saintemry · 1 month
give me a storyline in s8 where eddie opens up to maddie about how he’s struggling with christopher being in texas and they connect over the shared experiences of being apart from your child for their own good + overwhelming guilt for the mistakes you’ve made as a parent + fear that you’re missing out on important moments of your kid’s life !!!!
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darlingboydiaz · 3 months
do y'all ever think about the fact that bobby is literally chris' grandpa? like yeah, bobby is a father figure to buck. but buck is also chris' second dad.
that's a dynamic i am reminded of whenever i see eddie and bobby interact outside of the fire station and it's a dynamic that should be explored more overall.
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beefcakekinard · 1 month
i really think maddie and tommy could be really good friends. like at first their shared connection is buck - and that's a strong starting point, they both love this golden retriever of a man, and they both think he deserves all the love a person could possibly fit into their life! maddie is generous with the baby stories, which buck finds generally distressing, but tommy just eats them up, he's totally enamoured and it becomes really clear to maddie that tommy really wants to know all of buck that there is to know.
one evening maybe they're over at maddie and chim's for dinner and they've finished eating, they're both watching chim and buck chase jee around the backyard - tommy makes a comment like "howie's such a great dad" and maddie thinks, not for the first time, how nice it is to talk to someone who knows them as howie and evan. so she asks tommy if they can do lunch sometime, just the two of them.
lunch is fun. maddie is kind of surprised by just how much tommy makes her laugh; buck goes on all the time about how funny he is, but they've never spent time together outside of a group setting, where tommy is less naturally chatty. he has a dry sense of humour that more than once startles her into laughter, and they're having so much fun that it's so easy to decide to extend lunch into coffee at a place nearby.
relatively recently, tommy has been brought into the fold of buckley sibling trauma, and when she brings up her parents in some way, he gives her his condolences for daniel's loss. she immediately gets choked up the way she always does when this subject comes up, from the tenderness of a wound left raw and ignored for so long, but she breathes through it and thanks him, sincerely. she tells him that it's nice to be able to talk about daniel again, and to get to finally share him with evan. tommy's so open and easy to talk to, and doesn't push or pry. he says that he knows how it feels growing up with parents who aren't able, or willing, to give you what you need. when she eventually changes the subject, he goes along with it easily.
anyway, they have a really good time. i think they have a lot they can connect about, and their personalities mix in a really fun way! lunch becomes a semi-regular thing, as much as they can manage with their schedules. maddie gets tommy into the bachelor - he gets her into his favourite movies. in no time at all they have their own jokes and references. they fit naturally into each other's handpicked families like they were supposed to be there all along.
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theotherbuckley · 1 year
*Eddie and Maddie finally just hanging out and Maddie telling stories about Buck*
Maddie: Buck had his first boyfriend when he was 10 and it was the cutest thing ever
Eddie: Had his first what now?
Maddie: Boyfriend, this was long before you Eddie no need to be jealous, they were kids, it was funny
Eddie: Before me? Huh what when where why?
Maddie: You and Buck aren’t..?
Eddie: BUCK’S BI???
Maddie: 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
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lilianade-comics · 2 years
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An episode in which Vlad's scheme to get Jack in trouble with the government backfires spectacularly and he ends up handcuffed to Jack and on the run and everything he does to regain control of the situation completely fails and makes things worse and Jack is just blissfully himboing his way through this mess and then Maddie shows up to help her husband and the trio just, commits so many crimes and Vlad is an unsubtle idiotic overpowered supervillain who is maybe almost helpful if you squint really hard and ignore all the things that led to here
EDIT: y'all were really nice to me on this post so there is now a part 2 to this silliness!
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hughmanbean · 6 months
Crimes Against Existence
The High Queen Phantom has expressed concerns about the state of law within the Mortal Realms.
Walker, sensing a chance to redeem himself in her eyes, volunteers to go out and report the state of the lands to the Queen. She seems pensive, but agrees. Under strict conditions that Walker must NOT detain nor arrest any mortals that would not have been taken into custody or otherwise punished by mortal authorities in the same situation.
She hands him an addendum to his book the Duke has written up for him to use as reference while he operates in the Mortal Realms.
He reluctantly agrees and makes his way to a mortal settlement with that he can sense has strong criminal influence.
He follows the trail to one of most crime-infested cities on Earth: Gotham. His guards clean out an old office, and he sits himself down into a desk.
He turns on the TV and tunes into a random channel. A man who seems like he'd fit with the Far Frozen is locked in combat with a skilled mortal in some sort of outfit. After a bit of research, Walker learns these are the rogues and vigilantes.
Well, this explained quite a few of the High Queen's problems. Though she doesn't know of them just yet.
Now, how do we rectify that?
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gibuckaroo · 4 months
maddie helping buck get ready to ride a bicycle and buck and eddie helping chris get ready to ride a skateboard
theyre both ready 🥹
(maddie being the earliest and important parental figure in buck’s life; how he’s now a great and important parental figure in chris’ life)
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nelkcats · 1 year
Jasmine Al Ghul
A while ago the perfect assassin was born, she was Talia's daughter but Ra didn't like the rebellious look in her eyes, they were claiming for destruction and he knew that she would do nothing but destroy the League as soon as she could.
So he rejected her as the heir, something Jazz grew to resent. When the twins Danyal and Damian were born, one was clearly weaker than the other, considering that he was born without breathing and was only saved at the last second.
This made Ra make his decision: Damian would be the heir and Danyal his shadow. But Danyal wasn't interested in killing, no matter how much he was punished for refusing, he wanted to see, to explore, to learn. Everyone could see it.
Because Damian was spending more time on heir training, Jazz devoted herself to taking care of Danyal. She tried to teach him but the boy kept refusing, failing over and over again in the most simply things, Jazz hated him.
Until she stopped hating and became fond of him, feeling a kinship because of their grandfather's rejection. Danny taught Jazz things she had never considered (love, stars, a new interest far away from training, find the meaning of life simply by living) and she made her decision: she would save the boy.
Jazz escaped with Maddie Fenton (one of Talia's students) seeing she wantes to save them too and could pass as their mother, she took Danny with her. She couldn't leave him in that place, she wouldn't forgive herself.
Of course, Damian grew to resent his younger twin for taking their sister away. Blaming him for being weak, why did Jazz leave him behind? He could be a good little brother too, he was better than Danyal! In everything!
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exhuastedpigeon · 3 months
Eddie’s going to be the last one of the team Buck comes out to and he’s going to be supportive because of course he is. He loves Buck, he just wants Buck to be happy and fuck Buck looks so happy - so free - now that he's figured out this part of himself.
But it’s also going to hurt like a bitch feeling like Buck trusts him least. Even though it isn’t that at all. It’s that Buck is terrified because what Eddie thinks of him matters so much, because he doesn't want Eddie to think he's been lying to him about such a huge part of himself.
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 4 months
okay but imagine maddie and eddie talking about buck in spanish or even pretending to while buck is right next to them
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avnasace · 4 months
manifesting good vibes and maddie eddie interactions for season 7
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ace-with--a-mace · 8 months
weather is starting to feel like i need to rewatch jatp
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rainbowonice · 2 months
can they free me from tommy already i cannot do this any longer its getting worse than taylor kelly
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shaunashipman · 2 months
not the controversial opinion I wanted to post but I just saw that lou is filming with jlh, and how many seasons has it been since maddie and eddie even interacted?
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
time to fed the brainrot!
so how about the college trio and the everlasting trio in compltly and utterly funny sitouations~
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I couldn't agree more anon. I love them in situations
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hughmanbean · 6 months
Pest Control
So if you've been looking at my posts lately you'll realize I've been fixating on Queen Danny. And I'm going to keep doing that. But let me grind up some new concepts to throw in.
You think that bugs can become ghosts? Other than singular ones like in Doctor's Disorders? Not really. They're not as obsessed or driven enough to be fully formed, and areas where they become even blobs via excess ecto would probably have a bunch of blob eaters or something balancing it out. So the singular ones in that episode would be much more rare in comparison.
And ghosts who control bugs don't count. We're talking about bugs being the ghosts.
But what about those mass insect killings? Pest control, or when a full apartment building lights on fire and there's enough ectoplasm around? You get a Hive.
Hives always prefer to work together, since even at their creation they are made up thousands or even millions of the creepy crawlies. They either form a body from tiny bodies or chose a majority that can represent it properly. So they can just meld and split without concern.
And in the bug and insect world, more often than not, the Queen is at the top. Pariah didn't count, he didn't even like the Hives. On the other limb, High Queen Phantom had created a clutch of her own.
Once she came into power, the Hives wish to fulfill her desires, as insect kingdom instincts demand and through newfound loyalty. They do so, to the detriment of everyone else.
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