Happy Love Wisdom
61 posts
Sharing Happiness from Heart to Heart
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happylovewisdom · 3 years ago
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Vegan Uncle Loke Curry Mee by famous Uncle Loke whom is also a writer. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100059977097618 Stall No. 22 at Kompleks Desiran Tanjung. Local council @majlis_bandaraya_pulau_pinang food court located at Tanjung Tokong, Penang. #kompleksdesirantanjung #unclelokecurrymee #veganfood #vegancurrymee #vegan #boostcashback #goecommerce #goe #BoostJerKawKaw #BoostGotYou (at Kompleks Desiran Tanjung) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU816o7Pmft/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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A must try place. Good food with great ambience & nice & friendly staff with great recommendations. @rumahkacha @penangfoodie #rumahkacha #hinbusstop #penangphotographer #foodblogger #foodandtravel #foodphography #kitajagakitastaysafe #penangfightscovid19 #penangfoodhunt #penangfoodie #penangdinner #dineinstyle #penangview #chickenchop #friends #friendship #friendsforever #hinbusdepot #penangeats #halalfoodie (at Rumah Kacha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUANAFwPCRZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
Waterfall at @penangbotanicgarden #waterfall #waterfallphotography #googleguides #localguidesconnect #GoogleMap #water #waterwatereverywhere #soundofwater #soundofwaterfall #clearwater #botanical #garden #gardenideas #penangphotographer #photoofday #video #videooftheday (at Penang Botanical Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3gSF8lb7M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Roti Canai #indianfood #indianstreetfood #waterfallcafe #botinicalgarden #dine #kitajagakita #2dose #freshflowers #penangfightscovid19 #dineinallowed #curry #spice #penanghawkerfood #penangfoodhunt #penangauthenticfood #roticanai #malaysiatrulyasia #malaysianfood #penangites #penangfood (at Waterfall Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3WjLavyyi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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INSPIRATION Quotes By improving our present state of mind, we begin to see our past experiences in a different light. If you can find happiness in the present, everyone you have crossed paths with will transform into someone who was destined to bring happiness into your life. #insipration #quotes #quotesoftheday #inspiredbynature #quotesoftheday #mindset #improve #past #experience #happiness #lovewisdom #transform #transformation #everyday #inspirationalquote #everydayeverywhere (at Gold Coast Resort Condominium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTPGrntvKnS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
@cheriequah @malpro8 Banana Cake https://www.instagram.com/p/CTOomsKllXP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Happy Independence Day Selamat Hari Merdeka #merdeka #iloveairitam #64 #independenceday #malaysia https://www.instagram.com/p/CTOarnYP-lC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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@michelin Tyre. *The Art Influence* The course of destiny does change, and our original life plans can be altered. Conditions and circumstances constantly shift as we live our lives, as change offers meaningful opportunity to further our wisdom. #michelin #michelinstar #michelintyres #artofinfluence #influencer #destiny #automotive #auto #opportunity #opportunities #lifeplan #circumstances #cartyres #tyre #wisdom #michelinguide #michelinmalaysia (at Seng Tyres & Auto Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTMm7EbJEcs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Black seed oil is high in antioxidants and may have several benefits for health. These include the treatment of asthma and various skin conditions, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, aiding in weight loss, and protecting brain health By @malaysiaolivehouse Imported from Turki *Trans Fat Free *helps protect body tissues from fat oxidation. #oliveoil #blackseedoil #benefit #olivehouse #BoostGotYou #senangjer #goecommerce #cashlesspayments #cashback #olivehousebutterworth #habbatussauda https://www.instagram.com/p/CSu6bKRhi96/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Signature Plate Berasap Yee Mee : The best in 0enamg...Must try @sizlingbangsawan Cashless payment with @myboostapp @duitnowmy Tapau aje! Kafe Bangsawan The CEO. #yeemeesizzling #sizlingbangsawan #penangfoods #penangfoodie #yummy #superdelicious #takeaway #tapau #supportlocalbusiness #supportlokal #support #boostmymalaysia #goecommerce #senangjer #penangfoodhunt #penamgfoodie #staysafeeveryone (at Bangsawan Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRL1cq_L1tP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Fried Chicken Master at City Junction Outlet Penang Island. Spicy Fried Chicken Breast @friedchickenmastermy #friedchickenbreast #friedchickenmaster #spicy #foodblogger #friedchicken #chickenbreast #foodideas #eatclean #friedchickenmastermalaysia #malaysiafood #delicous #breaktime #fastfood #mydinner #dinnerbreak #working #chickenmaster #tastytasty #crispy #iamfull #quickmeal #30minutemeals #backtowork #stomachfull #nomorehungry #penang #friedchickenmastermalaysia (at Fried Chicken Master Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_9WcEplzY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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@bullafamilydairy @kapitiicecream @mercatomy @gurneyplazapenang Made with fresh milk & cream. DOUBLE CHOC No artificial colours or flavours. Bulla is one of Australia's oldest family owned diary companies, proudly making dairy products in country Australia for 6 generations. Dedicating to more care, craftsmanship & passion from only the freshness milk & cream. #bullaicecream #icecreamtime #icecream #australia #australiaicecream #bulladiary #sixgen #1910 #passion #creamychocolate #doublechocolate #noartificialcolors #freshmilk #crunchy #desserts #ideasfordessert #icecreamforbreakfast #foodblogger #foodie #lockdown #mercato #gurneyplaza #penang #instagood #foodphotographer #photooftheday (at Mercato Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPwkrtxLjPP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of flavor and plenty of health benefits. Their green flesh is sweet and tangy. It’s also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber. Their small black seeds are edible, as is the fuzzy brown peel, though many prefer to peel the kiwi before eating it. Can help treat asthma 2. Aids digestion 3. Boosts the immune system 4. Reduces risk of other health conditions 5. Can help manage blood pressure 6. Reduces blood clotting 7. Protects against vision loss #kiwi #goldenkiwi #goldenkiwifruit #fruit #smallfruit #vitaminc #freshfruits #sweetandtasty #tastyfood #healtylifestyle #healthyfood #healthy #boosted #immunesystem #deliciousness #ideas #foodblogger #foodphotographer #fruits #fruity #kiwi_photos https://www.instagram.com/p/CPORsHIrTng/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Thai Food Stall No. 22 at Super Tanker Food Court, Bayan Lepas, Penang. Still our favourite dish combination.🥰 #greencurry #greencurrychicken #penangfoodhunt #thaifood #instafood #supertankerfoodcourt #foodblogger #sweetsour #sweetsourfish #friedfish #delicous #yummyinmytummy #foodphotographer #dinnertonight #discoverpenang #musttry #musttryfood #cashlesssociety #cashlesspayments (at Super Tanker) https://www.instagram.com/p/CODFVYgJ1WK/?igshid=8tzysvo06s2a
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Still my best spot to hang around for business appointments. Love the food, ambience & exemplary staff services. Cafe Jen @hoteljenpenang INSPIRATION. The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. (Bertrand Arthur William Russell) すばらしき人生は、愛に鼓舞され、知識に導かれたものだ。 (バートランド・ラッセル) #cafe #cafejen ##jenhotel #jenpenang #georgetown #penangfood #bestoftheday #besthotel #lovely #coffee #cookiesofinstagram #foodblogger #foodphotographer #penangfoodie #foodandtravel #foodandbeverage #hotcoffee #cashlesspayment #daily #dailyinspiration #loveyourself #knowledgeispower #powerofpositivity (at JEN Penang Georgetown by Shangri-La) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_CwKWpQR-/?igshid=1qhnlp63sodds
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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Foot long 12" Chicken Teriyaki RM20.65 with add Small Meal RM3.70 for 16 oz Fountain Drink & 1 cookies. @subway @gurneyplazapenang #chickenteriyaki #subwaymalaysia #subwaysandwich #macadamianutcookies #fountaindrink #fanta #footlong #subway #penangfoodhunt #penangites #healtylifestyle #healthyfood #sandwiches #penangfightscovid19 #vegetables #alleathealthyhere #addon #smallmeal #penangplaza #penang #foodblogger #foodphotographer #foodphography #taste #good #heartyitalianbread #choosethebest (at Subway, Gurney Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNhWnDlp8iQ/?igshid=1kjll3r6sagjy
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happylovewisdom · 4 years ago
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シャトレーゼ Chateraise Patisserie from JAPAN 日本 @chateraise.jp @gurneyplazapenang #penang #malaysia Lovely Mochi Cream Cake Passion Mango RM4.70 per piece. It's individually vacuum packed. Lovely can use cashless payment. Arigatou Gozaimasu. ありがとうございます。 #boostmymalaysia #BoostGotYou #BoostJerKawKaw #lebihbanyakekstra #touchngoewallet #grabpay #cashlesspayment #dinein #delivery #online #mochi #chateraisemalaysia #chateraise #châteraisé #patisserie #fromjapan #mochicream #foodblogger #foodphotographer #penangcafe #penangfood #gurneyplaza #penangfoodhunt #penangites #penangisland #passionmango (at Chateraise Patisserie Gurney) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQ9vK2JJxW/?igshid=1mdw2mcbrunma
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