#//anyways i'm off to sleep for the next day
stilesmieczyslaw · 2 days
Stubborn Longing
*****Minors DNI!! 18+ Only content. *****  Words: 8.5K Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female Velaryon/Strong reader  Summary: Aemond swore that one day you would be wed. When the time actually came you wanted nothing to do with him and his prejudices. Slowly you remember how close you used to be.  Warnings: Targcest, Sex (P in v), masturbation, grinding, enemies to lovers? Friends to enemies to lovers? Slightly OOC Aemond. Lots of background filler and time jumps before the smut, smut. Loss of Virginity. Slight mention of blood. Fingering One swear word. No use of Y/N (If I miss anything let me know) The author is dyslexic and apologises in advance.  AN: I'm a Daemon girlie. But somehow I've been sucked into Aemond girlie territory. I can't get enough of your beautiful writing and fics... And edits. You're all fantastic and I hope you enjoy. Read my other unrelated fics here
You were the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Your hair was brown and curly. Your complexion looked nothing like your father's. Yet still you thought nothing of it. You had fond memories of laughing in the gardens with your father. Chasing him around trees and getting dirty, sneaking extra pieces of cake from the dessert table. Your mother would sometimes scold you both but she also encouraged it. If the people at court saw you playing with Ser Laenor then maybe they wouldn't question it.
You also had fond memories of your mother. You didn't understand what was wrong but there were some days, when she thought she was alone where she anxiously played with her fingers, absentmindedly staring into the fire. Tears at her water line but never shed. You silently wandered over to her and put your head on her knee. The first few times shocked her but now she grew accustomed to it. She stroked your hair and you drifted off. You woke again in your room unknowing how you got there.
You don't remember your younger brother Jace being born. He was just always there. But some days he was boring. He just lay there in his bed - which was unfair. Why was he allowed to sleep in mother and father's room while you slept in the next one?
The only other children to play with were your Uncles and Aunt. They had white hair just like your mother, father and grandsire. Your eldest Uncle, Aegon, sometimes would play but sometimes would be dragged away for lessons as he was older than the rest of you. Helaena your Aunt always seemed to prefer the company of bugs. Always finding somehow the biggest. Although custom would say you would spend your time with her. You were of similar ages.
But secretly you'd always spend time with your uncle Aemond. It started off as games you'd play together. Although his mother disapproved of these games. Or more so you. She was worried her son would get too attached to the bastard children. She could not let this happen. But what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. As you got older you'd find yourself alone with Aemond reading books. Both of you wanted to learn. More than what was expected of you. You'd teach each other High Valyrian.
Aemond was your best friend. You'd spend all day with him if you could but he had to learn to fight while you had to learn to be a wife.
"You should be my wife," Aemond said out loud after you had returned from one of your lessons. "Us?" You scoffed. He looked at you offended. "I did not mean it like that." You waved him off. "Your mother hates us being friends. Never mind us being wed." "Well, I was taught a good wife should know her husband. Who knows me better than you." "That is a good point and I wouldn't have to leave Kings Landing." You nodded. "But I'm sure your mother would try to find you someone else anyway." "What if I could convince her?" "You won't." You almost sang looking down at your book.
After the birth of your third brother Joffrey, your mother announced you would not live in Kings Landing anymore. A third child who did not look like her husband. What did it matter? Their father was their father and they all looked like each other. Did white hair matter when inheriting the throne? Apparently, it did. Your mother gathered all of your belongings while you begged her to stay. 
You were to live on Dragonstone. To which you were the heir. You might as well get used to it now. When your mother becomes Queen it will be your home and when your brother becomes king it will remain your home. You went to find Aemond for one final goodbye. You sat in the woods with him, underneath your shared tree. "You'll be back." He said rather confidently. "Will I?" You looked up at the castle. "When we wed." "You are a fool Aemond. But I admire you for it."
With your absence, his mother spoke more freely about your heritage. You were not your father's daughter. Aegon heard the rumours of Ser Harwin Strong. Aegon passed this knowledge to his brother. Aemond wondered how you could be the product of something so wrong. The more he heard it the more he hated it. How dare a bastard be his friend? Poison words enter the heart of a child so easily. 
Your father's sister died and the whole family were called to Driftmark for her final send-off. While you were sad for your father you tried to contain your excitement to see Aemond again. He had stopped replying to your letters. Maybe he was deep into his studies. When you finally saw him after months of missing him you couldn't help but run to him and hug him. His hug was stiff but you ignored that. 
"How is your plan going Aemond? Our marriage." You asked. "I miss Kings Landing." Part of you was joking, the other secretly hoped. You had missed him terribly. "If that's all you miss then maybe we should not get wed." The words were filled with hate. "Oh." You frowned. "It was a childish dream. I see now it does not matter. When I marry it must be for duty." "For what end would our marriage be then?" "It does not matter." He turned away from you.
For the rest of the night, you tried to talk to him again but he avoided you. You searched the castle on Driftmark for him and you found him at the wrong moment. You could hear the shuffling of a fight. You saw your brothers, cousins and Aemond fighting.  "You will die screaming in flames just as your father did...Bastards!"  "Aemond." You gasped. He turned to look at you. Horror in his eyes. He didn't mean for you to hear that. 
Your younger brother Luke took Aemond's moment of distraction to swipe at Aemond with a knife, taking his eye. He did not mean for the injury to be that bad but the past could not be rewritten. You shouted for help while Aemond lay on the floor bleeding. You were pushed away by The King's guard. Aemond's eye was lost and with it your friendship. 
The Queen wanted your brother's eye in return but your mother would never let that happen. But the Queen was determined. Her son lost something, so something must be taken in return. The King had a brilliant idea - Only in his mind. He proclaimed once you came of age. You and Aemond were to be wed. Something which this morning you would have taken with glee. But now you looked at the boy and glared. You hated him and by the look in his remaining eye. He felt the same. 
"Mother." You tried to get her attention. She was rushing around in a panic. "Mother please." "We must prepare for the journey. You are to be wed tomorrow and nothing is ready." "If we do not go then we do not need to be ready." You tried. "Your King demands it, my love." She sighed. "The King... Does not know me. Not anymore." You held your tongue. You had more choice words that you would not utter in front of your mother.
"Your Grandsire was there the moment you were born. The look of happiness in his eyes as he held you for the first time."  "And yet he strives to take my happiness."  "You and Aemond used to be so close. Maybe you can be again." She tried to remain positive. You shook your head.  "No. Not after what he called me. The disrespect to my father. Who won't even be here to see his daughter sold like a..." You bit your tongue again. 
"Sweet girl." Your mother played with your hair. She was nervous. Something was eating at her mind. "You may be husband and wife to the outside walls but you can control what happens behind closed doors. If you do not wish to be with Aemond in private you do not have to be." She didn't say it but you knew what she was saying. You nodded in understanding. 
The flight to Kings Landing wasn't a long one. You were on your dragon silently crying. This would be the last flight you would take with your family for a very long time. Your brothers flew in circles trying to make you laugh. You closed your eyes and listened to their laughter trying to keep it in your memory forever. 
Once landed and your dragon seen to, you looked up at the Castle. It did not look how you remembered. Nor did the people inside. Your Grandsire looked more tired and old than you last saw him. Helaena was the mother of two small children. Aegon looked like he was fighting back a smirk and Aemond... Aemond had grown so tall. His eye patch suited him and he looked at you with distaste. You tried to meet his gaze of fire with your own but you couldn't hold it. You hated it. You hated him. 
The day came and your Mother and Step Father officially gave you to Aemond. Your hands were tied and you uttered words that had no meaning to you. You sealed your marriage with a kiss. You kept your face neutral no matter how much you wanted to scream. The crowd cheered as you walked through them with your husband. 
There was a giant feast in your name. Food from all corners of the seven kingdoms was presented and music played. You found yourself dancing with your brothers. Your new sister Helaena. Even your Stepfather danced with you. Your mother stayed to the side. Her pregnant belly was only a reminder of the life you were going to leave behind. Were you to have a new brother? A sister? Would you know their laughter? Would they know your face? 
The music slowed and the King announced that it was time for you and Aemond to dance before retiring to your marital bed. Aegon laughed loudly. You danced the dance your mother taught you. Move after move. You felt numb. This was the worst night of your life. Whispers filled the room. You ignored them. You knew now why your mother sat and looked into the fire looking sad. But unlike your mother, you would not receive comfort. Not here. 
When you reached Aemond's, no, your chambers... Your blood which was supposed to be made of fire, turned to ice. You did not wish to lay with your now husband. It might have been your duty but you did not wish it. The torment he brought you and your brothers. Calling you Bastards. Your mother said you did not have to, but what if Aemond expected it of you? 
Aemond stood behind you. His beautiful wife. He had wanted this for so long. He knew he had wanted you as his Lady Wife since he was a child. He let his mother's hatred into his head and he had regretted it every day. Not just because he had lost his eye over it but he lost you too. He would never forget the look on your face when he called you a Bastard. The last thing he saw with both eyes. He lost you. 
When he saw you arrive on Dragon back his breath was taken away. You had become a beautiful woman in the years you had spent apart. How he longed to write to you but he knew his letters would go unanswered, just as yours had done those years ago. When he saw you again it only reaffirmed his want of you. But he could tell by the tears running down your face this is not what you wanted. So he hid behind his cold demeanour. One that he was used to, one that people expected of him. 
As much as he desired you, he knew you did not feel the same. His own family did not want him so why would his now wife be any different? He could not remember the last time someone touched him with kindness. Not even a hug. His mind flashed back to when his brother forced a whore onto him and he vowed to never do the same.
He spoke finally, knowing you wouldn't. "I won't touch you. Not unless you ask." "I will not ask. Ever." You replied coldly. You walked off behind the divider to put on your night clothes which had been brought over by the handmaidens. It was difficult to get out of your marital gown but you refused to ask for help. Not from a man who would call you a bastard. Not from a man who claimed you like property. 
Once in your night clothes, you walked straight to the bed. It was freshly made but you could tell by the items surrounding the bed which side Aemond would sleep on and you chose to climb into the opposite side. Not long after Aemond joined you.
It was strange seeing a woman in his bed. He didn't hate you. He remembers only fond memories of your childhood. Times he was bullied by his own brother and yours. You would be there to console him. Make him laugh again. It was foolish to think after all these years you could pick up where you left off. As friends.
He climbed into his side. The both of you almost hung onto the side to ensure neither of you touched the other. You both did not sleep out of fear of doing such. You both were angry and you both were saddened. The following morning continued in silence. Your handmaidens helped you dress. They ignored the lack of maiden's blood on the bedsheets. You trusted them not to gossip but you couldn't be certain of that.
You made your way to break your fast with your family. It was almost like a mini feast again. How any of you still had room after last night you would never know. But you filled your plate with grapes, strawberries and other sweet fruits. Your mother greeted you with a smile and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Aemond watched with jealousy. His mother would never treat any of her children like that. Not even when he lost his eye did she offer comfort. She only wanted revenge. He sat down and loaded his plate with whatever.
"I see the tiredness in your eyes brother. Did you remember where to put it? It has been a long time since you last used it. Surprised it hasn't fallen off with neglect." Aegon very loudly teased. "Aegon!" His mother scolded, looking around with embarrassment. You scooted your chair closer to your mother.
Soon midday came and it was time for your family to leave. Their dragons were saddled and their things packed. Your own dragon looked at them with confusion. Why was she being left behind? It did not help that she could also feel your own emotions of abandonment.
"Mother please." You tried one last time. Tears filling your eyes. Kings Landing had not been your home in years. The last time you lived here your father was still alive. How could you walk the gardens knowing he wasn't here, waiting for you to find him?  "I'm sorry my dear." She shook her head. "It is too late. Your vows were before Gods and King. I can not part you as much as I wish to. Your souls are bound." She gave you one last hug before tending to your brothers making sure they were ready. 
Your Stepfather watched with a frown. Knowing what it was like to be in a forced and unloved marriage. He took your hand. A very rare form of affection from him.  "Say the word and I shall end this marriage for you." He looked into your eyes looking for understanding. You had heard rumours of his first marriage. It was said among court he had killed her.  "Thank you, Uncle." You gave a concerned smile. "I'll keep that in mind."
You watched with tears in your eyes as your family flew away on their dragons. Your dragon roared after them. You patted her neck and hugged her. She is what was left. You did not go to your lord husband for comfort. You did not go to anyone for comfort. You stayed alone. 
Your handmaidens would fetch you food. You didn't want to leave your chambers. Were you acting like a child? Maybe but it felt like your only option. Rumours spread amongst the small folk that the high towers had imprisoned you with shackles.
The King, your Grandsire, would call you to his chambers. You sat in silence. You no longer knew the man in front of you. "I remember." He said very laboured. "You'd sit on my lap and help me build my masterpiece." He gestured to his miniature stone version of Old Valyria. A place neither of you had been. "You'd laugh at my jokes. Tell me Princess, what happened to your smile?"
"I have no reason to smile My King. I miss my family." "Am I not family?" The way he looked at you. An old man trying his hardest to keep his family together. He, just like you missed his family. His daughter, his brother and his grandchildren. He was bound to this place just as much as you were.
"Of course you are... Grandsire." You gave him an honest as possible smile. Far from the sparkle of happiness, he was used to. But better than nothing. "This was once your home, we, your closest friends, allies, confidants. We can be again if you leave your chambers. Walk the castle. Eat with us. Read with the maesters." "Yes, My King." You bowed.
You started off small. You would venture to Helaena's chambers. Eat with her and her children. You played with them and told them stories. They didn't understand your words. But they brought you much comfort in this time. Helaena also seemed to enjoy your company. Or more so did not despise it. Sometimes she would listen to your stories too. You loved the three of them. "Third draw. Left dresser." Helaena would mumble. The first time she said it you thought she was asking for something. But when you showed her everything in the drawer she would shake her head.
Then you would venture to the books and scrolls. Another place of your childhood. Piece by piece you were learning to smile again. At least in public. You still hung onto the edge of your marital bed. Trying to escape without falling.
One particular hot day you realised you could not stay inside. It was time to venture outside. Feel the wind blowing on your face. Picking up your book you followed your feet to your favourite tree. How you would spend hours reading underneath it. How your feet remembered the way while your mind did not, you did not know.
You followed them and gasped when you saw him. Of course. It was his favourite place to read too. While you had left this place he had not. He rolled his eye when he heard someone coming towards him. Normally it was some handmaiden telling him his mother required his attention. He just wished to read in peace.
He looked up and saw you. Book nestled on your hip like it was a babe. His mouth went dry. You remembered the tree?  "I'm sorry my Lord." You gave him a practised bow. "I did not realise someone else would be here. I did not intend to disturb you. I shall take my leave."  "Wait." He called to your quickly retreating back. "You need not leave." You turned to look at him. "The tree is big enough for us both to sit." He gestured to the floor. 
You hesitated. You really did love that tree. The tree never hurt you. In the wind, you could hear Aemond's laughter. His face was void of emotion but you could hear his childhood laughter.  "Yes, My Lord." You finally agreed sitting down. The tree separating you. Neither of you reading but thinking of the other person sitting on the other side. 
You both continued this new tradition for days. Maybe after the second week silence was broken. A squirrel ran past you. You gasped with delight at the tiny creature. You stayed as still as possible to not startle it.  "Aemond." You couldn't help but whisper. It was so quiet he almost didn't hear you. He turned to see what you needed. It must have been dire for you to talk to him after two weeks. He followed your gaze and saw the creature that brought so much light to your eyes. 
He remembered how much you loved the squirrels of the gardens. For one of your name days, he vowed to catch you one but failed to do so. But he enjoyed the laughter he got out of you in the process.  "Shall I catch it for you Princess?" He offered.  "No. I think he shall miss his family if you do. Leave him be." He didn't fail to catch the double meaning of your words. How was he living his dream when you hated him so? 
As more time passed you both found yourselves not sitting on opposite sides of the tree but closer to each other. Even in your bed, you felt more relaxed. You were starting to get used to life again but you still missed your family.
A raven came telling you the news of your new baby brother. Your heart almost burst with happiness and sadness in equal measure. You wished to go to Dragonstone to meet him but you couldn't. You must remain here with your Lord Husband... who must have a quill somewhere in these chambers!
You scrambled around looking for anything to write back to your mother with. Words of congratulations and excitement. But, you could not find anything. You went to his personal bedside dressers. It felt wrong to go in them. These were his personal effects. You would go mad with rage if he looked at your things. But you really needed to write to your mother.
You looked at the two dressers. Left dresser, the third drawer down. You opened the drawer and there was writing equipment but also old pieces of parchment. Curiosity got the better of you. They were your old letters. From when you first moved to Dragonstone. Letters you never got replies to. You laughed at things you once thought so important you needed to tell Aemond.
Beneath your letters, there was one you didn't recognise. You knew the writing, it was Aemonds. The letter was addressed to you but you never got it. He speaks of regret of his words to you on Driftmark. How he wishes to become friends again before you are wed. So many words are scribbled out. If he felt this way why not send it? Maybe you could have worked on something rather than marry in hate. Who knows where your relationship could have been if he had sent this? You borrowed an empty piece of parchment and wrote your letter to your mother. 
"Hello, Aemond." You greeted sitting down beneath the tree. He looked at you puzzled. You never greeted him.  "Princess." He gave a nod of acknowledgement. You almost felt giddy. Even if Aemond wrote that apology letter years ago part of you hoped he still meant it now. You sat in your usual silence but you could not wipe the smile from your face. Aemond opened his mouth a few times, unsure of what to say. "What has gotten your spirits up?" You looked at him with a smile. You meant this one. He could see it in your eyes. 
"Mother has given birth to a son. I have another brother. I feel much happiness for her." That and his unsent letter but to tell him that would be admitting you went through his belongings.  "Oh yes. I heard." He nodded. At least this one wasn't likely to be a... He stopped his own thoughts. No. You were his wife. Your parentage did not matter. You had gone back to your reading but he could not get back to his. He couldn't take his eye off your smile. He hoped he could make you smile like that again. 
Another week had passed and you felt yourself become restless again. You had now been in Kings Landing for a handful of months. The Queen still did not speak to you unless she absolutely had to. The King was growing ever weaker. Aegon was a drunken fool. Helaena was sweet but you wanted to do something else. Not sit inside. Not sit and read a book. You thought of your poor dragon. It had been too long since you had seen her. Your one memory of your home on Dragonstone and you had been neglecting her out of selfishness. Today you would take her out. 
But you could not leave the keep without permission. They say it is for your safety but you knew it was to stop you from running away. With a deep breath, you went to find your husband. This time every day he would be training in the courtyard with the knights. You walked to the courtyard where he had amassed a group of people. People always wanted to watch him but you never understood. What was the point in watching the same people fake fight every day at the same time? 
You watched him fight off the knights with ease. Despite only having one eye it did not stop him from having reflexes that could rival 20 knights. His fighting was almost like a dance. Every step calculated. His footwork working side by side with his arms. Sword going exactly where it needed to go. He was sweating and you could see his muscles working. Maybe you could see the point in people watching him fight. 
The fight ended and Aemond fought to catch his breath. In the crowd of people, he saw you. You would only be here if you needed something. He sheathed his sword and made his way over to you. There was something about him breathless and sweaty with his gaze focused on you. It made you feel some strange way. Nothing you had felt before.
"Aemond." You were almost breathless yourself when he was finally in front of you. "I would like to go for a ride." He pulled almost an amused face which was lost on you. "The Dragon keepers say my dragon has grown restless. I need to go for a ride."  "She grows restless. Or yourself?" He mused. "Both. So may I?" "As you wish Princess. But allow me to accompany you."  "Oh no. I wouldn't want to take you from your schedule." You tried to wave him off. 
"A good husband always makes time for his wife. Especially if that request is a ride." He almost smirked again.  "What is so funny?"  "Nothing."  "It's something. I'll get it out of you Aemond Targaryen." You pointed a finger at him like old times. "I'm sure you will." He let out a small chuckle. He went to link his arm with yours to walk you to the Dragon Pit, but remembered his vow. Do not touch. One playful conversation in weeks does not mean that changed.
You got yourself ready for your ride. Making sure that everything was fastened tightly. You hugged your dragon apologising it had been so long. When she put her head on top of yours you couldn't help but think of your mother. She would always be with you.
"Are you ready Princess?" Aemond's voice called out. You looked over and saw him ready to climb onto Vaghar. How he managed to claim her as a boy you would never know. You nodded. You got on your own dragon and urged her forward. She almost ran for the door. Once in the air, you felt free. Freer than you had in a long time. There was nothing but you, your dragon and the air.
Well... and your husband but he was flying lower. You could see for miles. You turned your head in the direction you knew to be Dragonstone. What were they doing? How were Joffrey's lessons going? How faired your mother and the babe? How easy it would be to fly back to them. But you could not. You would bring shame to yourself and your family. 
Aemond watched you. He always found himself thinking back to his childhood with you. How you had a dragon and he did not. How you'd promise him that you could fly together one day. And here you were flying together now. But again it was not how he imagined.
You looked down and almost laughed at how small Aemond looked compared to his dragon. His legs straddling the saddle. The way he used his legs to steer the direction he wanted to go. An image flashed in your mind of him straddling you. You shook your head. Where did that come from? The same feeling from the courtyard entered your mind. That strange feeling. You felt yourself move uncomfortably.
"Are you alright Princess?" Aemond called out to you. "Yes quite well. I must have not ridden in so long my legs grow tired." "Shall we retire?" He suggested. "Yes, I think so." You agreed before returning to the Dragon pit.
"Thank you for today Aemond. I appreciated it. If I ever require your services and a ride." You paused waiting for his reaction. "I'll let you know." You don't know why you did it, but it felt so right. Walking away you made sure to sway your hips more than you usually would.
More days passed and you found yourself watching your husband train from a balcony. Always that feeling came to you. What was it? You changed your posture, your thighs rubbing together and something felt good. You did it again and you had to bite your lip. You excused yourself to your chambers. You lay on your bed rubbing your thighs together and it felt amazing. A knock on the door pulled you from your playing and you felt embarrassed. Whatever that was, it was not fit of a lady.
But still, you could not help yourself. From those days on you would excuse yourself while Aemond trained. He would be gone for a few hours every day and in those hours you explored your body. You found all sorts of spots that made you feel good. One day while touching yourself an image of Aemond popped into your head. You imagined your hands were his and your pleasure doubled. You looked at the door longingly hoping he would come in and find you like this but he never did.
After that, everything he did drove you crazy. Even he slouched on a chair drinking from a goblet you wanted to climb onto his lap. You wanted a ride. You wanted one so badly.
You woke first. All night you had dreams of Aemond touching you. There was an ache between your legs that wouldn't go away. You tried pressing your legs together in hopes of something eliminating the feeling but you couldn't. You couldn't touch yourself with him just there. You wanted him to touch you. All you had to do was ask. But what if he didn't want to anymore? What if he had grown accustomed to your mental absence that he did not wish to be with you? You wouldn't blame him. 
Images of him fighting in the courtyard filled your mind. His skill and passion. How sweaty he sometimes got. The way his hair would stick to his forehead. This wasn't helping you. It was making it worse. He was still sleeping soundly next to you. Maybe if you got a bit closer.
You remained on your side facing away from him. For if he woke up you could claim you moved in your sleep. You backed up slowly. You could still hear his deep breathing meaning he was still asleep. You backed up until you could feel his breath on your neck. It sent shivers down your spine. You still did not touch him, however. Now you waited.
It felt like an eternity but eventually, his deep breaths stopped. You obviously had no idea when he opened his eyes as you were facing away from him and also pretending to sleep. But you did hear his involuntary gasp when he noticed how close you were. He did not make a move to touch you but he also did not shy away.
He looked at your sleeping form. You were so close to him. He looked down and saw each of your curves beneath the sheets. He wanted so badly to run his hand down you. Starting from your shoulders, past your stomach, around your hips and your legs. That is when he noticed. It wasn't even his first thought when he saw you this close but now it was his only thought.
How close your ass was to his crotch. His trousers were already tight with it being morning but even more so now. If only you were a small bit closer then he could feel you pressed against him. He could rub himself on you. Your night shift let his imagination run wild. He clenched his fists to his sides. He promised he wouldn't touch you. Maybe he could sneak away. Deal with himself before you wake up. If you noticed and questioned his absence then maybe he could claim early morning training.
Before he could move you grew bored of this position. He had been awake for several minutes and had not made a move. You commended him for keeping his word but his word was not what you wanted right now. You wanted anything but his word. Keeping up the pretence of sleep you turned so now you were facing him. You wished you could have seen the look of shock on his face. If the view from your behind was anything the front was better.
Your hair was a mess. Soft brown curls were on your pillow and over your face. He remembered others calling you names because of your hair but he now knows it is perfect. It is a part of you. His eye travelled further south and landed on your breasts. The position you were in was pressing them together. His fists were almost shaking with how tightly he kept them to his sides.
He closed his eye and began to talk to himself in his own mind. 'She does not want you. She made that clear. She does not want to be touched by you. She wanted a different husband. A different husband who she would have let touch her. A husband who wasn't you. A husband who would know what she felt like... what she tasted like. Does she know? Does she touch herself when I'm not around? Who does she think of? Some lord? Some stable boy who smiles at her every day?' He grew jealous of his own thoughts and opened his eye to be free of them.
When he did he saw your eyes were open. You were looking at him. You had spotted how close you were and you did not recoil. He could see a hint of anger in your eyes. He should have moved away the moment he got the chance but he couldn't. He was so transfixed on looking at you and now you were angry.
He went to back up from you and you moved closer. This puzzled him. "Aemond." Your voice called to him. Far too awake for someone who woke up less than a minute ago. Unless you weren't asleep. "Yes." He answered like a million thoughts were not running around his head. "Touch me. Please Aemond." You almost begged. He was in shock for a moment. Maybe he was still dreaming. The look in your eyes, wasn't anger, not anymore. Your pupils were dilated. He noticed you rubbing your legs together. This was happening.
"What?" He knew exactly what you had said but he wanted to hear you say it again. "Aemond I would like you to touch me. Please. Touch me." You lifted your hand and ran it down his face. He slowly lifted his own hand and placed it on your waist. His eye closed. He had waited so long for this moment.
You sat up from laying down. His hand fell from your waist. His eye shot open. Surely that couldn't have been what you wanted? For him to touch your waist once and be done. He hadn't upset you, had he? His worrying thoughts were gone the moment you swung your leg around him so now you were straddling him. Your bed shift scrupled around your hips. Your legs bare to the side of you. He was reminded that there was nothing under your shift. The only thing separating the two of you were his own clothes.
You both looked at each other frozen in that moment. You had no experience in this field but something drew you to sit in his lap like this and you were glad you did. You could feel every inch of his outline against you and it felt good. But what now? Aemond saw the look of innocence on your face and almost came right there. With both hands, he held onto your hips and dragged you forward. The noise you made would stick with him forever.
It was a mixture of shock and pleasure. You felt a little embarrassed at it. A lady should not make that noise. Before you could say anything Aemond did it again earning the same noise. It felt so good. Maybe if you just... you dragged your own hips forward without his direction and it felt just as good. "Aemond." You said suddenly not knowing any other words. Any you did know were gone.
He sat up changing the position you were in. His chest was pressed against yours. You looked at him under partially closed eyes. You rocked your hips again and your eyes closed fully at the new sensation. Who knew him just sitting up would feel so different to him lying down?
He called out your name and you looked at him. He pressed his forehead against yours. "Do you want this?" He tried to confirm. "Truly." You nodded. He let out a laugh. "I want to hear you say it." "I want you. I want you so bad Aemond." You almost sounded like you were whining. "I have for a while now. I need you." He smiled at you wickedly before his grip on your waist became like iron before it travelled to cup your ass. From this new position, he ground you against him faster and more forcefully. Your eyes rolled backwards as your jaw dropped open.
He placed kisses on your neck enjoying the sounds you were making. He had dreamt of these sounds but they sounded so much better in real life. He nipped and pulled at your flesh with his teeth. His lips went lower but to his dismay, you were still wearing clothes. While your shift had fallen slightly to reveal your shoulders he wanted more than that.
He lifted his hands from your behind and held the edges of your clothes. He looked at you almost asking for permission. You nodded and he pulled it over your head. Now you were in front of him completely exposed. Your nipples hard and the mess you made on his trousers. Wet from where you had been grinding against him. He was in awe of your beauty. You almost hid yourself away from him but before you could he latched his mouth onto one of your nipples which earned him a brand new sound.
He placed one of his hands back into position getting you to grind on him again while the other played with your other breast. You were his. His wife. And the sounds you were making were his too. "Aemond." You called out to get his attention. He looked at you. His own spit coated his lips. He looked so good right now. Although his hair wasn't stuck to his forehead yet. That is what you wanted.
You took his hand from your breast and guided it between your legs. He had seen women at the brothel do this but he didn't know why. You lead his fingers to a sensitive spot and with your guide, he began to rub that spot. "Fuck." You moaned out arching your back. He watched your face crumple up. "How did you know to do that?" He teased going faster. "Have you been touching yourself? Not very ladylike." You nodded. "Tell me. What were you thinking of?"
Your cheeks immediately flooded red. Him. Always him. "Hmmm." He probed for an answer getting faster and faster. "You." You couldn't catch your breath. "You Aemond." You practically shouted. You could feel the familiar feeling in your lower stomach. But there was also something different about it.
"You should have told me. I could have helped you out." He teased more. How long had you been thinking about him? Was it as long as he had thought of you? "I did say all you had to do was ask." You nodded. "Yes, I should have." You agreed. Almost there. "I wanted you so badly. I... I..." your words got caught in your throat. "You what?" "I" was all you managed to get out before your climax washed over you. It was different from usual. Normally your hand would be caught up in your orgasm that you would stop rubbing your clit meaning you would only feel it for a few fleeting moments. But Aemond did not stop. He kept going watching you come undone on top of him. Your whole body shook.
You looked so beautiful in that moment for him. He needed to do this again to you. Now he knew what it was, he needed it again. Once your body stopped shaking and your eyes closed with tiredness he removed his hand. You felt like you might wobble off the top of him. "Ready for my turn Princess?" Whether or not he meant that as a pet name or your official title, you would never figure it out. You gave a nod.
He flipped you over so now you were on the bottom. You were still in a daze. "Look at what you've done to my trousers." He scolded. You looked down and tried to ignore the bulge and only focus on the giant wet patch. Maybe you might have felt embarrassed but you didn't care. "You felt so good." You sounded like you were drunk. Aemond looked down at his wife, delirious and wanting more and he was more than happy to oblige.
He undid the strings that were trying their best to hold his waistband together. His dick sprung free causing him to wince at the sensitivity. He kicked his trousers away and you shot a sneaky look. Obviously, you had already felt it but you didn't imagine it would look like that. All stiff and leaking slightly. "Enjoying the view?" You were caught. Clearly not as sneaky as you thought you were. You nodded and licked your lips.
"I'll go as slow as I can." His voice suddenly went soft. "It might hurt." You nodded at him. He ran his dick up and down your folds a few times to gather your wetness. It sent small shocks down your spine. Was he teasing you? "Aemond?" You questioned. "Just enjoying my wife. The one who said she'd never ask." You bucked your hips up trying to meet him but he held you down easily. You began to squirm underneath him. You felt so empty. You needed him inside you.
"Don't make me beg again. I was wrong. I do want you to touch me. I do." He didn't move. "Aemond." You tried to sound annoyed but you couldn't. He leant his face forward and kissed your lips. It was then you realised that in all of this, you hadn't kissed him yet. This was your first kiss since the wedding and it made you want more. Why had you been missing out on all of this again? His tongue glided against your lips and you knew immediately what he wanted. You opened your mouth and let him in. For a moment you wondered what his tongue would feel like elsewhere. Maybe another time.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. You didn't miss the smile he had as he slipped himself inside you. You gasped into his mouth and pulled your face away. "I've got you." He reassured. "You're okay." You nodded speechless. He slowly moved while kissing you again. Your sounds of discomfort slowly turned back into moans. It was a strange feeling. He was reaching places your fingers could never could. "Faster." You breathed into his ear. He did as asked. 
Your extra sensitivity meant you couldn't last much longer. The sensation in your stomach coming back. When Aemond started making noises you knew he wouldn't last much longer either.  "Aemond." You couldn't help but shout. He began to nod.  "I know. I know." He began to repeat over and over. He kept one hand by your head while his hand went back to the spot you had shown him earlier. The shock of pleasure had your body jolt forward clamping your muscles. Aemond let out his own moan which sent you over the edge for the second time. Your muscles pulsated around him and he finished inside of you. 
He stayed inside of you for a few moments catching his breath before rolling over beside you. You shuffled over to him and put your head on his shoulder. You looked up at him and saw what you wanted. His hair was a mess. You raised your hand and brushed it out of his face. He looked down at you puzzled. You moved your hand.  "What?" You asked suddenly worried that you had done something wrong. He took your hand and held it against his face. He leant into your touch. "What is it Aemond?" You were suddenly concerned. 
He took a deep breath in.  "Nothing." He brushed it off. Letting go of your hand.  "Don't do this Aemond. I'm your wife, as much as I have not acted like it. Please share your thoughts with me."  "I just fear now that you have gotten what you wanted from me, you will leave me."  "Aemond." You sat up brushing your own hair out of your face. You gathered the sheets to cover yourself. "I know what you think of yourself. I see it. You might think you hide it but I've known you my entire life." You turned back around to look at him. "I won't leave you." He didn't look at you, not believing you. 
You leant down to kiss him. You tried to put all of your feelings into the kiss. At first, he did not kiss you back but he got caught up in it.  "You don't need to believe me, at least not at first." You said pulling away. "But I will make sure you know. I will make it up to you. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you." You curled back up into his side. He moved slightly but only to hold you closer. You were in his arms as much as he was in yours. You both drifted off to sleep again. 
You both were woken by knocks at your doors.  "Prince? Princess?" It was your handmaidens.  "Go away," Aemond shouted at them. You giggled at his childishness. You heard the shuffling of feet.  "We should get up." You sighed. "Although I do not wish to." Closing your eyes again.  "We are needed for royal duties." Aemond agreed.  "Do any of your duties include training? I like it when you train." Aemond chuckled.  "Is that so?" You nodded at his question. "Watching you made me realise how badly I wanted you. Watching you sweat and be out of breath. I wanted to do that to you." "I can make it part of my duties. I do need to be ready to always protect the realm. And once I'm done I can find my Lady Wife." 
You pulled away from his arms and tried to get out of bed only to find yourself collapsing under your own weight and back onto the bed.  "It's like I'm on one of grandsire's ships." You giggled. "I might have to stay here all day." You beamed.  "Then how will you watch me train?" Aemond pointed out. You pouted. He kissed you. As he pulled away you pulled him back in for a second one. "I fear I have created a monster." 
"I'd like to say. In the future please feel free to touch me whenever you like. Well... Not whenever. We might cause quite a stir if we do that in court."  "Hmmmm." He traced circles on your side. "I like the idea of us sitting at the presiding table with my hand up your skirt." You shivered.  "Sounds like you've already thought about it." It was your turn to tease. He sat forward, his lips pressing against the shell of your ear.  "Oh, I have Princess. I've thought about many things."  "You should have let me know. I would have helped you." You mirrored his words from earlier. 
The both of you got dressed and Aemond led you by arm to see his sister Helaena and her children. You sat down and smiled at the children. Helaena looked at you once you were alone.  "Hot baths." She said. "Hot baths help with the pain." She went back to sowing while you felt yourself blushing. How she knew, you didn't want to know but you hoped nobody else did. 
You and she walked around the red keep taking the children for a walk. You heard grunting. You looked down into the courtyard and saw your husband and Ser Cole practising with swords. His grunts and breathlessness taking you back to this morning. Almost like he could feel your presence he looked up. He grinned knowing your thoughts. 
He told you, you'd end up married.
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ohbo-ohno · 23 hours
somno with Johnny bc I think once he’s home and realizes he’s safe, the man sleeps like a rock.
Starting off simple with blowjobs where he wakes up with a groan and a sleepy smile, to then pushing to see how far you can get, either riding him or prepping him enough to fuck him.
I think he also gets grumpy if he has a deep sleep and doesn’t wake up to you having your way with him. mans a slut and wants to be wanted
johnny coming home for the first time in months and being cranky as hell when he doesn't wake up the next day with his dick in your mouth... you're a genius.............
((i have a little horny johnny just-coming-home fic here :)))
im DYING on the hill of "canon johnny mactavish will damn near fuck you unconscious his first night home". i don't think anyone would fight me on it, but i'm on the hill anyway. that man could jack off to pictures of you three times a day while deployed and still be a man possessed when he sees you for the first time again. you're lucky if he keeps his dick in his pants long enough for you make it out of the airport parking lot
you riding johnny in the morning, thinking that surely with how strict his schedule is in the military & Good Sex he'll wake up before he gets off, but he somehow - somehow - sleeps through his own orgasm. he wakes up like 5 minutes later and pouts all day, even after you let him bend you over the bed
waking johnny up with a blowjob but he only actually fully wakes up when you stick a finger inside of him. he moans before he realizes what you're doing, then nearly fucking yelps. he is very offended when you laugh at him, and your lazy morning blowjob turns very quickly into a thorough throat-fucking
(btw, never put anything of yours near that man's ass if you're not comfortable with rimming him. the second he realizes that he can get pleasure from you touching him there, he's practically begging for you to stick your tongue inside of him)
grinding on johnny's abs before he's awake because you're so horny but don't really want to ride him. you only realize he's awake when out of nowhere he grabs you by the hips and all but throws you onto his face, licking up into your cunt with a sort of sleepy insistence
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luimagines · 3 days
Reader confronts the boys about the events of loopy from a poisoned plant.
But everything turns out okay because reader likes them too :)
- glitter ✨
The aftermath of loopey plant? Got it!!
You can read the first part right here!
Content under the cut!
Long day finally over with, you get ready to end it as you crawl into your bed roll.
Four was busy sleeping off the rest of the poisoned pollen and whatever antidote Legend had all but shoved down his throat. You're not sure you're willing to deal with the aftermath but the morning cannot come fast enough.
You lied. The morning came too fast.
You wake up quickly and try to figure out what to do next. You turn in your bed roll and see that Four is already awake.
He sees you before you can pretend to still be sleeping and you curse your luck. Internally, of course. Outwardly, you smile at him and sit up, trying your best to stay causal despite everything he said into your ear the day before.
"Good morning." You grin.
Four winces. "Too loud."
You flinch in return and lower your voice. "Whoops. Sorry."
"It's ok."
"How're you feeling?" You whisper and move to sit next to him. You're suddenly not all that tired. You wait on baited breath to hear his answer and if he's retained any memories from yesterday at all.
Four bite his lip and knocks on his own head gently. His own voice is quiet. "I have a headache but that's about the worst of it. I wasn't too bad yesterday, was I?"
You smile. "You slept most of it off. It wasn't so bad."
He sigh and nods in relief. "Good. I was worried I might have made you uncomfortable."
"Why would you have made me uncomfortable?" You lean forward, trying to keep your smile innocent and less shark like.
Four blushes and looks away. "I have the vague suspicion that I was speaking out loud for a good part of that but I can't seem to tell if I actually did or not."
"Oh." You tilt your head. "That's not so bad. I don't think you were."
"Really?" Four looks back at you, relief flooding his gaze. "Thank goodness."
Your grin turns sharp anyway. "So when do I meet your dad and grandpa?"
Four stills and curls his lips into his mouth. "...Come again?"
"You wanted a summer wedding, right?" You tilt your head. "I was thinking about it and I think you've got the right idea, but I've always my wedding to be outside and the summer might get too hot. So an early summer or late spring wedding might work best if we got that route."
"Oh my god." Four covers his mouth as horror begins to step in.
You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Think about it, yeah? Let me know what you think. I'm not opposed."
Warrior carried Wind back to camp in record time.
Wild returned with Legend, Hyrule and Four and sicked them all onto the groaning and pained boy in front of you.
You tried to stay closer but word spread fast and soon everyone had a hand in helping Wind get back on his feet. Even if that included distracting you in the process.
The day ended before you knew it and everyone was settling in for the night since Wind was now stable and more coherent than he was hour before.
You crept close to the boy and laid nearby, just in case Wind tried calling out to you again. Feeling a little brave, you grabbed onto his hand and let your eyes close shut.
Wind tightened his grip on your hand, calling you name weakly into the air. Your eyes were open in an instant.
"I'm here, Wind." You answer him, crawling a little closer to the boy. you sit up, hoping that the angle would allow him to see you. "I'm here. I never left."
He groans and turns in your direction. "Really? I thought you wouldn't come."
"No." You don't let your voice waver. "I was always there. You just didn't see me."
Wind doesn't seem too convinced but he's also exhausted, no doubt from the treatment everyone had painstakingly shoved down his throat. "I'm tired."
"I know." You smile softly. "It's late. You should sleep."
"What happened?" He asks you instead. "I don't remember what happened after the plant. It was pretty."
"Pretty poisonous." You grit. "Don't go near that thing again. It hurt you really bad."
"Ok." He doesn't fight you on this. "Is that why everything hurts right now?"
"Kinda, yeah." You tell him, because it would be mean to lie. "And everyone freaked out when you were poisoned, so the guys might have been a bit rougher on you than they should have been. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive them."
"They owe me."
You laugh. "Sure, buddy. Sure they do."
"Of course. I'll be right here when you wake up."
You managed to get Hyrule to the group camp with less damage than you thought would be needed.
Hyrule wasn't helpful in the slightest, but you're thankful to the shadow that has been helping you thus far.
He comes to his senses a few hours later, after you've filled the others in the situation. The Traveler groans loudly and rolls over. "My stomach hurts."
You don't have it in you to feel sorry for him. "Probably because you literally ate the dirt." You shake your head. "Let me get you something to drink; maybe that'll help."
"Thank you." He looks your way but doesn't move from his spot on his bed roll.
You get him some water and mix in some white power Twilight said would help him with any stomach problems. He had a bit of humor to his voice but you're willing to bet that was just because he was holding back laughing at your rendition of the earlier events.
You were a bit dramatic about it but Hyrule doesn't need to know that.
You come back and give it to him with little fanfare and sit nearby. "Here."
"Thanks." He starts to sip it closely. "Why does my everything hurt?"
You smile a little, amused that your little turn of phrases were making their way through the group. "You were literally dragged all the way back here. Not dignifying, but I didn't have many options."
He hums and continues to slowly drink the water. "....That would explain why it feels like I fell down a mountain."
You see the shadow tease Hyrule's hair in the distance. It's subtle but Hyrule visibly relaxes. "What damage did I cause?"
"None." You shake your head again and move to sit closer to him. You can at least pretend that the shadow is you, just so no one asks questions. "Unless you count damage to my psyche from the strange things that came out of your mouth."
"Oh god, don't tell me I confessed." He whines and drowns the last of the glass to avoid eye contact.
"I said it, didn't I? I told you I loved you. Crap. I'm sorry-"
"No." You stop him before he can continue with that train of thought. "...But you did now."
Hyrule freezes.
You're also left staring at him.
The shadow acts quickly and pulls your head down so that your lips touch Hyrule's head. You pull back quickly with a bright blush.
"We'll talk later." You steal the glass away and scurry as fast as you can to busy yourself with something unimportant.
Hyrule will be fine. Right? Right.
You were absolutely correct.
Twilight and Sky had found you and had tease you relentlessly once they managed to pry you away from Time. The Old Man didn't seem to want to let you go.
It would have been a little more humorous if he hadn't looked on the verge of tears at the thought of you leaving him.
You stayed with him, because anything else would have sent the poor man into a panic.
It took a total of two days for the effects of the pollen to calm down and for Time to be restored to his quote unquote, former glory.
Luckily for him, he didn't seem to remember most of it. Only that he kept looking at you in a way that had your chest clenching and your breathing coming out in short bursts of pure emotion.
It was maddening. ...And the boys weren't helping you in the slightest.
You had to clear the air at the first chance you got. You didn't want to continue this strange dance you've found yourself in with the Old Man.
You pulled him aside and were ready to interrogate him when your words died on your tongue. There he went again, looking at you with the most tender and adoring look you had ever seen on a man, let alone him. "...Link. What is it?"
You can't bring yourself to be accusatory. Something about the flower changed him. He's never been this vulnerable on this journey. What had he gone through?
Time raises a hand and runs the back of it on your cheek. "...I thought I lost you."
"Never." You grab his hand, holding it close. "You could never lose me."
"I found myself powerless." He takes in a shaky breath. "Tell me. What changed between us? What did I do?"
"N-nothing." You gulp, feeling your legs go a little weak at the sheer power he carries in his voice. "You called me a flower... and then wouldn't let me go. It was innocent."
Time doesn't seem convinced. But he doesn't have enough in his memory banks to dispute this. "Very well."
"Link?" You hold his hand a little tighter. "....It was the most romantic things anyone has ever said to me. I... should thank you."
"I hardly doubt something said in the midst of confusion and loss of cognitive function would be considered romantic." Time glares at the ground. "I could do much better now that I'm sober."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you decide to get a little brave and reckless. You lean closer and nearly poke your nose with his. "Prove it."
Something ignites in him. A wicked grin blooms on his face. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You whisper. "Because I would have said the same thing about you."
You ended up needing to change your shirt.
Wild was apologizing profusely and on the verge of tears afterwards.
Legend was kind enough to help you with the mess and steal one of the Captain's shirts for you to wear while Four and Sky helped Wild get himself situated and settled.
You sighed and fixed the way the clothes clung to you. It highlighted just how skinny Warrior was but you didn't want to think about that when you were more worried about Wild and his current state.
You rushed back quickly. Wild was sniffling and whining like a kicked puppy while Hyrule brushed his hand through the Champion's hair, trying to calm the other boy down.
"How is he?" You whispered as you got closer.
Hyrule looked up at you and cringed. "I'm sure you can guess. He might have ingested some of whatever it was that made him this way. He says his stomach hurts a lot despite not eating anything. I'm inclined to believe him."
You sighed and copied the movements the resident healer performed on your friend. You lean in and kiss Wild's forehead. "I'm sorry, buddy. You'll feel better soon."
Wild looked up at you and swallowed harshly. "Promise?"
"I promise." You smile tensely. You look to Hyrule for confirmation and he looks just as lost as you feel. You repeat yourself anyway. "I promise, Link."
He groans against and curls up tighter. "I'm sorry...'bout your shirt."
"Soap and water exist." You wince, trying to keep your voice light. It was your favorite shirt, but you don't want Wild to feel worse. "Legend is taking care of it."
"Oh... ok."
"You've been very nice and good to me." You whisper. "I don't think I have the capacity to be mad at you. Much less for this. I like you too much, Wild."
"I like you too." He tries to look up at you. "...I didn't like that plant."
"I don't like it either." You agree, if only to make conversation. "Let's not get close to it again, yeah?"
Wild nods and closes his eyes, reveling in the way your hands feel in his hair. "I'm never cutting my hair."
You giggle slightly. "Good. I'd miss it."
He smiles.
It had taken many hands to get Twilight to behave enough for him to be treated.
You didn't think he would be as possessive as he was. He growled in ways you didn't think was possible and nearly tried to bite Time.
It was... fascinating, if a little scary.
You watched him and tried to calm him down with the others. Eventually he fell asleep.
Only to wake up less than hour later.
You wanted to yell and scream. He had just calmed down. What mess do you have to deal with now?
"Ow my head..." He sits up in his bed roll and hold his head in his hands. You step closer to him and poke his shoulder. "How're you feeling Rancher?"
"Like I got kicked in the head." He mutters under his breath. "What happened?"
"You got poisoned." You smile softly, gathering that it was more or less safe to be next to him now. "And then hugged me. And smelled my hair. And I think you kissed it."
Twilight had gone completely still in the time that you had begun talking. You noticed but decided to keep going if only to save yourself from blushing at the reminder of his not-quite-kiss.
"You also tried to punch Warrior in the face, bite Time and wrestle Wild." You shrug. "Sounds normal if you ask me."
"I won't." He rubs his forehead. "...Did I do anything else? ....To you?" He adds hesitantly.
You feel just as hesitate but honestly? He wasn't all that bad, if a little too honest. You shake your head. ""No. You were well behaved."
"Thank Ordana."
"I like you too by the way." You blurt and lean closer. "And you don't have to be scared to talk to me, ok? I like talking to you too, Link."
You kiss his cheek, if only because it's fair- implies your traitorous brain. You don't see Twilight short circuit, but you do see Warrior and four give Twilight some thumbs up from their corner of the camp.
"Get better soon, ok Darlin'?" You copy his subtle drawl and watch in gremlin delight at the way he completely flushes red.
"YeAh." He clears his throat, unable to meet your eyes. "I will. I will."
The loud curse that slips past your lips was enough to get the group to look over to where you were.
Legend and Twilight naturally started laughing at the sight of Warrior face first in the dirt before you called out for help. Wild and Sky responded quickly, helping drag the unconscious young man to the middle of the camp where it was safe.
You instantly started explaining what you say and how he reacted, giving your own ideas about what might have happened without actually being there to witness it.
Time and Four got to making a spot to put his body where he would be comfortable until he slept it off.
You hovered around like an anxious hummingbird. You had all this energy and no where to spend it. Feeling your plight, Hyrule and Wind took it upon themselves to keep you occupied before you started to mother hen the Captain while he was unconscious and unable to defend himself against it.
Thankfully, it didn't take that long for Warrior to wake up- complaining quite loudly that he'd swear off drinking for the rest of his life.
You had the sudden suspicion that it wasn't the first time he had woken up such a manner- even though you knew that there was nothing alcoholic in the vicinity. Still, you decided to commend him for the attempt. "Good. We'd hate to deal with you hung over as it is."
He groaned and rolled over in his bed roll.
No one bothered to correct him in his incorrect assumption that he had been drinking with the boys.
Time had snorted at the claim and at his reaction but there was a subtle wince to his face that you couldn't help catching. Was Time familiar with the feeling as well?
You shake your head and make your way next to Warrior. "Hey."
"Hi." He grumbled, clearly not happy with his current predicament.
"What do you remember?"
Warrior tenses up before he can stop himself. He clearly remembers something but he doesn't to tell you, less you confirm it for him.
You smirk. "Do you remember the kiss?"
He shoots up. "What?!"
Given that you're not entirely sure what going through his head, you're willing to make a bet and let his own mind fill in the blanks for you. Besides, fireside cuddles sounds nice- but if he had something else in mind you don't think you're inclined to turn down that offer either.
You giggle and kiss his nose to tease him further. "There wasn't none but you mentioned it. If you ever want to follow through with what you told, just let me know."
Warrior looked horrified.
"Let me know." You repeat yourself to get through to him. "Ok?"
His voice is small and disbelieving but he nods slowly. "...ok."
It took a while for Legend to cooperate enough for you to bring him back to camp and get him checked up on. He wouldn't stop going on and on about how you were one of nicest people he's ever met and that he never wanted to leave you and the thought of leaving you made him sad-
Honestly, you had to tune him out for the most part. If you continued to listen to him talking and rambling you would have probably started crying. You never would have guessed that Legend was incredibly sentimental underneath it all.
You had to leave him to the care of the other boys while you went to collect yourself off beyond the forest line.
With time, when you no longer felt all mushy and soft for the boy had to grow up way too fast just to survive, you made your way back to the camp where Legend was looking properly hung over.
He groaned and maybe vomited a little given the looks Wild and Four were giving him as Time cleaned his face. You're a little ashamed that you more or less ran away from him but you doubt he would have wanted you to see him like that anyway. Right?
Eventually, you gather up the courage to get close to Legend and sit next to him where he would actually notice you. He sees you and rubs his face. "I was told you brought me back."
"Yeah." You admit quietly. "I found you first."
"I already told everyone to stay away from that stupid flower."
You pale slightly. In your attempt to rid yourself of the embarrassment, you had completely forgotten about the plant that got Legend into this mess to begin with. "Oh. Good."
Legend nods and rubs his head a bit. Warrior steps in to give the Vet a glass of water. He drinks is greedily.
"Do you still want to braid my hair?"
Legend chokes.
You bite your lip. "I wouldn't mind it."
He looks at you with a scarlet face and with wide, almost scared eyes. "Oh my god, what did I tell you?"
"I lot of things," that you don't think you have the strength to go into right now. "But it's really not that bad."
Legend smiles, but it's not like he believes you.
You'll just have to prove it to him.
After you successfully managed to drag Sky throughout the unmarked trail back to the camp, you started barking out order to the boys to help him. They rushed to put their hands to work.
Hyrule first went about healing any injuries he may (read: absolutely) have obtained.
Four and Warrior went about making a tonic to help rid the pollen slash poison out of his system while you went to clean yourself off and pretend everything Sky said to you didn't actually happen.
When you returned feeling better about yourself and the current mess, you found that the boys had managed to corral the chaos of the camp as well. Sky was stable and dinner was already over the fire. It would be ready in a matter of minutes.
Luckily, Sky didn't stay asleep for long and soon it was as if nothing had ever happened.
But you decided that you still needed to get some answer out of the boy.
The following morning, after everyone's morning routines were done and over with, you found yourself guiding Sky away from everyone else just to see how much of yesterday he actually remembered.
He seemed unable to meet your eyes.
"Good morning." You bump your hip against him. He nearly falls over but catches himself. Sky's blushing. "Good morning."
"Sleep alright?"
"As good as I could given the pollen from that weird flower." Sky scratches the back of his neck.
"Oh perfect, you brought it up first. I was going to ask you about that."
Sky blushes harder. "Yeeaaah? What about it?"
"What do you remember? Do you remember what you told me?" You tilt your head, not bothering to acknowledge how awkward he no doubt feels. You feel a little vindicated since he made you drag his dead weight all the way back to camp on your own.
Sky looks away.
That's all the answer you need.
"Did you mean it? Truly?" Hope enters your voice before you can stop it. Sky catches it because of course he does.
"Yes. I did." He mutters. "I also recall that you said... you said that I was pretty too."
"You are!" You kiss his cheek, taking your shot. "Ok?"
"More than ok." Sky takes your hand softly, lacing your fingers together. "....Do you really think I'm the good child?"
"....you're one of the best ones here."
"I broke a chandelier on purpose to get an item."
"....my statement still stands, honey. But I'll remember that."
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thanks 🎀
A/n: This almost took a completely different turn but I'm quite happy with how this turned out <3
Also, sorry I haven't been posting in a while I have over 70 asks in my inbox rn and I'm trying to write them I swear I'm just really slow lol but I am writing, I promise :')
Warnings: Smut, edging, pantie stealing/gagging?, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Slash had been on tour the past few months, usually while he was on tour you guys would call and get off on each other's voices, moans and sometimes commands. But you had plans this time, evil plans.
He wasn't cumming for the whole tour, it was short only about three months, sure enough he could handle that, right?
Anytime you were on call you'd make up some excuse for leaving, only after edging him for as long as you could, sometimes hours. You told him to be a good boy and not touch himself unless you told him to.
He'd come whining to you every day over the phone. "Please, please, can I cum now?" He ask, tears brimming his eyes, his dick hot and pulsing in his hand.
"Mm, you know what?" You'd start, hearing the small sigh of relief. "I'm actually feeling pretty tired right now, I think I might just go to sleep." You'd hear his soft whimpers over the phone, knowing he'd have to stop now.
"Mommy, please..."
"Good night, I love you." You'd say and hang up.
He was coming home tonight and you couldn't wait, you knew he couldn't either. As soon as he pulled up to the driveway you ran to the door.
The door opened and Slash practically fell onto you, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you tight to him as his lips crashed around yours. He'd dropped his luggage and was whining into the kiss. You couldn't not laugh at his excitement.
You tried to pull away from he kept pulling you back for more. "Slash!" You giggled, he rolled his eyes and let you speak. "Why don't you go upstairs and I'll bring your luggage up?" He huffed but went anyway.
You waited for him to get most of the way up the stairs, watching him sulk away all pouty, before closing the door and bringing up his luggage.
You got through your bedroom door and saw Slash by the clothes hamper, a pair of your panties in his hand and pushed to his nose, in his other hand was his already leaky cock.
"Aw, couldn't even wait for me to get in the room, huh?" Slash spun around at your words and just shook his head. You made your way over to the bed, sitting on the edge and patting the spot next to you.
Slash hurried over, ridding himself of his flimsy button up and leather pants. He sat next to you, back against the headboard and you sat between his spread legs, his dick hitting his abdomen.
You took the panties from him, a black lace pair you'd been wearing on one of your late night calls, and brought it back to his face, pushing them into his mouth and he happily accepted the gag. "You want to cum?" He nodded, tears already forming in his eyes. "Show me how good you can be, then."
His breath hitched as you gently ran a finger along his length. Of course you weren't just going to give it to him, what fun would that be? No, tonight would be filled with just as much teasing as any other.
"Oh, aren't you my good boy?" You asked, pumping him at a painfully slow pace as you had been the past few minutes, watching every small reaction he had, how his chest slowly fell with a shaky breath leaving him.
He was barely holding back his tears at that point, pre leaking from his slit and onto your hand. "Looking all pretty like this, just for me." He gave a small nod. "Time to take these out and let you cum?" His eyes widened slightly just at the thought of you letting him cum. He nodded excitedly and you smiled at your pulled the wet panties from him, kissing his plump lips.
"Please, mommy, I-I've been s'good, I swear." He mumbled, hands clutching the sheets so tightly his knuckles lightened to stop from touching himself.
His whole body was twitching, especially his legs and you couldn't not pay them some attention, lightly grazing his inner thighs with your nails causing him to moan. "Such a good boy, so obedient." Tears were rolling down his cheeks, a wonky smile pulling at his lips.
Your fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, he gasped. Moans and whines left him in chains as you jerked him off at a much faster pace now. His heels dug into the mattress as he kicked, not wanting to cum until he was told he could.
"Please, can I- Can I cum inside, please?" He whined, hips helplessly bucking into your hand.
You shook your head at his request. "It'll feel good just like this, just do what I tell you to do." He whined at that. Your hand kept a steady rhythm, you watched the prominent vein up him pulsing and the rest of him twitched. You waited patiently for just the right time. "Such a good boy, huh? My good boy, can you cum for mommy?" Without a second thought he let everything go.
Moans ripped from him until he went silent, his head fell back and his jaw went slack, eyes rolling into the back of his head. His body completely melted into the bed as thick ropes of cum squirted onto his chest and stomach, his body quickly getting overstimulated as you continued to stroke him.
His chest fell with a heavy breath and his gaze came back to you. He looked down at himself, a thin layer of sweat coating him and far more cum on him than he'd expected. "Did I- Did I do good?" He asked, looking at you with expectant, wide teary eyes.
You nodded and moved closer to him. "You always do good." He smiled softly up at you, eyes struggling to stay open. You cupped his cheek with your hand, still cover in his mess. "Aw, are you tired?" He nodded, tiredly reaching for you. "You can sleep now but tomorrow it's my turn~" You mused and moved to sit beside him, wrapping your arms around him and letting him lean on you.
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just-zy · 18 hours
Cursed Bloodsucker
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: A day of the week, you'd think curses and hexes was all on the same day, but surely it wasn't that bad.. You had a girlfriend, didn't you?
A/N: I feel good tonight, and I feel like I didn't do pretty shitty here..
Warnings!: ermmm....ooc wednesday probably..
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Being a vampire had its perks, but everything seemed to be..a downside for a certain individual today, specifically, friday. One might say, 'Oh, but how bad can it be?', well...
"O–Ow, Jesus Christ, easy on the stitches Wednesday.."
"If you'd just listen to what I had told you, we wouldn't be in this predicament."
Waking up early wasn't a problem for the vampire, so instead of listening to Wednesday, she decided to sleep in, and look where that got the bloodsucker. Running off to her second period while trying to neat out her wrinkled vest. She couldn't see well really, having her satchel slinging on her shoulder for dear life, her sunglasses almost falling off before she got inside the classroom, what a sight to see.
Disheveled hair, wrinkled clothes, slipping satchel, she thought it couldn't get worse.
She might've jinxed that one, that for a moment she thought she was cursed for living on specific days.
Walking was supposedly calming for the vampire, but today just seemed to be a day you wanted to get over with.
"Okay, what's for lunch, ooh– gimme!"
"Y– Y/N! Stop—!"
She was determined to have a bite of whatever Enid was having for lunch, unknowingly, the utensil Enid decided to use for todays lunch was silvered utensils. Why did that school have silvered utensils anyway? Well, labels. They have labels.
She reacted instantly to the object, dropping the spoon, immediately. "Fucks sake! Wha–"
"That's silver!"
If only she didn't let her intrusive thoughts win for once, maybe then she'd live another day.
Another problem, a full moon was happening tonight, what a coincidence!
She felt too worn out to even go out and feed, but she just had to, didn't she.
That same night, she did quite have an interaction with a shifting wolf, then gets mauled. What are the chances, huh? Thankfully, Wednesday was there to save the day! Or night.
"I feel exhausted, thank goodness it's the weekend tomorrow..I don't always have the best luck on friday's I swear, I'm cursed."
"Perhaps it's because you think you are."
Wednesday tidies the kit and stitches on the vampires bed, making her way in the bathroom and began cleansing her hands filled with the blood of her girlfriend.
"No– I really do have bad lucks on fridays.. Remember that one time I had an essay due? And I accidentally poured coffee, everywhere. Then there was that time when I slipped on the stairs and nipped my fucking tooth, and had my lip busted. But, I guess– they weren't as bad.. Because I had a lovely, gorgeous girlfriend to help me recover from all of that.."
The raven sat next to the vampire, scrutinizing her lover. She had a light smirk plastered on her lips, she leaned forward, your lips mere inches away from touching. You waited, you always did. You closed your eyes, awaiting her plump crimson lips making contact with yours, but that didn't happen. Tonight was different, she felt like tormenting you. She had only pecked your cheek.
What. The. Fuck.
Bothered, you gazed at her as she began inspecting the stitches on your arm. "Stitches look horrendous on you, Cara Mia."
"You're just pure evil, like the devil, did you know that?" You grumbled, unhappy that she still hasn't given you the one thing that you were waiting for all day, considering she was out with Eugene the whole day.
"Some consider me as Lucifer's daughter, but that isn't new, no."
Her eyes looked rather, luminous under the moons emitting light, you were ready to do everything she'd order you to, even let her redo the perfect stitches she's done just so she could have all her attention back at you, while she enjoys at what she does best. Being your girlfriend.
You didn't dare disrespect her, or even trespass her boundaries and limitations. Never in your life would anything hurtful leave that mouth of yours, you love her too much to do so.
Your gaze didn't leave her still figure, if anything it made you more focused on her, and only her. Your fingertips grazing on her pale skin, feeling her burgundy lips on your finger, to your desperate bloodied lips.
Fridays in the morning were a no, but the night time was an exception.
A/N: Wednesday has my heart, but she's soo difficult to write for sometimes 💔 this is a makeup for the recent imagine 😌
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 35)
“Uzi! Are you here?” N's voice came wafting down to her, it was a pleasantry really, he could see her on his thermals from a mile away.
“Down here!” She called out to him, hand cupped on the side of her mouth to carry the sound, that too was unneeded but done anyway out of impulse.
“Uzi!” N jumped down from V's nest, voice cracking with how relived her felt to see her, he nearly immediately wrapped her in a hug, before pulling back with a yelp, spines stuck deep in his arm.
“Ow!” He blinked at them before shaking them off and taking a better look at her, eyelights hollowing as he trailed them along her back, the spines poking through her hoodie and down to her tail.
“Uh… yeah. This is a thing now.” Her voice was sarcastic as she showed off the spines, flexing them to stick out and then folding them against her tail and chassis so that they lay flat.
“Woah. Those are new.”
There was an awkward pause as N gazed at her, wings still somewhat flared out behind her and tail making wide archs in the air behind her.
“Are you okay?”
“Did I kill anyone?” She asked instead of answering, he could hear the urgency in her voice.
“N-no, you left a trail of blood through the vents, you came straight here as far as I can tell.”
She hugged herself, breaking eye contact with him and sitting on the edge of his next, looking out over the crumbling city and the gas giant illuminating the sky. Her wings folded back into her chassis along with her tail.
“Tera's picking up those sounds from me.”
N sat beside her, legs dangling over the edge, he still wore a worried look over his face, but he didn't yet touch her again (to avoid being spined, most likely.)
“The chirping?” He replied
“Mmhm.” She paused for a moment, before adding almost matter-of-factly “I make them in my sleep.”
“N there's something wrong with me…” She almost whispered, looking down at her hands, was she even a drone anymore? There was so much about her now that was organic.
“No… No Uzi there's-”
“N! You said it yourself, I bled! Like- blood! Robots don't bleed!” She shouted! Not wanting to hear any of his comforts at the moment, especially one so… untrue.
“What the fuck am I?”
There was a pregnant silence, Uzi buried her face in her hands, not knowing what else to do other than sulk.
“I don't know…” He admited, making shapes in the spire floor. “But I don't know what I am either.”
“I uh, actively try not to get too hung up over it.” He gave her a small chuckle, and she giggled back before her face fell again, she groaned as she laid on her back, hands still holding her face as she shoved some hair out of her face.
“I wanted to groom her a couple days ago.” Uzi said abruptly, as if it was something she wanted to get off her chest.
“L-like a cat?” He replied, stammering as if he was slightly amused with a half-smirk to match.
“I mean… that's not violent though.” He replied, still trying to comfort her.
“No! But… it's weird! Why am I- like this!? Ugh.” She sat back up again quickly, clenching her fists up into the air as she groaned.
“Sometimes I want to preen you.” He admitted after a moment of silence, a blush taking over his face as he refused to meet her eyes for a moment, the blush getting fiercer when he finally did.
“Like… a bird?” She asked back confusedly.
“Yeah.” He confirmed, voice getting slightly more higher pitched as he continued talking about the weird impulse.
“Huh.” She replied after another moment of silence. “So we're both weird then.”
“That shouldn't be a revelation, I'm gonna be a hundred percent honest.” N being sarcastic was something that sounded alien, but it did make her laugh lightly.
“Sarcasm is my thing.”
“You can't own sarcasm.” N laughed back.
“Bite me.”
N turned to her and placed a hand on her leg, making her settle her attention back on him, he had a small smile on his face.
“I think the chirps are cute.”
“I'm making her weird!” She shouted back, a worried look in her eyelights as her hands came under her chin to ball into fists.
“We're her parents! She's going to be weird!” He pointed to himself and then at her rapidly, then gestured to his tail that waggled slightly behind him.
“I just… want her to not be like me. Nobody likes me.” She admitted, causing N to look at her sadly.
“Thad likes you.” N immediately launched into examples to prove her wrong.
“Thad likes everyone.”
“V likes you.”
“As like… a pet, I think.” Uzi looked skeptical, as much as V saved her life, she wasn't sure if she'd completely written off killing her.
“Please don't lie to my face.”
“Yeah, thats fair.”
He moved his thumb underneath her chin, making her look at him.
“I like you.” He leaned in as he said it, a small smile on his face that told her exactly what he was thinking. She blushed, but was unable to look away, so she sighed.
“You got me there.” She finally caved, soving him away lightly before resting her head on her hand.
“And I think my awesome girlfriend is awesome.”
“You just said awesome twice.” She lifted an eyebrow in amusement, a smirk that was barely hidden on her face.
“That's how awesome you are!” He punched the air with both of his fists, his legs kicking as he did, she rolled her eyes but found herself laughing anyway, she leaned into him, sighing deeply.
“I love you, N.” The words came put suddenly, without her thinking about them.
He blinked, once, twice, then he felt his core melt into a squishy mess. He knew she did, but hearing someone say it, hearing her say it, was something so special to him.
“I love you too, more than anything.”
She was blushing heavily, but smiling all the same, she closed her eyes, wanting to spend just another moment with him.
“Where's Tera?” She asked, knowing N wouldn't ever leave her at home alone.
“V has her.”
“She agreed to babysit?” She turned to him, eyes suddenly open in surprise.
“Weirdly, yes. Probably should head back soon though, Tera was already upset after you dissappeared.”
“Shit. Sorry, I passed out and- mm!”
He was kissing her suddenly and without much warning, holding her shoulders to keep her steady, her eyelights shut and she reached out to pull him in closer, slotting their lips together.
He pulled back again, resting his visor on hers.
“Whats your deal with kissing me while I'm talking?” Uzi asked, blinking rapidly as she recovered her rapidly beating heart.
“You stress too much.” He said simply.
“I wish you'd kiss me more.” She replied before snapping a hand over her mouth, and backing away quickly, eyelights blown wide as she stared at him.
“T-that was supposed to be internal! Ignore that!”
But N did not ignore it, in fact, he took it to heart, immediately. Despite the fact that he was blushing just as ferociously as she was.
“Can you put your spines away?”
Uzi blinked before she began to try to will them away much like her wings and tail, they flattened further into her, until they were smooth, and then seemed to tuck themselves away in her chassis, as they disappeared.
The second they were gone, N pulled her into his lap, holding her cheek as he reconnected their lips. His other hand resting on the small of her back as he took the lead.
He wasn't sure what he was doing, but Uzi had done this to him before… so.
He ran his tongue over her lip and he felt her shiver before she seemed to melt into him, a hand pulling him by the fur of his coat and the other on his shoulder, gripping him tightly. Her tail made itself known again, wrapping in N's in some vain attempt to force them closer.
He was less sure what to do when Uzi opened her mouth a little more, deepening what was already the most passionate kiss of his life. He pushed her down until she was leaning on the spire wall and he was postitoned between her legs. Pulling the hand that was on his shoulder away until he had it pinned above her head, interlocking their fingers.
Her fingers tangled in his hair, knocking off his hat in the process although he made no indication that he'd noticed, nor cared. The hand that had been pulling the fur on his coat began to unbutton it from the top, exposing his core to the open air.
His breath hitched, but he didn't stop her, he nibbled her lip, and even through the kiss he could hear her shuddering gasp in response, he immediately decided that was his favorite noise any drone had ever made.
His thoughts all stopped when he felt her fingers inch closer to the glass covering of his core, hesitant but clearly wanting.
A flash of J's sneering face, her claw resting on that same covering, tears running down the inside of his visor-
He pulled back, eyes still closed as he pushed those memories down, he didn't need to think about them, he didn't want to think about them.
Especially not while making out with his girlfriend.
Both drones were reduced to harsh pants, as he broke the kiss, Uzi's eyelights replaced with two violet hearts and a blush that was so bright it almost hurt his eyes to look at. Her tail still tangled in his but still trying to wag.
“L-like that?” His voice came out in a husky pant, sounding far more breathless than he had ever imagined it could be.
Uzi didn't respond, text came up on her screen.
[Emotional Overload, Please Stand By]
He chuckled, taking one of her hands and holding it until her eyelights came back to stare at him. Her eyes flicked to the hand he was holding, then back up to his visor.
A high pitched whine escaped her as she yanked her hand out of his and used it to cover her intensely blushing face, her knees coming up in front of her as she shoved herself further in the wall.
“Thats not what I meant!”
Next ->
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Someone said that most of an 3d is just waiting and they're so fucking right. I'm losing my mind waiting for fasts to end, my next meal, the scale to go down etc. I spend 70% of my day sleeping, waiting for the day to end so I can weigh myself the next morning. I feel empty and numb at this point.
All I do nowadays is crochet and watch shows/YouTube or read. When I'm not doing that, I'm at the gym just walking. It's such a waste of life.
I'd probably be better if I could work, but my health problems and mental illnesses are so debilitating that I can barely leave the house. I plan on going to school next fall, but idk if im gonna be able to do it. Im such a mess even while medicated that my psychiatrist had me removed from school when i was 16 cause i was just falling apart. I'm just so miserable. I have been for years. Controlling my food and l0sing weight is the only thing keeping me alive.
Anyways sorry for the vent I just needed to get this off my chest.
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moody-alcoholic · 3 days
I spent the last 3 days doing nothing but writing. Now I'm going to sleep for a day.
MDNI +18, it's smut you know the drill.
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 2.8k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe. CW: Alcohol, alcohol induced amnesia (I promise the drinking stops next chapter), unsolicited nudes (sending), language, mentions of sex, exhibitionism (kinda???), mentions of vomit. MDNI +18
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
Enjoy <3
A day later you get the text you’ve been dreading. They’re being deployed. You don’t bother asking them where, they probably won’t tell you anyway. You spend the rest of the day moping, in and out of bed curling up on the sofa watching shitty daytime TV when you remember you’re supposed to be going out with Chloe tonight. She messaged you already asking what time she should arrive. You weren't in the mood to go out clubbing. You want to ignore it but then she starts spam calling you so you reluctantly answer. 
“I’ve been trying to call you all day what time are we meeting?” She asks.
“I’m not really in the mood to go out.” You reply hugging your knees as you sit on the sofa. 
“Come on Ashe, do you know how hard it is to get a Saturday night off when you’re working A&E.” That makes you smile, you definitely did not miss that. 
“Maybe we could just stay in watch a movie or something?” You suggest.
“No fuck that, I want to go out and get shit faced.” 
“I have alcohol.” You say.
“Compromise, there is this small bar, they have this local indie band playing tonight, happy hour, then we can see where the night takes us, 5pm sound good?” She asks. You sigh, at least it’s not a club. 
“Sure, text me the address.” 
“Hell yeah I will!” She shouts back. You hear an alarm in the background. “Shit, gotta go I’ll see you later.”
She hangs up and you go back to the TV. You look in the group chat, still nothing since the last message saying they were leaving. You text the chat asking them to text you when they arrive just so you know they got there safe. A pit forms in your stomach, what happens if something happens to them, people die on deployments. They could be somewhere in Europe. Most likely in the middle east. You try not to let yourself spiral maybe going out tonight would be a good distraction.   
You meet Chloe at the bar, she hugs you looping her arm round yours practically dragging you inside. The place is already starting to fill up and you can see people setting up on the stage. You make your way over to the bar and sit insisting on ordering the first round. Chloe catches you up on what you’ve missed at the hospital, talks about work and the hot paramedics. 
“How’s army life?” She asks sipping her drink. 
“Good, how’s Laura?” 
“We broke up,” She says, but she doesn't seem to upset about it, it must have happened a while ago.  
“Come on I have to set you up with someone! I am not letting you go home alone tonight!” Chloe said. 
“Well actually I'm kinda seeing someone.” You say, her excited squeals cut through the noise of the bar. 
“Tell me everything! Is he hot? Is he army? Does he have a friend?” She barrages me with questions. “Do you have a picture!?” 
“I don’t sorry.” You laugh at her enthusiasm. 
“What’s his name?” She asks. Shit.
“Johnny.” You say, okay remember which name you said. You tell yourself.
“Is he hot?” She asks winking. You think back to him walking round topless, laying next to him in bed. You nod smiling. Chloe scolds you some more for not having a picture, then goes off to ask another million questions you some you can’t even answer. The band takes to the stage and you move to the dance floor. You were right this is a good distraction. The band is good and you dance with Chloe through all the songs. At one point you end up at the front, the drummer catches your eye, he reminds you of Simon, well built messy blonde hair. You try not to think about it as Chloe grabs your hands pulling you back to dance with her. When the band is done she buys shots and you get another round. When she leaves to go to the bathroom you can’t help but check your phone to see if they’ve messaged back. Nothing yet, they’re busy you tell yourself. Chloe comes back and takes a sip of her drink.
“So you had sex with this Johnny yet?” She asks, you blush. 
“I didn’t get chance they-” Shit. “He was deployed before we got chance.” 
Chloe looks at you for a second squinting a playful smile on her face. She waves the bartender over ordering more shots. 
“So think he has a friend you can introduce me to?” She asks winking. No just a husband, you say in your head this time. 
“I’ll ask when he comes back.” You chuckle downing the shot. 
“Where is he?” She asks. 
“I don’t know.” There is that pit again, the pit of worry, you haven’t heard anything from them in almost 12 hours now. You try to push the worry away but it’s getting harder even with you getting tipsy. Chloe seems to see the change in your attitude and she pushes your drink towards you which you eagerly sip. 
“I have an idea.” She says giggling. “How about we head home, pop into the off-licence on the way.” You frown at her, she just giggles again. You nod it would be nice to get out of the loud bar, you wonder what she has planned. As soon as you’ve finished you head to the nearest off-licence buying a pack of cider and 2 bottles of vodka. You drink a can on the way back to your flat.
Walking though the city on a Saturday night is always eventful, it doesn’t help that Chloe is flirting with almost everyone, including the police officers you have to practically drag her off. You forgot how flirty she gets when she’s drunk. You walk home arm in arm stumbling over the pavements you almost forget about Chloe’s cryptic idea. At least it’s enough to distract you from worrying about Simon and Johnny.      
When you get home Chloe puts one of the bottles of vodka in the freezer, the cider in the fridge and pulls out a bottle of coke bring it over to the coffee table while you fall onto the couch pulling your heals off. She puts 2 glasses down filling them with way more then one shot of vodka and coke. She lifts her up you follow her. 
“Cheers.” She says and we click glasses drinking, I wince at how strong it is she laughs.  
“Okay what's this plan of yours?” You ask putting the glass back down. 
“Okay, so how about this.” She says getting to her feet going round to the other side of the coffee table. “Nudes.” 
“What?” You laugh, she can’t be serious.
“He’s deployed somewhere right, he’s probably just as desperate as you are. So how about you give him something to look forward to?” You frown at her as she waves her drink and arms around like she’s come up with the idea of a lifetime. You can’t help but laugh at her.
“I’m not desperate.” You reply. 
“Honey I had sex last week and I’m desperate.” She says shaking her head. 
“Yeah that’s cos you’re a fucking nymphomaniac.” You reply throwing a pillow at her. 
“Okay when was the last time you have sex?” She asks dodging the pillow. 
“I don’t know last year?” You say feeling a little embarrassed. 
“Holy shit do you even remember how to do it?” She asks pouting, you grab another pillow launching it at her. 
“Sex isn’t hard.” You say taking another big gulp of your drink. 
“No but good sex is.” She says coming to stand at the end of the couch. 
“I have good sex.” You say in protest. She chuckles. 
“I have great sex and you want to know why?” She asks as you raise an eyebrow.
“Because I tease them for like a week so when I see them they’re fucking feral.” You laugh again. Maybe Simon and Johnny should be with Chloe, she’s certainty more forward, she’s probably had threesomes, foursomes hell she was talking about a swingers cruise at one point. Maybe this is a good thing she’ll help you come out your shell a bit more. 
“Just imagine him so fucking desperate when you send him a video playing with your tits and he can’t do anything.” She’s crawling over the sofa towards you. “He can’t even touch himself he’s surrounded by like 20 men, maybe he even share’s it round and they all jack off to you.” 
“You’re fucking mental.” You laugh pushing her off the sofa, she falls to floor laughing. Now all you could think about is Johnny and Simon touching themselves over photos of you, hell touching each other. There is that ache between your legs, you reach over and finish your drink. 
“Okay, lets do it.” You say confident. Chloe doesn't need to be told twice jumping up off the floor grabbing the bottle of vodka and rushing into your bedroom. You follow her as she raids your underwear drawer, muttering to herself as she throws clothes on the bed. You sit on the bed taking your phone out, still no message, you hide the group chat. 
“Strip,” Chloe orders you when she’s done, opening the bottle of vodka and taking a swig. You sigh taking your dress off so you’re in just your underwear and bra. She looks at you like she’s inspecting your body. She bends down and hands you a red lace bra and underwear set. Its one of those ones you saw on the mannequins in Victoria Secret and just had to have it. It’s never left the drawer till today it still has the tags on it.
You start to strip as she rummages through your wardrobe for shoes. You pick the bottle of vodka off the bed and take a swig letting it burn your throat. You change stepping off the bed as she hands you some red heels she dug out the back of the wardrobe, you put them on, they’re tight you definitely haven’t worn these in years. She sighs admiring her handiwork.     
“Stay still.” Chloe laughs as you wobble round in the heels. 
“Are you sure this is sexy?” You slur as you come to a stop.
“Trust me if you send him like 100 nudes he’ll be happy for ever.” She passes you the bottle of vodka, you take a mouthful. It fills you with confidence. 
“If I send him 100 nudes he might block me.” You laugh. 
“Stand by the mirror it has the best light.” She says. You make your way over and she takes your phone in her hands holding it up. She puts it down for a second brushing hair behind your ear. 
“How do I stand?” You ask not really sure what you’re doing. She comes over adjusting your body into a position, it feels unnatural but she assures you it’s sexy. 
“You can smile at least.” She chuckles as she starts snapping photos.
“Actually bite your lip.” She says a second later. you start to wobble and she instructs you to sit on the bed and take the bra off. At least you’re sat down now as she passes you the bottle after taking a drink. You throw some back then put it on the bedside table. 
“Man it’s such a shame you’re dating this guy,” She says joking. 
“We could never date, it would be like I’m fucking my sister or something.” You chuckle pulling your heels off. 
“True,” she replies nodding and bringing the camera back up. “Let’s give him a good show, God gave you good tits to show them off!”
You laugh and start squeezing your breasts, pinching the nipples trying to imitate what you’ve seen people do in porn. It definitely does not feel sexy. 
“Relax, Jesus woman don’t be so stiff just do what feels natural.” She says putting the phone down.
“None of this feels natural,” you reply slightly embarrassed, maybe this was a bad idea. 
“Just touch yourself the way you would want him to touch you.” She says, you nod as she brings the phone back up. 
“You’re starting to sound like a sleazy porn director.” You joke. 
“One of my many stunning personalities.” She says flicking her hair with her free hand. You take a breath in your head swimming as you move your hands over your body. You wonder what it would be like if they were touching you, would they be firm? Soft? Johnny’s hands were soft surprisingly. Before you have chance to psych yourself out again you move your fingers too your breasts. You could imagine Johnny on one Simon on the other, moving in sync. The ache comes back between your legs you can’t ignore it now. You pinch your nipples and it sends shock waves down your body, you let out a moan before you can stop yourself.
You almost forget Chloe’s is here filming you until you hear her mutter praises, telling you where to touch next. It must be good whatever it is your doing. It feels good, it makes you miss them, makes you wish you had had the confidence to fuck them before they left. You remember the way they kissed you imagining their lips all over you, soft little kisses or a rough tongue exploring your body. Your hand finds its way into the front of your underwear. You stop yourself pulling it out looking at Chloe, in a drunken horny haze. 
“Are you sure you’re not desperate?” She asks putting the phone down. You turn around grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her. She laughs catching it and throwing it back. You fall back on the bed. Holy shit you could not wait to see them again.         
You wake feeling like death warmed up. Dragging yourself out of bed to the bathroom to hurl into the toilet. Your whole body shaking as you pull yourself into the shower turning it on and letting the water cool you, you have fallen asleep in your underwear, you don’t remember much after coming back to the flat. What time did Chloe leave? You will have to call her. When you feel less shaky you attempt to make your way back to bed but you end up with your head in the toilet bowl again.
When you finally do make it out the room and into the kitchen you see the cans of cider in the sink you almost have to run back to puke again. Instead you fill a glass with water swilling your mouth then gulping the rest down. You fill it up again and head back to the bedroom, picking a shirt up off the floor and throwing it on. You crawl back into bed and close your eyes trying to stop your head from spinning. 
You don’t know if you fall asleep but the next thing you know is your phone buzzing. You reach over to see it’s Chloe. You hang it up, you’ll talk to her later, at least she made it home you don’t remember her leaving. When the call vanishes you see you’ve got a text from Johnny. 
You really know how to tease a guy, my God. Stunning! xxx
What’s he talking about. You squint opening the phone and going to your messages. That’s when you remember it hits you like a truck. You feel like you’re going to throw up again forcing yourself to swallow hard. The nudes, the touching, HOLY SHIT. You almost don’t to open the message, but you have to look, you have to be sure. There it is pictures and a video of you. You don’t even bother scrolling all the way up you just start typing out a word vomit apology. When you send it there is an almost instantaneous reply. 
How’s your head? xxx
It makes you smile of course Johnny doesn’t mind.
Like I’ve been run over by a train. xxx
Simon says drink plenty of water, he liked the show too ;) xxx
Of course Simon has seen it too. You can’t tell whats still adrenaline from the shock or your horniness making a reappearance but you don’t care. There’s a burning between your legs something you’ve never felt before. 
We’re flying back tonight how about we pick you up for breakfast tomorrow? We can spend the day together? xxx
You have already typed back yes before you brain fully registers it. You close down the chat and message Chloe. 
He loved it! He’s back tomorrow we’re going to spend the day together. 
Okay this good feeling inside is amazing. Maybe this can be something you can make a habit out of when they go away, makes time pass quicker you guess.
See! I told you, make him go fucking feral <3
Next part
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2af-afterdark · 1 day
*throws sparkles*
Well hello ! It's me ! Again ! Forever !
Thank you for taking your time to answer my silly asks I love your brain muah !
Okay. Okay. Another one. How do you think the kings (and more if you'd like) m@sturbate ? Would they do it whenever they have some random b0ner ? Would they wait to get back to their own rooms to take care of it ? Do they need a special setting ? Do they need to imagine something ? Someone ? Do they muffle their noises or do they yell until the whole neighborhood knows they're going at it ? Do they need visual imagery ? Pull out a phone and watch some p0rn ? Do they do it through clothes or go completely naked ? I could go on and on....
Anyways. Share the brainworms with everyone please !
- 🪰
My love.... why did you censor the word masturbate? And boner? And porn? This is Tumblr and this is my 18+ blog. Please... You can say any degenerate shit you want here and I will only nod sagely as you foam at the mouth. 🪰 is my friend and I am gently bullying them publicly. You will forgive me if 6 kings is already enough for me. Any more characters than that and I won't have the spoons to gush about how they m@sturbate. I will stop teasing 🪰 now.
Do you think for one solitary minute that this man is hiding the fact that he's jerking it? Man is so loud that the entire building probably knows, and they know exactly what he's getting off to as well. And I say 'building' because that man is jerking it whenever he feels like it. Granted, I think he'd go to a private place. Also, his first choice for spank material is always to call up MC and tell them what he's going and demand they come over so he doesn't have to take care of himself >:3 Man only takes off enough of his clothes to get at his dick. No more, no less.
The man can probably be as loud as he wants because the room had the best sound proofing. Does that mean he is? Nah. He's probably moderate with his noise. Only really noisy right before he cums. And, yes, he is definitely imagining MC the entire time. Sometimes porn may help, but it is always things he wants to try with MC. Man can just move those robes aside, but I feel like he does it in the nude...
No one knows when this man is jerking off because he is silent as the grave and only does it in privacy. He also only does it at certain times of day (probably before bed). Man could jerk it without any thought. It's a biological need that he's taking care of, nothing more. May do some self asphyxiation or have a stray thought about MC that he gets upset about and decides that he'll take it out on them the next time he sees them. He keeps his clothes on, just reaching a hand into his pants to do the deed.
He wants people to know when he's masturbating. He has no sense of privacy. He would just... whip it out when he's in the mood. No questions asked. Would probably jerk it shamelessly while watching whatever got him hard. Unless he got hard because he thought of something. In that case, he would move himself to find what he wants and then jerk off. Point is, he wants to look right at whatever it is he's think about. Clothes stay mostly on when he's in public. He goes straight to whipping out his dick and getting to business.
You know, I figure Lucifer for the type who doesn't try to hide what he's doing, but also doesn't advertise it to the entire kingdom... yet somehow his Nobles will wind up outside his door listening closely to hear whatever they can. He may just rub himself through his clothing sometimes. Just like Leviathan, it is a simple biological urge. Except he doesn't mind dealing with it when he has free time. But only when he has free time, because he's a busy man.
Does this man even masturbate? I assume he's napping through most of the day. Hell, when he has a wet dream, he probably just grinds against the bed in his sleep. Pillow humping king, you feel me? Unfortunately, no one will ever know what he dreams about, but I'm sure Beleth has walked in on it a few times. Man could tell you all the noises Belphegor makes in his sleep... and he will do it, gladly.
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zichqec · 2 years
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I wrote an English guide to YAYA.
It’s long and detailed. It’s got a companion ghost that you can use to run the example code snippets. And I hope it will be helpful for many folks, whether you are new to coding, or an experienced programmer that wants a quick guide to the syntax and some of the weird mechanics.
I have poured so much of my time and energy into this as the year has been drawing near to its end. Please give it a look, and if it helps you improve at ghost coding then that is all I could ask for.
More information about it on my article for the 伺的 Advent Calendar 2022, which you can read here.
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daily-sifloop · 15 days
Stargazing? ✨
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Day 10: looking for your star
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fearandhatred · 17 days
C by fearandhatred (6k words, 1/1 chapters)
Crowley's time with Jesus dredges up an old wooden box of memories 3000 years past—a flood, a reckoning, and lives lost. And in the box are two other things, one of which is a braided lock of her own hair, straw-like from dried-up rainwater, and hacked off violently and unevenly at the edges.
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*don cheadle voice* boom, you looking for this?
it is finally here... the mesopotamia–golgotha fic! this is intended as a sequel to my golgotha fic, via dolorosa. also if you see the very tiny stitches of colour on his clothes and on the C in this drawing... they're surprise tools that will help us later :)
please go check out the wonderful art my beloved @knifeforkspooncup made for me!! i have probably racked up five hours of screen time just looking at it if we're being honest here. thank you loml <3
also this idea came my way because of this post and the lovely (life ruining) additions by @idliketobeatree and @eybefioro. this fic is for u two <3 (i also eventually realised that my original post was factually incorrect but hey it birthed this fic so! happy accidents!)
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brown-little-robin · 3 months
what is UP everyone I just finished my very first one-shot fic EVER!!
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liquidstar · 8 months
Oh fuck tomorrow I'm going to be a little birthday boy I keep almost forgetting
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yukipri · 10 months
I feel like over the month+, I have like 1-2 hours a day max where I feel relatively awake, and every other hour I'm fighting bone-deep exhaustion. I'll bring it up with my doc at my check up on monday, but tbh i know the solution so idk if she can help
And I can work-work when I feel half-dead, or rather I force myself to because I don't want my cats to starve, but when it comes to creative stuff, it's like my mind is slippery sludge dribbling out my eyes...
The Solution, of course: just stop working 3~10 AM every day (and then taking a short nap, working during the day, and then taking another short nap, hours vary but repeat), and maybe get at least 6, ideally 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep at least every other day, ideally every day.
But do I see that happening? No.
Like rn I know I desperately need to edit fic and reply to comments and do several arts but I'm nodding off at my desk after boss DMing me work at 5 AM and dealing with repair people since 8:30 AM...
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how is pathetic jeonghan doing i miss him
Pathetic Jeonghan is doing great actually. He's really vibing, riding the highs of the fact he is now dating y/n. You should be worried about y/n man, she is suffering. Look here's a snippet I actually like so I shouldn't share (solely because it's one of the VERY LITTLE BIT I have written) but I feel bad you guys are waiting so long haha:
Your attention to your homework was dragged away by the distinct sound of Jeonghan’s voice. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you looked across the library, seeing Jeonghan standing a few tables away with a backpack hanging off one of his shoulders. A smile flickers across your lips- Unwarranted- But it died when you realized who he was saying hi to.
It was some girl- Why was it always some girl?- And you could hear a giggle echo from her lips across the library. She was in an ungodly short skirt, with a tight crop top on and she looked so hot. It wasn’t fair.
You couldn’t hear their conversation, but you could see that Jeonghan was actually interested in it. Maybe he pretended not to be interested in conversations for your sake when he knew that you were there. He had a small smile on his lips talking to her. A cute smile. He looked so cute. She looked so happy. Stupid smile on both of their lips.
As Jeonghan spoke, he turned his head slightly, his hair brushing over his shoulder. You thought for a moment he was going to see you but just before his eyes fell on you, they darted back to the girl.
“Y/n, what are you looking at?”
You ripped your eyes away from Jeonghan. Briefly, in order to look at Yeongtae.
“My boyfriend,” you mumbled. You only added the next part because it was Yeongtae and he knew you didn’t mean it. “And his hot new girlfriend.”
Yeongtae glanced over his shoulder, following your eye line and sighed.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked bluntly. “Didn’t you ditch him today?”
You felt something uncomfortable brewing in your stomach and you knew you needed to look away.
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