Sera x Satan - Flaming Sight
What a nice coincidence that these two all have moment of their eyes on fire~ 這兩人都有雙眼冒火的畫面阿~
☕Buy me a coffee~?☕。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
✨Want to commission me? 🖼️🖌️ヾ(・∀・)
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Ispirata alla scena de "La bella e la bestia": Satana fa rinchiudere Emily in carcere e Sera preoccupata scende giù all'inferno per riportarla in paradiso ma Satana è irremovibile allora l'alto serafino decide a malincuore di fare un patto con la legge infernale in persona, prendendo lei al posto di Emily e rinunciando suo status di serafino, e lui seppur riluttante accetta, nonostante a lui non piacciono i patti e le vendite di anime.
Spero che vi piaccia questa nuova reference art!
Inspired by the scene from "Beauty and the Beast": Satan has Emily locked up in prison and Sera worriedly goes down to hell to take her back to heaven but Satan is adamant, so the high seraph reluctantly decides to make a pact with the infernal law itself, taking her in Emily's place and renouncing his status as a seraph, and he reluctantly accepts, even though he doesn't like pacts and selling souls. I hope you like this new reference art!
Characters and background © Vivziepop, Spindlehorse

#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#vivziepop#sera hazbin hotel#satan helluva boss#satan x sera#sera x satan#mastermind#hellaverse au#fanart#beauty and the beast#disney#seratan
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Ecco a voi il revival del disegno di Lexim con indosso la divisa da assistente di Baxter. Spero che vi piaccia!
Here's the revival of Lexim's drawing in the uniform as Baxter's assistant. Hope you like it!
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss @vivziebizzie @spindlehorsetoons
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #originalcharacter #viviennemedrano #spindlehorse #hellaverseau #hellaverseoc #hellaversefanart #hellaverse #digitalart
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Two sketches inspired from two screenshot of Daria with Lexim.
Daria Morgendorffer © Glenn Einchler, Susie Lynn Lewis
Lexim © me
#meme #sketch #originalcharacter #dariamorgendorffer #daria #mtv #hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #hellaverseau #hellaverseoc
#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#vivziepop#hellaverse oc#hellaverse au#original character#daria morgendorffer#daria#mtv
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Sketch with two best friends Lexim and Jamie which are the equivalents of Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane in fact like them they are two best friends who have sarcasm as their middle name.
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #originalcharacters #hellaverseau #daria #dariamorgendorffer #janelane #vivziepop #mtv #lachlanwatson #masonalexanderpark #twobestfriends
#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#vivziepop#hellaverse oc#hellaverse au#original characters#daria mtv#daria#daria morgendorffer#jane lane#two best friends
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- Name: Drifter
- Age: the same of Lexim
- Species: Imp demon
- Animal species: Snake, alligator
- Gender: Male
- Abilities: Prehensile tail, Tail Rattle, Weapons Proficiency, Musical Talent, Guitar playing
- Sexuality: Pansexual
- Family: Striker (older brother)
- Personality: Solitary, charismatic and strategic
- Occupation: Assassin (formerly), Bodyguard
- Romantic interests: Lexim
- Voice actor: Jalen Askins
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Nuova reference fanart con Satana ispirata al meme di Wolverine. Spero che vi piaccia!
New reference fanart with Satan inspired from Wolverine meme. I hope you enjoy!
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss © Spindlehorse Toons
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #satanhelluvaboss #wolverinememe #patrickpage #mastermind
#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#vivziepop#helluva boss fanart#satan helluva boss#helluva boss satan#mastermind
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Name: Hinata
Age: 40s
Date of death: 2006
Cause of death: Human sacrifice
Species: Human (formerly), Angel
Animal species: Bat
Gender: Female
Abilities: Cooked, Elektrokinesis, Bilingualism
Sexuality: ?
Ring: Limbo
Family: Silh-eo (son-in-law; death), Netami (daughter), Lexim (nepthew)
Personality: Sweet, kind, strong, brave, educated
Occupation: Guardian angel
Romantic interests: ?
Voice actress: Michelle Yeoh
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #hellaverseoc #hellaverseau #originalcharacter
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Nuova reference (ispirato al film Disney "Il pianeta del tesoro") fanart con protagonisti Satana e Set, creata in stile screenshot di Helluva Boss. Storia: tutti i demoni peccatori e nati infernali, compresi i 7 peccati capitali, vengono resi schiavi da Silh-eo e Netami e costretti ad indossare dei bracciali angelici corrotti che sono in grado di indebolire i poteri. Set si da la colpa di tutto e Satana per la prima volta mostra un briciolo di empatia, lo incoraggia e lo conforta, facendo nascere un'amicizia profonda e paterna simile a quella tra John Silver e Jim Hawkins. Spero che vi piaccia!
New reference (inspired from Disney movie "Treasure Planet") fanart featuring Satan and Set, created in Helluva Boss screenshot style. Story: every sinner and hellborn demons, including the 7 deadly sins, they are enslaved and by Silh-eo and Netami and forced to wear corrupted angelic armlets that are capable of deprived of their powers. Set blames himself and Satan for the first time show a modicum of empathy, encourages and comfort him, creating a deep and fatherly friendship similar to that between John Silver and Jim Hawkins. I hope you like it!
#referenceart #ƒanart #hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #hellaverse #satanhelluvaboss #hellaverseoc #originalcharacter #patrickpage #jeremyshada #hellaverseau #treasureplanet #disney
#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#vivziepop#reference art#treasure planet#satan helluva boss#hellaverse oc#original character#hellaverse fanart
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- Name: Silh-eo
- Age: 40s
- Date of death: 2021
- Cause of death: Sentenced to the electric chair
- Species: Demon (inspired from Nue figure), Human (formerly)
Animal species: Bat
- Gender: Male
- Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Suck and control blood, Elektrokinesis, Play organ
- Sexuality: Hetero
- Ring: Pentagram City (Pride)
- Family: Netami (wife), Lexim (son), Hinata (mother in law)
- Personality: dark, cold, detached, vengeful, devious, sadistic and ruthless
- Occupation: Overlord
- Romantic interests: Netami (wife)
- Voice actress: Daniel Dae Kim
Art and oc by me
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Vivienne Medrano/Spindlehorse Toons/A24
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #originalcharacter #originalvillain #hellaverseoc #nueyokai
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My Hellaverse OC: Axine 👿
- Name: Axine
- Nickname: Ax
- Age: the same of Blitzø
- Species: Imp
- Gender: Male
- Abilities: Combat prowess, dancing, musical talent
- Sexuality: Gay
- Family: unnamed mother (both deceased), unnamed father (both deceased)
- Personality: Respectful, kind, brave
- Occupation: Circus performer (formerly), pornostar (formerly), angelic weapon seller
- Romantic interests: Dennis (boyfriend)
- Voice actor: Alex Newell
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #hellaverseoc #hellaverseau #vivziepop #spindlehorse #alexnewell #originalcharacter
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- Name: Bubbles
- Species: Insectoid dog demon
- Animal species: Elephant
- Gender: Female
- Personality: Sweety, loving
- Occupation: Lexim's pet
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss © Vivziepop, Spindlehorse
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Salve a tutti! Oggi con un nuovo redesign ma stavolta con uno dei miei personaggi minori dell'Hellaverse preferiti, Jesse, nella sua forma di peccatore! Spero che vi piaccia! ♥️
Hello everyone! Today with a new redesign but this time with one of my favourite Hellaverse minor characters, Jesse, in his sinner form! I hope you like it! ♥️
Jesse ©️ Vivziepop/Spindlehorse
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #vivziepop #jessehelluvaboss #helluvabossjesse #ozziesbouncer #redesigncharacter #fanart
#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#vivziepop#redesign character#jesse helluva boss#helluva boss jesse#helluva boss fanart
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Ecco a voi il revival del disegno di Lexim con indosso la divisa da assistente di Baxter. Spero che vi piaccia!
Here's the revival of Lexim's drawing in the uniform as Baxter's assistant. Hope you like it!
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss @vivziebizzie @spindlehorsetoons
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #originalcharacter #viviennemedrano #spindlehorse #hellaverseau #hellaverseoc #hellaversefanart #hellaverse #digitalart
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Ciao a tutti! Oggi sono tornato stavolta con qualcosa di diverso: ovvero con un OC che fa parte di un'altra webserie che adoro "The Amazing Digital Circus". Spero che vi piaccia!
Hi everyone! Today I'm back this time with something different: that is to say with a OC that is part of another webseries that I love "The Amazing Digital Circus". I hope that you enjoy!
- Name: Spring
- Gender: Male
- Age: 14
- Species: Human, spring loaded mouse (virtual reality)
- Personality: Curious, shy, naive, sensitive, amenable, taciturn
- Allignment: Good
The Amazing Digital Circus © Gooseworx / Glitch Productions
Original character (Spring) © me
#originalcharacter #theamazingdigitalcircus #tadc #tadc_au #tadc_oc #gooseworx #gtlichproductions
#the amazing digital circus#tadc fanart#tadc oc#tadc au#gooseworx#glitch productions#original character
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Ciao a tutti, siccome si sta avvicinando Halloween, oggi vorrei rendere omaggio a un grande attore di Broadway, Ken Page, che molti ricordano per aver doppiato in originale il personaggio di Mr. Bau Bau in Nightmare Before Christmas. Recentemente ci ha lasciati e ho deciso di disegnare questa fanart in sua memoria. Spero vi piaccia! 🖤🕷🎃🥺
Hello everyone, as Halloween is approaching, today I want to pay homage to a big Broadway actor Ken Page that many remember for being the Oogie Boogie's voice in Nightmare Before Christmas. He recently left us and I decided to draw this fanart in his memory. Hope you like it! 🖤🕷🎃🥺
Nightmare Before Christmas ©️ Tim Burton, Henry Selick
Cats ©️ Andrew Lloyd-Webber
Art by me
#nightmarebeforechristmas #oogieboogie #cats #andrewlloydwebber #ripfanart #kenpage #halloween2024 #halloweenart
#oogie boogie#nightmare before christmas#tim burton#rip ken page#ken page#broadway actor#cats#andrew lloyd webber#halloween 2024#halloween art
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