#little siblings
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ivysturnss · 6 months ago
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Transition -Sturniolo Triplets
Summary:Where the triplets come back home and have some news waiting for them.
Warnings: FLUFF!!! Usual swearing , mentions of surgery , crying ,questioning ur gender and I think that's it.
Pairing: older bro!triplets x ftm!reader
A/N: reader is 17 in this and I'm sorry if its bad I thought of this on the spot
Nick Matt Chris MaryLou You
Divider- @ issysh3ll
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You was currently sat up on the kitchen counter with my mom infront of u calming u down whilst small tears run down ur cheeks "What if they don't accept me!" "Buddy look at me please" you wipe ur nose with a tissue your mom had given u a few minutes prior then drifting ur eyes to look at her. "Are you listening to yourself right now , one of your brothers is gay and they accepted him ur not any different sweetie!" "I am though , nick hasn't changed he just likes boys but ive changed completely I haven't seen them in 9 months and the last time they saw me I was their little sister with long curly hair and braces." you say slightly raising ur voice and tears were now flowing heavily.
It was true the last time u had seen ur triplet brothers u had curly brown hair what hung just past ur chest , braces with pink bands , nails did but very short what u was forced to have done by ur best friend. None of ur friends and family knew at the time but just before ur brothers had came 9 and a half months ago u was questioning ur gender , long nights spent scrolling through tiktok and Pinterest looking at hairstyles for boys , male clothing just anything "boyish" in general and that's when it dawned on you. Im trans! You took inspiration from matts anxiety journal to make your own journal but instead of it being for anxiety you named it "Transition Journal". Any spare time you had you would write down ur thoughts , ways to tell ur family, name ideas and in the end it was full to the brim. It was a mix of a scrapbook and a diary it had photos cut out of outfits and where to buy the clothes and accessories from written next to it aswell as haircuts cut out so when u came out and got ur hair done you could show the barber what u wanted.
"No one else in the family views u any different so I highly doubt they will but if they dont they are getting the next flight back to la and never coming back in this house!" This makes you let out a little laugh and smile "That's not very nice you can't just kick them out like that" " I suppose that is a bit mean but whatever it takes to have u happy!" "Thanks , I'm so tired after all this crying so I'm going to get out of this and take a nap but can u text me when they are here and where they are in the house?" "Of course I can I'll also tell them not to go in your room have a good nap!"
3 hours and 15 minutes later
Your pov:
I wake up from my nap and automatically hear shouting and laughter downstairs so without even checking my phone I know my brothers are home , I sit up against my headboard and grab my phone and reply to a few of my friends who messaged me before checking my moms message.
-Hey buddy , we are all sat in the living room but we are watching a film so they are distracted so if you want a drink you will be able to get to the kitchen if you move quick enough.
-Alright I'll come down now please keep them distracted
I put my socks back on and fix my hair a bit before grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket then quietly making my way to the stairs. I get halfway down and look to my side to see them all engrossed on the tv so I make a run for it running down the stairs and into the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out one of my Arizonas and slowly walking into the living room. When I reach the couch i sit down beside Chris casually taking a sip of my drink placing it on the small wooden table next to his pepsi. "There you are how was ur nap flo?" he asks still not taking his eyes of the tv but hearing him call u your dead name just felt weird the last time u was called it was a few months ago by a substitute in school but that wouldn't happen anymore as u had just graduated. I didn't answer him as technically he was speaking to no one and this makes him look at me , his head hadn't even turned half way before he quickly stands up Infront of me "What the fuck are u standing up for!" All i do was stare back at him as my body just froze there was two ways this could go he could either hug me and support me or could shout at me and leave and i wasn't sure what was happening. Matt and nick look over at me and do the exact same thing as chris and stand either side of him and because none of them where speaking i decide to.
End of ur pov
"I um.. I transitioned" your voice came out quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Your parents thought it was best for u to have this moment alone so they got up and walked into the kitchen shutting the door behind them. "We can see that, when did this happen" he asks in a soft tone but still in shock. It was pretty obvious to those around u that you wasn't a girl anymore u had short hair, a light stubble , you looked more masculine and u was currently wearing black and blue plaid pj bottoms with a vintage tee u had thrifted a few days ago. "Before u came the last time I was questioning it and I made a entire notebook full of things I still have it if u wanna see but anyway I told mom and dad like a month or 2 after u left and it just went from there I guess." "And why did u not tell us sooner?" "Well I wanted to tell u guys in person so that's why I waited till u came back and that's what I'm doing now". The 3 just nod and sit on the floor infront of u "Do you have a name like a name u want to be called from now on?" Matt asks putting on of his hands on ur knee comfortingly "Yeah I do actually , it's Finn but mom and dad call me buddy aswell!" "Good choice bud I like that name". "Do you think you'd ever get surgery?" "Well we looked into it and I'm at the right age as u have to be 16 and I'm 17 but we want to wait a bit before I do as we just wanna go day by day and not jump into it all at once y'know!". Matt looks over at nick and nick just nods knowing what he was going to say "Finn I don't wanna sound rude but who do u like?" "What do u mean who do I like?" "What's ur sexuality like I'm straight so is Chris and Justin but nicks gay so what are u?". I take a deep breath knowing this question was coming and try to hold back the tears but that doesn't happen. Nick is fast to move and sits beside u pulling u into a hug. "You don't have to tell us right now if u don't want to we can wait." "Mhm we will wait as long as u want us to wait" "No ill tell u" you sit back up but take nicks hand and he rubs his thumb against the back of ur hand. "As you now know I'm trans so ur probably thinking I like girls but I don't I still like boys". "Thank you for sharing this with us we are proud of you" "Just so you know we love you even more" "I love you guys aswell" "Guys do you know what this calls for?" "If I'm thinking what ur thinking I'm totally down" "Celebratory McDonald's?" "DUHHH". Nick and Chris run off to the car whilst matt stays back with you. "How about u get that notebook of urs and we can look at it whilst having our McDonald's." You nod and run up stairs to get the notebook whilst matt goes to the car.
35 minutes later
You was all sat in the McDonald's parking lot finishing up ur food and going through ur notebook. "Whys there a photo of my head? Chris questions pointing at the photo "It's because this is one of haircut pages and I liked ur hair back then so I was going to get it but I didn't in the end." "I think you would suit it you should definitely try it one time". "Hold on this is a very important question." "What is it?" "Do u watch RuPaul?" "I love that shit I watch it all the time" "MATT DRIVE US HOME RIGHT NOW ME AND FINN A STAYING UP ALL NIGHT AND BINGE WATCHING RUPAUL START THAT ENGINE!" the car erupts into laughter as matt starts the car to drive you guys home.
@6ix9inewiturmom @nicksbf @thenickgirl @soontosturniolo @delilahsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @pvssychicken @nicksbestie @talulahinthestars @nicksgirlfriend @schlutt4matty @obsessionsarenotfortheweak @zariyam @little-bisexual-intern @toysizee @sturniolowh-0-re @sturnobsessedwh0re @vanteguccir @mattthemunchsbiggestfan @delimeats-000 @sturnfannn @slutforsturnioloss @evie-sturns
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the-atlas-sister · 1 year ago
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Imagine Reki with a S/O who loves kids!
Like imagine them loving Reki so much but honestly- loving his little sisters even more.
Reki has absolutely come home to you just there. Not for him, no for his sisters.
He'll also frequently find you in their bedroom, face caked with horrendous children's makeup after you "accidently" disappeared from your hangout with him
He pretends to hate it and whines that you never spend enough time with him
But actually he just falls in love so much more everytime he sees you being all soft and loving with his little sisters.
Oh my god and his mom loves you for it
How can she not when all her kids seem to love you
This also applies for Tanjiro Kamado (DS) and Takashi Mitusya (TR)
Is this just an outlet because I love kids (I work with them and going into a career where I work with kids) and would love to play with Reki and Mitsuya's little sisters or Nezuko? Sure.
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writtenroses1813 · 9 months ago
Every family is different, but sometimes being the youngest means:
Growing up too fast
Learning to lie from a young age to please older siblings
Fear of rejection
Not knowing how healthy relationships work
Getting everything sooner (phones, privileges, but also things like losing childhood faster, learning Santa isn’t real faster, etc.)
Too many expectations that don’t count when met
Invalidated emotions
“You’re just sensitive”
“That’s just how siblings are, we aren’t bullying you”
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popcat69 · 1 year ago
hellooo! its me again i was wondering if you could make a oneshot youngest sibling! reader x rottmnt boys abt the reader moving out because their going to college and the turtles are just a crying mess of the thought of their baby sister moving away, please? no rush if you have the time it would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
A/N : this was more fun to write then i though it would be so thank you sooo much for this ask. Also i'm sick, got food poisoning somehow? so its not checked for spelling error cuz i cant be asked <3
They swear you just started middle school!
Raph and mikey are just hugging you and bawling their eyes out
Donnie is trying to keep his bad boy cover on but you swear you see his bottom lip tremble
Leos just staring blanking at you as if you kicked him
Basically you will be very missed
Donnie and april were very helpful When you started submitting for different collages
Your sitting at you laptop before letting out a scream
Your brothers run into the room. Leos screaming as well
Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be.
They scramble around you telling you to open it
You hesitate
“What if they say im not good enough..?”
“GASP! Why would the little sibling of the smartest turtle not be able to get in?”
You take a deep breath and open the email
You read it out loud
“Dear ____ Hamato. We are happy to tell you that you have been accepted into _____ collage……”
Tears are coming out your eyes as your brothers hug you tightly
“Omg i got in! I GOT IN!”
You got in your dream collage!
Everyone celebrating 
When the time comes for you to leave the turtles are heart broken 
Your bags are packed and you room duller than usual
“Did you pack everything?”
“Yess dad”
“You’ll be safe right?”
“Dont worry theyll be safe”
You have like 7 trackers on you
“Don't go partying too much ok?”
“Don't go partying at all!”
“I will teleport there if you do”
“Please don’t”
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texts I get from my little sister: "i miss youuuuu" "can we ft today" "look at this picture of the dogs"
texts I get from my little brother: "weeble deeble"
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jeweledkitten · 3 months ago
I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that @littlefallenprincess is the sweetest little sister anyone could ask for and she deserves a mountain of headpats and for everyone to call her a good girl.
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ollieisoliveoil · 7 months ago
ain't no way i got called a dumbass by a 4 year old
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littleslasherfan · 13 days ago
oh random thought post cause I can’t tell my parents this lol..
I imagined to hook my little six year old brother on the fandom I’m now into (uncle Samsonite) and we found this WYST vs him fight vid and lol we were both cheering him on like it was a WWE match and when the Pac-Man looking monster got it’s skull mashed in…he got to excited and bonked me
(I’m ok but ow he hits hard)
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d0gwithabr0kenleg · 3 months ago
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little sibling (9) begged me to post their character art (name: the calling), so here it is!
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pink-soul-diary · 9 months ago
I'm not sure if anyone's made this parallel before, but if we were to ignore the "al Ghul" of Damian's name. Therefore making him Damian Wayne.
His initials would be D.W.
Similarly, D.W. from Arthur, the little sister.
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ivysturnss · 6 months ago
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I'm trying to write a fic and it's just doing this when I save jt I've tried re writing the same thing twice now anyone else having this problem?
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drunklittlelamb · 10 months ago
hi! welcome to my sideblog. this'll be for all my horny fauxcest posting and other stuffs :3; you can call me lamb or your little sister or slut, anything like that really tehe
also i interact from hor******yr
feel free to message me or send me asks! especially about how you might take advantage of your little sibling
minors pls dni & and be at least 20+ to interact and a reminder im T4T (sorry cis folks)
#littlelambyelps for my own posts
this is not an exhaustive list, but is instead some of my favorite kinks i love to indulge in!
- fauxcest (v much as younger sibling)
- free use (feel free to use me ;3)
- scents / musk (if im shoved in your crotch or pit all my thoughts leak out of my nose)
- intox
- public / exhibitionism
- scat
- gore
- guns (too much gun safety drilled into me as a child...)
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writtenroses1813 · 9 months ago
Neither of my parents had healthy relationships with their siblings.
It shows.
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prankprincess123 · 5 months ago
I circumvented my copy of EoW not being delivered till Monday by convincing my siblings to buy a copy while I'm babysitting them, and watching them play is so different that it's hilarious. Like my brother is very straightforward, using the sword to fight as Link, and going through everything as Zelda in the most simple yet efficient way he can find, enough that he got to Suthhorn Village in 45min. Meanwhile my 11yo sister is sprinting around like a feral gremlin, tried to fight Ganon using only bombs, tried everything she could think of to steal pots before realizing she could break them and get money, spoke to everyone in Castle Town at least twice, and spent 10min simply throwing pots at the guards before finally going to speak to the king, and barely got to the dungeons in her 45min turn.
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ineffably-poetic · 1 year ago
so i'm getting a little brother and they're thinking about naming him arthur and if they do i can't wait to show him red dead redemption 2
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goddessofbees · 6 months ago
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Fam drawings
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