The Bleeding Woodland
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Chinese Indonesian // TS3 & TS4 Simblr & CC Creator // Blood Type A // 34 years old professional adult man // Straight
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 days ago
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This is default replacement replacing existing food in Base Game or Expansion Packs using EA's recipe and custom mesh & texture. If you are not satisfied with EA's existing mesh and texture, sure you can replace them with this easy-to-follow tutorial with pictures explained one by one. No custom recipe, no CCLoader, no scripting.
This is how I created Authentic Chinese Spring Rolls Replacement Mod using custom mesh and texture.
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This tutorial is for intermediate, which means already know the basic principle of doing default replacement mod.
If you are beginner, haven't tried default replacement mod mesh & texture before, recommended to try the Default Replacement Tutorial for Simple Object first. TSRW Workshop, Milkshape, etc. Tools to prepare on that tutorial as well.
I created this tutorial because there is no tutorial about default replacement food mod using custom mesh and explaining about how to do the GeoStates properly. I did trial-and-error and accidentally found the method how to replace EA mesh with edited mesh, and the GeoStates are fully working.
The challenge of doing food default replacement is that food mesh cannot be cloned simply on s3oc. There's no OBJD for "EggRolls" "Stir-Fry" etc. other food. The only OBJD available for clone on s3oc is Burger.
Sims 3 Object Export cannot replace s3asc because it keeps throwing error and cannot make 3 working GeoStates (Full, Half, Empty).
Note: You need World Adventures Expansion Pack to use my example, Egg Rolls. You can replace food from Base Game or any Expansion Pack.
✳️ Step 1: Find all Egg Rolls file strings: Cook, Eat Serve files on S3PE
Instead of cloning from s3oc, we have to find the file from game file package on s3pe.
Why? Because the food cannot be cloned simply from OBJD. You cannot find file "Egg Rolls" no matter how careful you inspect every file filtered "WA" (World Adventures Expansion Pack) on s3oc catalogue.
The only food you can clone its OBJD on s30c is Burger. You will clone that Burger OBJD later. Right now you have to find every file with word "Egg Rolls" on game package.
⚠️I suggest you make duplicate of game package for modding purpose instead of using package that is readable by game when the game is running. It is to avoid corruption because you accidentally replaced the files. If corrupt happens you have to re-install the game. ⚠️
Make duplicate of game package you find on your game installation path.
Base game:
The Sims 3> GameData > Shared > Packages > FullBuildep1.package
Expansion Pack:
The Sims 3> GameData > Shared > DeltaPackages>p02 > DeltaBuild_p02.package (Depending the release of Expansion Pack & Stuff Pack)
My duplicate of game package folder looks like this.
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Open s3pe. Open FullBuildep1.package.
Type Name "EggRolls" on box.
Tick besides Name and Filter Active, then click "Set" button. It will give your result "EggRolls" filtered by its own.
Select all files until they are in blue selected, Right Click > Copy.
File > New. Right Click > Paste...
Then your files are all pasted into new S3PE document. You can delete ticks on Egg Rolls filter, as the package is no longer filtered.
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File > Save .package. Give the name of the package such as "[Your username]_AmericanEggRollsEA". For my own example, "TBW_AmericanEggRollsEA."
We will use this package as a base to be replaced with new resource codes later. Put this package on Folder such as "Original EA American Egg Rolls" to make you easier to find the file which is original, which is edited.
✳️Step 2: Export Egg Rolls .s3asc and texture files from S3PE & copy the original resource codes.
Export foodEatEggRolls, foodCookEggRolls, foodServeEggRolls to s3asc.
If you are asking why this MODL should be export to s3asc, it is because we cannot clone OBJD of original EA Egg Rolls from S3oc and imported as .wso format from The Sims Workshop (TSRW). The only mesh of EA Egg Rolls we can get is from .s3asc file we can get from s3pe.
Save the s3asc file: "Cook","Eat", "Serve" on separate organized folder, name it "Original s3asc EA Egg Rolls"
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⚠️Warning! The strings too long can cause error when export it.
Sometimes you tried to export the .s3asc but then disappeared and you cannot find where you save it. It is because the S3PE application crashed when you exported it because the strings are too long.
In this case, the original .s3asc you want to export is S3_01661233_08000001_0000000008780D94_foodEatEggRolls%%+MODL_filebase.s3asc
You can delete the long string then leave the "FoodEatEggRolls_filebase.s3asc" for example. Yes, you must add _filebase so it can be saved as .s3asc format.
Save, then the .s3asc will add additional files such as:
foodEatEggRolls_group00.s3ascg foodEatEggRolls_group01.s3ascg
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Export the original EA .dds textures "All" and "Used" .
Copy all resource codes of each file to Notepad. Right-Click>Details...
Click Copy TGI to easily copy the codes (Type, Group, Instance) to Notepad.
Click GRID > Resources (3 Dots) > TGI Block List Editor You will see the list consists of 8 lines of_IMG, copy all TGI (Type, Group, Instance) codes to Notepad for easy copy paste later.
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✳️Step 3: Copy original GeoStates codes (0, 1, 2, 3)
Click "FoodEatEggRolls" MODL. See the 4 GeoStates on the right side.
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GeometryStates[0]: 0x95A36FFE
GeometryStates[1]: 0xD8918A76
GeometryStates[2]: 0x4DB2D3D2
GeometryStates[3]: 0x35B26CCB
Copy all these GeometryStates to Notepad for easy copy paste later.
GeoStates are in three forms.... Full, Half, Empty? But why are 4 GeoStates now?
You will find out later by cloning the base food OBJD in the next Step.
✳️ Step 4: Clone Burger mesh using s3oc & Open the Burger Mesh on TSR Workshop
More steps click spoiler tag “Read More / Keep Reading” below
Search "food" on s3oc.
You will get results like this. Food that can be cloned are Hamburger, Hotdog, Fries (Seasons EP). I choose Hamburger because it's Base Game and it's resembling custom food we want to create.
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"Clone or Fix..."> Don't tick Renumber > Start.
Save the package. Open the package on TSR Workshop.
Open TSR Workshop > Create New Project > New Import> Next > Browse EA Burger .package > Next > Next > OK.
You will get Burger mesh preview. Take a look at Mesh tab.
Then see the Group 0 and Group 1. Both have GeoStates.
What is Group 0? What is Group 1?
If you check the the burger's .s3asc exported from s3pe or .wso exported from TSRW
You will see Group 0 is the food mesh as main mesh and Group 1 is the plate.
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Go back to TSR preview. You see there are 4 GeoStates under Mesh from Group 0 tab.
By default, the Burger meshes (Full, Half, Empty) are combined into one.
Click each GeoState, from top to bottom.
0x95A36FFE is Full state
0x8A6C4E39 is Half state
0x4DB2D3D2 is Empty State
0x35B26CCB is Full state
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✳️ Step 5: Create your edited mesh
Import MODL file (with format .s3asc) of Egg Rolls you exported from s3pe from Step 2 into Milkshape 3D via Sims 3 Object Import by Wesley Howe. From Milkshape, export .obj file to your favourite 3D software to make .obj file as base mesh for your edited mesh.
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Create 3 States: Full, Half, Empty.
Export uvmap to editing image software to create the texture.
After you are done and satisfied with your mesh, export your custom mesh only without plate, Full, Half, Empty states in .obj format. Hide EA plate and EA's base mesh before exporting.
✳️ Step 6: Create texture
Import uvmap from your 3D software. Create texture, save in .dds format with the same name as original name of .dds exported from s3pe.
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✳️ Step 7: Bone Assignment, Make Group & Export to .wso
Open Milkshape 3D. Import .s3asc of original EA Egg Roll "foodEatEggRolls_filebase.s3asc" from Step 2. Click Joints Tab, tick box "Draw vertices with bone colors" to enable bone colours.
The food shows Purple colour, the plate shows Yellow colour.
*Note that this .s3asc was imported from year 2023, the original colours are like these. If in this recent year 2025 shows different colour such as the plate is Purple, please follow this example, assign the plate Yellow colour, because my method using this Yellow bone colour has been working successfully.
Then import .obj of your edited mesh from 3D software. Delete materials of custom mesh, select custom mesh, regroup, rename to group00.
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Your main task is copy Bone Assignment from original EA mesh to your edited mesh.
Check the codes on Joints tab, there are 3. Click each code then click "Assign" to see what is the Bone colour to determine rig for functionality of the object in the game.
0xFEAE6981 --> Yellow 0xCD68F001 --> Purple 0xD0DECA8E --> Light Blue
We will assign the custom mesh with Purple colour, therefore, select the custom mesh, select 0xCD68F001, assign. The custom mesh colour will turn Purple.
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After you are finished with the Bone Assignment (Main Mesh is purple, plate is yellow), make sure the groups are correct. Group 00 ---> main mesh. Group 01---> plate. Export them in .wso format.
✳️ Step 8: Import the edited mesh on TSR Workshop
Open Burger .wrk on TSR workshop, import your custom mesh in .wso format. Click folder with green arrow to import .wso.
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After importing, you will see your custom mesh and Geostate reset to 0 for all states.
✳️ Step 9: Create Geostates on TSR Workshop, Export to Package
If you click Geostate row, the custom mesh disappears. Because the face is 0. Click on ... dots on the right side of Geostate to open Face Selector. Face Selector is to create Geostates working, Full, Half, Empty. The mesh suddenly appears with grey colour.
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Left click to give colour to the face. Colouring faces based on Geostate. Be careful because the mesh is all joined into one. When give colour to Full state, do not give colour to Half state.
0x95A36FFE for the Full State
⚠️Warning! This is the trickiest part of creating Geostates: Texturing the Geostate. Cannot undo. If you wrongly click and want to undo, you have to restart from zero again. If you feel the texture is alright, then save it. You can start from checkpoint from last save if you wrongly clicked. Cancel then load the save to restart. ⚠️
Click 'n pick to click the colour one by one. Basic Square: Drag cursor to give colour in big area. Shit + Left Click: Delete 1 face Click "Clear" to delete all the colour in one click.
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Rotate the camera to make sure all part of expected geostates are textured.
Give colour to other GeoStates.
0x8A6C4E39 for the Half State (half eaten)
0x4DB2D3D2 for the Empty State (crumbs)
After you are done with the texturing GeoStates, export to package. Edit > Project contents, Export> To .package
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✳️Step 10: Export MODL filefrom Package saved from TSR Workshop
Save the package with name "SpringRolls_TSRW"
Open s3pe, import package that you saved from TSR Workshop. "SpringRolls_TSRW"
Export MODL, save.
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✳️Step 11. Finalizing in s3pe & Replacing the Original MODL with Edited MODL & Correcting the TGI (Type, Group, Instance) Code As Same As Default Code
Open original package you cloned on s3pe "Your Username]_AmericanEggRollsEA"
I saved the package with different name to"[Your username]_SpringRollsDefaultReplacement." to make it modified package, while leaving AmericanEggRollsEA package as backup original base, just in case I need original file.
Replace "FoodEatEggRolls" MODL that you saved from Step 10: from SpringRolls_TSRW
Check if all resource code (Type, Group, Instance) are the same as the original. Check the resource codes inside TGI Block List Editor, are they as same as inside TGI Block List Editor in original package.
You can see the resource codes are different from original FoodEatEggRolls MODL codes you copy pasted to notepad. Delete MLOD, change the codes (Type, Group, Instance) with the original FoodEatEggRolls MODL codes on Notepad. Use "Add" to add one row, Delete to erase one row. After your are done, Save and Commit.
Replace textures with your custom texture in .dds format.
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Save package.
Test the package in game.
Wait until your Sims finish all their GeoStates, are the GeoStates working properly.
The geostates are working properly except at the Half Eaten state.
All states are combined into one and the plate colour are having spring rolls texture... 😱
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Don't panic. Your bone assignment is alright. Copying same codes on Data Resorce and TGI Block List Editor are working properly too.
What causing the Half Eaten state is not working is:
The "Half Eaten" geostate code you are cloning from Burger mesh is not the same as code from geostate of FoodEatEggRolls.
Burger= 0x8A6C4E39
FoodEatEggRolls= 0xD8918A76
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✳️Step 12. Correcting one GeoState that doesn't work because using EA's Burger mesh
Your main task here is using Default EA's Half Eaten state code to override your custom mesh Half Eaten state code.
Data Grid > ChunkEntries> [1] ChunkEntries > RCOL Block > Meshes > (on Tab [0] Mesh) > GeometryStates (then click ... Dots on the right side) > [1] GeometryStates
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Second row is [1] GeometryStates, indicates it is "Half Eaten" state.
[1] GeometryStates > Name
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Delete the code 0x8A6C4E39, replaced the code of the Burger with 0xD8918A76 from FoodEatEggRolls.
Click Done. You will go back to Tab [0] [1] Mesh and Geometry States
Don't forget to correcting the code for Plate as well. Plate is in the Tab [1] Mesh. Click [...] Dots on Geometry States once again, it will bring you to Geometry States for Plate.
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Repeat the step as you did for the Food State: On Row [1] GeometryStates > Name, Delete the code 0x8A6C4E39, replaced the code of the Burger with 0xD8918A76 from FoodEatEggRolls.
After you are done, click OK > OK > OK > Commit > Save the .package.
Test your package in your game again.
Half Eaten state should be working by now.
✳️Step 13. Replacing the Original "Cook & Serve" MODL with Edited "Cook & Serve" MODL & Correcting the TGI (Type, Group, Instance) Code
Create custom mesh & texture for Cook & Serve, export to TSRW, then export to MODL like Eat state before.
⚠️ Pay attention because this step is very important, otherwise the Custom Food will turn black/disappear, doesn't work in the game.
Repeat Step 11: Replace the MODL for Cook & Serve state.
If you see default TGI code you copied from "foodCookEggRolls" there are only 3 lines.
_IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x00000000 0xA4D80FB45AE9066B
If you want the Cook state working in the game, you should use default TGI code of Serve you copied from "foodServeEggRolls"
_IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x0E3D40D33CC70324 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0 _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x00000000 0xA4D80FB45AE9066B _IMG 0x00B2D882 0x08000000 0x6F93B613E7C91FD0
instead of foodCookEggRolls, otherwise the Cooked food will turn to Black colour in the game.
Repeat Step 11: Copy all the TGI codes you copied from "foodServeEggRolls" for Cook and Serve.
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Commit, Save.
✳️Step 15. Check the Geostates for Cook & Serve
Check the Geostates for Cook & Serve.
Cook & Serve Geostates are working using Burger Geostates.
0x95A36FFE 0x8A6C4E39 0x4DB2D3D2 0x35B26CCB
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Leave the Geometry states, no need to change to default EA Egg Rolls (otherwise your mesh will disappear or black).
After you are done, click OK, commit, save the .package as usual.
✳️Step 16. Test the CC in the game.
If your Custom Food works well in the game: Full, Half, Empty Geostates are working without showing weird texture or black or disappear, then congratulations! Enjoy and have fun with your custom food default replacement mod👍
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thebleedingwoodland · 3 days ago
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TS3 World Adventures - Authentic Chinese Spring Rolls Replacement Mod
D E F A U L T   R E P L A C E M E N T
New custom mesh & texture to replace EA's "Egg Rolls" functional food with recipe.
Eat: With working GeoStates (Full, Half, Empty)
And STBL rename mod to rename Default EA's "Egg Rolls" --> "Spring Rolls".
Reason why I made the change:
Egg Rolls were introduced in World Adventures Expansion Pack, as food recipe in Shang Simla, China Sims world, are actually not authentic food to depict Chinese food in China but American Chinese food in U.S.A. country instead: Cheap "American Chinese" meal with stir-fry noodles on the same plate. In China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asian countries, the correct name: Spring Rolls, not Egg Rolls. Egg Rolls are variation of American/U.S.A. Spring Rolls in their country, because Egg Rolls were created in the U.S.A. to appeal American people (has thicker wrapper and bumpy texture) and have been staple dish in American Chinese restaurants. While we actual Asians, Chinese & Southeast Asians, call them Spring Rolls (春捲)and we put Spring Rolls on one plate separated from other food or meal or dish. We actual Asians live in Asian country do not put Spring Rolls together with stir-fry noodles on the same plate. Imagine if you put spaghetti with burger on the same plate... Shang Simla taking place in China, not U.S.A, so that was why I made the change from Americanized food that EA's The Sims 3 employees did not consult to actual Chinese people to authentic Chinese Spring Rolls that normally we eaten in real life. For your info, Traditional Chinese version of The Sims 3 World Adventures has correct name to call the Spring Rolls : 春捲 (Chūnjuǎn = Spring Rolls), not Egg Rolls.
More info to read: Spring Rolls vs Egg Rolls (source:
Google images Chinese Spring Rolls (in English)
Google images Chinese Spring Rolls (春卷)( in Chinese)
Egg Rolls (蛋倦)in Chinese language and country (also sold in Southeast Asian countries) are actually biscuits made from eggs.
Mesh & photography texture are made by me. Using photo texture of Chinese Spring Rolls wrapped in diagonal triangle-shaped wrapper, with yellow-golden fried colour. The texture has 2048 x 2048 pixels to ensure highest quality for The Sims food texture.
The Geostates of Full, Half, Empty are fully working.
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Cook & Serve with new modded mesh & texture:
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"Spring Rolls" rename mod to replace "Egg Rolls":
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The "Spring Rolls" rename mod has been translated to other languages using online translator. Feel free to correct me in comment section if you see wrong translation. Chinese version does not need translation because it already has correct translation: Traditional Chinese: 春捲 Simplified Chinese: 春卷
Requirement: World Adventures Expansion Pack
Sim must learn how to cook Spring Rolls (that EA The Sims 3 called them Egg Rolls) from cooking book bought in Shang Simla, China and have adequate cooking skill to enable Spring Rolls option.
⚠️ Known issues:
"Spring Rolls" rename mod only works for brand new cooked food in the game. When you already had your Sim served old EA's "Egg Rolls", then you installed this mod, the mod will not automatically change/rename "Egg Rolls" to "Spring Rolls" for existing Spring Rolls in the game. Your Sim should cook new Spring Rolls from fridge, cook, and serve, then the name of the food will change to "Spring Rolls". The same thing applied for Spring Rolls bought in Shang Simla food or any World that has food register. Your Sim should "Buy Food" to get the Spring Rolls with new "Spring Rolls" name. While the old existing food still has "Egg Rolls" name attached to the food. If you put the food in fridge as leftover before you installed this mod, the name will be "Egg Rolls" no matter what. While your brand new cooked food has "Spring Rolls" name.
The Spring Rolls thumbnail looks broken mesh with incorrect UVmapped texture because the game generates the thumbnail by itself and due to OBJD and the thumbnail source of the original EA's Egg Rolls cannot be found elsewhere, thus the thumbnail cannot be fixed. Please ignore the thumbnail, as the mod itself works very well.
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As usual, install this package on Package folder. You can safely delete the package if you no longer want to use the default replacement.
[ Download Authentic Chinese Spring Rolls Default Replacement ]
Language translations:
Czech: Jarní závitky Danish: Forårsruller Dutch: Loempia Finnish: Kevätrullat French: Rouleaux de printemps German: Frühlingsrollen Greek: ρολό της άνοιξης Hungarian: Tavaszi tekercsek Italian: Involtini primavera Japanese: 春巻き Korean: 춘권 Norwegian: Vårruller Polish: Sajgonki Portuguese (Portugal): Rolinhos primavera Portuguese (Brazil): Rolinhos primavera Russian: Спринг-роллы Spanish (Spain): Rollitos de primavera Spanish (Mexico): Rollitos de primavera Swedish: Vårrullar Thai: ปอเปี๊ยะทอด
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thebleedingwoodland · 10 days ago
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Sims lives' update
[coming soon... Food CC/Mod。。。]
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thebleedingwoodland · 10 days ago
The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff Pack
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GTA V Enhanced
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Classic EA. Put The Sims Stuff Pack overpriced as possible although the game has been released 15 years ago, year 2010.
Steam has Spring Sale, but The Sims 3 Stuff Pack has almost the same price as GTA V, a full game, released in year 2013, with additional packs and enhanced graphics.
The motorcycle is kind of cool though. Not sure buying Fast Lane worth it or not. The only item I want is the motorcycle but must pay the entire pack with same price as full game.
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thebleedingwoodland · 16 days ago
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Questions & Answers (Tanya & Jawab)
I joined Tumblr in year 2014. Which is I've been here for 10 years and more with this year 2025 counted.
As 10 years anniversary, I will give some present other than The Sims custom content.
Because you may keep asking, but don't dare to ask me personally. I will give responses to answer questions in your head.
Why does the name of the blog 'TheBleedingWoodland' ? TheBleedingWoodland is a name of island in my novel where the characters, one of them is the avatar of my blog, Jiang Weiyuan, and his college friends, went to vacation destination on airplane but ended up 'teleported' to unknown tropical island. They were separated then must find each other, teamed up with other airplane passengers. But in the end they realized they were 'controlled' by a system, that they must play "killing each other" game to survive. The story is indeed full of killing, bleeding and gore scene. I wrote this story way before Alice in Borderland and Squid Game became famous as TV series.
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Why are you obsessed with vampires and blood ? I used to obsessed about characters revolving vampires, drawing character about a monster with fangs and sucks blood, and a man with superhuman ability as vampiric monster slayer, in junior high school. In high school era I watched TV series "Vampire Diaries". Oh my.. that was when I had major crush on actress playing Elena ^_^ She's so fine and beautiful. And the blood part? To be honest I used to have.... fetish on licking bloody wound on girl's arm due to influence of vampiric thing I used to watch on movies, anime series, and video games. Not anymore today.
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Huang Liyang is actually inspired from my ex-crush, I turned her to vampire hehe.
You are Asian. How did you speak English? Because I know there are English-speaking netizens who are ignorant and think Asians are bad English speakers and only able to speak with our native language, here I tell you: I have learned English language since 1st grade elementary school. I do not use any kind of online translator or dictionary when typing in English language.
Are you a hardcore gamer or just casual Sims player? Hardcore gamer indeed. Too many video games I played. Recently Tekken 8, Genshin Impact, The Spirit of The Samurai (almost finish it), Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.
--- The Sims CC related ---
3. Why are you keep making The Sims food CC and traditional Asian culture CC, why no longer creating vampiric, blood, gore related CC anymore ?
Not all Simmers playing bloody, vampiric, violent themed. This is why I came up with other new unique theme: Traditional culture.
My blog is not specific only for vampiric, blood, and gore only. I like creating unique things that other people do not. As I stated on my Blogger:
"My style is mostly for storytelling purpose, dark/goth/bloody, cultural, foodie, the rest are ordinary real life items."
I am one of Sims CC creators who can create CC with authentic traditional Indonesian and Chinese culture because of lacking representation of Indonesian and Chinese culture. Majority of Sims CC creators think Asia are just Japan, South Korea, and old-fashioned "Chinese stereotype in USA/western country"
Sure there are actual Sims CC creators from Taiwan and Mainland China creating authentic traditional culture CC but still not enough and majority focus on clothing, fashion, ordinary modern stuff. There are traditional hanfu and hairstyle, and traditional Indonesian stuff but mainly for The Sims 4.
I focus on the culture-themed CC first rather than ordinary modern stuff because the ordinary modern stuff can be done by other Sims CC creators. I like to create food because? Food is not just to fulfill your stomach, but it's part of culture and soul of people centered on food. Food is definitely something that is taken seriously in Asia: Because food is love language in Asia. It's usual for us to ask people "Have you eaten?" . Give food to people means "I care for you". Bring food to introduce culture to foreigners, usually it's the most effective way.
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4. Why don't you make decoration food as functional food?
If you think custom food meal mod as brand new functional food with recipe appears on breakfast/lunch/dinner time for Sims to cook in The Sims 3, it's difficult to do and needs a lot of time to experiment. See the Tutorial: Sims 3 Custom Foods with CCLoader.
There are very little and lacking CC creations of functional food with custom food meal mod with recipe in The Sims 3, indicates that the mod is difficult to do, compared to The Sims 2 and 4 that The Sims 2 & 4 custom food mod creations are everywhere, indicates The Sims 2 & 4 custom food are easy to do by many CC creators.
Better ask the creator who succeed making TS3 custom food with recipe, sweetdevil-sims to take my food mesh to create the custom food.
The only I can make it possible at this time are: 1) Edible food (pickable snack from plate) as it doesn't need recipe.
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That I used to create in year 2018. I have to re-learn again how to create the food with the mod because I made them long time ago.
2) Default replacement for existing food meal in the game, replacing food meal in Base Game or Expansion Packs.
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thebleedingwoodland · 17 days ago
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Blog ini sudah bukan blog vampir-vampiran darah-darahan lagi ya...
Tapi tentang kegiatan seharian bapack-bapack dengan hewan peliharaan kesayangan....
This blog is no longer about vampires and blood... it's about 34+ years old dude daily activity with his beloved pet dog....
Jiang Weiyuan lagi main sama anjing Corgi kesayangannya, Jia Jia.
Jiang Weiyuan is playing with his favourite Corgi dog, Jia Jia.
Gw balik ke dunia simulator 3D, The Sims, lagi istirahat sejenak dari penatnya dunia kehidupan nyata dan kerja kerja kerja bagaikan kuda yang sangat melelahkan.
Gw anggap berada di dunia The Sims itu berarti lagi liburan ya... liburan membuat cerita ngarang sebebasnya dengan fantasi gw sendiri... sebagai selingan dari game Genshin Impact, Tekken 8, The Spirit of The Samurai Padahal sih lagi bosen aja nunggu GTA 6 KAPAN RILISNYA WOY
...Jadi gw main-main dulu ama anjing virtual gw.
Mending anjing virtual dong... Kalau bosen piaranya bosen Corgi bisa tinggal ganti baru, ganti Husky, Pitbull, dll. Capek miaranya tinggal exit game. Gak pusing pikirin pup ama biaya makan anjing beneran yang mahal, daripada kasus di berita anjing dibuang dibiarin terlantar di jalan tol gara-gara udah bosen udah capek ngurusnya dibuang begitu saja kayak sampah...
Dasar kaum-kaum setan tidak pantas disebut manusia makhluk kayak begitu.
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thebleedingwoodland · 17 days ago
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From Blogger link: Gore Collection 2020 - TS3
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Blogger disabled some of my posts and I cannot ask request to recover the posts.
Just stay away publishing Sims CC (or any kind of downloadable creations) on Blogger.
Blogger is free, but free of charge means you will face a lot of restrictions. I cannot comment under Mod name either, despite of logging on my own Google account for this Blogger account.
To Anonymous who commented on my Blogger on 4 March 2025, you can visit and download The Sims 4 version on Tumblr link:
Bloody Gore Stuff Pack - TS4
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 months ago
Thank you for the appreciation and using my Gold Dragon Recolour Mod. Interesting The Sims story and cool screenshot.
Also, Happy Chinese New Year, my dear @hazely-sims
------------------------ 🧧🐉🧧------------------------
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In the morning, Persimmon roasted some potatoes for breakfast and headed over to the Dragon Cave! OoOoOh!
Shout-out to @thebleedingwoodland for the recolour, it looks amazing!
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 months ago
🧧 新年快樂! 恭喜發財! 🧧 Happy Chinese New Year 2025!
The spirit of the Snake brings good luck and happiness to the world! Let us welcome the year of 2025 full of hope and opportunities together!
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TS3 - Chinese New Year 2024 Decorations Collection
F U N C T I O N A L D O O R & D E C O R A T I O N
🧧 恭喜發財!謹祝新年快樂幸福,大吉大利, 恭祝健康、幸運,新年快樂!
May you be happy and prosperous! I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year, good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year!
Article to read: What is Lunar New Year & What is important on Chinese New Year
A bit late to post because of my schedule preparing & celebrating Chinese New Year in real life and fixing the shadow for each item that made me have to re-create the CC several times until it got correct. Finally it's done and satisfied that I managed to create so many CC for this short time within 2 weeks, wow. These are my meshes, except the doors are by EA and they are functional.
In this collection, you will get 21 Custom Content:
Chinese Wall Hanging - Fu (福)& Long (龍)each 1 Preset
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Nian Gao (年糕)is a sweet rice cake that is traditionally eaten during the lunar new year celebrations.
From China (3 Presets, plate is recolourable 1 channel )
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Kue Keranjang, Nian Gao From Indonesia。 Individual (1 Preset) & Stacks on Plate (2 Presets, plate is recolourable 1 channel)
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Kuih Bakul from Malaysia. Individual (1 Preset) & Stacks on Plate (2 Presets, plate is recolourable 1 channel). I made versions from Indonesia and Malaysia because both countries have biggest Chinese population in the world outside China.
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Nian Gao Slices (3 Presets, plate is not recolourable)
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Hong Bao (紅包)(2 Presets with 2 style Traditional and Trendy for Kids/Teenagers/Young Adult)
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Spring Festival Tree Vase (2 Presets, 3 channels recolourable)
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Octagonal Box of Dried Fruits, Plum Candies, Chocolate compound with shape of Chinese ancient gold ingot (1 Preset, not recolourable)
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Legend candy that is "mandatory" to be put on Chinese New Year table: White Rabbit Creamy Candy (1 Preset, not recolourable)
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"Fu" sticker on Door. (3 Presets, Doors are recolourable)
-DoorSingleLuxury_Fu -DoorSingleMission_Fu -DoorSingleTraditionalInside_Fu
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(No orange fruit, pardon me. You can find orange fruit CC elsewhere available from various CC creators. I don't have time for creating orange fruit. )
Base Game compatible, no Expansion Pack Needed.
Chinese Wall Hanging can be found on "Decorations> Wall Hanging & Posters"
Nian Gao, Dried Fruits, Chocolate, Candies can be found on "Decorations>All"
Spring Festival Tree can be found on "Decorations>Plants"
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[ Download ]
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 months ago
Nice. Hot babe~
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You can drink, you can feast There's beauty in your beast The flesh in the fruit and the blood in the wine
What can I say, I love a set (; Thank you to all CC, pose and scene creators!
Full set under the cut~
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 months ago
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Sibuk dengan kehidupan nyata gw, jadi gw posting screenshot lama yang ada di folder The Sims gw.
Kehidupannya Ridwan waktu masih muda ngejomblo, waktu libur kuliah traveling ke Beijing, ke Bali (provinsi Indonesia). Sekarang begitu udah nikah, traveling bareng bini. Rita.
Bonus glitch. Kenapa itu tangannya Ridwan bengkok. Wkwkwk
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 months ago
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TS3 - Pet Bowl, Pet Food Packaging, Pet Kibbles Replacement Mod
Terimakasih atas komentar kalian yang positif! Saya senang kalian semua suka CC buatan saya. Selamat Tahun Baru 2025.
Thank your for your nice feedback. Glad you like my CC creation. Happy New Year 2025.
@eizthetics0226 @goldenennina @celmeowmeow Selama buat dekorasi saja, bisa. Selama Sim hewan piaraan gak make CC nya. Kemasan makanan hewan seperti ini cuma dekorasi saja, tidak ada fungsional atau interaksi yang bisa diklik-klik.
For decor purposes, yes you can, as long Pet Sim doesn't use it. Pet food packaging serves as decor, not functional.
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thebleedingwoodland · 4 months ago
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一个美丽的女人。我记得我曾经爱上过她 ❤️
Postingan lama bersemi kembali~
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thebleedingwoodland · 6 months ago
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Another Work in Progress
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Mooncake Maker as default replacement for Fortune Cookies Maker from TS3 World Adventures in Shang Simla, China.
As you know, Fortune Cookies are cookies originated from United States of America, which is not correct to portray cakes/cookies/pastries that are supposedly from China.
Not sure to publish it because it feels not finished yet.
In Buy Mode CAS is alright: High resolution (1024), right texture.
After click finish to exit CAS mode, it reverts to Low resolution (default EA texture is 512) and wrong texture (bad UV-Mapping) for preset 1. Other presets have right texture, but in low resolution.
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So far the GeoStates (Full, half, empty states) are working.
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The mesh of Mooncakes are fine.
I'm not script modder, therefore cannot remove or change functionality of default EA's Fortune Cookies lucky number and paper thing.
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
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Mid-Autumn Festival is one of important events in Chinese calendar.
Falling on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, it's celebrated primarily in East and Southeast Asia and is a time for families to gather to sample autumn harvests, light lanterns and admire what's believed to be the fullest moon of the year.
In 2024, the Mid-Autumn Festival, or the Moon Festival, falls on September 17. 
Mid-Autumn Festival became an official celebration in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE).
It was described as a day for emperors to celebrate the year's harvest by giving offerings to the moon and hosting a great feast.
Today, the Mid-Autumn Festival is an incredibly important family gathering – it's when "People and the moon reunite to form a full circle," as an old saying goes.
Mid-Autumn Festival is shrouded in myth. One of the most beloved – and tragic – pieces of folklore tells the story of how a woman named Chang'e became the moon goddess.
One of the biggest stars of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the Mooncake. The term "Mooncake" was first found in 1274 AD in author Wu Zimu's "Book of Dreams," and the first cookbook on how to prepare mooncakes was published in 1792.
While there are many variations of mooncakes, the most famous is the classic Cantonese version: a soft pastry filled with sweet lotus seed paste and savory salted duck egg yolk.
source: CNN
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thebleedingwoodland · 7 months ago
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TS3 - Pet Bowl, Pet Food Packaging, Pet Kibbles Replacement Mod
D E F A U L T   R E P L A C E M E N T & F U N C T I O N A L P E T B O W L WITH GeoStates (Full, Half, Empty)
Remember those EA tacky pet bowls and purple pixelated pet food packaging....
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Not just pixelated... I made these default replacement mods for the sake of realism. It's because in real life there is no such thing as Pet food kibbles made by commercial pet food industry for both Cats & Dogs. Cat food and Dog food are separated due to different ingredients and nutrition formulated for Cats and Dogs.
Food suitable for both Cats and Dogs are raw food, usually made by small business company or handmade.
5 styles you can only choose one :
Dog Food
Cat Food
Cat & Dog Raw Food
Dog Biscuit Chinese New Year Edition
Cat Biscuit Balinese Edition
These Mods will replace:
Pet Bowls (Cheap, Moderate, Luxury) & Pet Kibbles
Each Pet Bowl has 3 Presets and recolourable.
‣ Cheap Pet Bowl using EA's Moderate pet bowl mesh, because plastic pet bowl with round shape is much more common in real life rather than rounded square shape.
‣ Moderate Pet Bowl: Removed the EA stencil on Moderate Pet Bowl because of tacky, pixelated and the "For Dog" design (depicted with bones) cannot be changed to "For Cat" version of design.
‣ Luxury Pet Bowl using "My First Pet Bowl" mesh by myself because it much more realistic for expensive pet bowl with shiny aluminum material. EA's Luxury Pet Bowl with carving and feet are too tacky, complicated and does not exist in real life.
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Pet Bowls have title name and price same as EA's.
With thumbnail :
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Pet Food Packaging (Decoration)
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Pet Food Packaging title name is Simina Pet Chow Price: § 75 You can find on Decoration > Miscellaneous Decor. (Same as EA's)
With thumbnail:
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Pet Food Packaging (Pouring)
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Requirement: Pets Expansion Pack
⚠️ Disclaimer: These Mods are changing appearance of mesh and texture only, no script Mod. Dogs still can eat Cat food and Cats can eat Dog food following EA code in the game.
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⚠️ This package will be replacing the default EA, so you have to choose one. Installing more than one default replacement will cause conflict. ⚠️
As usual, install one of these packages on Package folder. You can safely delete the package if you no longer want to use the default replacement.
[ Download Dog Food Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Cat Food Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Cat & Dog Raw Food Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Dog Biscuit Chinese New Year Edition Default Replacement Pack ]
[ Download Cat Biscuit Balinese Default Replacement Pack ]
These Mods are fully tested in the game. The pet bowls are working with GeoStates (Full, Half, Empty) and recolour in Create-A-Style mode.
Click Read More to see
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thebleedingwoodland · 7 months ago
I didn't remember my pose you were using for posing your Sim by looking at the screenshots. After I clicked the link just realized it was pose for taking off eyeglasses I did year 2017 ago.... wow.
Thank you for using my CC. Nice poses, concept, and screenshots 👏🏼
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Ryuu Tsumajiro - The Dark Urge
"My rancid blood whispers to me: kill, kill, and kill again! My ruined body yearns to reap death in this world, and when this foul Urge calls, it possesses my whole being. Injured beyond repair, I know nothing besides this: I must resist this Dark Urge, lest it consume my mind! I must discover what happened to me, and who I was. Before my twitching knife-hand writes a tragedy in blood...."
— Baldur's Gate 3: The Dark Urge intro cinematic
New year, new game, wenches! <(^0^)>
I'm like 100+ hours into BG3 so far, and still only on Act 2, LOL. I'm sad; my break's over so I'm back in school now--but I still have so much gaming left to do~! 😭😩
I'm doing a Neutral Good playthrough first, just to get my bearings. But my next run will be as the Chaotic Evil Dark Urge, just effing stuff up & killing EVERYONE I don't like, eff diplomacy! 😈
In the mean time, I figured I'd have sim!Ryuu gallivant around SimNation as I test out the BG3 CC I'm converting from BG3. Great news: most of it's done, so I'll be uploading a bunch ASAP for my January upload. So stay tuned!
- Eyes (Tifa N46) & hair
- Dragon skin by @taty86
- Almost all poses by @studiok2sims at MTS
- Hand pose by @thebleedingwoodland
- Godrays by @greenplumbboblover at MTS
- Thanks @callahan-point @cavernsofdarkness @dyeawkwardsims @ts3asianccfinds for testing the outfit for me! ❤️
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thebleedingwoodland · 7 months ago
Thank you for using my CC! Nice screenshot! Beautiful Sim lady.
Chinese New Year Pose Set by me.
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Created a traditional Chinese beauty to celebrate the Chinese New Year 😄
Based on TV series of the Dream of the Red Chamber (1987 TV series) (Chinese: 《红楼梦》)
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