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備前花入 山蔭利勝 作
bizen vase by yamari
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. 後半は夜咄のしつらえにて お稽古 只々ありがたい #おからケーキ #国分寺そば #成田ファームランド #農薬不使用 #お心遣いに感謝 #茶道 #chado #wayoftea #teaism #茶の湯 #chanoyu #抹茶 #matcha #greentea #japanesetea #tea #星窓 #星窓茶道 #tokyo #japan #zen #禅 #インスタ茶道部 #tea #wabisabi #和菓子 #wagashi #夜咄 #和蝋燭 #苺 (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosAROwv5TL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A Souvenir from my Precious Kyoto Trip Last November
On my last day, I stumbled across a woodblock print shop. I looked around and wondered—what if I find something tea ceremony related?! One staple caught my attention. I skipped through so many beautiful prints and my intuition told me to keep looking. At the very bottom of the staple I found it. A woodblock print with three women practicing tea ceremony. Like it was waiting to be purchased by me.
Yesterday, I finally found the perfect frame for it 😌
#japan#tea#japanese culture#tea ceremony#matcha#茶道#the way of tea#抹茶#茶#茶の湯#京都#Kyoto#woodblock print#japanese woodblock#木版画#版画#teablr
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見渡せば 花も紅葉も なかりけり 浦の苫屋の 秋の夕暮 藤原定家
『見渡せば花も紅葉もなかりけり 浦の苫屋の秋の夕暮』現代語訳と品詞分解・文法解説 / 古文 by 走るメロス |マナペディア|
みわたせば はなももみじも なかりけり
うらのとまやの あきのゆうぐれ
武野紹鴎(たけの じょうおう、1502-1555) が、わび茶を完成させることになります。 応仁の乱で京都が荒廃し、戦乱を避けた人々は自由都市堺の地へと集まっていきました。紹鴎も上洛し歌道を研究するかたわら村田珠光の流れを継ぐ茶人について茶の湯を学んでいましたが、31歳のとき堺に帰り、剃髪して紹鴎を号し茶の湯に専念します。 わび茶の精神を端的に表しているものとして「見わたせば花も紅葉もなかりけり浦のとまやの秋の夕暮」 という藤原定家の歌を紹鴎はあげた、と南坊宗啓の『南坊録』にあります。「侘ということ葉は、故人も色々に歌にも詠じけれ共、 ちかくは、正真に慎み深く、おごらぬさまを侘と云う。」と説き、茶道のわびとは「足らざることに満足し、慎み深く行動することである」としたのです。そして、珠光同様、茶室や茶道具の改革を行ない、藁屋根の四畳半に囲炉裏を切って茶堂とし、唐物の茶器から信楽、瀬戸、備前といった和風の茶器へとあらためます。
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このレポートは20221126のアーカイブです! 1120日目 u72 #田の湯 #茶房たかさきの湯 #竹瓦温泉 #北的ヶ浜町温泉 #弓ヶ浜温泉 #南的ヶ浜温泉 #別府八湯温泉道 #別府温泉部 #別府温泉名人会 #別府たのしー #大分県たのしー #おんせん県おおいた #いいお湯見つけました #いいゆ #いいゆてぬぐい #いいゆ手ぬぐい #いきなり腕立て伏せ #腕立てたのしー #腕立て伏せ #腕立て伏せチャレンジ (田の湯温泉) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrgTMkhPUWg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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. #和菓子ももとせ #和菓子教室 #お茶と食事余珀 #外郎 #ういろう #白洲正子旧蔵 #小山剛 #wagashi #茶の湯 #茶道 (お茶と食事 余珀) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzU4YJvr9O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Happy Valentines Day💖✨ 英語教室の男の子にバレンタインの入浴剤をもらいました。金箔入りです︎💕 色々な入浴剤を使っているけど、金箔入りは初めて(*^^*) 嬉しいプレゼントをありがとうございます❤🍫🎁 #valentines #プレゼント #ギフト #入浴剤 #金箔入り #茶屋美人の湯梅の香 (ファミリー英語教室 Family English Class) https://www.instagram.com/p/CopIipTPx88/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#photography#備忘録#japan#sweets#kagoshima#美味しさは正義です#スイーツには夢がないとダメ#reminder#tofu lunch#大豆の華#湯葉食べ放題#satsumasendai#satsuma town#tokumaruya#徳丸屋#ショコラヴァニーユ#抹茶のプリン#cakes
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上星川の老舗の茶店「珈琲MA(マー)」 分煙、BGM無し。煙とメニューと漫画が豊富の昔ながらの茶店。 フードメニューに「他人丼」というのがあったのでマスターに聞くと「鳥と卵ではなくブタと卵だから他人丼」との事。 食べてみたら普通に美味いし、ボリュームもあった。 セットのコーヒーもコーヒーメーカーでの沸かしコーヒーにしてはすっきりして美味かった。 腹を満たしたあとはそばの満天の湯へ。 今日の日替わり風呂の「りんご湯」をはじめ、泡風呂、寝かせ湯、壺風呂、水風呂とバイキングのつまみ食いのように全部周り浸かった。 #満天の湯 #珈琲MA #喫茶店 (天然温泉満天の湯(上星川)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnjg1cDSAmH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Differences in localization and the original pt. 1
I am starting a series of posts with the goal of familiarizing players with some of the differences that localization creates for us in contrast to the original.
Some moments are radically different, misleading and causing controversy, while some do not change the essence of what is happening, but are still noticeably different
Disclaimer: these posts will be written solely for the purpose of familiarization; I do not force anyone to play the game in Japanese, because you are free to choose the version of the game that is comfortable for you. I just noticed some moments and want to share them with you.
The localization of Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) is essentially good, but there are some moments, IMHO, that I personally would not adapt or change in any way
One of the most serious changes, which, in my opinion, should not have been touched at all, is Mitsurugi's (Edgeworth) phobias.
As if case 1-4 never happened.
In the Japanese version, when examining the files in Mitsurugi's office, Naruhodō will be perplexed about the need for such high shelves - they could collapse during an earthquake.
・・・・おかしいな。アイツ、 地震がニガテなはずだから……
Okashī na. Aitsu, jishin ga nigatena hazudakara……
...That's strange. He's supposed to be bad with earthquakes...
でもさ。地震が起こったら、 部屋中にファイルの雨が降るね。
demo sa. Jishin ga okottara, heya-chū ni fairu no amegafuru ne.
But if an earthquake happens, files will rain down all over the room.
In the localization (for some reason) at this point Mitsurugi was given a fear of heights. For what reason... I don't understand
Next, another big difference is Naruhodo's food preferences
In the Japanese version, Tomi the clown offers him miso ramen (which is cooked in chicken broth and miso), which Naruhodo refuses and says that he prefers tonkotsu ramen (cooked in pork broth and boiled pork is added to it).
ホラ。ホラ。 食う? みそラーメン。
hora. hora. Kuu? Miso rāmen.
Look. Look. Want some miso ramen?
あいにくぼくは とんこつ派なんです。
ainiku boku wa tonkotsu-hana ndesu.
Unfortunately, I prefer tonkotsu (ramen).
That is, Naruhodo literally says that he would prefer pork, not chicken.
What about the localization? It's the other way around.
The clown offers him a burger (the patties for which are usually made from beef and pork), but he says that he would rather choose a chicken sandwich.
Vending machine in 1-3
I have no complaints about its contents (it is adapted), but here another preference of Naruhodo is lost
“お茶”“みそ汁”“おしるこ” “くず湯”“おでん”・・・・
“ocha” “misoshiru” “o shiruko” “kuzu yu” “oden”
"Tea" "Miso soup" "Oshiruko" "Kudzu soup" "Oden" ...
ラインナップが 和風に統一されている。
rain'nappu ga wafū ni tōitsu sa rete iru.
The lineup is unified in Japanese style.
“ūron cha” sura nai zo.
There's not even "oolong tea."
In the Japanese version, reading the menu of the vending machine, Naruhodo annoyedly comments that "there is not even oolong tea". He literally names the tea he likes!
In the localization, he is disappointed that the food in the vending machine is too... ordinary, and he was expecting something that is not usually sold there (popcorn).
Naruhodō University
Case 3-1 is very rich in information about the young Naruhodō, including the name of the university he attended
In the Japanese version, it is Yumei University (the same university where his ancestor Ryunosuke Naruhodō studied during the Meiji era - then it was called Yumei Imperial University), which creates an important reference to Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney)
私の依頼人。勇盟大学の 芸術学部3回生で、 カゼをひいている。
watashi no iraijin. Yūmei daigaku no geijutsu gakubu 3-kaisei de, kaze o hīte iru.
My client. A third-year student in the art department at Yumei University, suffering from a cold.
In the localization, he studies at Ivy University, as if referring to the famous Ivy League (elite universities).
A very good decision that shows Naruhodō's abilities and the high quality of his education (my clever boy)
Interesting addition
And the last one for today, a conversation with Mask in the detention center
When Yusaku (Ron) tells the story of the allegedly lost vase, Naruhodō makes a comment about the absurdity of his story
(・・・・どうも、ハナシが アヤフヤだなあ・・・)(dōmo, hanashi ga ayafuya da nā)
(... I guess the story is a bit vague...)
The localization decided to make a reference to Naruhodō's education in the field of art, and he compares Mask's story to the surreal paintings of Dali.
A nice addition, but still different from the original version.
In total, in my opinion, 3 unsuccessful changes out of 5.
If you also noticed any differences - feel free to tell us about them. Let's educate ourselves together.
It will be a bit more difficult with the subsequent parts, because I can't buy the Japanese version of TGAA (it is only available to a certain list of countries), and I don't have the new Apollo trilogy and the Investigations duology to check every little thing (and I don't have an extra $80), and those who record the walkthrough do not always check every clue, where the contradictions lie.
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このレポートは20221125のアーカイブです! 1119日目 u120 #温泉百名山 の #飯出敏夫 さんと一緒に16湯巡りました! #田の湯 #茶房たかさきの湯 #地獄原温泉 #鉄輪むし湯 #温泉閣 #鬼石坊主地獄足湯 #海地獄足湯 #かまど地獄足湯 #大分香りの博物館ハーブガーデン足湯 #若草温泉 #サンライン別府 #別府八湯温泉道 #別府温泉部 #別府温泉名人会 #別府たのしー #大分県たのしー #おんせん県おおいた #いいお湯見つけました #いいゆ #いいゆてぬぐい #いいゆ手ぬぐい #いきなり腕立て伏せ #腕立てたのしー #腕立て伏せ #腕立て伏せチャレンジ (Beppu, Oita) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrgQI5hvfDD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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