#//Pyrite info
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timetravelerpyrite · 1 year ago
Uh, hi.
My name is Pyrite, I go by he/him mainly… don't mind she/her though. Newly found out I like Pup/Pupself pronouns too.
I'm 31. (B-day is November 16th, if that matters to anyone.)
//Current Arc: None rn!
//Finished Arcs: Fool's Faller, ABSOLute Panic!
Anyway, not too important, I just kinda found this site and realized 'Oh, there's some people like me here!' so here I am I guess?
Don't expect me to be friendly.
I don't bite! I'm trying to make more friends, but don't shove too much at me at once please.
I don't like staying in one place, it makes me anxious, no I won't tell you why. I was running a lot because of my Ex, she and my bio fam wants me to come back, but I won't, I'm actually tying to get use to staying in one place now.
Most important thing, I'm a Time Traveler and Dimension hopper, how the hell am I both?
I caught a Celebi (He/She/They) by COMPLETE ACCIDENT so now I'm kinda stuck with them, and I kinda got adopted by a Dimension hopping Iron called Iron Eclipse (It/Its)… no, I do not expect you to know what that is.
Call me a fake if you want, I don't care, just try not to hold me down in one spot, got it? Wow I don't like this part the most, why was I such a jerk in my intro??
Anyway, I might visit ya if I feel like, I have two adopted (not legally but who gives a shit) sisters @queen-of-the-phantoms and @pokedexcamp! I'm dating @silveredfeathers and living with him and his wife (and now my Girlfriend-??) @trainerlynda.
Adding an addendum: Sometimes we, his Irons, connect to his phone to be able to post. We are;
🐉: Iron Rage. (She/Her)
🕊️: Iron Serenity! (He/They/Fae)
🌋: Iron Eruption. (He/Him)
🌑🌈: Iron Eclipse.
⌛: And sometimes I steal the phone, I'm Chronos his Celebi.
🍞: Thanatos types sometimes too, she has rather broken English so it will likely be autocorrected to hell and back, please tell her if it gets a word wrong, from what I can tell she wants to understand (She/It)
//Open ask games!
Pelipper mail and malice.
Ask an invasive question.
//Magnifying glass ask game!
See his dreams and nightmares.
//A post for you to give me permission for him to hop to your character's dimension! (Either on purpose or by accident.)
//Ooc info under the cut!
//Ooc. This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own (Or made for me)! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! This blog is not settled in one dimension at the moment, so expect conflicting area info. Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF (and myself, but that's a note for later), just for my comfort. This boi does n o t stay in one place, if he goes to visit someone he will get there himself/he fell into that universe by accident.
//Magic anons are allowed! But I am picky.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//This guy is very much centered around Future Paradox pokemon! He's not gonna know all the Pokemon's names and will call them 'Irons'. The Iron names are VERY much headcannons unless talking about a cannon Iron.
//When he's on the move things he says aloud will be under
[Voice to text active!] where as when he's actully writing it will be under [Pyrite is typing...]
//What the tags mean.
//Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking.
//Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account
//Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished.
//Pyrite info: Self-Explanatory. For both IC and OOC.
Little Hops: His post/response tag.
Warping Reality: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something.
Where am I today?: When Pyrite is mainly talking to himself.
The Pokemon tags: They are for each respective Pokemon/Iron
Magic Anon Things.: Stuff with magic anons.
Triangle Terror: Pyrite dealing with the truth triangles. He can't turn them off, so hehehe.
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keuwibloom · 1 year ago
Alright, introducing one of the reasons why I haven't been making much Parallel Synthesis art lately-- at least, of the already established characters...
Everyone, meet Pyrite!
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Pyrite is an original character I made as a fankid for Parasynth Ink/Opal! I'll talk more in detail about their lore later on, but TLDR; they were an alternate reflection of Frisk that got scrapped. Since the universe didn't want them around, they got thrown into a kind of garbage dump of code.
They took a bit of inspiration design-wise from the unused kid sprite in Undertale, so their 9 year old design is heavily based off that.
Opal eventually finds them in the code dump and decided to take care of them!
They're a sassy child who is incredibly blunt and may come off as a bit of a brat, but gets attached to people really easily and is kind to those who've earned their trust.
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months ago
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Bastet, also called Bast, Ubasti, and Bubastis, is a goddess often represented as a lioness or a cat. She was a protective goddess associated with home, domesticity, women’s secrets, cats, fertility, childbirth, marriage, music, magic, sex, prosperity, joy, dance, healing, and pleasure. She is often invoked for protection against evil and misfortune. Bastet was also known as a goddess of joy, music, dance, and perfume, and is often depicted holding or playing musical instruments, such as the sistrum and the lute. She is also closely associated with the goddesses Sekhmet and Mut, which both of whom are depicted as lionesses.
Appearance: Bastet is often depicted as a woman with the head of a cat or a lioness, sometimes holding a sistrum or a basket of perfumes. Her body is typically portrayed as being covered in spots, like a leopard. She is often depicted wearing a wig adorned with a vulture headdress and a necklace with a golden pendant. In some depictions, she is also shown riding in a chariot pulled by lions, and in others, she was shown as a mother nursing her kittens.
Personality: she is known as a kind and gentle goddess who was particularly devoted to her followers and their well-being. She was seen as a protective deity who watched over homes and families, and was often invoked to protect against evil and misfortune. She was also known as a goddess of joyous celebration and music, and was often invoked to bring happiness and prosperity to her devotees. She was often depicted as a protector of women and children, and was known to be a motherly and nurturing goddess.
Symbols: basket, Ankh, the Sun and Moon, perfume jar, sistrum ointment, solar disk, cats, and lions
Goddess of: home, domesticity, women’s secrets, cats, fertility, childbirth, marriage, music, magic, sex, prosperity, joy, dance, healing, and pleasure
Culture: Egyptian 
Plants: catnip, vervain, cannabis, lotus flower, cinnamon, mint, and sandalwood
Crystals: cats eye aquamarine, jasper, graphite, xenotime, black tourmaline, pyrite, lapis lazuli, sunstone, moonstone, mangano calcite, tiger’s eye, morganite, and shungite 
Animals: cats, lions, cheetahs, leopards, and other felines
Incense: kyphi, rose, cinnamon, mint, and sandalwood
Practices: home protection, feline magick, fertility, sex magick, healing, love magick, personal growth, dance magick, pregnancy rituals, and music magick
Colours: malachite green, black, red, bronze, pink, turquoise, and gold 
Numbers: 7 and 9
Zodiacs: Leo and Cancer
Tarot: The Chariot, Strength, and The Sun
Planets: Sun and Moon
Days: Sunday, Monday, Bubastis, and Mabon
Parents: Ra and Isis
Siblings: Horus and Anhur (half brothers)
Partner: Ptah
Children: Maahes
Cats: they were believed to be the embodiment of the goddess Bastet, and as such, were considered to be holy creatures. Cats were also seen as symbols of grace, elegance, and fertility, all of which were qualities associated with Bastet. Additionally, cats were also seen as protectors of homes and families, which was one of Bastet's main roles as a protective deity.
Sun and moon: Bastet was sometimes associated with the sun and the moon because she was believed to have a connection to the heavens and the celestial bodies. She was considered a protector of the sun, and was believed to accompany Ra, the god of the sun, on his journey across the sky each day. She was also closely associated with the goddess Isis, who was often depicted holding a sistrum or a lunar disc, symbolizing the moon. Additionally, she was also sometimes depicted as the protector of the nighttime, and was thought to be responsible for bringing light into the darkness.
Ankh: the ankh, which is a hieroglyphic symbol that represents life, was often depicted in association with the goddess Bastet because she was considered a protector of life and fertility. The ankh was believed to have powers that could bestow life and fertility upon those who wore it or had it in their possession. It was also said to protect the wearer from death and evil. As a deity associated with these qualities, Bastet was often depicted with the ankh as a symbol of her protective powers and association with life and fertility.
Basket: she is often depicted holding a basket, which is believed to represent her role as a protective deity. The basket was used to carry items that were believed to have protective properties, such as sacred oils or other sacred items. The basket was also seen as a receptacle for offerings and gifts to the goddess, and was believed to represent the abundance and prosperity that she brought to her followers. In some depictions, the basket is also shown as overflowing with grain, representing her association with fertility and plenty.
Cannabis: in some interpretations, cannabis is seen as having a connection to the goddess Bastet because of its association with female fertility and goddess worship. Cannabis has been associated with many goddesses throughout history, as it was believed to be a sacred plant with spiritual and medicinal properties. Some believe that Bastet was associated with cannabis as a symbol of her protection and power over fertility and abundance, and as a means of connecting with the divine feminine. Other interpretations suggest that cannabis may have been used in ancient rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Bastet as a means of enhancing spiritual connection and achieving altered states of consciousness.
Perfume jar: Bastet was often depicted holding a perfume jar or a container of perfumed oil, which is believed to represent her association with perfumes and fragrances. The scent of fragrances was believed to have powerful properties that could purify the air and drive away evil spirits. The perfumes associated with Bastet were often said to have a floral, musky, or sweet scent, and were believed to have regenerative and protective properties. In addition to their protective qualities, perfumes were also seen as symbols of luxury and wealth, which may explain why they were often associated with the goddess Bastet.
Bastet was worshiped in Bubastis in the Nile River delta and Memphis. Large cemeteries of mummified cats and bronze statuettes of Bastet were created at these sites.
Her name was originally B'sst, which later became Ubaste, then Bast, and finally Bastet. The meaning of her name is not known for certain, but some claim it means "She of the Ointment Jar". 
According to Egyptian mythology, the circumstances of Bastet's death are a mystery, but many scholars believe she died while protecting her family.
Many Egyptians saw her feline attributes as all-powerful, with the ability to protect their homes from evil spirits and disease, much in the way cats could ward off vermin.
She works as a psychopomp, a person who leads the deceased to the next life.
Bastet, who was in charge of looking after the dead and the spirit world, was also in charge of destroying the bodies of the deceased who managed to escape from Ma’at’s judgment chamber. In addition, she directed the spirits to the afterlife World. She cared for the deceased and prevented them from fleeing their punishment.
Anyone who damages, kills, or is cruel to cats will suffer the wrath of Bastet and her devotees. Egyptians were so devoted to Bastet and their pet cats that when one died, the cats were also mummified and joined Bastet in The After World.
Light a candle and place it in front of an image or statue of Bastet, offerings of fresh flowers, especially lotus and roses, and which are associated with Bastet, burn incense, such as kyphi, rose, cinnamon, mint, or sandalwood, which are believed to be scents that Bastet enjoys, speak prayers or affirmations to Bastet, asking for her guidance and protection, and create a small shrine or altar dedicated to Bastet, with items that symbolize her qualities of protection and fertility.
 Mother of the Gods, the One, the Only,
Mistress of the Crowns, You rule all.
Bastet, Beloved, when Your people call
Daughter of the Sun, with flame and fury,
Flashing from the prow upon the foe;
Safely sails the boat with Your protection
Passing scatheless where Your fires glow.
Daughter of the Sun, the burial chamber
Lies in the darkness ‘til Your light appears.
From Your Throne of Silence send us comfort,
Bastet, beloved, banish all our fears.
Mother of the Gods,
No gods existed ‘til You came there and gave them life.
Trampling down all evil and all strife.
Mother of the Gods, the Great, the Loved One,
Winged and Mighty, unto You we call,
Naming You the Comforter, the Ruler,
Bastet, beloved, Mother of us all.
The presence of cats, seeing them in pictures, on television, being followed by cats, and even hearing meowing can be signs.
Seeing images or visions of her in your dreams or while meditating.
Feeling a sense of protection or comfort in her presence.
You experience a sudden or unusual interest in ancient Egyptian mythology or spirituality.
Feeling a sense of joy or celebration when thinking about or engaging in activities associated with her.
A strong connection to the themes of protection, fertility, and abundance in your life, or experience a sudden increase in energy or creativity. It's important to pay attention to your own intuition and feelings when interpreting these signs and signals.
Finding small items associated with the goddess in unexpected places or experiencing a sense of connection to the moon or the night.
Feeling a sudden or unusual attraction to the colour gold.
Experiencing a sudden or unusual interest in perfume or scents.
You begin to experience an increase in your creativity and artistic abilities.
A sudden or unusual urge to protect or care for others.
You experience a sudden or unusual attraction to the arts, music, or other forms of self-expression.
Salves and body scrubs. 
Jewelry and other shiny precious to semi precious objects.
Gold items.
Food and drinks: chocolate, sugar water, pastries, beer, garlic, onions, meat (especially chicken and fish), honey, soda, milk, bread, tea, water, fruit/fruit juices, red wine, grains, and lettuce.
Catnip and cannabis. 
Lotus flower. 
Crystals: cats eye aquamarine, jasper, graphite, xenotime, black tourmaline, pyrite, lapis lazuli, sunstone, moonstone, mangano calcite, tiger’s eye, morganite, and shungite.
Wind chimes.
Cat hair, claws, teeth, whiskers (please don’t cut a kitty’s precious whiskers, wait for them to shed naturally - look for them mostly during summer and on the places your cats spend most of their time). 
Bird feathers (especially peacock).
Instruments, songs, music players, cds, and anything relating to music.
Dance related objects and imagery.
Incense: myrrh, jasmine, lavender, cannabis, and frankincense.
Sun catchers.
Herbs: lemon balm, catnip, rose, jasmine, honeysuckle, and mint.
Lunar/sun images and items.
Art you’ve made of her.
Poems and literature.
Love and respect cats, spend some quality time with them.
Protect your loved ones.
Stand up for what is right.
Explore your sexuality.
Do what you love, and love what you do.
Spend some time with your family, whether it be biological or chosen.
Include cats and cat effigies in your practice.
Use a cauldron to burn herbs as incense.
Learn more about Her, and her history.
Cleaning your house.
Donate to, volunteer at, or otherwise support cats at shelters.
Pray to her or write poems in her honour.
Research her.
Honour your mother or the mother figure(s) in your life.
Protect and fight for the innocent.
Play music or create a playlist in honour of her
Learn about perfume and scented oils and how they were used and made in Ancient Egypt.
Take care of your home.
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c00kiesart · 1 year ago
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🧡 Commission for @pyrit-art 🧡
Welcome home belongs to the ever talented @partycoffin
{Commission info}
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pricetagged · 6 months ago
Hello, welcome. You can call me Báir, Báirseach, pricetagged, tagged, whatever (she/any) (: Summaries, content info. and links to Ao3 can be found by clicking the titles below the cut.
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All COD (this is a sideblog. Main username, likes, follows are different).
18+ only MDNI.
I post dark content (labelled and tagged) as well as other.
Please do not repost or feed to AI.
Will write for reader/all the 141 boys, and possibly some nikolai and nikto and others.
Will not write: underage, necro, scat, beastiality, infidelity, animal or child abuse. May add more as I think of it. Anything else is fair game, though (see dark warning above).
Hopefully, it goes without saying, but no racism, classicm, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc., etc.
Asks are open - feel free to send a message.
Anons: 🐙👻
Tags: báirseachwrites ; báirseachrambles ; báirseachasks; báirseachtags
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley/ Reader
(don't you know) that death is a very stable job Knight!Simon AU, 18+. part i 4.8k l part ii 8.9k
sacrum 2.7k simon grieving reader's death in a deeply unhealthy way. GN. Angst.
butcher paper 2.2k drabbly thing with young, butcher's apprentice!simon falling for and defending plus-size!reader.
fool's gold (pyrite) 3.8k Pirate AU Hangman!Ghost 18+ dc
Simon 'Ghost' Riley/John 'Soap' MacTavish/ Reader
fields, doxies, demesne 12.6k Puca/Fae!Ghoap AU - 18+, dark
orcish 1.2k fantasy!ghoap scammers - kidnapping
Simon 'Ghost' Riley/ John Price/ Reader
lorica 2.2k kidnapping ficlet - dark
Captain John Price/ Reader
the hand that feeds drabble series, tbc - dark, 18+. Obsessive, possessive John/married reader. Stalking. Sabotage.
John 'Soap' MacTavish/ Reader
melrose 9.9k vampire!Johnny AU - 18+, dark
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick/ Reader
raft of the leucothea 1.5k shipwrecked ficlet.
Drabbles and Thoughts (<300 words)
Simon gives a massage
Butch lesbian Soap
Simon 'The Menu' AU
Price 'Misery' AU
Price 'Car Trouble Kink'
Simon lives in your house
Stalker in your house (pairing up to you)
141 hire a maid for Price
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the-masked-astro · 5 days ago
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Meet Mr. Baker! More info on him below, but like Pyrite his story is also open to oc/self inserts!
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Age: 31
Hight: 7'1
Gender: male
Species: object head [born with TV head]
Name: Neil baker. Prefers Mr. Baker or just Baker
His father was a Coffee base person while his mother was a cupcake base person, making him a strange combo of both.
40 years ago, two shops opened right next to eachother. One was a bakery run by Lira Sugarstine and the other was a coffee shop run by Victor Baker. Despite being competitors, both would eventually fall in love, get married, join their businesses into a single Cafe, and have a son, Neil baker. Neil loved everything about the bakery, spending most of his time there. Instead of playing with kids his age, he would be helping his mom make baked goods or be learning how to brew coffee with his father.
His parents showered their son with love and kindness, helping him grow into the proud man he is today. He loves his family and the café so much he insists people refer to him by his family last name, to the point not many people know his first name.
Unfortunately the perfect family wouldn't last long, as when Mr. Baker was 28, his father would pass from a heart attack, leaving only his mother to run the Cafe. He would step up quickly to fill the role of his father to help his mother, he would take over most of the business, not wanting his mother to stress and potentially suffer a heart attack like his father. He dotes on his mother constantly, and is a huge Mama's boy. Both of them live above the Cafe
the cafe was originally built as two separate shops with two separate apartments on top. When his parents merged the bakery and coffee shop to make the cafe, they tore down the wall that divided the two, making it one large space. However, they kept both apartments separate. This means that both Baker and his mother live in separate apartments. However, they are still essentially living together
Unfortunately, during a terrible storm, a rift opened under the Cafe, swallowing the building whole, dragging it into the Astro-vision world, which would end up destroying it. Mr. Baker ans his mother would survive, with cuts and bruises, but they would survive. Devastated by the loss of the Cafe and stuck in a strange new world, they refuse to let it keep them down, working towards opening up a new location.
Mr. Baker is bright and bubbly. He lives and breathes baking and coffee making, rarely ever seen doing anything else. He's extremely overprotective of his mother. The only time he's known to get angry or even violent is when someone tries to hurt or harm his mother in some way, shape, or form. Despite hard times, he's always positive. While his mother has tried to get him out of his shell and explore the world, he refused, choosing to be sheltered. Because of this, he can be a bit naive and doesn't always understand modern slang, and is overall a bit socially awkward in settings outside of the cafe.
Overall I hope you enjoy this sweet goober, and while he might be edible bls do not eat him.
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corpsecomplex · 5 months ago
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If you're a newbie getting into Demonolatry, it may be tempting to work with more well-known spirits. However, many of the most famous demons got that way because they are extremely powerful, and would therefore be dangerous and unsuitable for a beginner to work with. So, for anyone who was considering working with Asmodeus, why not start out with one of his lesser-known consorts, Varron?
Basic Info:
Appearance: Varron appears most typically as a sphinx-like being with features like those of both a human and a leopard. He is most typically quadrupedal, with four paws and no hands, but can sometimes appear upright, in which case he will be about 8 feet tall and have humanoid hands. He most typically appears with long hair, yellow eyes, and tan skin.
Personality: Depending on one's relationship with Varron, he will behave differently. He will likely seem withdrawn and quiet at first, but is very curious and can easily be won over. He is known to be a playful and even mischievous spirit who greatly enjoys the company of his devotees. He can, however, be a bit demanding and difficult to placate with regards to offerings.
Origin: Presumably Babylonian
Crystals: black obsidian, black onyx, bloodstone, pyrite, red jasper, garnet, labradorite, opal or opalite, smoky quartz
Animals: Leopards or panthers
Plants: Palms, monstera, pomegranate trees, grape vines, tiger lilies, orchids, dead-nettle
Associated Colors: Black, gold, red, violet
Number: 16
Zodiac: Taurus
Tarot: Six of Cups, The Lovers
Suggested Offerings: Crystals, cinnamon, cardamon, clove, incense (especially sweet scents), bones, animal pelts, leopard print items, palm leaves, barley, honey, fruit (especially grapes, apples, or pomegranates), sweet liquors, smoke or cigarettes, jewelry, blood (only to be given once a strong relationship is formed!)
The element of Earth
Performing and Visual Arts
Signs Varron is Calling To You
Repeated dreams or visions involving his symbols, especially leopards
Sweet smells
Unexplained or otherworldly sounds, such as whispering or purring
A sudden pull towards him or his domains
Hope this could be of help! Safe and successful summonings to you all <3
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cringeandproudx3 · 10 months ago
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Hi!! We're the Chrysalis System, and we reblog!! A lot!! Sometimes we post though! We don't make anything, we're just here!! yes we're on mobile dont remind us /j
Basic info:
Collectively we identify as genderqueer, aroaplacespec and mspec.
Some of our sysmates use diff labels
basic criteria, xenicphobes, kinphobes and anti alterhumans, antifurs, exclus, transmed, radqueer, under 12, sysmeds/fdc people, pro/neutral/complex contact for harmful paras,
Interact: Lgbtqia2mx+, xenic/neopronoun users, aspec, mspec, alterhumans, furries, rad inclus, anti radqueer, systems, neurodivergent ppl (especially autism or ADHD!), angelkin
Tags for specific headmates posting (This post and simple rbs are not tagged)
#Pyrite🎇 (HOST) (It/ze/ne/neos)
#F🌑 (HOST) (She/her)
#Eum💤 (It/its)
#Soph💕 (She/plush)
#Vixa🎨 (She/they)
#Sinox💜💚 (It/goo/neos)
#Ares💿 (Any)
#Partyzee🎈 (Neos)
#Bug/Bagu🩹 (No pronouns)
#Mox🌷 (🌱/🌱s)
#Hilite🌈 (He/her)
#Entr0py🎲 (He/glitch)
#Orynge🍊 (She/wem)
#M☢️ (It/them, also posts on @antirqrin)
#Kinitocantfindanemoji ("nah" idfk kinitos words ig no pronouns)
#Rin🎸 (They/them, also runs @antirqrin)
#Maro☁️ (They/hir)
#Mezku🌀 (No pronouns)
#Citrus🍋 (She/vem)
#Kendie🍭 (Ip/ips)
#Freak🪲 (AAAAAAAAA/AAAAAAAAAself, also runs @willogenic-culture-is)
#Mazough🍷(Zhe/him, also runs @willogenic-culture-is and posts on @jayaziel-the-uncanny)
#Kenya🖤 (She/her)
S (he/him, has his own blog @achr0matic)
Kip🎀 (She/it, @lsdspikedcandy)
#Sword🌸 (He/him)
Some tags might not have posts yet :)
Additionally, things related to an ARG our best friend is making that we're trying to solve:
#555stufftofindmaybe for general things related to this
#555nocodes for posts related to the ARG with no encoded messages in them
#555codes for posts related to the ARG with encoded stuff in them
#555possiblecodes for unconfirmed codes or things that could be codes
#555untranslated for ARG posts that have untranslated/partially untranslated content/codes in them
#555translated for ARG posts that have been translated fully
#555lore for lore regarding the ARG
#555ooc for anything out of character from the Creator regarding the ARG
#555hints for hints from the Creator regarding the ARG
@theultimaterewatcher is the original creator of the ARG!! Please follow them they're a great arg maker, artist, friend, person etc :3
@555missing, @4113n-4-411 and @the-coa-vjcvu-pke-network are the main blogs for the ARG
Rentries/carrds related to the ARG:
Important: a lot of the lore for this ARG might not be comprehensible because it's very centered around the creators ocs!! Help decoding things and attention for them if they want it are still appreciated though :3
Headmates working on solving the ARG:
Pyrite/Jas 🎇
Soph 💕
Blix 🌵
Vixa 🎨
Ares 💿
Ryan 🌻
Mazough 🍷
Again PLEASE go support @theultimaterewatcher and their arg it's genuinely so creative from what we know so far about it!!!!! /Vvpos
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makerofmadness · 3 months ago
as mentioned in the previous post this is basically mock crk game dialogue I did as a writing exercise (I do this for every character in this AU X3), for my AU's version of Golden Cheese Cookie. (For those who missed it here's the post about the AU)
(I will be posting the others whenever I feel like it I have. A lot)
something something Lead-in to the actual mock dialogue look here it is:
Gacha Pre-Pull: I hope you did not forget... mhehe...
Gacha: AHH HA HA HA! I am the Demonic Goddess! BEHOLD!
Wish: Give me what is MINE.
Loading Screen:
I shall devastate the battlefield!
See the Light of Destruction...!
Ahahaha! I have you in my si~ghts!
I'm feeling just a little bit DESTRUCTIVE right now...
Skill: Feel true devastation!
I won...! I WON!! Ah ha ha!
Oh, that is the sweet taste of payback...
With victory comes the spoils.
Grr... I will bury them in the scorching sands, soon enough...
A loss... No, not again, not again...!
Spices...! My precious Spices, you're all still here, yes...?
Knockout: No... NO...!!
It feels so good to finally stretch these wings! Ahaha!
Glorious, aren't I? Wouldn't you want me as your queen? (...wouldn't you?)
Wooo! Ha ha...
The power of destruction shines brighter than gold! (...ah, I wish...)
Time for some FUN!
Someday, I'll bury those so-called 'Heroes' in the burning sands... mhehe...!
Level Up:
Shower me in gold! Until I have regained my former radiance...
Victory grows closer! CLOSER!
Red shines just as much as gold, right...? RIGHT?
I think I quite like you... To the treasury. NOW!
Nutmeg Tiger Cookie! Let's see what I can break now...
It is US who will stand in the end!
Once a treasure is in my grasp... I will NEVER let go of it.
The power of destruction burns even brighter! 
Just as quaint as I remembered it...
Do you wish to tempt living destruction...!?
Why, yes, I do have a tendency to spin out of control...
The Demonic Goddess is in your presence! All eyes on me, now...!
I DEMAND respect!
Is that gold I see?? ...pyrite!? RAH!!
You know, I have... HAD a kingdom of my own...
Do you... wish to speak to me?
*sniff sniff* ...Bear Jellies?
Gold? Give it to me! OR ELSE!
I shall regain my treasures!
Cookie Info:
I hope you did not forget... mhehe...
Demon? God? I have become both.
I will never face another loss...
"Greedy?" Hah! I'm glad you noticed!
What's MINE is mine FOREVER...!
The Spices, too, are my treasures...
AHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! AHA... ah, it's not very funny, is it?
The power of Abundance still belongs to ME! Make no mistake.
I hope my friends can enjoy this freedom with me...
I will destroy any threat to my treasures!
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ask-sibverse · 7 months ago
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I have spent. Way too much fucking time on this. But here! Im opening asks for a side timeline for witchverse! Ask Morpheus (Nightmare), Rubedo (Killer), Albedo (Dust), and Citrine (Horror) whatever you'd like! (Star Sanses and others coming soon)
Info below the cut-
In this multiverse, what is referred to as "witchcraft" is essentially the magical application most AUs come to at some point or another. A sort of "truth" that the more one uses magic, the stronger they become and the longer they live. Witches are those who practice and study applications of magic with this understanding.
Morpheus actually had a "calm" period, while Pyrite (Dream) was still in stone. For hundreds of years, just maintaining the balance and not outright causing harm. It lasted until someone very dear and precious to him was killed and then he truly let the multiverse feel his rage and pain. This lasted until relatively recently, when the Dreamtale twins were finally able to agree to a truce. Moroheus's reasons for finally calming down again are unknown, but appear to coincide with the three mortals he has taken under his wing...
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timetravelerpyrite · 1 year ago
Hmm.... What do you like the LEAST about this new Silver?
That I don't know enough about him-
I don't know his favorite food or drink or if he likes guys or-
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untitled-smp · 6 months ago
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The players of [Untitled] have once more escaped their demise, arriving at a seemingly innocuous world. Will they be able to move on and start a new life once more, or will they be haunted by the events that transpired in their last world?
.: More information - Website - Carrd - Discord - Joining FAQ :.
All of these contain a variety of information, from character summaries, transcripts, world downloads, images, and a LOT of information about the story!
[Below read more: Server info // Content // Player list]
.: Server Info :.
Season 4 is hosted through Bloomhost, and is currently on version 1.21.1. It has a plethora of datapacks and fabric mods.
.: Content :.
We have a playlist of every [Untitled] season 2 episodes!  Some members might make content in the future and it will surely be shown on the blog :D
For [Untitled] season 3 we have the transcripts that are easily accessible through the website, these will contain ALL lore sessions ...and is very very long. If you want a much easier to digest introduction into s3 storyline, then you can play the (currently ongoing) visual novel!
If you wish to know more about some of the characters, then I’d recommend either checking out toyhou.se or better yet, entering the discord server for a much better collection of character information.
There’s also a collection of writing done by our members in ao3 currently wow :] (would HEAVILY recommend these in particular if you are interested for canon content post season two: 1, 2)
.: Active Players :.
Ollie - Player_Void - he/they - @bubblellop // @player-void
Oliver - Player_Draconis - he/they - @draconic-asterism
Plum - Player_Gateway - she/they - @plumcrazycat
Edge - Player_Wither - she/they - @give-grian-rights
Samus - Player_Catabolic - she/they - @tikkitronictonic
Dex - Player_Finder - he/they/it/neos - @maltodextreeen
Sam - Player_Flick - they/him - @47-protons
Ion - Player_Curio - any - @spectator-ion
Alfa - Player_Phantom - they/them - @alfamangle
Six - Player_Atlas - he/it - @a-bowl-of-six-mix
Joco - Player_Last - they/he - @jocotheoddity
Cass - Player_Arcane - she/they/he - @dostthouhavekittens
Cinder - Player_Pyrrhic - they/she/he/ae -
Ceph - Player_Maw - they/them - @chiromaws
George - Player_Punk - he/him - @radio-operator-4
Pyrite - Player_Mold - they/them - @krystalrage
Salmon - Player_Vessel - they/them - @ithymedit
Rainer/Paul - he/they - @voyagerscompass
Lis - mirror pronouns - @transactinides
North - @fiddlefoxtrot
Nev - Player_Fable - any/them - @nowandneverending
Jay - he/him - @nocturr
Zippy/Jon - Player_Witness - he/it/zie - @diamondingot
Tea - Player_Survivor - they/them - @doublemyheight
Andy/Figure - Player_Fatal - any - @
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the-mortuary-witch · 8 months ago
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Raum is a demon mentioned in demonological texts and is often attributed as the 40th demon in the Ars Goetia. He is depicted as a powerful and influential demon with the ability to grant wealth, good health, and sexual favors. Raum is described as appearing as a man with the upper body of a crow, and is said to command up to two hundred legions of demons. In some accounts, he is also associated with the element of air and the power of temptation.
Appearance: he is depicted as a crow which adopts human form at the request of the conjurer. Raum was a massive but thin demon that stood several feet high. He had crow like features with a large black beak and black feathers around his head and chest. He had pure black feathers and giant birds wings. He had pale skin and a pair of yellow eyes. 
Personality: Raum is typically portrayed as having a confident and authoritative demeanor. He is said to be a powerful and influential demon, who commands respect from those around him. He is also described as being cunning and manipulative, using his power and influence to achieve his goals and desires. He is often depicted as being seductive and charismatic, using his powers of persuasion and temptation to lure in and ensnare those who seek his help. Despite his powerful presence, he is also said to be approachable and willing to listen to the pleas of those who call upon him.
Symbols: the element air, crow, lion, wings, sword, wealth, throne, leopard, and crown
Earl/Count of: wealth, good health, and sexual favours
Culture: Demonic
Plants: thistle, rose, cedar, lavender, bay laurel, ash tree, honeysuckle, pine, and haw thorn
Crystals: tigers eye, carnelian, black tourmaline, green aventurine, onyx, pyrite, and labradorite
Animals: crows, leopard, wolves, lion, snakes, eagles, hawks, and ravens
Incense: dragons blood, frankincense, myrrh, rose, and sandalwood
Practices: sex magick, protection, chaos magick, divination, astral projection, transformation, and personal empowerment
Colours: gold, yellow, red, and black
Numbers: 40, 12, and 9
Zodiacs: Aries and Scorpio
Tarot: The Tower
Planet: Mars
Days: Tuesday, new moon, Lupercalia, Beltane, and Lammas
Parents: none known
Siblings: none known
Partner: none known
Children: none known
• Wealth and abundance: he has the power to grant material wealth, physical health, and sexual favours to those who summon him. This association likely stemmed from the belief that demons have the power to influence earthly matters, including the acquisition of wealth and material possessions.
• Power and authority: Raum is given the title of "Count," which indicates his position and rank within the infernal hierarchy. This title is seen as a symbol of power and authority, suggesting that Raum has a significant role and influence in the infernal realms. As a powerful demon, Raum is said to command up to two hundred legions of demons, which would require a significant amount of authority and command over lesser spirits. This association with power and authority serves to elevate Raum's status and importance in the infernal hierarchy.
• Temptation and deception: is known for his ability to use his powers of persuasion and illusion to trick and deceive humans into making unwise decisions. He is often depicted as a cunning and manipulative figure who uses his charisma and charm to lure in those who seek his help, only to reveal his true motives later on. This association with temptation and deception reinforces the idea that Raum can be a dangerous and who should be approached with caution and respect.
• The element air and Mars: he is associated with the element of air and the planet Mars due to his planetary and elemental rulership. In many magical and astrological systems, each planet is associated with a specific element and its corresponding qualities, such as: Mars being the planet of war, action, and energy, which is associated with the element of fire. Air being the element of intellect, communication, and intellect, which is believed to have an influence over the mind and rational faculties.
• Magical practices: such as charm bags and love spells because he has the power to influence matters related to love, sex, and relationships. Some believe that he has the ability to help individuals find love, heal emotional wounds, and bring stability and harmony to romantic relationships. As such, he is often invoked in magical rituals and spells related to love and romance, such as creating charm bags or casting love spells to attract a romantic partner.
• Often depicted with the head of a lion or leopard.
• Known for his ability to grant wealth, good health, and sexual favours to those who summon him.
• He is the 40th spirit listed in the Ars Goetia.
• He commands up to two hundred legions of demons.
• He is associated with the planet Mars and the element of air.
• He is said to be cunning, manipulative, and charismatic.
Working with Raum involves the use of magical techniques and rituals that are intended to summon and communicate with the demon. Here is a basic outline of the steps involved in working with Raum:
• Preparation: before you begin working with Raum, you should prepare yourself and your environment. This might involve cleansing your space, setting up a summoning circle, and gathering any necessary supplies, such as a black mirror, incense, and a candle.
• Invocation: once you have prepared yourself and your space, you can begin the invocation process. This typically involves reciting an invocation or prayer that is specifically written to call upon Raum.
Oh mighty and powerful Count Raum, I call upon you to appear before me in this circle. By your rank and authority, I implore you to bring forth your presence and answer my petition. I offer myself and my will to you, and request your guidance and assistance in matters of power, abundance, and deception.
May our partnership be fruitful and beneficial to us both. Hail Count Raum!
• Repeated encounters or dreams involving bats, crows, or other creatures associated with the Earl.
• Sense of curiosity or attraction towards occult practices or the supernatural.
• A feeling of being guided or protected, as if there is a powerful presence watching over you.
• Strange or unexplained occurrences, such as sounds, smells, or chills you cannot explain.
• An urge to study or work with the principles of chaos magic or the Goetic spirits.
• Repeated or coincidental appearances of the numbers 9, 12, and 40.
• Unexpected or unusual opportunities or luck in areas such as money, love, or success.
• Sudden interest or inclination towards dark or morbid topics, such as death, the occult, or the supernatural.
• Strong desire to explore or experience new and different things, particularly those with a darker or more dangerous edge.
• Red/grey candles or objects.
• Ask Raum what he likes.
• Wine, whiskey, or other spirits.
• Meats: beef, venison, bison, duck, goose, turkey, rabbit, pheasant, quail, lamb, goat, salmon, tuna, and/or mackerel.
• Items that are symbolic of your goals and desires, such as a journal.
• Fruits: apples (red or golden), pomegranate, grapes, pears, peaches, figs, avocados, bananas, oranges or tangerines, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries, pineapple, mango, and papaya.
• Sweets that you enjoy.
• Flowers and plants that are meaningful to you.
• Personal items: jewelry, photos, or other objects that you hold sacred.
• Coins or gemstones.
• Items associated with transformation and change, such as feathers or shells.
• Burning a red or grey candle.
• Working hard in your studies, work, etc.
• Burning dragon's blood incense.
• Giving "riches" to those who need it, such as money.
• Spending time with your significant other or crush.
• Practicing divination with cards, dice, books, music, etc.
• Engaging in a physical challenge or exercise that pushes you to your limits, and dedicating the results of this challenge to him.
• Creating jewelry or talismans with his sigil or name and wearing them as a symbol of your devotion.
• Participating in a ritual or spell that harnesses your emotions and energy to benefit Raum.
• Performing an act of service or charity in his name, such as volunteering for a cause he is associated with.
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charlottecollab · 11 days ago
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🔗info & how to join: carrd This collab might not be open yet, but our discord is! If you want to chat, share your art, or talk about the Charlotte Family feel free to come in. See the carrd for the discord invite! It seems like there is interest for mini events leading up to the main collab—so if you would like to participate in something like that please come on in. Looking for other One Piece Collabs? One Piece Collab Tracker!
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Don't know what an Art (Outfit) Collab is? Want to know who the Mods are?:
What is an Art (Outfit) Collab?
An Art (Outfit) Collab is an event where artists come together to create artwork based on outfits a specific character has been represented in. The goal is for each artist to bring the chosen outfit to life, following the provided guidelines, and contribute to a larger collection that is revealed at the end of the event.
How Does it Work?
1. Outfit Gallery A collection of outfit references for a particular character is made available for participants, and they can choose which one they'd like to draw once the claim period starts.
2. Claiming Process When claiming opens, participants will follow instructions to request the outfit they want to draw. A mod will confirm your choice with you. Note: Claiming is available throughout the entire creation period.
3. Creation Period After an outfit is confirmed, participants can begin creating their artwork. Make sure to check out the information channel in the discord for file specifications!
4. Submissions Once you've finished your piece its time to submit it! There is no need to wait to share your creation on socials. It's yours!
5. Final Showcase All artwork submitted will be compiled into a final collage and shared. The completed artwork (collage) will be revealed on the final posting date of the event.
Meet the Mods:
@lxshoxk Name: Shoxk (Shocks) Pronouns: Any Socials: Tumblr / Bluesky / Carrd
@babygurlenthusiast Name: Pyrite (Pie-Right) Pronouns: She/Her Socials: Tumblr / Bsky
@jinkouuart Name: Jin Prounouns: She/They Socials: Bsky / Tumblr
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keuwibloom · 1 year ago
I was looking at the designs for your parrallel synthesis AU,and I noticed Cross has a star pin too?(I made a thing to show what I am talking about but got a biiit carried away)
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Is he neutral? or is he has it for beccause uh,uh,uhm,idk
uh,just asking out of curiousity, and I couldn't really find the answer you mightve already said something about this. Sorry if you've already mentioned this ;///;
I've seen a couple of people ask about this, so I thought I'd clear some things up! (not me forgetting I haven't posted most of this info yet--)
So! The star pins were made by Ink and were originally given to the other two Stars sometime during their early team days, as a symbol of their friendship. It later on became a symbol of the Stars themselves.
The bone brooches, on the other hand, were given by Nightmare to his gang as a symbol of loyalty; their loyalty to him and in turn, himself to them. Each of them got it at different times-- when they were officially recognized as part of Nightmare's gang.
At some point post-truce, Cross starts actively helping the Stars out on missions from time to time because of how busy they get. He is eventually named an 'honorary Star' and is given the star pin.
So yeah! Cross is still a part of and lives with the gang, but he helps out the Stars from time to time and that's why he has the pin.
(There's three other characters that also have both a pin and brooch-- Pyrite, Error, and another character I haven't introduced yet. Error technically doesn't own the pin and brooch themselves, but I'll talk more about him in his own post.)
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thespoopy1s · 3 months ago
INTRO/Pinned POST!!!!!!! Hello! My name Booberry (he/they), but you can call me Boo/Pyrite/Zizou!!! Im an 18 year old yumeshipper whos also a syshost!! I yume Gemmy and Zizou from an FNF mod called ANTITHESI with my self insert named Faumuran. Although this is mainly a self ship blog, I'll also talk about my other interests which include: Inanimate Insanity/BFDI, Psycho Phonk, Splatoon, and a ton more!!!
If u want more info on me, feel free to check out our strawpage in my bio!!! I hope we can make lost of friends here!!!! (DNI/full yume list below)
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DNI: Proshippers/Shotacons (and basic dni criteria), if you support harassing doubles, basically if youre an asshole, I dont want you here And heres my yume list!!! Its kinda small, but I still wanted to put them all here. Im sharing with everyone except Rutail, I see him as my son and Im literally his #1 fan.
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