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katiekatdragon27 · 3 months ago
Dandy's World Roleplay servers are so wild and unhinged that it makes me come up with AUs. And yes, it's shinyshrimp. I'm so cringe <333
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So, while in the roleplay server, I got into an argument with a Shrimpo as Glisten about not being able to see proper reflections though Glisten's face. Then a Goob showed up (my sibling) and asked if Shrimpo was a vampire. Then they asked if Glisten (me) was a vampire. Then we asked the Goob if he was a vampire, and he turned emo. And then I shared this experience with my friends, and they egged me on to make an AU about it lol.
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Glisten: So. Is this the part where we make out, orrr-?? Shrimpo: WHAT??!
Dandy: No cuz it's genius! If they hate each other, that's two less annoying people to deal with! (He underestimated the power of enemies to lovers)
The general plot is Glisten is a monster hunter and Shrimpo is a human turned vampire-werewolf (he has no memory of how that happened btw). Glisten is specifically hired by Dandicus to hunt down and kill Shrimpo. Glisten manages to hunt Shrimpo down, but since Shimpo hasn't been non-human for that long, he puts up a kinda pathetic fight. Glisten puts Shimpo's arrogant ass in place and refuses to kill him so they can fight honorably. Shrimpo takes this personally lol and strives to get better at fighting so he can show up Glisten.
Badabing badaboom, enemies to lovers setup.
Dandy did not see that coming and it pisses him off lol.
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Shrimpo: I HATE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Astro (to himself): WTF is up with this guy?
This was a doodle recommended by an awesome artist in a server I'm in (dunno if they wanna be tagged lol). Astro being a moon moth thing causes Shrimpo to howl at him lol. Also part of the reason Dandy dislikes Shrimpo lol. Also also, Astro is a witch.
Also also also, here's the emo Goob my sibling became when discussing vampires. He unemos when he becomes a weredog lol.
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Below is a buncha doodles all about Glisten (and his failing mental health).
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You guys know Wiggle from Bugsnax? You guys know Millie from Helluva Boss? Yeah. They were the main inspos for this design hc lol (the buck teeth part not the insecurity part).
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I have this goofy hc that Glisten's og design never intended to give him buck teeth. When being made, the ichor messed up and gave it to him. Learning about this is his first instance of feeling insecure about himself, and he develops the mannerism of covering his mouth when laughing (bc it makes his teeth really obvious lol)
And since Glisten now has buck teeth, that means Shimmer also gets buck teeth! However, her reaction to them was completely different to how her dad reacted to his.
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I have this hc that Glisten can't handle backlash that well. With the machine messing up with his face (his teeth), and his general vibe being disliked by many people of the time of Gardenview (prob bc the 90s and very queer-coded kids' character didn't exactly mix well), he feels this crippling pressure to be the "perfect" version of himself.
If he deems you lower than him, your words don't matter. He doesn't care what you think about him
However, if he views you as an equal or higher, any kind of negative opinion said to him will be taken personally, and will either be repressed into self-hatred, or actively worked upon in order to be "better" (which ends up hurting him more depending on the situation.) His need for perfecting also makes him a workaholic when in a spiral, leading him to self-isolate and just kinda hide away from everyone for a couple days, and sometimes injure himself trying to get better on his own (he has a tendency to scratch his arms and face too, only fueling his need for isolation).
He refuses to open the door and get food outside, so ppl will slide him snacks and things under the door. People still care about him, but he'll never them see him cry.
Glisten has such horrid insecurity that he will never let anyone see. However, not everything is bleak for the guy.
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Shimmer: Hey Dad! Guess what!? My teeth grew in! Now I look like you! Isn't that cool?!
She was not born with them unlike Glisten. Instead, they grew in near her "10th" birthday. She was very happy to have them. I like to think that seeing Shimmer be so happy to have a very sensitive trait of Glisten and loving every second of it helps him heal a bit of his insecurity.
After all, how can he hate a part of himself that his kid adores?
Kids don't fix everything, but they can aid in healing lol
Have a good one dudes^^
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srslylini · 2 months ago
I have some thoughts about the idea of forgiveness and moving on we see in media and fans. The thoughts mostly come from being in therapy and spending time with people who specialize in those fields and helped me come to terms with my own pain.
This can very well be taken in general but is mostly about Vi.
Right. So.
Vi is a genuinely interesting character, who has gone through hell and back to put it lightly. She lives in conditions in the undercity that has people who don't live in them wear masks to handle them. She grew up and saw her parents die, which means she had to step up. Vander did adopt her, her sister, Mylo and Claggor but Vander still put a lot of responsibilities on Vi. She was told she cannot be selfish when people look up to her.
Then, of course, the entire act 1 of season 1 happens, which in itself is already very much and not something that should have ever happened to anyone, let alone a kid/teenager. She then, on TOP of all of this, got thrown into Stillwater after seeing her entire family die (and presumed Powder also as dead, although she continued to hope), where she was canonically beaten, starved, put into isolation and... the rest is up to interpretation because I guess the writers did not care. But that interpretation is not a good one.
What I am trying to say with all of this is that Vi has been put through so much by the system and by people (Enforcers get a special mention here) all around her.
This gets me to the point. I see a lot of people, the writers themself even, talk about how Vi needs to (or already did) forgive and move on. And I just wonder where this idea comes from?
In all my time in therapy, no matter what and who I talked about, you know what I have never heard? That I need to forgive.
What I heard instead was rather close to this:
"What happened was not your fault. It happened and can't be changed. But there is still something you can do, because you stand here now. You can imagine yourself back then and guide yourself. Hold yourself and tell the younger version of you that what happened isn't ever going to be fine but that you are still here and that you need to be kind to yourself." She told me "take the hand of your younger version and walk her through it because in the end it will have always happened but you can choose to help yourself"
There is a lot more she told me, but that is between her and me. What I am trying to say with this is that not once did I ever get told that I need to forgive the people involved. I am also not trying to say that doing this works for everyone, because health does not work this way. The point I am making is that I find it incredibly weird that we came to the point of saying that the only way to let go is to forgive, when that could not be further from the truth.
I would say understanding it happened and being kind to yourself does a lot more than trying to forgive people who hurt you so much that it ends in you being broken to what seems beyond repair (it isn't I have learned that much, lol). That's what my therapist taught me.
Which brings me back to Vi and why I find the notion of "she needs to forgive and move on to get better" or the writers writing "she forgave and moved on" so weird.
What happened to her is not something that can be forgiven. And... that is okay. Or it should be okay. But for some reason it isn't?
I mean if you can and want to forgive that is for you to do but to say that it is a (or even THE) way to move on does not sit right with me. At all.
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space-station-nursery · 2 months ago
🛰️⸝⸝Sometimes i feel like im not clear enough in my DNI or even in my banners so... 🪐[a vent. TW for cussing, all caps, grooming mentions]
i don't even care if we loose followers due to this. New year, new Finn. I refuse to silence myself and sacrifice my comfort for the comfort of others.
🛰️⸝⸝Transmission ended 🪐
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zewik7 · 4 months ago
With your weight is it still possible for you to exercise or climbing stairs without heavy breathing
Do you snore loudly in your sleep
Do you have health issues like high bloodpressure or pre diabetes or high heart rate because of your weight
I don’t know if it’s pssible… but i don’t wanna!! 🤨😠
I snore a lot ahah fortunately my gf is like bomb-proof when she sleeps 😂
I have a distended stomach (around 2.5 times the size of a normal one), high blood pressure since 2024, diabetes since 2017, high heart rate (150 bpm relaxing), fatty liver since 2017, and a lot of visceral fat (which means almost every organ is covered by a layer of fat!) 🥰🐷
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sunsetmountainlion · 1 month ago
…eh fuck it, here’s definitely my most controversial Hazbin Hotel opinion and why I think it.
I don’t Adam and the exorcists are entirely in the wrong, and I don’t think Charlie is entirely in the right.
Let me explain before you go at me. Buckle up, this is a long post.
Hell is a horrible, horrible place. That’s just a fact. The worst of the worst people end up there. Rapists, murderers, child molestors, genocidal dictators, etc. It’s the place for awful people.
Heaven is the place where a lot of those people’s innocent victims would end up. Those raped and murdered, killed for amusement or because someone hated them for no good reason, who suffered because of the awful people who eventually end up in Hell.
In Heaven, the monsters who hunted and haunted them in life can’t get to them anymore. They’re safe, able to live out their eternal existence in peace and safety while those monsters…
Get to continue being monsters. Is Valentino suffering for his what he’s done? Alastor? Vox? Zestial? All of these people who did things in life so awful that it earned them Hell now get to just… continue being awful. Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and- you get the point. There’s no true punishment for them, because they’re such rotten people that Hell is like Heaven to them.
The longer they get to run amok, the more power and souls they can obtain. They can get stronger, and stronger, without anybody putting a cap on it. I think the angel’s fear of what could happen if those sinner’s endless hunger is turned towards Heaven is misplaced, because they’ve already shown us what they are.
Now, think about Adam. Think about being the First. The First Man, the First Human, the Father of Humanity, the one Made in God’s Image, and the First Betrayed. The First Heartbroken. The First to Watch His Child Die at the hands of one infected with the Sin that the angel he had once trusted and the first woman to betray him had let into Paradise.
He gets cast out of Eden, has to learn to survive in a world where anything could kill him and his family when he’d never known pain or hunger or cold or grief before. He grows colder, harsher, because he can not afford to be soft anymore.
He lives, he dies, he goes to Heaven. Finally, his reward. He can lay back and watch his descendants flourish as he rests.
Except… wait. That’s not what happened.
He is the First, which means he has to witness everything.
The invention of beautiful, wonderful things. Electricity, penicillin, fireworks, embroidery, space travel, books, painting, math, cars, so many incredible things. Fuck, he got to watch his descendants fly to the moon! Now they’re trying to get to Mars!
But alongside all the good, is so. Much. Pain. Genocide, poison gas, torture, the witch hunts, the atomic bomb, rape, trafficking, species he named and loved in Eden driven to extinction to satisfy that damned hunger that can never. Be. Sated.
For thousands of years he’s had to watch as more and more of humanity reached Heaven, and even more went to Hell.
If you were in his shoes, would you not be tired? Numb? Angry? Greiving? Would you not despise the ones who took paradise from your family?
I think there’s a lot more to him than the shallow image we’ve seen. There has to be. He is the First after all.
So I don’t think he and the exorcists are entirely in the wrong. I think that while there’s definitely a lot of fucked up shit they’ve done and I’m not excusing it, that ultimately yeah, they were mostly in the right. And really, is it not a mercy to some of the souls they’ve killed? Ending their eternal suffering?
Charlie has stated that it is her belief that all sinners can be redeemed, and it’s my opinion that that ideology is flawed. Because all means all. Every single one. Every cannibal, every serial killer, every rapist, every genocidal dictator, every. Single. Monster. I don’t think she has bad intentions, but I do think that she’s naive. I don’t think she’s really considered the fact that if they were redeemed than their victims who reside in Heaven then have to live with the monsters they thought they were free from for the rest of eternity.
It’s no wonder Adam doesn’t treat her seriously. She’s lived around 200 years compared to his 10,000+. To him, she must seem like a child who hasn’t grown up enough to realize that her fantasy world of sunshine and rainbows is unrealistic. She is the spawn of the two people who damned humanity, now trying to put monsters with their victims.
No wonder he was angry. No wonder he wanted her dead. No wonder he looked almost relieved when he realized he could rest now, that the weight of his children’s sins is no longer on his shoulders.
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wings-of-ink · 10 months ago
Wanna eat your work that's how deliciously you write!!
Recently I saw super sad ask about MC breaking up with RO (gently). If you haven't done this before, could you give us ROs reaction?
In the end ROs also find out that MC done this on purpose to keep ROs out of something dangerous. MC still loves them ofc but they hurt them to protect them,,,,, kinda poetic
So glad you find it tasty, Anon! I will continue to cook this stuff up and feed you even more (but you're gonna have to have a few veggies before dessert).
That is a super sad ask! But I like the twist. As the MC has some difficult things ahead, something like this may come up in the routes, but it's too far out for me to see quite yet. And it may just be MC sneaking off to "handle" something (that they really shouldn't be doing alone).
He can't swallow for fear of choking and goes silent.
MC watches Oswin carefully, noticing that he's started to subtly shake.
"So…that's just it." His voice is breaking.
MC nods, trying their best to keep a straight face.
"You…you put up with me for all this time, I tell you everything, all…all that I've…" Oswin's voice cracks and tears start to roll down his eyes.
There's a ringing in their ears, MC can't stand this, but it's for the best. The world is better with Oswin in it, they have to do this to keep him safe.
"I can't…I can't bear this. It will kill me, MC…we planned a life together. I don't want to be apart." Oswin lands on MC's shoulder, releasing a painful sob.
MC feels their very soul begin to burn. They don't want this either, but it's the best way. They keep telling themselves that. It's for the best.
Zahn takes the news with a cruel amount of stoicism. MC expected some sort of resistance, maybe even tears or a plea. Were they hoping for that even?
MC waits for a response for a while, but Zahn gives nothing away before simply turning around and leaving. MC stands in shock for several minutes before they snap from their daze and go out to find them.
They find Zahn sitting by the brook, watching the water churn by, still quiet and still.
MC sits next to them. "Zahn you need to say something…please."
"Why should I?" Their voice is straining but harsh.
"You let me say my part…it's only fair."
Zahn nods, and then chuckles, but the sound is cruel. "You just threw me away like everyone else did. So, no, I don't know what to say."
"You forget how easily I can read you." Duri smirks, folding their arms and leaning against the wall.
MC stares at them. They knew it would be a challenge. Lying to a demigod is stupid at best - then again, so is romancing one. "My choice is still firm."
Duri shakes their head. "It's the choice that is the lie, MC."
"It's still mine to make."
They nod. "That's true."
MC expects more argument on the subject, spotting a peculiar shine to Duri's doleful eyes that's rare to see.
"I guess I will just have to convince you to pick me again then. I did it once before…somehow. Even if you don't want to love me now…you can still love me later."
MC's resolve nearly cracks, but they try to give nothing away.
A familiar smile splays on Duri's lips, but it lacks the mirth they usually have. "Besides, I have to find what you're hiding, and you know how good I am at that."
"No," Rune says.
MC shifts uncomfortably. It has to be now. They have to say goodbye now before it's too late. Losing themselves is one thing, but they can't lose Rune. "What do you mean no? It's the way it is, the way I want it."
Rune's eyes roll, the purple orbs practically glowing. "You're hiding something."
"I am not. I just…we are from very different worlds, this isn't the time - I can't…"
"You can't what?" They fold their arms and stare into MC.
"Be with you like this."
They begin to pace. "Did you learn how to lie from Oswin? Don't feed me lines like that when your voice holds no conviction. Make no mistake, Northbreaker, I know that I am no one's first choice in a lover."
MC barely stifles a rebuttal.
"No one puts up with my shit unless their feelings are genuine, MC. What hurts me the most is not your failure to convince me that you'd rather us go our separate ways - it's that you apparently do not trust me enough to help you shoulder your burdens."
The quiver of their lower lip betrays MC's feelings.
"Would you like to try that again with a straight face?" He smiles. That stupid smug smile that you hate to love. It doesn't reach his eyes and it's the most condescending look he has in his arsenal.
"We can't do this anymore. I was infatuated, it's not-"
"Real?" he finishes. "Not real love?"
He tuts. "No, no, my dear. See, I opened all I am to you - that is a door you cannot close easily. Don't mistake the phrasing as a threat - if you truly wish to part from me, then do so. But, don't lie to yourself or to me."
"I'm not-"
"You are spectacularly bad at it." He affirms, his voice hard. "You knew you would not be able to, but you still tried."
MC stands there feeling like a scolded child. He always flips everything on its head.
He sighs. "I am sorry. I am hurt. I know you are hiding something, but I do not wish to imagine my world without you. Please, just let me help."
There you are Anon! May the angst nourish your wicked and lovely soul. ^_^
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forsoobado137 · 6 months ago
(CW for stalking)
France (and most nations in general) probably got a horrible history with stalkers. First, there's the whole mentality of "if you're a public figure, then I need to know everything about your life. And also we're besties even if you have no idea who I am."
But for nations, who are the very definition of a public figure, people probably feel like parasocial relationships don't apply. Because like a nation knows everyone! Also, they represent countries! That must mean it's an essential right to know all of their medical details, relationships, addresses, etc.
With France, I feel like he initially adores the attention he gets. He loves people fawning over him. He knows he looks good, and he wants people to appreciate him. He usually hypes up the fanfare and encourages people to show their love for him.
CW: harassment, sexual harassment/assault, stalking
But then, people start crossing his boundaries. They start touching him, kissing him, and sometimes groping him without consent. They follow him for hours through airports and cafés and the metro just to be near him. They start asking questions for "historical purposes" when they're actually just demanding he recount his past trauma in gory detail.
They send him disturbing letters talking about their depraved fantasies involving him. He gets emailed disturbing messages and photoshopped/ai pictures of himself.
Eventually, he started setting boundaries. The stalking has died down a bit, but a lot of people think he was "asking for it" because he's a sexual person.
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leonbastralle · 8 months ago
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fishbowl (demo), dev. imissmyfriends.studio
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ominous-faechild · 10 days ago
CHARACTERS: ✦ Beck Molleur ✦ Dahlia Molleur
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(if it's possible for you to read and listen to lyrical music at the same time, please listen to the music provided ❤️)
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NOTE: this story is centered on two characters in a codependent, toxic marriage. Exact content warnings about the relationship will not be given for plot reasons, so if you have ANY possible worries about that subject matter, I beg of you to be cautious before reading this story. Thank you.
Most topics are implied—haunting the narrative rather than being displayed openly—and this story depicts how one can be trapped in that sort of relationship. It has portrayals of depression, self-hatred, and implied abuse... although I would still like and encourage you to read it.
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Countless images flashed through Beck's mind.
Flooded streets, loose wreckage of destroyed buildings, and rows and rows of suffering people.
It was always like this. Beck was constantly tormented by these kinds of visions. Visions of pain, destruction, and death. Anything and everything going wrong around the world was stuck in his mind, constantly playing again and again and again.
Whether he closed his eyes or had them open, tried going about his day normally or not, he was tormented by visions of misery.
Still, Beck now had his eyes closed, cheek pressed up against the back of a couch, and noise-cancelling headphones over his ears playing soft, calming music.
With his senses stifled, it was easier to focus on the visions. It was easier to see what he shouldn’t be able to see, hear what he shouldn’t be able to hear, and move what he shouldn’t be able to reach.
The soft music coming from his headphones calmed Beck. He’d seen so much suffering in his life that he’d long-since grown almost numb to it, but… that didn’t mean he was okay with it.
He still wanted to help.
So, when he could, when things were “a little too bad”, Beck made an effort to use his powers for good. He’d make small changes where he could—fill in a pothole that’d been untouched for years, trip up someone on the attack, make a stray noise to draw someone’s attention near danger, or manipulate information that could otherwise destroy people’s lives—and try to help people.
… for once in his life.
“Sometimes I for-get… the world doesn’t want me…”
A whole roof had been torn off its building by the vicious winds of a hurricane. It tore through the air, flying toward another home—and suddenly steered away, crashing into the street instead.
“And I won-der where… all of my friends are…”
Hundreds of miles away, cars were bottlenecked at an aging bridge… one that had long-since been shut down for repairs. Not that it’d ever been repaired—but still. It was supposed to be closed.
People were desperate to escape the hurricane, though.
They risked the bridge, and if it hadn’t been for Beck watching over it? It would’ve cracked under the weight of their cars, plunging them all into the hungry waters below.
“But then I remember… I’d pushed them all a-way…”
So much destruction, so much panic, so much chaos—and Beck did his best to help everyone he could in small ways.
To avoid detection.
For plausible deniability.
Few people believed in magic, so what else were they going to believe? That a god walking among them—one they’d otherwise blame for their misfortune—was looking out for them? Or that the wind moved just in time? That the bridge was just a little sturdier than the architects and scientists believed? That Their God, whichever one or ones they believed in, was looking out for them?
Yes. Far better for people to assume those than the truth.
They’d all agreed on that thousands of years ago.
“So where am I? Who am I?” the song continued, melancholic.
“And what will I do… when I don’t ev-en have me?”
The couch shifted under Beck, tilting him to the side, as something landed on his shoulder.
Beck flinched, mind abruptly returning to his body.
Snapping his eyes open, Beck quickly turned to look at what had disturbed him—
A pair of bright green eyes—on the most beautiful face he’d ever seen—met his.
Despite her soft smile, Dahlia's eyebrows were furrowed slightly in concern as she stared at him expectantly.
“Who will I be?” the song continued.
Dahlia was a woman Beck knew well, though her face had changed countless times over the years. Now, she wore one of a brown woman with angular features and a mane of long, curly brown hair. She sat against the couch with one knee, her hand still on his shoulder, and the scent of her lilac perfume washing over him.
Beck swallowed, then cleared his throat awkwardly as he looked away to stare down at the cushion creased under Dahlia's knee. Every fabric of his being screamed against it, but Beck hesitantly grabbed the earpads of his headphones to slowly take them off.
“Where will I g—?” the song lamented, before getting cut off for overpowering silence.
“Beck?” Dahlia's voice interrupted, warm and gentle. “Everything okay?”
A wave of relief flooded over him.
Relaxing and smiling weakly, Beck hesitantly looked back up to meet her eyes.
“Yeah,” he said awkwardly, “just… was working on some stuff.”
Dahlia's soft smile grew faintly teasing. Then, she shifted to sit in his lap, her knees propped up against the cushions outside of his legs. Her hand moved from Beck's shoulder to his cheek as the other went to the backrest over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah?” Dahlia asked, her tease leaking into her voice. “Like what?”
Beck felt his face flush as he pressed his cheek into her hand.
Letting out a slow, shaky breath, he turned his face away as he placed his headphones to the side and awkwardly wrapped his arm around her. It pulled her close as he stared hard at the headphones, still faintly emitting sound.
“Just… helping out around the hurricane,” Beck said, his voice subtly thick. “You know… without making it too obvious.”
He let out a small, pained laugh, then closed his eyes as he sank his cheek completely into her hand.
Beck's exhaustion leaked into his voice as he added: “not that anyone would question it, anyways. They just thank whatever god they believe in… or consider it ‘miraculous’ and move on…”
The entire couch shifted as Dahlia moved.
Beck tensed slightly, his breath catching in his throat. He quickly opened his eyes and turned his head to once again look at Dahlia.
His wife shifted to fully sit in his lap, leaning her forearms into his chest, cupping her hands around his cheeks, and meeting his eyes with a warm, loving smile.
“Awe, that’s sweet of you, Beck,” she said, voice slightly teasing still.
Then her eyes closed, and she leaned forward.
Beck took a deep breath before following her example.
Dahlia's hands dropped from his cheeks to rub against his chest as she kissed him gently, then slowly deepened it.
Beck struggled to breathe, but carefully kissed her back. Wrapping his arms around her lower back, he lifted her just enough to cross his legs under her and pull her close.
Dahlia paused the kiss—and Beck opened his eyes, though hers remained shut—to speak lightly against his lips.
“Did you know that?” she asked.
He swallowed awkwardly, looking down, not knowing how to answer.
She didn’t give him the time to figure it out. Instead, she quickly went back to kissing him, moving her hands up his chest and to his cheeks, where she rubbed his jaw with her thumbs.
Taking a slow, unsteady breath through his nose, Beck pulled her even closer and tried to just enjoy the kiss.
I love you, Ver, he wanted to say.
But he bit it back, giving her the moment to do whatever she wanted.
Instead, Dahlia pulled away after kissing him for a few more seconds. Her hands moved from his cheeks to his chest again as he met his eyes with another warm smile.
Beck was too caught up in watching every subtle shift in her expression to recognize his own relief.
“I reserved a restaurant for us to eat at tonight,” Dahlia said, a slight, sly smile on her lips. “Bistro Minuit is your favorite, right?”
Face flushing again—hotter this time—Beck hesitantly tore his eyes from hers to stare at the floor, past her hip. At the same time, he moved a hand from her lower back to place it over one of hers on his chest.
“Yeah,” Beck said awkwardly, his voice thick.
Then he gave a weak, dry chuckle, closing his eyes.
“It’s still open?” he asked, his voice weakly amused. “With how fast time goes by—”
“Uxi,” Dahlia interrupted gently. One of her hands—the one not trapped under his—moved to cup itself around his cheek again.
Beck froze, his breath catching in his throat as he quickly returned his eyes to hers.
But Dahlia still had her warm, slightly-teasing smile on her lips.
Her tease leaked into her voice as she answered: “of course it’s still open. I just told you I made reservations, didn’t I?”
Beck's heart twisted, but Dahlia's face was still soft, easygoing.
“—And, besides, I make sure of these things, you know that,” she finished warmly.
She seems fine. Nothing to worry about.
Beck forced a weak smile in return, but then sighed heavily as he closed his eyes and sank his cheek into her hand again. At the same time, he moved his hand from the one on his chest to cup it over hers on his cheek, lovingly sandwiching it between his cheek and hand.
“Yeah,” he answered, voice thick, but level. “You’re right. Sorry, I’d… I’d like that.”
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Feel free to share your thoughts below, regardless of what they are.
Unless, yknow, they're "wtf are you writing; stfu". Or "men can't be abused." Keep that kinda shit out.
This is a very heavy story, and will touch on heavy topics... even if only through implication.
(Also to those of you who recognize their names... 🙂)
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askmagus · 4 months ago
Hey magus, opinions on Finn the human??? Also, has your realtionship with your father gotten any better???
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they made the right choice. they have friends who love them and a chance to be a better parent than their father ever was to them. imagine if you will in your beautiful mind this lovely wizard getting a big hug from their friends
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take-care-of-it · 3 months ago
I think one of the reasons people get so heated when it comes to Curly’s character ie his “goodness” does tie into a lot of people’s own personal experiences. I’ve seen victims that hate curly, I’ve seen victims that love curly. And a lot of their opinion came down to how they were processing (very traumatizing!) stuff that happened to them irl. If they projected him onto themselves or projected him onto someone in their life.
I just wish people understood that’s where a lot of the emotion is coming from, both from themselves and from the “wider debate.” It’s a lot of abuse survivors calling each other abuse apologists because of what they personally get out of these characters, of it feeling like a personal attack. (But hell. A non insignificant amount of the time, it is a personal attack :/)
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wings-of-ink · 10 months ago
I have come with yet another angsty ask! *bows dramatically*
(I dont know if youre planning to put this scenario in one of the bad endings so please feel free to ignore or omit some details) MC dies (Hurrah!) ROs go through MC's stuff, or if OOC, Oswin goes through MC's stuff and give other RO a letter/finds a letter addressed to them. According to MC's hobbies/skills they might find a weapon, a scarf/cape (needlework mc), random trinket (trade mc), recipe for favorite food of RO (baker mc), etc. MC wrote the letter in case they die and wanted RO to have a piece of MC to remember them by. What would the RO's do with the gift? How would they honor MC's gift? Would they use the gift everyday or as often as they can? Would they store the gift in a precious box and take a peek at it every now and then? Would they just shove it as far as they can because just the sight of it hurts them so much? Love lots to you author <3
Every time I see you in my inbox, this is the mental image of you I get:
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So, at the end of my tale there won't be "bad" endings necessarily - there definitely could be, and if my mood takes a dramatic downturn…well, maybe MC won't be safe after all (kidding, it saddens me to think of them perishing after everything they go through). Anyway, the MC will have choices and each choice has its ups and downs - and consequences. Depending on how you reason with them, they may seem like bad endings (if that cheers your twisted little heart up).
Starting out with a gut-punch right away with this one…I'll write these with the context that they were together a long time - partnered up, had a family if they wanted, etc…This wasn't after a short-term relationship sort of deal - which makes this infinitely worse.
After this, I may need to hold back on any MC death scenarios for a while, lol. My widdle heart is very much attached to them. Even though I'm technically the one that keeps, like, torturing them...but, ignore that.
Oswin:  Has a penchant for keeping these things with him. He'll carry MC's weapon for the remainder of his life - he'll wear the trinket - stitch the item into his clothing - make this recipe every week. It must be near him at all times. He waits for the day they can be reunited.
Zahn:  They hoard it, keep it in a safe place and look at it frequently. If it's a recipe, they learn to cook it. Everything else they need to touch often. They press it to their face and speak to it. It hurts, but they need to.
Duri:  They want to…but they can't stand to look at it. It's too much. They have it in a box they hold as sacred. The box they can touch, feel the presence of the item within without reopening their grief. They can honor MC by going to the places they dwelt together, knowing that a part of their spirit still clings to them. 
Rune:  Their memento stands at the center of an ornate private shrine. Its setting is in the finest stone and metals that money can buy. They make themselves see it. MC's memory will live on through their pain. They sit at the shrine, light candles and play their lyre, dedicating songs to their love until they can sing together again.
???:  "You always did have a way of shining light into my darkness."
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200grandbeaverave · 4 months ago
It's a bit of a shame that the Dada Dog isn't a child of Lila. Considering the motif of the suffering dog and the thematic topics of abuse and lack of agency, and considering the fraternity's intentions when "creating" Lila, Garage Heathen could have incorporated the puppy mill practice as another symbol. A dog maintained by its owners just enough so that it may be indiscriminately bred and provide its owners with offspring, for the owners' benefit— certified Who's Lila moment
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planefood · 11 months ago
Thinking about the Birdie stuff brings up some really nasty feelings the art community is a shit show and in no way safe for kids, speaking as someone who was really screwed up in animation meme spaces after getting in close contact with an idol of mine when I was 12. I won't bring up who, It happened almost a decade ago and I have no evidence for it and that person doesn't seem to be actively posting anywhere now anyway. They made like one or two massively popular flipaclip animations and fucked off. Plus I feel like it wouldn't be good for me and I'll also not allude to what took place specifically for that reason That being said when it all came to a breaking point I was blamed for everything that had happened by the people around me, the 12 year old in the situation in a group of 20 something year olds.
I have a lot of people around me who were in similar art spaces in their early pre-teen to teen years suffer the same fate. I either have to grapple with the fact those events changed me in such a way that I simply gravitate towards people who had similar things happen to them for comfort or that this is happens so frequently that a majority of people I know have been screwed up by something like that. I'm not really sure I can handle either of those explanations but I think we all know its probably the latter.
But it did change me in a way that it probably effects my life in small and subtle ways that build up that I can't pick up on and it scares me, this shit really messes kids up. I'm one of the lucky ones because my experience wasn't used as fodder by adults in the community to make videos about mocking the victims in these situations for acting like unemotionally regulated children (which children often act that way for the record) or just retraumatise the victims by making think pieces about the predators for money. I've seen grown ass adults call obviously groomed children irredeemable monsters with no thought and no guilt for something I know they can't control because they're just kids. How does that help anyone? When I was a kid I already blamed myself for everything that happened and it took a lot of self reflection to realise it wasn't my fault. Also now that I'm the same age as the people were when they did that stuff to me as a kid I know it's not normal for adults to be interacting with random 12 year olds online anyway.
I still have people to this day bring up what has happened to me and try blame me for it. So just a reminder for anyone reading this that has gone through shit like this that it wasn't your fault that it happened no matter what anyone says if someone victim blames you about it I will kill them badly
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space-station-nursery · 8 months ago
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◜ 💙𓂃 Happy Mens Mental Health Month! ‧ ❕ ◞
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Today, We're here to discuss the importance, and origins of mens mental health month, as well as what you can do to support the men and boys in your life!!
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So… When and why did June become Men's Mental Health Month?
Men’s Health Month started in 1992 when Kansas Senator Bob Dole introduced a bill that was passed by Congress to bring awareness to early detection and treatment of mental health conditions in men. Although men face certain health issues specific to their bodies, most health issues are similar issues that women also face. Men are more reluctant to seek medical attention, with studies showing women visit doctors twice as often.
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What are some illnesses that effect men?
— Depression: over 6 million men suffer from depression in some way shape or form each year — Anxiety: 19.1 million have an anxiety disorder, while 3,020,000 million men will have a more severe form of anxiety like agoraphobia, panic disorders or other — Bipolar disorder: 2.3 million Americans will suffer from Bipolar in their life, however an equal amount of men and women will develop this illness — Psychosis or Schizophrenia: 3.5 million US individuals are diagnosed with schizophrenia, a leading cause of disability, with 90% diagnosed by age 30 being men — Eating disorders: Males are less likely to seek professional help for anorexia, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorders, with both accounting for 10% and 35% of cases.
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Why don't men seek help? DO NOT RE-WRITE OR POST AS OWN
Men are less likely to reach out, see a therapist, or admit to a hospital for a multitude of reasons: — Some men may be so out of touch with their emotions that they don't even realize that they're suffering — Men may identify so deeply with "being a man" and traditional male roles, that they don't seek help — Some men may also worry that society will look down on them for failing to "tough it out" , and that seeking--or even needing--help is not "normal" male behavior. A man who is surrounded by a supportive group of other men might be more likely to seek help than a man whose only social network is discouraging and chooses to ignore their issues
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What can i do to help?
Here are some ways to help support the men and boys in your life: — Support them in any emotional distress they may be feeling. Remind them that you are here to talk and listen, not to shun and shut down — Help create a routine with your partner, little, cg etc. Remind them that they cannot control the past, but the Can control the now! Help create a routine that will let them feel more peace and structure — Remind the men and boys in your life that self care is important!! Remind them to take breaks, drink water, watch something relaxing and even journal/talk about how they were feeling during the day. Creating a safe and supportive space is the best thing you can do for a person you might notice is struggling
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18+ Blogs|| AB!DL|| DD!LG|| Over age 26 (27+) || Do not interact
Thank you all for reading! Please support your local men, boys, and masculine identifying folk around you. Please have a happy, and SAFE mens mental health month ‹𝟹
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blue-phoria-archived · 5 months ago
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I posted this a while ago but deleted it because I was embarrassed but Imma bring this back because why not
cw: threats, antiship
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