#[ fingers crossed for you anon!! ]
fallenclan · 2 months
can we see cottonleaf’s sprite
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cottonleaf!!! here's her normal sprite and also her sick sprite, which I get the feeling we'll be seeing a lot
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berlingotesque · 6 months
What do you think about the upcoming canon designs of the characters in the illustrated novel DCTL? Will you only draw according to the canon? Because a lot of people are already afraid that the designs will be bad. To be honest, I really like your designs, and I hope you will continue to draw them! 🥺💗
Oh boy. This ask aged like milk 😬
So. What did I THOUGHT about the upcoming canon designs of the characters in the illustrated novel DCTL ? That they were going to be bland and disappointing. That the graphic novel was going to visually portray the characters in such inaccurate ways that it was going to be very uncomfortable to watch.
What do I think now : that even though I didn’t expected much, I was still INCREDIBLY disappointed and upset. Once again, I’m waiting to see Sammy and Tom to express myself on these ‘representations’, but oh boy. It's off to a very, VERY bad start.
Will I only draw according to the canon ? : lmao NEVER. Firstly, because these designs aren't canon (as M*ke Mood announced a few days ago on Twitter) and because, out of respect and love for the characters, I'm not going to rely on the designs of artists who obviously haven't read the book carefully and had probably never heard of Batim before being hired to illustrate DCTL.
About the fact that a lot of people were afraid that the designs will be bad, turns out they were right to be worried ! Given what was done to Norman, I really fear the worst for Tom and Sammy. Not to mention the movie to come..
And finally, I'm delighted that you like my designs <3 of course, there's no way I'm going to stop drawing my comfort characters just because some stubborn, arrogant devs decided that the characters they'd created deserved neither respect nor depth. If a medium lacks representation, it's up to the artists to pick up the slack !
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Consider: live mothman reaction to someone actually going 'pspspspsps' to him
it depends on the person!!
if it's you, Foul Legacy tilts his head curiously and chirps, listening to the pspspspss sounds you make. after a few moments he bounds over to you, bumping his head against your outstretched hand with a happy trill. if you hold your hand palm side up he plonks his chin into it, craning his head back so you can scratch his neck. "pspspsps" becomes synonymous with your affection, and whenever Legacy hears your playful whispers his lilac fur ruffles in delight and anticipation. sometimes he even does his own version of pspspsps to you, low and soft and growling, his claws delicately holding your cheeks like a butterfly flitting over a flower
if it's anyone else, however, he gives them a questioning look and backs away. there are a couple people he'll spare a glance for- Zhongli, for example, or Baizhu- but strangers or mere acquaintances he simply glares at. very rarely does Foul Legacy allow himself to be touched by anyone other than you, and he's stubborn enough to keep it that way. no amount of pspspsps from strange, untrustworthy people can convince him to change his mind, and he'll quickly dart behind you and let out a quiet hiss until the person leaves, leaning his weight on you for comforting snuggles afterwards
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mystery i just realized the movie comes out until the 25 on my country and i may not see it due to traveling for christmas...its truly joever for me :'c
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Ohh, I’m so sorry honey. I hope that you’ll be able to see it when you can during your travels. Positive thoughts—I’m projecting positive thoughts and energy your way so you can see the film around the time as many of us.
I do hope that you have a good holiday with family and that you have fun❤️✨
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httpiastri · 29 days
hi! umm so i need kinda of an advice if you don’t mind of course. so i’m soon going to a gp soon…any advice on how i can approach the drivers? i just feel very awkward and never seem to have the courage to do so.. yeah…if you’ll answer, thanks in advance ❤️!
hi love !! of course i dont mind <33
(gonna assume you mean f2/3 drivers bcs i have nooo idea about f1 aaaaa !!!) honestly i think im probably one of the worst people to ask because i genuinely have no idea how to do it best 😭 i "only" managed to talk to two drivers all weekend in spa despite being in the paddock because i was so so nervous and anxious.... butttt i think my main advice would be like... just be respectful and happy because they are going to be really happy too !! idk who your faves are but all drivers i saw interact with fans were really sweet, and i mean they aren't f1 drivers yet so they are happy every time someone recognizes them. and kinda on that note, i think a good conversation starter is maybe having a little gift for them (like a bracelet, some candy, a note, etc.) to show that you actually care about them as an individual and not just "ah this is some random driver, let's take a pic in case you become a superstar one day". (that really helped me with pepe !!!)
and i mean i was sooo nervous that i knew i was just going to black out in the moment if i hadn't prepared properly, so i even had like conversation starters planned out with the different drivers in case i were to find a situation to talk to them? with paul i wanted to ask a certain thing, i wanted to talk to luke about screaming meals, ask gabriel about clem's portugese, and so on... i was rehearsing my script for my chat with pepe like 100 times in my head the entire weekend 😭 idk that helped me a lot and i would definitely recommend it if you want to make the situation a bit more comfortable in some way? and it doesn't have to be big, it can be just a simple question about their pet or if they enjoyed their summer break or like "i really liked your race in xxx!" :)
what i did for pepe was just honestly wait a really long time (from afar) and just took the chance when i got it... and it was totally worth it because he made me feel so happy about the whole experience, he was a true sweetheart and gentleman, and i think most drivers would be like that !!!!
(oh and if possible, try to catch them before quali because after that and after the races, they can be upset about results... in the beginning of the weekend, everyone's just excited and optimistic so i think they'll be more open then!)
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simplydnp · 3 months
Please let them post it tonight or I’ll be stuck at family stuff for the next two days with little time to fully enjoy
it is unlike them to tweet about a video and then post it that day. they like edging us, unfortunately 😔
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ssreeder · 4 months
AHHHHH i can’t believe Katara knows. And from Ara. And all of it at once, that’s gonna be a lot to process. Anyways I LOVED the chapter and CANNOT wait for the next one ( you always have to torture us with cliffhangers, don’t you? (Hah but i kind of love it a little bit))
I’m reaally excited for the next chapter the latest one made my week once again :)
What’s that meme? The one with the kid smirking back at the camera as the house burns in the background?
That’s Ara.
But in all honesty, I don’t think she truly understands what she just did, haha - not that she’d care much... haha, Ara is in her ‘IDGAF gurl mode’ so it’s probably better she’s leaving the compound. after one million words it’s finally time for her to put on her big girl pants on and actually take control of her life,,, away from the people she traumatized and who traumatize her. GOOD LUCK ARA!! WE WISH YOU THE BEST! (Well… some of us do haha… some still cry for her head on a stick)
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pardonmydelays · 8 months
(same anon)
Oohh, corporate job? New industry?
yep, something totally different than what i used to do... which makes me feel super scared & excited at the very same time. but this is the change i really need in my life right now and i have a pretty good feeling about it (at least for now but we will see)!
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oifaaa · 2 years
I feel like it’s wrong for anyone to make any batfam member a cop in any universe
Vigilantes and cops are natural enemies so I think any superhero who's a true hero can't be a cop
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not-poignant · 1 year
I hope it's okay to ask, but how are things? Looking forward to Underline The Gold on Sunday so much
Omg I'm looking forward to it too
Tbh I'm up to chapter 8 on that now so we're ready to really start pushing ahead with some of the side stories which is exciting
As for me, it's been pretty rough, anon, not gonna lie. I'm going to put this under a read more because I'm pretty honest and also because there's more than one 'I might have cancer' mention among other things:
I kind of thought I was doing fine and then it all got on top of me a couple of days ago and (self-harm mention) I ended up self-injuring due to autistic meltdown. Sometimes I don't realise how bad things really are until I'm at that stage and I have bruises and soft tissue damage to show for it. I've since talked to my doctor and therapist about it, but like...oof.
I've actually been taking a break from writing since I've hit 50k and I generally have a rule that I have to take at least 2-4 days off once I've hit that point, but I'm still pretty stuffed, but mostly for health reasons. I've written 14 chapters this month so I feel okay about the break lol.
On Friday (the day after the meltdown) I needed to have a hand X-ray (even right now, the knuckles in my left hand are really sore), see my GP for 40 minutes, talk to my therapist, organise an iron infusion (I have microcytic anemia and need an iron infusion again, which I think is my 5th or 6th - I need one about once every 2-3 years, and mostly the time between is the slow downward spiral of losing more and more iron until I'm truly fucked) and a meeting with one of the head haematologists in the state because my red blood cells are bullshit and weird (yay). Guess that explains the exhaustion.
I still need to organise a lymph node ultrasound (which is probably nothing, except there is like a 'higher than average' chance it could be metastatic cancer, since I do have tumours in my head right now that could metastasize, and the tumours are extremely close to the swollen lymph node - also I haven't had a virus).
I need to organise a meeting with a dermatologist, I need to organise a full abdominal MRI to see if I have any other tumours we don't know about, and I got an eating disorder management plan for restrictive eating, which does entitle me to like...cheaper dietitian appointments, but also formalises me as having an ED as opposed to 'disordered eating.'
On top of that I had to deal with a tribunal after my Dad had a catastrophic stroke a few months ago, and the tribunal was last month, to determine who would look after him. Our family is so broken and my stepmother so manipulative/vindictive that the government decided no one could be trusted and took care of his finances and healthcare themselves meaning none of us can have any real say in his future (truly the best outcome, but a damning one for the state of the family), and I also had to listen to my stepmother accuse my sister of being a criminal for 20 minutes with completely unfounded lies, and of course, my Dad has had a catastrophic stroke, and that's complicated. That's a whole...
That saga is so much anon, I cannot even begin to explain even the tip of that iceberg.
I've been spending a lot of extra time like scanning family photos and other things and packing items in his home for storage etc. and while that's been done now for over a month and a half, I guess the burn out started some time ago and it's just been slowly getting on top of me. Kind of the 'slowly boiling a lobster in a pot' analogy.
I've been overall quieter on Tumblr as a result of all of this, and it all just...destroyed me on Thursday, and ever since then I've been recovering.
I've just realised it's nearly 1.00am and I swear the last time I looked at the clock - which felt like 5 minutes ago - it was 11.00pm.
Oh and to top it all off I've had vicious 'not falling asleep until 4.00am' insomnia + increased nightmares because my PTSD has relapsed back into 'pretty severe.' So um, managing most nights on 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and that's bad for all my chronic illnesses, of which I have many.
Ah. Yeah. :(
Lemme rustle up some good news for you, anon, because I feel like this is just too much crap.
Bushflowers/wildflowers are really nice right now as it's turning to spring in Western Australia (it's Djilba in the Noongar seasonal system, which I prefer)
Rhubarb is in season so I'm making a lot of stewed apple and rhubarb as a comfort food.
Reading the manhwa Punch Drunk Love and enjoying it.
Asks like yours - even if all of this sounds dire - helps me to undestand that I actually do have good reasons to feel tired and that it's okay to take breaks and that's really valuable (sometimes - though rarely - people use my anon function to talk at me, rather than talking to me as a person, and I just...really value feeling like a person sometimes aslfkjsa) so while I might seem down, this has actually been nice to end my night on. Also you've reminded me that I am super excited/happy to share more Underline the Gold with people
I got some organisational stuff and organising stuff in the house makes me feel good.
I have an extremely good doctor and tbh for a long time I didn't, so like, every good specialist and doctor is worth their weight in gold. :)
I hope you're doing okay and looking after yourself / taking care anon, and that you get something good out of what remains of the weekend. <3 And for everyone who needs one, hugs are on the house.
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despairforme · 4 months
1.1k orbs and still no nnoi.....
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[ MAN anon that sucks !! There is still time to get him! You can do it !! I ended up having to spend 2550 orbs, but FINALLY !!!! He's here with me and I'm stoked !! Praying for you to also get him, and ( hopefully ) having to spend less orbs than I did T - T For me I'm actually pretty happy with only having to spend 2.5k because the last Nnoitra cost me I think over 6k LOL fjfjfjf ]
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pastafossa · 2 years
It appears the plagiarist Impasta has taken down her blog again! So the pressure worked, and thank you to everyone who shared, blocked, and sent her messages/asks/comments telling her to stop and leave me the hell alone! It would have been a lot harder to chase her off again if it had just been me alone.
Let's hope it sticks this time. It's encouraging to me that she was discovered even without any other socials like twitter. She has a pattern, one that's recognizable, and I'm confident she'll be discovered again if she does come back and tries to steal my life plagiarize interact or follow me again.
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Dolly Christmas confession:
Since I’ve joined the hobby, I’ve been hoping my boyfriend would get me a doll for Christmas (I have a wishlist and where to find them) or at least partially gift me the funds to put one on layaway. I know that’s an expensive ask of him, especially considering all he does for me, but it would just feel nice of him to take enough interest in my hobby to gift me something related to it.
I also feel partly like a dick for this because one year I bought him almost every part for a new gaming pc which was really expensive and I want him to return the favor and help fund my expensive hobby.
This isn’t to say he doesn’t spend a lot of money on me, he’s funded all of our anniversary trips. Maybe this is just a lot of words to say that I want him to take more of an interest in the things I like because I do the same for him all of the time.
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hopeinthebox · 9 months
hi lizzy i just wanted to tell u i love ur reductress posts and that they always make me laugh. i love you, have a great 2024 and get some rest! <3
anon dearest you have already made my year with this delicious ask <33 i love you enormously and i hope 2024 treats you well!!
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blametheeditor · 4 months
terms of Au
Can humans become angels,demons or monsters in some way ?
As a matter of fact, they can!
Demons can offer different deals to humans, one of those being to agree to become indebted to a demon in exchange for the human to not have their soul consumed. Those deals are few and far between, because consuming a soul is a guaranteed reward with multiple benefits, while having another demon binded to you can end with an entire onslaught of problems. Problems that include, but not limited to, the newly human turned demon getting consumed because they were too weak, resentment because souls earned will go to the one who offered the deal, getting more powerful and consuming the demon who originally offered the deal, etc. And for those reasons, Vincent is not a big fan of those types of deals.
Monsters are actually the starting point for corrupted souls who earned their place in hell without any deals with demons. Humans who committed heinous deeds get the chance to receive a place right alongside demons, though they have to prove their worth quickly, or else get consumed by a more powerful demon. It’s a harsh and cruel world down there, but it’s also a fair one, meaning every monster is told the rules before given the chance to earn their first soul. If they fail the first time, there’s a few more chances, but take too long and someone might take the opportunity to get rid of the competition. If they earn enough souls however, a monster can become a full fledged demon, something David and James are working towards.
Angel is the highest and hardest status to reach. Much like becoming a monster, a human would need to prove their worth during their lifetime to earn such an honor. Humans are inherently good and deserve a peaceful afterlife, but to become an angel are for those who rise to the challenge, who make the world better place than it had been. And only humans who earn the right to become an angel can null and void any claim a monster or demon may have over their soul.
There’s a few caveat, a few loop holes, but those are the main pathways! And, unfortunately for Fritz, none of those are available for him to take.
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cuteniarose · 1 month
since ming-hua/ghazan have 2 kids... what abt zaheer + pli??
(firebender/combustionbender and/or nonbender -> airbender?)
I was gonna answer this earlier but the lack of sleep reared its head 😅 I took a nap and in the meantime received permission to talk about it, though just in case I will still try to keep it brief. A P’heer child does exist in a few of our verses (we aren't lying when we call it the MULTIverse of madness, I can name at least 7 different AUs off the top of my head and that's not counting the variants where only small changes are made. If we ever made a comprehensive list it'd probably be longer than the list of our OCs and that one’s currently up to 31)
Anyway, her name is Nazra, born in about 153 AG if I remember my timeline right, and she’s a combustionbender. But despite being the same height as her mom, possessing easily the deadliest ability imaginable and generally looking rather intimidating, she’s an impossibly awkward nerd who’d rather sit around and read Air Nomad philosophy like her dad all day. Though she does take after her mom in the romantic sense, having a soft spot for airbenders, while simultaneously doing it better because she’s the definition of a disaster lesbian. She’s quiet, a bit anxious and really sheltered, but she does have a feisty streak to her in that she easily calls people (read: her sister/s) out on their bullshit if they annoy her, and isn’t afraid to use her bending to protect those she loves
The reason I’m not quite sure of the extent as to which I’m allowed to talk about her is because she’s not my OC and neither is she Kat’s. She was created for the fic Empty and Become Wind by Esaleyon, a Red Lotus Korra AU which Kat used to beta read for and which we use as basis for the Ultimate AU I described in my response to the Lien-Hua ask. But as far as I know, the author quit writing/the fandom and as I said above, Kat and I took Nazra in, so to speak. But she features in only a small handful of our AUs (currently only 3 come to mind, one of them ironically being the complete polar opposite to the other two in terms of tone and how dark the storyline is) so we don’t speak of her that often. She is still very dear to my heart, has been since 2020, and in the AUs she features in I consider her a sister to Suiren and Midori
If you’re curious, a few years ago Nina (@silima, who single-handedly fed the entire Red Lotus fandom with amazing art back in 2020-2022 or so) drew her, thus creating the design that I base my own sketches off of, so everyone say thank you Nina :)
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