just-pagan-things · 3 days
My altar!
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Some of the images are my own, some are from the internet, and some are from the following artists: @eclipse89, @eluneth, @darkearthsuggestions, @hymntoapollo, @apolloforetoldus, @just-pagan-things, @obsidian-pages777, @etherealtrash
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just-pagan-things · 27 days
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Apollon my lord 🫶
Bro’s Rapunzel but cooler (he basically told me to say that guys it’s okay)
ignore the feet I can’t draw lol
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just-pagan-things · 29 days
Pet peeve of mine: When it's assumed Norse polytheism works like Greek or Roman polytheism, when it really does not.
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just-pagan-things · 30 days
Mesopotamian Pantheon Explained
Hello! My name is Red, I am a devotee of the Mesopotamian Goddess Inanna, and it makes me sad to see that not a lot of people know about her, let alone the rest of her pantheon, so I thought I'd make a post about everyone, or at least, everyone I can. I've made a masterpost about her, and I really enjoyed it, as it gave me an "excuse" to learn about her, and this is the same. In this post I will be naming the gods and their domains and their relations with each other. If prompted, I would love to do a deep dive on every deity in this pantheon I can. Unfortunately, there are over a thousand deities across all Mesopotamian cultures, so this is by no means a complete list or anything similar.
So, first, what is Mesopotamia? Mesopotamia means "land between the rivers", the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, and it is the term to define the whole region and the various cultures that lived there. This includes Sumer, Akkadia, and Babylon. Despite culture being different, they shared similarities in written language, religion, and attitude towards women. The gods may have had different names at different points, but they were the same deity to all, often referred to interchangeably. This region gave birth to about 50 firsts of man.
But, on to the Gods!
The first thing to know about the Pantheon and how people worked with them, is that mortals believed them to be coworkers with the deities, and that they worked together to maintain order. Due to differences in cultures, each civilization viewed the deities differently, so Marduk might have been king of the Gods in Babylon, Enlil was king of the Gods in Sumer. The heavenly Gods were referred to as Igigi, and occasionally Anunnaki, though in some sources Anunnaki was the older or "major" Gods, and the Igigi were the lower ranking Gods.
We are going to start with the Seven Divine Powers, the oldest Sumerian deities.
Anu - sky god
Enki - god of wisdom
Enlil - lord of the air, sumerian king of the Gods.
Inanna - goddess of love, fertility, and war, queen of the heavens
Nanna - goddess of the moon
Ninhursag - mother goddess
Utu/Shamash - god of the sun
Other popular deities include
Assur/Ashur - supreme god of the Assyrians
Ereshkigal - goddess of the underworld
Gula - goddess of health and healing
Marduk - babylonian king of the gods
Nabu - god of writing
Nanshe - goddess of social justice
Nergal - god of war
Ninkasi - goddess of beer and brewing
Nisaba - goddess of agriculture, turned to writing and accounts
Dumuzid/Tammuz - god of shepherds
Enkimdu - god of farmers, seen as the personification of the irrigation system
Geshtinanna - goddess of scribal arts and dream interpretation (theorized)
Bau - mother goddess, healing
Ishkur - god of storms and rain
Ištaran - god of divine justice
Nanaya - goddess of love
Nanshe - goddess of divination
Ninazu - associated with the underworld, though his role is disputed
Ninlil - wife of Enlil, thought to be "artificially created" as Enlil's equal
Ninshubur - god(dess) attendant of Inanna (in some sources she is masculine, and others feminine)
Zababa - war god
Alammush - god attendant of Nanna
Sherida - goddess of dawn
Apsu - primeval freshwater
Tiamat - primeval sea
The Mesopotamians had many different tellings of the creation of the world, most likely due to the cultural differences. Atra-Hasis, Eridu Genesis, and Enuma Elish are the most common, as we have physical copies of them today. They, among other sources, depict a different family tree, but with key similarities.
Atra-Hasis: Anu, Enlil, and Enki cast lots to determine who rules what. Anu the sky, Enlil the earth, and Enki the sea. Enlil assigned minor gods to farm, but after many years the minor divines refused. Enki suggested to make humans to do the labor. Mother goddess Mami fashions humans out of clay, flesh, and blood of a slain god, and all the gods spit on the clay. After ten months, humans emerged from a specifically made womb. After many years, humans have overpopulated, so Enlil sends famine and drought every 1200 years. Enlil decides to destroy humanity by flood. Enki goes to hero Atra-Hasis and tells him of the plan, instructing him to demolish his house and build a boat. He does, and he brings his family and his animals and seals the door. When the flood comes it stays for seven days and even the gods are afraid. It ends and Enlil is furious with Enki for breaking the vow of silence but eventually the two agree to find other means of controlling the human population.
Eridu Genesis: the beginning of this has been lost to time. The surviving portion starts with Nintur, the goddess who birthed humanity, where she calls for them to he sedentary and civilized. Then more is missing. It resumes with humanity still being nomadic and barbaric. Nintur is stilling planning to provide kingship to the mortals. Then cities emerge, are named, and become distributional economies. Humans begin to annoy the gods, Enlil was unable to sleep, and made the brash decision to destroy humanity with a flood. Enki tells Ziusudra, a human, and tells him to build a boat to save himself and one couple of every animal. Ziusudra does as he is told and the flood comes. Humanity survives, but the rest is lost to time.
Enuma Elish: at the beginning, Apsu and Tiamet existed, co-mingled. From them came Lahmu and Lahamu. Then Anshar and Kishar, and from Anshar came the god Anu and from Anu came Nudimmumd/Ea. These new gods made noise that annoyed Apsu, who called to Mummu to speak with Tiamat, who proposed to destroy them, but Tiamat was reluctant. Mummu advised Apsu to destroy them. The new gods were worried, but Ea crafted a spell to lull Apsu to sleep. Mummu couldn't wake him. Ea took the halo from Apsu and wore it, slew Apsu and chained Mummu, living in Apsu with his wife, Damkina. Together, in Apsu, they created Marduk. Other gods made fun of Tiamat for not doing anything as Apsu was killed. Tiamat made monsters to fight the gods, eleven chimeric monsters with weapons, lead by her new consort Kingu, and gave him the tablets of destinies. Ea heard of the plan and went to his grandfather Anshar, who proposed Marduk as their champion. Marduk said he would win against Tiamat but that he would need to be king of the Gods if he did so. The others were wary but eventually relented. Marduk was given a throne and many supplies to fight Tiamat. He won and split her body in two, fashioning the sky from one half, places for Anu, Enlil, and Ea in it. He made likenesses of the gods in the stars, and from that he made the days of the year. He made night and day and the moon, he made storms and wind and rain, and gave the tablet of destinies to Anu. Marduk told Ea that he was going to use his blood to create man to serve the Gods, but Ea said that another should be chosen as sacrifice. Kingu was chosen, so man was made using his blood.
So... where do these other gods fit into the family tree?
Great question.
An and Ki had Enlil and Enki.
Enlil and Ninlil had Nanna, Nergal, Ninazu, and Enbilulu.
Enlil and Ninhursag had Ninurta.
Nanna and Ningal (in some sources) had Ereshkigal, Inanna, and Utu. In other sources, Enlil, An, or Enki were their parents.
Ereshkigal and Anu had Nungal.
Ereshkigal and Gugalanna had Ninazu. In other sources, Enlil and Ninlil, or Nanna were his parents.
Utu and Aya had Mamu, Kittum, Ishum, and Sisig.
Enki and Duttur had Dumuzid and Geshtinanna.
Either Sin, Urash, or Anu, and Inanna, had Nanaya.
Dumuzid and Inanna were married, but bore no children together.
Thank you for reading this major info-dump and lmk if you guys want any specifics or deep dives on someone! <3
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just-pagan-things · 1 month
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(bad picture sorry)
Hello Artemis
Hello Selene
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just-pagan-things · 1 month
What my relationship to certain gods feels like:
Aphrodite: Mama/Child
Apollo: Big Brother/Little Sib
Ares: Dad/Kiddo
Athena: Older Sister/Little Sibling
Artemis: Both Little Sister/Older Sibling and Aunt/Nibling depending on the day
Asklepios: Mentor/Mentee
Dionysus: Friend
Hermes: Uncle/Nibling or Older Brother/Younger Sibling
Hypnos: Father/Child
Gaea: Grandmother/Grandchild or Mother/Child
Loki: Pibling/Nibling
What about you?
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just-pagan-things · 1 month
I think I have a secret handshake thing with Lord Apollo??? When I was praying to him yesterday the moment I thought his name, I got this very clear image of two people doing a cool handshake thing and that happened every single time I thought his name? What-
Honestly it doesn’t surprise me though, he is so the God that would make handshakes with people. Anyone else have a similar experience?
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just-pagan-things · 1 month
Yes the second I saw it I knew it had to be for him and he loves it!
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New offerings:
The cow is for Lord Apollon because cow and He likes cows
The toilet candy is for Lairde Dionysus because They wanted it and it’s silly
The Icee spray candy is for Lairde Loki because They wanted it
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just-pagan-things · 1 month
Weirdest things I’ve offered to the Gods (in no particular order)
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Towers of soda cans (used to be one tower but couldn’t fit) - For Dionysus 🍇
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A Toilet (Also for Dio 🍇)
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A pom pom (?) - for Hypnos 💤
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A rocket ship night light - for Artemis 🦌 (idk why)
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Sour Popping Candy - For Loki 🐍
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just-pagan-things · 1 month
I’ve been celebrating Hyakintha the last few days and have felt so much closer to Lord Apollo and it has been motivating me to offer more to him and build our relationship!!
thanks @hyakinthou-naos for the Temple’s celebration of Hyakintha, it actually feels like I’m in a temple doing this
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
Y’all know any good hellenic polytheism discord servers?? /genq
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
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Today is the fourth of the month, which is a day to honor Lord Hermes (and other gods). I felt like drawing, and I wanted to do something for @temple-of-hermes ‘s event, so here you all go! He looks a little silly, but I did my best!
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
I love just saying hi to the Gods
(By the way when I say see (animal) I mean a real one or art/objects with that animal)
See a dove, see a cute couple, go to the beach: Hi Aphrodite 🩷
Hear music, see a crow, see the sun: Hi Apollo 🧡
See a deer, see the moon, spend time outside: Hi Artemis 💚
Read a book, do crafts, see an owl: Hi Athena 🩶
Stand up for yourself, watch a war movie, exercise: Hi Ares ❤️‍🔥
Take your medicine, see a snake, meet a medical professional: Hi Asklepios 🤍
Watch a play/musical, stay hydrated, eat grapes: Hi Dionysus 💜
Spend time outside, see a plant growing, see a wild animal: Hi Gaia 💚
Take a nap, feel tired, feel comfort: Hi Hypnos 💙
Those are the Gods I follow
See lightning, listen to thunder, see an eagle: Hi Zeus 💛
Go to a wedding, see a peacock, spend time with family: Hi Hera 🩵
be near water, see horses, go swimming: Hi Poseidon 💙
See a dog, remember loved ones that have passed away, spend money wisely: Hi Hades 🖤
Go on a trip, see a hawk, practice another language: Hi Hermes 💛
Cook or bake, clean your house, see family: Hi Hestia 🧡
Spend time gardening, see wheat/barley, spend time outside: Hi Demeter 💚
spend time outside, see/eat a pomegranate, honor the dead: Hi Persephone 💜
(feel free to add more)
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
helpols for palestine. the gods love all of their children, including those in gaza, and they would never approve of the genocide going on there right now. may lord apollon protect and help heal the injured victims of this genocide. may lady aphrodite, king zeus, queen hera, all of them extend their strength and their protection to those in palestine.
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
Just wanna thank Mother Gaea for the plants we grew lately 💚
I know Ladies Demeter and Persephone are usually the gardening ones but when we planted these I specifically prayed to Gaea to help them grow healthily because I didn’t really have a relationship with Demeter or Persephone but I had built one with Gaea
Today, we got two good summer squash, a cucumber, a GIANT cucumber, and lots of tomatoes (which we have been getting all summer). The squash and cucumbers are the first ones we’ve picked so far and they are AMAZING
Thanks Mother Gaea for helping these plants grow 💚
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(the giant cucumber next to the normal sized cucumber)
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
Y’all I’d like to reach out to Lucifer and start worshipping Him- any tips?
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just-pagan-things · 2 months
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New offerings:
The cow is for Lord Apollon because cow and He likes cows
The toilet candy is for Lairde Dionysus because They wanted it and it’s silly
The Icee spray candy is for Lairde Loki because They wanted it
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