#oggi pais
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primepaginequotidiani · 4 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi sabato, 05 ottobre 2024
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gastronominho · 6 months ago
Conheça sugestões cariocas para o Dia dos Pais
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Para comer ou presentear, há dicas para todos Atenção, cariocas, que chegou a vez de vocês conhecerem as sugestões para o Dia dos Pais na região. Acompanhem este post, pois sempre o atualizaremos com mais dicas. Meu Vício desde o Início Crédito: Tomás Vélez A marca terá seis bolos para a data, com o cliente escolhendo a massa – baunilha, chocolate ou mista – os recheios – brigadeiro,…
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slapper-sw-h-13 · 2 months ago
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1. Ian Ward pre Roxanne Slapper. Ian grew up within a skinhead family for over 30 years.
2. In 2012 Ian tried out ownership for the first time and aquired his good work colleague Master Clive To eventually fully own him in 2017. He then became Oggie Davidson and was transformed into a dirty leather biker by Master Clive and was forced to grow a full beard.
3. Things Changed For The Worse for Oggie Davidson in early 2023. Master Clives Illness meant he could not longer own Oggie and went to live and retire out in Spain.
3. In steps Me Master Bradley. Oggies contract with Master Clive is now transferred over to me. I Now fully own Oggie and now fully control his life. I was beaten up quite badly by a gang of skinheads nearly 20 years ago and oggie having been a skinhead was going to pay big time. Within a week of ownership I transform oggie into a female, but not just any female
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4 Let Me Introduce you to Roxanne Slapper or Slapper as she is called by everyone who knows her. Seen pictured here wearing a Diaper as she did everyday for about 4 months and in public as a severe punishment for going against me her Master. Slapper has no family left now to rely on here in the UK as they've all passed except 1 sister living in Canada. Having No job either and claiming benefits, I wanted Slapper to live upto her name so I gave her a job as she is still 14 months on today as a sex working prostitute, for which she relies on to earn her living.
5 Slapper with big lips fillers. This was initially another punishment, but I decided I love her with big fat slug on lips and got her to get more injections to the size they are now to give her lips that will enhance the Blow jobs she gives with those big Cock sucking lips. They've been a massive hit with her clients.
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6. Slapper looking for business at the local golf club
7 Slapper on the streets doing what sex workers do to attract clients
8 Slapper in Birmingham away from home where she spent a month with other prostitutes in the red light district
9 Slappers job giving blow jobs to lucky punters. (picture is not Slapper)
10 Slapper at it again close to home
11 Again Slappers 1st training session starting out as a sex worker and got lucky with this client who she still services today.
12 Slapper during training on her way to meet a client in the car ahead of her. Spent a long time on his Cock I remember but at least she's now getting a taste for it for things to come
13 Slapper again with another interested client, doing her job well now and soon went out independently on her own without me guiding her.
14 Slapper with other prostitutes in Birmingham 2023. Slapper has just completed her one year Banning order to stay clear of Birmingham after being arrested for soliciting. She now has a police record for soliciting to her name and as her master I'm very proud that this ex skinhead has that record to her name.
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15 Slapper pole dancer. I've managed through my contact to get Slapper in training class to become a professional pole dancer. A top pole dancing club The Horns in the city of London is paying for all her training and will eventually take her on part time once she passes all her exams by 2026
16 Big booty for Slapper. I love girls with really big booties with the Cheeks plumped out. The photo is Slappers booty as it is today training her booty at class and at home doing simple exercises to get that butt bigger.
17 June/July Slappers big day. She's getting the biggest breast implants Aloud for 1st timers. Paid for via her sex work, around £6,000. I can't wait.
18 Its what i want to see. Slapper with her own breast.
19 Slapper will eventually be a beautiful plastic doll, and totally unrecognisable from Ian Ward the Skinhead. Bit tits big lips and big booty. Slapper the Bimbo Doll
20. More and more Breast Implants until they are as big as these probably by 2029.
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heresiae · 3 months ago
due mesi fa ho stupidamente lasciato il mio bancomat dentro lo sportello automatico. siccome sapevo dov'era e non c'erano movimenti sospetti nella mia lista di operazioni, non l'ho disattivata ma ho attivato google pay e via andare (anche perché ero in vacanza e me ne sono accorta giusto al casello mentre andavo al mare...).
nel caso non lo sappiate, al momento gli sportelli della CanPaolo sono stati dati in gestione a DittaConosciuta di sicurezza, che quando passa a fare cose ritira anche le carte mangiate dagli sportelli. in "teoria", entro un mese avrebbero dovuto rispedire la carta alla mia filiale, peccato che non l'abbiano mai fatto (e non lo faranno mai probabilmente, visto che ormai siamo ai due mesi e mezzo che l'hanno in qualche cassetto dimenticato).
e voi direte "ma, Heresiae, perché non hai fatto che rifarlo al primo mese? che ci voleva?"
beh, perché quella carta aveva un codice di sicurezza fichissimo e ci tenevo a tenermelo: 883.
oggi mentre attivavo il nuovo e disattivavo il vecchio è pure passata una loro canzone alla radio diffusione della filiale,
e niente, sono cose stupide, ma a me piaceva il mio bancomat targato 883. quante volte capita di avere un codice di sicurezza fichissimo?
(e poi non volevo passare un'ora ad aggiornare tutti i miei metodi di pagamento online -.-)
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diceriadelluntore · 11 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #315 - Blackfoot, Strikes, 1979
Per le Storie di Marzo ho individuato un metodo scientifico infallibile per scegliere la tematica che legherà i dischi di questo mese: ho preso a caso con gli occhi chiusi, un bottone nella scatola in cui tengo quelli di riserve, e ho pescato un bottone nero. Di per sè, il colore nero poteva aprire una infinità di opzioni, ma seguendo il principio della scoperta, in questo 2024, di band dimenticate, ho optato per dischi di band che hanno "nero" nel nome. Tralasciando le scelte più ovvie, il viaggio musicale marzolino inizia nella Florida di fine anni Sessanta, quando stava per prendere il volo il Southern Rock. Siamo a Jacksonville, capitale dello stile, e come molti stavano facendo in quei mesi, dei giovani mettono su una rock band: Rickey Medlocke (batteria, voce) e Greg T. Walker (basso) incontrano il newyorkese Charlie Hargrett (chitarra) e danno vita al gruppo Fresh Garbage Band con Ron Sciabarasi alle tastiere. Da qui inizia una serie infinita di cambi di formazione intorno ai primi tre che seguirà per decenni il destino dei nostri: infatti il primo a lasciare è Sciabarasi, si aggiungono altri musicisti provenienti da un'altra band, i Tangerine, cambiano nome in Hammer e con questa formazione per 6 mesi sono la resident band del più popolare topless club di Gainsville, in Florida, il Dub's. Provano ad andare a New York, e lì si accorgono che esiste già una più affermata band con lo stesso nome, quindi decidono di chiamarsi Blackfoot, in omaggio al popolo dei Nativi americani, dato che Jakson Spires, entrato dai Tangerine, è parte Cherokee, Medlocke parte Sioux, e Walker parte Creek. Ma la loro strada è ancora lunga: la band si scioglie diverse volte, alcuni di loro vanno a suonare con i Lynyrd Skynyrd (Medlocke e Walker, per alcuni mesi nel 1971, uscirà solo nel 1978, dopo l'incidente aereo che colpì il leggendario gruppo, il materiale registrato in quel frangente), si trasferiscono in New Jersey, dove con una formazione stabile registrano delle canzoni, che dopo varie peripezie nel 1975 vengono pubblicate dalla Island, che cercava nel proprio catalogo un gruppo Southern Rock, con il titolo No Reservation, e nel 1976 Flying High, stavolta per la Epic: sono due dischi di southern rock che non lasciano il segno e sopratutto non vendono quasi nulla. La band è sempre in fermento, e passano 3 anni (tra scioglimenti, defezioni per problemi alle corde vocali, dissidi) quando passano alla Atco, che suggerisce loro un approccio diverso alla scrittura. Ne esce fuori il disco di oggi, Strikes (1979), con il cobra sfocato in copertina, che li fa conoscere, dopo dieci anni, al grande pubblico. Merito è di una formazione finalmente definita (almeno per il momento) composta da Rickey Medlocke, Charlie Hargrett (chitarra ritmica), Greg T. Walker (basso) e Jakson Spires (batteria) ed una scaletta che alterna pezzi propri, tra cui i loro due maggior successi, e una scelta azzeccatissima di cover, suonate in maniera originale rispetto alle versioni degli autori. Il suono è più hard o AOR (che sta per adult oriented rock, il genere che maggiormente passavano le radio), e ha una sua natura interessante, per quanto costruita nei canoni del genere senza tante innovazioni.
Mi piace molto la scelta delle cover: I Got A Line On You fu un grande successo dei favolosi Spirit di Randy California, band mitica del rock Californiano del decennio precedente, e qui viene resa più groovy e tosta rispetto all'originale; Pay My Dues fu un successo dei Blues Image, altra band della Florida, di appena qualche anno prima dei nostri, che fu uno dei pochi esempi non californiani di rivisitazione del blues, alla maniera "europea", e che come i Blackfoot era famosa come resident band, non di un topless bar, ma di un famoso locale di Miami, il Thee Image, aperto alla sperimentazione; Wishing Well fu invece un successo dei Free, la band inglese di Paul Rodgers che prima di sciogliersi (lui andrà ai Bad Company) scrisse questa hit. Di tutte e tre, i Blackfoot ne fanno una versione particolare, dove i cambiamenti seppur minimi sono quelli incisivi, regalando alle nuove versione un vestito particolare e riconducibile al loro nuovo stile. Tra gli autografi, segnalo le loro due canzoni più famose: Train Train, scritta dal nonno di Rickey Medlocke, Shorty, che diventerà una hit anche per Dolly Parton e per un'altra band dell'heavy metal, i Warrant. Ma la loro canzone simbolo è Highway Song: oltre 7 minuti spericolati, dalla costruzione epica e imperiosa e che finiscono con sensazionali duelli di assoli alla chitarra, con all'inizio anche belle melodie vocali, canzone che è un grande omaggio all'epopea dei gruppi che dalla Florida hanno messo mattoni importanti all'edificio della Storia del Rock. Il successo arriva, quasi inaspettato, e la band fa da spalla a grandi nomi in tour nel 1979 negli Stati Uniti: fondamentale per loro quello in apertura ai The Who. La band cavalca l'onda e in due anni sforna altri due dischi niente male, Tomcattin (1980, con una Pantera in copertina) e Marauder (con un falco, 1981) e fa due tour seguitissimi. Qui però finisce la loro fortuna: l'arrivo, come uno tsunami, dell'estetica MTV li taglia fuori: il rock del sud è visto come un genere passato e addirittura la ATCO non accettò il loro disco che sarebbe dovuto uscire nel 1984, Vertical Smiles. La band conseguentemente va in crisi e si scioglie per l'ennesima volta. Va detto che non saprei nemmeno contare i vari avvicendamenti, ma considerando che tentano una reunion prima nel 1990 (pubblicando un nuovo disco, Medicine Man) e poi addirittura nel 2004 e nel 2021 sono sicuro che nelle varie formazioni hanno girato almeno 40 musicisti diversi, a dimostrazione di una voglia di musica francamente ammirevole.
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quellidinessuno · 1 month ago
ARANCINO lo recuperammo nell'inferno della baraccopoli di Rosarno (https://fb.watch/o23wwXpcI7/).
Guardate un pò com'è diventato oggi ...
Maschio dolcissimo di un anno e mezzo, tg grande.
Per info e adozioni:
Laura, cel 327 8936174 (se non risponde ritenta con pazienza o lascia un messaggio wa)
Per scaricare il questionario:
Per aiuti:
- IBAN: IT13G0538781371000003222947 c/o BPER Banca, intestato a "Quelli di nessuno di Tony e Laura" Bic: BPMOIT22XXX
- PAY PALL: [email protected]
- POSTEPAY: 5333 1711 1228 4464 intestata a Laura Grana (cf: GRNLRA66P50H501R)
Per spedire cibo:
Quelli di nessuno, via Crati 9 / 89029 Taurianova RC
Per acquistare per noi dal nostro fornitore:
cel: 0966 943639
TEAMING: https://www.teaming.net/quellidinessunoditonyelaura
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lemmilemura · 1 year ago
Welcome to this years Valentines Day post! (if I don't post smth else tmrw (it's 1am it's technically still today) that I get the idea for) The idea is simple: the TikTok trend of screaming loving things in an angry voice and different language at your S/O! And since I want to, it'll be in Italian, with not 1! 2 CHARACTERSSS That's right, both Show Simon, as well as Wayne are getting one! :D Without further ado, here's Show!Simon!
All kept gender-neutral
You had invited Simon along to your annual family get-together, as per your parents request, because your family that lived away wanted to meet him
Thing is, your extended family is from Italy, mom's side specifically, and the older the relatives get, the less English they understand. Most of them only know Italian.
Simon, however, does not.
He knows the very basics, like hello, thank you, goodbye, but it's infinitely harder when your relatives speak as fast as Auctioners.
So you act as the main translator for the day. Not that you mind, of course, you knew this was gonna happen
What you didn't expect, was one of your cousins to come up to you while you're with your mom, grandma and aunt and tells you you have to try something right now
They then show you a video of someone screaming very loving things in an angry voice at their partners. You immediately know what they mean, and everyone in the room supports you.
You decide to do it, going out into the livingroom where he's currently playing MarioKart with some of your younger cousins, one of which just hit him with a red shell
"Simon!" you yell. He almost drops his controller, you never shout at him. He turns to look at you. "Yes?"
"Sai quanto sei bella oggi?" ("Do you know how good you look today?")
Queue 😶
"In qualche modo riesci ad avere un aspetto migliore ogni volta che ti vedo!" ("You somehow manage to look better every time I see you!")
Your family is now also paying attention, your cousin has to cover their mouth to not laugh
Your dad's side, however, is almost as confused as Simon is
"Sweetheart I have no idea what you're saying." He tries to keep his attention on both you and the game, not wanting to lose but also not wanting to make you angrier
"Mio Dio, non sai quanto mi sento fortunato ad averti!" ("My god you don't know how lucky I feel to have you")
You can hear your grandmother starting to laugh from her chair
"Did I do something?" Simon looks around at your family, who are all trying not to laugh, some feeling bad for him
"Non riescono letteralmente a smettere di parlare di te, sta diventando piuttosto fastidioso." (They literally cannot stop talking about you, it's getting kind of annoying.) Your aunt then says
His look says 'shit now two of them'
It's when he looks like he's about to break that you stop, hugging him and kissing his cheek "You're fine, honey, Just a prank. You really ought to learn sometime"
"Già, forse potresti insegnargli qualcosa stasera a letto" your cousin jokes, before being hit over the head by your aunt "Stai zitto!" ("Shut up!")
The last ne you can go figure out yourselves ;) Happy Valentine's Day everyone ❤️
~Taglist~ @eamons-redguitar @pine-ferret
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lunamagicablu · 3 months ago
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Il Diwali, o Festival delle Luci, è una delle più antiche e importanti feste che si celebra nel mese di Ottobre, in tutta l'India. La leggenda narra del ritorno del Re Rama della città di Ayodhya (l’attuale Uttar Pradesh) dopo 14 anni di esilio in una foresta. Negli scritti pervenuti fino ad oggi si legge che il popolo della città, al ritorno del re, accese file di lampade, chiamate dipa, in suo onore; da qui il nome Dipawali o più semplicemente Diwali. Si tratta di una festa dedicata alla luce, intesa sia in senso fisico, sia spirituale, che vede accendersi a giorno tutta la città con lanterne nel cielo o candele galleggianti, a simboleggiare la rinascita dello spirito e la sconfitta delle tenebre. I festeggiamenti possono protrarsi fino a cinque giorni e in questo periodo, gli abitanti delle città prestano particolare attenzione alla cura della casa, indossano abiti nuovi e si scambiano piccoli regali in famiglia. Nel corso dei secoli, il Diwali è diventato un festival nazionale, apprezzato dalla maggior parte degli abitanti, indipendentemente dalla loro fede: che sia essa Indù, Jains, Buddista o Sikhs. Tuttavia, a seconda della zona territoriale, l’interpretazione della festa ed il suo festeggiamento è diverso:
Nell'India settentrionale si celebra la storia del ritorno di Re Rama a Ayodhya dopo aver sconfitto l’antagonista Ravana, illuminando righe di lampade di argilla.
L'India meridionale lo celebra come il giorno in cui il Signore Krishna sconfisse il demone Narakasura.
Nell'India occidentale il festival segna il giorno in cui Lord Vishnu, il Preservatore (uno dei membri principali della trinità indù) mandò il demone Bali a dominare il mondo inferiore.
Nonostante però la differenziazione geografica, il fulcro del festival è lo stesso per tutti coloro che ne prendono parte: la vittoria del bene sul male. www.tesoridoriente.net art by_archanain ***************************** Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, is one of the oldest and most important festivals celebrated in October throughout India. Legend has it that King Rama returned from the city of Ayodhya (now Uttar Pradesh) after 14 years of exile in a forest. In the writings that have survived to this day, we read that the people of the city, upon the king's return, lit rows of lamps, called dipa, in his honor; hence the name Dipawali or more simply Diwali. It is a festival dedicated to light, both in the physical and spiritual sense, which sees the entire city light up with lanterns in the sky or floating candles, to symbolize the rebirth of the spirit and the defeat of darkness. The celebrations can last up to five days and during this period, city dwellers pay particular attention to taking care of the house, wear new clothes and exchange small gifts with each other as a family. Over the centuries, Diwali has become a national festival, enjoyed by most people, regardless of their faith: be it Hindus, Jains, Buddhists or Sikhs.
However, depending on the geographical area, the interpretation of the festival and its celebration is different:
In northern India, the story of King Rama's return to Ayodhya after defeating the antagonist Ravana is celebrated, by lighting rows of clay lamps.
Southern India celebrates it as the day Lord Krishna defeated the demon Narakasura.
In western India, the festival marks the day Lord Vishnu, the Preserver (one of the main members of the Hindu trinity) sent the demon Bali to dominate the lower world.
Despite the geographical differentiation, the focus of the festival is the same for all those who take part in it: the victory of good over evil. www.tesoridoriente.net art by_archanain 
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primepaginequotidiani · 28 days ago
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PRIMA PAGINA El Pais di Oggi domenica, 05 gennaio 2025
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avaddictsart · 4 months ago
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Ciao a tutti, siccome si sta avvicinando Halloween, oggi vorrei rendere omaggio a un grande attore di Broadway, Ken Page, che molti ricordano per aver doppiato in originale il personaggio di Mr. Bau Bau in Nightmare Before Christmas. Recentemente ci ha lasciati e ho deciso di disegnare questa fanart in sua memoria. Spero vi piaccia! 🖤🕷🎃🥺
Hello everyone, as Halloween is approaching, today I want to pay homage to a big Broadway actor Ken Page that many remember for being the Oogie Boogie's voice in Nightmare Before Christmas. He recently left us and I decided to draw this fanart in his memory. Hope you like it! 🖤🕷🎃🥺
Nightmare Before Christmas ©️ Tim Burton, Henry Selick
Cats ©️ Andrew Lloyd-Webber
Art by me
#nightmarebeforechristmas #oogieboogie #cats #andrewlloydwebber #ripfanart #kenpage #halloween2024 #halloweenart
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moss-bride · 1 year ago
You make me want to believe in love. Chapt:7 sneak peek!
Splinters sink into the glove, attempting to reach skin. They are well worn by this point, ragged and in need of stitching. If this is her limit with a sword then It isn't looking good for her.
'Anguish' arrives in the middle of the session. He snaps his fingers and Sforza stops moving immediately.  Standing in a soldier's pose.
"Sforza, at ease, Old friend."
"Mio signore, spero che vi troverete bene oggi." She's too distracted by her own pants to hear much of their conversation. Frantically wiping her porcelain forehead. She doubles over and is breathing heavily.
It's a short conversation because soon he calls
"Meat sack come here," She groans and obeys, her hamstrings ache.
Sforza left the area, putting away their training weapons on a rack. He bows again and disappears through the door though anguish pays no attention to his exit. 
"What?" she abandons her exercise to saddle up next to him.
His clawed hand seizes her by the back of her shirt. Lifting her high then throws her onto the ground.
"The proper answer is 'yes my lord. " 
Her head bangs painfully in what has to be her fifth brain injury today,  vision splitting into thirds and snapping back with fuzzy edges, she jerks to her hands. "I'm gonna fucking gut you!"
He plants his foot on her chest and presses down.
" That will have to wait. I'm taking you to a night out on the town." He seems….cheerful? And not the fake cheer he puts up and wields like a knife. Maybe he did miss this unconventional city that abandoned him. "It's high time you see what this city offers."
Now posted!!💕
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dancwart · 1 year ago
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You are going to PAY for putting me on the naught list!
(Starring anti-santa's little helpers Oggy And Nito)
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l3m0ngal5 · 6 months ago
Dai:Noah I already knew you were low but betting against your son and a tournament and telling him to throw it for you to pay off your bar tab is low even by your standards
I'm guessing oggy still won
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slapper-sw-h-13 · 2 years ago
tis is my apprentice dirty boy oggie or greaser the new nickname I've given him coz he greases everything in my workshop now. I ordered him to wear the leather pants with rear zip for work this morning cos not only Is it pay day, my boys getting a proper bonus for some gud work of late.
My greaser completed a full service for the very first time on a gud ole client of mine harley davidson sportsperson, little did greaser no that my leather clad Biker client frank will be paying my boy back by giving him a gud ole service back with a gud ole lubrication in the right holes.😆
Picture was taken after boys servicing and boy forgot to do his Zip up 😂 and dat made me horny not telling him so I to gave him a dirty ole servicing at close time to.
Dis is why I like to think he's now My dirty leather biker boy 😆😆😆
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supermassivebutthole · 11 months ago
does anyone!!! have any novel recommendations!!! involving gay cowboys, outlaws, or vampires!! I have a desperate need. I will accept and adore any flavor of gay, but I do love masc soggy oggy characters, transness, genderfucking, magical genderfucking, men in dresses, gunfights, blood and gore and violence<<3 i need to pay for my fluff with at least ten chapters of despair. please.
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pollonegro666 · 1 year ago
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2023/08/04 Dentro del edificio del Parlamento Europeo aprendimos que juntos somos más fuertes, más solidarios. Gracias a esta unión, hoy podemos viajar por muchos países sin presentar pasaporte ni cambiar de moneda. Unos primos nos contaron más cosas del edificio. Accedimos al hemiciclo, donde los diputados debaten las futuras leyes para toda la Unión.
Inside the European Parliament building we learned that together we are stronger, more supportive. Thanks to this union, today we can travel to many countries without presenting a passport or changing currency. Some cousins told us more about the building. We accessed the chamber, where the deputies debate future laws for the entire Union.
Google Translation into French: Dans le bâtiment du Parlement européen, nous avons appris qu’ensemble, nous sommes plus forts et plus solidaires. Grâce à cette union, nous pouvons aujourd'hui voyager dans de nombreux pays sans présenter de passeport ni changer de devise. Quelques cousins ​​nous en ont parlé davantage sur le bâtiment. Nous avons accédé à la salle où les députés débattent des futures lois pour l'ensemble de l'Union.
Google translation into Italian: Nell’edificio del Parlamento europeo abbiamo imparato che insieme siamo più forti e più uniti. Grazie a questa unione, oggi possiamo viaggiare in molti paesi senza presentare passaporto o cambiare valuta. Alcuni cugini ci hanno raccontato di più sull'edificio. Siamo entrati nella stanza dove i parlamentari stanno discutendo le leggi future per l'intera Unione.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No edifício do Parlamento Europeu aprendemos que juntos somos mais fortes e mais unidos. Graças a esta união, hoje podemos viajar para muitos países sem apresentar passaporte ou trocar moeda. Alguns primos nos contaram mais sobre o prédio. Entramos na sala onde os deputados debatem as futuras leis para toda a União.
Google Translation into German: Im Gebäude des Europäischen Parlaments haben wir gelernt, dass wir gemeinsam stärker und vereinter sind. Dank dieser Union können wir heute in viele Länder reisen, ohne einen Reisepass vorzulegen oder die Währung zu wechseln. Ein paar Cousins ​​erzählten uns mehr über das Gebäude. Wir betraten den Raum, in dem Abgeordnete über zukünftige Gesetze für die gesamte Union debattieren.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Brenda ndërtesës së Parlamentit Evropian mësuam se së bashku jemi më të fortë, më mbështetës. Falë këtij bashkimi, sot ne mund të udhëtojmë në shumë vende pa paraqitur pasaportë apo pa ndryshuar monedhë. Disa kushërinj na treguan më shumë për ndërtesën. Hymë në dhomë, ku deputetët debatojnë për ligjet e ardhshme për të gjithë Unionin.
Google Translation into Armenian: Եվրախորհրդարանի շենքում մենք իմացանք, որ միասին մենք ավելի ուժեղ ենք, ավելի աջակցող: Այս միության շնորհիվ այսօր մենք կարող ենք շատ երկրներ ճանապարհորդել՝ առանց անձնագիր ներկայացնելու կամ արժույթ փոխելու։ Որոշ զարմիկներ մեզ ավելի շատ պատմեցին շենքի մասին: Մտանք պալատ, որտեղ պատգամավորները քննարկում են ամբողջ Միության ապագա օրենքները:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: В сградата на Европейския парламент научихме, че заедно сме по-силни, по-подкрепящи. Благодарение на този съюз днес можем да пътуваме до много страни, без да представяме паспорт или да сменим валута. Някои братовчеди ни разказаха повече за сградата. Влязохме в залата, където депутатите обсъждат бъдещи закони за целия съюз.
Google Translation into Czech: V budově Evropského parlamentu jsme se dozvěděli, že společně jsme silnější a podporujeme. Díky této unii dnes můžeme cestovat do mnoha zemí bez předložení pasu nebo změny měny. Někteří bratranci nám o budově řekli více. Vstoupili jsme do sněmovny, kde poslanci projednávají budoucí zákony pro celou Unii.
Google Translation into Croatian: Unutar zgrade Europskog parlamenta naučili smo da smo zajedno jači, više podrške. Zahvaljujući ovoj uniji, danas mo��emo putovati u mnoge zemlje bez pokazivanja putovnice ili mijenjanja valute. Neki su nam rođaci rekli više o zgradi. Ušli smo u dvoranu u kojoj zastupnici raspravljaju o budućim zakonima za cijelu Uniju.
Google Translation into Danish Inde i Europa-Parlamentets bygning lærte vi, at vi sammen er stærkere, mere støttende. Takket være denne union kan vi i dag rejse til mange lande uden at fremvise pas eller skifte valuta. Nogle fætre fortalte os mere om bygningen. Vi fik adgang til salen, hvor deputerede debatterer fremtidige love for hele Unionen.
Google Translation into Slovak: V budove Európskeho parlamentu sme sa dozvedeli, že spolu sme silnejší a podporujeme nás. Vďaka tejto únii dnes môžeme cestovať do mnohých krajín bez predloženia pasu alebo zmeny meny. Niektorí bratranci nám o budove povedali viac. Dostali sme sa do rokovacej sály, kde poslanci rokujú o budúcich zákonoch pre celú Úniu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: V stavbi Evropskega parlamenta smo se naučili, da smo skupaj močnejši, bolj podpiramo. Zahvaljujoč tej zvezi lahko danes potujemo v številne države brez predložitve potnega lista ali menjave valute. Nekateri bratranci so nam povedali več o stavbi. Vstopili smo v dvorano, kjer poslanci razpravljajo o prihodnjih zakonih za vso Unijo.
Google Translation into Estonian: Euroopa Parlamendi hoones õppisime, et koos oleme tugevamad ja toetavamad. Tänu sellele liidule saame täna reisida paljudesse riikidesse ilma passi esitamata või valuutat vahetamata. Mõned nõod rääkisid meile hoonest lähemalt. Jõudsime saali, kus saadikud arutavad tulevasi seadusi kogu liidu jaoks.
Google Translation into Suomi: Euroopan parlamenttirakennuksessa opimme, että yhdessä olemme vahvempia ja tukevampia. Tämän liiton ansiosta voimme nykyään matkustaa moniin maihin esittämättä passia tai vaihtamatta valuuttaa. Jotkut serkut kertoivat meille lisää rakennuksesta. Pääsimme saliin, jossa kansanedustajat keskustelevat koko unionin tulevista laeista.
Google Translation into Georgian: ევროპარლამენტის შენობაში გავიგეთ, რომ ერთად ჩვენ უფრო ძლიერები ვართ, უფრო მხარდამჭერები. ამ კავშირის წყალობით, დღეს ჩვენ შეგვიძლია ვიმოგზაუროთ ბევრ ქვეყანაში პასპორტის წარდგენის ან ვალუტის შეცვლის გარეშე. ზოგიერთმა ბიძაშვილმა შენობის შესახებ მეტი გვიამბო. ჩვენ შევედით პალატაში, სადაც დეპუტატები მსჯელობენ მთელი კავშირის მომავალ კანონებზე.
Google Translation into Greek: Μέσα στο κτίριο του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου μάθαμε ότι μαζί είμαστε πιο δυνατοί, πιο υποστηρικτικοί. Χάρη σε αυτή την ένωση, σήμερα μπορούμε να ταξιδέψουμε σε πολλές χώρες χωρίς να προσκομίσουμε διαβατήριο ή να αλλάξουμε νόμισμα. Κάποια ξαδέρφια μας είπαν περισσότερα για το κτίριο. Μπήκαμε στην αίθουσα, όπου οι βουλευτές συζητούν μελλοντικούς νόμους για ολόκληρη την Ένωση.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Az Európai Parlament épületében megtanultuk, hogy együtt erősebbek, támogatóbbak vagyunk. Ennek az uniónak köszönhetően ma már sok országba utazhatunk útlevél bemutatása vagy valutaváltás nélkül. Néhány unokatestvér mesélt többet az épületről. Bejutottunk az ülésterembe, ahol a képviselők megvitatják az egész Unió jövőbeli törvényeit.
Google Translation into Latvian: Eiropas Parlamenta ēkā mēs uzzinājām, ka kopā mēs esam stiprāki, vairāk atbalstāmi. Pateicoties šai savienībai, šodien mēs varam ceļot uz daudzām valstīm, neuzrādot pasi un nemainot valūtu. Daži brālēni mums pastāstīja vairāk par ēku. Mēs iekļuvām palātā, kur deputāti debatē par turpmākajiem likumiem visai Savienībai.
Google Translation into Dutch: In het gebouw van het Europees Parlement hebben we geleerd dat we samen sterker en meer ondersteunend zijn. Dankzij deze unie kunnen we tegenwoordig naar veel landen reizen zonder een paspoort te overleggen of valuta te wisselen. Enkele neven vertelden ons meer over het gebouw. We gingen naar de kamer, waar de afgevaardigden debatteren over toekomstige wetten voor de hele Unie.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Inne i Europaparlamentsbygningen lærte vi at sammen er vi sterkere, mer støttende. Takket være denne unionen kan vi i dag reise til mange land uten å fremvise pass eller bytte valuta. Noen søskenbarn fortalte oss mer om bygget. Vi fikk tilgang til kammeret, hvor varamedlemmene debatterer fremtidige lover for hele unionen.
Google Translation into Polish: W budynku Parlamentu Europejskiego dowiedzieliśmy się, że razem jesteśmy silniejsi i bardziej się wspieramy. Dzięki tej unii możemy dziś podróżować do wielu krajów bez konieczności przedstawiania paszportu i zmiany waluty. Niektórzy kuzyni opowiedzieli nam więcej o budynku. Dotarliśmy do sali, w której posłowie debatują nad przyszłymi ustawami dla całej Unii.
Google Translation into Romanian: În clădirea Parlamentului European am învățat că împreună suntem mai puternici, mai susținători. Datorită acestei uniuni, astăzi putem călători în multe țări fără a prezenta un pașaport sau a schimba moneda. Unii veri ne-au spus mai multe despre clădire. Am accesat camera, unde deputații dezbat viitoare legi pentru întreaga Uniune.
Google Translation into Russian: В здании Европейского парламента мы поняли, что вместе мы сильнее и оказываем больше поддержки. Благодаря этому союзу сегодня мы можем путешествовать по многим странам, не предъявляя паспорта и не меняя валюту. Некоторые двоюродные братья рассказали нам больше об этом здании. Мы вошли в зал, где депутаты обсуждают будущие законы для всего Союза.
Google Translation into Serbian: У згради Европског парламента сазнали смо да смо заједно јачи, више подршке. Захваљујући овој унији, данас можемо да путујемо у многе земље без предочења пасоша или промене валуте. Неки рођаци су нам рекли више о згради. Приступили смо већници, где посланици расправљају о будућим законима за целу Унију.
Google Translation into Swedish: Inuti Europaparlamentets byggnad lärde vi oss att vi tillsammans är starkare, mer stödjande. Tack vare denna union kan vi idag resa till många länder utan att uppvisa pass eller byta valuta. Några kusiner berättade mer om byggnaden. Vi gick in i kammaren, där suppleanterna diskuterar framtida lagar för hela unionen.
Google Translation into Turkish: Avrupa Parlamentosu binasında birlikte daha güçlü, daha destekleyici olduğumuzu öğrendik. Bu birlik sayesinde artık birçok ülkeye pasaport göstermeden, para birimini değiştirmeden seyahat edebiliyoruz. Bazı kuzenler bize bina hakkında daha fazla bilgi verdi. Milletvekillerinin Birliğin tamamı için gelecekteki yasaları tartıştığı odaya girdik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: У будівлі Європейського парламенту ми дізналися, що разом ми сильніші, більше підтримуємо. Завдяки цьому союзу сьогодні ми можемо подорожувати багатьма країнами, не пред’являючи паспорт і не змінюючи валюту. Деякі двоюрідні брати розповідали нам більше про будівлю. Ми потрапили до зали, д�� депутати обговорюють майбутні закони для всього Союзу.
Google Translation into Arabic: لقد تعلمنا داخل مبنى البرلمان الأوروبي أننا معًا أقوى وأكثر دعمًا. بفضل هذا الاتحاد، يمكننا اليوم السفر إلى العديد من البلدان دون تقديم جواز سفر أو تغيير العملة. أخبرنا بعض أبناء عمومتنا المزيد عن المبنى. وصلنا إلى الغرفة، حيث يناقش النواب القوانين المستقبلية للاتحاد بأكمله.
Google Translation into Bengali: ইউরোপীয় পার্লামেন্ট ভবনের অভ্যন্তরে আমরা শিখেছি যে একসাথে আমরা শক্তিশালী, আরও সহায়ক। এই ইউনিয়নের জন্য ধন্যবাদ, আজ আমরা পাসপোর্ট উপস্থাপন বা মুদ্রা পরিবর্তন ছাড়াই অনেক দেশে ভ্রমণ করতে পারি। কিছু কাজিন আমাদের বিল্ডিং সম্পর্কে আরো বলেন. আমরা চেম্বারে প্রবেশ করেছি, যেখানে ডেপুটিরা সমগ্র ইউনিয়নের জন্য ভবিষ্যতের আইন নিয়ে বিতর্ক করে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 在欧洲议会大楼内,我们了解到,只要团结起来,我们就会变得更强大、更有支持力。 感谢这个联盟,今天我们可以前往许多国家,而无需出示护照或兑换货币。 一些表兄弟向我们讲述了更多关于这座建筑的信息。 我们进入了会议厅,代表们在那里辩论整个联邦的未来法律。
Google Translation into Korean: 유럽의회 건물 안에서 우리는 함께하면 더 강해지고, 더 많은 지지를 얻을 수 있다는 것을 배웠습니다. 이 조합 덕분에 오늘날 우리는 여권을 제시하거나 화폐를 바꾸지 않고도 여러 나라를 여행할 수 있습니다. 몇몇 사촌들이 건물에 대해 더 많은 이야기를 해주었습니다. 우리는 의원들이 연방 전체를 위한 미래 법률에 대해 토론하는 회의장에 접근했습니다.
Google Translation into Guarani: Parlamento Europeo róga ryepýpe roikuaa oñondive ore mbareteve, roipytyvõveha. Ko unión rupive, ko'ã árape ikatu jaha heta tetãme ñapresenta'ÿre pasaporte ni ñamoambue'ÿre moneda. Oĩ primo omombeʼuvéva oréve pe edifísiogui. Roike cámara-pe, ko'ápe umi diputado odebati futuro léi Unión pukukue.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Ma loko o ka hale Pāremata ʻEulopa ua ʻike mākou ua ʻoi aku ka ikaika a me ke kākoʻo pū. Mahalo i kēia hui, i kēia lā hiki iā mākou ke huakaʻi i nā ʻāina he nui me ka ʻole o ka hōʻike ʻana i kahi passport a i ʻole ke hoʻololi kālā. Ua haʻi hou mai kekahi mau hoahānau iā mākou e pili ana i ka hale. Ua komo mākou i ke keʻena, kahi e hoʻopaʻapaʻa ai nā ʻelele i nā kānāwai e hiki mai ana no ka Union holoʻokoʻa.
Google Translation into Hebrew: בתוך בניין הפרלמנט האירופי למדנו שיחד אנחנו חזקים יותר, תומכים יותר. הודות לאיחוד זה, כיום אנו יכולים לנסוע למדינות רבות ללא הצגת דרכון או החלפת מטבע. כמה בני דודים סיפרו לנו יותר על הבניין. ניגשנו ללשכה, שם דנים הצירים בחוקים עתידיים עבור האיחוד כולו.
Google Translation into Hindi: यूरोपीय संसद भवन के अंदर हमने सीखा कि एक साथ मिलकर हम अधिक मजबूत, अधिक सहयोगी हैं। इस संघ की बदौलत, आज हम बिना पासपोर्ट पेश किए या मुद्रा बदले कई देशों की यात्रा कर सकते हैं। कुछ चचेरे भाइयों ने हमें इमारत के बारे में और बताया। हम चैंबर में पहुंचे, जहां प्रतिनिधि पूरे संघ के लिए भविष्य के कानूनों पर बहस करते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Di gedung Parlemen Eropa kami belajar bahwa bersama-sama kita menjadi lebih kuat dan lebih suportif. Berkat persatuan ini, saat ini kita dapat bepergian ke banyak negara tanpa menunjukkan paspor atau menukar mata uang. Beberapa sepupu memberi tahu kami lebih banyak tentang bangunan itu. Kami mengakses ruangan tersebut, tempat para deputi memperdebatkan undang-undang masa depan untuk seluruh Persatuan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 欧州議会の建物の中で、私たちは団結すればより強く、より協力的になることを学びました。 この連合のおかげで、今日私たちはパスポートの提示や通貨の両替をせずに多くの国に旅行できるようになりました。 何人かのいとこがこの建物について詳しく教えてくれました。 私たちは議場にアクセスしました。そこでは議員たちが連邦全体の将来の法律について議論しています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Европарламенттин имаратынын ичинде биз биргелешип күчтүүрөөк жана колдоочу экенибизди билдик. Бул биримдиктин аркасы менен бүгүнкү күндө биз паспорт көрсөтпөстөн, валютаны алмаштырбай эле көп мамлекеттерге бара алабыз. Кээ бир туугандар имарат тууралуу кененирээк айтып беришти. Биз палатага кирдик, анда депутаттар бүткүл союз үчүн болочок мыйзамдарды талкуулап жатышат.
Google Translation into Malayalam: യൂറോപ്യൻ പാർലമെന്റ് കെട്ടിടത്തിനുള്ളിൽ ഞങ്ങൾ ഒരുമിച്ച് കൂടുതൽ ശക്തരും കൂടുതൽ പിന്തുണയുള്ളവരുമാണെന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ മനസ്സിലാക്കി. ഈ യൂണിയന് നന്ദി, ഇന്ന് നമുക്ക് പാസ്‌പോർട്ട് അവതരിപ്പിക്കാതെയും കറൻസി മാറ്റാതെയും നിരവധി രാജ്യങ്ങളിലേക്ക് യാത്ര ചെയ്യാം. ചില കസിൻസ് ഞങ്ങളോട് കെട്ടിടത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് കൂടുതൽ പറഞ്ഞു. ഞങ്ങൾ ചേമ്പറിലേക്ക് പ്രവേശിച്ചു, അവിടെ മുഴുവൻ യൂണിയന്റെയും ഭാവി നിയമങ്ങളെക്കുറിച്ച് ഡെപ്യൂട്ടികൾ ചർച്ച ചെയ്യുന്നു.
Google Translation into Malay: Di dalam bangunan Parlimen Eropah kami belajar bahawa bersama-sama kami lebih kuat, lebih menyokong. Terima kasih kepada kesatuan ini, hari ini kita boleh mengembara ke banyak negara tanpa mengemukakan pasport atau menukar mata wang. Beberapa sepupu memberitahu kami lebih lanjut tentang bangunan itu. Kami mengakses dewan, tempat timbalan menteri membahaskan undang-undang masa depan untuk seluruh Kesatuan.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Tao anatin'ny tranoben'ny Parlemanta Eoropeana izahay dia nianatra fa miaraka izahay dia matanjaka kokoa, manohana kokoa. Noho ity sendikà ity dia afaka mitety firenena maro isika ankehitriny nefa tsy manolotra pasipaoro na manova vola. Nisy zanak'olo-mpiray tam-po taminay nilaza bebe kokoa momba ilay trano. Niditra tao amin'ny efitrano izahay, izay niadian'ireo solombavambahoaka ny lalàna ho avy ho an'ny Union manontolo.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид хамтдаа илүү хүчтэй, илүү дэмжигч гэдгийг Европын парламентын ордонд мэдсэн. Энэ нэгдлийн ачаар өнөөдөр бид олон оронд гадаад паспорт үзүүлэлгүй, валют солихгүйгээр зорчих боломжтой болсон. Зарим үеэлүүд барилгын талаар илүү ихийг хэлсэн. Бид бүхэл бүтэн Холбооны ирээдүйн хуулийг депутатууд хэлэлцэж буй танхимд орлоо.
Google Translation into Nepali: युरोपेली संसद भवन भित्र हामीले सँगै हामी बलियो, थप सहयोगी छौं भनेर सिकेका छौं। यस संघलाई धन्यवाद, आज हामी पासपोर्ट वा मुद्रा परिवर्तन नगरी धेरै देशहरूमा यात्रा गर्न सक्छौं। केही भाइहरूले हामीलाई भवनको बारेमा थप बताए। हामीले च्याम्बरमा पहुँच गयौं, जहाँ प्रतिनिधिहरूले सम्पूर्ण संघका लागि भविष्यका कानुनहरूमाथि बहस गर्छन्।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਯੂਰਪੀਅਨ ਸੰਸਦ ਦੀ ਇਮਾਰਤ ਦੇ ਅੰਦਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਸਿੱਖਿਆ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਕੱਠੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਮਜ਼ਬੂਤ, ਵਧੇਰੇ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਹਾਂ। ਇਸ ਯੂਨੀਅਨ ਦੀ ਬਦੌਲਤ, ਅੱਜ ਅਸੀਂ ਪਾਸਪੋਰਟ ਜਾਂ ਮੁਦਰਾ ਬਦਲਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਦੀ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਕੁਝ ਚਚੇਰੇ ਭਰਾਵਾਂ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਇਮਾਰਤ ਬਾਰੇ ਹੋਰ ਦੱਸਿਆ। ਅਸੀਂ ਚੈਂਬਰ ਤੱਕ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਕੀਤੀ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਪ੍ਰਤੀਨਿਧੀ ਪੂਰੀ ਯੂਨੀਅਨ ਲਈ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਦੇ ਕਾਨੂੰਨਾਂ 'ਤੇ ਬਹਿਸ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: د اروپا د پارلمان په ودانۍ کې دننه موږ زده کړل چې یوځای موږ پیاوړي، ډیر ملاتړي یو. د دې اتحادیې څخه مننه، نن ورځ موږ کولی شو ډیری هیوادونو ته پرته له پاسپورټ یا د پیسو بدلولو پرته سفر وکړو. ځینو تره ګانو موږ ته د ودانۍ په اړه نور معلومات راکړل. موږ خونې ته لاسرسی وموند، چیرې چې مرستیالان د ټولې اتحادیې لپاره د راتلونکي قوانینو په اړه بحث کوي.
Google Translation into Persian: در داخل ساختمان پارلمان اروپا آموختیم که با هم قوی تر و حمایتگرتر هستیم. به لطف این اتحادیه امروزه می توانیم بدون ارائه پاسپورت یا تغییر ارز به بسیاری از کشورها سفر کنیم. ��رخی از پسرعموها در مورد ساختمان بیشتر به ما گفتند. ما وارد اتاق شدیم، جایی که نمایندگان درباره قوانین آینده کل اتحادیه بحث می کنند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Di jero gedong Parlemén Éropa urang diajar yén babarengan urang leuwih kuat, leuwih supportive. Hatur nuhun kana union ieu, ayeuna urang tiasa ngarambat ka seueur nagara tanpa nampilkeun paspor atanapi ngarobih mata uang. Sababaraha cousins ngawartoskeun kami langkung seueur ngeunaan wangunan. Kami ngaksés kamar, dimana timbalan debat hukum masa depan pikeun sakumna Uni.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa loob ng gusali ng European Parliament natutunan namin na magkasama kami ay mas malakas, mas sumusuporta. Salamat sa unyon na ito, ngayon ay maaari tayong maglakbay sa maraming bansa nang hindi nagpapakita ng pasaporte o nagpapalit ng pera. Ang ilang mga pinsan ay nagsabi sa amin ng higit pa tungkol sa gusali. Na-access namin ang kamara, kung saan pinagtatalunan ng mga kinatawan ang mga batas sa hinaharap para sa buong Unyon.
Google Translation into Thai: ภายในอาคารรัฐสภายุโรป เราได้เรียนรู้ว่าเมื่อร่วมมือกันแล้ว เราจะแข็งแกร่งขึ้นและให้การสนับสนุนมากขึ้น ต้องขอบคุณสหภาพนี้ที่ทำให้ทุกวันนี้เราสามารถเดินทางไปยังหลายประเทศได้โดยไม่ต้องแสดงหนังสือเดินทางหรือเปลี่ยนสกุลเงิน ลูกพี่ลูกน้องบางคนเล่าให้เราฟังเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับอาคารนี้ เราเข้าไปในห้องซึ่งเจ้าหน้าที่อภิปรายกฎหมายในอนาคตสำหรับทั้งสหภาพ
Google Translation into Telugu: యూరోపియన్ పార్లమెంట్ భవనం లోపల మేము కలిసి బలంగా, మరింత మద్దతుగా ఉన్నామని తెలుసుకున్నాము. ఈ యూనియన్‌కు ధన్యవాదాలు, ఈ రోజు మనం పాస్‌పోర్ట్ సమర్పించకుండా లేదా కరెన్సీని మార్చకుండా అనేక దేశాలకు ప్రయాణించవచ్చు. కొంతమంది బంధువులు భవనం గురించి మాకు మరింత చెప్పారు. మేము ఛాంబర్‌ని యాక్సెస్ చేసాము, అక్కడ డిప్యూటీలు మొత్తం యూనియన్ కోసం భవిష్యత్తు చట్టాలపై చర్చించారు.
Google Translation into Urdu: یورپی پارلیمنٹ کی عمارت کے اندر ہم نے سیکھا کہ ہم مل کر مضبوط، زیادہ معاون ہیں۔ اس یونین کی بدولت، آج ہم پاسپورٹ پیش کیے یا کرنسی تبدیل کیے بغیر بہت سے ممالک کا سفر کر سکتے ہیں۔ کچھ کزنز نے ہمیں عمارت کے بارے میں مزید بتایا۔ ہم نے چیمبر تک رسائی حاصل کی، جہاں نائبین پوری یونین کے لیے مستقبل کے قوانین پر بحث کرتے ہیں۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Evropa parlamenti binosida biz birgalikda kuchliroq va ko'proq qo'llab-quvvatlayotganimizni bilib oldik. Ushbu ittifoq tufayli bugungi kunda biz ko'plab mamlakatlarga pasport ko'rsatmasdan yoki valyutani almashtirmasdan sayohat qilishimiz mumkin. Ba'zi amakivachchalar bizga bino haqida ko'proq gapirib berishdi. Biz palataga kirdik, u erda deputatlar butun Ittifoq uchun bo'lajak qonunlarni muhokama qilishadi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Bên trong tòa nhà Nghị viện Châu Âu, chúng tôi học được rằng cùng nhau chúng ta sẽ mạnh mẽ hơn, hỗ trợ nhiều hơn. Nhờ liên minh này mà ngày nay chúng ta có thể đi du lịch đến nhiều nước mà không cần xuất trình hộ chiếu hay đổi tiền. Một số anh em họ đã kể cho chúng tôi thêm về tòa nhà. Chúng tôi vào phòng, nơi các đại biểu tranh luận về luật tương lai cho toàn Liên minh.
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