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tra-muah · 8 days ago
It's always 'ily' but never 'iwfilwyoaoaidchwownmhlibym'
(Iykyk, if you don't I put the explanation in the replys)
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tra-muah · 20 days ago
This just happened in my class and I'm dying, if I wasn't gay af for her before now I am. There was a discussion about turning on the ac or opening the windows or not because some people were cold and others were hot and then-
Girl with a hoodie, a winter coat, and a warm pillow: it's cold, close the windows.
Guy with a warm jacket: no, it's hot!
And then class continued as if nothing happened
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tra-muah · 1 month ago
I hope there's a special place in hell for gays who actually did stuff to deserve hell other than having a preference (which is not enough to earn eternal suffering in my biased pansexual opinion), just so that the "homosexuality is a sin, all gays go to hell" people can't see any gay in hell and when they ask they get told "all of them are chilling in heaven rn", while in reality robert the bisexual serial murder is just being tortured in a different place in hell.
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tra-muah · 1 month ago
If you're an artist, you know that your notebook- the one you actually draw in, not the professional one you feel too bad to draw inside in case it'd look bad- has the same rules as a phone gallery when you hand it to someone: unless you offer to give a 'tour' they AREN'T supposed to look through it. And I draw realism but I focus almost entirely on eyes (both realistic and less realistic, to the point I have at Least one or more on every page, aswell as an eyeball or two), I've only been doing realism for about 2-3 years so it's enough to impress people who either don't focus on it or don't draw but not people who often see it, which makes me a bit insecure about them so I don't like showing them.
I handed my friends (who sit behind me) my notebook to make a small sketch or smt like that and I'd evolve it a bit, and they started LOOKING THROUGH IT, in the end one of them complimented one of the eyes i drew (he said it looked like I ripped the paper- btw the paper wasn't wrinkled or ripped and at all- and then when I asked if that was good or not he said it was good) but they still gave me a near damn heart attack in the middle of an English class😭
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tra-muah · 2 months ago
I was just on the bus and a dog ran infront of it (the driver stopped and the dog moved) and then the driver continued on a turn and stopped because another bus was there and the dog ran infront of the bus again while it was stopped, immediately after a 7th grader half screamed half sang 'I need a hero!' (From "I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night") and said another thing, this is what he said (rough translation) "I need a hero~! Is there anyone Chinese here?"
I know I shouldn't laugh but I hear much more racist things on the daily both from him and others in my school, so I am gonna laugh
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tra-muah · 2 months ago
My class has adopted a new insult and I'm loving this show so much, the last insult was either to ask how many chromosomes the person has or just say the person has a random number (2 and above), and because we're in middle school, most kids outside my class didn't know what it meant. Now they've discovered insest and their new one is "are your parents sibling?"
The first time I heard it I almost died right then and there
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tra-muah · 2 months ago
I'm so quiet that when I was sitting next to a girl I was kind of friends with (she was friends with everyone and easy to talk to type of girl) and talking to her most of the lesson (it was English class, I live in a place not alot of people are good in English, so I helped and explained to her stuff) the teacher wasn't even mad she just asked us to speak quietly, called my parents and told them I was opening up to a classmate and that I had a friend, and considered moving me near the girl for all classes
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tra-muah · 2 months ago
Last year i realized how quiet I am at school, there was a "how are you?" Kind of circle with half of the class and we needed to say smt about what we improved from the start of the year (this was about half a year after the year started) and I had no idea what to say about myself (as the self depravating person I am, i had no idea what good I can say about me) and the teacher and some students decided to help, and one of them said "you're more friendly/talkative than the start of the year" then everyone agreed.
I said about two sentences or less everyday.
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
I was just in a math class and we had to copy from the board, and a girl asked the question that is never not asked- "what's the title?" Then the teacher paused, thought for like two seconds before saying with the same exact look "math." And turned back around to continue writing
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
OMG someone help, my heart😭, I have a complicated relationship with food and don't like eating with people around, and my 4yo sister wanted to eat together (with me, my mom, and my other sister) but my mom said I like eating alone so we can't, and my little sister went "we can eat alone together! :)" And now I'm dying
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
"Would i/you survive in a zombie apocalypse?"
In a zombie apocalypse people act like (or forget that this is not the case) animals don't count as living beings, but they are, meaning they could turn into zombies, and since flies drink blood (i think?) and get attracted to rotten stuff, there would be zombie flies and stuff like that. So the chances to surviving (not turning to a zombie) are in fact very very VERY low. Also, the question of HOW the zombie apocalypse started is also neglected too often, is it like a disease? Failed (science/medical) experiment? Chemicals? New being?
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
When I was a kid I had nightmares here and there (like the average kid) and I'd go sleep in my parents room after each nightmare, one time after a nightmare (don't remember specifics about it) I went to my parents room as usual, explained what happened, blah blah blah, anyway, when I was about to fall asleep I imagined (thinking back hallucinated might fit better since I didn't have control over it) weird cartoon turtles that climbed up the blanket towards me and then one of them (the one closest to me) opened it's mouth and ate my head, what followed was the most peaceful sleep I ever had.
I think about that alot and still don't have an explanation for myself
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
Does anyone else have that weird ass sound you do randomly or when you don't really wanna be verbal? Mine is bue (boo-weh) and i wanna see what sounds other people have
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
I just had a conversation with my 4yo sister, here's how it went-
Her: bap
Me: bap
Her: bap bap?
Me (nodding): bap bap.
Her: bap bap bap bap bap bap-
Me: ba-bap, bap.
What insightful conversations there are in my household
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tra-muah · 3 months ago
Thinking about that time there was a science project and my class had the strictest teacher, so everyone did the project and everything was normal until someone asked in the no teacher class group if everyone did the homework and a girl sent "my dog ate the homework" then attached pictures of her homework done but messed beyond repair (drool, pieces of the paper detached, you get it) and her dog sitting with a happy smile in the background of the picture. That was the only time I saw my entire class coming together to defend someone else.
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