If your not a better dad or husband than me then you better take notes son. Here’s what I gotta day.
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I just don’t feel like being awake any more today. ...........Ok #lifequotes #life #nostalgia #nostalgic #foodforthought #imagine #daydream #thinkdeep #deepquotes #deep #deepthoughts #childhoodmemories #childhood #memories #lookingback #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #motivationalquotes #motivation #powerofpositivity #you #kids #newparents #newdad #newdads #newmom #newmoms #loveyourself #loveyourselfquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B8xhNHfhEiS/?igshid=lv5dqk8mw5zt
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We could all use a little change. Who knows where you’ll find it, but it usually comes from the strangest places. @jdcrowepix . . . . . . . #funnymemes #funnyshit #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #inspiring #inspiringquotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivating #bethechange #newyearsresolution #stayathomemom #stayathomedad #stayathomeparent #rp #mom #dad #parentgoals #goals #goalsetting#life #lifeisgood #lifememes #memeoftheday #funnycartoons #parents #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B71q-k5hhfV/?igshid=ifhwn84cdif3
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This hit home with anybody else? . . . . . . . #cantsee #cantseeshit #badeyes #help #closeenough #goodtimes #motivation #inspiration #motivated #justdoit # #tryingmybest #watchmego #howyalikemenow #imawesome #badeyesight #visionproblems #igotthis #almostblind #legallyblind #visualdisability #blinddogsofinstagram #blind #losingvision #rp #lowvision #visionloss #badeyes #funnyshit #funnymemes https://www.instagram.com/p/B7HC-4pBXQ3/?igshid=1v0vy37ansq3u
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I mean, even if there was a test who could pass it? And where’s the manual???? . . . . . . . . #parents #parenting #parenthood #parentingmemes #parentingquotes #stayathomemom #stayathomemomlife #stayathomedad #stayathomeparent #stayathomeparents #sahd #sahmomlife #sahmproblems #motivationalquotes #memeoftheday #children #child #kids #babies #newbaby #newdad #newdaddy #newmommylife #newmomlife #newmoms #stayathomemoms #stayathomemum #newbaby #moms #momlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bTbmEhHiC/?igshid=1t4xxddx7cuhl
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Dear Parents you are not alone. No one could have told me, even though they tried, how hard being a parent would be! My son just slept through the night for the first time in 3 years. In that time I have been 100% at attention! No breaks, on duty, full on dad mode, every minute of everyday! And my wife, doubly so. It has taxed every single aspect of our lives to the absolute maximum. Our sanity Our marriage Our Patience Our Confidence Our belief in ourselves And our dedication to our Child. Every preconceived notion of parenthood has been challenged revisited and chucked right out the window. Everything we said we would not do and things we never thought of have turned our sense of control upside down. There are no more assumptions of what parenting should be like or comparisons to how others do it. Each child, each family and each situation is absolutely individual and that fact cannot be taught. That unique fact cannot be planned for. You do not prepare for parenthood. You imagine parenthood from a glib place of naivety. When you become a parent you realize you never had a clue and rightfully so. This journey is supposed to be one of a kind. It will and has tested people and lives to the brink before, and you are next. Now, I can surely say that I am out of judgements, I am out of naievity and arrogance. I am out of selfishness and I am most assuredly out of Fucks about how anyone views me or my parenting. . . . . . . . . #parents #newparent #raisingchildren #raisingtoddlers #life #lifequotes #toddlerlife #baby #parenting #parenthood #parenthood_moments #lifewithkids #lifewithchildren #wtffunfacts #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #motivation #parentsupport #parentingsupport #stayathomemom #stayathomedad #stayathomemoms #stayathomemum #sahd #sahm #sahmlife #motivationalquotes #kids #newparents https://www.instagram.com/p/B6RxRg7BAqp/?igshid=m40ul0iaqei9
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Many times in my life I have felt that I was not where I felt I should be socially, successfully, physically, mentally. Once I was discussing this concept with a friend my same age. He lived a completely different life so we compared situations. I believed he was doing well since he had his own business a family and a new truck. Then he opened up and removed the veil. He explained being in business for himself meant all of the bills and employees depended on him to get paid so he was always under pressure. Since he was divorced he was paying for a house he couldn’t live In, alimony, child-support and a car he couldn’t drive. Not to mention that he had to pay for his second home, second car and a completely separate life that also came with expenses. When he painted this picture it made my life look much easier and less stressful and I felt differently about my station in life. The moral of this story was not that anyone was better than the other. it was that we often tend to think the grass is greener on the other side but sometimes we may just be in a better spot than we realize, we just don’t have the right frame of reference to see it. Now, as a side effect of that conversation from over 10 years ago, when I am feeling down or behind or that I need to compare myself to others, I try think of all of the people I know and picture their lives. Then I ask “would I trade my life for theirs?” Routinely the answer is a huge NO! Even though I have my own struggles I would not wish for anyone else’s struggles instead. This exercise gives me a lot of perspective that helps me realize my life is just fine in many ways, sometimes I just need the perspective to understand it. Love what you have. Sometimes it is a whole lot more than you believe it to be. . . . . . . . . #life #lifequotes #parents #newparents #newdad #newmom #fathers #perspective #changeyourperspective #mindset #comparison #staypositive #staystrong #stayathomemom #stayathomedad #stayathomemomlife #stayathomemoms #stayathomemum #sahm #sahmlife #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #inspirational #motivational #motivationalquotes #motivationalquote #inspirationals #changeisgood #loveyourself #grassisgr https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Oc3B6hkz-/?igshid=vvzv8vrbfkc6
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I was raised by a divorced, gay mother and many, very strong women. My father was present but not an ideal role model of manhood or masculinity. This may be viewed by some as a setting that would produce a sissy or a gay son or some other judgement based on a false set of logic. However, truth be told, my biggest lessons of manhood came from watching how women felt about men in general. I was urged by the women in my life to be different than the men of their experiences. I listened to the feedback from women, friends and girlfriends and learned that a large part of the male image or manliness was flawed. Many men are taught bad habits, false dynamics and understandably learn to be bad men from bad examples of men. I became a good man and a good father, not because I was taught to be one but because I wanted to became the type of man that women and people wanted. Not a macho, self centered, egotistical, island but a sensitive, confident and caring participant. I had plenty of male influences along the way including my father and uncle and various other men. I also saw and heard their wives and ex-wives complain about how terrible they were. Responsibility, empathy, concern, vulnerability, love, compassion, teamwork and above all trust and respect were always what women and partners desired most from their significant others. I have spent my life trying to embody those traits to be the kind partner I wanted. Many of those traits came from my mom. But by wanting this dynamic for myself I also learned what I wanted from a partner and also what I did not want in many. -Anybody can be a stoic wall of stubbornness but that’s not a man that’s a problem. You don’t need a man to learn to be a man, instead we need to work to become good people instead of masculinity being a focus. Good character should be what we strive for regardless of sex or preference. . . . . . . . . #men #partner #partnership #marriage #love #respect #masculinity #male #boys #parenting #parentgoals #dads #newdad #newfather #fatherandson #fathering #fathersongoals #changetheworld #bethechange #fatherhood #dadgoals #fathergoals #stayathomemom #motherhood #mom #newmom #momgoals #stayathomemom https://www.instagram.com/p/B6HIDCihFQl/?igshid=1ixhwcgf74yzr
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Thank you to all of the great minds and hard effort of those who can conceive and imagine and make real a fantasy world and characters that have taught us to be better people, better neighbors and better friends. As well as how to smile and have fun. Thank you @sesamestreet Street for all that you have given me. . . . . . . . . #kermit #kermitthefrog #bertandernie #grover #cookiemonster #jimhenson #bigbird #elmo #sesamestreet #iremember #goodolddays #goodtimes #waybackwhen #waybackwednesday #backintheday #kid #millennials #90s #70s #80s #oldschool #memories #childhood #childhoodmemories #children #child #pbskids #pbs #kidsofinstagram #kids https://www.instagram.com/p/B4k55_eBxRk/?igshid=13vmmfu11m7wk
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Losing my vision has not made me less of a man but has definitely changed the type of man that I am When I was nine I found out that I was going to lose my vision. At that age I had no idea how profound and dramatic those effects would be. Socially, emotionally and physically most every part of my life has been drastically affected I slowly lost my vision. Having abilities and watching them fade away. Having choices and losing those options. Being in control and surrendering those decisions little by little. Through the years I have had many epiphanies to coincide with my vision loss. Seeing the world at one moment and unable the next has shown me humility for the things and people I could just as easily have taken for granted. I have felt extreme vulnerability at the need to depend on others that I may never have needed. This appreciation and love transcended and simple friendship rules of my youth. My desires and want have become more focused because I have had to be intentions with resources and time. I haven’t much sight left I cannot afford to waste it or how I spend it. I did not choose to have RP and lose my sight. But I have gleaned a vast amount of perspective from the world because it has forced me to. To see the world differently and at a different pace. I am now a stay at home dad who has the rare and amazing opportunity to see my child grow because I am forced to be home. Who knows how any of us are affected by adversity everyday? But hopefully we all find a way to appreciate our Worth in spite of what we see as a deficit. It took me my whole life to get here. I am worth it. So are you. . . . . . . . . #life #lifequotes #lifestyle #blind #goingblind #hope #love #newway reflection #changeisgood #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset #changeyourmind # #newstart #attitudeofgratitude #attitude #perception #differentperspective #perspective #motivational #motivationmonday #motivation #motivationalquotes #visualimpairment #lowvision #visuallyimpaired #visionloss #vision #worthit #rp https://www.instagram.com/p/B4K7s0sBExv/?igshid=dm3kr4jy61vi
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If you think ONE person doesn’t matter, here’s why your wrong. I hear it a lot. “One person doesn’t matter.” I get it. It’s easy to think, 9 billion people on the earth and who do I think I am? But if you dig a little deeper, MOST things in this world have started with just ONE person. Most of the worlds greatest discoveries, creations and ideas were born in one persons mind. Albert Einstein, Maria Montessori, galileo, Gandhi, Buddha, Eli Lilly, J.K. Rowling, Issac Newton, Martin Luther King Jr., Mozart, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, Snoop Dogg. The list is endless. From the person who first found fire to Thomas Edison’s parents. Each person on earth plays a part in the WHOLE of the human race. It’s easy to say “I can’t change the world.” But this is how you can, this is how you are!! - Be present and treat each experience like it matters, because they do to someone, even if you don’t know who. - Pay it forward and help someone in need. - Pick up a piece of trash. - Help someone with anything. - Having an original thought. - Thinking of a unique solution to a problem. - Teaching a child. - Listening to someone who needs it. - Being supportive. - Caring for someone or something besides yourself. - Speaking up. - Asking questions - Learning something new - Being a good person. - Giving a damn. These acts of effort, help, kindness, or support are the SOUL in which moments and days and lives are built. What are we but a cumulation of experiences throughout our lives? We are all part of someone else’s experiences and even if you don’t know HOW it will affect someone. It WILL affect them. These small things become how you can change the world. You are ONE person and YOU matter. . . . . . . . . #life #lifequotes #lifeisbeautiful #weareallone #bethechange #changetheworld #change #changeyourlife #youmatter #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #inspire #motivate #motivationalquotes #motivation #teachersofinstagram #teach #teacherlife #teacher #rp #disability #lowvision #worthit #lifeisgood #helpingothers #partofyourworld #thislife #we #wearefamily https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FkobiBSh-/?igshid=d099pqn3re
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We are in Control, once we realize that, we hold the POWER. If we are constantly judging ourselves by the approval or disapproval of others we are truly missing the chance to feel the complete ecstasy of believing in ourselves for better or for worse. We belong here as much as anyone or anything else. Don’t waste any more of your time waiting for anyone else to validate your beautiful and unique existence. They do not have that power, do not give it to them. . . . . . . . . #rp #motivationalquotes #motivation #motivational #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #inspire #inspiringquotes #inspiring #parents #confidence #confident #success #successquotes #successful #power #powerful #bully #control #incontrol #change #bethechange #yougotthis #itsyourlife #life #lifequotes #badass #momlife #courage https://www.instagram.com/p/B4DaaS8htTz/?igshid=1pf5b9y95ws0u
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“Change the rules on what controls you and you will change the rules on what you can control..” Quote from the movie, Revolver Whatever it is that controls us, once we become aware we can begin working to take the power back. Be it Guilt, anger, jealousy, inferiority, people, memories and so on. There are all kinds of things that have ways of controlling us. Sometimes by inhibiting our best or keeping us down. Other times by ruling our thoughts or actions. In any case, the things that have dominion over us have to go. They may be hard to find or admit but once we do we can begin to change. We can overcome nearly any problem with acknowledgement, effort and support, even medication in some cases. Because Sometimes the problem is within us and sometimes it is not. Crazy enough many problems become easier to deal with just by recognizing them at all. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help with an issue. Most often the things we try the hardest to hide from others are the things that are the most obvious. Be it a friend or a therapist, talking with someone usually helps. It’s your choice how you address and deal with an issue, but once we confront an issue we begin to win. It may take time and it may be hard but the reward will be greater than being controlled any longer. . . . . . . . . #lifequotes #life #think #success #successquotes #takecontrolofyourlife #changeyourlife #thinkpositive #deep #deepthoughts #positivity #positivequotes #power #changeyourlife #bethechange #parents #yourworthit #quoteoftheday #memeoftheday #legallyblind #lowvision #visionloss #rp #inspiringquotes #inspiring #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #motivational #motivation #motivationalquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B4A_ZKshn9_/?igshid=4qgdd0zyl7cx
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You have a long road ahead of you little one. May you always feel that you were loved and supported by your parents. The world is big and life is an amazingly beautiful, hard, fun journey. Through all of it know that you were loved and you are supposed to be here as much as the moon and the stars. I hope you have the time of your life. . . . . . . . . #happiness #bliss #slowdown #youth #timeslikethese #thisistimes #thesearethedays #time #sahm #sahd #raisingtoddlers #parents #dadandson #love #outsideisfree #outside #childhoodunplugged #childhood #childhoodmemories #timeisprecious #beauty #lifeisshort #kidsgrowuptoofast #children #child #seasons #fall #lifeisbeautiful #life #lifeisajourney https://www.instagram.com/p/B30bD7aBggd/?igshid=cbfji0sr8e5o
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Do you remember your first Waffle House??? https://www.instagram.com/p/B30FEZThxhY/?igshid=kfn6ycc3d2dg
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So many experiences, Relationships, friendships, jobs and memories are like panning for gold. Most times you will filter through tons of shit to find the small but very valuable pieces. Sometimes it doesn’t “pan out”. In those times you have to decide how much work your going to put in for the reward you will get out. But always remember, you never know when you will find the good stuff. It is rare and unexpected and precious to make a new friend, create a lifelong memory or to fall in love. If we are not careful these times can just as easily slip through our fingers if we are not paying attention. There are no guarantees. So we must keep our heart strong to sift through the rest while being vigilant in waiting for the gold. . . . . . . . . #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #inspire #inspiração #inspiración #inspiringquotes #motivationalquotes #motivation #motivational #motivationquotes #thinkaboutit #job #relationshipgoals #relationship #relationshipquotes #lifequotes #life #lifeisgood #lifelessons #parents #deep #yougotthis #friends #times #memes #parenting #sahd #successquotes #success https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zqjefhIPC/?igshid=ps7hf5gvgx6q
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My grandma used to tell me this growing up. Being young and naive I would not see how people were truly treating me or when I was being taken advantage of. In those moments her wisdom was helping me to see my value as a friend and my worth in relationships but mostly to myself. She wanted me to rely on ME and trust my instincts. She said “Life is gonna be hard. Friends and relationships will come and go but YOU have to be your biggest fan, your strongest supporter and trust what you bring to the table. You must hold the highest standards for yourself and be the most forgiving of anyone you may ever know. If your lucky you’re going to be yourself your whole life, Might as well be the person you like the most.” Through my life I’ve had long friendships with people who were not so great. I’ve met strangers who turned into very trustworthy people. I have been hurt and I have hurt. I have listened to myself and also made decisions against my inner voice. I have beat myself up and been hard on myself. In the end I realized the world is going to be hard enough on me, why do it to myself. As a father I love my child to infinity. I support their repeated efforts even when they fail because I know they will learn and grow and in that I want them to feel that they can always count on me, trust me and seek my support. So why have I ever not this person to myself? Now I am. I am my biggest fan. I trust me. I try my best. I am worth it. So from this moment forward. Be a person you can face in the mirror. Be that ultimate friend you would want someone to be to you. Be what you want people to say about you when you die. And be all of this to yourself. . . . . . #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #inspiringquotes #inspire #motivation #motivate #motivationalquotes #motivational #friends #friendshipquotes #friend #lifequotes #life #youareworthit #positivequotes #positivevibes #positivity #depression #sad #newmom #newdad #newparents #schoolsucks #beyourself #igotthis #yougotthis #worthit https://www.instagram.com/p/B2rt8MtB5Ar/?igshid=1mddxyjnx9j2z
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You can only control what you bring to the table. Every relationship is reciprocal and balanced on give and take. You have the choice to decide what you give and what you take. It is a moment of clarity when you understand that even if a person is not conscious of their actions or personalities you are still not responsible for them or beholden to them. You may decide to take shit for any number of reasons. But when you know you do have a choice, even if it isn’t an easy choice, you have control. . . . . . . #rules #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivational #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #inspirational #change #power #powerofmind #mindset #mindsetquotes #masteryourmind #think #thinking #thinkbig #real #nowyouknow #successquotes #personalgrowth #positivequotes #positivity #newparents #newmom #newmoms #newdad #stayathomemom #stayathomedad #visuallyimpaired #rp #disability https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qceI_hQzD/?igshid=1ktlzq5jjfcni
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