#[not a happy moryo]
acommonanomaly · 3 months
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I drew Moryo as a late birthday present for @nixiegenesis! I hope you like him, best elf remains best what can I say.
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nin-varisse · 2 years
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I sadly don’t have the time to really participate in @feanorianweek but I finished this sketch for Moryo’s day! 
It’s inspired by Marlene Dietrich because he gives me lesbian auntie vibes.
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curufiend · 2 years
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carmisse · 4 months
Of Tyelkormo and Moryo.
Tyelkormo loves Carnistir.
It was hard for him to be so at first. He was happy when his Ammë told him that he would be a big brother, he thought constantly about the new baby and waited impatiently for its arrival.
It turns out that Moryo is not what he expected.
Atya tells him that when the baby grows up he will be delighted with him, and that he will not leave him alone, for his part he really hopes so, he wants someone to follow him like Makalaurë to Maitamo, he has always wanted his own little brother.
He makes sure to be present with Moryo, he even taught him to walk, the first time Carnistir walks he addresses him, not Maitamo, not Makalaurë, Ammë or Atya, just him.
He waits a little longer but things turn out strange, because once Moryo is a little boy he has no intention of staying around him, in fact whenever he tries to take him to play with him, Carnistir slips away and the next time he sees him, he is being cradled by Nelyo or Atya. Makalaurë says it's okay, that he can play with him instead of Moryo, but I can't help sobbing at being ignored by his brother.
Trying hard to find things to do together, the first thing they do is to go to the forest where the noises although soft, are too much; Moryo cries because of the noise, Atya is the one who comes to calm him down while patting Tyelko's back.
He thinks about giving up when Ammë tells him that there will be another baby at home. Maybe the new baby will love him, Curufinwë is born, but as much as he loves him intensely, no one will replace Moryo.
One day, when they are all out in the gardens of their home, Moryo is the one who takes a feather from the grass and braids it against his hair, his brother has soft fingers, they are gentle and skillful.
He says nothing to him, never says anything, is silent, speaks to no one except perhaps grandfather, but Morifinwë smiles, at least when he feels safe to do so, he loves Moryo for the way he is, even if other elfings say he is strange.
Morifinwë is the one who embroiders his first cloak when he joins the cult of Oromë.
Morifinwë is the one who takes his hand when he feels Atarinkë overtakes him.
Morifinwë is the one who dies in his arms with an expression of fear in his eyes.
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doodle-pops · 6 months
Better Than The Stars
Caranthir x reader
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Request: Hi Mina! Can I request a one shot where Maedhros or Caranthir are married after being reincarnated and they're struggling with people opinions about their children (hair color, their patrents past, Fëanor...) meanwhile their wives don't care even more because they're noble and know about their society (plus Nerdandel Is supporting). However lots of fluff and family actitude 🩷 thank you!!!! - @foreverandadaydarling
A/N: A pleasure to create this piece on your behalf dear. Enjoy!
Warnings: female reader, angst, comfort/happiness, reborn!Caranthir, arguments, Caranthir wanting to separate
Words: 2k
Synopsis: There were days when even the great son of Feanor required reassurance that your choice to be a family was genuine and not out of guilt.
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Pulling the blanket over your shoulders, you stood in the doorway, watching your husband tediously slave away, attempting to garden. A chore that once came easily during his youthful and glorious years of peace was now foreign and laborious. You would have been fine with assisting him, but quick he was to assure you that you shouldn’t be the only one labouring around the household. Your response? A simple smile and a pat on his shoulders before leaving him to his own devices.
It was now spring, and Arien’s rays were barely peeking through the clouds to relieve the winter coldness. What little crop you two managed to save during the previous seasons was now getting the opportunity to grow. Winter was harsh for you two since you no longer lived in the comfort of your parent’s homes or the lavish life you once did in Thargelion. Returning to Valinor, branded as outcasts or the darkened ones, most of your family turned blind eyes to many of the returned—as did the former servants of his house. Most were quick to beg for forgiveness and repent their rebellion towards the Valar and were easily forgiven; however, their compromise was to never serve under their house again.
You, along with a few of their spouses, openly chose to remain at their sides after their rebirth, believing that if they were given a second chance at life, then there was still good left in them. Unfortunately, your choice of dwelling with him left a stain on his heart when he realised the life you would have to live with him—giving up the lavish treatment you once had.
“Ease up on the hoe—the handle already has a crack, arimelda.” Halting his swing mid-air, he turned to gaze at you with soft eyes, but behind them, you saw the distant look of regret.
Yes, he regretted you being dragged along with him in a swirl of chaos and destruction. He promised you the world when you both wedded and instead, he brought death, pain, and heartbreak. Though you knew the true reason behind his actions, hence the force being placed on the handle with each swing the tool made with the earth.
His children.
Your two daughters became the newest victims of the backlash the House of Feanor faced. A brief excursion into Tirion’s market yesterday left them scurrying back home with tears streaming down their ruddy cheeks, a precious trademark that made them all the more magnificent in their father’s eyes. Keeping the incident a secret from him all day yesterday to maintain peace was broken this morning upon mindless eavesdropping as his girls hush-hushed the harsh words. His first instinct was to fly into Tirion and have his daughters pinpoint the individuals before giving them a good old-fashioned taste of his mind, the classic Moryo style.
Had it not been for his daughters' pleas alongside yours, the House of Feanor would have left another mark on their reputation.
Sharply exhaling and relaxing the flare of his nostrils, he gave a pained smile. “Ah, sorry, I didn’t notice. I’ll fix it when I’m finished.” And yet, his smile didn’t reach his eyes as it once did.
“No need, just go easy on it.”
Offering him a genuine smile, one that reached your eyes, he dropped the hoe.
He still couldn’t understand, to this day, how you could be happy amidst the life he had you living. You deserved the riches he bestowed upon you in Thargelion. Whatever you wished for, he would have been able to grant—be it the largest diamond, a platter of fruits, or the finest material for your clothes. Not this broken life of struggling to bring in a good harvest or being cursed at when you went into town for produce and meat. Even the relationships with a few of his brothers felt strained, the harsh, cold, blank stares you would give them whenever they visited.
You still hated them for persuading him to retrieve the Silmaril, even though you knew he had no choice. You just wished it had come at a later date so more time could have been spent. At least his mother did her best to reach out and act as a guidance counsellor when she could. Her words were harsh at times, despite the honesty behind them and bias towards her sons, giving recognition to her wisdom. But not once had she persuaded any of her daughters-in-law to leave her sons. That was the sole decision she left you ladies to make; your choices were your consequences.
Frowning, deep in thought, he parted his lips to argue. “Why—”
“Don’t, because I will give you the same answer as I always do. I just want to be with you. I’m happy with you,” you reminded with a single huff.
Returning a breathy laughter, wanting nothing more than to scream and yell at the now nonchalant and lackadaisical you were treating the crisis, he curled his fists into his trousers. “Really? Is that the life you genuinely want with me when we have children? If it were you and I, then I would be less inclined to leave, but we have a family who have now become victims! And for what?! Looking like me and coming from this accursed family! This is not the life I want for them and you!”
“Then you would prefer us packing up and departing after expressing your gratefulness upon your rebirth that we stayed?!” you snapped, lowering your tone to prevent your girls from picking up that their parents were arguing.
“Yes! Yes, I would have preferred that instead of having to listen to the vile comments targeted at my children and you!” He shook his head and turned to gaze at the dirt ground. Standing in the troughs he had dug, he felt insignificant for the first time in his life. He felt lost as if his purpose had been stolen from him.
Maybe if I covered myself with dirt and grew, I might be able to start over again? I’d be able to regain a purpose in life.
“Do you genuinely believe I would leave you so easily? Have I not walked through fire and gotten burned to prove my loyalty? Is that not what this family is all about? Do you honestly want to chase us away because of naysayers? I’ve said it time and time again, I don’t care about other’s opinions of us. What happened to the Morifinwë who didn’t care about other’s opinions?”
“He died long ago and has no intentions of returning now that he has children!” He allowed himself to stand there in the dirt and lifted his head to gaze at the overcast above. “You could return to your family, taking our daughters with you, and atone for your actions. You all would not have to struggle or be hated—everyone would adore you all, a life of luxuries and opportunities. You were never hated, always loved, so why do you still stay when the situation shows no sign of bettering?”
If the Arien was out, I’d be able to sprout properly. But even she would not wish to cast her rays upon a person like me—they were too beautiful to be wasted.
Tugging the blanket tighter around your body as a brisk cold wind blew through the garden, you shivered. Listening to the branches quake and shiver from the intensity of the violent wind, you could observe and ponder how long your actions had troubled his mind. He didn’t drop his head from the sky; he kept it facing upwards and left his hands curled into fists at his sides, controlling his temper. Opening his mouth to respond, he quickly snapped it shut, unable to provide an appropriate counter.
It was something he had done less and less since his rebirth. It was the most eerie change in his persona. Gone was the easily angered Caranthir, replaced by a mellowed and soft-spoken person. Still, he’d grind his teeth or grumble under his breath at the hate, but always bit his tongue because he knew it was the truth and there was no point in fighting it. Yet, there was anger behind your decision to remain at his side. You could have left him, never to be heard of again, and lived in a peaceful paradise.
“Because we would not have been at peace if you were not around. To hear our children ask for their father, why wasn’t he coming around or if he didn’t love them anymore are questions I would like to avoid. I want our girls to grow up knowing and seeing you in a different light compared to how others perceive you.” Your voice was soft and considerate, and his tensive posture was relaxed when it reached his ears. “I want them to know that their father was kind and loving, and someone who made an effort.”
Relaxing his fingers from their tight grip, he wiggled them around to alleviate the ache. Lowering his head to your level, he turned to confront you. His forest green eyes pierced into yours, seeking warmth and honesty behind your words. And you allowed him to—there was nothing to conceal. He deserved to witness the truth for himself.
“I want peace and I also want happiness Caranthir. Do you remember our vows, happiness and sows, for better or worse, through the good times and bad? I chose you from the start and I will continue to choose you until the end of time—we will stand with you until the end of time.” Walking out the doorway, you stepped barefoot onto the dirt. Grimacing because of the coldness of the earth seeping through your pores, you continued to walk until you stood before him.
Extending your hand, you tenderly grasped his freckled one and raised it until it met your lips. Returning a smile to him, of which he was unaware, you kissed the back of his hand before reaching your other hand to encircle his waist. Despite the stern and unyielding expression on his face, your actions were the exception that broke the ice, causing him to blush slightly. This was one occasion when he could not deny being captivated by your gesture.
Raising your head to meet his gaze, you captured the longing, desperate reassurance in his stare.
“Sometimes I wonder who is the more stubborn of the two of us.”
“I have never been happier Moryo; you make me the happiest person in the world.” Saying this, you took his hand encased by yours and rubbed it against your cheek before repeating the gesture upon his ruddy cheeks. “Your daughters love and want you in their lives; don’t push us away.”
“Even in this state of living when I can no longer provide the best?”
“You always give us your best.” At the whisper of your words, a warm wind blew through the gardens and wrapped its cool arms around you both, pushing you into one another. Within that moment, two extra pairs of footsteps were heard rushing out the backdoor. Lo and behold, the sight of two miniature versions of both of you came scampering out of the house to rush for a group hug. Never one for missing out on family hugs whenever they saw you both embracing.
The moment they ran out of the house giggling was the moment a flutter of warmth flowed into his heart as he gazed at his two loving children clinging to you both. Their short arms struggling to encircle your bodies as they squeezed your waists tightly added appreciation to the warmth. Arien’s rays took the most opportune moment to shine her light upon you both, encasing you in a swirl of golden light. A light finally shone upon you both, maybe a sign of acceptance or prosperity, or both.
Laughing at the action, Caranthir could not help but gaze lovingly at them, giving their heads small pats and then at you—finally, he was seeing the honesty and beauty behind your words in your eyes. Choosing him wasn’t out of sympathy or shame, it was all love and contentment.
“Then I will continue to give you all my best meldanya…for staying at my side.”
“You are all that I need.” Pulling him closer, you rubbed his nose against yours and gently pecked his lips before grinning at his blushing face.
“Can I have a kiss too atya?”
“Me too, I want a kiss please!”
With a smile emanating from the depths of his heart, Caranthir gazed at his girls tip-toeing with their lips puckered for their kisses and chuckled. Some things truly never change.
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“Alright, line up for your kisses!”
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @sakurayaxd @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @ladyenchanted @hermaeuswhora @aconstructofamind @stormchaser819 @addaigio @lamemaster
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actual-bill-potts · 6 months
PROMPT TIME can I have some m&m and “enduring grief and anger in silence” please!!
hehe yes beloved <3
TW for discussion of death and funeral practices
Nelyo had not cried once after Atar’s death.
He had wept, bitterly and without comfort, after Atyarussa had died. There had been a kind of grim satisfaction in Tyelko’s face; Curvo and Moryo had been silent, Curvo tall and straight at his father’s shoulder; Minyarussa had simply stood, swaying, eyes so bright he looked like a sick animal. Makalaurë’s own eyes had been dry; he had been full of fear so hot he felt as though he were burning along with his youngest brother, and in his mind only one thought had circled, round and round like the wheels of an organ-grinder: at least one of us is now safe.
But Nelyo had cried and cried, doubled over on the ground like he was playing again on Atyarussa’s little drum-set, and Minyarussa had stared at his shaking eldest brother with a dull sort of relief on his face. Atar had half-heartedly said, “Get up,” then shook his head and strode away as Nelyo behind him gasped, “the baby, our littlest one - the baby -”
He had raged at Makalaurë, after. “Why did you not weep? Little Atyarussa! My brother the musician, composer of dirges, can still weep for a pet rabbit lost these hundred years, but not his smallest brother, who we were as fathers to -”
“You were, perhaps,” said Makalaurë, not caring that he was being cruel, not wanting to think about it, “but I had other matters to attend to. In any case, brother, at least he is not here.”
Nelyo’s face had frozen in open shock; but all he had said was a quiet, “It should have been me.”
Only - only now Atar was gone, and it seemed to Makalaurë that some rotted abscess within him had torn open and was draining, for he could not stop crying. There was grief for the father who had lifted him upon his broad shoulders when he was tiny, and swallowed his dislike of the Vanyar long enough to send Makalaurë to Valimar for tutelage - for a little - and taught him his letters. And there was grief for the days of his youth, the bright happy house and his mother’s unshadowed eyes; and finally, finally - where had it been before? - there was grief for his littlest brother, for whom he had fashioned a little violincello and whose piping voice had lifted with him in duets.
It was his turn, now, to lift his voice in mourning; but Nelyo was silent, and refused to help spread what they could gather of Atar’s ashes in the fields that were taking shape by the lake, laying him to rest as close to Cuiviénen as they could manage. He and Minyarussa stood on and watched, twin shadows of Ammë.
Does she grieve for us, he wondered. Will she know he is dead, and did not know whether he meant Atyarussa, or Atar, or himself.
But after, Makalaurë could bear it no more. “Why will you not weep for him? Our father is dead!” he demanded in a whisper in their tent. And then, pouring out of him, “you wept more for Findekáno, who is alive! Atar will not see the hills of Tirion on Túna again, nor Finwe his father; he is Doomed, and all of us with him! Will you not weep! For us, if not for him!”
“He murdered my brother,” said Nelyo, quite casually, “why should I weep? As for the rest, we have been Doomed a long time since, and I shall not grieve twice what I was commanded not to grieve once. I will fulfill our Oath; is that not enough?”
Makalaurë blinked back tears, again, and said, “Not for me; where is my brother?”
“He died on the ships,” said Nelyo; and they did not speak again until the messenger from Moringotto came.
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pseudonymphomania · 8 months
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A page from one of Diavolo’s photo albums (inspired by the “Memorable Photos” Diavolo SSR from OG)
View from Top to Bottom, Left to Right.
Suggested OM BG Music to read this to: Always By Your Side
This candid of Dame Lucifer was taken by Diavolo as she passed by the area on her way to the stage after having her makeup done by Asmo.
Diavolo and Lucifer go to a cafe which boasts new specials. Despite his aversion to photos in a public place, Lucifer poses for a surreptitious photo while there, prompted by Diavolo's excitement at having ordered a ridiculously large and aesthetic drink for the first time. Lucifer ordered a small cake and took off his gloves to enjoy it. [the drink and cake are cut off]
This is the selfie that Lucifer took in MC's bedroom after having a heart-to-heart with Diavolo in the "Creating Records" WW. Lucifer only took one picture before giving the phone back so it is slightly blurry, but you can clearly see Diavolo's surprise.
It was a long and tough snowball fight between Lucifer and his brothers at RAD. The battle was hard won and as everyone left to go back inside, Diavolo catches Lucifer looking at the sky and decides to make it snow. Diavolo takes a picture of Lucifer's peaceful face, committing to memory of what it looked like when someone cared for family as much as he did and what it meant to him to know that they were safe.
The Fantastic Three are having fantastic tea and Barbatos is trolling Lucifer again. Taken by Diavolo.
Diavolo and Lucifer speaking in the hallways of RAD [but this photo is cut off so only the shoes are visible]. Taken by Barbatos.
Diavolo is very happy about Lucifer in his uncharacteristic unicorn onesie. Lucifer is annoyed that the presentation of his personal image, something he takes a lot of care in, is being offset by this travesty; however, Lucifer lets Diavolo take a few photos before he takes off the onesie with full intention to toss it into the flames. [MC rescues the onesie before that happens]
Diavolo and Lucifer are in Lucifer's bedroom drinking horns of Demonus. Diavolo remembers that he had a gift so he presents Lucifer with a Demonus body pillow. Lucifer, being drunk, is uninhibited in showing how much he likes it. Diavolo takes a photo of Lucifer cuddling the pillow, but as Diavolo is also drunk, he fails to consider environmental lighting, composition and the fact that his finger is in the shot.
The Fantastic Three go on a business trip. They have a little bit of time to relax so they go to the hot springs in Moryo Town. Diavolo, being playful, decides to splash Lucifer with the hot water and instigates a splash war. This photo is taken by Barbatos who is the only one able to avoid the portent of shenanigans.
The Fantastic Three go camping. After a full day of Camp Master Lucifer's treatment, Lucifer shows Diavolo how to cook marshmallows over the fire for s'mores. Taken by Barbatos.
Diavolo and Lucifer are in the Human World for business. They decide to play chess in the park like retired old men. Diavolo wins the first round white and decides to switch places with Lucifer. He jokes about how Lucifer could have beaten him if he had been more aggressive. Lucifer smiles and retorts that white always has an advantage and that was why he won, but is taken off guard by Diavolo who raises his black pawn and says, "yes it is true. White goes first and black has a critical weakness, but to be truthful, I've never felt more powerful." Lucifer catches on and takes his own white king, placing it in the F7 spot where Diavolo's black pawn had been.*
This photo was taken by the Anti-Lucifer League after a prank on Lucifer. By request, it was sent to MC after-the-fact.
This photo was taken by MC who was watching Satan and Belphie run away, being chased by an angry Lucifer. Both photos were sent to Diavolo after-the-fact.
Diavolo and Lucifer have a long conversation about inter-realm politics while looking out into the yonder. This photo was taken by Barbatos.
The Fantastic Three go to Diavolo's private beach. Diavolo plays in the water as Lucifer watches but Lucifer is overly concerned about what kind of travesties he will come back to when the trip is over so he doesn't share Diavolo's excitement. Taken by Barbatos.
This photo was taken by Diavolo. Lucifer fell asleep while Diavolo was showing off the photo albums and he rests on Diavolo's shoulder. This photo will be shown to Lucifer next time he comes over to look through the memories.
*The F7 square is widely considered the weakest spot on the board being only protected by the black king and is often subjected to attacks. Lucifer putting his white king in that spot means that this game of chess is null but it is an allegory for Lucifer's defection and Diavolo's protection who went from just prince (pawn) to Acting-King. The point of chess is to checkmate, but with the white king protecting the black king and vice versa, who is there to defeat them?
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blueflipflops · 2 years
I desperately would love love LOVE to introduce Feanorians to a Quenyan version of Scrabble and watch them explode
I imagine that they'd make a bigger board to be able to fit 10-12 players and it would go on for days. With bickerings on the validity of words and with Moryo as the score keeper who can't quite keep his mouth shut and joins in on the bickering on wheter the word choice is "so fucking stupid, Tyelko. It should be banned on principle. What the fuck-". Each of the Feanorion just keeps on making up new rules especially after the Ambarussa makes up new words and argues for a whole hour and a half that it "totally counts as a word. Trust us, Nelyo-", that time Meadhros tried to pass a whole ass sentence as a "word", when Feanor took almost 12+ hours to think up an appropriate word to put down and etc.
Because come on guys. Ñoldor? "Those with great knowledge"? Feanor? The guy who created a whole ass writing system (the Tengwar)? His family? Who is just as intense and competitive as him? His step-siblings who would no doubt love an excuse to throw down without getting into trouble with the Valar or Finwë? Scrabble is THE BEST for Ñoldor Family Game Night(s).
I can just imagine Feanor playing scrabble with Finwë, Indis, Nolofinwë, Arafinwë, Írimë and Findis. Oh boyy. Findis is keeping score but everyone keeps trying to justify how they should have a higher score that word. Nolo and Feanor are shouting. Accusing each other for cheating. Ara made a throwaway joke once and suddenly BOTH his brothers are shouting at him. Indis saw the chaos and wanted to put away the game but was immediately stopped. Finwë is just happy to spend time with his family. Írimë is, in fact, the one who is cheating
Edit: More Feanorion shenanigans here! For part 2
Edit: And another! For part 3
Edit: Part 4!
[Edited to keep it to one post. Was too excited to post]
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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TV Guide Dan, LDH Special Issue dan the Girls ft. Yuzuki Hirakawa Interview (translation below)
Publication December 1, 2023
"Hirakawa-san, you entered the entertainment industry after winning the Grand Prix in the vocal and dance category of LDH's, "LDH Presents THE GIRLS AUDITION" held in 2018. Please tell us why you took part in the audition."
Hirakawa: I've always liked LDH artists. I would go and see their live performances, and I watched "Weekly EXILE," a music information program that was being broadcast at the time. Then, I heard the announcement that they'd be holding an audition for female artists for the first time in a while. Before that, auditions had been limited to singing and dancing, but the auditions I attended included various categories, including singing and dancing, as well as acting and modeling. At the time, I wasn't interested in the entertainment world, but my parents and those around me recommended I do it, so I did it partially out of curiosity. However, as judging progressed, before I knew it, I won the Grand Prix…is how it felt. I like singing, but I didn't have any dreams of becoming a singer. After joining the agency, I took singing, dancing and acting lessons equally, and during those lessons, I decided to pursue acting.
"Winning the Grand Prix helped you in deciding to pursue a career in the entertainment industry."
Hirakawa: I was in my second year of high school when I won the Grand Prix, and I had to move from Kumamoto to Tokyo by myself, so I was determined, or rather, I felt I had no choice but to do it. The final stage of the audition was a training camp exam, where about 10 finalists spent a week together. While there, I met other kids who were seriously working hard to pursue their dreams, and I realized that I could no longer be half hearted in my efforts just because I had been chosen. However, when I made my debut as an actor in the stage play of "Moryo no Hako," I didn't know what to do or what was expected of me on the stage, so I just went along with things. It was only last year when I was cast as the role of Rita Kaniska (PapillonOhger) in "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger" that I was able to proudly say, "My profession is an actor. Actually, before I was cast for the role…there was a time when I was wondering if it was okay to continue down this path, or if I should look for another one. That's why I was so happy when I was chosen to play the role, and thought I could continue as an actor. However, I was alittle anxious before the broadcast started. Rita is the king of Gokkan and the Chief Justice of the International Court of Justice, but their gender isn't clearly stated, and their face is almost invisible, being hidden behind their collar and hair. Since this type of character hasn't been seen in the Super Sentai series before, I couldn't predict what kind of reaction we'd get from the viewers. But thankfully, the positive feedback I've received since airing started has made me enjoy filming even more.
"We feel that characters who don't specify their gender are appropriate in the current era."
Hirakawa: I'm grateful to have been given such a role. I've always thought that my appearance, personality and voice were (gender) neutral, so I was happy to have landed the role of Rita. At first, Rita was a calm and quiet character who didn't say much, but as the story progressed, they're able to rely on others, and gradually become able to express their feelings in public. Slowly, their humanity and cuteness is showing, and I hope that my performance will make the character even more beloved.
"We feel like it's more difficult to express a character that changes gradually, rather than one that changes drastically, but do you find it difficult?"
Hirakawa: I'm not sure…personally, I don't find it that difficult. More than the changes of Rita in the story, I think the relationship between me and all the cast members were the biggest change. As filming progressed, the relationship between the cast members deepened, and I feel that we're able to understand each other. I think this naturally led me to express myself in the role. The atmosphere when Rita and their retainer, Morfonia (Hasegawa Kasumi), are together has also changed. Of course, this happened after the halfway point of the story, but it also reflects the fact that the cast members have become closer to each other.
"And now, "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Character Book: The Bonds Connected by Moffun and Racules?!" featuring Rita, Morfonia, and Hymeno Ran (played by Murakami Erica) is on sale. Please tell us your thoughts after looking back on the photo shoot and interview."
Hirakawa: In the TV series, Rita and Hymeno, and Rita and Morfonia are sometimes filmed together, but this is probably the first time that Hymeno, Rita, and Morfonia are together. This was the first time doing an interview with the three of us, so it was very refreshing. Rita is called the "Immovable King," a character with very few movements. So, there aren't that many posing variations, but Hymeno and Morfonia moved alot to add variety, so I felt thankful for that (laughs).
"In episodes 32 and 33 of the TV series, there was a collaboration with "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger." You co starred with Shiono Akihisa-kun, playing the role of Souji Rippukan (Kyoryu Green), who also belongs to LDH."
Hirakawa: The day after it was decided that I'd be appearing in King-Ohger, I had work to do with Shiono-san, and when I told him, "I'm going to be your junior in Super Sentai," he said to me, "I know it'll be a tough year, but please do your best." He also said, "I hope we can work together again somewhere." At that time, I never imagined that I'd be able to work with Shiono-san in King-Ohger, so I was really happy when the collaboration episodes were announced. We only had one day of filming, but I was able to hear stories about the "Kyoryuger" days, and I was deeply moved by being able to appear in the same scenes for the first time. The collaboration episodes were directed by Sakamoto Koichi, who's famous for his action direction, and although we had to fight more enemies without transforming than usual, since I like action, it didn't bother me, and it was a valuable experience. I'm also working with Amano Kousei-san, another senior at LDH, who plays Grodie Leucodium starting from episode 30. Since Grodie is Rita's enemy, they have many scenes together. Amano-san is very considerate, lending us things to cool our necks when we were on location during the hot season. Also, he gets involved with me on Twitter, and is a really funny and friendly person. However, once he gets into his role, he completely changes, which I think is amazing.
"Since our magazine mainly features men, we'd like to ask what kind of men Hirakawa-san likes."
Hirakawa: Someone who's firm and flexible. When he messes around, he'll completely mess around, and when he talks about serious matters, he's serious. I'm the type of person who gets excited when I'm having fun, so ideally, I'd like someone who has the same enthusiasm as me, and to take the initiative and have fun doing whatever it takes, instead of being drawn away from me (laughs). Also, I think it's wonderful if he can say, "Thank you" and, "I'm sorry" for even the smallest of things, and if he cares about family.
"If you could be reborn, would you prefer to be male or female?"
Hirakawa: I'd like to be male. I used to play with my brother, who's 5 years older than me, and his friends, and I wanted to be a boy too.
"Well then, if you could be a man for one day, what would you like to do?"
Hirakawa: I wonder…(taking time to think), I guess I'd do some muscle training. If I can become a muscular man like Kaku So-san, my co star in King-Ohger, I'd like to go to the gym and train my muscles until he admits defeat! Kaku-san said he can bench press 120 kg (265 lbs), so I'd like to aim for that too and show off my muscles to everyone (laughs).
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thelien-art · 1 year
Some of my favorite Autistic Elvers for Autism awareness month
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Autistic headcannons below cut
He lines up everything according to color, from his buildings to his food to his books (especially his sketchbooks), repeats most of the things he says at least one time, will go into an eight hour rant about how amazing architecture is if anyone asks a question that just touched it. He has secured routes in his house and other places he is at a lot and is determined to walk precisely there. You can usually see what his route is if there´s a carpet where he walks as it´s usually worn down to almost look like footprints.
He doesn´t handle change well and usually shows his stress and dislike for a situation with silence and glaring.
He will have a breakdown if something in his plans changes or something unexpected happens, he also cares a lot about how the clothes he wears feel, not necessarily how it looks, and will deny eating something if he doesn't like the texture or color of it. He does math, weavers, and embroidery in his free time.
He likes Maedhros the most as he´s the most understanding of his brothers and doesn´t always ask why he´s reacting differently than others to some situations and when he was smaller and there where too much noise Maedhros would hold his hands over his ears for him so he could stim in peace, and if he ran away from a situation Maedhros would always come check on him, not necessarily talk just be there if needed.
People sometimes calls him cold or cruel as he isn´t good at finding out how other people feel or care, this is unintentional, he does want to care he just finds it hard, if he hasn´t met you yet he really could care less about you and when he hates someone, he goes full on.
Also when Caranthir gets happy he gets really happy and feels the need to tell everyone about it and why, no matter if it´s simply a servant or a good friend or brother.
He needs everything to be precise and when eating he has rules, like how to cut an apple in the same way each time, cut all the food out in the same sizes before he'll even try it eat it, the same way he needs to put on clothes in a specific order.
He always wears gloves as he doesn´t like the feeling of most surfaces, he knows all there is to know about stones, minerals, and crystals. Sensitive to sound but especially light, Rog makes him a pair of sunglasses when they´re done being wary of each other.
Like Caranthir when he gets happy he does it on another level, although he doesn´t feel the need to tell it to everyone like Moryo does, but a few trusted ones should know.
Maeglin also feels the need to do almost everything in a specific order. He also has to think about every movement of his body himself so it´s not instinct reaching for a glass but taking the energy to get a glass fill it etc, which of course leaves him sometimes using more energy than he has and becoming extremely tired.
He has a whole wall in his room dedicated to flutes, harps, and insects. Everything is bug themed. His social skill is very poor and sometimes he will leave mid in a conversation, just turning around with no explanation, he also goes into small episodes sometimes where he refuses to talk for a few days, that´s mostly triggered if something stressful happens.
Lindir, like Maeglin, has to think about every movement of his body himself so it´s not instinct reaching for a glass but taking the energy to get a glass fill it etc, which makes him tired.
Like Caranthir he can have a breakdown if something doesn´t go as planned or if something comes up he´s unprepared for, he has problems forming longer sentences, unless it´s something he´s interested in and will stare the person he talks with deep into the eyes while fidgeting something, unintentional creepy.
Maedhros once gave him a small yellow sack filled with sand to fidget with, it breaks somewhere in the second age and he has a big breakdown, Gil-galad makes him a new one, first of blue which Elrond won't use, and later one of a jaffa orange he does use.
He won't wear anything that´s not yellow or orange toned and had a lot of breakdowns when he was smaller if the clothes, and sometimes bedding, weren't the right color or if someone pulled his hair away from his face as he used it to stim. He fills Rivendell with as much brown, orange, yellow, and red as he can get away with.
He is highly fascinated by any living organism, be it animal or plant. He does tend to sometimes, unintentionally, hurt people emotional as he finds it hard to feel with other people. He gets easily distracted.
Elrond, like Caranthir and Maeglin, gets hyper happy when he´s happy and would like to tell everyone he likes why he´s happy.
Like Lindir he goes into periods where he doesn´t speak, although there needs to be something more triggering happening than there would with Lindir. Like the third kinslaying or Ereinion´s dead.
Elrond feels the same as Maeglin and Lindir when having to move his body/do something wich means using a lot of energi and being some of the reason he´s tired a lot of the time.
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This is something that’s been in my head for a while. So in my Lesbian Halenthir AU or really any other AU where Caranthir and Haleth have a long term relationship I feel like it’s a reasonable assumption that very few other elves knew about it. Maybe her brothers at most. Like Moryo kept it very much on the down low and tbh I don’t think she’d have regularly talked about personal topics with many people anyway so it wouldn’t have really come up. So just imagine she mentions it in passing after re embodiment at a family gathering. ‘Well my wife used to say-’ ‘YOU HAD A WIFE!? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!’
And then she just kind of casually tells them that she got married to this badass Edain chieftain and they were together for like 10 years and very happy. And this is just a hard concept for a lot of people to get their heads around because Caranthir isn’t exactly good with or interested in people so they all sort of assumed she’d never get married to the point where they never even asked her about it. And now they found out that for a decent portion of the times they’d seen her on middle earth she’d had a wife to go back to or was mourning and none of them had picked up on it.
I also find the concept that while Aegnor was off having his tragic romance that’s so dramatic and narratively beautiful there’s Caranthir, the abrasive, antisocial, harshest and quickest to anger out of the Feanorians getting married in like three months and having a really sweet domestic relationship where they’re just genuinely happy and in love with each other just so hilarious.
Like you have Aegnor and Andreth kiss chastely at most before Aegnor leaves and it’s devastating because they can never go further because he is immortal and she isn’t and then we cut to Caranthir saying fuck the narrative and passionately making out with her butch mortal gf in a tent after a homoerotic sword fight. Even in her romantic choices Caranthir manages to accidentally send the biggest Fuck You to the Arafinweans and what’s truer to her character than that?
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isilwhore · 1 year
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Caranthir and Haleth: so I’m not really a big shipper person. This one doesn’t even make sense to me tbh. But it’s kind of cute. Let little Moryo be happy for a minute.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 8 months
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"What I see"
Pairing: Caranthir/Haleth
Themes: Soft | Fluff | Very Mild NSFW
Warnings: Insecurity
Wordcount: 500+words
Summary: Before an important feast Haleth feels insecure about the clothes she 's wearing, and how the others would react to her.
This ficlet was inspired by @thelien-art piece on Caranthir and Haleth
Minors DNI
Also available on AO3
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Haleth regarded her gown in the looking glass's reflection and despaired. The dress was elegantly made, but when compared to the robes favored by elven ladies, it looked like kitchen rags.
Too simple, she thought. Not enough rich embroidery. No gold. No jewels.
Her companion had offered her as many robes and jewelry and furs as she wished to wear for the feast, and she had refused it all because of her own pride. Now, as she regarded her choice of raiment, she deeply regretted her decision to refuse him. She would be formally introduced to the others as the consort of a high elven lord tonight, and she looked nothing like the sort.
What was I thinking? She lifted the hem of her sleeve and sighed hopelessly when all she found was simple threadwork and nothing more elaborate than that. Why did I not say yes?
“There is no cause for you to fret, my love,” Caranthir declared by the doorway, resplendent as always. The gold and wine of his robes went splendidly with his warm, ruddy skin. Rubies around his wrists and throat and ears caught the light whenever he moved. He was a vision made flesh, and he was hers. “You look glorious, truly.”
She turned to face him, her eyes bright with wicked humor. “And you, my lord, are as gifted a liar as your brother, Curufin.”
“High praise indeed,” he agreed, smiling. “I lie to a great many people, my love, and with great relish at that, but not to you. Never to you. Surely you know this.”
His lady blushed—a rare thing with her. Haleth would take on a hundred orcs, their swords and their arrows and their fell beasts without a moment’s hesitation, but when faced with sincere words of love and adoration, she was rendered speechless.
“The others,” she began after another glance at the looking glass. “The others will not approve. They will only see a daughter of the Edain, one who does not even possess a single trinket worthy of their regard.”
Caranthir smiled and came forward, slipping his arms around her and holding her in a loose embrace. “I will tell you what our guests will see,” he uttered, pressing a kiss against her shoulder. Haleth lifted her eyes, and found his gleaming with pride. “They will see what I see: a proud chieftess, a fierce warrior who defied death’s many efforts to claim her for its own, the one who opened my eyes to the great courage that dwelt within the hearts of those like her. And they will also see what I want them to see.”
“Which is?”
“My companion and my love. If they do not approve of you, I will be more than happy to show them the door.”
Haleth blushed, deeply moved. “As long as you do not call them choice epithets while you do so,” she counseled. “I know a thing or two about your temper, Moryo, and I urge you to curb it. Thargelion cannot afford the loss of your kinsmen’s support.”
“I shall be the embodiment of regal comportment,” Caranthir returned, his dark eyes sparkling. “Now come, my love. We must not keep the others waiting.”
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Cursed Cards - Part I
So, on this blessed day (birthday of my beloved husband and wedding of an author I SO admire), I offer you a little gift.
Here's a commission by @sauroff for my very favourite boys!!! At the end of the small ficlet I've written for it, you'll find the extra Fingon-reaction-panel and the mini-comic I got (I am still screaming) on which I've based the last part of the story!!!
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Cursed cards
Words: 1,21 k
Warnings: Russingon (which is a half-cousin-incest ship)
Context: This might be read as a snippet out of my many Modern!AU stories. Either way, Maedhros and Fingon did not know each other well when they were younger because of their fathers' strife.
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“Ai Russo,” Fingon called from the door. “You won’t believe what just arrived.”
As he re-entered the room, he was brandishing a small rectangular piece of cardboard triumphantly; from his perch on the sofa, all Maedhros could make out was a cramped block of handwritten text followed by an eerily familiar, sprawling collection of signatures though.
“What do you have there?” he asked cautiously, craning his long, slender neck to get a better look at what he now clearly identified as a postcard of sorts. 
“Your mother has sent me a Christmas card!” Fingon whooped and threw himself on the sofa, the newly-obtained treasure protectively clasped against his broad chest. “And it is the best card anyone has ever received.”
At first, Maedhros was so elated to see his beloved brimming and gleaming with happiness at receiving a missive from Nerdanel that he almost forgot how mischievous his mother could be.
After a few seconds of Fingon cradling his precious card without making any move to share its excellence with him though, Maedhros was overcome by doubt and a terrible suspicion.
“What kind of card is it, darling?” he asked calmly, battling the frown that wanted to crease his smooth, pale brow.
“It’s a family picture,” Fingon said, his voice strained with the effort to suppress a merry guffaw. His eyes were glinting with boundless glee as if he was pondering an excellent joke his lover was not yet privy to.
Instantly, the smile on Maedhros’ face froze into a grimace of pure dread. She wouldn’t do that; his mother knew how much Fingon meant to him. She would never have risked exposing her oldest son to ridicule by digging out the worst holiday picture any family had ever taken.
“Show me!” he demanded shakily and gave a small cry when his worst fears came true. “Oh, no!”
As he tried to snatch the card away, Fingon threw himself around, shielding it with his very body and all but baring his teeth in a territorial frenzy. “No,” he grumbled, “you shall not have it.”
Just by the look on Maedhros’ face, he could tell that he’d destroy the missive if he could.
“Oh, how could she?” Maedhros exclaimed and curled up on himself. “We thought, we really believed, that we had destroyed every last copy of that accursed picture!”
“Why?” Fingon asked cautiously, still keeping his prized possession out of the reach of those terribly nimble and strong hands he so loved to feel on his skin. “It’s an adorable photograph…and you look glorious in it!”
“I…what?” Maedhros combed his fingers through his hair nervously; he was mortified at the mere thought of his dishevelled hair and the awful sweaters his parents had made them wear, so he didn’t so much as glance in the direction of the picture Fingon stared at as if it held every truth of the universe. 
“The twins were in the process of strangling me and scalping Káno,” he informed reproachfully. “Moreover, we had to take Moryo to the hospital. It was an awful night!”
Immediately, Fingon’s huge eyes turned compassionate, and Maedhros’ discontent was mellowed by the earnest empathy he read in them. “How come?”
“Moryo tried to wrench himself free and Tyelko toppled backwards over Curvo…” Maedhros rubbed his forehead with a long-fingered hand; in hindsight, he could appreciate how ludicrous this sounded and cringed. “Either way, Moryo then refused to let us see his hand, Tyelko had hit his head against the edge of a table, Curvo was no longer cackling but wailing. Even the twins stilled in their mayhem upon witnessing the chain reaction of disaster.”
When Fingon merely blinked, Maedhros sighed deeply. “They all still have the scars and, apparently, my parents do not think that reason enough to annihilate the incriminating evidence!”
Fingon had started caressing the picture with a tender fingertip, tracing those noble, gorgeous features he saw every time he closed his eyes; he was, of course, sorry that Fëanor’s children had paid this work of art with blood and tears, but he could not bring himself to truly regret their sacrifice.
“It’s fascinating,” he whispered reverentially, “to see that you’ve all made good on the promises of your childhood days.”
“I guess,” Maedhros agreed grumpily, “I am still awkward, Moryo is still ill-tempered, Tyelko is a savage still, and Curvo never stopped being a sneering pest.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of the prodigious beauty, valour, and strength of your line, but suit yourself,” Fingon laughed and nudged his head against the other’s sharp, bony shoulder. “I wish we had known each other back then!”
“I am glad we didn’t.” Maedhros grimaced in deepfelt embarrassment; he was convinced that his unusual complexion had not done him any favours back in the day. 
Nevertheless, his face softened as he finally looked upon the round, chubby faces of the brothers he thought of constantly – with equal measures of love and exasperation – and found that the memories of their younger days made him smile wistfully.
“I love it,” Fingon swore perfervidly, “and I love you!”
What else could Maedhros do but sling his arm around Fingon and press a kiss against that temple behind which his beloved would keep the memory of that darned picture forevermore, even if he managed to wrench the card from him and throw it into the fire?
“Don’t let Maglor see it though,” he mumbled insistently, “or Moryo. They hate it with a passion!”
All too soon, Maedhros understood that he might as well have saved his breath though as Fingon proceeded to carry the card on his person all the time.
More than once, Maedhros was fooled into believing that his lover had found some rare new treasure upon finding him gaping at something – evidently immensely precious by the look on his face – clasped in his hands, only to discover that it was the vexatious Christmas picture all over again.
Unfortunately, all his earnest endeavours to take it from Fingon ended in bitter defeats though.
“No way,” Fingon grinned as they companionably stood in Maglor’s living room, “I’m sending this to Ingoldo!”
With his impeccable sense of comedic – or tragic, depending on whom you asked – timing, Maglor suddenly appeared at their side to see Fingon gauchely trying to snap a picture of a postcard while swatting away Maedhros’ hand. 
“Nelyo,” Maglor squawked in a melodramatic voice, “please tell me it’s not that photo again!”
He recognised the colour scheme and the chaotic composition even without getting a good look at the object Fingon so ferociously defended from Maedhros’ half-hearted attempts at theft.
“The very same,” Maedhros huffed, “and – if we cannot dissuade him – Finno will make sure everyone with eyes to see will be made aware of our shame!”
Maglor pondered this for a second and then shrugged. “I look somewhat cute in it,” he declared in a regal act of grace, “and it’s – oh, so much – worse for the others, so…I shall condone the propagation of the monstrosity.”
Astounded, Maedhros merely blinked at this utterance; he had just lost a valuable ally.
“Also,” Maglor continued, his eyes glinting sharply, “I shall have my revenge. Charming a middle-aged lady into handing over pictures of her beloved children should be child’s play!”
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Here are the promised extra artworks:
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I hope you've all liked this, please give @sauroff a big round of applause for being delightful, generous, and absolutely lovely to work with.
As always, lots of love from my little person!
A hooray to love, to friendship, and to happiness. May December be good to you all!!!
-> Part 2
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Maitimo, what exactly is your craft? I know Kano’s is singing, Tyelko’s is hunting, Moryo’s is weaving and Curvo’s is smithing like your father, but I still haven’t managed to figure yours after some time, please tell me love?
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“Well, as basic as it sounds,” he began, “I would say cooking. As the eldest, it is a craft I had no choice perfecting when I lived in a household with six hungry mouths to feed. After all, food is the way to keep a person happy, and it works on my brothers.”
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doodle-pops · 8 months
Caranthir with Pregnant Reader and as a Father
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Request: May I request a headcanon about Caranthir expecting kids? How would Cara react to the news? And how would he behave with his wife (reader) and his kid? (I think Cara would be an amazing father ^_^ I love him so much) – anon
A/N: I know you suggested reader with multiple pregnancies like twins or triplets, however, I decided to settle on just one baby for a start. I’d be happy to write a headcanon with him expecting twins another time.
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➽ The idea of you becoming pregnant is certainly a distant dream of his which recently came into reality. The words leaving your lips with a smile while cradling your non-existent bump leaves him speechless.
➽ Quickly Caranthir falls into silence which prompts humour in your mind at his facial expression. In his mind, he was attempting to figure out just how much luck he was capable of having—first courting and marrying you, now having a child.
➽ When he breaks out of this trance, he rushes forward to embrace you in a supportive hug and reaches his hands downwards to your non-existent bump while whispering praises and thanks for such a priceless gift.
➽ Through your pregnancy, Caranthir becomes more doting. He finds it difficult to deny you anything you request since he wants to ensure your comfort during the entire duration. The only things he denies you are your weird cravings ‘if’ you have any. You will not be spared a look of judgment as he watches you eat a banana in tomato sauce.
➽ Consult the healers to learn all about dealing with your pain and nausea, all the herbs that are safe to make tea with or rub on your skin as it stretches and if your cravings are…acceptable.
➽ All your clothes will be tailored to fit your body as your stomach enlarges, and he will also participate in frequently tailoring new dresses of the same high quality, so you don’t have to wear less than what you deserve. However, you prefer to wear lighter materials since your stomach weighs you down.
➽ His hand will be on your belly often as he speaks to your unborn child, speaking to them of what their parents are like, how much he adores them already, or how miserable their mummy can be at times. It brings him the utmost joy when he feels them wiggling around whenever he speaks or rubs your tummy.
➽ When the baby does arrive, let’s not pretend that he was impatient and angry during your labour because you were in pain and he couldn’t take it away, he waits until you have fallen asleep to steal the baby away. Cooing silently and playing with each finger and toes, he’ll introduce himself to his child in a soft voice.
➽ Speaking of Caranthir sewing, he’s going to be making clothes for the baby so you or he and your little one can match. Tiny robes adorned in exquisite embroidery or lavish beads would be placed on tiny mannequins. He comes in every other week to show off the new dress or tunics he made like the proud father he is.
➽ He’ll accompany you on walks when he can, and ask the guards or your handmaids to assist when he cannot. It’s worse when he’s in the middle of a meeting and one of your handmaidens walks in to inform him that you’ve disappeared to walk alone. He drops everything to go find you chilling in the garden at peace.
➽ Moryo cannot help himself from releasing a string of words that expresses his concerns before rushing over. “Weren’t you in a meeting with officials?” “Yes, but it doesn’t matter, I’m here now. Shall we continue the walk?”
➽ This occurs frequently which prompts his meetings to be rescheduled and you annoyed at his hovering. You have to remind him that you aren’t handicap and you’re capable of managing on your own perfectly.
➽ “Hello little one, I’m your atar.” In between, he pauses to check if anyone caught him being all soft with his little one.
➽ For the early months when it came to caring for them, he helped out after turning to the healers for guidance. If they woke up crying, he would sprint from the bed to comfort which led to exhaustion before the day was over after walking multiple times a night.
➽ He keeps the existence of your child a secret from his brothers, except Maedhros, Maglor and the twins who would send gifts for your little one in the form of jewellery (obviously) and clothes.
➽ Throughout their life, Caranthir does his best to keep the outside world away from them, solely due to the reputation his house has earned for themselves. When they’re older, he would speak with them should they ever confront him about rumours and whatnot.
➽ His little one is his second weakness who could do almost anything and he would simply smile at them affectionately. He hates to be the one to scold them since he doesn’t want his temper to light up or appear as the bad guy–you’ll have to be the one to do the scolding.
➽ Note that your child will be spoilt from birth, and you cannot tell Caranthir to ease up because he will give you the look. “How can you tell me not to spoil my own child? I mean look at them! They deserve to be given everything.” He says as he makes them wear a bracelet which gets slobbered in drool.
➽ Should they ever cry, the entire palace gets shut down to assess the situation. “Who made my little pumpkin cry?!” Your little one made themselves cry by performing their acrobatics believing they were invincible.
➽ Moryo adores hosting conversations with his little one even though all they do is babble gibberish. “Oh really?! Ammë didn’t give you a kiss this morning? I know right! Mommy’s horrible! You should bite her next time. Oh, you will? I support!”
➽ Sometimes when you’re searching for your little one, it’s because they’re curled up in Caranthir’s lap while he’s busy writing up tax reports or speaking to an official. He’s nonchalant when it comes to what they do; they could tug or chew his hair, yank his circlet off his head, tug on his necklace (says something about always ordering better ones) or dribble all over his clothes.
➽ Does not allow anyone else to hold his child except you or his two older brothers, and even then, he HOVERS. He gets teased for how soft he has become for his little one by his brothers. They’ll reminisce on Moryo when he was little and whether or not his baby shares similarities.
➽ As your child grows and learns of the world around them, Caranthir ensures they are blessed with the best scholars and their interests are respected. Whatever trade they wish to embark on, he supports and solidifies their foundations, so they can excel.
➽ He’s proud of their accomplishments and boasts about them, even hosting celebratory dinners in their honour.
➽ He fears as they grow older and learn of the outside world, their views of him will change, and he isn’t prepared to face them on that topic. For now, he does his best to maintain a healthy relationship with them.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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