#earl raum
the-mortuary-witch · 1 month
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Raum is a demon mentioned in demonological texts and is often attributed as the 40th demon in the Ars Goetia. He is depicted as a powerful and influential demon with the ability to grant wealth, good health, and sexual favors. Raum is described as appearing as a man with the upper body of a crow, and is said to command up to two hundred legions of demons. In some accounts, he is also associated with the element of air and the power of temptation.
Appearance: he is depicted as a crow which adopts human form at the request of the conjurer. Raum was a massive but thin demon that stood several feet high. He had crow like features with a large black beak and black feathers around his head and chest. He had pure black feathers and giant birds wings. He had pale skin and a pair of yellow eyes. 
Personality: Raum is typically portrayed as having a confident and authoritative demeanor. He is said to be a powerful and influential demon, who commands respect from those around him. He is also described as being cunning and manipulative, using his power and influence to achieve his goals and desires. He is often depicted as being seductive and charismatic, using his powers of persuasion and temptation to lure in and ensnare those who seek his help. Despite his powerful presence, he is also said to be approachable and willing to listen to the pleas of those who call upon him.
Symbols: the element air, crow, lion, wings, sword, wealth, throne, leopard, and crown
Earl/Count of: wealth, good health, and sexual favours
Culture: Demonic
Plants and trees: thistle, rose, cedar, lavender, bay laurel, ash tree, honeysuckle, pine, and haw thorn
Crystals: tigers eye, carnelian, black tourmaline, green aventurine, onyx, pyrite, and labradorite
Animals: crows, leopard, wolves, lion, snakes, eagles, hawks, and ravens
Incense: dragons blood, frankincense, myrrh, rose, and sandalwood
Colours: gold, yellow, red, and black
Numbers: 40, 12, and 9
Zodiacs: Aries and Scorpio
Tarot: The Tower
Planet: Mars
Days: Tuesday, new moon, Lupercalia, Beltane, and Lammas
Parents: none known
Siblings: none known
Partner: none known
Children: none known
• Wealth and abundance: he has the power to grant material wealth, physical health, and sexual favours to those who summon him. This association likely stemmed from the belief that demons have the power to influence earthly matters, including the acquisition of wealth and material possessions.
• Power and authority: Raum is given the title of "Count," which indicates his position and rank within the infernal hierarchy. This title is seen as a symbol of power and authority, suggesting that Raum has a significant role and influence in the infernal realms. As a powerful demon, Raum is said to command up to two hundred legions of demons, which would require a significant amount of authority and command over lesser spirits. This association with power and authority serves to elevate Raum's status and importance in the infernal hierarchy.
• Temptation and deception: is known for his ability to use his powers of persuasion and illusion to trick and deceive humans into making unwise decisions. He is often depicted as a cunning and manipulative figure who uses his charisma and charm to lure in those who seek his help, only to reveal his true motives later on. This association with temptation and deception reinforces the idea that Raum can be a dangerous and who should be approached with caution and respect.
• The element air and Mars: he is associated with the element of air and the planet Mars due to his planetary and elemental rulership. In many magical and astrological systems, each planet is associated with a specific element and its corresponding qualities, such as: Mars being the planet of war, action, and energy, which is associated with the element of fire. Air being the element of intellect, communication, and intellect, which is believed to have an influence over the mind and rational faculties.
• Magical practices: such as charm bags and love spells because he has the power to influence matters related to love, sex, and relationships. Some believe that he has the ability to help individuals find love, heal emotional wounds, and bring stability and harmony to romantic relationships. As such, he is often invoked in magical rituals and spells related to love and romance, such as creating charm bags or casting love spells to attract a romantic partner.
• Often depicted with the head of a lion or leopard.
• Known for his ability to grant wealth, good health, and sexual favours to those who summon him.
• He is the 40th spirit listed in the Ars Goetia.
• He commands up to two hundred legions of demons.
• He is associated with the planet Mars and the element of air.
• He is said to be cunning, manipulative, and charismatic.
Working with Raum involves the use of magical techniques and rituals that are intended to summon and communicate with the demon. Here is a basic outline of the steps involved in working with Raum:
• Preparation: before you begin working with Raum, you should prepare yourself and your environment. This might involve cleansing your space, setting up a summoning circle, and gathering any necessary supplies, such as a black mirror, incense, and a candle.
• Invocation: once you have prepared yourself and your space, you can begin the invocation process. This typically involves reciting an invocation or prayer that is specifically written to call upon Raum.
"Oh mighty and powerful Count Raum, I call upon you to appear before me in this circle. By your rank and authority, I implore you to bring forth your presence and answer my petition. I offer myself and my will to you, and request your guidance and assistance in matters of power, abundance, and deception.”
“May our partnership be fruitful and beneficial to us both. Hail Count Raum!"
• Repeated encounters or dreams involving bats, crows, or other creatures associated with the Earl.
• Sense of curiosity or attraction towards occult practices or the supernatural.
• A feeling of being guided or protected, as if there is a powerful presence watching over you.
• Strange or unexplained occurrences, such as sounds, smells, or chills you cannot explain.
• An urge to study or work with the principles of chaos magic or the Goetic spirits.
• Repeated or coincidental appearances of the numbers 9, 12, and 40.
• Unexpected or unusual opportunities or luck in areas such as money, love, or success.
• Sudden interest or inclination towards dark or morbid topics, such as death, the occult, or the supernatural.
• Strong desire to explore or experience new and different things, particularly those with a darker or more dangerous edge.
• Red/grey candles or objects.
• Ask Raum what he likes.
• Wine, whiskey, or other spirits.
• Meats: beef, venison, bison, duck, goose, turkey, rabbit, pheasant, quail, lamb, goat, salmon, tuna, and/or mackerel.
• Items that are symbolic of your goals and desires, such as a journal.
• Fruits: apples (red or golden), pomegranate, grapes, pears, peaches, figs, avocados, bananas, oranges or tangerines, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries, pineapple, mango, and papaya.
• Sweets that you enjoy.
• Flowers and plants that are meaningful to you.
• Personal items: jewelry, photos, or other objects that you hold sacred.
• Coins or gemstones.
• Items associated with transformation and change, such as feathers or shells.
• Burning a red or grey candle.
• Working hard in your studies, work, etc.
• Burning dragon's blood incense.
• Giving "riches" to those who need it, such as money.
• Spending time with your significant other or crush.
• Practicing divination with cards, dice, books, music, etc.
• Engaging in a physical challenge or exercise that pushes you to your limits, and dedicating the results of this challenge to him.
• Creating jewelry or talismans with his sigil or name and wearing them as a symbol of your devotion.
• Participating in a ritual or spell that harnesses your emotions and energy to benefit Raum.
• Performing an act of service or charity in his name, such as volunteering for a cause he is associated with.
It is not recommended to eat or drink offerings given to Raum because he is a powerful demon associated with the underworld. It is always better to err on the side of caution and avoid consuming offerings that were given to Raum.
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devildevotee · 5 months
subtle goetic worship: six ways to worship earl raum.
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burning a red or grey candle
burning dragon's blood incense
giving "riches" to those who need it, such as money
spending time with your significant other or crush
practicing divination with cards, dice, books, music, etc
working hard in your studies, work, etc
divider credit. credit to stag for this lovely series of posts. ✨
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Enn:Furca na alle laris Raum
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The Fortieth Spirit is Earl Raum. He appears at first in the form of a crow, but after he puts on human shape. He helps to steal treasures out king’s houses, and to destroy cities and dignities of men, and to tell all things, past and what is, and what will be. Raum is a spirit useful to both those engaged in war and those stuck in political altercations. Evoke Raum to take down a mighty foe or adversary. Raum is also helpful in legal battles against large conglomerates. Seek Raum’s wisdom to find personal strength when the odds are against you. He not only fights for you, he also brings strong friendship to friends and foes. He was of the Order of Thrones. He governs 30 legions of spirits.
Call upon Earl Raum for
⬩Destroy dignities
⬩Friendships to friends and foes
⬩Info on past present, and future
⬩Steal treasures or secrets
⬩Ask him what else he will work with you on⬩
⊱•━━━━━━⊰In Ritual⊱━━━━━•⊰
Enn:Furca na alle laris Raum
Sigil:Posted above
Incense:Dragons Blood
⬩Red candles or objects
⬩Ask Earl Raum what he likes⬩
⬩It is important to learn protections before trying to work with any spirits. You can get tricksters and parasites if you don't.
Cleansings- cleaning your space of negative energies. You can burn herbs or incense for this.
Banishings- forcing negative energies out of your space. The lesser banishing ritual is one of the most commonly used.
Warding- wards keep negative energy out of your space. Amulets, sigils and talismans do this.
Set up a your space and do a cleanse and banishing. Have wards up in your home. Meditation is to calm yourself and get your mind ready. The sigil (symbol) is what you draw on paper. The enn is what you chant or say to call forth the spirit.⬩
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gemteeth · 3 months
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Cophern is intersex, genderfluid, demiromantic (they/he)
Raum is aroace
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ordosonituslux · 2 years
Furca na alle laris Raum.
Raum is a champion of the underdog, a fighter for the underserved and the oppressed, a Tower for the ivory towers which hold up the corrupt powers that be.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
Huh. We've never spoken to Ose. It's probably rude to ask whether you know anything about Ose, but right now I'm pretty much casting around semi randomly for answers, so-
Oh, also my datemate suggested 'god of shame' for their vote. Which seemed like a curious idea to me.
nah. that one is definitely asmodeus.
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aleafinacup · 1 month
Identifying Demons: Ars Goetia
Pretty random thing to attempt but I wanted to try it, mainly thanks to posts by @mintaikcorpse :]]
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This is what I got so far and I’m gonna list why I think this is who’s who below the cut (also even if it’s revealed these are wrong or irrelevant I don’t really care that much bc there’s little chance I’m gonna write using the Goetia much
Vassago: Pretty simple start, it’s already confirmed
Raum: Described as an Earl ruling 30 legions of demons, his description mentions him taking the appearance of a crow and he is then also described to “steal treasures out of kings' houses, carrying them where he wishes” — so from the appearance of this bird guy, he seems to really like his gold since his anthropomorphised wing-hands have gold rings all over them
Sitri: Honestly my favourite look out of this group :] a Prince ruling over 60 legions of Demons, he’s one of the few Goetia depicted as having a leopard appearance, alongside griffin wings. Fits pretty perfectly for what’s in the picture
Shax: Marquis having power over 30 legions of Demons (on evil horses apparently) he is depicted as a stork, and I think with the long beak and thin neck that’s what he’s implied to be. His outfit also sort of looks like the uniform dressage riders wear (at least in my eyes) with the black coat and white shirt underneath, so that could potentially cover the “evil horses” thing
Botis: Pretty easy one as not a lot of Goetia appear to be serpent like. A President that commands 60 legions of Demons and depicted as an “ugly viper” aww poor guy :(( I think he’s silly looking
Ipos: Prince that commands 36 legions of Demons. A pretty hard one to figure out, but in this pic he’s very vulture like, so googling “vulture ars Goetia” brought me to Ipos’ page, as he is sometimes described as a vulture (although very rarely, he’s commonly a fuck ton of animals smooshed together)
Buer: President with 50 legions of Demons under his command. This was definitely the toughest one T-T the picture of this lil guy very much yells goat to me but looking through all the Goetia descriptions the only time I could see anything like that was in Buer’s text, which says “He has been described as being a wheel with several legs, or even as a lion head with multiple goat legs.” That was all I got, but given that there’s several Goetia already with lion features, I decided to focus on the singular goat part and leave it at that 💀
It’s fun and definitely satisfying to put names to faces, as for me I like to have things like this tucked away to potentially use in stories
I severely doubt all 72 Goetia are ever going to show up in Helluva or Hazbin, but given how many there are and how plenty of them have a surprising amount of description, there’s a lot of overlap in animal features and I do hope that if any more are shown they aren’t just all birds
Maybe I’ll make another post like these if they get more screen time?
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April 19th, 2023
1. King Bael: Two of Wands
2. Duke Agares: Three of Wands
3. Prince Vassago: Four of Wands
4. Marquis Samigina: Five of Pentacles
5. President Marbas: Six of Pentacles
6. Duke Valefor: Seven of Pentacles
7. Marquis Amon: Eight of Swords
8. Duke Barbatos: Nine of Swords
9. King Paimon: Ten of Swords
10. President Buer: Two of Cups
11. Duke Gusion: Three of Cups
12. Prince Sitri: Four of Cups
13. King Beleth: Five of Wands
14. Marquis Leraje: Six of Wands
15. Duke Eligos: Seven of Wands
16. Duke Zepar: Eight of Pentacles
17. President Botis: Nine of Pentacles
18. Duke Bathin: Ten of Pentacles
19. Duke Sallos: Two of Swords
20. King Purson: Three of Swords
21. Earl/President Marax: Four of Swords
22. Earl/Prince Ipos: Five of Cups
23. Duke Aim: Six of Cups
24. Marquis Naberius: Seven of Cups
25. President/Earl Glasya-Labolas: Eight of Wands
26. Duke/Duchess Bune: Nine of Wands
27. Marquis/Earl Ronové: Ten of Wands
28. Duke Berith: Two of Pentacles
29. Duke/Duchess Astaroth: Three of Pentacles
30. Marquis Forneus: Four of Pentacles
31. President Foras: Five of Swords
32. King Asmoday: Six of Swords
33. President/Prince Gaap: Seven of Swords
34. Earl Furfur: Eight of Cups
35. Marquis Marchosias: Nine of Cups
36. Prince Stolas: Ten of Cups
37. Marquis Phenex: Two of Wands
38. Earl Halphas: Three of Wands
39. President Malphas: Four of Wands
40. Earl Raum: Five of Pentacles
41. Duke Focalor: Six of Pentacles
42. Duke/Duchess Vepar: Seven of Pentacles
43. Marquis Sabnock: Eight of Swords
44. Marquis Shax: Nine of Swords
45. King/Earl Viné: Ten of Swords
46. Earl Bifrons: Two of Cups
47. Duke Uvall: Three of Cups
48. President Haagenti: Four of Cups
49. Duke Crocell: Five of Wands
50. Knight Furcas: Six of Wands
51. King Balam: Seven of Wands
52. Duke Alloces: Eight of Pentacles
53. President Camio: Nine of Pentacles
54. Duke/Earl Murmur: Ten of Pentacles
55. Prince Orobas: Two of Swords
56. Duke/Duchess Gremory: Three of Swords
57. President Osé: Four of Swords
58. President Amy: Five of Cups
59. Marquis Oriax: Six of Cups
60. Duke/Duchess Vapula: Seven of Cups
61. King/President Zagan: Eight of Wands
62. President Volac: Nine of Wands
63. Marquis Andras: Ten of Wands
64. Duke Haures: Two of Pentacles
65. Marquis Andrealphus: Three of Pentacles
66. Marquis Cimejes: Four of Pentacles
67. Duke Amdusias: Five of Swords
68. King Belial: Six of Swords
69. Marquis Dacarabia: Seven of Swords
70. Prince Seere: Eight of Cups
71. Duke Dantalion: Nine of Cups
72. Earl Andromalius: Ten of Cups
Source: Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
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thegoetia · 1 year
Ars Goetia List
this list and ranking is taken from the Ars Goetia. Different than the rankings of previous grimoires.
This page is focused on providing information of each spirit listed in the Ars Goetia not limited to information from other grimoires. Provided there are some basic general information about what they are about, help with, and what can be used in offering and or rituals for them. You must know basic protection and working with energy and grounding before attempting to contact any spirit( I will soon provide information about that and link it here). You should also do your research about these spirits before contacting them.
1.King Bael 37.Marquis Phenex
2.Duke Agares 38.Earl Halphas
3.Prince Vassago 39.President Malphas
4.Marquis Gamigin 40.Earl Raum
5.President Marbas 41.Duke Focalor
6.Duke Valefor 42.Duchess Vepar
7.Marquis Amon 43.Marquis Sabnock
8.Duke Barbatos 44.Marquis Shax
9.King Paimon 45.King Vine
10.President Buer 46.Earl Bifrons
11.Duke Guison 47.Duke Uvall
12.Prince Sitri 48.President Haagenti
13.King Beleth 49.Duke Crocell
14.Marquis Leraje 50.Knight Furcas
15.Duke Eligos 51.King Balam
16.Duke Zepar 52.Duke Alloces
17.President Botis 53.President Camio
18.Duke Bathin 54.Duke Murmur
19.Duke Sallos 55.Prince Orobas
20.King Purson 56.Duchess Gremory
21.Prince/Earl Marax 57.President Ose
22.Prince Ipos 58.President Anvas
23.Duke Aim 59.President Orias
24.Marquis Naberius 60.Duchess Vapula
25.Glasya-Labolas 61.King Zagan
26.Duke Bune 62.President Volac
27.Marquis Ranove 63.Marquis Andras
28.Duke Berith 64.Duke Haures
29.Duke Astaroth 65.Marquis Andrealphus
30.Marquis Forneus 66.Marquis Cimejes
31.President Foras 67.Duke Amducious
32.King Asmoday 68.King Belial
33.Prince Gaap 69.Marquis Decarabia
34.Earl Fufur 70.Prince Seere
35.Marquis Marchosias 71.Duke Dantalion
36.Prince Stolas 72.Earl Andromalus
If you want more content related to other than Ars Goetia follow my Main Blog
If you have any other questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ occult server.
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mintaikk · 5 months
Theorizing about Ars Goetia Demons: Malphus
So, we all just figured out yow the leopard guy is Sitri, right? Aight, now I wanna talk about this raven bitch, and maybe the other guys that appeared with Vassago too
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I think he's Malphus. In mythology, he isn't part of the Ars Goetia, but instead appeared in The Lesser Key of Solomon, where Malphus was described as an anthropomorphic Raven with a hoarse voice.
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He's a great president of Hell and commands over 40 legions. Malphas builds houses and strongholds, but can also destroy the desire of enemies, find artifacts, and give people familiars. He was described as being kind, but would deceive conjures.
Honestly so happy I found this. I only found out who Malphus was by accident 5 months ago when I was trying to name a Crow that lives by my sister's dorm, who we said was evil, so I just looked up "Crow demon" to name him, and Malphus showed up. (We names the Crow Dawnathan because he always screams at dawn)
Edit: It could also be Raum! In demonology, Raum is a Crow who is a great Earl of Hell who steals treasures and can tell things from the past & future.
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hellenicandcrowd · 3 months
List of Demons in the Ars Goetia
Lesson 2: Spirits by Name and Rank ( P a r t 2) ... . . . . .. . . .... .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .
1. Gamigin
2. Aamon
3. Leraje
4. Naberius
5. Ronove
6. Forneus
7. Marchosias
8. Phenex
9. Sabnock
10. Shax
11. Orias
12. Andras
13. Andrealphus
14. Kimaris
15. Decarabia Earls
1. Furfur
2. Malthus
3. Raum
4. Bifrons
5. Andromalius Knights
Master List
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aroyaltailor · 2 months
“The Eighty-fifth Spirit is Parak, or Parat. He was once a Mighty Earl; and like Raum appeareth at first in the Form of a Crow, but after the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human Shape. His office was to insult Men and Kings, and to Slander them in name, and to reign the Fiefdoms of his father Raum. If thou makest a Sacrifice unto him he will receive it happily and willingly, but he will deceive him that make it. He is Leal to Lilith Morningstar, and once governed 12 Legions of Spirits, and his seal is this, etc.”
– Excerpt from unfinished "Ars Damnatii" grimoire held within the Vatican Apostolic Archive. Digitization incomplete. Access restricted.
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leleamo · 2 months
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(From right to left) Furfur, Malthus, Raum, Bifrons, Adromalius
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gemteeth · 3 months
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Knox gets Raum and they hold hands.
Knox 👉 @hypnodigitalis
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ms-cartoon · 5 months
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I think this is supposed to be Raum. The Great Earl of Hell.
I drew an OC that's supposed to be his son and I was planning on drawing Raum too. And now that I've seen him . . .
He definitely WILL NOT look like this, lol! He's gonna be drawn much more intimidating than this design.
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seven-circlllxs · 11 months
Pages of the Ars Goetia [Ring Hierarchy]
So, mun is a bit insane and organized all of the demons listed in the Ars Goetia into their Rings and Roles! This is assumed canon for any Goetia interactions unless asked for different specifications!
Note - Herald Kings are mun's preferred terms for the Deadly Sins/Princes, since there are actual princes of Hell and it makes things easier. King is also a genderless word here.
Herald King of Pride - Lucifer King of Pride - Balam Dukes of Pride - Agares, Astaroth, Crocell Prince of Pride - Vassago Marquises of Pride - Naberius, Ronove Earl of Pride - Andromalius Knight of Pride - Furcas Presidents of Pride - Barbas, Ose, Amy
Herald King of Wrath - Satan King of Wrath - Beleth Dukes of Wrath - Eligos, Berith, Focalor, Allocer Prince of Wrath - Gaap Marquises of Wrath - Leraje, Marchosias, Andras Earl of Wrath - Raum Presidents of Wrath - Malphas, Camio
Herald King of Gluttony - Bee-lzebub Dukes of Gluttony - Vapula, Dantelion Prince of Gluttony - Ipos Marquises of Gluttony - Gamigin Earl of Gluttony - Malthus Presidents of Gluttony - Buer, Haagenti
Herald King of Greed - Mammon King of Greed - Paimon Dukes of Greed - Valefar, Bune, Vepar, Vine, Murmur Prince of Greed - Seir Marquises of Greed - Forneus, Sabnock, Shax Earl of Greed - Furfur Presidents of Greed - Zagan, Foras
Herald King of Lust - Asmodeus Dukes of Lust - Amdusias, Zepar, Saleos, Vual, Gremory Prince of Lust - Sitri Marquis of Lust - Phenex Presidents of Lust - Glasya-Labolas
Twin Herald Kings of Envy - Leviathan and Behemoth King of Envy - Belial Dukes of Envy - Gusion, Aim, Flauros Prince of Envy - Stolas Marquises of Envy - Aamon, Orias, Andrealphus, Decarabia Earl of Envy - Bifrons Presidents of Envy - Botis, Morax
Herald King of Sloth - Belphegor King of Sloth - Purson Dukes of Sloth - Barbatos, Bathin Prince of Sloth - Orobas Marquis of Sloth - Kimaris President of Sloth - Valac
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