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lelandking13 · 6 years ago
Final -E Portfolio
My round 3 speech went well, I believe I was a bit overtime again, and I still did not handle my nervous energy well. When I had practiced my speech I was at the longer end of the time limit, however I had slowed my speech rate dow during my speech which ultimately caused me to be over time. I noticed myself swaying a bit, along with rolling my ankles. On top of this, I was also pretty note reliant. I believe this was due to the fact that many of the sources and studies I found were relatively similar involving either athletes or general effects of dehydration on the body. This similarity caused me to begin to worry about blending together my sources. 
Overall I felt like this course prepared me to give speeches in the future and gave me a good structure to follow whilst writing them. I had fun in the class because the speeches and the coinciding topics were always interesting and relatable.
I wasn’t able to meet with my team due to conflicting finals schedules, and due to the fact that I am in Coalinga for the College Rodeo. 
Thank you for the great quarter!
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lelandking13 · 6 years ago
Speech round 2 E-Portfolio
Based off of the reflections and comments from my peers and Dr. Truch, I have came up with 3 things I can work on better. For one, my structure could be a little bit more... well, structured. In my last speech I didn’t have an exact route for the topics to follow, rather I just led one into the other and I could’ve done a better job separating them. Maybe outlining my speeches more before would help. On top of that, I can work on my movement much more. I have a bad habit of beginning to use productive movement through hand gestures or removing myself from the podium, but I often get sucked right back into the reliance on the podium. I think the best way for me to break this habit would be to simply relax. When I get wound up I tense up and stay in one spot. However, if I were to relax a little more then I could move around and use gestures a little bit better. Overall I feel like this has been my strongest speech, and I have really improved on my timing as well as confidence in my voice.
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lelandking13 · 6 years ago
1st speech round e portfolio
-cultural artifact
-oral Tradition
Based off of the Feedback I received and my own self reflection after my first two speeches two main things have come upon my attention. I need to work on my movements, specifically harnessing my nervous energy and using it to move fluidly around the “stage” while speaking I stead of being tied to the podium. I also need to focus on moving away from notes and condensing my ideas since I have gone overtime on both speeches.
Due to conflicting schedules we could not all meet at the same time, so instead we met in different groups, but marina acted as a moderator to convey Information the other group mates shared.
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lelandking13 · 6 years ago
E-Portfolio Assignment Entry 1
Goals to accomplish:
1. Speak with a more confident smooth voice. 
2. Eliminate awkward movements while speaking
Based off of the research I have done, I have found a few key ideas that will help me better my speaking skills. For instance, I need to relax myself while speaking. This will help my voice sound more confident and smooth, as well as help my body movements be more fluid. I can do speaking exercises where I put myself in a scenario where I am trying to give a very dramatic speech, or trying to add drama to my speech through pauses, change in speed, and volume. Another trick would be to practice speaking from deeper down in my body to really project my voice. For my second goal, I can work on being more relaxed and loose and remembering to breath while presenting. I need to remember that movement is good, but too much movement is not. 
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