iovere · 11 years
Initial Experiences With the Wii-U
When I worked at Radioshack, we discussed the Black Friday sales they had one year in which they sold a tablet for $79 or so, only to have most of them brought back within days because they were just pieces of crap. It’s difficult not to empathize with…
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iovere · 11 years
Republicans suck horse dick but actually it was the democrats who shut down the government. stop spreading lies
It's not "spreading lies" to be wrong. But I'm not wrong. Please explain how the shut down is the fault of Democrats.
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iovere · 11 years
Addressing Stupidity
A friend of mine this morning emailed me a thread she saw on Facebook, and I had to both share it and address it because of the Proud Ignorance the posts reveal. I’m going to tell you what the posts contained (unedited, of course), though I will keep them…
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iovere · 11 years
Anarchocapitalism, A Review of: Part the Fifth (Crime and Punishment)
In the previous installation of the series, we discussed war, its causes, its nature, and how a Society with no Government would protect itself against foreign Governments. There is little to add to that discussion, except that there may be some confusion…
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iovere · 11 years
Anarchocapitalism, A Review Of: Part the Fourth (Anarchy, the State, and War)
Well, here we are, with three lengthy discussions behind us about the Free Market and the nature of the State. The main thing now to do is move on and ask ourselves… “If we know that Representation is inherently flawed, as is Democracy, and if we know…
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iovere · 11 years
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Anarchocapitalism, A Review Of: Part the Third (With a Focus On Obamacare)
Before we get too deeply into this, we must first discuss a few very basic [I promise: they're…
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iovere · 11 years
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Anarchocapitalism, A Review of: Part the Second
While Part One discussed primarily the advantages of a Free Market and stacked them against the…
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iovere · 11 years
Anarchocapitalism, A Review of: Part the First
In the following blog, a few things need to be clarified and defined.
The State is the collective governmental body which oversees a given society. The State is a collective whole which, in the United States, consists of the Federal Government, all of its…
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iovere · 11 years
Refuting Anarchocapitalism... or Embracing It?
It isn’t often that I come across something that completely reshapes and redefines my understanding, so, when it does happen, it’s something that I take note of. Since I’ve been a little… lackadaisical in my education in the past few months, I spent a lot…
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iovere · 11 years
Our Duty To Posterity
There are a few things that will always be true whether we like it or not and that won’t change, no matter how many times or how fervently we insist that they aren’t. The first of these inevitable truths is One World Government. Whether we like it or not,…
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iovere · 11 years
Ron Paul: Common Sense Is No Longer Recognized As Something We Should Expect People To Use
After catching up on the news that I missed through the week, I can’t help but have two overwhelming thoughts. The first is simple: this is hilarious. Man. Congress is so incompetent and so inept that there is and never will be any real danger of Congress…
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iovere · 11 years
Will Someone Please Save the Children?
We need to stop, as Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and Anarchists using the words “free” and “freedom.” And I’m sure that seems like a pretty odd thing to say, but I say this because the average American doesn’t seem to have any understanding of what…
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iovere · 11 years
Duck Dynasty FAQ
I WELCOME CHALLENGES. I’ve never run from a challenge to something I’ve said. I’ve lost such challenges–and I’ve won such challenges. I don’t care whether or not I win a debate. I only want my opinions to be reliable, accurate, and consistent. If that…
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iovere · 11 years
Some years ago, I worked at a casino which regularly hosted a cheerleading competition, and I… http://wp.me/s1V56F-1603
Some years ago, I worked at a casino which regularly hosted a cheerleading competition, and I frequently remarked what a disgraceful thing it was. I worked in the hotel, and there were constantly girls running around in the halls wearing less clothing…
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iovere · 11 years
Dangerous Divisions
This blog is in the process of moving to http://www.iovere.com. www.iovere.com is already up, available, and functioning, but until I figure out how to redirect all requests of www.iovere.wordpress.com and its posts to www.iovere.com and its posts, this…
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iovere · 11 years
Retraction Re: The Great Pyramid Assertion
In a previous blog, I mistakenly made an assertion. Let me clarify that. I meant to make the assertion; making the statement was done intentionally. It was just done in error.
In the blog, I alleged that the “standard claim” regarding the construction of…
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iovere · 11 years
The Great Pyramid, Morality, Empathy, Reason, and Nihilism
For those who are not aware, “The Atheist Experience” is a public-access show based in Austin, Texas and which is streamed live on the Internet. In addition, hundreds of videos and clips of their show can be found on Youtube and other places. It is an…
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