space for anti endo aspecs
10 posts
[header id: anti-endo flag. 7 horizontal stripes: dark blue, blue, light blue, white, light orange, orange, bright orange. pfp id: aspec flag. the center of the flag is white star with 4 rays. rays divide flag on 4 sectors. left top is black, right top is green, right bottom is grey, left bottom is violet].
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 8 months ago
tw amisia and ableism discussion
[pt: tw amisia and ableism discussion]
interesting how a lot of amisia is based on ableism / tied to ableism.
know discriminations intersect. know lots of discriminations intersect with ableism specifically. but still. it's very noticeable when talk abt amisia.
stereotypes how aspecs are emotionless and cold so are bad people / monsters / abusers. ableism. may be seen in treatment with people with personality disorders, low empathy, flat affect, etc.
stereotypes how aspecs are "just don't understand" things, just "not mature enough", etc. intellectual ableism. ableism towards neurodevelopmental disorders. etc.
stereotypes how aspecs are "just traumatised." say "just trauma" in my face and get hit by younger protector [not literally]. ableism towards trauma and trauma disorders. trauma isn't something that makes you "not completely yourself." (okay it may feel like that but it's not okay to treat someone other with this idea. and trauma recovery often includes accepting that you can't untraumatize and become your "untouched" imaginary version. so have to accept who you are with trauma and be in peace with it). trauma isn't something that you can and have to live in the past easily. some trauma changes people permanently. some trauma forms people. trauma isn't something not important that hides "actual individual" under itself. trauma is experience. forming experience.
stereotypes how "something just wrong with your body." physical ableism (don't know if it's actual term). so what? not every body have to be same. not every body have to work "properly." not every body's "proper" work looks like most bodies' "proper" work. and so on. also idea that physical disabilities is something additional that hides "actual normal real body" under itself. which is. extremely ableist perspective. (don't know how to word it better).
so yeah. not every body has to work similar. not every mind has to work similar. people are allowed to live their life right now and not wait until they "get rid" of "wrong additional things" (disabilities) and become "normal" (abled). this way of looking on disabilities is harmful, wrong, and extremely ableist.
(not mean being aspec is always caused by disabilities. aspecs may be abled and may be disabled. just unpack how stereotypes abt aspecs are connected with ableism and talk abt ableism and disabled people because of it).
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 8 months ago
know abt stereotype "aspec = emotionless / cold"
know it's harmful. recognize it's harmful. stereotypes are harmful. generalizations are harmful. saying any group shares any trait without exceptions is harmful. because everyone is different and individual.
but like. at the same time. wanna mention that being emotionless is ok. being emotionless is morally neutral. being emotionless doesn't equal being evil.
some aspecs aren't emotionless. they shouldn't be assumed emotionless because aspecs. they shouldn't be fakeclaimed if are emotional. they shouldn't be hated because seen as emotionless.
and some aspecs actually are emotionless. they shouldn't be called bad representation. they shouldn't be hated because are emotionless too. they shouldn't be erased because stereotypes. emotionless aspecs aren't the ones who promote amisia. amisics promote amisia and use ableism towards emotionless people to promote amisia.
emotional aspecs are aspecs. emotional aspecs are valid as fuck. emotional aspecs deserve visibility. emotional aspecs deserve respects.
emotionless aspecs are aspecs. emotionless aspecs are valid as fuck. emotionless aspecs deserve visibility. emotionless aspecs deserve respect.
no actual aspecs are "stereotypes." no actual aspecs are "bad representation." every actual aspec is important. every actual aspec have their place in community and make community better because they're here.
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 8 months ago
your daily reminder:
asexuals are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
aromantics are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
aplatonics are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
asensuals are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
anaestheticals are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
afamilials are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
other atertiary / non-rose aspecs are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
agenders are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
all aspecs are cool, valid, and important part of queer community
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 8 months ago
our loveless and heartless identities are very important. we have a lot of labels, but some of them are like... key things people need to know abt us to understand our perspective. and loveless and heartless labels are key things for us.
we don't experience love. we didn't understand what love is until a couple of months ago. we used love as a placeholder for good feelings, but it's supposedly not usually used like this.
it was insightful to understand. we couldn't understand what's our problem was. we felt some difference in our relationships, in our feelings, but we couldn't get it. so we just thought we're bad, wrong, or broken. but we're not. we just don't experience thing that lots of other individuals experience. and it makes our relationships different. it makes out feelings different.
(we know no one has to feel same way and no one has to excuse for their way of feeling and no one feels wrong way etc. but it's our problem. we need in explanations. we need in reasons. and we struggle with self-acceptance. we work on it).
also, we're pretty non-emotional overall. we don't feel much. like. we have some emotions, but they're not so strong. they're more... distant? foggy? superficial? idk. and we relate with heartless label not only in aspec way but in an emotional way too. (we know it isn't a part of the original definition, but originally heartless was meant to reclaim the dehumanization of aros, and people with low emotions are also often dehumanized. we find some similarities there. so we think for us this label may have additional connotations without losing the original vibe).
we don't understand a lot of social things. often we think we understand, but it comes out that we haven't understood it. and it impacted our aspec experience. because we supposed a lot of relationships things are... pretending? not in a fake way but in a ritual way? and we have done a lot of things in this way.
but we don't wanna live like this forever. doing things that we don't actually want or actually enjoy just because of social norms and social rituals. and coming to terms as loveless and heartless helped us a lot.
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 8 months ago
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Welcome to queer systems!!
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Queer systems is a safe space for all the queer and lgbtq+ systems to chill, talk, ask, share and anything regarding their queer identity + systemhood
You can use this blog to send:
"Queer/LGBTQ+ system culture is"
Vent about experience
Talk about experiences
Make jokes & memes
Anything related to being a queer system
I didn't find a blog related to this, so I wanted to make one who's a catch-all for all the things a LGBTQ+ system blog might be
We also gonna share about ourselves sometimes, just to have more conte variety and because we know we won't be receiving 24/7 ask and submissions TT
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Anon claims
Non for the moment
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This blog isn't a syscourse one, if you're a syscourse blog or wanna talk about syscourse I'll block and delete, this isn't a place for syscourse topics
Related to that topic don't brick discussion and debates about labels and LGBTQ+ topics, if you want to vent about it sure, go ahead and do it, but this isn't a place to debate and discuss this topics, for this reason I won't be saying our posture in some LGBTQ+/Queer topics because this is meant to be a safe space to share and be yourself
Submissions are always open, but please have in mind this rules before using it:
If is necessary add the corresponding TW/CW above the submission
No slurs, attacks, mockery or any kind of bad behavior to anyone in the submissions (And if you're gonna mention someone censor and give a nicknames, don't reveal information)
Specify if you want a submission to be published with the message or if you want a separate post with no submission attached
Our DNI:
Endos & pro endos
Syscourse blogs
Hate to any kind of LGBTQ+/Queer label
People without CDD
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About us
We're a polyfrag DID system who really loves doing side blogs
Our main blog is: @persmo and there you can see a little bit more about ourselves, for simplicity reasons in this blog we won't be putting a lot of info because it's unnecesary
Also, in our main account you can find almost all of our side blogs connected to our pinned post!!
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 8 months ago
this is so cool omg :0
love to see blogs like this, you guys are so awesome /gen
thank you! we're glad you like this blog!
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 9 months ago
we don't like label relationships. labels feel like demand. labels feel like restriction. we just wanna be unlabeled close with some specific people. labels feel like requirement of feelings which we don't have and can't have. we like when relationships are unlabeled. it feels like freedom. we feel less pressure to do certain things (we feel some pressure always when interacting because fear of being perceived and trauma and learned things). we feel more chill when don't have to label relationships.
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 9 months ago
actually i don't know and i don't care what part of my asexuality, aromanticism, aplatonicism, other atertiarity, and lovelessness is caused by neurodiversity. i know autism plays a hand. i know avpd plays a hand. i know ocpd plays a hand. but really. i don't care.
i can't uninstall these things from my brain. my neurodiversity literally forms who i am and how i perceive, understand, and interact with the world. it's inseparable. and it's okay to not separate your queer identities from your neurodiversity. neurotype plays a huge hand in who you are. it's okay, and it's fair to recognize.
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 9 months ago
i'm not repulsive for most types of relationships. usually i'm somewhere on neutral or averse spectrum (don't care / don't care until it includes me). but sometimes i feel overwhelmed by relationships in media. like, i feel pressure because of tons of narratives where characters are pushed to develop attraction (any type) to each other. and it's really hard to find something where characters get to know each other, become closer, but don't form any relationships (mostly romantic but sometimes platonic) and just stay teammates / colleagues / someones who do things together. sometimes i wanna see unlabeled closeness. sometimes i wanna see distant people stay distant and still be included.
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anti-endo-aspec-space · 9 months ago
welcome to the anti endo aspec space!
[pt: welcome to the anti endo aspec space! /end pt]
we've seen a lot of pro endos in general aspec spaces & have felt insecure because of it, so we decided to create space for anti endo aspecs specifically. feel free to share your aspec experiences, thoughts, joys, vents, whatever you want to! every aspecs, not only aros and aces, are welcome here. your experiences may be related or unrelated to being a system / having a cdd.
about us
[pt: about us /end pt]
pronouns it/void. use we/us and i/me interchangeable. we're autistic cdid system with avpd, ocpd, and other physical and mental disabilities. we're loveless / heartless aromantic, asexual, and aplatonic. may sometimes post our aspec experiences here too.
what is aspec?
[pt: what is aspec? /end pt]
aspec is an umbrella term for having little to no attraction or gender feeling. aspec includes asexual, aromantic, aplatonic, anaesthetic, afamilial, analterous, etc. lack or absence some type of attraction. usually, aspec is used for orientation labels, but some agender people consider agenderness being part of aspec too. some people use split attraction model where types of attraction (sexual, romantic, platonic, alterous, familial, aesthetical, sensual, etc.) are seen as separated from each other. some people don't use split attraction model to describe their attraction or lack of it. both ways of describing own experience are valid.
dni (do not interact)
[pt: dni (do not interact) /end pt]
bigots (racists, sexists, queermisist, ableist, and other discriminations supporters), terfs, transmeds
endogenic / nontraumagenic systems and supporters
amisists, aspec exclusionists
radqueers, transids
pro-contact paras
anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, anti-"contradictory" labels, anti-mogai
anti self-diagnosis
personality disorders abuse believers (narcissic abuse, etc.)
tagging things
[pt: tagging things /end pt]
#aspec space ask - for your asks
#aspec space [relationships] - for explicit and detailed descriptions of relationships and attraction. (ie, #aspec space sex, #aspec space romance, #aspec space friendship, #aspec space qpr, etc.)
#aspec space vents - for vents
#tw [insert trigger] - for triggering topics (ie, #tw amisia, #tw queermisia, etc.)
please try to put trigger warnings in your asks if they contain potentially triggering topics. i will try to find and tag triggers too. if i miss something, feel free to ask me to tag it.
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