#//he literally just tries to keep being a brother and admits that while he still will help the imperium
forgottnseccnd · 6 months
I am unsure about something, are you aware of Horus’ actions after you “died”?
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Aurelius went quiet at that. Auramite hands pressed together. He shifted uneasily.
" ... despite my excommunication, I still tried to fight for the Imperium even if erased from records and considered a traitor. I... had seen things, through my divination as the days of what would occur grew closer. "
" I just wished I could have done something. And kept the family together, somehow. Why... why do you ask, stranger? "
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ellie-r2 · 1 month
Book Curtis Brothers hcs
because I won't leave you guys hanging just because it got second place
-He'll do anything for his brothers even if he hates the thing. (first scene in the book when Pony says he could've just called Darry to watch the movie even though Darry hates them)
-He tries really hard to be gentle when physically comforting people but he's always too rough without meaning to be.
-Genuinely believed Ponyboy hated him for a good while and it would actually keep him up at night at times which added to his stress levels.
-Always makes sure the house is stocked up with first aid supplies for the boys.
-He asks Soda to talk to Pony for him to make sure Pony knows he loves him because he thinks if he were to do it he'd just say the wrong thing and it would go bad.
-The five days Pony was gone were the worst of Darry's life even more so than the death of his parents because to him at least then he got the news the same day but for Ponyboy he had nothing letting him know if he truly was okay.
-Says he would've been okay if Ponyboy never spoke to him again after the slap because he would've deserved it but in reality he wouldn't know how to live with it.
-Hated when people would confuse him for being his dad's brother instead of son because he hated that people thought he looked older when he's only 20. (which doesn't get better now that he's taking care of his brothers)
-Technically this is canon but adding it anyway he is insecure about the fact he didn't get to go to college because he did want a chance to leave tulsa and pursue a career in football.
-Stays by Pony's door until he falls asleep whenever he wakes up screaming from a nightmare to ease his nerves.
-Only irons Soda's shirts because he knows even if Soda has time he won't do it himself.
-When Ponyboy was in denial of Johnny's death he and Soda made sure no one ever mentioned anything about Johnny around Pony.
-He asked Tim to have Curly tell Ponyboy stories about reformatory to scare him from being sent there.
-Used to consider wanting to reconcile with Paul so he'd still have other friends outside the gang. After the rumble happened he stopped thinking about it.
-Apart from his brothers the person he's closest to in the gang is Two-Bit since they're closest in age and he's the only one he truly trusts to leave alone with Pony.
-Used to hate being the only blond one of his brothers until his parents died because he liked having his mom's hair color.
-Ever since basically moving into Pony's room because of the nightmares he now uses his old room as a storage space or offers it to the gang if they want to sleep on a bed instead of the couch.
-Will defend his brothers to the ends of the earth over literally anyone no matter who it is (I mean according to Pony the only time he was ever mad at Steve was when he said something about Darry).
-Took everything in him not to tell Darry that he suspected that Dally knew where Pony and Johnny were and almost slipped by wanting to ask him to proofread the letter.
-Slept in his room the days Pony was gone because it didn't feel right to him to sleep in there without Pony but he still didn't sleep well anyway.
-Plays football with Darry even if he's not the best at it just so Darry can still play his favorite sport.
-Contrary to popular belief while he is named the the crier of the brothers it is actually Ponyboy but he lets himself be called that because he knows Pony doesn't like being seen as "weak".
-Even though Sandy cheated on him and everything he couldn't find it in himself to hate her not even a little bit.
-Despite what Pony may think about comparing Soda and Steve to Bob and Randy, Soda would actually be the one to fight even harder and be angry if Steve were the one to die while Steve would be the one to not fight.
-Will gives massages to Darry when Darry works long nights at work because while his brother won't admit it, he doesn't take care of himself as much as he should.
-Misses the days when Darry was just his brother and not guardian because while he gets let off more than Pony the change in relationship between himself and Darry is still noticeable to him.
-Will cling to anything or anyone that is near him when sleeping.
-Is quite literally the little brother of the gang even though he thinks it's Johnny. (Everyone including Steve will drop everything for him).
-(pre book but after their parents died) Desperately craved attention/affection from Darry but didn't know how to ask for it.
-He has drawn every member of the gang + Curly but hasn't shown them any of the drawings. His favorite to draw was Dally.
-For the purly/papercut fans (me). Pony is the only one who can keep Curly from getting into too much trouble. (Like we know from Tim that Curly has talked about Pony and even calls him a good kid.)
-After Johnny and Dally's deaths he hangs up his drawings of them in his room. He also keeps Dally's jacket in his room even if he never wears it.
-Tried to finish reading Gone with the Wind after Johnny died but couldn't.
-Has nightmares of him being the one who was stuck under the beam instead of Johnny and being the one who died and wakes up terrified because he truly thinks it would have been better if it was him.
-Makes Darry go into the room with him at doctor's appointments and looks at Darry whenever they ask him a question. He'll also clutch Darry or Soda's arm because he hates being there.
-Quit smoking or is in the process of trying to quit post book because of guilt of potentially starting the fire and because it's not good for him being on the track team and all.
For all 3:
-Darry and Soda go to ALL of Pony's track events.
-Post book they all try to have one day of the week where they all do something together for the other. For Darry, Pony and Soda play football with him. For Pony, they go watch a movie together. For Soda, Darry lets him take them out racing but sits in the back with Pony to keep him safe if anything.
-When they were younger Darry would give shit to anyone who would say anything about his younger brothers having weird names. While Pony and Soda would give Darry shit saying he's the one with a weird name. "seriously DARREL"
-They all sleep in Darry's room together the night before if they know the social worker is coming in fear of separated.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Home : bat!family x bat!sister
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Summary: no one gets to offend my siblings and father. No one but me. I'll make sure of it.
Maybe it was a bad idea to apply for that Erasmus program and leave her brothers and adoptive father alone for whole three months. Sure, studying abroad, expanding knowledge, learning language and customs was an amazing experience, but it came with the cost. The price of being in fear that her family would get themselves in trouble, pain, fight they could not recover from.
The first two weeks of her adventure was the worst, since she was waking up at most random night hours, ready to jump into fight, those vigilantes instincts and habits kicking in.
Those were the nights when she was turning and tossing in her bed unable to close an eye and in result sneaking out her dorm room and walk around the campus like the ghost. The quietness and peacefulness of her surroundings at the academy were so different from those she knew in Gotham, it was almost disturbing.
There was no denying that Y/N was the smartest in the family, even Tim admitted it once (obviously not while talking to her, but she overheard his conversation with Bernard) but at times like this she was second-guessing her choices.
Due to her specific upbringing and family background she also never managed to form any deep connection with her fellow students, preferring to stay by herself, focus on the task and putting a lot of work into expanding her knowledge and skills in technology. She never complained, but from other people’s perspective she was an eremite. Kind, polite with perfect manners when someone asked her for something or while working in group, but still highly reserved. Just like her adoptive father, whose relation to she was trying to keep a secret. And it worked up to the day when one of the lecturers accidentally called her  “Miss  Wayne” in front of the whole class. The second he did it the air in the auditorium froze. She might have been in different country, but for God’s sake she was studying technology, of course everyone heard about the Wayne Enterprises and the  Bruce Wayne.
“You’re his daughter?” one of the boys in the lower row turned around and eyed her suspiciously
“Yes. Adoptive one.”
“Of course. He’s well known for taking kids in, right? Seems like some sort of complex or maybe even a disease” he smirked and it made the girl clench her fist. Her relationship with Bruce might have been rocky, but no one except her and her brothers were allowed to judge and offend him.”
“Care to elaborate on that?” she hissed, eyeing the guy with ice cold gaze
“Miss Y/L/N! Mister Olsen! Please calm down and sit down!” the teacher tried to make up for his mistake but it was far too late for that.
“You misspelled my name once, might as well keep calling me Wayne now.”  the tone of her voice matched the gaze. She was not going to let the guy easily, but getting in trouble with the dean was not a part of her plan. “Now, can we continue with the lecture? I don’t know about anyone else in her, but speaking for myself I would love to actually learn something useful.”
Y/N was the middle child. Younger than Dick and Jason, older than Tim and Damian which placed her literally halfway  in the family. Because of that she was a mix of responsibility and carelessness, doing her own thing, not always the right way, but still capable of getting away with a lot more than the others. Not as family oriented as Dick, feeling a bit overshadowed by Jason, highly competitive with Tim and more independent and individualistic than Damian. Still, even despite her “boss bitch” attitude, she was sandwiched between her brothers which made her the best negotiator and mediator in the family. Y/N also had a strong sense of fairness and morality and would always try her best to do the right things. Objectively, not subjectively. And making fun of her family was not one the things she could forget. However, before taking any action she had to gather intel, figure out what the guy knew and then come right at him.
Waiting till the end of the class was probably the greatest torture she ever had to endure, every minute stretching into infinity and when it was over the sense of relief almost made her drop the plan. Almost.
“I’m not done with you, Olsen.” she was faster to the door, stopping her potential victim from getting away.
“You want more, Wayne?”
“Please. Hit me with your best shot. What is your problem with my family, exactly?”
“Let me think” he tapped his chin. “There are so many. Like for instance, your oldest brother. What was his name again? Oh, right! Dick. Suits him quite well, doesn’t it. A prick, if you ask me. Definitely a show-off with no skills.” He scoffed “Shall I continue?”
“ Please. You got like three more people to gossip about.”
“The second in line, Jason, right? Oh, the unhinged  one. Violent, mocking, thinking he is better than anyone else around, when in reality he’s just a lost, scared child. Probably a dumbass too.”
“Pretty sure he would agree with that. Now what about Tim and Damian?”
At this point Olsen was getting a bit surprised that the girl in front of him was still unfazed. Her calmness, a sign of silent inside fury making him slightly uncomfortable.   Not enough to stop however.
“Drake…..” the name rolled of his tongue while the boy was wondering what words to choose “oh, he’s the gay one, right? Such a shame that the renowned Wayne family has someone like that as a member. Bet your father would never take him in, if he knew. A fairy becoming the next CEO of his renowned company. How ironic!”
“Hm.” Oh, Y/N was so much like Bruce at times and it showed in the least expected moments.
Damn that girl! How could it not make her angry?
“And …… Damian, the only biological child. Absolutely maladjusted and unaware of social norms and boundaries. Tell me, how was it like to have your youngest brother violate your boundaries and personal space?”
“It was. ….educatory. Just like it was with everything you just said. You presented yourself as someone with some serious psychological issues and possibly an unhealthy interest in my family’s life. So thank you, it truly was illuminating.”
“What the hell did you do Y/N?” a very alerted Dick appeared  on the other side of the screen
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” The girl sighted and fell onto the cushions bringing the computer onto her lap to see her brother better
“Don’t lie to me now, sis.”
“I wouldn’t even dream of it.”
“Bruce has been on the phone for the last fifteen minutes and from what I figured it’s about something that happened on the campus.”
“The only thing happening on the campus are students who skip classes.” She mumbled “maybe except that one time when one of the boys lost some stupid bet and blew up the fountain as some sort of punishment. That was funny.”
A little grunt was heard on Dick’s side and for a second he disappeared from the screen.
“Sorry, I had a little interruption.” He rubbed his forehead “Now, back onto what you did…..”
“Did you say that someone blew the fountain?” third face appeared on the screen in the corner, taking over the conversation.
“Hello, Jason.”
“Hi sis. Maybe I should have joined you in your academic career. Seems like you have a lot of fun there. Besides, I never really finished school, since you know…. I died.”
“We know.” Y/N and Dick said in unison
“Always a good opportunity to remind you, right?” he grinned “Now, sis, tell me, how was it going full rogue on fellow student? I gotta admit I’m proud of you here.”
“So that’s what this is about?” Dick’s eyes grew wider than ever “I;m gonna ask you once again, Y/N. what did you do?”
“Nothing permanent.”
“Cut her some slack, Grayson.”
“Look who decided to join us.” Y/N smirked “improved your computer skills much, Damian?”
“I got tired of being left out.”
“Since when do you care about the group?”
“Leverage, sis. Knowledge is power, I thought you knew that.”
“Ok, that is enough!” Dick finally lost his patience “I’m trying to have a conversation with my little sis here. Both of you, get out of the line!”
“Mhm, keep dreamin’ Dickhead.”
“For once I agree with Todd.”
“You have no right to…..”
“Guys…..” Y/N tried to mitigate them, but deep inside she enjoyed their bantering. It was a while since she experienced it and only now realized how familiar it was.
“I was here first!” Dick yelled “And I’m the oldest”
“No one cares Grayson! You are a Bludhaven resident now.  Just because you visit the manor does not mean you can keep Y/N busy using the wayne’s devices!”
“Don’t you have someone to kill in the crime alley, Jay?”
“Unlike you, I succeeded in all my latest missions.”
“Is that what you call coming back to your safe house bloodied and injured. You were on the verge of death!” Damian smirked “you were absolutely inept, that’s not a success.”
“You were what, now?!” Y/N shrieked. Her second oldest brother was sometimes too careless.
“It was not that bad, Y/N, I swear. And how the fuck do you know about it, demon?”
“I have my ways.”
“I would suspect Drake of spying on me, but you?”
“Speaking of the devil, I’m surprised Tim hasn’t already join us.” Dick muttered
“Oh, he did.” Y/N pointed out
“WHAT?” her brothers cried. Now there was another one fighting for her attention and it was not a secret that Tim was her favorite making the situation harder.
“I did.” Tim chuckled  “Well, to tell the truth Y/N let me in the channel. We have our ways with technology. Something none of you could ever fully understand. “
“Of course not….”
“Cheer up, Dami. You can’t monopolize all the areas.”
“I would beg to differ.”
“Ok, everyone hold up here. I think we lost the point of the conversation. The thing was that Bruce was on the phone, probably taking to the dean about….”
“Y/N played a little prank on her classmate, is that right?” of course Tim was the one who everything best.
 “He deserved it.”
“Stop using the big brother voice on me! It’s not going to work!”
“How about we use Damian’s youngest one?” Dick teased
“I refuse to be used in this….”
“SHUT UP DAMIAN!” Dick and Jason shouted together and shared a murderous look between one another. Now they were both desperate to find out what happened since Tim would rather die than spill the bean. It was infuriating. They were the older brothers! This had to mean something.
“Ok, that’s it.” Damian stood up and the view of the empty chair in the place where his face should be was highly disturbing.
“That is not good.” Y/N said out loud something that all of them already knew. Her presumptions turned out to be right a second later when the shouting and yelling reverberated through the speakers and a blur of black and green rushed into Dick’s room.
“hey, I want to join the fight too!” Jason started up and with a speed, Wally West could be jealous of involved in the mix of limbs and screams.
“Wait! I though Dick was in Bludhaven! Tim?”
“Not today. We’re all in the manor.”
“And you idiots were talking to me through four different computers?”
“Are you actually surprised?”
“On second thought, not at all.” She sighed. It’s a good thing you are the reasonable one here…..”
“There you are, Timmy” now the situation has turned as it was Dick who appeared in the door of Tim’s bedroom “you are not  getting out of this. If you want Y/n to yourself you have to fight me.”
“And me!” Jason tackled Dick to the ground with a loud thump
“Losers!” Damian jumped over their bodies and came right at Tim
Because of their actions, Y/N was the only one who noticed two men stepping from the shadows and exchanging some words. Apparently Bruce wasn’t capable of putting the boys in their places and asked Alfred to try this instead. And a single grunt from the butler did a miracle as all of them stood up and started explaining and apologizing. Funny as it was, Y/N knew that with Bruce’s arrival she was heading straight towards preaching from her father.
“Hello Bruce.”
“Did you break his arm?”
“You broke his arm?” Dick was halfway out but turned back immediately
“No.” Y/n shook her head “I broke his arm and hurt his legs.”
“Don’t forget that you also demolished his dorm room.”
“That wasn’t me. That was….”
“Did you go at him as a vigilante? Wow! Way to go, sis. Now I truly am proud of you.”
“Ok, both of you, out!” Bruce lost the rest of his patience pushing Dick and Jay away. “Now that we are alone…….” he sighed deeply closing the door tight  
“I;m not sorry.”
“Oh, I know. And I’m not mad, because I’m sure you had a reason to do it. So tell me, why?”
“you…. you want to know ?”
“Of course. Look Y/n, I’m aware I won’t get  a father of the year cup from you, but I care all right? Did that boy hurt you and you took retaliation? Just tell me….”
“He was talking shit about our family.”
“And you felt the urge to protect the Wayne’s honor?” Bruce smirked “this is so not like you.”
“Honor, my ass. We’ve lost that ages ago, Bruce. The only thing I was protecting was my sole privilege of mocking you. No one else is allowed to do it.”
“I’ll be sure not to tell your brothers that you miss them. “
“That would be most welcome.”
“And you have to know that we don’t miss you either, y/n.” father and daughter’s gazes met and they both nodded in silent agreement, right corners of their mouths lifting almost unnoticeable. “You coming to visit next week?”
Something was wrong.
Something was terribly wrong and that tingling sensation became unbearable the second she climbed the manor’s stairs and reach for the doorknob with a heartrate so fast it would send anyone else straight into cardiac arrest. Y/N however kept her cold blood, focusing on what may happened inside and considering her options and strategies for a potential fight.
She could not expect  that the moment she opened the door four figures would jump out from the shadows making the noise that would bring the dead from behind the grave. It startled her and as a result she stumbled back, hitting the wardrobe and making it shake. She could not expect that on said wardrobe there would be packets and packets of paint and that those would fall down straight on her making her look like some abstractionism painting.
“I hate you all.” She muttered while her brothers run away in four different directions.
“Welcome home, miss Y/N” Alfred approached her with a tissue so she could at least wipe the paint from her eyes.
“Home.” She whispered “Yes, it definitely feels like it.”
It was good to be back.
But she was still going after them. .....
Later. When they would least expect it.
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
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MY LE AWEZOME ANGEL DEMON HETALIA AU!!!!!!!!!!!! now lots of this art is old as shit because ive had this in the making for forever.... but its better to unveil it now rather than never amiright? i have a lot more art for this au already drawn and I'll post it later but heres the basic rundown intro to dis world (me trying my best to condense it as much as I can) ^_^
Italy: He's an exorcist with his older brother Romano. They work at a dingy church managed by Hungary and Austria and they both suck at exorcising demons (that's why their church looks like a piece of shit). Italy is a fucking pussy and almost dies all the time, especially because Romano keeps giving him all the ultra scary hardcore demons since he's like "ermm fratello you take this one. i did like 60 easy demons last week go do this one that will definitely kill me". He has Germany wrapped around his finger since one day when he was tasked with exorcising a super scary demon he didn't have enough to sacrifice to successfully summon an angel to come to his aid, so in a fit of panic he instead tried summoning a demon. Germany is the one who appeared and helped out Italy and also generally feels worried for Italy because he's like "how the fuck have you even survived this long?". And now Italy just always summons Germany for help and general bullshit because he found out Germany will literally do anything and goes out of his way to help out Italy and is way cheaper to summon than an angel. He keeps Germany a secret from Austria and Hungary though since they'd FREAK if they knew he had a demon helping him out with literally everything. Italy does exorcisms because he has a goal of ascending his soul to become an angel to reunite with grandpa rome, since as a child him and romano were raised by grandpa rome as their guardian angel. Germany is now helping him out with that goal and also providing him company and cookies. Itager is real but that will be explained more later. His holy item is rosary beads with a cross attached. When an angel weilds it then the beads become a safety wrist strap and the cross becomes a white flag. But in times of need and great synergy it can also become a scythe.
Romano: Italy's older brother who works as an exorcist alongside him. His exorcisms suck for the opposite reason Italy's does. Instead of being too lenient he beats the shit out of demons for pleasure. There's etiquette to exorcisms and Romano does not follow that shit at all. His ass is still crucifying and throwing lighter fluid on demons even after they've completely given up and are waving white flags. Because of this, this actually violates the rules of battles between demons and angels (since you're supposed to stop once the other party admits defeat) and thus in the end gives a penalty which gives them a free pass to fulfill the human's wish with no intervention despite how Romano beat them. He's such a fail exorcist because he fails every exorcism since he gets too into beating demons senseless and then when he encounters an actual scary high level demon he shits his pants and forces Italy to fight them. His ultimate goal is to ascend his soul with his brother in order to reunite with grandpa rome as well. But actually secretly the reason he wants to ascend isn't to reunite to grandpa rome, but rather to reunite with Spain. Since grandpa rome mainly focused on Italy while Spain ended up actually being a guiding figure in Romano's life despite him not officially doing the Guardian Angel program with him. Prumano is also real but that's to be explained later. His holy item isn't holy at all it's just a normal bag of salt. Sometimes he mixes glitter with the salt.
Germany: He's a demon that has just recently come of age. He's a really low ranking demon because of this and only lives within the first circle of hell. He has to provide for not just himself but also his brother Prussia who is a fail demon who sucks at all the jobs he gets and basically was bumming around on couches and shit until Germany came of age and was sent to hell. Prussia acted as a mentor and older brother figure when they were both growing up and Germany thought for sure that Prussia became an angel so he was heartbroken when he was chosen as a demon. But then he found Prussia immediately in hell and is taking responsibility of having his back because they have a strong sibling bond together. His sense of responsibility and competative nature of the job market is why he was the only demon willing to fulfill a summonings request for a priest, since he really needed the money to keep him and Prussia afloat. Him and Italy form a genuine close bond though, and Italy makes a "deal with the devil" later on.
Prussia: He's an absolute fail demon who can't get any of his jobs done so he relies on Germany to make all their money to survive in hell. He usually tags along with Germany when he goes to the human world because he's bored and LOVES the human shit (especially Arbys). This is against the rules, since angels and demons can only go to the human world if they're summoned. But also Prussia is a low-ranking demon who lives in the worst circle of hell, so it's like someone going missing in New York City; people aren't really going to notice. This backfires on him though since whenever he tags along to the human world with Germany he always ends up running into Romano. At first his and Romano's relationship is a pretty painful one since Romano can beat the shit out of Prussia as he likes since Prussia is not in the human world for work, so he can't give Romano any penalties for beating the shit out of him. So really it's just Romano terrorizing Prussia every time he goes to the human world for Arbys. But eventually they fall into a routine together and the initial thrill of beating up a demon as much as he likes wears off on Romano since Prussia keeps giving the same reactions. They end up becoming friends, although Romano would never admit this because he keeps adamantly proclaiming he hates demons and hopes they all die.
Russia: Russia is an exorcist who works at a church run by China. He works alongside America and Canada as fellow exorcists. Him and America have a never ending rivalry because America keeps accusing him of being a satanist. This is true though since Russia actually bats for both teams. He's a priest when it's beneficial for him to be a priest and a satanist when it's beneficial to be a satanist. He usually is a priest though since they're on the winning team. He also doesn't have to sacrifice anything to summon his angels, since he has the baltics as angels that he can summon at will for no charge (because they're terrified of him). Honestly he isn't all that much better than Italy and Romano at his job either, since he constantly scares off clients and has questionable practices. He does this line of work because he just enjoys this line of work and loves all the friends he can make in it. His holy item is a Bible which has a book mark in it. That bookmark marks the spot that separated the holy verses and the satanic verses in his "bible". When he recites these verses they give magical buffs to the demon/angel he is reciting them for. He also has a holy magic metal pipe of pain which is just a metal pipe that he baptized (nobody knows if it actually has holy power in it, since everyone gets knocked out from it instantly).
America: He works alongside Russia in exorcisms and usually they both suck at their job because they constantly tag along with each other to try to one up another. This makes them end up sucking at what they do. He's a priest because he likes feeling like a hero and feels triumph in fighting for "justice". He had England as his guardian angel as a child, but rebelled against him in his teens by denouncing God when he had his emo phase. Now he obviously grew out of it and is a priest now, but his relationship with England is strained because of the emo phase. He's a priest, but always argues against England that he's doing it for himself, not because of England's mentoring since he doesn't even want to ascend his soul. Although ascending would totally be super neat and the most befitting reward for a hero... **looks around**. His holy item is his bottle of holy water. He can splash the water in the air and the water droplets will turn into biblically accurate angel eyes that can shoot rays of light at enemies (super awesome lazer eyes).
England: He's a pretty high ranking angel that acted as America's guardian angel for a while. Not much to say here since I've already explained most of what he has done in America's description. In this AU England sees America as his stupid annoying favorite child son.
France: Not much to say here either. He was Canada's guardian angel as a child and that's about it for priest AU specific lore. He constantly is bickering and fighting with England. Him and England torment Germany because they think that he's a evil demon that infected Italy's mind and a sly bastard for doing work for a PRIEST when an angel is supposed to be helping Italy out. Neither of them think Italy is to blame for Germany and Italy's involvement with each other because Germany is ugly and ugly people are always wrong.
Spain: He basically acted as Romano's guardian angel despite the fact he really wasn't his at all. He mistakenly thought he was assigned him and took up the role, but ended up getting attached and sticking around to raise Romano anyways. He's pretty carefree and just like Spain in the show of course. He has a bad habit of forgetting to mention extremely crucial information though.
China: He runs the church that America, Russia, and Canada work at. He doesn't believe in God at all and is a Buddhist. But he runs the church because to him it's like his corner store business (like a 7/11 but with less mess). He takes care of the finances and such of the church and really does treat the church as if it's just his corner store he owns. This causes China to do a lot of special business events that force Austria and Hungary's church to compete against them since they need money too and if China's going to have a buy one get one free sale then they'll do it too. A running gag that is revealed as the series goes on is that China is correct about everything pertaining to how angels, demons, and humans work.
Japan: He's China's nephew and works as his apprentice at the church. He also does not believe in God nor Buddha, but says he's Buddhist to appease his uncle. He's a college student who's studying to take the DAT at the moment, so he does this as a part time job for money and something on his resume. He often hangs out with Italy since China gives him the job to scope out their "competition" (because he has to make sure the other church isn't doing as well as his) and Japan just ends up hanging out with Italy and Germany a lot. He honestly wishes he was more involved in the adventures they have, but he's too Japanese and not deadass enough to just ask to be invited more often.
Canada: He's America's brother everyone forgets exists and literally the only reason why China's church is so swag and not poor as shit like Austria and Hungary's. Because he's the only priest that actually does proper exorcisms. Everyone forgets he exists, but he's always working in the background and making like 70% of the profits that the church makes lol. His holy items are changed out between crosses, bibles, etc. Because he actually uses his items in a practical sense instead of sticking to one item and acting as if that's his thing now.
- angels and demons are species that gain power from human belief. they are raised together and then when they come of age they are either chosen to become an angel or demon
- because of this angels and demons both have the goal of fulfilling human wishes to gain more belief
- angels are obviously beating the shit out of demons in their never ending competition for human belief magical power. and thus they always get first pick for who becomes an angel while the demons get the leftovers
- angels also generally have much more magical power than demons, so many of them can do cool magical tricks while most demons have to do things manually. That's why demons are often more buff and physically strong since they have to work out to fight.
- angels are chosen not by the goodness of ones heart, but rather how good they are at rizzing and being well liked in order for humans to like them
- because of this, human's understanding of each side's morality is completely wrong since both act as buisnesses (and arguably angels are more corrupt since they play dirty)
- humans do not become angels or demons when they die. their souls reincarnate over and over again.
- different practices such as "selling your soul to the devil" and "guardian angels" and explanations for why demons are regarded as evil will be explained in later posts.
- the social heirarchy and way jobs work within hell and heaven will also be described in later posts
- Angels and demons also are responsible for santa's activies and bond together during the holiday season to reap the benefits of power from children's belief in "santa" (a persona that was created by satan and god together, so they split the power that comes from the belief in it)
- Priests and satanists in this world act as soldiers to stop the opposing angels/demons from fulfilling human wishes.
- they use their holy/satanic items to battle against angels/demons in the area, and if needed use sacrifices to call upon angels/demons to provide aid in battling against whoever they are fighting. The better the sacrifice, the higher quality the angel/demon that appears will be due to the higher pay.
- Their holy/satanic items act as buffs/weapons for their angel/demon that they summoned if they choose to summon one.
- holy items only go with angels and satanic items only go with demons. holy items will always hurt demons and satanic items will always hurt angels.
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theaceace · 9 months
Another old fic idea that stalled somewhere between my brain and my docs, in which Hob puts centuries of life experience to use by writing an anonymous advice column (it's probably Jo's fault somehow) and recently he's been getting some... Odd submissions
My brother has recently left a very stifling living situation and is drowning himself in work. I know his pride won't let him come to me for help, but I want to let him know I'm still there for him, what do you suggest? - Endless Family Drama
It can be difficult to watch the people we love most refuse to accept our help, especially when we can see that they're hurting. The best advice I can offer you is don't push him too hard – the last thing you want to do is scare him away! Spend time with him doing something you both enjoy or rediscovering common ground, and let him come to you when he's ready. Encourage him to find the person he was before all of this, and start learning how that fits with who he is now; reconnect with old friends or pick up a hobby he hasn't tried for a while. Clearly you love your brother a great deal, and whether he's ready to admit it or not, he's lucky to have you in his corner.
Chin up, and best of luck to you both!
And what do you know, that afternoon Death happens to go find her brother feeding the pigeons.
Matthew (with Rose's help, typing is really hard when you're a bird, turns out) after a conversation with Lucienne and later a complain-and-smoke-sesh with Constantine, writes in (not knowing he's writing to the boss's friend) like
I've just started a new job, and my boss is literally a nightmare when he's in a bad mood, he drags me to hell and back, spends all his time moping and fighting with my other boss, and won't listen to any of my advice, how do I let him know I think he's being unreasonable - struggling to keep my beak shut
Eventually Dream - who is both spending much more time in the waking world and also much more inclined to listen to Matthew's advice recently, for some reason - decides to write in to ask the opinion of a human on how to. Well. How one might go about courting one of their oldest friends having just reconnected after a huge fight and period of separation.
So naturally, Hob's reply is somewhat wistful and based entirely on the way he would love to court/be courted by his old stranger (Dream! Morpheus! He's been given so many names and titles to use now, he's practically spoilt!)
Neither of them figure out what's going on for an embarrassingly long time
(Desire writes to ask how you get your brother to stop ignoring you after you've tricked him into prison ('captivity' is the word used, but Hob can read between the lines) and almost made him kill one of their relatives. Hob starts to question if this side career is a good idea)
Also, the tagline for his column would absolutely be something like I keep making the same mistakes so you don't have to! Somehow this does not clue Dream in in the slightest
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geekgirles · 7 months
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I'm actually quite proud of Armand right now. Openly admitting to Amalia the reason their relationship was always strained was because he'd always been jealous of her and her relationship with their father is such a great character moment for him.
One thing season 4 is definitely delivering is some much needed depth and exploration of the Sadida Royal family. And I find myself fascinated (not only because Amalia is my favourite character and I have a soft spot for her people).
Personally, Armand is a character I have a lot of trouble having a clear stance on. I don't hate him, and it's true his motives become clear and even understandable once you give them some thought, it's just that Ankama does a wonderful job at making him both outwardly dislikable given his abrasive personality and some of his most questionable actions.
For example, season 3 Armand and season 4 Armand are almost like night and day. Maybe it is indeed that his new role as king has forced him to be more responsible and emotionally mature, but the vibes between L'assamblée and Falling Down are completely different.
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In season 3 he just oozed contempt for his sister, and his actions towards her reeked of ulterior motives. The fact that Aurora has been described as manipulative (even her hairstyle is meant to hint at her true nature) and was purposely placed in between the two siblings as a visual nod to how she's keeping them apart doesn't help matters.
Which is another factor to take into account: Aurora's character and the role she plays in the siblings' deteriorating bond.
Even if so far she seems to genuinely love Armand, I really can't bring myself to trust Aurora. Not only because of all the behind-the-scenes facts I already mentioned, but because her actions are just sketchy and clearly veered to the betterment of the Osamodas rather than the Sadida.
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First of all, her contempt for Amalia is genuine and she legitimately seems to be planning to send her away to keep her from interfering with her plans. After all, this is literally what she had to say about her sister-in-law:
"Ne vous en faîtes pas mon prince, nous finirons bien par redresser cette mauvaise herbe."
Translation: "Don't worry, my prince, we'll get this weed straightened out in the end."
(I haven't watched the English dub, so my apologies if the translation doesn't match the official version).
There's also the fact that, despite being the new Sadida Queen, her intentions in season 3 clearly laid in the benefit of her own kingdom, the Osamodas. Such is reflected in her choice of suitors for Amalia:
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She intended for Amalia to marry Ashdur, her own cousin, thus, strengthening the Osamodas' hold over Sadida politics. In fact, it becomes quite clear Aurora's choice in suitors, only supported by Amalia implying back then her sister-in-law had already tried the same thing with her brothers, was much less about the future of the Sadida Kingdom and more about the Osamodas' sake.
After all, while arranged marriages between royal families isn't anything new, usually the sensible and even most strategic thing to do is for rulers to"spread" their children and marry them into different families around the world. That is exactly what Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabela of Castile did with their own children, they married them off to the royal families of England, Portugal, and Austria.
With that in mind, having both Sheran Sharm children marry Osamodas royalty just seems dumb, doesn't it? It all comes to show Aurora is more concerned over solidifying her power over the Sadida Kingdom than its actual well-being.
Which is why I'm still going to keep my guard up regarding her character until the season ends. After all, we still have 9 more episodes where everything can go up in flames.
But going back to Armand, even though he is in love with his wife, his treatment of Amalia in L'assamblée is leagues better than it was in season 3. Unlike most of his appearances and his interactions with his sister, where he kept treating her like a child who didn't know any better (what she just so happened to accuse him of when presented with Ashtur, as a matter of fact), here not only does he finally open up to his sister about his insecurities and his reasoning for his behaviour towards her, but he offers her support in the wake of their father's passing and even invites her to attend the assembly with him.
He is entrusting her with responsibilities befitting a queen, not a child.
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Their relationship is finally healing.
As I said earlier, despite the undeniable depth behind his character, it's difficult to really side with Armand in plenty of occasions. Not only because of his difficult personality and flaws, but because it is so much easier to sympathise with Amalia.
And I'm not talking exclusively about the fact that, as one of the main characters, we've been by her side throughout everything, witnessing her true selfless, responsible, and brave self, but the fact that her position within her own family certainly tugs at our heartstrings.
Amalia is the youngest sibling, the princess. For all the sheltering and privileges that can get her, it also became her gilded cage. And for the most part, not even her family was a safe haven.
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Queen Sheran Sharm died when Amalia was probably still a kid, whereas Armand was most likely already a teenager. As King Oakheart revealed back when he explained to Amalia it had been Armand who insisted they let her go, the queen's death shook their entire family, making the king and prince unintentionally turn their backs on Amalia during a time she needed as much affection as possible. And so, her royal duties became stifling, her royal upbringing unbearable. Thus is the reason for her wanderlust.
And then we have Armand's reason for not always being fair to her: jealousy. He resented her for being Oakheart's favourite, despite constantly going off to adventures while he remained in the kingdom by his side. Now, as I said, this was a great character moment for Armand, one that also belies his character development. However, it doesn't change the fact that, while easier to relate and sympathise with him, we still sympathise with Amalia more or have been doing so for far longer because we knew the effect this had had on her.
We all have been someone's scapegoat to their frustrations with a third person, we have all been treated unfairly by someone who, for whatever reason, couldn't solve their own issues with the person they had problems with in the first place and took it out on us. This is the crux of Armand and Amalia's strained relationship: for years, Armand took his frustrations and insecurities out on Amalia instead of having an honest conversation with their father.
That's why it's easier to sympathise with Amalia, because we know that, deep down, for all her flaws, she was never at fault for how their relationship turned out. Because we can understand her frustration and pain when, even with their dying father, Armand still chose to listen to his wife over her and try to marry her off instead of being there for each other when they both needed most. As Amalia called him out for before leaving with Yugo, he still chose politics over family. Everything involving Armand and Aurora is about politics.
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But now that they are at least beginning to rebuild their relationship, I sincerely hope things get better for them. Unless their original intentions back in 2017 have changed, I seriously fear Ankama will still use Aurora to complicate things further between these two.
Please, Ankama, I'm literally begging you. They're all the family they each have left, don't let their relationship be ruined forever.
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rainandandy · 13 days
I just finished reading all your rain fanfics and I need more😭🙏
could you write another one please? fem reader or gn whichever you prefer! established relationship.
reader is extremely clingy to rain, always wants to be in some physical contact, probably due to past traumas. she's just slightly shorter than rain.
I'm not really sure about what else I should request rn tbh😭 maybe I will come up with another idea later??? but rn I literally just finished your stories and want another one so I'm not thinking much on it BAHAHA THANK YOU FOR DOING SUCH A SERVICE TO THE RAIN / CAILEE FANDOM😭🫡
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Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️
Living in Jackson’s Star wasn’t easy. You had grown up here, surrounded by the harsh, industrial environment, but it held ghosts. Every time you walked past the mines, you could still hear the echoes of that day, of the collapse. It was years ago, but the memory of the accident, the dust, the darkness, and the loss of your parents lingered like a scar you couldn’t hide.
Rain Carradine, your partner, was one of the few lights in your life. She had a way of seeing through the darkness, like she could part the clouds with just her presence. You had met her during one of your darker days, and since then, she had become your anchor. But that came with complications, ones you tried to hide.
Your trauma had made you clingy. Not in an obvious way—at least, you didn’t think so. But being near Rain, touching her, feeling her warmth or the reassuring brush of her hand, it kept the nightmares at bay. She was taller than you, just slightly, and when you were close, you could press your forehead against her shoulder, feel the security of her heartbeat against yours. It was grounding, and you needed it more than you wanted to admit.
Even now, as you sat in the small makeshift home you shared, your leg rested against hers while you both listened to her synthetic brother, Andy, ramble on about some old story from before he had malfunctioned. His voice was a bit glitchy, the software not perfect, but there was an innocence in him that Rain adored, and because she adored him, you did too.
Tyler and Kay had dropped by earlier, along with Bjorn and Navarro. They were good friends—solid, trustworthy—but sometimes their presence only heightened your need to be near Rain. You’d stand next to her while they talked, your arm brushing against hers. Sometimes, if you were really distracted, you’d wrap your pinky around hers or lean against her when no one was looking.
You knew you were being too clingy. You knew it wasn’t normal. But the fear, the gnawing, cold fear of being alone again, of losing someone again, wouldn’t leave you. The mine accident had stolen everything from you once, and you weren’t going to let it happen again.
“Hey, you okay?” Rain asked softly, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You blinked, realizing you had been staring at the wall, lost in your own head. “Yeah,” you mumbled, shifting slightly so you didn’t seem so attached to her. You moved to pull your leg away from hers, but she placed a hand on your thigh, keeping the contact.
“I know you better than that,” she said, her voice gentle, her gaze piercing. “You don’t have to hide how you feel around me.”
Your heart raced at her words, and a part of you felt exposed. “I’m not hiding anything,” you whispered, but it was a weak argument, and Rain knew it.
“Babe, I’ve known you long enough to see when you’re struggling.” She gave you a soft smile, leaning closer so her forehead touched yours. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
Her touch was a balm to the ache inside you, and you sighed, leaning into her. The closeness of her, the scent of her hair, and the warmth of her skin calmed the storm that always seemed to loom over you. “It’s just…sometimes, it feels like if I’m not near you, I’ll lose you too.”
Rain didn’t flinch at your words, didn’t pull away or tell you that you were being too much. Instead, she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. “I’m not going anywhere. And even if you cling to me like a barnacle, I’m not going to complain. You know that, right?”
You chuckled softly, though it was shaky. “A barnacle?”
She grinned, that playful sparkle in her eye that you loved so much. “A very cute barnacle.”
Andy, who had been listening in his usual silent way, suddenly chimed in, his voice stuttering slightly as he spoke. “Barnacles… are essential to the ecosystem. Without them… the underwater structures would collapse.”
Rain and you both laughed at that, and she kissed the top of your head. “See? Even Andy gets it.”
Tyler and Kay returned with Bjorn and Navarro, and the evening grew livelier. But even then, with all the laughter and conversation swirling around the room, Rain kept a hand on your back, tracing gentle circles as if to remind you she was there, and you weren’t alone. You stayed close, resting your head against her shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of her chest as she laughed at one of Bjorn’s wild stories.
To the others, it might have looked like casual affection between two people in love. But to you, it was everything. It was the lifeline you needed to keep going, to fight back the fear that threatened to swallow you whole.
Later that night, after everyone had left, and it was just you and Rain again, she pulled you into her arms under the worn, patchy blankets. She didn’t ask any questions, didn’t press you for answers. Instead, she just held you, her breath soft against your skin as she whispered, “You’ll always be safe with me.”
And for the first time in a long time, you believed her.
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thoughts on mammon and levi as a duo
Absolutely fucking love them!!
I feel like they're the closest in age (other than the twins obviously) like if they were humans the age gap would be just one year.
Love that Levi's one of the brothers who truly sees Mammon and understands him even though they're always fighting - he's the one who says Mammon is a "jerk with a heart of gold", he's the one who agrees when MC says Mammon has always been kind, he's the one who says that Mammon is social/good with people/makes friends with people easily and cares about those people
Love that no matter how much in debt Mammon gets with Levi, Levi still gives him money
Love that Mammon goes and stays in line and gets things for Levi when Levi's too anxious to go
Love that Mammon actually has a vague idea about all the things Levi is interested in and knows what new things he's looking out for
Love that we've seen Levi go to Mammon multiple times when he needs reassurance
Love that Mammon's the one to remind Levi to buy two of an item so that he can open one box and keep the other closed
Love that Mammon wanted to buy a similar figurine for Levi because he thought Levi lost the raffle draw
Love that they have a similar stupid sense of humour and made a stupid comedy duo
Love how Mammon gathers everyone to set up a gaming night after he finds out that Levi was upset because he needed irl friends to play a new game
Love that in Nightbringer the thing that makes Mammon start trusting MC and bringing them into his schemes is that he saw them being nice to Levi
Love when they're fighting and Levi tries to straight up drown Mammon but later when MC tells him that they shouldn't fight he's like "?????we weren't fighting?????" that shit was the most sibling thing ever, I've had that exact same conversation with my mother after she had to stop my brother and I from killing each other
Love that in s2 and nightbringer out of everyone's relationships with MC, we see that Levi's most jealous of Mammon & MC's
Mammon cares about Levi so much, that's his little brother and he would do anything for him but each time he sees him he's also immediately overtaken by the Cain Instinct
Levi looks up to Mammon so much (though he'd rather die than admit it) and he trusts Mammon to support him with anything he needs but he also prays for Mammon's disappearance under mysterious circumstances everyday
I also have this headcanon that Lucifer met Levi through Mammon. That one day Mammon dragged home this painfully shy angel he found skipping practice/lessons while he was skipping practice/lessons. And at first the angel absolutely refused to even acknowledge Mammon, curling up into a tighter ball as if not seeing him would make Mammon disappear but then somehow Mammon managed to annoy him enough that he started snapping back and actually turns out he's hilarious and fiery and mean when he's not stuck in his own head. And Mammon is delighted. He's never had this much fun with anyone so close to his age before. And after finding out that unlike the other angels their age this one hasn't been issued a guardian/mentor yet he (literally) drags him back to Lucifer and is like "can we keep him!!?" And Levi is mortified because holy shit that's Lucifer, who never leaves the palace, who never hangs about with angels this far down the hierarchy, who might as well be the heir to the entire Celestial Realm. And Mammon's hopping up and down on his toes and is hanging on to Lucifer's sleeve and is like "please please please can we keep him". And Levi's shaking and on the verge of crying and this is terrifying and horrible and even worse than that time where he was the only angel in his batch that none of the other older angels picked to mentor and oh he's going to die on the spot. And Lucifer's mother bear instincts just immediately flare up because yes this is his child now
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
Hii!! 🧚‍♀️It's Wee Emo anon 🍾
Really liked your last work, so here i am again
Can i request brothers reaction on MC who cry over small things?
Like they see little kitten on the street and - WHOOP! - they're bubbling sobbing mess
I'm kinda can't cry (sounds dramatic lol) and wanna MC to feel it instead of me 😬
Love your works, keep going bestie💐🏃‍♂️
HI WEE EMO <3 please ignore the fact you sent me this on april 27th and its now june i had gcses to prepare for 😔✊
anyway, who let you into my house 😧🤨
no seriously i've cried at multiple south park episodes. south park. sometimes i wanna cry when i see my dog i cannot be trusted i tear up so easily especially when im writing🙁
for not being able to cry that is not very good for you fr:
i used to not be able to cry + still only really tear up, some tears drip down and let out like 2 sobbing sounds before im good again, i dont even have to try and stop crying, two sobs and im done, but my biggest tip is, get tired like really sleepy to the point where your eyes water bc of tiredness then watch something really sad.
i ha to literally train myself to be able to cry again bro dw, i wish i could have a big long cry but like 3 mins of crying is better than none, trust me wee emo you'll feel better
this was very hard to imagine their reactions to idk why, but i tried so 😔✊
grma wee emo for requesting <3 and grma everyone else for reading <3
Obey Me Brothers With a Sensitive MC <3
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It was safe to say you were sensitive, back when Melanie Martinez's music was a lot better, you really could say that the song 'Crybaby' pretty much encapsulated your entire being, it still did, but you liked to think you were more mature in your music taste now. (You weren't)
Being suddenly catapulted into the Devildom did a number on your emotions, and you found yourself quite numb. But as you adjusted, and bonded with the others, you found that you were back to your usual self, which was a crybaby.
So then how do the brothers react?
Great. Two Mammons.
At least Mammon No.2 (you) isnt a tsundere about it.
Lucifer does not like seeing you cry. Even if its because something is cute, (although he does find it quite adorable, not that he'd admit it)
This demon is of the opinion that tears should never disgrace your beautiful eyes.
He will invite you to listen to his records with him and purposely put on sad ones or really sweet ones so you grip onto him while you tear up,
He is a demon, after all. ;)
Finally. Someone who cries more than him!
It actually makes him feel safer around you, like you wont bully him for being more sensitive than his brothers.
Actually ends up dropping a lot of his tsundere act around you.
You watch movies together, but always have to check the Devildom version of 'doesthedogdie.com'
Idk, I feel like Mammon would give you a bit of bother for it at first but then slowly start to like, open up more, because he really does see himself in you like that.
He blanks.
One day you start crying because of how cute the anime you both were watching was, Levi thought you were geniunely upset, so he tried to cheer you up.
You end up thinking that its really sweet and start crying harder.
Leviathan PANICKS.
Even now, he still gets really nervous when you start crying, and has popped into his demon form more times than he can count when you grab onto him and sniffle.
Please he's already so awkward he can't handle how cute you are.
You might make him start crying as well :(
Satan 100% gets so angry he starts crying so he can kind of understand it.
He's just glad you cry over positive things :)
His favourite moment was definetly when you teared up over a small kitten. (He took several photos and also took the kitten home)
Like Lucifer he 100% invites you to read with him and picks the fluffiest most adorable romance he can find, or the saddest most heartbreaking romance he can find.
He likes when you cling onto him and look up at him with those big teary eyes.
He's a demon. What did you expect, ;)
He thinks you're adorable.
Any emotion on your face is adorable to him actually. <3
If you wear makeup he makes sure to get you waterproof mascara and other eye makeup so your beautiful tears dont ruin your beautiful makeup <3
If any of you remember that crying girl makeup trend? Yeah he deffo starts that up in the Devildom (a) to make you feel less embarrassed about it and (b) because he thinks youre so beautiful when you express yourself.
He doesn't cry a lot, it's not exactly something that comes naturally to him at all.
Its not that he CANT cry or that he holds his tears back, its just that he doesn't normally process or reaction to things with tears.
Only in serious serious situations will he cry.
So when he sees you crying over one of those little onigiri things that are literally adorable, he thinks that you've somehow hurt yourself. (i nabbed this off of pinterest)
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Beel panics, and mentally goes over the ingredients in his head, did he order something with an ingredient that was dangerous to humans?
He calms down when he realises that you're crying because it looks cute.
He feels you with that.
Makes an effort to take you to more places with food items displayed in cute ways.
Though you do have to look away while Beel cuts them up for you, otherwise you wouldnt be able to eat it.
He laughs at you.
Point blank.
Originally when he's in the attic he uses your sensitivity as a way to manipulate you.
But post lesson 16, he really starts to appreciate it more.
This bastard will use his powers as the youngest sibling against you, he'll dress up in cute onesies and give you puppy eyes, all to coax you into taking naps with him.
Which you do.
I have no idea how half of these fuckheads would react tbh
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
MOMMAAAAAAA I LOVED YOUR HORROR OBEY ME THING! (Yes I have you on notifs, I friggin love all your writing, you’re exceptionally talented.)
So here’s my request :3
Yandere Beel and Belphie, deciding to share a female reader. They think they’ll have to resort to darker methods, but she really just loves them both so much! She cooperates every step of the way, and when one of the other brothers tries flirting (probably Mammon or Asmo let’s be honest) she sees the darkest side of the two twins.
Thank you so much in advance if you so write something for it!
((Blood mention and violence! Reader is not the one bleeding!))
You really are too perfect. Belphie still beats himself up about ever being mad at you and thinking you were some lowly being. And Beel...well he's just as dark as he is a bright smile with a big appetite. They both love you so much but have to admit they never want to show that dark side to you. Really they never have to. You're so sweet and obedient, you wait for them to lead you by hand if you go anywhere, you ask permission before leaving their sight, you don't ask questions when they get a bit...odd...which is often. But they tend to forget you've captured the attention of their other brothers as well. There's jack shit they can do about Lucifer, as he's the most powerful and terrifying and could easily smite them, so they let him think he has your heart. But the others? They need to learn to watch themselves. Belphie can feel his fangs aching to tear into Mammon. That dark blood coating his mouth and throat sounded divine. That cheap asshole keeps thinking he can get you alone by throwing fits and demanding like a brat, and it's killing his last shred of sanity. You giggle when he begins to tickle you, those sinful hands daring to touch your perfect skin, and before Belphie can launch, Beel already has Mammon by the throat. You go pale, shaking as the usually playful demons are now transforming and dripping drool from their large, tooth filled maws. Those teeth look eager to pierce any flesh they can, and Mammon’s skin looked especially appetizing to Beel as he began to snarl in their ancient tongue, of which you couldn't make out much other than them being angry. Belphie moves like a snake, his arms quickly wrapped around you as he starts to carry you away from the scene, but its too late. A punch was thrown, and a nose was definitely broken. Beel holds his face as his eyes turn ballistic, his pupils pinpoints as he roars and lets the blood drip down his nose and lips. 
You scream, but Belphie hushes you with a rather possessive kiss, turning you away but you insist on wriggling and biting him even. Oh? So you want to misbehave? No no no, you’d never…You’re just worried about Beel is all! That’s it! Oh forgive him, he gets irrational when protective you know? 
“No no see! Beel can handle himself! Mammon’s already nearly blue…Once he’s a shade darker we’ll be good for a while. Why the big eyes sweetheart? Choking him wont kill him! He’ll just be hurt enough to think about what he’s done. Unless…You want him dead?” You’re unable to speak. You aren’t used to such anger and violence, despite being in literal hell, or the devildom. These are beings of pure unadulterated rage and brutality yet for so long all you’ve seen was a few screaming matches and…now this. “No-No no no! Just-” you stammer, trying to squirm in Belphies grip once again as Beels face is warped, something truly sinister covering his expression as he holds Mammon’s throat with both hands, a wicked gleeful smile on his face as he does so. “LET HIM GO! Beel! BEEL!” you scream, having no other choice but to use the power of your pact to get the beast off of him and allow him air. The demons are all thrown to the side, your body hitting the floor too with a harsh thud, the breath being knocked from you as you cough and scramble to check on the second born. 
You don't get two inches to him before Belphie whispers a spell and you’re in their bedroom, Beel still covering his bleeding face as he stares at you like a dog awaiting its next command. He looked like he was in a trance yet still wanted blood. How did things spiral this fast? This is crazy! “I love you sweetheart, I really really do…But you don't get to do that to us. You don't get to tell us what we can and can't do, pact or not, all we want is to protect you” Belphie hissed, teeth coming out as if he wanted to bite right into you, but he held off, seemingly talking to Beelzebub through their odd twin link. “Belphie. Stop…They get worried easily is all, they saw me hurt, and wanted to check on me. I mean what other way could they stop us to check on us both?” Beel says as he pinches his nose, staring at you with sweet but terrifying eyes. Completely delusional. “Right? I mean I like to think we know you pretty well at this point, you just wanted me to stop because you thought I was badly hurt. But I'm ok! I am, the blood is even stopping on its own. You’re so sweet it's almost silly sometimes”. You may be a human with ancient beings older than the world itself, but you aren’t stupid. Those eyes held a deep, dark intent, and the next few words you say might be your last if you aren’t careful. You’ve been given a chance to play along, so, you take it. “How could I not be worried?! You’re bleeding! “ you exclaim, watching as Belphies face goes back to being soft and amused while Beel pouts and holds you to his chest as he pets your hair. “Aww. We’re so so sorry Y/N, really! But we’re big and strong, there’s nothing you need to worry about ok?” Beel says with a kiss to your head, gently flopping you on his bed as he turns to look towards Belphegor. “Ward the room for a while, I don't want to hear anything from Lucifer until this little cutie is calmed down. He’d just make the tension even worse” Once Belphegor began the incantation, Beel crawled to sit above you, blood dried on his face as he smiled. “You'll be ok, Me and Belphie won’t let anything happen to you. We love you, after all”. 
-Mommabean (I hope you enjoy beans!!! Sorry for typos, I type too fast and auto correct doesn’t always catch them!) 
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Aaah!!!!! I’m so excited for this!!!! Would it be alright if I requested “I need you beside me.” ❤️‍🩹🥺 for Mammon? I love all your work, and I can’t wait to see everything that comes out of this event!!!!
Thank you very much ❤️ I hope I make you cry a lil
(this one got way too long)
TW for gore, spoilers for lesson 16
Also should have mentioned - ooc mammon bc i want to see him get angry
Things changed after that day. As much as you hate to admit it, seeing your lifeless, cold, dead body in your best friend’s arms really does fuck with you.
You became fearful, jumping at loud noises and avoiding the attic. A simple hand laid on your shoulder could provoke the most blood curdling scream, and necklaces were out of the question. If you felt even the lightest of touches around your throat, you’d panic into fight or flight mode.
And it wasn’t just you that changed. No, every brother personality’s shifted ever so slightly, and while you made a point not to mention it, you can’t say you were that fond of their new…‘quirks’ so to speak.
They became softer, too afraid to set you off into a spiral of memories that’s hard to come back from. They made sure you were never alone, a trait that while comforting, was becoming extremely bothersome. They watched you, ever present like hawks just to be sure you were still alive, you were still breathing, you were still with them. And even more so, they watched Belphie.
You’re trying to be nice, fuck, you’re really trying your best. Now that the news that you’re Lilith’s descendant has washed over, Belphie has taken a new, rather innocent interest in you. When he smiles that sweet, gentle smile at you, asking if you want to take a nap together, all you can see if his twisted, self righteous smirk, his lips upturned in laughter as he squeezed all the life out of you, crushing your windpipe and slashing a large, deep, sickening gash along your chest, reaching down to your stomach. It might have not happened to this version of you, but since Barbatos merged the times lines, it might as well have. You have all the memories, all the burning feelings, all the swelling pain. And now you had to learn to live with that.
Progress was being made, you told yourself, in order to keep spirits up, not letting yourself wander in your head too much. Hey, just last week you stopped crying when he was in the same room! You could tell it made Beel happy to see you two interact. He’d try to offer to sit in on movies and naps to get you two acclimated to each other, but you just couldn’t . It’s not only your mentality holding you back, there was a physical force stopping you form getting any closer. Quite literally whenever the opportunity would arise, Mammon would grab your wrist in a vice grip, pulling you behind him and answering for you.
“They’re not interested in anything that has to do with ya.”
His body language screamed protection, and the gaze he shot the youngest reminded everyone he’s the second most powerful avatar. Honestly, you were thankful for it. You didn’t want to hurt Beel’s feelings, but the thought of being in a room with Belphie without Mammon made you want to throw up.
Group activities have been attempted. Family movie nights were once again ago, but the second born made sure the two of you were the farthest possible distance from his younger brother while still being able to see the screen. The atmosphere always awkward, intense, suffocating. You noticed Belphegor’s gaze reach you a few times, a small smile on his lips.
It was almost unbearable, if not for Mammon.
It once was rare that you felt Mammon’s aura become dark and foreboding, so rare that it took so long for you to see his demon form, the first time being at the ball Diavolo held. It was the first time you’d seen one of them like that and your brain didn’t scream in fear. Hell, he was the only brother who hadn’t tried to kill you. The amount of restraint he usually had was commendable.
That was all out the window now.
Mammon stared across the room at his brother, eyes throwing a wordless threat towards him.
“Dontcha wanna watch the movie Belphie? Ya keep starin’ at them yer gonna lose the plot.”
You’ve never heard him so emotionless.
So cold.
So threatening.
Unsurprisingly though, the youngest had decided he had enough of your protector.
“You don’t own them, Mammon”, Belphie grumbled under his breath.
“What did ya just say?”, Mammon shot back, his voice laced with venom, daring Belphie to answer him.
“I said you don’t own them!” The seventh born raised his voice now, tone matching Mammon’s in a lethal contest. “I said I was sorry! I’m trying to make up for lost time, but I can’t if you keep being their guard dog! We’ve barely seen them all week!”
The rest of the room stayed surprisingly quiet at first, simply observing the exchange in anticipation, waiting to see who would make the first move, if any move at all.
“Make up for lost time? Ya wanna make up for lost time when you almost made us loose them for good?”, you notice Mammon begin to clench and unclench his fists in what you have come to learn is an attempt to calm down.
“Ya better shut yer mouth before I shut it for ya. Permanently.”
This was going to break bad any second.
“How about I choke ya out till I cave your throat in? Slit ya down the front until you’re bleedin’ out and cryin’ for mercy, huh? How’s about I make you feel like they did, kiddo?”
Your eyes widen and shoot towards the only source you know who could stop this. As if waiting for your cue, Lucifer stands up and puts a hand to Mammon’s shoulder.
He leans in and whispers something harsh, quietly so the others can’t hear but loud enough for you to take in.
“Enough. Mammon, I understand your anger, but I will not allow anymore deaths on this property.”
When the second born does not seem to back down, he continues,
“Don’t you think they’ve seen enough carnage?”, he gestures towards you, and the action makes Mammon falter.
“Now, take them back to their room and calm down. If this happens again, I won’t be so forgiving.”
Mammon hangs his head, making his expression unreadable to you, huffing out shaky breaths before wordlessly grabbing your shoulder and ushering you out of the room.
You now find yourself seated on your bed, watching him pace relentlessly. He’s talking to himself under his breath, but you’ve never been good at reading lips. Usually between the two of you there’s never a dull moment, never a lull of silence. Right now though, you’ve got it. And it’s scaring you.
“Mammon?”, you question cautiously, trying to get his attention. You can tell he heard you by the way he jolts, but chooses to ignore you to continue his circling.
“Mammon, please?”
He stops, back facing you. At least he’s listening.
“I…”you struggle to find the right words. “I really appreciate you looking out for me.”
With that, he finally turns to face you, cobalt and golden irises finally locking onto yours. He looks pissed, but you can tell he’s trying to calm down for your sake.
“And I really appreciate you hanging out with me all the time…but, I don’t want that to get in the way of the relationship you have with your brothers.”
“Nuh Uh. No no no no no, nope. Don’t blame that idiot’s actions on yerself,” he sighs, grabbing you by the shoulders.
He kneels down now, meeting you at eye level.
“Listen, okay? And listen good cause I’m only gonna say this once. Our family’s problems shoulda never became yer own, got it? None of this is yer fault. Just…you were kinda… how should I put it…wrong place wrong time?”
“So you’re saying it would have been better if I wasn’t picked as an exchange student?”
“NO!”, he winces once realizing how loud that came out, with a speed that needed to cut off that line of thinking any further.
“But you guys have killed humans before? You even talked about eating them, and I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but Beel definitely has, so why do you care about me? All of this started because you have to protect me, you’re honor bound and pact bound. If you didn’t feel the need to protect me so…so strongly, you would have never been mad at Belphie. Hell, you probably would have felt the same way about me too.”
You drop your gaze, unable to look at him now. The tears that pin prick your lash line threaten to pour over and fall down your cheeks. You become surprised as a hand comes up and wipes them away.
“Fuck, you’re an idiot, ya know that? Sometimes you can be a bigger idiot then me, and that’s sayin’ sumthin’”.
You head shoots up to angrily glare at him only to find him giving you the most sincere look you’ve ever seen on his face.
“You comin’ here didn’t change anything. Belphie woulda done anythin’ possible to kill the human exchange student if it was you, or any other schmuck. An I woulda had to look out for them, too.”
You ponder it for a moment letting his words sink into your skin. It sounds logical, you know that, but you still can’t help but blame yourself. He can almost see right through you.
“But, I don’t want any other schmuck, got it? You’re my human and I’m your first man. Ya know what that means?”
“It means I have to give you my undivided attention or you’ll throw a hissy fit?”
“Wha- Hey! No!”, He tried to look mad, but how can he when you giggle so brightly.
“It means you’re mine, idiot. There is no one else because no one else could even compete with ya. Of course I’m gonna protect ya. I can’t go loosing ya”, you can hear him choke on his words a bit before continuing, “not again.”
You reach out and wrap your arms around him, pulling him into your chest and holding on as tight as you could, almost for dear life. He lifts his head of unruly white hair to look up at you.
“I need ya beside me.”
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lazyneonrabbitt · 11 months
Roses for the ones left behind.
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Daryl gets taken by the Saviors. Reader finds out she's pregnant but things don’t go as they’re supposed to go and Daryl isn’t there to help her through it.
TAGS: pregnancy, childbirth, some angst with a happy ending.
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They were gone.
Your group was left there in that clearing with two dead and one taken.
You had to be physically dragged ack to your shared home in Alexandria, no strength left to even fight back and passing out on the way home.
Rosita had taken up the role of your caretaker with you isolating yourself so bad it had everyone worried if they didn’t get Rosita’s timely updates on you.
“She’s still avoiding anything that reminds her of him. Says it’s making her sick.” Rick was already busy enough pleasing Negan and his gang as well as planning how to get his brother back, he didn’t have the mental capacity to also deal with one of his other best trained hunters being out of commission. But he was going to give you time. You and Daryl were practically joined at the hip. In the last two months even quite literally, to everyone’s surprise.
You were worried sick.
Physically sick. Your stomach emptying itself every time you woke up after passing out throughout the day. Your mind feeding you images of your partner being tortured, chained up in a cell every time you closed your eyes. Nightmares haunted you every single night to a point where you didn’t even want to sleep anymore. Rick had tried to talk to you about coming outside, getting some air but the second he saw you sprint to the bathroom to throw up he agreed to leave you alone for a while, leaving a walkie with you in case you needed help with anything.
Meanwhile Rosita kept coming over, Denise too after the third week of you locking yourself away and finally admitting to Rosita on her previous visit that you weren’t just sick due to the stress and worries.
You were barely eating, stuff you used to love now made you puke and you were quickly growing out of your jeans and opting for sweats with stretching waistbands. Your bras started to get really uncomfortable too.
You felt the anxiety kick in as the two women sat across from you, waiting to see your now still hidden bump that had started to show. Your fingers were tightly wrapped around the hem of the oversized flannel you had been living in for the last weeks.
With a deep breath you lifted the fabric layers up to the bottom of your breasts and giving the women a good look.
"My guess would be three, maybe four months." Denise held her finger between two ladies in her medical book and Rosita agreed, although with a confused look on her face. "That's impossible." Your answer was clear as day, no mistakes to be made out of it. "We hadn't slept together before two months ago.." Your hands lowered back to rest in your lap, your gaze down and away from theirs.
Denise wanted a better look and a second opinion so she got you to stand up straight and turned to the side to match the images in her book. Holding it up next to you to compare again.
"Still looks like three to four months, sweetheart. Maybe it's twins." She took a quick look through the pages of her book but didn't find any material to compare to.
The idea of twins was even more horrifying than finding out you were having a baby to begin with. There was no way you were going to be able to raise a baby on your own, let alone two of them.
You let the conversation die down for now. You needed to focus on staying calm and keeping food in your body. Going outside was still out of the question because of the constant stress everyone else was also in due to the Saviors’ unannounced visits and crazy demands.
Daryl had managed to escape and get into Hilltop without being discovered and was currently in hiding there with no option to contact the other safe zones. It was good to see Maggie walking around again after how he had last seen her at the lineup before he was taken.
“What d’ya mean we got no contact with the others?” He practically snarled in Jesus’ face, who was quickly shoved aside by Maggie. She snapped back at Daryl like only she could. “Now calm the hell down before you get your ass kicked out of this place.” It came out in a hiss that matched Daryl’s anger and had him back down quickly.
“Ya know we gotta radio Alexandria. Let ‘em know I’m alright.” The idea of you being all alone, not knowing if he was alright or not had his mind howling to a point of his fear showing in the last way he wanted. “If we don’t sit this one out and make even one small wrong move they’ll tear down all the safe zones so all you’re gonna do is hide when we say so.” All their time spent together had taught Maggie how to keep Daryl from completely losing it and keep his animalistic side under control. Although Carol was still the expert on it, she wasn’t here so this had to work or they’d both be in deep shit.
As the sound of vehicles approached Maggie shot into action and shoved Daryl down a flight of stairs into a small basement. “Fake wall. Hide until I come and get you.” She shoved the wall back and left to welcome the unwanted guests.
Daryl was stuck now. Alone in the dark, only a small bit of sunlight peeking through cracks of the wall and door. That growling voice in his head now having all that silence to fill with doubts and worst case scenarios. Daryl knew the voice only speaks in ways to get what it wants, and all it wants is to be with you. All it wants is an amplified version of what Daryl wants and all he wants is to see you. Hear your voice over the radio and tell you he’s alright.
‘She’s probably moved on already. Found comfort in that snobby son of Deanna’s.’ His mind tried to make him let his guard down but he wasn’t gonna let that happen. ‘You know we can easily overpower them, run back to her and make it back without a scratch.’ Fighting against the urges to break out and find you took a lot from him and he hadn’t even heard the cellar door open and the wall pull back until Maggie put a hand on this crouched form and called out his name again to which he jumped up with a snarl, ready to attack until he saw who it was.
“Shit m’sorry.” His apology was quickly accepted and the both of them discussed the best way to keep Daryl occupied until he was able to go back to Alexandria again.
You had spent your time with lots of visits from Rosita, Denise and Gabriel sometimes as well with books on motherhood. Sadly none of those books taught you why you looked almost full term at two and a half months. You spent most of your days on the couch with the curtains drawn.
Denise and Rosita still visited you every day to make sure you ate. The Saviors had gotten worse and worse, so your meals had gotten smaller too leaving you extra tired all the time.
You hated this. Every second of it.
The sickness, why you were growing so fast, the loneliness. Daryl not being here with you, not even knowing he's gonna be a father. You not knowing if your child will even have a father..
All you knew was your baby had a steady heartbeat, so that's what you had to focus on. You figured since you looked almost full term you'd better start reading up on how to prepare for the day the baby would show, even if it was still months away. Anything to keep you distracted from the thoughts of dead boyfriends and babies.
More days passed and your surroundings got more and more hectic with preparation for an attack on the Saviors. You were brought a large package of food, care items and a whole barrage of apologies for having to leave you behind like this. A walkie was among the gifted items in case of emergencies. You didn't get along with any of the women staying within the walls and none of them was willing to watch over you. At first they were kind to you, feeling they could have you become one of them like Carol had. But now they only found it selfish to have a child with the threat of the Saviors always on your doorstep and you'd have to sit this one out on your own. They had dropped you like it was nothing.
It also didn't help that Daryl was your partner. They had something against his redneck biker looks and didn't understand his love for the woods and outside world. On top of that they still believe you ruined yourself by being with someone so much older.
The convoy of plated cars left.
You heard them leaving through the gate from your living room and soon the noises all died down and you were alone. Well, not exactly alone. Your little one had been kicking you all morning and left you with no chance of falling back asleep. You thought of your support girls and got up for some breakfast. Waddling through the room while the baby was so active proved to be a challenge, being thrown off balance with every kick whenever you tried to take a step.
With only a plate and cup set down on the counter and a hand on the fridge door you were struck with something that definitely wasn't a kick. You heaved through the spasm and went on with breakfast. You needed some food in your system but your body wasn't having any of it. Another stabbing sensation hit quickly after and you begged whoever listened to let it die down until your people came back.
Clearly, whoever listened wasn't on your side as only what felt like seconds later your water broke.
Dropping down to your knees in pain and clutching your stomach you cried as you felt it contract in your grasp.
Hesitantly you felt between your legs and felt you had no time left to figure out a plan or call for help on your walkie that you had left on your bed last night when you came down to pee. The what you thought was kicking had started then and you had no strength to pull yourself up the stairs again and opted for the couch where you eventually passed out again.
"You did what?!" Carol wasn't having any of it. Even with the walkie they left you she couldn't deal with them leaving you alone in Alexandria. "I'm heading back for her. You should be ashamed of yourselves." She took one of the cars with the least armor and took off in the direction of the safe zone.
At the gates she was let inside despite the confusion of the guards and made a beeline to your house which was luckily one of the closest ones.
Inside on the kitchen floor you were fighting through the urge to push out the baby with the limited strength you had. On your knees, grasping at the edge of the counter you growled through every contraction, feeling the baby move further down with every push. You couldn't even reach down to feel how far you were. If you let go with even one hand you'd lose balance and you weren't gonna risk falling over.
With all your might you pushed through the next one for as long as your body let you. The burn becoming almost too much until with a pop and another gush of fluids you felt the head come out.
As you gave yourself a second to breathe you were startled by the front door opening. At the sight of Carol walking through he door you broke down. Tears streaming down your face, snot-nosed, ugly crying sobs took over your entire body as you bawled your eyes out, breathing uneven and still clinging to the counter.
“Oh crap. Sweetheart are you alright?” Carol rushed over to your side and gave you a quick once over, seeing your child halfway out already and suddenly very worried how you’d respond once you saw it.
“Come on, dear. Hold on to me.”she took your hands and hooked them on her shoulders. You barely got time to form an answer as yet another contraction hit and you screamed into Carol’s shoulder as her hands moved down to check on the baby. When you calmed down again she took the opportunity to talk about the issue she spotted as soon as she walked in. “Hey,” she started, taking your chin to lift up your gaze to look at her. “Have you and Daryl ever had a ..serious talk about him before you started sleeping together. In case you ever had kids?” She needed to address this carefully to not scare you too much if you in fact didn’t know. You gave her a confusing look and shook your head before bearing down with no success. You were quickly running out of energy and whined out your concern to your friend. Carol carefully helped you maneuver yourself to sit against the cabinets. “Dear, there’s something you should know..” it had to be now, before your pup was fully out and she’d have to hand it to you without you even knowing the truth. She didn’t want you to— “gah- fuck!” You cried out, this new position wasn’t doing you any better than the previous one as you clamped you hands around your thighs and pushed with every last bit of energy you had. Carol’s overthinking got the best of her and lost the time to talk to you. Her hands moved quickly to help the pup’s shoulders dislodge and slowly pull to get it fully out.
Your body slumped back against the cabinets. Breathing heavy you looked at your friend who was still holding your baby close to the floor, an apologetic look in her eyes as she faced you. “Look, I’m not gonna blame Daryl for not talking to you before, you were clearly not planning to have kids soon but I need you to not freak out. Or hate him or your child, I’m just not sure how to say this without sounding like a crazy person..”
You sighed and raised your hands to hold your child and with a hesitant breath she lifted the pup into view and held her out to you with a soft “I’m sorry”.
Eyes wide you froze for a moment. You stared at the fur covered newborn. A short, stubby snout at the centre of her face and a thin, short tail dangling from her spine. Her legs were bent like an animal’s and her ears twitched at the soft sniffles that left you. At the initial shock you had pulled back your hands but now delicately reached under her to hold her against your chest. You looked at Carol with tears again rolling down your face. “Yeah,” you agreed to her previous statement. “He should have told me this.” Looking down at the large wolf child in your arms you softly stroked her fur. “But she’s his and she’s healthy. That’s all that matters, right?”
Seeing you weren’t going to turn down your pup, Carol sat up and looked around searching for something. “Where’s that walkie Rosita gave you?” She called from the living room.
“Upstairs on the bed. Forgot it last night.” Admitting your mistake made you cringe, but knowing it was all good now made it all good gain.
Carol called over that she was gonna grab it and radio the other end about you and check up on their situation. When she came back she updated you on their success and about Daryl being okay and coming home after they got all their wounded looked after.
The low rumble of a motorcycle caught your ear and a smile appeared on your tired face. Getting up was currently out of the question as you were currently occupied with feeding your very hungry pup who’s little murmurs let you know she was enjoying herself.
You wanted with all your might jump up to run into his arms but feeding the little one had priority right now. The two of you hadn’t talked over the walkie and you had no ida if someone had updated him yet on your whole ordeal of these last three months.
Not much longer after the font door opened and Carol walked in, laughing about something. Your pup started squirming in your arms and a second later Daryl rounded the corner into the living room. His gaze immediately landing on the bundle of fur in your arms. Two long strides was all it took for him to be on his knees in front of you, a hand on your cheek and the other reaching for his pup before quickly stopping to look over and silently ask for permission. He hadn’t said a word yet and he didn’t want to assume everything was alright only because you hadn’t immediately cursed him out the second he stepped into the room.
“Go ahead.” It was said so quietly that you barely heard it yourself but you were afraid to speak any louder because you really didn’t want to cry again. The view in front of you was anything you could have ever wished for. Your partner’s hand softly stroking the fur on your daughter who was still resting against your chest. You could feel the love radiating off him, the warmth he’d shared with you ever since you admitted your feelings was now being oh so softly shared with your child as well.
Daryl looked up at you, a tear rolling down his cheek. “Have ya given her a name?” She wasn’t even a day old yet but after sitting with Carol those first hours and just, talking, about all her stories with Daryl before you met the group had you find the perfect name for her.
“I do. Carol told me this story about when she lost hr daughter you brought her a rose to cheer her up.” You looked from him back to the pup who had her little paw wrapped around your finger. “When the Saviors took you, you had unknowingly left me a child. Rose Dixon.” Sharing her name out loud for the first time felt so surreal. You hadn’t even shared it with Carol yet, wanting Daryl to be the first one to hear her name.
Carol had respectfully stayed back a bit and lingered at the entrance to overlook her best friend meeting his child. The smile on her face only grew as you shared the inspiration for your daughter’s name and nodded a silent appreciation your way before making her way into your kitchen to take care of some tasks that were left abandoned because of Rose.
“Yer not scared or mad, with Rose being the way she is.” It wasn’t really a question but more an observation. There wasn’t a single scent on you that indicated fear or anger. All he sensed was love and adoration, and sweat, but what else did he expect after having a pup this big. “I knew something was up when I looked close to full term at two and a half months.” You let out a soft laugh as you played with Rose’s paw. “I’ll admit I was shocked and confused when Carol first handed her to me, but remembering she’s yours was enough reason to love her.”
“Ya mean ‘ours’.” Daryl quickly corrected. “Ya did most of the work and ya did amazing if I gotta believe Carol’s word.” He got up to sit down next to you on the couch to accept Rose into his arms. “She’s beautiful.” A simple statement that he felt was right for this situation but it had your aura quickly drop into something more negative. He looked aside to see your gaze turned down and arms hugging yourself in what looked like shame.
“I’m worried about what the others are gonna say about her.” You admitted the one fear you had since you first saw her. There was no doubt that you and Daryl, Carol, and their whole group would love her without a second thought. But the Alexandrians were the ones that scared you more than anything.
“Bun, can ya look at me for a sec.” The hand not currently supporting your child reached up to turn your gaze towards him. You looked his on the eyes, now glowing bright in their sockets and fangs on display for you to finally see. “She’s ours.” A clawed finger touches your nose softly. “And she’s healthy.” He drags the claw slowly down to your chin and pulls you closer to him, now only an inch or so away from his face. “Tha’s all tha’ matters, right?” With that he presses a soft kiss to your lips.
Your family was all that mattered.
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A/N: I keep coming up with new ways to have reader learn about Daryl's werewolf secret and this one was the most stressfull one. Should I do more?
Divider by @cafekitsune
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ghysry · 28 days
Character pairing: Five/Reader, Five Hargreeves/reader, Five Hargreeves & Reader, Five & reader
Tags: Mentions of death, slight fourth wall breaking, Reader has the power to change the narrative, the first part is boring, the second part is less boring but it still is, Honestly you don't have to read this but I needed to get started on something, wow that is one long tag, Red text is when reader changes the narrative/fourth wall breaks!
Parts: part one, part two (you are here!)
"The Narrative"
"Hey, hey Five, come take a look at this." You snickered, one foot on a slightly dented pedal, the other on the ground. You had found the broken down three wheel bike a while back in one of your meet-ups with Five in the apocalypse, and Five kept it in his little cart for you if ever you came back; which usually, you always did. Whether you were just his imagination or someone that was actually there, he appreciated your company, maybe more than he liked to admit, but let's be real, the man the man has been stuck in the apocalypse for..well, 20 years now? It's safe to assume he went crazy along the way.
"I'm looking, I'm looking." Five grumbled, sitting on a chair that has a few holes in it, his outfit had become ragged, while yours was new, something he thinks he'd see in 2019 or something, he always makes sure to keep track of the time and date, he may be insane but he doesn't want to lose his sense of time. Today, here, it's 2039 - 17:45. To be fair, he really was looking, but it still took him by surprise when you tried to pedal the bike and somehow still fell on your side, seeing as the thing literally had training wheels. "Oh-jesus, Marigold." He huffed like a man who reads newspapers to pass the time, and he does.
"Five--help, this is why my dumbass doesn't ride bikes!" You pushed the bike off of you, stumbling to a standing position with Five's help, appearing at your side in a moment's notice. His spatial jumps have been getting more precise, but when it came to it, he used up most of his energy trying to travel back in time and stop the apocalypse from happening, which in return forced him to rest his spatial jumps lest he faints or worse. "That was a three wheeler..how did you even fall?" He heaves you up along with him, laughing while dusting you off.
"Hey! Answer me, where is marigold?" This situation was looking extremely similar to Klaus, being shaken by the shoulders, Five's arms gripping him with the intent to throw his brother out of a goddamn window. "I-I don't knowww..man, seriously," Klaus coughed, being shaken wasn't that bad but being shaken after you just died, came back to life, and somehow came back to life high off your balls, would result in an unpleasant experience for both you, and your captor. Which, unfortunately, is a 50 something year old man stuck in a child's body. "Five, stop it. You've been shaking Klaus for twenty minutes now, he isn't going to keep information from you." Diego, ever the savior of Klaus the Druggie, placed a hand on Five, who then glared at him. Any more and he would have bared his teeth.
But, to Klaus and Diego's surprise, Five did back off and stop. He had this look on his face like he realized he must seem crazy, he always seems crazy, but in his mind it's more like 'what would Marigold think if she saw me like this?' rather than 'do I look fucking insane for trying to interrogate my brother over someone who may or may not even be the person I'm actually looking for?'. Five always thought you came with the apocalypse, and now that he more or less stopped the apocalypse, you were gone, but with what Klaus said to him just 27 minutes ago, maybe you weren't.
"Hey Klaus," Five finally snapped out of his train of thought, before realizing Klaus had run to a bucket to throw up his insides with Diego irking at the sight yet still patting his back. "Nevermind..you go do that." His lips pressed into a thin line, before taking two steps to the left and blinking right out of the stuffy house he and his siblings met up in. He didn't really have anywhere in mind that he wanted to go to, but he was thinking about you, about your face, and as he was expecting, he ended up in some random alley.
No. Delete that part.
And to his surprise, he found himself in the eyesore of a flower shop. Flowers jam-packed into certain sections, lights made sure not to be harmful to the plants, and even worse, every flower seemed healthy. It was a nightmare that he ended up in this store seeing as it was Marigold between the two of them that liked flowers, not him. His feet gravitated towards the door, trying to get out as soon as possible before an employee or a shop keeper asks if he's here window shopping for flowers. "Excuse me?" Oh speak of the goddamn devil. He turned around, about to say something along the lines of 'no, I'm not here window-shopping for a gift' but he was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, just standing there, in your flowy sundress and a smile on your face.
Had..this timeline been made to torture him? Was this his Marigold? Or was it just another version of you that he wouldn't and couldn't afford to let go? "Hello?" You asked again, a bundle of flowers in your hand as you held it up to him. "Do you think these flowers would suit a grumpy fifty year old man stuck in the body of a young adult?" Five thought he almost saw stars. Oh, that's you alright, that's definitely you. You'd have joked about something like that if you ever knew about his situation now, and just hearing it out of your mouth..
Wait..hearing it out of your mouth?
"Holy shit, Marigold!" He's not the best when it comes to realizing the person standing in front of him is the person he's spent years in every timeline trying to find. He remembers the silence your disappearance had brought on, and for the first time ever he has no idea what to do with his hands. Hug you? Kiss you? Take you, tie you up, and make sure you can never leave him again? He's cooked. "Oh, there's the man I was going to give these to." You stepped forward, taking his hand and closing it shut around the bundle of flowers you picked out for him.
"Listen..I swear I'll explain, but we have to uh, save the world now."
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Xiwangmu is, of course, much more subtle than her husband and is keeping the fact she is trying to prepare Wukong and his cubs to potentially ascend to the throne a secret. The fact Wukong is already an experienced ruler in his own right, one that has proven himself over and over to his people in spite of having been a child when he was crowned and all the trouble the Havoc had brought, makes it easier for her.
As for Wukong, he's not sure why the new Empress is so interested in him and his cubs. He's certain she's plotting something to do with him, but he has no idea what or why and is scared to ask because she is by far much scarier than her husband is and while it's weird she seems to have adopted him and his cubs out of nowhere, he doesn't want to risk offending her. Xiwangmu, in her own way, is careful not to let Wukong in on her preparation for him, sensing that he would not appreciate that she sees him as a potential heir. This decision is proven correct when word of how Azure had initially manipulated Wukong into the first war came to light during the debriefing process, when Wukong and Macaque were questioned about their former brother's alongside DBK to determine what would be done about Yellow Tusk and the fact Peng had disappeared.
Xiwangmu: What say you about your former brother whom took the life of NY mate and husband?
Wukong: He had been a good man when we were younger, kind and caring. Supportive. I know not where his mind and morales had strayed to. He had his flaws, but I'm certain he was manipulated into this. There was no other way he could get the scroll.
Macaque, scoffing: Yeah, just like how he was the one to manipulate and groom you into becoming the scapegoat for the War against Heaven and then turned his on you the moment you couldn't live up to his expectations!
The Noodle Gang and MK, hearing this for the first time from the witness stands: Excuse me!? THAT LION DID WHAT!?
Yellow Tusk himself had also confirmed this small details when asked, assuring them that he could sense Azure's intentions had not been malicious, but his actions had certainly played a part in Wukong's role all thsie years ago. Just as they had now.
Oooo, once Xiwangmu learns that Wukong had been a mere manipulated teenager at the time of the Havoc, all bets are off. She snaps the pen she was holding, her arms literally aflame with anger. The monkeys all rear back in case her rage is directed at them.
Calmly as she can, Xiwangmu asks Macaque and Yellow Tusk to explain how Azure Lion treated Sun Wukong during this era.
How the celestial lion had been too cowardly to spearhead his own rebellion, and placed a naive child on a pedestal to redirect punishment. To place impossible standards of martyrdom on his Sworn Brother and turn his back on him when Wukong chose to live rather than die at the Emperor's and the Buddha's hands. How the Lion convinced his remaining brothers and many demon communities at large that Sun Wukong was a traitor to their freedoms. How he tried to take Wukong's family from him multiple times...
Just when she thought her hatred of Azure Lion could go no further...
It was bad enough that he robbed her of her mate and husband, but he had also robbed her grandson of his youth.
Wukong sitll has moments when he feels like he "deserved" the treatment he got in that era. Macaque, looking away from Wukong with guilt, adding to this belief when they broke up under the Mountain. It had been time with the Pilgrims that help Wukong realise that the way had been treated by Azure and the elder brothers wasn't right.
Yellow Tusk may be wise, but even he admits to being played a fool by Azure's ambitions. Only realising that his former brother's ideals was not the best for others when it was too late to change course.
If Azure was still in the room, Xiwangmu would be wearing his hide as a collar.
Ironically his experience with tackling such manipulations, actually makes Wukong an even greater candiate for the Emperor's potiential heir in Xiwangmu's eyes...
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percyaugod · 4 months
Unnamed Rise AU Part 2: Eternal Prison
Edit: It has now been named The Prisoner and the Pretender AU. : D
Leo was bored asking how long has he been stuck there anyway. The technodrome says forty-three seconds. Leo is unamused and gives a flat "Ha Ha. No really."
The technodrome doesn't say anything and Leo is left reeling. "What, how!?"
"Time dilation. Time moves faster here than back in your dimension. If it makes you feel any better you aren't aging. This place was designed to be an eternal prison. Not very eternal if the Krang die of old age."
Leo crossed his arms muttering bitterly about how well that worked out.
The technodrome holds Donnie above all others, and it is partially because of being connected, but it's mostly because Donnie is just Donnie. Donnie is the first to look at the technodrome and see something truly amazing. It holds him in such high regard because he holds it so high. Which is why it doesn't want to disappoint him and lose that.
Not to mention how much of himself he was willing to give to it so it could think for itself for the first time. No more just sitting around waiting for commands. Being used like a tool by those that don't appreciate it, don't deserve it.
Leo keeps the technodrome talking so he can hear his brother's voice, though he'd never admit it to even himself. He's just gathering data, nothing else. Yet he's probably just doing stuff to aggravate the technodrome like messing with the stuff it uses to make nutrients so Leo doesn't wither away.
It tastes awful, he's just trying to make it pizza-flavoured. Or preferably anything other than what he imagines Dad's chair tastes like. He knows chemistry, he can do this!
The technodrome begs to differ. He knows Earth chemistry. These chemicals are literally alien to him.
The technodrome keeps moving so it's harder for Krang One to find them. Which is extra difficult while trying to look like just a piece of nonfunctional rubble floating there.
Leo would definitely try to sneak outside. If nothing else he's bored and wouldn't completely trust the Krang spaceship. He still hasn't decided whether it sounding and acting like Donnie is worse or better. At least it'll be harder to forget the egghead.
The technodrome only lets him out to get supplies because even broken it's still far too big to enter. Supplies are hard to come by though, and who knows how long Leo will be in here until his brothers can save him. It keeps watch of all exits in case he tries something.
Leo is definitely curious about the technodrome, especially its connection to Donnie. How exactly did it get a copy of his brother on its systems, and what is it going to do to the original?
He wouldn't just ask it directly though. Donnie can't lie, but who knows about the technodrome. He asked in roundabout ways about other tech and functions to gather more info before making his way slowly to how piloting it works.
Leo tells stories to the technodrome who listens since at least he isn't trying anything. It's when he tries to exaggerate something and the technodrome corrects him that he realizes the technodrome remembers this stuff too because Donnie remembered it. So now Leo has the technodrome tell him stories to help him remember. It's odd hearing some of the same events but from Donnie's point of view.
Leo has a lot of trouble sleeping, especially in a prison dimension. He says something completely wrong and falls asleep to a "Donnie" rant.
Leo asks the technodrome what it knows about neuroscience since it could help him take care of his brothers in the future as team medic (you can rip medic Leo out of my cold dead hands) and he's pretty sure the ship mentioned tapping into someone's brain or nerves to receive instructions.
He's really going to have to look Donnie over when he gets back because that can't be good.
The technodrome constantly brings up Leo having the portal closed on it. Is this what Draxum feels like dealing with him? Good.
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