thenadlog · 7 years
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thenadlog · 7 years
Summer enchantment
Heartbeats and butterflies, Sunsets and mountain views. Road trips and long walks, Late nights and random cruises. Tan lines, and wine stains, Cigarette smoke, and long tales. Warm hugs and honest words, Forehead kisses and a hand to hold. Smiles that brighten the eyes and laughter that fills the air. Lips that kiss the flesh and arms that hold the soul. Bodies that become one, and moans that vibrate the veins. -N.N.
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Lebanon, I love you.
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Tonino crêpes and waffles 👅
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Yay to new books and coffee mugs!
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thenadlog · 7 years
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All I want is to get lost in places I don't know and take pictures.
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thenadlog · 7 years
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And all I ever wanted was to get lost in the mountains with you..
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Sunsets in Broummana 🌅
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Turkish Coffee ☕️
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thenadlog · 7 years
Soul Recognition
Something about him was familiar. I knew we never met before but his presence felt extremely familiar. Those bright eyes pierced me with comfort. That smile overwhelmed me with a cozy feeling. How could you feel so familiar when our paths had never crossed before? I was in a new city, surrounded by strange people, and everyday you stood out. I would smile, I would say hello, but for a confident person, I couldn’t summon up the courage to approach you and start a conversation. On our last night in that interesting city I decided it was now or never. We ended up speaking for hours, and I understood how my soul got attracted to you before I knew anything about you. You have a vibe that I haven’t been introduced to before. A personality of gold, and the more I got to know you, the more my heart wanted to hold on. My insides did not just do jumping jacks all night, they started a protest inside of me to not let you walk out of my life. As the sun started to come up I realized this night, that felt like a chapter out of my favorite romance novel, was about to end. You would be getting on a flight back home in a few hours, and I would be getting on a flight back to my home later that day. How can a conversation with a stranger change so much in you? A couple of hours with you changed my point of view on important aspects in my life. Days later and your voice filled with advice and knowledge rings in my head. You left a print on my soul, and I sit and wonder if I left a print on yours. - https://thenadlog.wordpress.com/2017/05/09/soul-recognition/
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Those eyes ❤️
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thenadlog · 7 years
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Roadsters Suicide Squad sliders
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Dirty windows, and pretty cities
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Breakfast with a view 👌🏼
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Bentley, Galleria Mall, Abu Dhabi
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thenadlog · 7 years
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Abu Dhabi 🌃
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