xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 5 years
Claim what's yours
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 6 years
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Do it for the booty rubs
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 6 years
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Why drink and drive when you can get stoned and fly
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 6 years
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Dont do anything for anyone who doesn't give you something back. I dont mean material things either. I mean dont bend over for someone who wont lift a finger. Dont spend nights crying for those who laugh at your pain. You need to focus on yourself first. You cant pour from an empty glass
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
“You know what turns me on? Effort. Assurance. Show me you care. That you really want me. I’m tired of doubting whether people are coming or going.”
— personal (via yoitshenny)
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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Be your own damn light
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
We invest everything we got into believing we are not good enough
Self love is so simple yet the hardest thing for us to learn. We are so used to this idea that in order to be happy we need to make others like us and want to be around us. We lose track of who we are and what we want in life. Once you lose that mind set you can start to live your best life.
Stop caring what people think of you. What beret way to let go of that then to love yourself. Rahe yourself out. Shop alone, eat alone, travel alone. Being alone outs the best way to get to know yourself. You have nothing but your thoughts. You will fully learn what you love, hate, want, need. You learn to deal with sadness, anger, jealously, without the fear of being judged. You will lose the toxic and let in the blessings.
Don't become obsessed with what is wrong with you. Become obsessed with loving the best of you.
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.
Ramona L. Anderson
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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Take off your clothes for me
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
2018 is about little victories. we’re not putting pressure on ourselves to become everything we’ve always wanted to be because nobody can do that in a year. instead we’re focusing on making forward strides and we’re celebrating every single win no matter how small.
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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Never skip leg day
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
Lean Meat
There have been many studies proving the help benefits of lean meat. Meat is a mixture of proteins and fats. Wild game and see food are 80% protine and 20% fat. Where as processed meat is about 75% fat and 25% protine. The high levels of saturated fats found in processed meat is the cause to health problems not the protine found in lean meat.
Lean Meat also aids in metabolism boosts. It has twice the "thermic effect" of things such carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Which will then cause your body to burn more calories and boost your metabolism. Lean protine also has a higher "satiating value" which keeps us feeling full.
Dr.Bernard Wolfe at the university of Western Ontario has shown that high protine diets are far more healthy than low-fat high-charbohydrate diets. Those who have a high protine intake are not only slimmer but have lower homocysteine levels ( a toxic substance in the blood that damages the arteries and predisposed you to atherosclerosis) than vegans or vegetarians. High protine levels produce a change in your blood chemistry that in turn reduce your risk of heart disease.
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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Relax baby girl Your time will come
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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Don't worry Don't cry Just smoke ganja and fly
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
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2018, may the booty get fatter and the belly get flatter
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xxxyou-got-hotxxx · 7 years
You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you’ve climbed a mountain.
Tom Hiddleston​ (via eros-addict)
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