journeytohealmyself · 4 years
Time invested is not a measure of care and engagement.
-Jay Shetty
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
self-discovery journal prompts
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I’m really struggling with finding my real life and identity. Journaling not only helps me to discover myself and reflect on my personal beliefs and values, but also teaches me to embrace my flaws and improve my esteem. So hop on to one-month journaling prompt to explore and find your true self.
What am I most proud of?
How would I describe myself to someone I have never met before?
What would I look like in 10 years?
What are you are really good at?
What are my weaknesses?
Describe yourself positively in 10 words.
What is my background? How can it affect my beliefs?
What do I love about myself?
What am I passionate about?
What are my hobbies? What roles do they play in my identity?
Who or what motivates and inspires me?
What are my 3 biggest goals?
Describe your ideal version of your dream life.
What do I need to let go?
What are flaws that you accept and how can you looks at these flaws in a positive way?
What do I feel like my life is missing and how can I get more of what I need?
What areas that I can improve on?
What are 5 simple things that make you smile? Describe them.
When am I the happiest version of me?
If I could be anything in the world, what would I be?
If you could make 1 wish come true, what would it be?
If I already know that everything I want is coming, how would I show up differently?
If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I go?  
How did someone change my day for the better?
How can I change someone else’s day for the better?
What doubts do I currently have? How can I ease them?
What can I do to nurture and mind, body, and soul more?
What are things that no one can understand about you? How can you express them?  
What is your life motto? Describe.
Write yourself a thank you letter.
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
Remember that you are alive.
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
After marriage, I forgot and I wavered.
I was distracted and living life until my purpose left me.
And I felt lost and alone.
But He always calls us back home.
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“Our identity is what we think others think of us.”
Jay Shetty
It is an imagined ideal. So who are you?
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“Learn how to breathe. Because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you’re born until the moment you die, is your breath.”
Jay Shetty
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“Hey, I’m here if you need me”
“You are not alone in this”
“I love you no matter what”
“I’m here to listen”
But please, actually be there with sincerity.
Specially if that person sees you as someone special in their lives. Please reach out because there are some of us who have been trying to reach out all our lives and no one sees us. And it’s tiring.
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“Healing is like an onion. As you process through one layer of trauma to release the pain and heal, a new layer will surface. One layer after another layer will bring up new issues to focus on. Pace yourself. Only focus on one layer at a time.”
Dana Arcuri, Soul Cry: Releasing & Healing the Wounds of Trauma
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
Last night, when I was chatting with friends, I realized that not everyone loves as fiercely as I do. And I guess that’s okay for them? I was just abit shocked in my 33 years of living, I thought that everyone can love fiercely. I guess I can call myself lucky?
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“Healing the world begins with healing yourself.”
Anthon St. Maarten
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
The worst betrayal is the betrayal to yourself.
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
The way we love others is the same way we can love ourselves.
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“When you betray yourself, you are no different than those who have hurt you.”
Caroline Myss
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“You are never on the wrong path. You’re just not managing it well.”
Caroline Myss
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
I chatted with my friend EW again the other day and she introduced me to the app, The Pattern, and it BLEW MY MIND.
How accurately connected we all are based on astrology. Like, what?
You don’t have to believe everything but it does give you some insight on your nature and helps you understand your process. You can make “custom profiles” privately for people in your life as long as you know their date of birth.
Anyways, what an exciting journey this is in understanding myself. I believe that this is our purpose in life. Live optimally! Who else has that responsibility but ourselves! We all have ourselves to worry about! Don’t worry about other people!
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
“Be brave enough to heal yourself even when it hurts.”
Bianca Sparacino, The Strength In Our Scars
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journeytohealmyself · 4 years
From 14 August 2020:
The last few days have been bad. Really rough. I asked God for strength to get through this. Last night, I literally felt that I wanted to give up and die. I actually just wanted to die. I asked him to take my life as I sleep.
So the night before, my husband couldn’t sleep, and as much as i want to talk about what my husband did and the things he said, part of my self-healing journey is learning that it’s not about him. It’s about me - apparently. So he made me feel as if it was my fault that he couldn’t sleep, then in turn, I couldn’t sleep. And I was sure that I was not at fault. I wasn’t even sure where this regression was coming from. Just got off a call with my healing friend EW. She told me that I asked God to help me heal, and this is His way of showing me what I need to heal.
Trust the process. Feel. Cry. Learn. Heal.
When my husband left home for work yesterday, I texted him “I love you still”.
I had a zoom call meeting scheduled in the morning with my friend, NP, because I found out she’s also going through the process of self-healing and discovery. We chatted lots. She’s going for more psychological/scientific journey with “attachment theory” and “somatic” healing, whereas, I gravitate towards the “spiritual journey” asking my God for guidance.
After that call, I pretty much meditated, reflected, cried, watched healing videos. Then made dinner for him and made his favorite drink - he likes cold juiced celery, garlic, cucumber, and I add different things to it each time like carrots, apples and blueberries, specially after a long day at work.
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