#Dianna Bakery
gastronominho · 2 months
Conheça sugestões cariocas para o Dia dos Pais
Para comer ou presentear, há dicas para todos
Para comer ou presentear, há dicas para todos Atenção, cariocas, que chegou a vez de vocês conhecerem as sugestões para o Dia dos Pais na região. Acompanhem este post, pois sempre o atualizaremos com mais dicas. Meu Vício desde o Início Crédito: Tomás Vélez A marca terá seis bolos para a data, com o cliente escolhendo a massa – baunilha, chocolate ou mista – os recheios – brigadeiro,…
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tloubrainrot · 1 year
A taste of the sweet icing
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MINORS DO NOT READ/INTERACT!!! If we catch you, you will be blocked immediately! EXPECT SEXUAL CONTENT!!
a/n: be sure to check out Vien (aka @dinaskiss on twitter!) We are very very grateful for them letting us use their art!
We have organized a playlist that we highly suggest to listen to while reading (songs listed below <3)
Witchfork - Nightgames
Back to you - The Driver Era
Her Body - Nasty Cherry
Euphoria - Dianna Lopez
Slither - DJO
Working at a bakery definitely wasn’t on your bucket list, but here you are. It’s your third year in college studying creative arts. You walked by the cutest bakery with your mom, in which she heavily pressured you to apply. You argued about it for a few weeks, but eventually gave in. I mean it is the perfect in between job for an upcoming artist.
Your boss, the owner of the bakery, was actually pretty chill for the most part. She’s always super tense, but it’s never been entirely unbearable. She would even occasionally help you with an art project.
Today wasn’t any different, you finished classes, then came straight to work. You’d almost always be a few minutes late but your boss, Ellie, never seemed to mind.
You walk in, and head to your locker to put on your apron.
“You’re late,” you hear a voice from behind you.
You turn around and see Ellie working in her office. “I’m always a few minutes late, I get here as soon as I can.” You look down at Ellie’s art work, it’s always so fascinating to watch her design the next cake. Sometimes you’ll even catch her doodling, which is still insanely good with the lack of effort.
“I know.. just be on time tomorrow. I really need to teach you how to ice your cupcakes better,” she states. Ellie doesn’t look up from her sketches.
“Are you saying there’s something wrong with the way I ice my cupcakes?” You say crossing your arms.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she looks up at you momentarily flashing a devilish smile.
You roll your eyes, and watch her sketch for a few more seconds, watching her veiny hands grip the pencil.
“Whatever you say, boss.” Ellie tenses up, narrowing her brows at you. You flash a smile in return.
You walk out of her office, to stock the display with cupcakes like you do every afternoon. After twenty careful minutes of choosing where each cupcake belonged, you stood up, crossing your arms, and admiring your hard work and creativity.
“That one should be here,” Ellie walks over from behind you, putting a hand on your waist to scoot by, her crotch grazing the back of your pants. She moves a singular cupcake to a different section. “Come on babe this isn’t rocket science.”
“Is it really that serious?” You scoff, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“It’s always that serious sweetheart. Now do you mind icing the cookies for me?”
“I suppose so.”
Ellie lays out a sheet of cookies for you and hands over all the tools you’ll need. “Thanks.”
“Mhm,” she hums. “I’ll be right over there if you need anything.”
You watch as Ellie walks across the room, putting on her apron and grabbing a cake pan. Every day, at the same time, she starts making her own cake for advertisement. You always like to watch her from afar. Not only do you love seeing how into she gets, she looks so good doing it. Today was especially fun to watch.
She wore a white wife beater tank, with a pair of jeans and black converse. Not far off from what she usually wears, but today she chose to wear a shirt that showed off her arms. You start to take notice of her veiny hands, handling her ingredients gently and swiftly.
You begin icing the cookies, however you never really got far. You’d ice one then look right back over at her. Ellie started whisking her batter, the mixing bowl in one arm and the whisk in the other hand. She mixed quickly, you found yourself drooling over her. Her toned muscles flexed with each stir and her grip on the whisk made you feel hot.
You wondered what it would feel like, or what her muscles would look like when she was pumping in and out of you. You shook those feelings and stared back down at your plate of cookies.
“Fuck.” You look back over at Ellie again. “Fuck me man.” Ellie attempts to wipe flour dust off of her. It had gotten everywhere, her apron, her shirt, her hands, some even resting adorably on her cheeks. It was honestly quite comedic.
“You alright there?” you chuckle softly. Ellie nods and laughs along with you. She takes off the apron, throwing it off to the side. She walks over to the sink and wets a paper towel, wiping her face. As she does her tank slightly rises, showing off her v-line. Your mind continued to wander. You wanted to lick every part of her. Leave kisses in every nook and cranny.
You cleared your throat, “you’ve still got flour on your shirt.”
Ellie looks down, “fuck.”
Ellie walks into her office, for which you assumed was to grab a shirt to change into. You continued icing the cookies. Finally finishing the last one, you look up to find Ellie.
You see her silhouette through the blinds. She takes off her shirt and tosses it on her desk. You couldn’t see her perfectly, but you knew what you were looking at. She turns her body slightly to the side, so you get a glimpse of the curve of her breasts. You knew it was wrong to look, but you couldn’t get yourself to look away. You imagined yourself fingering her, pressing down slightly on her lower abdomen to see how she’d react.
You watch the entire scene play out. She wipes her stomach with the same paper towel from before then quickly puts on her shirt. It was apparent she wasn’t wearing a bra, and for some odd reason that made your stomach turn. It felt odd thirsting over your boss, and you beat yourself up for even imagining her naked body.
Ellie walks out, with a new apron in hand. You glance down at her breasts momentarily, taking a peak at her hard nipples poking through her fresh black t-shirt. You were devastated to see the white tank go, but she made everything look good.
Ellie nods at you, before walking back to her station to finish baking. “Oh hey, uh i finished the cookies. Was there something else you wanted me to do?”
Ellie walks back over and looks over the cookies, nodding as she scans the plate. “Looks good..” “Mhm..” She would say, her hand grazing her chin.
“Yeah go ahead and put those on the counter and then come find me, I've got some things I wanna teach you,” she proceeded to say.
You do as you’re told, then find Ellie back at her baking station. “So.. what is it exactly that you’re teaching me?”
“I’m teaching you how to bake a cake,” she states as if it was obvious.
“Yeah but like, why? I know how to do all of this alr-“
“You could use some improvement,” she interrupts, putting a hand on your shoulder.
You nod slowly, definitely frustrated, but she was the boss after all. At the end of the day artists need to be good at taking constructive criticism. “Okay then.. what’s first.”
“We’ll start with icing.. and I don't mean icing a cake, I mean prepping the icing.” She puts the tip of the icing tube on then looks back up at you. “That’s something you lack, I notice you over fill it, then leave too many air bubbles.”
You nod along as Ellie speaks. She begins demonstrating and you don’t take your eyes off her hands for a second. She finishes filling it and ties the end off.
She looks back up at you, maintaining eye contact. “Just like that.. got it?” She licks the remaining frosting left on her fingertip, looking at you and waiting for a response.
“Mhm..” you wanted to say more, to express how grateful you were for her help. Your mind couldn’t even form the right words. You were starting to get nervous, and you're worried she could tell.
“Good, now icing the cake is the most important part. People only buy cakes that look pretty.” Ellie starts demonstrating again, icing only half the cake. Once she’s finished she looks over at you. “Any questions?”
You shake your head in response. “Great, go for it,” she says, handing over the icing.
“What, me? I don’t wanna fuck up the cake,” you say defensively.
She gestures the icing toward you again, “It’s not important, It’s just for practice.” You stand there for a moment looking at her before finally taking the tube of icing.
You start to decorate that cake in which Ellie taught you. “Mhm..” she would say, watching you.
“Like this?” You say looking up at her for approval.
“Close, fix this right here..” she says pointing.
“No.. just..” She steps behind you positioning herself behind your body. She wraps her arms around you holding the tube of icing in both of your hands. She starts helping you ice the cake, guiding your every move. “You need to be more gentle, like this.”
Her voice is right next to your ear, it sends a shiver down your spine. Having her pressed up against you made you flustered.
“Mmm okay, I think I got it now,” you claimed.
“Okay good,” Ellie says, moving away from your body to stand next to you. You glance at her hips momentarily as she leans against the counter. Your mind was filled with explicit thoughts of her. You imagined taking her right here on that counter.
You imagined her clit rubbing against your thigh. One of her breasts in your mouth, and your hand gripping the other. You wondered what sounds she’d make. Would she whimper? How long would it take her to cum? How wet she’d be.
“Hey.. you good?” Ellie said, snapping you out of your daydream.
“Yeah. m’ just stressed.. sorry.” You proceed to frost the cake, hoping it would finally be the way she expected.
“Hell yeah,” she smiled. “Just like that babe, good job” she said innocently. God that drove you crazy. Honestly that’s just the kind of personality she had. It wasn’t intended to be sexual or dirty at all, but fuck.. you wanted to make her say those words again. Just more.. breathy. Giving herself into you, and letting you take control.
“You’re doing so good, quick learner, hm?”
“You could say that,” you say, smiling at her. Her words make your knees feel weak, you imagine her saying those exact words to you while you are in between her legs, fucking her senseless.
“Alright well, good work today, we’ll go over some more stuff tomorrow,” she says, starting to clean up.
“Cool,” you smile at her. “Need help?”
“No it’s cool, go ahead and go up front and cover Jesse, he’s off in five.”
You nod and make your way up front. Walking out you see Jesse interacting with a customer. Their conversation quickly comes to an end and you send Jesse on his way.
It was unusually slow in the bakery today but you kinda enjoyed the quiet. You had gotten comfortable behind the counter, working on an art project in between checking people out.
The door dings and in walks a girl around your age, she looked super familiar. She approaches the counter, with a wide smile.
“Hey, how’s it going,” she says, putting both hands onto the counter.
“I’m okay, thanks for asking.” I take a second to study her face, “You look familiar. Do I know you?” You couldn’t quite tell where you had seen her before, but you definitely enjoyed looking at her.
“I was thinking the same thing about you,” she smiles. “I’m Cat.” She extends her arm and shakes your hand. She was definitely a pretty girl, and she carried herself in a way that interested you.
“Wait, do you go to the art school down the street?” she questioned.
“Yeah actually, do you?”
“Yeah! Holy shit I remember you. We had that art history class together freshman year.” Honestly, how could you miss that? I mean it has been a couple years. Not to mention she’s gotten insanely beautiful since then.
Ellie walks in and starts putting things in the display cabinet next to you both, completely unfazed by the two of you.
“Wow, that feels so long ago,” you stated.
“It really does,” Cat agreed. “I honestly wish we stayed in touch.”
“Aw, me too Cat.” You look over at Ellie and see her looking up at you from the display case. She didn’t seem to take any interest before but suddenly she’s all ears.
“You know, it’s not too late.” Cat made sure to make direct eye contact, and glanced down at your lips a couple times. “Honestly I’d love to take you out this weekend.”
Ellie stands up from the display and looks over at Cat and nods, giving the fakest of all smiles. She starts taking inventory, but stays in close range to keep listening on.
“That sounds great, I’d like that,” you smile.
“Cool,” Cat says, flashing another wide smile. “Oh right, I almost forgot. So I’m having a small get together with my family tomorrow and we were interested in some sort of cake. Do you think I could put in an order for tomorrow?”
“Yeah, yeah of course. Do you know what flavor y-“
You’re interrupted with the feeling of a hand grazing you. You look over at Ellie who is standing extremely close to you. Resting her hand on your lower back.
“We’re fully booked tomorrow, sorry.” Ellie looks at Cat blankly.
“Ellie, what are you-“
“Booked solid,” Ellie says shrugging.
“Oh,” Cat says. It was clear Ellie was making her uncomfortable, and frankly I wanted to disappear myself. “Alright then.. see you around,” she says nodding in your direction.
Cat leaves the store and you turn to face Ellie. “What the actual fuck?”
Ellie was already working on inventory, she didn’t even look back up at you to respond. “Hm?”
“Why did you turn her down? Don’t you like need customers to run a damn business?”
“I didn’t like her energy.”
“What the hell are you talking about Ellie?” you spoke. It was really pissing you off how unfazed Ellie was. Not even looking up at you for a second.
“It’s not that serious. It’s my business, I run it how I please,” Ellie states. She finally looks up at you. “Something came up, I have to cater a wedding reception tonight so I won’t be able to close. Do you mind locking up for me?”
You roll your eyes, but Ellie didn’t seem to notice. “Sure whatever.”
“Thanks,” she says, leaving for her office.
Several minutes of cleaning pass and Ellie finally returns with her backpack, ready to go. “Alright, I’m heading out.” she says slinging her backpack over her shoulder. “Call if there’s an emergency, cool?”
You nod in her direction, “mhm, yeah.” Honestly you were still kinda pissed at her, but at the end of the day it was her business. “Have a good night.”
Ellie looks back at you from the door, “You too babe.” She exits the store, leaving you all by yourself. Closing was honestly a lot of fun for you. Ellie always allowed you to take a few cupcakes home for closing, so it was something you always looked forward to.
You started playing your own music throughout the store. Cranking up the volume to make cleaning a little more bearable. The worst part about closing was always the fuck load of dishes that piled up.
An hour and a half pass of cleaning and you switch off the lights, along with the radio. You happily skip the entire way to your bag to fetch the keys to the store. You grab your bag, digging through your school supplies and random shit you were too lazy to take out.
You searched your bag for several minutes, searching for the keys but you never found them. You panic, searching the entire store. Looking through every single possible place it could be.
No fucking keys.
You stare at your phone, debating whether you should call Ellie, or just end your life right then and there.
You pick up your phone, searching through your contacts until you reach Ellie’s. You start to call her, pressing your phone to your face anxiously. “She’s gonna fucking kill me.”
The phone rings for a few seconds until Ellie picks up. “Yeah babe? Are you okay? What’s going on.” You felt so fucking bad, you could tell she was worried for your well being. Her mind didn’t go to irresponsibility. She clearly thought you were unwell or unsafe in some way.
“Uh, yeah I’m fine.” You pause trying to find the right words to say. “Ellie, I’m really sorry.”
You can hear Ellie sigh through the phone, voices of the wedding attendees muffled in the background. “What did you do?”
“I lost the keys to the store,” you say quietly.
“God damn it, are you sure? How the hell could you be so irresponsible?”
“I- I don’t know, i thought I had them in my bag,” you say attempting to defend yourself.
“I don’t wanna hear it..” She pauses for another moment, giving herself time to think. “I’ll be over in twenty minutes.”
“I’m sorry.” Ellie quickly hangs up the phone, leaving you with your own thoughts.
Twenty minutes came quicker than you wanted it to. You hear the door open and you walk out from the break room. You hear a bag plop onto one of the tables in the lobby.
You walk out and see Ellie, grabbing her keys from her backpack. “Ellie i’m really sorry I don’t-“
“Do you have any idea how much money I lost for this?”
“No, but-“
“I’m talking,” she interrupts. “I used to think you messing shit up was cute but I’m getting really fucking tired of it.”
“Ellie, I really didn’t mean to do this. It’s not my fault.”
“How isn’t this your fault? This is your responsibility.” she says, crossing her arms.
“Jesus Ellie what more do you want me to say?” “If I’m such a fuck up, just fire me.”
“God damn it, you’re so fucking bratty.” She throws her keys on the floor near by. “You’re driving me fucking crazy.”
“I’m not bratty Ellie-“ Your eyes go wide, glancing over at Ellies keys nearby. “You’re scaring me.”
She clenches her fists for a brief second, pinching the bridge of her nose. She looks back up at you. “Fuck it.”
Ellie makes her way over to you, pulling you in. She holds your face in her hands, looking into your eyes. Your lips are only inches apart. “Just shut the fuck up.” She closes the gap between your lips, only coming up for air to look back at you.
Your hands get comfortable tangled in her hair, as she roams your body with her hands. She walks you back, until your back hits the counter. She props you up, lifting you onto the counter by your ass.
“Fuck..” she breathes out. She starts to unbutton her shirt, leaving sloppy kisses all over your neck as she does. Ellie grips onto your neck, kissing you lower and lower down your neck. “Take this shit off.”
You prop your ass up, allowing Ellie to fully slip off your pants. She rubs you through your drenched underwear, which only leaves you craving more.
“God..” you breathe out desperately.
“How long have you been dying to fuck me, hm?” She whispers in your ear, while noticing how wet you are.
“So fucking long Ellie” you say through sounds of whimpers.
Ellie looks up at you and grins, still rubbing your clit over your panties. “You know? I see the way you look at me everyday. Just begging to be able to touch me, aren’t you?”
You nod, moaning into Ellie’s ear each time she grazes over where you need her most. “Please Ellie.. more. I need you.”
“God baby, you have no idea how wet you’re making me, being so needy.”
She lifts your shirt up and over your breasts, taking one into her mouth. She moves your underwear to the side and starts fingering you slowly. “Fuck Ellie,” you moan out. You manage to slip Ellie’s pants off, slipping her boxers down until they fall at her ankles. You push her closer to you by wrapping your legs around her hips.
“Please, please baby,” you whimper, letting go of her hips and spreading your legs further to allow her more access.
“So eager.”
Ellie grabs your legs up on the counter for easier access. She slips a finger inside of you, you immediately clench around her, watching as her fingers pump in and out of you. “i’ve been wanting this for so fucking long, dreamt about it.” You say between moans. Ellie gets closer and buries her face in your neck as she’s pounding you slowly and kissing your neck.
“So have i, thought about it often, touched myself to the thought.” You let out a filthy moan in response. You get wetter and wetter and it’s obvious how bad you need her. Ellie chuckles when she feels you dripping on her fingers.
“Like the thought of me fucking myself, baby? Bet you wish you were fucking me like this, hm?”
“Yes, so badly. Fuck. Faster, please.” you bite your lip. Ellie pushes you closer with one arm and starts picking up the pace with the next, she also adds a finger or two, which slip in easily. She changes the angle so her fingers are now deeper inside you. She goes faster, not a second passing between every thrust. She bites at your neck hard, one hand grazing your nipple and the other pumping inside you.
“Feels so g-good, love when you fill me up.” Ellie lets out a sultry moan against your neck.
“You’re so fucking hot”. She stops thrusting and starts curling her fingers inside you, hitting your spot repeatedly. You moan with every move. “I’m close, I'm so close, Ellie.”
“Bet you can’t make me cum like this” She smirks before she sends you over the edge. You moan loudly against her. Your cum flows out of you, wetting Ellie's forearm. “Fuck yes baby, come for me. Just like that.”
You’re out of breath, you’ve never came so hard in your life, and you’d do it again because of how good Ellie’s fingers felt destroying you. You sit like that for a few seconds, catching your breath.
“Let me fuck you.” you pleaded “Want it so bad, been wanting it.”
“Say please.”
“Please.. Ellie.. I wanna feel you. I wanna see how wet you are. I wanna taste you.”
Ellie moans in your ear listening to all the things you wish to do to her. You felt her leaning into you, her body getting heavy.
“I can see how bad you need me Ellie.. give in.” You lean closer into her ear and whisper, “Let me take care of you baby.”
“Fuck, now.” she whines.
You grin, standing up and switching places with Ellie. It turned you on how quickly she gave into you. You lifted her sports bra up over her head, following with kisses all over her chest. You sucked on her breast, savoring the image she made with her mouth propped open. “Oh god,” she moaned.
You took your time, waiting for the perfect moment to finally touch her sopping wet core. Ellie spread her legs underneath you. In which you looked down, finally getting a full view of her dripping cunt. “So fucking pretty,” you said, biting your lip then looking back up at Ellie. Her eyes, burning into yours.
She desires you, she needs you. Most importantly she fucking craved you, and only you. “Please, just touch me already,” she begged.
You lean closer into her, leaving only a few inches between you two. “I’m gonna savor every last fucking drop of you, got it?” You look back down at her pussy. “The more you rush me, the longer it’s gonna take.. understood?”
She nods, not daring to break eye contact.
“Say it.”
“I understand baby.”
You grin, “Good.” You kiss her neck, working your way up to the spot right behind her ear. “Now touch yourself.”
She looks at you, eyes widening. “What-“
“Do it.”
She props her hand up to better position herself. She sucks her fingers slowly and good, definitely on purpose to get a rise out of you. You groan at the sight.
“So pretty,” you say grinning.
“Now baby, let me see you.” She complies, resting her ring and middle finger lightly on her clit. You prop yourself down on your knees, allowing you to look up at her. Getting a view of every angle, every facial expression.
She fingers herself, looking straight at you. You watch as her chest rises and falls heavily. Wet sounds fill the room, but you both craved more.
She speeds up, fucking herself at a steady pace. “Mhm- baby.. I'm so wet.”
“I can tell,” you grin. “And all for me.”
You leave wet kisses on her thigh working your way toward her v-line.
“Fuck.. yes- more please”. Ellie gets frustrated and starts fucking herself faster and faster.
She spreads her legs further, letting you move closer and closer. You breathe against her clit, teasing her. She grabs your hair. “If you don’t fucking fuck me right now, you’re fired for sure.”
“Oh, really?” You laugh. Ellie pushes your weight up and on top of her with her legs. She gets her lips closer to your ear. “Are you going to be a good girl or not?”
Ellie grabs your waist harshly, creating a knot in your stomach.
“Yes, I'm your good girl.” You nod, grabbing her knees and spreading her legs apart.
You put two fingers inside her dripping cunt, moving in and out slowly.
“F-fuck, faster, now.”
“Hm? I didn’t hear a please.”
“Please, fucking.. faster. I cant wait any longer.”
You pick up your pace, fucking yourself into her. You watch as her perfect tits bounce before you. “So fucking wet El.”
You remove your fingers from inside her slowly. You drop to your knees again, face to face with her throbbing clit. “I wanna taste you” you say before your lips meet her bud.
“Fuckk..” Ellie buckles her hips against you. Throwing her head back in pleasure.
“You taste so fucking good,” you moan against her. You keep a steady pace, adjusting yourself to what makes Ellie feel her best. She looks down at you, grabbing a fist full of your hair. You circle her clit with your tongue repeatedly, finding a good rhythm, you also tease her folds, moving your tongue up and down. You then start to suck on her clit vigorously causing her to arch her back.
“So fucking good, f-fuck,” her moans were getting louder, her legs began to shake. She starts whimpering and moaning out your name. “I- I can’t take it.”
Ellie was nearing her orgasm, and you craved for more. More time with her. Her legs started to shake uncontrollably. “Baby.. don’t fucking stop.. I’m gonna fucking cum.”
You continue, sucking on her sensitive bud for a few more moments before pulling away.
“What the fuck?” She grunts, whining deeply.
“You think I’m done with you? Hm?” You stand back up to get closer to Ellie. You slap her pussy making a loud wet noise. “Stand up.” Ellie twitches underneath your hand. A soft whimper leaves her lips.
You guide Ellie down onto the floor, and lay down right along with her. “I need you to fuck yourself on my tongue” you order. Ellie kisses you deeply, letting out a deep whimper, a sound that sent vibrations through your body.
“Yes, ma’am” She says against your lips, smirking.
“I need you to cum on my face.”
“Oh you need it, hm?” She chuckles lowly as she moves to straddle your face. She looks like an absolute vision from this angle, her wet cunt so close to your mouth, her abs flexing as she hovers above you. Pieces of her hair stick to her forehead as she stares down at you, pupils so big you can barely see the green anymore.
“Fuck- yes, babe” you all but moan, hands circling her thighs as you try to push her down onto your mouth. She resists, though, grabbing your hair roughly and pulling you back from her pussy as you huff impatiently against her clit.
“Beg for it” she smirks, one hand snaking down to spread herself open as she pulls your hair tighter.
“Please Ellie, please let me make you cum I promise I’ll be so go-mmf!” You’re cut off as she pushes your face into her, sighing in relief as you begin to eat her out again.
“Fuck, I- I can’t get enough of your pretty little mouth” she moans loudly as she begins to move her hips back and forth, slowly at first but quickly devolving into wild thrusts that leave you almost unable to breathe.
The hand in your hair tightens its grip as she picks up her pace, groans of your name and sloppy wet sounds echoing around the store. Your hands leave her strong thighs so you can play with her tits, pinching her nipples and groaning in unison with her, at the way she clenches on your tongue at the action.
“S’fckingood” you mumble against her, the vibrations of your words against her clit make Ellies legs shake, her head thrown back in pleasure as she continues to use you however she wants.
“Yeah? You like that? Just laying there and taking it while I use you to get off?” You nod desperately at her words, your thighs pressing together and eyebrows furrowing as you focus all your energy on making her cum. “Course you do, dirty fucking girl”
You moan against her, the taste of her heavy on your tongue as you try your best to breathe through your nose. “M’ so f-fucking close baby shit”
An idea pops into your head as you move your hands from her tits to her back, pushing her forward roughly. She catches herself on her hands, and before she can open her mouth to scold you you’re slipping a finger into her dripping hole.
The sound that leaves her is almost pornographic as her hand flies back into your hair.
“O-oh fuck m’- god- m’ gonna cum!” she groans lowly as you continue to pump in and out of her, jaw aching from how hard she's fucking your face. “I’m c-cumming ohmygod I-”
Her hips stutter as she holds you against her. You can’t breathe at all, lungs burning slightly as her thighs press against your ears. Even though you can’t breathe, if the way you’re supposed to die is stuck between your insanely hot boss's legs, you’ve made peace with it. You lick her clean, every drop as she twitches around your mouth.
Ellies legs tremble as she lifts herself off of you, her hand slipping out of your hair as she climbs off your mouth and hand. Your entire lower face is drenched, along with your fingers, and you smile up at her dumbly as she sits down on the couch and pats her thighs, asking you to come join her.
You must be moving too slow because, like the impatient girl she is, she grabs your waist and yanks you towards her with ease. You laugh as you adjust yourself on her lap, wrapping your legs around her and burying your face in her neck. She grabs you by the chin, pulling you in for a passionate kiss before smiling against your mouth.
“Think that friend of yours could have done all that?” Ellie chuckles, her hand on the side of your thigh. You roll your eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“You know damn well the answer to that.”
“I wanna hear you say it though.”
You move your lips closer to her ear to whisper. Your hands on her neck. “No, she wouldn’t have been able to wreck my pussy like you did.”
It’s evident your words affect her by the way she squeezes your thigh much harder. “You don’t want to get me started again.” She groans, kissing you deeply, biting your lip and then stopping. She props you off her and gets up, putting her clothes back on. She spanks you playfully. “We should find the keys now, shouldn’t we?”
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kahlanmars · 1 year
BAD FEELING part. 20
Hi!! Next chapter is here, the song mentioned is obv from our lord and saviour Taylor Swift.
Comments make me happy!
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20. Safe and sound
If Finnick weren’t there, you would be dead right now. You are sure you could never walk so fast, but the blonde guy just lifted Marjorie and tossed her through the door like she was a potato sack.
Not very classy, but efficient.
The door closes behind you with a loud noise and you begin to shake so hard it hurts you.
«She needs medical help, her ankle is broken or something. Maybe twisted.» You order. You don’t know anything about medical help, even if your mother is a midwife. You should have listened to her more, you should have been more focused.
You risked the life of a kid, perhaps multiple kids, just because you talked without thinking. “Come to me”, like you are a great warrior. You are nothing, even Marjorie almost died because of you. So caught up in your perfect little love fantasy to think about anything else, you are selfish, and you are a murderer. A killer, you killed Clark, you killed that guy in Capitol City, you…
«Daisy, please, Daisy breathe.» Marjorie looks at you, worried.
She is beautiful. You never thought about how beautiful she looks. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, so blue they are almost painful to watch. her family had a bakery you now remember, maybe she is related to Peeta, same colours. 
You look… normal, in comparison. Pretty. Not beautiful, you are plain. Plain and you are not even good, you are evil, you are selfish, you deserve it. You deserve all the bad things that happened to you. 
«I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault I’m sorry…» You begin to say and she rolls her eyes before hugging you. She would never do something like that if you weren’t panicking. 
«You are a little shit and I don’t like you, but this is not your fault.» She reassures you and pats your head. You like honesty. She is as honest as… Well, they grew up together after all, it’s only natural.
The first bang is unexpected. You cover your ears and you watch her as she is taken by the nearest couch to get medicated. The attack has begun.
There are other people. Finnick with Annie, the president Alma Coin, Plutarch Heavensbee, guards you don’t recognize. Haymitch is not here, and neither is Katniss or the other victors. Maybe Katniss is in the Capitol trying to rescue Peeta, you are not part of the revolution, they don’t tell you anything.
You can just wait.
The second bang is terrifying. You are not afraid of dying, that is not the first thought. You are afraid the other bunker is not safe. If you die you can have peace with it. If you live and the people in the higher bunker die, you will never have peace. You can see their faces. Effie, Portia, Lora, Perla, your mother, and heaven knows if Alex came back. You didn’t make it up to your mother. You didn’t say goodbye to Effie, she will never know how much she means to you. And where the fuck is Haymitch? If somehow he knew you weren’t in the bunker and he got out to look for you, or for Marjorie… he is not fit, he can’t survive. If he dies, if Holly dies, if Effie dies…
You try not to cry simply because you are alone, and you don’t want Annie to get more upset, but you end up catching your breath because you feel like you can’t breathe anymore. Your heart pumps so loud now your ears are hurting and maybe they are bleeding and maybe you are dying. 
No. You are noy dying. You remember Effie’s words, this is not a heart attack, it’s a panic attack. You just have to calm yourself.
You think of Dianna, when you were seven. Sweet tea in the summer, playing pirates and singing old songs in the meadows. Happy memories. 
There was a song you always played together, an old song from district twelve you forgot with time.
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now, come morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound.
You can breathe a little better now.  
«Daisy?» Marjorie looks at you tentatively. She must have said something you didn’t catch. 
«I said you have a good voice.»
«Oh, thank you.»
You didn’t realise you were singing. You bet you sound like a crazy person, singing in a bunker when bombs are exploding in your face.
«Did your mother teach you?» 
Holly used to teach you everything. You didn’t grow up with a father, it has always been you and her. When she adopted you she was so young you can’t imagine it right now, barely legal but in District 12 a mother is better than nothing, so nobody said anything against it, not even the peacekeepers. It was quite usual for the families that were slightly richer to adopt a kid if they didn’t have any, so that the child could help them, work in the fields with them or in the mines. Nobody ever took the girls, though. The girls weren’t useful if not at home, cleaning and babysitting the other children, and for the most part it was a burden that mothers could hold alone. 
Holly Pinecone came from a long line of midwives. Grandmother, who died before you could meet her, was a midwife too. Still at the time it didn’t make any sense that she adopted you at twenty, when she could still get married and have children. It didn’t make sense to anybody except her.
«Mommy! Look! That’s a plant we can use!» You screamed, so happy you could be helpful. Now you know you couldn’t really be helpful at five, she must have indulged you in believing you have found the plants.
«Yes, and what’s the name of this plant?» You tortured your poor raven braid trying to think. Holly told you a hundred times. You couldn’t disappoint her.
«Very good! And what’s that?» She asked with a wide grin, a smile you matched as soon as you saw the flower.
«That’s a daisy. That's me!»
«Come here, little one.» She put the flower in your hair. «Beautiful girl.» 
You were quite beautiful, everybody used to tell you that. Big hazel eyes, raven hair always in a braid, clean clothes. You were well behaved enough to always smile at the strangers and you were so quiet it was actually nice to have you around. That was the main goal for Holly, that everybody could love you, so they would have protected you in case of danger. 
«Thank you for saying that.» You answered like she instructed you to, being kind was the first thing for Holly. Well behaved. «Can we sing tonight?»
«What do you want to sing?» She asked, well knowing the answer. 
«Safe and Sound!»
«Always that song. Okay, we can sing before bed time.» She caressed your hair. «Now search for edible plants with me.»
«Among other things.» You murmur.
«She loves you so much. She always wanted a kid.» 
That’s the thing, she wanted a kid. And you stayed a kid until Effie called your name, jumping at her commands like a trained dog. 
«She loves me.» You are not sure she likes you. «Do you think we are safe? Do you think they are safe?» 
«The district was prepared.»
After what you think it’s an hour, but are in reality probably minutes, the bombs stop. 
You can’t believe you survived. You hear the mechanical voice like it comes from heaven. 
The blast doors will open in one minute. Please, remain calm and proceed in orderly fashion out of the bunkers.
As soon as everybody’s free to go out you try to recollect yourself to find your family, but Haymitch is faster than you. Which is news.
«Where were you?!» He is angry and his hands are shivering, he looks paler than usual. He brings you in his arms. «I came into the bunker and you weren’t there. Holly didn’t know where you were, Effie didn’t know where you were. I lost it at Effie. She always knows where you are.»
You pull him tighter. «I got trapped out and Finnick saved me.» Saved us. You will tell him in a minute, now you want him all for you. And maybe you won’t tell him everything, or he will kill the guard and you don’t want him to face consequences. 
«Don’t you ever, ever do that again.» He whispers in your ear.
«Wasn’t exactly my plan…» 
«I don’t care. You won’t be in danger ever again. I’ll make sure of that.» He puts a straw of hair over your ear, almost sweetly. «Couldn’t handle it.»
«You got up in the first bunker for me.» You state. 
He shrugs. «You wouldn’t have left Effie alone.» 
Your heart stops at these words. He would have risked everything to stay with you. You jump to reach his lips and pull him in a passionate kiss that makes you blush, also because when you try to catch a breath he kisses you again, even rougher. 
I love you. You almost let it out.
«I was scared of losing you too.» You whisper instead, «I didn’t know where you were, I got so scared.»
«I’m here now, I’m here.» He closes his eyes with you in his arms, his nose buried in your hair. «Never again.»
«I have to go find my mom. I have to go to Effie!»
At least now Holly will be happy you saved her dearest friend.
«And I have to go to see Peeta. They are coming.»
«Peeta is coming back?» You ask, suddenly a lot happier.
«That’s the plan.» He kisses you again. Despite everything, the bombs and President Snow and the attacks, you can see he is happy to see his not-son again. That’s the man who doesn’t want children.
«I want to see him too, after you.» You ask. You are quite fond of the guy. «I have to talk to Plutarch about what happened, can I see you tonight? We have a lot to catch up on.» You snuggle against his neck. 
«I have a meeting with President Coin, but after that I’m all yours.» He lifts you up to kiss you better. He still smells like woods, alcohol and tobacco, which is impossible since Thirteen doesn’t allow any kind of indulgences and you have been underground for a month now.
You want to talk to Holly, but after a brief hug with Effie and Portia (and Alex, who thanks you again and again instructed by his mother) you approach Plutarch Heavensbee. You don’t like him, that’s the man who wanted you to be collateral damage, so it’s only natural you don’t love him. Still, better him than President Coin, that woman scares you.
«Plutarch, can I have a word?» You approach the blonde guy, who is reluctant to be stopped by you but your face must be worried.
You quickly explain what happened, and he nods. «We will relocate him, don’t worry.»
Relocate him?
Relocate him?
«I’m sorry but that is the man who nearly killed two people because he didn’t get laid, and you want to relocate him?» You reply, stunned. You expect this behaviour from the Capitol, from Snow. 
«I get your point, however we can’t lose force at this particular moment.» He tries to explain to you like you are a kid. To him you probably are a kid.
«You will lose forces when he kills someone because he didn’t have the last cookie!» You snap.
«Daisy, you can’t confirm your story.» He argues, but you are raging right now. 
«Marjorie was with me!» It’s impossible they didn’t ask her and you don’t believe she lied, so what is the truth? They simply don’t care?
It’s normal they don’t care for you, you are not even from Thirteen and you don’t expect them to have empathy, but Caius is dangerous for everybody. 
«Can you please lower your voice?» He asks, and you force yourself not to jump his throat. You don’t speak like that to a tribute. It’s dangerous. 
He won’t do anything. You can see in his eyes that he doesn’t want to lose a guard in his precious war, and it doesn’t matter if he leaves a man like this alone. He is no better than Snow, he was his games master after all. He was born and raised in Capitol City, and not everybody changes like Effie Trinket.
It’s okay, you think, you don’t need him. You can do it alone.
Turns out Peeta is not good. He has been tortured, and they did something to him so right now he doesn’t know what is real or not real anymore, and he thinks Katniss is the enemy. The kind, gentle hearted boy who offered you hot chocolate is gone. 
When you open the door to reach for him he is staring at the wall, with watery eyes and an expression of pure pain.
«Babe…» You try to come closer, but you don’t want to interfere.
«He has been tortured. They wiped out his memory. They transformed him into a mut. He is lost.»
«No! No, we can still-»
«He is lost, Daisy!» He shouts. You try not to take a step back. «And it’s my fault.»
«The doctors here are great.» You argue.
«You knew Peeta. He was better than me, better than Katniss, better than you, better than anyone. And he paid for all of us. He is not coming back, he will never… come back. Fuck, I need a drink.»
This time you go for a hug, even if he doesn't want it he needs it, and when he wraps his arms around you he does something you could never think of, he starts crying. He cries and cries in your arms, exhausted. 
«It is my fault, Sweetheart, all my fault.» You swoon him stroking his hair. Peeta has been taken by Snow, Snow is to blame, not him. He only tried to save everybody.
«It is not.» You whisper in his ear. «Everything will be okay. Believe me.» 
Will it be? You can lie to him, but you don’t see how it could be okay. Katniss is broken hearted, Peeta’s memory is gone, and Thirteen’s government is exactly like Capitol City. You feel like you are fighting a tyrant with another one.
You stay in his embrace until he falls asleep, and you slowly follow him. 
It is you who wakes him up this time, screaming like every night. You don’t even remember what you were dreaming about, but you hear your heart in your ears.  
«Sweetheart, it’s me, sweetheart, it is a nightmare. It’s just a nightmare.» He caresses your cheek. «Just a nightmare.»
«I’m sorry…»
«Don’t be.» You breathe a little, still shocked. «You were calling for your mother.»
«Really? Not you?»
«Nah-ah, Holly.» He lies down again, taking your hand. «Are you still in non speaking terms?» 
«I just want my mom back, but I can’t bow down to what she thinks it’s okay for me. Dear Heavens, I have a job, I have a purpose, I have you. I don’t think I’m that bad.»
He strokes your hair and you almost purr in content, closing your eyes. That emotion is much better than rage from your mother.
«Maybe you are punishing her too.» He says tentatively. 
«Punish her? For what?»
«You needed her and she wasn’t there. You asked for her in your dreams before the games. You called her again and again while you were sleeping.»
You look at him. «She couldn’t be there, it’s not… it’s insane.»
«You knew that, but our mind… our mind does not work that way. She guaranteed for all your life that if you were kind and polite the things would have been fine. This didn’t happen, and she couldn’t help with it, she wasn’t there. Effie was. Effie helped you. So maybe your mind said “Ok, one good, one bad”.» He shrugs. «I’m not a shrink, don’t believe a word of what I’ve said.» 
«That actually makes sense.» You don’t humour him, it makes sense. You are not sure you like it but it makes sense.
«Even a broken clock…» He dismisses it. 
You lean to kiss him better, and you touch his chest. «What a wise man, my man.» 
«Your man.» He repeats against your lips. He is smiling now, actually smiling and you want to keep it this way at least for an hour or so. Peeta is not fine and you will handle this together. That doesn’t mean he has to die under the responsibility alone, that he couldn’t smile anymore. 
«Must be the old age.» You joke, but he suddenly pushes you against the mattress.
«I’ll show you old age.» He grumbles and rolls on you, causing you to giggle a little, tragedy almost forgotten for the night. 
taglist: @crimsonincursive
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jennyboom21 · 4 years
Swiftgron Honeymoon Week: April 23rd - April 30th.
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April 24th:
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Later that night, April 25th, after 2:00am PST:
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April 25th, the morning after:
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April 28th, Dianna’s birthday party being held on a Saturday:
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April 29th, the morning after at the Huckleberry Cafe and Bakery:
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April 30th, Dianna’s birthday:
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ask-cor · 3 years
Wren Baker: nonbinary gay main character, they/them (harper and some others can use he/him interchangeably), they work with dianna in a florist shop and during certain periods they are a streamer on twitch.
Harper Huang: a cis bisexual man who is dating wren, he/him, they own a cafe/bakery by the name of crumbs of recovery. he works with vivi who is his assistant manager.
Vivi Wilmington: a cis bisexual woman who is dating dianna, she/her, she works with harper since the beginning of crumbs and considers harper one of her best friends.
Dianna Lopes: a trans lesbian who is dating vivi, she/her, she inherited a flower shop and changed the name and hires wren early on and they basically become best friends.
Casey Radic: a cis lesbian who went to school with Wren and Harper in high school, she/her, she gets them to be more active. she eventually moves but comes back and works at crumbs for a couple years.
More characters you can ask:
Dashiell Baker: Wren's brother who is gay Paisley Keahi: Wren's friend and old coworker Abel Hwang: Wren and Harper's friend met through Pai Heather Long: Wren and Harper's friend they met at a nightclub Valeria Grant: Wren's coworker who had a chance meeting Lee Huang: Harper's half sister Cynthia Baker: Wren's wonderful mother Maria Huang: Harper's wonderful mother
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crazybagelbitch · 4 years
wow hi i remembered i have a madney bakery AU and finally updated it
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sensualpolitics13 · 4 years
Just thought I'd say hi and introduce myself to everyone since I'm painfully new here!
My name's Charlotte and I'm 33. I live in Asheville, NC with my wife Amanda, our two dogs, a leopard gecko, ball python, and 3 tarantulas. 🥰 I currently work at a little bakery, but I've been a professional jeweler for over a decade, and I run a small art business on the side (@crowandyarrow on IG and Etsy).
I've only been on Tumblr for about a month and it's been awesome getting to know everyone... and trying to absorb the crazy amount of info available!
Obviously, I love Gaylor theories! I'm not necessarily interested in who Taylor is dating, so much as finding out what info there is to derive from the things she shares with us publicly. I do believe she dated Dianna and Karlie, but I don't favor one over the other. It's all just part of the fucking story, right?
I also don't care if she ever comes out, because I don't think anyone should ever be forced to or feel like it's necessary. However, I do think it would be a cultural catalyst for our community if she did. Can you imagine what that would do for the gays? IF Miss Americana, blonde princess, innocent sweetheart is a QUEER? I would have to throw a little party.
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australiancarisi · 5 years
Secrets ~ Sonny Carisi
You are the newest detective at SVU, things are great until things from your past come back to haunt you.  Look at me starting a new story when I have a million stories to be written... oh well.  Also, I know my stories are very dialogue-heavy, I'm working on it  Also posted on ao3 Words: 1360
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You took a deep breath as you looked up at the building in front of you. The 16th precinct in New York City, the home of SVU, your new home. With one last big breath, you walked in. The precinct was relatively busy with unis coming in for change of shift and a few perps in handcuffs. A Sargent sent you to the elevators towards the back of the precinct.
“Can I help you?” A blonde lady looked up from her desk.
“I’m looking for Captain Olivia Benson” you say, holding your hand out “I’m detective y/n Diaz, LAPD”
“I’ll get her for you” she shook your hand before walking into an office.
“Y/n nice to you” Olivia said shaking your hand “we’re really looking forward to having you”
“I’m really looking forward to working here, heard good things about SVU” she quickly gave you a tour of the precinct and showed you to your desk. You were setting up your computer when two people walked in.
“Hey who’s sitting at Carisi’s desk?” the man asked
“Carisi?” you asked Amanda
“Former detective now our ADA” Amanda filled you in.
“Y/n this is Detective Kat Tamin and Sargent Tutuola, guys this is detective y/n Diaz, she’s transferring from LAPD Major Crimes unit”
“Call me Fin” he said shaking your hand before you shook Kat’s hand. “Liv, you didn’t mention that were getting a transfer”
“It was very fast, Chief Dodds told me about it a couple of days ago”
“What brings you to New York?” Kat asked
“Wanted a change” you shrugged “my captain thought New York would be a good fit”
“Well, I’m glad to have you we need more help around here” Fin nodded as everyone go on with their work. 
A few hours later, you were standing behind the one-way glass of interrogation 1 as Fin and Kat worked over a perp.
“What have we got?” A man with a heavy accent asked as he walked into the room. Staten island you were pretty sure. You looked him up and down. He was tall and lanky, carrying a briefcase. 
Must be a lawyer, you thought to yourself. He had also been carrying his phone as he walked in but had slipped it into his suit pocket.
“Jack Davis, 24, he’s the Vic’s ex-boyfriend they broke up a week ago. We’ve got footage of him following her out of the club and through the park and then 20 minutes later he’s walking out and she’s found dead in the morning” Amanda said
“And you are?” He looked at you
“Detective y/n Diaz, just transferred from LA Major Crimes” you said
“she’s your replacement” Amanda smirked at him
“So, you’re Carisi?” you asked
“ADA Dominick Carisi Jnr” Amanda introduced him
“Call me Sonny” he said as Amanda mouthed along with him. Sonny pushed her lightly with his elbow “I thought Kat was my replacement”
“Well y/n got your desk, Kat can be Dodds’ replacement about time we got more detectives” Amanda grumbled before you all turned your attention back to the job at hand.
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You groaned as you sat down at your desk. You were tired, exhausted really. You had barely slept last night after deciding just to stay in the cribs last night after realising it was 2am, you had finally made a break in a high-profile case. A ‘highly respected’ senator had been accused of rape of a 15-year-old schoolgirl and after you finally convinced Sonny to get a warrant to look through his computer you had found child pornography of not only the girl that came forward but a three of her classmates that you guys had interviewed and a number of unknown girls.
“Do you ever leave?” Liv asked as she walked into the prescient with Kat and Fin.
“Not last night” You shrugged, and Liv gave you the look.
‘The Signature Liv Look’ Fin called it. Also known as her mum look. From the moment you started at SVU, it didn’t take long for you to learn that Liv was fiercely protective of her squad.
 Mama Bear.
“y/n” the tone was one of warning “you’ve been working too much lately; you need to get more than three hours sleep and when was the last time you had a home-cooked meal?”
“When was the last time I ate with Sonny?” you grinned at her
“Last Wednesday” Sonny called. He walked in with Amanda “After court, we went back to yours”
“Last Wednesday” you said to Liv
“y/n- “
“I promise I’ll take care of myself, but this is a big case” you pointed out
“They are all big cases” Liv said “Carisi what are you doing here?”
“Well” he held up a box from the bakery around the corner from his apartment “Happy 9-month SVU anniversary Detective Diaz”
“Oooo” you made grabby hands at the bag
“You promised me something?” Sonny asked
“Uh fine” you rolled your eyes before getting on your laptop to pull up the photos “found these last night”
“Does this mean we don’t have to plead him out?” Kat said
“So long as we can get these girls to talk at least Dianna and her classmates we’ll have this in the bag” Sonny nodded
“Fin Amanda go talk to the girls” Liv said
“So, did I do good?” you grinned at Sonny. All he did was hand you the box “Cannoli! My favourite”
“Happy 9-month SVU anniversary” Sonny winked
“Do you always give people cannoli on their 9-month work anniversary?” Fin raised his eyebrows
“Where was mine?” Kat smirked
“Or does it have to do with the fact Detective Diaz’s 9-month anniversary for SVU also happens to be your 6-month relationship anniversary?” Liv joined in on the teasing and your face turned pink. You never intended to get in a relationship with Sonny, it just happened. You and Sonny worked well together even though you bickered. You managed to hold yourself out for a while but after a particularly hard case you and Sonny went out for drinks and the night ended with you in Sonny’s bed. After 3 months at SVU, you and Sonny started dating. It was the worst kept secret.
“How do you even remember that?” Sonny asked “He’s had to remind me for the past week” “You finally disclosed on your 3-month anniversary, that was 3 months ago” Liv said
“How does she remember that?” You mumbled around the cannoli you had just shoved in your mouth.
“Charming” Fin shook his head
“Alright come on let’s put his pig behind bars” Liv changing into boss mode. Sonny leaned down and kissed your lips.
“We still on for tonight?” He asked
“Depends on how-“
“Yes, you are. She is not staying here any later than half-past five” Liv called over her shoulder making you roll your eyes.
“I’ll see you then” you pecked his cheek and pushed him towards the door “Thanks for the cannoli!”
You sat at your desk and savoured your cannoli while Liv went over all the details that you had collected overnight and shared them with the rest of the squad. While Liv was talking you took a moment to realise how much your life had changed in the nine months you had been at SVU. Besides the fact that you had a great job and amazing boyfriend who treated you like the princess deep down you wanted to be, you were also a part of an incredible squad who had quickly become like a second family to you, especially Amanda, having her as your partner was great. Overall you were just so much happier now than you ever thought you could have been nine months ago.
“We’ve got him” Kat smirked
“Let’s not get too confident” Liv sighed as a uni walked up to you handing you a letter that had been dropped off “we never know what could happen when it goes to trial” you slowly opened the letter. As you opened it all the colour in the world instantly drained away and you thought you were going to fall apart
we’ll be together again soon baby girl
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emily-d-baking · 4 years
Getting Competitive
Time is absolutely flying by for me. As I’ve been working through my business plan and moving forward with my bakery it has been very helpful to look at what everyone else is doing. What works for them and what doesn’t? Will it work for me? Well, today I did a more formal analysis of my local competition. Specifically the other bakery vendors at the Farmers Market where I will be setting up shop. 
The first booth I looked at was Dianna’s Country Bakery. Her website experience was minimal as she didn’t have her own website. However, I did find her booths page on the Stratford Agricultural Society's website. It had a lovely description but had many grammatical errors making it rather difficult to read. She also had a video uploaded of her bakery on the page witch increased the page experience quite beneficially. Her social media presence was non-existent so the rest of my findings were based on her page from the agriculture society and my research that I conducted at the market this morning. Dianna’s Market Positioning is a Country/home-style baking as she makes baked goods and canned goods that are priced in the low to mid-range. (I.e. 12 cookies for 6.00, loaves for 6.00, pies for 10.00, tarts 6 for 7.00). Dianna had one online review of 4 stars but anyone I have talked to about her products only has good things to say. Dianna’s Strengths come out when you talk to her in person. She is very friendly and her booth gives off a comforting home-like feeling. Her Weaknesses of course come out in her minimal online presence. 
Another booth I looked at was European Pastries. The owner, Eileen, I know more fondly as the cinnamon bun lady. Eileen’s Website Experience was non-existent as she too did not have a website. She did have a page on the Agriculture Society’s website though and it had a short and simple description. Even this was extremely difficult to find (Perhaps due to the name of her company) and I would not have found it had I not known it would be there. But then with some more digging, I found a Facebook page! She had 98 people following her social media account and she provided lots of info as well as good pictures. Her posts mostly regarded business posts and were sporadic in nature. Eileen’s Market Position is a focus on food for the body and soul. She sells art in addition to her baked goods. For reviews, Eileen had 94 likes on her page and of course her fame as the cinnamon bun lady. Her Pricing is also in the Low to mid-range (I.e. muffins 3 for 5.00, cinnamon buns 1 for 3.00, bread 1 for 4.00) Eileen’s Strengths are having social media and the content of that media. Her Weakness comes out in the initial search as her generic name makes it difficult to find them online and a general lack of branding. 
Last but not least is Van Straten Bakery. This is the largest bakery of the three and the only one I have not met personally as they have an employee who runs their booth at the market. Their website experience matched the other two though in being non-existent as they also didn’t have a company website. Their page on the Agriculture Society's website was brief however they were featured in a local blog. They didn’t have Social Media accounts however they were mentioned in a grand total of 3 hashtags. Their Market Positioning relies heavily on their Dutch roots with their many specialty baked goods. Their Pricing was low to mid-range (i.e. 6 tarts for 4.10, 13.50 for cakes) Van Straten had the most online reviews with 7 five-star reviews and 1 two-star. People genuinely seem to like their products. Their Strengths most definitely come out in their Dutch baked goods and Dutch roots appealing strongly to an area full of Dutch immigrants and descendants(myself included). Their Weakness comes out again in the online presence. 
After doing this analysis it has become clear to me that I could target a younger market as well as develop a stronger following through the use of social media and a website. 
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crumbs-of-recovery · 4 years
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we got some wlw ocs!!
dianna is the owner of the flowershop wren works at! she’s a brazillian woman who is trans + lesbian, she moved to san fran for college/uni.
vivian works at the cafe/bakery harper owns and she’s a biracial woman from detroit and like dianna, moved to san fran (where she met her gf) for college/uni!
color palettes with them, hair on top, skin, the on the bottom eye color!
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gastronominho · 8 months
Cardápio com novidades na Dianna Bakery
A charmosa e artesanal padaria localizada na Tijuca, é comandada pela chef de confeitaria Dianna Macedo.
A charmosa e artesanal padaria localizada na Tijuca, é comandada pela chef de confeitaria Dianna Macedo. Com uma combinação perfeita entre qualidade, cuidado e amor pela gastronomia, o ano de 2024 começou com novidades no cardápio para todos os momentos do dia. Dentre os lançamentos, uma das apostas é o Sanduíche Eggs & Bacon (R$24) preparado com o brioche da Casa douradinho, pasta de ovos da…
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thetigarchives · 5 years
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“It wasn’t until filming the pilot for Suits that I began to know NY. And it wasn’t until a good year after that, that I began to know NY well. I found my nook. My downtown: a little grubby, a little rough around the edges, a lot stylish, and as cool as I aspired to be - we’re talking the Lower East Side. I love a neighborhood that you can get lost in, always finding new nooks and crannies, interest and intrigue. And while the West Village is high on my list, and nothing is more convenient for work than staying uptown, this neck of the woods deserves a post all its own. And trust me when I say, editing this down to our favs was a task in and of itself. Bon voyage, friend!”
- Meghan Markle, February 2015
The Ludlow - “When my dear friend, Markus (you know the one), intro’d me to Johnny Christ to check out the new property he had his hands in, I was tickled pink to try it out (after all, Johnny had been the main man at The Bowery Hotel, followed by The Nomad, and then West Village gem, The Marlton) - the man has taste. The Ludlow was generous in allowing us to use the space for a Tig photo shoot, both in the perfectly styled rooms, the welcoming lounge, and breathtaking rooftop. It really is a LES treasure which I can’t wait to call home next time I’m in the city.”
The Bowery Hotel - “An old standy, known for its cozy charm, who’s who nightlife scene (let’s not discuss the nights I’ve had on the back patio with everyone from my Suits cast mates, to Jess Stam, Dianna Agron, and the countless celebs you end up clinking glasses with). And yet, with all of that star power, it remains one of the most down to earth properties you could dream of - friendly staff, soaking tubs that wash away any bad day, and also small balconies from the baby suites that make it feel like your own LES sanctuary. Ask for Gigi. She’s my favorite.” 
Dirty French - “Since opening on the ground floor of The Ludlow this fall, Dirty French has been booked solid with reservations - and for good reason. It’s not only the classic, #throwback French restaurant that’s opened around the city recently, but it is one of the best (and considering it’s brought to you by Mario Carbone and Rich Torrisi - the same team behind the much lauded Torrisi Italian Specialties, it’s not exactly a surprise). They’re not messing around with the food here because with plates like duck a la orange and cote de bouef for deux, you don’t come here if you’re just looking for a nosh.”
Contra - “It’s difficult to describe the food at Contra (they like to call it ‘contemporary New York cuisine’), but we can say this: whatever they’re serving today on their seasonal, locally-sourced 5-course tasting menu is delicious and like nothing you’ve ever had before. They use a ton of vegetables that tend to not get a lot of love on other menus (like kohlrabi) and combine flavors in unique ways that will certainly pique your tastebuds. Plus, at $55 for a tasting menu, you’re not going to get a better deal in the city if you tried.”
Freemans - “Hidden in the back of an easy-to-miss alleyway, Freemans has that hipster vibe that shows itself not only in the flannel clad crowd that heads there for brunch, but in its cool, eclectic decor. The food is great and the place is one of the coolest in the city, but note that they don’t take reservations, so bring your phone to flip through your Instagram feed while you wait.”
The Fat Radish - “A delightful and delicious British (yes, British!) restaurant, The Fat Radish may have one of the greatest restaurant names of all times, but that’s not why we keep going back to this beloved spot (okay, not the only reason). On top of its delectable, locally-sourced cuisine (featuring sharable plates like Montauk diver scallops and peeky toe crab gratin), The Fat Radish just has a happy, bright vibe that we simply love.”
Clinton Street Baking Company - “Hands down the most-loved, most-talked about, and most crowded bakery and brunch in all of NYC - and that’s really saying something. New Yorkers from every side of town flock to CSBC for their fluffy blueberry and banana-walnut pancakes and brioche french toast. But the real secret is that the restaurant serves their menu all day, including dinner, so if you ever have a hankering for breakfast at 9pm, you know where to go.”
Reformation - “A brand that’s cute and eco-conscious - now that’s what we’re talking about. Reformation may be LA-based, but it fits right in to the Lower East Side, where doing things that are good for the earth while still remaining chic gives the area its mojo.”
Frankie Shop - “What was once the cult e-comm site Pixie Market’s brick-and-mortar is now the concept shop Frankie - a much more grown-up version of the original boutique. Head here for creative work wear (like tuxedo dresses and oversized turtlenecks) at prices that you’ll scoff at - for how low they are for the quality the goods are.” 
Narnia Vintage - “Vintage shops are like Starbucks on the Lower East Side - they’re literally everywhere, but Narnia Vintage is one that stands out. It may be a teeny tiny storefront, but its offerings are selected so perfectly that you won’t even need to rummage around through tons and tons of clothing. Narnia is known to be the fav of vintage pros around the world, so you know that it’s definitely at the top of its class.”
Russ and Daughters - “Historically, The Lower East Side housed mostly  Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, and you can still get a taste of that (literally) today. And in a city filled with a deli on every corner, Russ & Daughters is where you should be getting your lox for all those bagels and schmear you plan on eating later. The food shop celebrated its 100th anniversary last year (which they celebrated by opening up a cafe around the corner), so you know they’re at least doing something right (and that something is smoked fish.) Seriously - run, don’t walk over there.” 
Bowery and Vine - “Rather than raiding your mini bar for a $50 half bottle of mediocre wine, hit up this local wine shop that carries wines from nearly every region you could possibly think of. And their liquor offerings are notable as well, particularly with their whiskey selection. Plus, the staff is incredibly helpful and knowledgable, so holler at them if you need any help or if you just want to chat about booze.”
Yoga High - “Even though the Lower East Side isn’t as hectic as, say, Midtown, it’s still tough to find peace and quiet in a city like New York. So slow down, take a breather, and take a class at Yoga High. It’s crucial to slow it down for a quick hour or so while you’re in NYC, so finding a great yoga spot is critical, and Yoga High is the absolute best in the Lower East Side.”
The Tenement Museum - “Hands down --this is the coolest museum in New York City. And considering all the wonderful museums in New York, that’s saying quite a lot. But you’re not going to get the same experience that you do at The Met or The Guggenheim - The Tenement Museum is a hands-on experience. You’ll be taken on one of their many tours - either a walking tour of the neighborhood (including their legendary food tour) or a tour of an actual tenement. The Lower East Side is filled with so much history, and The Tenement Museum gives you a look at what it would be like to have been an immigrant in the turn of the century. This is something that you won’t want to miss - so make sure you sign up in advance on their website.” 
Meghan’s outfit credits: Dress - Piazza Sempione, Sunglasses - Stella McCartney, Shoes - Gianvito Rossi
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crimsoncityhq · 5 years
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Welcome, AJ & JANA ! You have 12 hours from the time this is posted to get your account sent in, or your character slot will be reopened. We’re super excited to have you and please be sure to follow the checklist !
( kim soo hyun, 28, cis male, character pronouns ) Have you seen JOSEPH DO around ? I hear they’re a BAKER/BUSINESSMAN who can sometimes be MANIPULATIVE & UPTIGHT. But I also heard they can be JOYOUS & COMPASSIONATE if you catch them on a good day. They’re usually hanging around HONEY'S BAKERY in their spare time. I sure hope they’re alright ! ( aj, she/her, 22, +8, none! ) [also dropping lucas!]
( dianna agron, 29, cisfemale, she/her ) Was that ALTHEA GREENWOOD? I heard a rumor they work for the FAUST family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit JUDGMENTAL & CLOSED-OFF, but I also heard they can be ADAPTIVE & SHARP. You’ll usually find them at FATES  in their spare time, when they’re not being a MEDIC. You may want to keep an eye on that one ! (jana, she/her, 24, PST, none )
( hunter parrish, 30, cismale, he/him ) Did anyone else just see NIKOLAI ZIMA? I hear for the VASILE family they can be a bit DECEITFUL & CONNIVING. But I also heard they can be CHARMING & OPPORTUNISTIC. If you dare I hear they frequent CITY HALL in their spare time when they aren’t being a KRYSHAS. Tread carefully or else you might be next on their list ! (jana, she/her, 24, PST, none )
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thebibliosphere · 7 years
I knew you met Dianna Gabbadon but not JK Rowling, when was this? Is there a story is it just everyone in the UK meets every famous UK celebrity at some point?
lol, no. The island is not that small. 
I “met” her because I used to work at a bookshop, it was one of my first jobs as a teenager, along with gathering up empty pint glasses in the pub for 2 quid an hour and the occasional bout of babysitting. Presumably when parents were desperate. 
It was the small village bookshop I got my first self bought book from with my pocket money at the tender age of five, and it was fairly inconsequential to the rest of the world but was the absolute hub of community and gossip for our little town second only to the tea house after church.
I’d flit from the cash register to the cafe at the back, learning to make coffee on an expensive Italian machine no one really trusted because using it to boil water for tea always burned the leaves, so the boss was always fuming that she’d spent a fortune on this shiny bit of equipment, and I was still brewing water for tea in the giant copper kettle on the ancient cast iron stove in the back because otherwise no one wanted it.
She was a hobbyist owner that one, meaning she didn’t actually want to run a bookshop but enjoyed saying that she did and was wealthy enough to not care if it failed. I always vowed one day I’d have enough money to buy it back from her and do it right. Except she managed to run it into the ground and now it’s a pawnshop.
Which is a profound shame because not only was it a vital community space, but it was also a beautiful old stone building that had last been refurbished sometime circa the 1920s, if not before then if I remember the plumbing right. It was all dark gleaming woods and shiny brass fixtures inside. It was the kind of bookshop you imagine when you read fairy stories. And now it’s all vinyl plastic and abandoned trinkets. Shame.
Anyway, long before the shop’s eventual demise, Order of the Phoenix was coming out and my boss had an idea in her head that she wanted to do a Thing for it to try and boost sales, and she chattered animatedly to anyone who would listen about how pretty it was going to be and how the newspaper would be there too. Also her “girl friend” was going to stop by to help out during the week, a statement which none of us thought about much because she always had some rich “girl friend” dropping by to inflict something on the shop. Like the one woman going through a midlife crisis who reinvented herself as a positive vibes guru and spent a whole afternoon “cleansing” the negative energy out of the store and managing to start an electrical fire when she flicked water onto the old electric wire heaters. (In her defense we did have to have a rather big clean out after that.)
True to the boss’s incompetence, she vastly under ordered copies of the book (200, she ordered 200, for the only bookshop for miles, while places like Waterstones in the city were ordering by the thousands and selling out in under two hours) and spent all her money on making the shop look the part and having fancy cakes baked by the bakery I would later go on to work for. 
I turned up to work that morning wearing my official “follow me for Harry Potter” t-shirt which was distributed to all official retailers, a purple witches cloak I’d spent a week sewing (and still own) a pointy hat, and my mother’s old heather broom. I spent my morning before opening time running around the local shops picking up food orders (and also delivering books, because when they said they delivered free locally, what they actually meant was I’d hop on my bike and ring the doorbell) and generally standing out like a sore thumb and ending up with a gaggle of children following me back to the shop, their parents dragged behind them.
I dare say my mother still has the newspaper clipping of 16 year old me sitting outside under the old oak tree on my tea break, nose buried in a copy of the book with the headline “Witch Way For Harry Potter” over my head. 
It was my first officially recognized (visual) pun that was ever published. The journalist was delighted when he realized it was intentional on my part and even asked me if he could use it. It’s still something I’m very (not quite so) secretly proud over. 
But right before that moment, when the picture was being taken, the photographer managed to capture my expression of pure surprise when I opened up the book to find that it was signed.*
So yea, about that “girl friend” who was turning up to help. 
Turns out I’ve made tea for both Diana Gabbadon and Rowling and not realized who they were until afterwards, although unlike Gabbadon the most I said to Rowling was “one lump or two?” and didn’t even glance at her. She was just another one of the boss’s blonde friends there to do something pointless like feng shui the audio books then fuck off again.
And they say these kind of things happen in threes, so I’m just quietly dreading which other author I’ve casually dismissed to their face without realizing it. I’ve probably told Stephen King I thought clowns weren’t that scary or something at the airport and Pennywise is just waiting to drag me to hell.
One can only hope.
Also Hagrid used to drive his sports car past my house most days, but that’s another story.
*a copy I didn’t even get to keep because the boss sold any and all copies left lying around in the shop when she realized her ordering mistake and didn’t even tell us until afterwards. I phoned my dad in tears saying someone had stolen my book from behind the desk, so god love him, he drove to Glasgow and waited in the hellish lines outside the still packed Waterstones and got me another copy. And a chocolate bar. Cause that was my dad lol.
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wrenharperwrites · 4 years
my main ocs in art breeder form!
made an art breeder of my ocs harper and wren, small intro if you’re curious
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harper is a bi half asian half mexican man who owns a bakery/cafe. prides himself in his craft of making coffee, cooking and decorating cakes. he’s also a pianist who sings but kinda fucking sucks at writing music but... he does one day... to get into the heart of his partner wren.
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wren is nonbinary, they/he, and identifies as gay as well. they work in a florist shop and they suffer from an eating disorder brought on by trauma. they have a good social circle that makes sure he’s fine and doing okay and eating something. recovery is very hard for them but they’re strong.
i’m an artist as well and draw these dorks! @crumbs-of-recovery​ if you’re looking for lgbtq cast (i am too so i project lgbt stuff on ocs all the time OOPS)+ mental health recovery story this might be something that interests you!! ♥
i’d do dianna and vivi but these two took forever. maybe somedayyyy~
dianna is a trans lesbian born in brazil who moved to the usa for school and better job opportunities, her family is pretty supportive of her and she has a great relatiosnhip with them as the eldest daughter, and she actually is the owner of the florist shop wren works at.
vivi is a black/filipino bi girl who is rather soft spoken and timid, she’s very hard working though and a huge team player and someone i think would be considered a fan favorite!!! she works with harper as assistant manager!
sorry i haven’t been posting here, my mental health is bad and i haven’t been writing OR studying japanese 😪
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diannabridden · 7 years
Unsure of what to give the brunette there was a momentary fuss at the door to her camper. Once Cerise was certain her letter would stay where she had jammed it she took off to do more elfish holiday things. Inside the envelope Dianna would find a gift card to a chain bakery, a "one free pass" to tell the blonde to put her clothes back on without Cerise making a big deal out of it, and a note wishing the brunette a happy holidays.
Dianna had basically been hudeled in her camper with the heater on full blast and shrouded in her one good blanket while fully dressed in her warmest sleepwear, large fuzzy socks included, hiding away from the cold like some hibernating bear. So when she heard the movement at her door the grumpy shooter only gave the entrance of her she-cave a undetermined glare as she debated on even coming out from under her fortress of warmth to see who was there, since she figured it was one of three people and there was a high chance whom ever it was would just come in anyway. When her door remained unmoved and the sound of footsteps leading away followed, did she have a long sigh before rolling out of bed wearing her comforter like a cape, being damned if anyone thought she would allow herself to get cold. Glare instantantly when the bitter cold rushed into her camper when she opened the door, only to quickly snatch the envelope from her screen door and tightly shut the first. Hurrying back to her safe haven the brunette opened the odd gift, unable to keep the scowl as she read the "free pass" her friend had left her. @carminecrossroads
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