you guys?"
"He took me to a club or something."
Nate's face came into your peripheral view as he peered over the edge of the bed to face you. "On a first date."
You nodded. "Yup."
"The guy's both a fucking tool and a miserable little cunt. Anything other than a restaurant is fucking unacceptable for a first date."
"I know, even a bowling alley's fine, but a club is stupid, right? I mean, like, at the very least a café."
He nodded, his mouth curling down slightly. "Yeah, at least. Bare minimum."
It was uncomfortable, him looking down at you with pity the same night that his father had embarrassed him and cussed him out. Wasn't right. "Well, whatever. Smash or pass, uh... Rue."
"Rue Bennett? We got history, so, uh, I dunno."
"A miscommunication during prom.", he told you, shrugging, but it was clearly something much more serious. "She's hot when she's off the drugs, I guess."
You rolled your eyes and he smiled.
"Hey, Y/N?" He didn't move back to his pillow, instead letting his arms dangle off the edge of the bed as he reached and toyed with a strand of your hair, glancing down at you. "I'll leave you alone after tonight, okay?"
"Like, I- tonight? It was... bad. And I'm... I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm, I'm sorry. If you just, y'know, fist-bump me before every game, we'll be good. Okay? I won't bother you outside of that."
See, he said this, but his thumb kept returning to your lower lip every two seconds. You'd be a fool not to take this deal. But you'd be a liar if you said you remembered anything about life before Nate.
"You should get to sleep. It's two."
"What will you do?"
"Try to sleep.", he mumbled, his eyes moving away from you and towards the glass, which lay several feet away from you, on your left - almost like it was trying to reach your heart.
Your eyes followed his, and you sighed. "For the record, I don't want to fuck your dad."
"Yeah. I got that now."
"You gotta stop drinking, man."
He chuckled, nodding. "No. But thanks for the concern." Rolling back over, he left you staring at the ceiling once more, as if there were clues there as to the enigma that was Nate Jacobs.
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When you'd pulled up to your driveway the next morning - Sunday - it hit you that you were free of Nate forever. Last night, you'd have probably not known how to feel about that. This morning? Fucking elated.
You didn't even have to draw out a map, or take a single moment to think it over - every single problem in your life over the last month could be traced to him.
So fucking yay. Good riddance.
And the next day, Monday, you realized something.
School had never been so fucking fun.
Your classes started making more sense, seeing as you no longer had to look over your shoulder for some motherfucker who'd slit his own throat if you didn't go where he wanted. Fucking yay.
No, seriously. That's it. We're done here. No more Nate. End of story.
So gullible.
Nights after Nate had always been the hardest.
Because you always found yourself losing your sanity and you knew that the only person who could even remotely get your mind off it was Nate himself.
Maybe that was his allure.
Hurting you then comforting you.
Making you cry then wiping the tears away.
But that night, he wasn't there with a blunt or tequila. Hell, you'd have even taken the gun. And you should've been ecstatic that he'd finally left you the hell alone, but at this point you had no clue what you were supposed to be feeling.
The only thing you could do was block him. Show him how mad you were. In your past experience, that didn't really matter to him, but you were running out of options.
And you probably shouldn't have done that, because you might have gotten a heads up about Tuesday.
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You should've had your guard up as soon as you saw Nate walk into the school library that Tuesday afternoon, his eyes somehow darker than when he'd asked you to your face, no less, if you wanted to bang his father. You had no clue whether you had to hide or just keep doing what you did.
Flight or flight was fucking useless.
But your guard wasn't up, at least not immediately, because it was Nate. Because he may terrify you and almost kill you, but he'd never hurt you, because he just... worked differently. Things that may make someone psychopathic, he thought were normal. No biggie.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't secretly hoping he'd come back to further provoke you, because not-being-mad at him was kind of a grey area for you. It wasn't your usual state of being.
The moment your guard went up, though, was when Aaron walked in behind him. Hands in his pockets. Did he have a knife in there? Money? Or would he just flip you off?
You didn't want to find out, but it also didn't seem like you had much of a choice.
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marlenesluv · 11 months
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۵pairing: fem!albonsibling!ballerina x platonic f1 grid. also, reader x lando norris
۵type: social media au and dialogue
۵authors note: i really love making these, so i’m excited to work on a part 3! also, i know alex has other siblings, i’m just not including them in these posts!
۵warnings: cussing, talk of blood (someone cut their finger, not bad or described much), talk of ballet darks: not eating as much, rude teachers, mean comments.
۵summary: after y/n albon lost her ballet partner, lando comes over to comfort her. but she of course still has a lot of practice before swan lake in two months.
۵this is part 3! please read part 1 and part 2 before this. (part 1 is mine, j on my main blog)
masterlist here -> masterlist link
You were devastated to lose your partner, Ben, but all good things must come to an end, apparently. That’s what Lily had told you, at least.
Ben was an amazing dancer, he was, but your ballet instructor has wanted you to do solos for years now. Saying you had “too much potential to waste” and “you’re too talented to be focusing on another person when the show is about you.” Of course this was very nice, but Ben wasn’t only your ballet partner, but a friend.
The two of you went to the movies together, got coffee before practice, dinner after, it was nice. And you were happy that he had found a girl for him. You just didn’t expect for her to make him quit ballet.
That’s right, not a sport he had outgrown or gotten bored of. No no. Destiny was not a fan of the fact that he spent all of his time in the studio. Understandable, but dating a ballet dancer, that is a given. It was a shame that Ben had thrown all of his hard work away for a girl.
But here you were, unlocking your apartment door as Lando Norris walked in with a bag of Indian food and an extra hoodie on his shoulder.
“Hey! I got you some butter chicken and some paneer naan for us to share. Oh, and…” he pulled out two bottles of mango juice and handed them to you as you placed them on your island. “If I remembered correctly, you like mango juice?”
“Mhmm. Thank you, Lando.” you smiled up at him as he blushed a bit, clearing his throat as he sorted through the bag and you got out silverware.
“Wanna watch a show?” you asked, as you sat down beside him on your sofa, opening your juice.
“Yeah. How about ‘Brooklyn 99’?”
You nodded, opening Peacock and starting an episode as you both started eating and talking.
Talking with Lando was easy. When you ranted about how your ballet instructor stretched your arm too far backwards, he listened, only butting in to make sure you knew he was paying attention.
And when he ranted about how Checo pushed him off the track, and didn’t get penalized, you listened, you only butted in to gasp and ask the occasional question about how something worked.
You didn’t feel like he was judging you, and it was nice. Lando felt the same. You were someone that understood Formula 1 to a certain degree, since Alex talked about it, but you still asked questions, not just discounting what he was saying. Sure, Oscar wouldn’t mind listening to him blab on about shit, but Oscar wasn’t you.
And yes, you could talk to Lily, Kika, Kelly, Laila, or Carmen, but they weren’t Lando.
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, and 872,024 others
y/n.albon: i am so good at chess ♟️
view comments…
user3: lando and y/n??
alex_albon: you guys are hanging out alone now??
↳ y/n.albon: i guess, yeah
↳ alex_albon: wtf!?
↳ alex_albon: y/n answer my texts what are you doing????
user5: y/n just not answering alex LMAOO
user8: i live for this duo, they are so precious to me
lilymhe: the shoesss🥹
↳ y/n.albon: ikkk🥹🩷
user7: new ship, guys. ballerina and f1 driver 🫠
user2: she’s slaying without ben, fr
kellypiquet: adorable!
*liked by creator*
user4: okay. can they date?? orrrr
↳ user9: literallyyyy
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liked by y/n.albon, oscarpiastri, and 602,140 others
landonorris: 📷🩰💇‍♂️
view comments…
user1: BRO?
y/n.albon: gotta get those stretches in👯‍♀️
↳ landonorris: oh yeah🩰🙆‍♂️
user7: anyone notice how much y/n and lando have been hanging out….?
↳ user4: mhmmm. i ship
↳ user7: SAME
alex_albon: ahem, what is the second picture?
↳ y/n.user: me….alex, you’re my brother and you don’t know what i look like? shame shame
↳ alex_albon: that’s not what i meant, y/n
↳ alex_albon: why tf are you guys both on instagram and not messaging me back??
↳ alex_albon: fine. i’ll j come over, y/n
↳ y/n.albon: i’m taking my key back.
user9: little sibling fights in landos comments 😭
Alex Albon always kept his word. So, naturally, at 8:30pm on a Thursday night, Alex unlocked his sisters apartment door with his spare key. So what if Y/N said to only use it “for emergencies” and “if i had fallen and could not get up” which she thought was hilarious, whilst he just clenched hi jaw at the thought of her falling and hurting herself.
He was definitely on the protective side, but for good reasons. All of her past boyfriends, there were two, had cheated on her. Yeah, he didn’t love how close his sister was to Lando Norris, but at least he liked Lando. Not enough to be okay with their hanging out though. But Alex trusted Lando enough to not freak out too much.
When Alex walked into his sisters apartment, he couldn’t find her anywhere. The kitchen was spotless. Marble countertops cleaned off, fridge stocked up, floor vacuumed. He should have known that was the case before he walked in.
Every Wednesday and Sunday, Y/N cleaned her apartment. It was something she had control over. She didn’t have control over what she ate, her ballet instructor did. She didn’t have control over her spare time, it was spent at the studio. Alex felt bad sometimes, she had dedicated her life since she was five to ballet.
Sure, Alex had dedicated his life to Formula 1 as well, but he knew ballet was more draining. He’d seen the breakdowns first hand. Y/N coming to his house after practice and crying in his arms because she didn’t get a part. Or when she had called Alex ten times and then Lily because she needed new ballet shoes and her instructor wanted them now.
And he would never forget the times that her instructor would tell her to not eat as much, and that she needed to slim down. She would come over for dinner with him and Lily, and drink her water and maybe some vegetables.
It always made Lily mad. She hated how Y/N was treated, they both did. They also both knew how much ballet meant to Y/N, so they never told her to quit.
“Alex?” Alex whipped his head around to see his sister in her ballet leggings, a sweater, and boots.
Y/N sat her ballet bag on the barstool and emptied her water bottle out as she looked at Alex. “Dude? What are you doing in my house?”
“Oh, u-um. I was checking on you. Forgot you had to go in today. Sorry.” He blinked, looking at her tight bun on her head. “Hey, shouldn’t you take that out before your head pops off?”
“So funny, ha-ha.” Y/N mocked, getting out some fruit. “Did you need something? Or did you wanna stay?”
“Sorry, right. Lily wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow.”
“Just Lily?” Y/N raised a brow as she plopped a strawberry into her mouth and chewed.
“No, dumbass. I want you to, too. Bring someone ever too, if you want.” Alex shrugged, accepting the strawberry his sister offered him.
“Mmk. Like who?….Lando?”
“I don’t care. If you want to.” he chewed the berry as she grabbed two waters from her fridge and handed one to Alex.
“Alright. Thanks. That it?” she asked, sighing.
Alex knew she wasn’t trying to be rude. She wanted to be alone, he understood. She had been at the studio since 8:00am, she was tired and wanted to sleep.
“Nope, that’s it. See you tomorrow?” Alex walked to the door, Y/N behind him.
“Yup. Love you, Alex. I’ll see ya.”
“Love you too. See ya tomorrow.” Alex shut the door behind him and walked to the elevator, pushing his thoughts away that maybe his sister was dating Lando.
He shook his head and sent a text to Lily to let him know that he was on his way home. Tomorrow night would be interesting.
F1 Updates @f1updatepage • 2hr
Our beloved Y/N Albon has been spotted on a boat with Lando Norris. The photo below was taken last week:
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↳ Y/N my Icon! @y/n4lifeeee • 1hr
WHAT- i knew they were hanging out, butttt why am i shipping them so hard rn????
↳ Piasstri🍑 @oscandlan • 1hr
idk if i want to be y/n or if i want to be with y/n
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes and 875,024 others
y/n.albon: pinky 🌸🩰🎀👛
view comments…
user4: fits always eat
lailahasanovic: cutieeeee
↳ y/n.albon: awe laila🩷
user6: no lando pics?? :(
↳ user2: im sure we will soon lol
danielricciardo: shes working💅🩰
↳ y/n.albon: yuh
f1wags: y/n’s life is sooo aesthetic fr
y/nballetstudio: our favvvv
*liked by creator*
user3: my literal inspo, ugh
landonorris: coffee coffee coffee
↳ y/n.user: thx for the coffee coffee coffee
↳ user1: hold up. he made her that coffee??????
You were nervous for dinner with Lily and Alex on Friday night. Actually, the dinner that was currently 3 hours away.
And yes, you invited Lando. So what? You weren’t even sure if you guys were just friends, or maybe he wanted something more….
It was confusing. One day, you guys are hanging out, cuddling on your couch while talking, and the next, he doesn’t even text you.
But he happily accepted the invite. Which is why Lando was sitting on your bed, watching you apply your lipgloss at your mirror. The shiny gloss catching his eye as you smiled and asked him a question.
“Lando? You there?” you waved your hand, smiling and laughing a bit.
“What? Oh, mhmm. Yeah. I heard you.” he shook his head, hoping you would repeat what you had said.
“You do think that we should get sushi next week for lunch?” you questioned, tilting your head to the side and smirking.
“Y/N, no. Don’t joke like that. You don’t even like sushi!” Lando whined, making you laugh.
“I know, sorry. I asked if I looked okay?” you smoothed your black skirt down, pulling the sleeves of the white shirt down a bit.
Lando swallowed, clearing his throat. What was he supposed to say? You truly always looked breathtaking to him. He couldn’t say that though. “Yeah, you look great.” Lando smiled and got up from your bed.
“Ok, thanks. Let’s go?” you shook off the weird feeling you had, grabbing your purse and snapping a mirror picture while Lando got his phone off the charger.
Once you guys got to Alex and Lilys, everything went smoothly. Alex and Lando chatted about the cars while they prepared the salad, and you and Lily talked about her latest golf outing and your rehearsals.
That’s how it always went. Except usually Alex would rant about the cars to you and Lily at dinner. Occasionally getting a breadstick thrown at him because you found his complaining aggravating.
“I know! And get this, my engineer said-“ Alex was ranting as Lando kept glancing your way. The was you doubled over when Lily said something, or the way you bit your lip as you concentrated on the pasta. He shook his head and listened to Alex talk about his balance in the car.
“Y/N. You need to seriously open your eyes.” Lily said, looking at you with a hand on her hip.
“They are! The pasta is fine- what…why are you mom stancing me right now?” you questioned, lips parted and brows furrowed.
“Do you not see the way Lando looks at you? He’s going to chop off a finger if he keeps glancing over here and not at his carrots.” Lily sighed, and right on cue….
“Ow! Fuck!” Lando cursed, hissing in pain, holding his finger.
“Lando! What the fuck? You’re getting blood all over the cutting board.” Alex complained, earning a cup thrown at his head from you as you ran over to Lando.
“What did you do?!” you asked, running his finger under cold water. It wasn’t a deep cut, but he grazed his finger with the blade.
“Um…I don’t know. Just thinking about the cars, I guess.” he shrugged, thanking you for getting the bandaids from the drawer behind him and helping him wrap it.
“Alex, you’re so rude! When a guest cuts their finger, you help! Not complain about your $15 cutting board.” Lily scolded Alex, shaking her head.
Alex scoffed, “Lily, he’s fine.” The couple set the table as you guys took your seats. You and Lando on one side, and Lily and Alex across from you.
“Sorry for not helping, Lando.” Alex said, side eyeing Lily.
You giggled a bit as Lando started laughing, “mhm, it’s okay.”
Dinner went well, conversations flowed well and it was nice to talk to the people you enjoyed being around. Now id only you could figure your feelings for Lando out…
yourinstagram story
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seen by: landonorris, alex_albon, and 678,023 others
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
696 notes · View notes
The Tragedy of What Was (pt. 1)
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Summary: The world was not kind. Not to you, your brother Erik, or many other mutants. So why did you have to be kind to Sebastian Shaw? A decades long mission, spearheaded by Erik was interrupted by the encounter with one Charles Xavier. You had always flirted with the idea of a changed world, not in Erik's image, but one of human - mutant peace. The battle of philosophy and morals is the only one more stifling than the one between the two battling groups. Who will come on top, be left behind, and survive? (yall i am not good at summaries pls just gimme a chance)!
A/N: uhm yeah. so this is my brainchild, enjoy:) also quick warning: VERY descriptive details about death and the Holocaust so please be prepared if you choose to read!
The footsteps were as soft as the traipsing water droplets from the fountain. An array of hues transformed into more and more mesmerizing shades in the sky above. Trees of the purest emerald coloring adorned the edges of the scene. And in the middle of the ethereal splendor stood Charles Xavier. The youthful, handsome, and charming man was wholly swallowed with transfixion.
Back turned to him and facing the serene flowing fountain, you found peace. Your hair was styled just how Charles remembered it when you first met him. Chaos somehow peacing itself into an enhancement of your beauty. His feet carried his unbelieving being right beside you. The place he swore to always remain.
Your eyes were closed but Charles always knew you never needed vision to feel his presence. Neither him for you. Never because of your mutations but rather the wonder of your hearts’ senses. Somehow, the butterflies in the pit of your stomachs always could sense out the others matching pair.
“This is cruel, Raven.”
He practically spit it out, voice still dumbfounded by your appearance. Your face has danced behind his eyes everyday of his life since your first encounter but in all that time, never has your image felt so real. Your eyes remained closed as a soft smile formed on your lips. The same one a mother would dawn as she gently corrected her child.
“Oh Charles, we both know Raven has been dead for years.”
As soon as you uttered those words, Charles felt the tingling sensation in his legs overgrow his nerves. His knees buckled and he was ready to feel the nothingness of his lower body once more except the feeling went away with the breeze. Whatever this was, Charles wished to escape as soon as possible.
“What are you?”
The smile framing your lips dropped in an instant. “You always said you saw me beyond a label. Beyond my powers.”
Your voice started out firm but was grappled with hurt as it cracked at the end. As powerful a telepath he was, Charles was well aware that his mind was being puppeteered. Yet the question of who was powerful enough to even enter the mind of Professor X stumped him.
“What is it that you wish? What information do you need so badly that vile deception is used?”
The mind was never a stable place as he well knew and that was Charles' explanation for your sudden chorus of bubbly giggles. Your smooth hands rubbed down your face as you attempted to stop your laughter. After a long winded session, you let out an amused breath that warned Charles that whatever was to be said next was not going to be pleasant.
“My schatz. You were always the mastermind of deception.”
He wanted to protest but his vocal cords failed him. Silence was his only choice as you began circling the mid-sized fountain.
“A man of your power, you could have built the world in your image by force. Yet, you made us all build it for you through your sweet words.”
Charles had a feeling of where this was going and that tingling began crawling up his veins. You continued on, nearing the opposite side of the water.
“Charles Xavier: judge, jury, but damn the world if he was seen as executioner. No, you are a mere guiding voice,”
The setting sun illuminated your dark figure behind the asserting height of the spouting water. He saw your features sparkle even in their shadowed form.
“A voice that dictated all. Who was Saint. Who was innocent. Who was worthy.”
With each word, your voice became more and more intense. A friction and malice he had nearly forgotten you were capable of. It was that last accusation that brought Charles down. Heart, head, and legs. He crumpled to the floor as numbness silenced any nerve communication. He tried to call out from pain. For you. But the strangle of his voice only righted around his neck as a weight began overtaking his lungs.
You finally rounded the circular fountain back to Charles as he laid on the floor, twisting this way and that and an arm outstretched to you. His finger framed your face from his lower point of view as they slightly curled. They danced across the very picture of perfection in Charles' eyes. But it was your own that caused the warning bells to screech to the man.
Clean,pristine eyes met his own electric blue orbs. The clarity of your sclera juxtaposed the haze of Charles' sense of reality. You crouched to meet his level and bent your neck to the side in confusion at his horror.
“Schatz, what's wrong? Aren't I pretty this way?”
You traced your fingernails lightly across his dashing face, upwards from the cheeks and into his luscious hair. He tried to jerk away but he was held in place by an invisible force, panting as a shiver of unease rippled through him.
“You know I always thought you the most beautiful.”
Your mouth dipped into a pondering frown as you mockingly assessed the man in front of you.
“Even with all my blood?”
Charles expected your eyes to transform to their original state, the ones he never got enough of. The captivating mosaic he memorized and treasured twice as hard for when you tried to hide them away in shame from him. Instead, he was met with the appearance of yours he has tried to erase so desperately but only ended up with a more obliterated consciousness.
Slow drops of blood slithered downwards from your mouth as if mocking Charles's now matching tears. Your smooth arms transformed into a canvas of cuts and bruises as they stretched unnaturally behind you. Finally, your once pristine clothing became an ocean of crimson copper blood. In every direction, a masterpiece of Charles's worst tragedy was painted through the rouge substance.
A puddle of blood formed beneath your misfigured being but not a single drop landed on Charles. Everytime a thin river of deep red snaked its way to his legs, a sprinkle of the crystal fountain water eliminated the warm liquid.
“Here I am Charles, in all my beauty, isn't that right?”
“Or am I not worthy of it anymore? A poor excuse of whatever lowly being I am hunted as?”
The brown haired man could only speak in wheezes at this point. He would use every last breath to stop your train of thought and conviction on his perspective of you.
“You were the most worthy of us all! Better than the best of us! You were the unimaginable.”
Your breath shallowed like his but Charles's was from force. Yours was from drainage. Even in your positioning, back arched, arms stretched behind you, and neck bent upwards, your eyes filtered to the shade of blue that quickly became your favorite.
“Was I so unimaginable that you refused my reality?”
There it was. As if a dam broke, all your blood began drowning Charles. The sick joke of it all was that the harsh force pounding down on his lungs freed him the second he began inhaling nothing but copper. Just to satisfy all possible suffering.
“It felt like this. Slow. Suffocating. I know you are trying to call out to me but your powers are failing you,”
You whispered in a contrastingly soothing manner. “They are failing you like they failed me. I called for you and made yourself deaf.”
And in went the blood into his ears. Charles could feel it flow its way through the complex tunnels and deafen the mumbles of your voice. In every possible part of his body, Charles was drowned in the inside and outside in your blood. The natural reaction to close one's eyes was stripped from him as his once vibrant blues were forced to be wide open to be covered in layers of the sticky substance.
Death was surely knocking on his door. That the differing voices from your own must have been what laid ahead for Charles. Odd that they, even with the disillusion of the blood, sounded oddly familiar.
You, realizing this, let out a sly smirk, even as you were thrashing in pain and letting out your last gasps of air.
“It seems like our time has ended once more, Professor.”
With one final breath, you smile upwards.
“Send him my love.”
The violent jerk of the Professor brought even further alarm to Storm and Logan who have been trying to bring him back for the past few minutes from whatever trance he entered. Storm checked his pulse and head for any fever while Logan stood to the side in confusion and buried worry for his long time mentor.
“Something going on, Charles?”
Logan's gruff voice was perfectly audible for the elder man who clenched to his wheelchair to the point his already pale knuckles were the shade of snow. However, Charles completely ignored him as his wrinkled eyes focused on the person right in front of him. Your murderer.
The screams were never ending. Of birth, death, and what surrounded all, pain. Maybe it was because of the tight packaging of the cattle cart that made it feel like the screams were louder than they were. They had no space to travel so they just ricocheted off the tens of bodies crushing the others in your end of the cattle transportation. 
The echo off of the dirty and malnourished folks gave the screams an echoed chorus to the sound of birth. A fragile woman with pretty features was splayed across the dirty floor, legs covered with men's jackets and women's shawls. While the clothing covered her decency, nothing could be done for her dignity as she was surrounded by cattle manure. There was nowhere else in the cart that had the less than necessary space the manure covered section provided. From what you've gathered of the man holding her hand throughout, her name is Lotte and beside her was her brother, Heinrich. Lotte's husband has been missing for the past six months. 
You have been trying to tell time through the crack between the two rusty sliding doors of the cart. It has been light thrice and dark twice. Everytime the curtain of darkness is overtaken by sunlight, the small glimpse of the outside world becomes increasingly muddled. Green trees became ashy corpses. Sapphire skies transforming into a sickeningly gray. 
In your time on this unknown journey, you had rarely uttered a word. You were only six years of age yet you had known that your existence was a question of debated worth so asking any of your own would only bring misery. You never asked why all three of your cardigans had a yellow star of David patched on. All that was known to you is that it was required, as your mother fearfully related to you everytime you complained why you had to dawn it but none of the other girls you saw did. Although, none of them were in your school or neighborhood as that was yet another forced move. 
You found the forced adornment quite ugly. Especially with all the stains it dawned from your constant use of it as a napkin. Your youthful innocence summarized that if you were to be forced to wear the symbol that was to deem your value, it might as well be useful to you.
Chipped nails of yours picked at the fray threads from the patch as you shuddered away from yet another round of the birthing woman's screams. You buried your face into the neck of your older brother, who only wrapped his arms tighter around your small frame. It was his turn to carry you on his lap, a shift that was interchanged between him, your praying mother, and solemn father. 
“Push more, I see the head!”
There were a handful of other grime ridded women who were surrounding the pretty soon to be mother. None were nurses but their experience was enough: they were mothers. From your vantage point, you could see the pool of blood growing beneath the sheets of cover. It was making you nauseous but you couldn't tear your eyes away. 
“Final one!” The eldest of the women announced and you prayed for her to be right. You were unsure how much more screaming you could take. To you, it was the worst sound to be stifled in. With one final welp of excursion, a new voice replaced the now official mother. A prune like being covered in blood was somehow the cleanest in the entire filth infested cart. The rest of you were flea littered as the rats crawled over all the clouds in the overpacked area. 
You still held tightly onto your brother but turned to your now weeping mother. People cry tears of joy at a new baby, even if you've never personally seen it, but you didn't think you were seeing it then. In the past years, your mother's face was constantly strewn with tears, no matter how much you tried to cheer her up in your own childlike ways. So you knew how tears of misery looked like and they couldn't be stopped as the avalanches their way down her cheek. 
“Mama?” Your small confused voice broke her out of her trance on the small baby and his first moment with his mother. She reached out and petted your hair gently with a loving yet shaky smile. However, the moment could only last so long. 
In the moments after his sister had done the most tremendous feat of her life, Heinrich knew what had to be done. Lotte turned to him to ask him to utter the prayer to be said when the birth of a child but the prayer uttered was a very different one. Instead of the blessings of life, Heinrich uttered the words of death. Lotte's delicate eyes squinted in confusion and offense but were in an instant, horror. Heinrich ripped the wailing baby boy from his mother's comforting arms and grasped the handle of the large rusted door. He was peeling as much as he could with only one arm and fighting off the other men and women trying to stop him. 
Your mother threw her arms around the two of her children seated besides her, as if the man would do the same to you. The door's crack was opening more and more, letting in the now setting sun. It was the first time in what you can only assume days any sunlight had reached the cart's populace and looking around, it was clear to see. The ghastly paleness and bones peaking out beneath raggdy clothes. This was not the effect of capture in a cattle cart but rather years of imprisonment in open air prisons you were forced to call home. 
Lotte wailed as she tried to get up, but the weakness of labor tied her down to the disgusting floor. You would have thought Heinrich to commit his act ashamed. To not have the ability to look Lotte, or anyone, in the eyes anymore. Maybe even throw himself with the boy. Yet instead, he met Lottes hazed eyes with no remorse.
“What life do you believe he will live? This death is a mercy. Let him go without suffering or in the hands of those monsters! What kind of mother wishes suffering only second to Hell on her child?!”
And with that, the baby boy was gone. The healthy baby boy. No defects or injuries. Now in the wind to die.
You were wrong. Silence was the worst sound to be stifled in. 
Looking up, you met the horrified blue eyes of your brother. 
His only response was to fully huddle you in his arms as if he could protect you from the truth. Protect you from your  inevitable fate.
Surely, this was not Earth. Rain didn’t matter; your eyes could not comprehend the desolation weaving between the desolate crowds. They were not human. Not even ghosts could compare to the ghastliness of those who might very well have been your neighbors. Sunken eyes, protruding bones, and the heavy stench of fatality. Huddled between Erik and your mama, you were shoved forward into an impending fate. Your hands clung to Erik's pants as you tried to hide from the barking officers. The three of you—and your father, standing guard as much as he could behind—were shoved and pulled in every direction. There was never a moment of peace since stepping off the cart.
As you neared the macabre gate, you were ripped from safety. A crude giant of a man yanked you from your hiding spot, away from your family. The same fate seemed to befall Erik as the four of you were being ushered in three different directions.
Your voice pierced the grating metal, now beginning to be pulled toward the boy you called for. An odd force physically pierced the gate as well as the guard hauling you away. He dropped you from his lifted arms and began crouching, as if an invisible weight was crushing him to the puddled ground. You didn’t waste any time and ran toward where Erik was being dragged. The soldiers seemed to be pulled strangely forward toward the pointed gate as well. You focused on his outstretched arm, even as your vision blurred from tears and soon darkness. As you ran to your brother, other guards tried to grab you but struggled to reach you. Anyone who got close enough seemed to trudge through invisible layers, barely grazing you. However, one lanky boy, no older than 18, managed to tackle you to the ground, easing the odd pressure on the guards.
Erik had been solely focused on reaching Mama. It wasn’t until he saw your small body on the muddy ground, unconscious and being dragged away, that he realized you had been left completely alone to fight off the brutes. Metal fragments began chipping from the gate and helmets of the men holding him back. Although, whatever destruction was to happen was avoided as Erik was knocked unconscious, unaware of the Lehnsherr fate. A grim thought to anyone but the prowling man in his tower. 
Time was lost to you as you wandered through the nice halls of the building. You had woken up in a room that barely passed as one. Beds and bodies as far as you could see. All dull, enhancing the dread of it all. As soon as you regained consciousness, the intimidating beings that somehow passed as men wrenched you away from wherever you had been sent. Time must have passed, as the rain had stopped. A cruel contrast to the gloom awaiting inside the brick building. Guards led you to a menacingly simple, deep-brown door. One sharp knock and you were tossed into the abyss, which turned out to be a tidy office. Your eyes met a pair hidden behind lowered glasses. He gave you a smile that provided no comfort. To your left stood Erik. Without hesitation, you ran to the brother you feared you might never see again. You were still lost in the world around you but knew one thing: you were not letting go. Latched around his hips, you quizzically eyed the smiling man. He took in the image of you two, his grin only growing.
“Understand this, Erik and Y/N—these Nazis, I'm not like them.”
The fact that he knew your names sent a shiver of discomfort down your aching spine. You stayed silent as he began unwrapping what seemed to be, of all things, a chocolate bar.
“Genes are the key, yes! But their goals? Blue eyes? Blond hair? Pathetic.”
Your eyes tracked his movements, not out of envy but out of unease. A man in this place was bitter, not sweet.
“Mmm! Eat the chocolate. It’s good.”
Still nameless, he pushed the bar closer to both of you, especially trying to coax you. Naturally, you wished for just a bite—as any six-year-old would—but Erik’s silence was enough to stifle that desire. You still did not know what had happened to your beloved parents, which sent a strange prickling sensation through your entire body. A mismatched sense of internal chemical stability. The man watched as you shivered, even in the moderately warm room.
“I want to see my mama.”
Erik broke the silence in his rather blunt way. You knew he was scared. He had been ever since your family was forced to evacuate the home generations of your family had been born in for a squalid apartment, ever since the Nazis decided the value—or lack thereof—of your people's lives.
“Genes are the key that unlocks the door to a new age.” It shouldn't have been surprising that he was ignored. The man in the chair was important, and what really mattered was that he was a Nazi affiliate. If there were any guards or officials in the room, they would have expected you both to show gratitude for the chance to speak with such a superior being.
“A new future for mankind. Evolution. You know what I'm talking about?” 
He continued but you could barely grasp the meaning of his words. You looked to Erik for any signal of how you should react but the only emotion painted on his pale face was apprehension. Your attention was drawn back to the mustached man as he laid down a coin. The loud and proud symbol of the Nazi regime gleaned beneath the light. A light that had emerged from the laboratory you just realized to your right. Two tables enclosed by white walls adorned with various knives, blades, and other instruments you could only gasp at their purpose. 
“It’s a simple thing I ask of you. A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate,” he said, turning to you. “Or the human body?”
He analyzed you, as you were a wild card in his eyes. The nameless man couldn’t interpret what you had accomplished, but that only exhilarated him further. With a simple gesture, Erik was instructed to go first. Concentration painted his face, and desperation motivated his hand. Stillness hung in the air.
“I tried, Herr Doktor. I can't... I don't... it's impossible.”
The doctor turned to you, prepared to ask you to try, but instead, he simply contemplated you. Thoughts spewed in his questionable mind before he took a deep breath.
“The one thing I can say for the Nazis is that their methods seem to produce results.”
His hands reached for a bell and rang it so casually before returning back to his luxurious leather seat, adjusting himself too comfortably. 
“I'm sorry.”
Suddenly, the door opened, and two guards entered. That prickling feeling returned more intensely this time, but it was alleviated by the sight of your mother's beautiful face.
Both you and Erik sprinted into her comforting embrace. You tried all you could to forcefully connect yourself to her. Like a parasite; if she were to disconnect from you, survival was no longer in your future. 
“My darlings! How are you?”
Before any words could be uttered, she was ripped away. You clawed at the guard stopping you to get back to your personal safe haven. Your mama always knew what was best so her soft whispers to listen were the only reason you settled down. She would softly scold you in that way of hers that you did not listen to her once you got out of here anyways. You did not wish for mama's displeasure.
“Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to count to three, and you’re going to move the coin.”
The doctor made sure to emphasize the task to the both of you, not just Erik. You saw your brother readying himself for the argument of his inability when the light caught yet another imposition of metal. A caliber gun.
“You don’t move the coin, I pull the trigger. Understand?”
Prickling began feeling like it was burning inside of you. Your mouth dried as panic began setting in. You looked over your shoulder and could see that mama would not be of help this time: terror painted her graying skin as corpsely white.
The countdown began, and you had no choice but to mimic Erik’s outstretched hands. How were you supposed to move it? You needed Mama's help.
You were bawling as trepidation clawed its way through your throat. Even staring down the barrel of death, mama kept her voice steady for the light of her lives. 
“You can do it.” Soft loving words of encouragement.
Time was moving too fast. Prickling to burn electricity. Yoru nerves were being set alight as you began screaming in fright. The coin wasn't moving. Why wasn't it moving? You look at Erik and he was nearly at the same level of breaking down as you but he needed to stay focused for the three of you. 
Your arms were sore, twitching with the stinging sensation flowing up and down. All you wanted was to hug your mother and let her sing you to sleep, like she always did.
“Everything is alright, darling. All is well.”
 No worry, just compassion. Just a mothers unbreaking love. 
It moved.
The bullet moved.
It hit its target.
The stinging stopped.
Tears that slipped off your lashes halted their freefall. Stinging was no longer your problem as an unbearable pressure coursed through your veins. In and around, pain hurled its way through every crevice of your tiny, malnourished body. Your eyes focused on the coin as even the vomit you were going to hurl paused its journey upwards. Something was happening to you so distracting that you could not realize the destruction Erik was raging around you. The guards' metal helmets began piercing their skulls, drawing out their brains. The bell was caved in. All the medical instruments in the laboratory next door began trembling. Though, you did not need ears nor eyes for that. You could feel it. The pull of gravity towards Erik. Gravity that made its way to your eyes. 
“Mama,” you whispered.
Sterling silver gleamed, the vision of the coin was coated in blood. Each of the miniscule blood vessels in your eyes began popping. 
It wasn’t prickling. It wasn’t burning. It wasn’t electricity. It was stabbing. Each cell in your eyes was being stabbed until only numbness remained. When you opened your eyes again after the pain, you could feel the blood unsticking from itself. The substance coated your iris. Your world was blinded by red.
The sick man that was  the doctor, was not horrified but pleased. Proud.
“So we unlock your gift with anger, Erik.”
You could not see him well, but you felt his steps gaining on you.
“And you, darling, grief.”
With his hands on you and Erik’s shoulders, he laughed as he led you all toward the laboratory that would become your personal purgatory.
“You and I are going to have a lot of fun together.”
a/n: please let me know what you thought!! i love hearing people's thoughts (it means so much!) also comments often inspire me for future chapters (in like huge ways, so if you want to see something in the story let me know!)
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thesunsethour · 2 months
Tumblr in Westeros (S2E4)
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🔗 maesterofsex follow
daemon targaryen summer
🔆 duskendalerebels follow
what does this mean
🔗 maesterofsex follow
rotting in my room and forgetting to brush my hair. perhaps being haunted by ghosts
467 notes
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🐍 divinerightofkingaegon follow
May the Seven bless the soul of King Aegon II Targaryen! Slain in battle protecting his kingdom! Slain by the forces of Rhaenyra the Cruel!
🗺️ 420blazewaterbay follow
18,589 notes
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⚓️ lordlannisterpleasepaymydebts follow
king viserys is dead prince lucerys is dead and me l feel also not so good
⚓️ lordlannisterpleasepaymydebts follow
prince jaehaerys is dead erryk and arryk cargyll are dead and me i feel also not so good
⚓️ lordlannisterpleasepaymydebts follow
princess rhaenys is dead king aegon is dead and me i feel also not so good
🌼 tyrellrosetintedglasses follow
Just Another Day On Normal Island
12,774 notes
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🏰 thebutchandthemaidenfemme follow
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Aegon: The haters said I couldn’t do it. And they were correct. Honestly great call from the haters
56,563 notes
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🪝winteriscummingwhosaysno follow
yooooooo FINALLY a proper DRAGON BATTLE 🐉🐦‍🔥 EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
🏵️ vivathesmallfolk follow
yeah epic. three of my brothers died and my family are now refugees
🍺 tavernwench follow
how about we don’t trauma dump on other people’s posts
47 notes
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🥮 mothermaidencrone follow
what if your dad DIED and you were PREGNANT and your husband was GAY and then you GOT YOUR RIGHTFUL CROWN STOLEN
🥮 mothermaidencrone follow
this happened to my good friend queen rhaenyra targaryen
89,312 notes
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🌽 sweetestsummerchild follow
(most normal voice ever) oh the other death of a royal on dragonback? yeah that was also an accident
🔰 cristoncolebabygirl follow
hashtag i support prince aemond’s wrongs
339 notes
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🟢 alerieflowers13653729 follow
Pray tell does any man have history book recommendations? I would prefer some books centring around the glory days of King Aegon the Conquerer. Should any man have any knowledge on the subject, do not hesitate to seek contact.
♟️anothericebrickinthewall follow
does op firstnamebunchofnumbers know that this site is for the SMALLFOLK. take your highborn ass elsewhere, your (dis)grace
57,579 notes
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135 notes · View notes
yeonzzzn · 9 months
♟️just bite me, idiot: jay
a you complete me series: six / seven
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pairing: jay x afab!reader
word count: 2.6k
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synopsis: jay takes you out on a date and spoils you with gifts when the main gift you want is forever…
genre: established relationship, vampire!jay
warnings: mentions of blood, stubborn but cute jay, some spice at the end
p1: vampires bleeding mlist
☾ sunghoon(1) | niki(2) | heeseung(3) | jungwon(4) | jake(5) | jay(6) | sunoo(7) ☽
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Jay rests his hand on your thigh as his eyes stay glued to the road, his thumb doing circles on your soft skin. 
You glanced out the window, watching all the buildings and people walking on the street pass by. 
Jay was spoiling you today with a lunch date and some shopping. 
The shopping was more or less for the vampire royals wedding that was coming up. You’ve obviously never been to a vampire wedding, so you were confused as to how dressing for one would go. Mostly since now, you were the only human in the pack. 
Sure, Sunghoon and Jake’s mates were human to an extent, but they still had immortality on their side. 
You sigh, resting your head in your hand, elbow digging into the side of the car door. 
Jay furrowed his eyes, making a few quick glances at you, his hand tapping your thigh. 
“Babe, everything okay?” 
You looked at him, quickly shaking your head, “Nothing.” 
Jay knew you were lying, and you knew that he knew you were lying. 
But you knew you couldn’t tell him the truth. That you so badly want to join the immortal side. 
Jay doesn’t take talking about turning you very well. Always claims it’ll happen, but when? Didn’t know. 
You keep praying that it will be before the wedding, but at this rate, you don’t know. 
Jay took your hand, lifting it to press his lips to the back of your hand, “Babe, talk to me.” 
“It’s just…Jungwon-“
Jay stopped you there, knowing where the conversation was going to go, “Babe,” he said, shaking his head, “Let’s not talk about this right now.” 
Jay didn’t understand the rush to turn you into a monster. Wasn’t your human life good enough?
You released your hand from him, crossing your arms and looking back outside the window. 
He knew you’d be pissed with him, it always would end up like this after talking about it. 
He pulled into the restaurant's parking lot, found a good spot, and backed into the spot, putting the car in park. 
He unbuckled his seatbelt, ready to get out and open the door for you before your voice stopped him. 
“Don’t you want me forever?” you softly whispered. 
Jay sighed, quickly reaching across the car taking your chin between his fingers, and pulling you to look at him. 
“That was such a stupid question,” he scoffed, showing how annoyed he was with you at the current moment, “Of course, I want you forever. I am literally bonded to you for life.” 
You wanted to make a smart comment, wanting to test him completely. Jay could read it on your face how badly you wanted to speak up. 
“Yeah, until I die…” and you said it. 
Jay let go of you and leaned back into his seat, jaw clenching tightly. 
“Y/N,” he started to say until you cut him off. 
“No!” you snapped, “It’s the truth! We may be bonded, but I WILL grow older. My body will start to age and get fragile. Hell, I am already fragile when it comes to you.” 
Jay closed his eyes, clenching his jaw even more. 
“Jay, you hold me so gently, kiss me so gently, and even hold my hand gently as if I were made of paper. Fuck, even when we have sex-“
“I get it, Y/N,” Jay finally spoke up, taking a deep breath to keep his voice calm, “I get it…” 
He leaned back towards you, taking your hands in his own, “Babe, trust me when I say I want to be with you forever,” he took another deep breath, “Let’s talk about this back at the apartment, please? Let’s go have a good lunch and shop for the wedding, I want to spoil you, baby, please.” 
You softened your hard exterior, nodding at him. You and Jay were both extremely stubborn, but sometimes you couldn’t help but fold when it came to him. 
Jay quickly pressed a kiss to your lips before leaving the car and opening your door for you, helping you out. 
Lunch was quiet as you ate your food and Jay sipped on his whine, stealing small bites from your steak and making cute faces every time his nose would scrunch up. 
That was one thing you loved about him, he still would share food and eat (even if it was a tiny bit) with you. He didn’t need food to survive but still will eat to help make you feel more comfortable as a human. 
That’s all Jay wanted, was to give you a normal human life. Something that was taken from him. 
Jay still hated the monster he’d become, hated the vampire king for taking his life from him. The only thing he didn’t hate about the monster he had become was he met you. You made being immortal all worth it in the end. 
And of course, Jay wanted to turn you, he wanted to keep you until the world ended, but he also didn’t want to take your normal human life from you. He would hate himself for it. 
Once lunch was over, Jay drove you two to the nearest mall. Take your hand in his as you walk together. 
You stopped in multiple different stores, looking and trying on different outfits. 
Jay then pulled you into a Prada store, “Now we can really find some outfits.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at him, your man loved his Prada. 
Jay found a couple of matching outfits, deciding to settle for the black suit and black dress. 
As you two stood in the checkout line, Jay pulled you close to him, his arm wrapping around your back and hand gently settling on your hip. 
His gentle touch sent you back to your previous thoughts on how gentle he is with you. 
You tried to not show it on your face, to keep such a good poker face that he wouldn’t be able to see through. To try and save the conversation once you’re back at home. 
And soon enough, the two of you were walking back into your shared apartment. Jay carried all the bags to the room and returned to your side quickly, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“How about I make you some coffee, ya? Sit down and I’ll be back.” 
You loved how he would take care of you like this, but right now you didn’t want to be taken care of. You wanted the conversation. 
Jay sat you down on the couch, but the hold you had on his arm wouldn’t release. 
You knew Jay could quickly run off and your grip wouldn’t hold. That he could just shove you off and go on about his business. But he doesn’t. He looks at your hand and how it holds onto his forearm, tracing his eyes up to yours. 
Jay knew the moment you locked eyes on what you wanted. He sighs, bending down to meet you at eye level, his hands finding yours. 
“Jongseong please…” you begged, “Jungwon turned __, and they’ve been happier since. I am the only one who is still a human. And I don’t want you always acting as if I am some fragile thing anymore. You’ll lose me someday if you don’t…” 
Jay raised his hand and cupped your face, wiping away the tears forming in your eyes. His chocolate eyes wandered your face, stopping at the two scars Dorian left on your skin all that time ago. 
“My human life was taken from me, I can’t just take your human life from you.” 
You shook your head, “You aren’t just taking it from me! I am letting you do this. Begging you to do this.” 
Jay looked down at the floor, shifting his knees on the carpet trying to find the right words to speak. 
“I am a monster, Y/N, how can you want to be like-“
“You’re not a monster!” you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. His eyes met back at yours, “I forgive you, Jay. If that’s what you’ve been searching for is forgiveness from the way you once were, you have it. You have that forgiveness. You’ve done so much good since you, Heeseung, and Jake left that place. You’re a doctor for crying out loud. You take care of me when I’ve been sick. Even cook for me and keep food in the apartment when you don’t even need it. That’s not something a monster does. I want you forever. I want to be like you because you’re more than just a vampire. You’re the most human vampire I have ever met.” 
Jay sighed, trying hard to keep his composure, thinning his lips into a line, “I love you, Y/N. So goddamn much and I want you forever too,” his fingers traced the scars that Dorian left on your neck, “I almost lost you once that night, I can’t do it again.” 
You pulled Jay to you, wrapping your arms around his neck as his own wrapped around your waist, “You don’t always have to protect me, I am just as stubborn as you, I will make one fine vampire I promise.” 
Jay wanted nothing more than to turn you. To keep you forever. He’s scared of a life without you. But the dangers that you’ll have to face in the future, to eventually have to move towns again once people start noticing you aren’t aging. 
It’s what Jay and the pack have been dealing with for so long. Once Niki graduates high school (again), everyone is packing up and moving towns and cities. 
Then with everything that Dorian caused…it’s only a matter of time before his followers who are still alive will come. Jay wanted to protect you, and no matter what he always would. 
But it’s not just turning you that scared him, it was the possibility of losing that control once his fangs are in your skin. 
“Baby, what if I lose control?” he whispered, his head resting against yours.
“Jungwon didn’t,” you commented, “And everything turned out fine. Jungwon also drank from __ that night he was attacked, right? He had more at risk when he turned her.” 
Jay shook his head, “Y/N, I haven’t drunk from a human directly since leaving the castle,” he took a deep sigh, “I have a higher chance of losing that control and he did. Jungwon also is so strong-willed, he’s the leader of our pack after all.” 
“I believe in you, Jay. I trust you.” 
You knew he’d be okay. Knew you could trust him. Had all the faith he would keep control. 
Jay started to open his mouth to protest, to maybe wait until another member was here to help keep him grounded, but you stopped him. 
“Just bite me, idiot.” 
And well, no time like the present. 
Jay bent your head to the side with one hand, his eyes staring at the scars. His fangs came to a point, his eyes their beautiful crimson. 
Your body tensed, and your hands gripped into his hair as his fangs pierced your skin. 
Jay sucked the blood in, his hand that was still at your waist gripped tighter, and a soft groan left his mouth. 
You tasted so good to him. How the hell will he ever drink normal blood again after getting a taste of yours? Jay had half a mind to not turn you, his mind was clouded by your taste and smell. 
Your brow furrowed as the side of your neck went numb and your body turned cold, the familiar feeling that Dorian first gave you. Except this time you weren’t scared. You are in the arms of your soulmate. Someone who loves you more than life itself. 
“Jay,” you whispered, your head started to spin, “Jay,” 
Jay could hear your voice but did not register what you were saying. He was chasing a high that was long forgotten. 
His fingers spread out more, moving your head even more to the side, giving him more room to sink his teeth down more. 
You hissed at the pain, tapping his shoulder as your vision started to blur, “Jay…Jongseong.” 
He couldn’t stop, you tasted too good. He was so drunk off you. His hand at your waist went to your shoulder, gripping the fabric of your shirt and tearing it down your arm, ripping it completely. 
It wasn’t until his hand touched your bare shoulder that he realized how cold your body was getting from the loss of blood. 
Jay wanted to remove his fangs, wrap you in a blanket and cover your wounds, and apologize for losing himself. 
“Baby…” you whispered, wrapping your fingers slightly tighter around his hair, “I trust you.” 
Hearing those words was enough for Jay to release his venom into your skin and take one last sip of your blood before removing his fangs. 
A small amount of blood dripped down your neck and Jay softly rubbed his tongue up, wiping away the blood and placing a soft kiss on your neck where his fangs once were. 
You started to go through the motions as his venom spread throughout your body. Jay wrapped his arms tightly around you, “It’s okay babe, I am right here. You are so strong.” 
You were in pain, but then you weren’t. You blinked a couple of times, then removed your hands out of Jay’s silver hair and down to his shoulders. 
Jay pulled back to look at you, a small smile on his lips, “Hello my love.” 
You stuck your tongue out to feel your new fangs. The world seemed like it was moving faster than it did before. 
“Is this how it felt for you too?” You asked, as his hands went back to your face as he stared into your new crimson eyes. 
“Mine was a lot more painful, more aggressive.” 
You nodded, it made sense for Jay’s to be worse, after what he had to go through… 
“Babe, how are you feeling?” Jay asked, his eyes wandering back down to your neck, the scars that were once there were gone, which made Jay smile even more. Dorian was completely gone now. 
You focused on retracting your fangs, and once they were gone you crashed your lips into Jay’s. 
Kissing him now felt different. Felt more powerful and passionate. 
Jay’s hands found their way back on your body, and oh it sent you over the edge. 
He was aggressive with his touch, not gentle like he once was. His hands gripped tightly to your body and squeezed you. His lips kiss you out of pure hunger. Like he’s been deprived of it. 
You loved it. The rush you were feeling. The way Jay was handling you as he pressed your body against the couch as his own connected to yours. His hand slid down your leg and wrapped it around his waist. 
You were no longer fragile. Not some small piece of paper. And it felt amazing. 
Jay loved the feeling of not having to worry about hurting you. He was finally able to fully give you everything he’s been wanting to give you. 
You were still so fragile to him, not because you actually were, but because of how badly he was in love with you. It would be a beacon for those who in the future would want to harm you. 
Jay shoved those thoughts out of his mind. It was a problem to worry about later. 
Because right now all he cared about was making love to you in the ways he wasn’t able to before.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Dronarry Fest 2024 - Sitp Recs
Slowly catching up with the Dronarry Fest as I try to find my way back into reading, I thought it would be fun to share my favourite reads so far. Anyone else reading along as it posts? I’d love to hear your thoughts and recs, let’s spread the love for these gems! You can find the full collection HERE.
💐 Nightswimming by @sweet-s0rr0w (M, 5k)
Weasley flicks the light on. “I got off with a guy once, you know,” he says, casually, holding the torch up between his gloved fingers. “What?” says Draco, glancing over sharply. “No, you didn’t.” “I did,” Weasley insists, and there’s an air of mischief about him now. “Just after the divorce.”
Draco tightens his grip on the steering wheel and wills his eyes to stay on the road, a dozen different scenarios playing out vivid in his mind. “But Harry’s never—” “Yeah, well.” Weasley clicks the torch back off. “Turns out Harry and I don’t share everything, after all.”
🪩 Hear Me Out by @rainstormradish (E, 5k)
“I know this is all just a big joke to you,” whispered Draco, his lips inches from Ron’s ear, his breath on his neck, his hips pressed against him, Merlin, “but I need you to fucking commit to the bit here, Ron.”
♟️ Borrowed Time by @the-starryknight (E, 7k)
Harry woke in someone else's bed, sleeping beside someone else's lover. Leaning in is the worst possible solution, right?
❄️ Snowdrift by @wolfpants (E, 8k)
London is drowning in snow, and Draco and Ron get more than they bargain for when they comfort Harry after - another - bad break up.
🥓 Dick Chicken by @oknowkiss (E, 15k)
This is a story about nothing.
🕰️ Permanent by @citrusses (M, 14k)
"Harry's always been fixated on older men. Have you ever noticed that, Ron?” Granger asks. “Have I ever noticed—Hermione, we’ve lived with the bloke for years! He doesn’t bring them home much, but I’m not blind. I see who he’s shagging.”
“And David, an older man, tells Harry ‘Saviour Complex’ Potter he needs him to save the world?” “He didn’t stand a chance,” Ron agrees. “Fascinating,” Draco says, in a strangled voice.
💦 Some Nights by @thecouchsofa (E, 23k)
Ron fucks up his Silencing Charms in the dorm one night. Then Malfoy does. The rest, as they say, is history.
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silverware-drawer · 11 months
Other parts: 1 2 3 (you are here)
19 notas
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🪹 philza
🪹 philza
sorry phone got stolen please disregard
🪹 philza
stop reblogging this
591 notas
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♟️ what-the-muffin 🔁 what-the-muffin
♟️ what-the-muffin
Why does quackity keep reblogging posts from months ago
🪷 quackitieeee
Wait what? shit
♟️ what-the-muffin
♟️ what-the-muffin
4 notas
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🚽 peterparkoier 🔁 cellbo
🚽 peterparkoier
yo viendo paw patrol: 🤓🐶♻️🚒
mi esposo convocando a demonios en otro cuarto: SKF$J🔥🔥+2+81(J—🔥🔥—+2(2 ("_+$🔥++J(2((#+#(🔥🔥🔥🔥$(_HFIWN[n(#SJSK&LQ(2)KSKSK{€🔥 FJ##AJ61IW🔥@KSK18-0QX8🔥J€{ak{XW&L&SJCB({€{|{₡}\🔥🔥~|388=€666 9ha9*🔥🔥+J🔥SK$+🔥🔥🔥🔥|=WIE63+#)91JX£{=₲NQ 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
🐁 ksk18-0qx8
🚽 peterparkoier
oh shit satanás
🐁 ksk18-0qx8
no no está bien solo soy la reina del infierno
🔎 cellbo
oh yeah guapito actualmente ella vive en nuestra casa
🚽 peterparkoier
chingas a tu madre gatinho
62 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 cellbo
🔎 cellbo
you'll all see. you'll learn to regret the day you mocked me.
*versión español*
todos lo verán. aprenderás a arrepentirte del día en que te burlaste de mí.
#lmaooooo alright you emo motherfucker #god damn
7 notas
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🟥 felppps-6391 🔁 aquimicaehloka
🦠 backflipo-numero-dos
*i enter the federation church*
*i leave the federation church*
⚠️ pactriggerwarning
*i enter the federation church*
*i enter the federation church*
*i enter the federation church*
💣 dupe-glitch-aquarius Seguir
hold on let me watch something real quick
💣 the-oldest-anarchy-blog-on-tumblr Seguir
yeah this is funny
104 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 peterparkoier
🏛️ qsmp Seguir
Official QSMP Ballot
🏝️We hope you enjoy the island.
♟️ what-the-muffin
this is a joke right
#HOLY SHIT LMAOOOOOO #IS THIS REAL #these motherfuckers really know how to run a government
219 notas
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🦠 backflipo-numero-dos
@4ever-420 HOLA MI AMIGO EL PRESIDENTE, SUGESTIÓN ENORME: it's really important that ALL of our kids grow up in a safe environment so I think you should film some of those anti-drug public service announcements to help promote HEALTHY CHOICES
🦠 backflipo-numero-dos
@4ever-420 presidente why does it say im blocked
3 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 baghz-quacks
⚜️ kocwillrock
okay wait so if I hide my armor and i'm naked underneath does it count as public nudity cause im technically still wearing clothes
🐥 baghz-quacks
don't you walk around without clothes on all the time anyway ?
⚜️ kocwillrock
it's a hypothetical baghera try to keep up
🐥 baghz-quacks
I don't think you know what hypothetical means.
#lmao #i bet bad would love it if you walked around naked foolish
98 notas
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👾 teeny-weeny-rocket-launcher
i think we should make bad boy halo illegal
167 notes · View notes
volfoss · 11 months
also very funny that the manual paints the maintenance costs you do after each mission (its just a fee dependent on how many/which creatures you bring along) as shalvas paying his employees.
1 note · View note
A/N: I found a Benny Watts one-shot hidden in my drafts, I had forgotten about. Here it is, please enjoy!
Most likely has grammar errors-
Pairing: Benny Watts x Reader
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Benny huffs standing up and goes to retrieve his wallet from his coat pocket, before handing me my money. I smiled, cheekily, before plucking the cash out of his hand.
“Thank you, baby.” I stand and peck his lips, but he pulls away abruptly. “Yeah, yeah.”
“All’s fair in love and war, or love and chess. More like..” He rolls his eyes, going over to set the chess pieces back to its original state. And I look at the cash in my hand.
“Hold up, Benny.” I hold the cash up to him. “I won thirty, you gave me twenty.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“That’s wasn’t in the rules.”
“There were no rules to begin with.” I roll my eyes and huff. “Yeah, you won those games fair and square, Congrats.” He congratulated me and placed a kiss to my forehead. “But since you are living under my roof-”
“It’s not a roof, it’s a floor, but continue.”
“I decided to take ten from it, as compensation, if you will.” He explained and I nod my head understandingly. “Right, so if I was to leave, would I be able to have my ten back? Considering I’m not living under your roof at that point.”
He thought about it before grabbing his wallet again, and just my eyes follow him, as he digs out another ten, handing it to me. “Is this your way of telling me, you don’t want me to leave, Benny-boo?” I said, as we both cringed at the nickname.
He sighed, looking at my eyes, before nodding his head slightly. I place and hand on his chest, as I stepped closer, feeling that his heart had picked up speed.
I don’t know, if it was from me, pretending to leave or me putting a hand on his chest. But it genuinely broke my heart seeing a man, who lets nothing get to him. Gets extremely nervous around me, and the fact that I might leave him.
But I must be stupid, drunk or both to leave him. Cause I would never make decision like that sane nor sober.
“Benny?” He refused meet my eye. “You didn’t actually think, I was going to leave you, did you?” I try look into his eyes, but he stared off into a corner of the room.
“Benny..” I started, absolutely devastated and saddened, that he truly thought I would. “Benny, look at me..” It took him some time before he made eye contact with me. By the time he did, you could tell his unshakable and tough demeanor had been torn.
“Benny, I would never, in a million years, leave you.” I said, holding his face in my hands. “You’re just the most amazing and remarkable person, I’ve ever met. You’re sweet, funny, talented..”
He looks away quickly, wiping a tear that had managed to fall. I redirect his face to look at me again. “And incredibly incredibly, handsome. You hearing me?”
“Why would I want to leave and find someone else, when I have the only one I want, right in front of me?”
“You might not see it, but take my word for it, I’m staying here, cause it’s were I belong.” I pat his cheek and leans him down to kiss his forehead, we stand there for a bit, before he collected his barrings, and wiped away any fallen tears.
“Wanna play another round?” He asked, sitting at the table. “Definitely. But before I forget,” I hand him the ten dollar bill, and he looks at me confused.
“It’s for compensation, remember? I wouldn’t want to get kicked out of your house.” I said, as I sat and he rolled his eyes, putting the bill underneath his thigh. “So, what are we playing for now?”
He thinks, before leaning forward with a mischievous grin on his face. “How bout, whomever losses, has to take off an article of clothing. Winners choice.”
“Are you just trying to get me naked, Benny?” He leans back in his chair, hair falling over his right eye. “Only if you agree to the terms and conditions.”
“You’re on, and there’s no way in hell, I’m losing to Benny Watts..”
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minimumwagesoul · 5 months
🎶 banban, and goku, and big chungus too, pepe, peppino, amongus, delulu!~ 🎶 gay after gay after day we fry, as the renegade pokimane makes us cry 🎶
🐰 ''gayine, is this another goofy ahh grassy pillow again? or is this a new subscriber? cause if its a new twitch donator.. we gyatt to redo this whole mlg monologue!''
📐 ''im not doing gyatt again."
🐰 ''just keep edging gyatt it, that ellen degeneres for all of us''
🤡 ''what the barnacles!?!? i-i-i-i put on owlhouse and now im here? who are you baby gronks? why cant i leave floptok? how do i leave minecraft?''
🎀 ''lets all kai calm-net down, everythings gyonna be okay thugshaker, weve all been through this escape the ariana grande obby, you just need to-''
🤡 ''how do i.. lightskin leave?''
🎩 ''👁️👄👁️''
🎀 ''..well.. dont make a twitlong about this but-'
🐰 ''the only way you can leave is by watching phonk nair videos''
📐 '':mute jax.. but hes right.. welcome to the underground, how was the fall?''
🎀''guys… dont be straight.."
🐰 ''weve been scrolling on tiktok for years.. old finger over theres been streaming the longest''
🐰 ''thats why he needs to stop it.. get some help''
🤡 ''oh.. ogay, now i gyatt it! im watching dream, i should just get in the uber!''
🐰 ''whatever you say lesbian''
🎭''..my obama prisim.." :(
🐰 ''so crane, where we dropping boys?"
🎩 ''here we have GARTEN OF BANBAN, this is where the florida men are kept, along with the FNF mods, these mods may include- GIVE HIM BACK!!!!!!!! GIVE HIM BACK!!!!!!! HES MINEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! >:((((
🤡 '' is gyatt all there rizz?''
🎩 '' OF COURSE NOT, THIS IS.. MY SPLATOON 2 LETSPLAYS!! we dont watch my OLD videos, i w(a)(m)s racist homophobic sexist abelist terrorist watchlist slay back then.
🤡 ''(huh cat)-''
🎩 '' we stay RIGHT HERE where i can keep my 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS!! YOULL NEVER KNOW MY MAIN."
🤡 ''wait whats th- HHRUEEGGEYYAHHAHAUHASGSGUGDS :vomits vomits vomits vomits vomits vomits: ''
🫧 ''me too!! watch me boss!!!!!!!"
🎩 "Stop."
🤡 ''Was that an skibidi toilet I saw out there? Is gyatt a way get a weave?"
🐰 '' What toiwet? If there was a way to not be a noob vs pro im pretty sure we'd all be hackers by now. "
📐''Yeah, what are you waffling about?"
🎩 '' THATS WHY YOU SOUND LIKE THE ROBLOX COIL SOUND BITCH BOI- how about we talk about roblox doors? Whats your gamer tag?''
🤡 ''my @ is… uh.. OH FUCK. ALL I CAN POST IS ☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over youtube. /▌ /\ ''
🎩''dont you worry your 0% rizz, your new tumblr url can be ANYTHING! Heweby acknowwedging that youw chosen name and ow names may nowt bweach the Digitaw Ciwcus usew wicense agreement stating that youw name may nowt incwude objectionabwe content. Objectionabwe content incwudes but is nowt wimited to: Sexuawwy expwicit matewiaws, obscene, defamato-wy, wibewous, swande-wous, vio-went, and ow un-wawfuw content ow pwofanity. ''
🤡'' erm… actually.. randomly generate it please. ''
🎩 ''lets see… Who is Pomni - for 300?'' (jeopardy)
🤡 ''(womp.)
🎩 ''you're right, marketable, lets try gyatt again! what do you think of XDDCC? ''
🎩 '' badonkers. dobonhonkeros. massive doboonkabhankoloos. big ol' tonhongerekoogers!!! we should start a sidequest with our new donator, XDDCC!!! ''
🐰 ''i said that at 3:20 in the original pilot''
🫧'' (plays kevin mcloyed)''
🎩'' ########### ## ####### ### ### # # ##### ''
🤡 ''does anybody in this thread play minecraft-''
🎩 '' SINCE YOUR ACCOUNT IS 12 MINUTES OLD, were gonna make this simple for your ipad baby ass, a simple oklahomo powered adventure to warm you up to the pizza tower. ''
📐 ''NO!! I DONT WANT TO PLAY WII SPORTS… GRRR… eyes glow red''
🎩'' dont worry zooble/halfdemon/princess/rich/gamer/wolf/donttouchmytail/crush;secret!!! ill make it so you can play it on console AND pc! ''
🎩 '' hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to gather the number lore! thats right! here in the rainbow friends playplace will be rizzed up with swifties, you gotta catch em- (COPYRIGHT)''
🫧 ''what are swifties?''
🎩 ''thanks for the ask, anon! theyre mid-''
🫧''can it run bad apple''
🎩 ''..they-''
🫧''..can it play megalovani----''
🎩'' Swifties are part of the number lore that vore everything and draw anything they rizz into! Why do these sans fangirls do this? How do you block them? thats for me to know and for you to find out.''
🤡''…what… did any of gyatt mean?''
🎀 ''oh, hes just ai generating mr beast videos, theyre content farm so the ipad babies dont go insane.''
📐''speak for yourself motherfucker, if anyone needs me im smoking a fat blunt- OH GOD OH FUCK- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa….''
🐰''oh no, they killed zooble.. you bastards.. anyway you lesbians wanna play touhou?''
🎀'' (pheonix wright) HOLD IT!! we should check on KSI-FMO. I'm pretty sure he'd like to challange XDDCC to a boxing match!''
🎀'' You wanna come with us to *check on boykisser kaufmonster, how should i feel?''
♟️''Not rizzly. I think Kevin macleoufmos got packed by packgod. Last time I spoke with him, he was watching Lankybox for over 6 hours."
🤡''whose lankybox?''
🎭''can someone save my goth genderfriend :(''
🤡 '' Well if you wont tell me, then I'll just ask him. And then I'll stop watching dream and watch tubbo instead!"
🐰 ''Heh. She still thinks dream isnt a pedo."
🎀 ''why are you looking at me like that? …. fa-"
🐰 ''im fine with doing (yourmom) as long as I get to see vanossgaming gmod prophunt funny moments- OW. okay ive had enough of these spambots. You, me, and XDDCC will go to the gastation. Sexualized ribbons and tumblr sexyman together will go block all the swifties.
🎀 ''..is shipping them a good idea?"
🐰 ''of course i do, im also a tumblr sexyman, whats gonna happen? i get shipped next? (proweler meme)''
🎭 ''…my comedy cock is broken again.''
♟️''okay. wait WHAT. ''
🎀''Welcome to the internet, have a look around, anything skibidi or phantum tax can be found. We gyatt maximum sigma grindset, but- WAIT XDDCC NO DONT LOOK UP YOUR OWN NAME!- '
🤡 ''I dont understand.. why go to the goofy ahh meepcity parties instead of trying to exit terraria?''
🎀''Well, we usually do, when we first make an account. But after awhile you start to realize that shiny hunting for the same pokemon or trying to get your favorite animal crossing villager to visit your island will make you become marketable and youll succumb to the pibby glitch."
🐰''Thank goodness this is all just an SMP, right XDCC?''
🤡''……………………… Why are we here again? Who am i, who am i? What are you even saying?''
🎀''We're gyetting one of the boys at 3 am." … Huh. Maybe he's off-stream mining? Hope he's not in creative.
🐰''Dont worry raggedy andy, Im gonna be so racist itll open the door."
🐰''Okay i wont be racist… JUST KIDDING, IM ULTRA RACIST NOW. You're not afraid of gay people, are you?"
🐰''(minecraft open door) im gonna have to take my balls back from you kaufy. Papyrus.. im going to grillbys, do you want anything?"
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cynningly · 9 months
Hey Slenderverse People!
I made a couple of playlists for series! Two of them have all the canonical music of the series and one is just some music i think fits the vibe of the slenderverse as a whole
^this one has every song outright played on the everymanHYBRID youtube channel (it does not include the songs mentioned on Steph’s blog, unfortunately. This is because there are a fuckton of them, and I could make a whole separate playlist for CANYOUSEETHEWORDS. If someone asked me to, i probably would.)
^this one has every song played in TribeTwelve. If you’ve watched TribeTwelve, you’re probably wondering wtf this is cause there’s rarely any music in T12. Well, you’re mostly right. But all the weird distorted background nonsense? Yeah, it’s all music. So, here it is! (this one does include music outside the youtube channel because 1. the music was less recognizable than in emh where the songs fit the story, and 2. cause it was only like one song; “Blackest Eyes” by Porcupine Trees, which was mentioned in Milo’s Journal as being his favorite song and is now one of mine so you all have to hear it)
***Id also like to say that I did not find all of these songs myself. I simple googled for them and found this webpage, which not only lists the songs, but has them in order. So thanks to whoever figured that out
lastly, here’s just a fan one with a mashup of my favs that are canonically in series and some that i just think fit the vibe of amnesia, hopelessness, not knowing who you are, changing as a person for the worse, having things hunt you, being stuck in a time loop, and all that other fun stuff that comes with being in a slenderverse series
honestly i could go into a deep dive on why every single one of these songs fits, but i’ll spare you. Also i made the cover and i’m very proud of it cause it combines all my faves (the big 5 + Stan Frederick and WhisperedFaith). Also also this is still being added to pretty frequently.
hoping to make an MLAndersen0 one soon 🤞
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 9 months
“Of course they will probably be right at some point. I think no one believes that they are endgame. But what’s interesting is by keeping people’s hopes alive that it will end soon, they are making sure that people stay engaged. If you were to tell people, relax, it’s going to last for a while, many would check out and leave the fandom. Because many fans that are left are waiting for the end, desperately waiting for it.”////
Check and Mate!!!! ♟️ @justenjoythegossip 👏
I’m tired of All, the teams crap. People know nothing but are the reason this mess gets any traction.
When the next thing happens, keep an eye to how those Pr blogs change their tune after claiming this last pap walk is “the end”. 🙄
I’m done with it, I believe it’s PR, but I also don’t know how far they are willing to go especially after going so far as to stage a bs marriage. I’m done, no decent hearted human being who actually cared would go this far, like I hope I’m wrong and Chris is actually tied up in some mess, ugh even typing that I can’t stay mad at him because he clearly looks stressed the fuck out and he’s purposely not selling this shit, hasn’t smiled not a once with her except the forced fake content they tried to sell earlier in the year.
I wish this would’ve ended with a breakup I do, but logic and common sense is showing that they may be in this for a long while. At most i can see a one year “marriage” or something.
I told the PR blogs….yeah those that more is to come and got blocked. I’m not team real nor team real/pr. I’m team ME and my own fucking conclusions.
If he divorces then the new debate will be “was he really married or not”, like it’ll never end. At those specific Pr blogs know nothing or else they wouldn’t act the way they do let alone continuously be WRONG! Their leader said Pr Marriages don’t exist and even blocked and called people idiots for suggesting it, months later……here we are. 😒
My heart hurts because I genuinely cared about him as a person but too much has been done and best of luck to him especially if they plan on doing more.
Like everyone talks about celebs won’t date fans or normies due to regular people not understanding their world, but no regular person with common sense and a value of self worth and living in REALITY would purposely enter their fake world, (it of course depends on the celeb) but in Chris’ case if he found love outside the industry after all of this, I wouldn’t trust the man,…..he’d probably use whoever to his advantage and the poor woman wouldn’t even know how far he’s already gone to keep his Hollywood whatever. He’d throw her under the bus and wouldn’t think twice. He might be purposely trying to look like he’s against this mess, but he’s still in it, he still participated by doing it in the first place.
It’s too fucking much!
He doesn’t give a shit about the hurt he’s caused his fandom, well I’m returning the favor now.
✌️ Chris. 💔
For what it's worth, An🫶n. The Fandom is it's own support system.
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So, if it gets too much, everyone's here for each other... Thank you @justenjoythegossip Your blog was truly a treat. 🤗
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