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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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pollyna · 2 years
Pete and Tom are that type of embarrassing parents who go to pick up Bradley at school and Pete jumps to make himself noticeable and Tom spends half an hour more than most parents to speak with his teachers during parents-teachers meeting and he doesn't miss one of them.
Pete learns how to cook cupcakes just so he can take them for the after game and Tom makes them both a shirt with Bradley's number so everybody knows who's their kid his.
(And it get even worst when the Dagger Squad comes around. Because the embarrassing stuff multiply for twelve and does Admiral Kazansky really has a shirt with 00 and Dagger Squad stamped around it? Mav has one too.)
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crocodilesareboring · 10 months
Io e il gatto aspettiamo il ritorno della 🧜🏻‍♀️ da lavoro bevendo caffè e guardando un documentario di due ore sulla situazione Israele-Palestina
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vertigoartgore · 1 year
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Barry Windsor-Smith's cover for 1992's Miracleman #23.
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𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑗𝑎
Para tener una pareja, es necesario hacer espacio en tu vida y renunciar a algunas cosas. Si prefieres seguir saliendo constantemente con amigos y no tienes tiempo para tu pareja, entonces no deberías tener una. Muchas personas se quejan de que una pareja los limita, pero a menudo es porque quieren vivir como si estuvieran solteros, y luego se sorprenden cuando la relación fracasa.
Tener pareja suma a tu vida, pero requiere que descanses en ciertas actividades. Salir con amigos está bien, pero no debe ser más importante que pasar tiempo con tu pareja. Mantener una vida social independiente es importante, pero nunca debes superar la prioridad de tu vida amorosa. Si no puedes equilibrar ambas, es mejor no estar en una relación.
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the-evil-pizza · 5 months
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@kuipernebula that may have worked if they followed the pace of the book tbh BUT.
The untamed it... fucking did the entirety of the flashback at the start. The flashbacks that were lovingly crafted to go with certain discoveries, meant to represent wwx Remembering a little more as he goes(or as he can't hide things anymore), all in one chunk.
It fucks with the narrative IMO.
But yeah coming back to the idea, it would mean half a season with an actor and the other half with another. It would work so well if they just, followed the fucking book
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Eu recunosc ca nu sunt tocmai cea mai inteligenta persoana, dar... de ce e nevoie sa iau adeverinta/trimitere de la medicul de familie cand am deja totul de la medicul specialist si tot el ma opereaza, iar operatia este oricum cu bani si deloc decontata?
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lamentele · 10 months
Alle parole ho sempre preferito i fatti.
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solitarysketcher · 1 year
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shapovalovvs · 5 months
if i send two will you give me two songs+lyrics ? :) 🎧 🎧
ohh yes yes sure !! super volentieri :D
hope these are good enough ahah
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orb-the-watchman · 1 year
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estefanyailen · 10 months
Me puse nerviosa y recién hoy pude identificar perfecta y exactamente por qué, así como también entender con claridad aquello que me aquejaba y me rendía ante un circundante malestar. Ahora entiendo, y puedo comprender porque no se repite en otros ámbitos. Ahora entiendo... y me alivia a la vez que me preocupa saber que va a seguir ocurriendo.
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lucylucius · 1 year
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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi martedì, 03 settembre 2024
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mothocean · 2 months
There's something so reassuring about knowing that you for sure don't like something
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da znaju šta mi radiš
a oni nisu znali
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