#zombie superhero
swirley1618 · 7 months
The Great Collection of Roller Derby Posters / part 5
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artbyblastweave · 2 months
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So this was a one-and-done beat from Marvel Zombies 4, by Fred Van Lente and Kev Walker, which featured a zombie outbreak in the quote-unquote "regular" Marvel Universe, on the fictional Caribbean island of Taino (not sure if this is a deliberate historical reference or not.) Two panels after being introduced, these three are annihilated by an airborne cloud of zombie virus and stitched together into a shambling monster that rambles about how it fights for Truth, Justice, and the Corporate Way. That's ancillary to the point. Ignore that. What this gets me thinking about again is this concept that I have of Super Hero "Dark Matter" worldbuilding, which is the fact that basically every horrible deconstructive beat, every subversive cynical implication of the existence of superheroes you can think of, everything you'd associate by default with The Boys or Invincible (or, on the lighter end of the spectrum, Astro City,) all of that is probably already canon within the DC and Marvel Universes; canonized in niche little miniseries or cult-classic runs of niche characters. Often, canonized in ways that imply the existence of common, broad dynamics that exist within the world, outside the protagonist-centered provincialism of New York or Gotham or Metropolis; all sorts of shit going on that we don't see until it comes into fleeting contact with Spider-Man's knuckles. In this case, the logic is that if superhumans exist- indeed, if superheroes exist- then superhuman-backed neocolonialism would follow. These three aren't here to protect Taino; they're here to protect a fucking resort from the people of Taino, in the event that the American tourists need to leave in a hurry. They work for Roxxon, which is the by-default evil Marvel corporation, the name they break out whenever they want to quickly signal that they're doing a story about corporate malfeasance; what are the odds that these were the only three like this that Roxxon had on Payroll? The one corporate holding being protected this way? That'd be a hell of a coincidence. You can infer an entire ecosystem of these corporate thugs floating around in the background of Marvel, becoming an explicit presence in ones and twos when Mark Waid or Al Ewing need some vile corporate sellouts for a quote-unquote "real" hero (someone with their name on the cover) to beat within an inch of their life. But you start doing the numbers on how many times this kind of plot beat comes up, and you start to come to the conclusion that the Marvel and DC universes have, in fact, always been exactly as dystopian and fucked up as something like The Boys. It's just that in a single-author dedicated deconstruction, the story is allowed to actually notice and remember.
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featheredenby · 3 months
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So this is what I’m working on right now. It’s everyone featured in Show Your Fangs on one page. So far I’ve draw Grian/Cuteguy/Poultry Man/Ariana Griande, Cleo/The Time Witch, Shrub/The Wolf Spirit, Shelby Evermore, Katherine/The Huntress, Pearl/The Red Witch, Cherri/C-Fire, and Gem/Slay.
Plus the mutual cameos:
Raven/Poisoner aka @queenarsinoethepoisoner
Marigold/Bard aka @botanicalbard
King/Dandelion aka @kingofdandelions
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solarpunkani · 11 months
I think one thing I struggle with when it comes to wanting to write Solarpunk stories is like
I like writing conflicts. But I don’t know how to write large conflicts—so something like ‘dismantling the government to install a solarpunk society in its place’ is way too big of a fish for me to fry
But also small conflicts just don’t do it for me. I just can’t stay entertained with them long enough. So something like ‘little Maisy lost her favorite doll and its up to her older brother to find it. Oh btw they live in a solarpunk society’ wouldn’t get past like one page if I tried it
But how fantastical can one get before a society is no longer solarpunk but just… fantasy? How far out of the realm of reality can you get before it just seems hollow? But how close can you stay? How much conflict can you have before your hopeful vision of a solarpunk future is no longer hopeful and no longer solarpunk? How big of an issue can you create in a solarpunk society, what kind, while still keeping it solarpunk? While still having a problem that can’t just be handwaved with ‘that wouldn’t happen in solarpunk’?
And of course logically I know the answer is different for everyone. But like. Still. How derivative can you get, how much conflict can you add, before a story intended to be solarpunk just becomes ‘random urban fantasy but with round roofs stained glass and a lot more greenhouses?’
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scythegameing · 4 months
Conflicting Lives masterpost Designs of each character below the cut vv
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stilesgrace159 · 2 months
Roleplay Master List
Discord: Olliegee21
Fandoms & Ships I Rp:
Stranger Things
Steve x Eddie
Steve x Billy x Eddie
Jonathan x Argyle
Robin x Nancy
Will x Mike (aged up)
Richie x Eddie
Richie x Stan x Eddie
Stan x Bill
The Lost Boys
David x Michael
Fav Plot/AU Types:
I'm very big on aus and horror/supernatural elements like demons, vampires, werewolves, slashers, and so on. I also LOVE doing cross overs between the two fandoms. I love smut and gore, so just be warned. I am 22, so I prefer an 18+ partner.
I also sometimes like to do crossovers between IT and Stranger Things. Like Mike Wheeler and Richie Tozier being cousins or something. Love it! I have lots of plot ideas ready to discuss, but I'm always open to tweaking and working on other ideas with you.
Please feel free to ask for more info. These are just general ideas. If you’re really interested in a concept, I’ll go into more detail. If you want to add onto a concept or tweak it a bit, feel free to let me know. I also frequently like to do crossover with other fandoms, so feel free to ask about that as well.
Reddie RP Ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKxPAQkg4Uv0qSY8RLX3sABHWND4dp_Nll1hzEcs1Nw/edit?usp=sharing
Steddie RP Ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AiVumgyexAmQHyTQMDXLZ8gC1WOn8AjTxT6rnfeLrxM/edit?usp=sharing
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ptrawles · 6 days
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Inktober 2024 Day 13 Mighty River Strip 13
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wonder-vixen · 14 days
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Amanda Lynn as Batgirl
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potatocat · 1 year
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Here lies Jason Todd (A little Halloween warm-up with a zombie Robin!)
This comic is made possible thanks to my lovely Patreons 💛 (The Go!Robin! comic gets updated weekly on Patreon!)
💛 Your support is much appreciate! You'll get early access to the Go!Robins! comic, request custom avatars, enjoy art and sign-up for Patreon Mail on: www.patreon.com/Yolin
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angrychenyu · 1 year
🎉🎊✨Happy birthday ng chen yu DTIYS✨🎊🎉
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swirley1618 · 8 months
The Great Collection of Roller Derby Posters / part 3
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 2 years
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heres my visual list of dolls i want and will never own (probably)
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featheredenby · 5 months
“Right where are my manners, the name’s Cuteguy! Now do you want help or not?”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Part Two of: Show Your Fangs
A superhero AU is Hermitcraft/Empires SMP/The Life Series
Scar had always, for the short time that he had it, enjoyed working as a superhero and protecting the citizens of Hermitopia, Empires City, and Lifetropolis from harm but recently things had gotten strange. He wouldn't necessarily say that it was in a bad way but The GFHA had only been started to combat regular crimes and take a toll off of the police. However soon after it had formed more and more antiheroes, vigilanties, and supervillains started to emerge. Just a month ago the first villain duo emerged calling themselves “The Dogwarts Duo” and the chaos continued as another villain emerged and declared that she was “The Faker”.
That is what had brought him, as Hotguy of course, to his current situation, with him staring down the dog hybrid known as “The Red King”, while bleeding from his leg and help being nowhere to be found. It would have been quite an interesting scene if he wasn’t the one in it, but of course he was. He was standing off with The Red King, a dog hybrid with brown hair wearing a golden crown and a red cape with white mountains maybe,  and The Red Hand, he couldn’t quite place what he was as his entire appearance was quite confusing as he had large bat wings but ice crystals growing all over his body and he was wearing a blindfold over his eyes with the same pattern as The Red King’s cape. There are quite a lot of confusing things about the duo but one thing was certain trapped in The Hand’s grasp is a young llama hybrid (who can’t be any more than ten) with the edge of an axe ever so gently pressed against their throat and in Hotguy’s hands there is a high tech bow nocked with an arrow with which he could easily shoot down The Hand and King in quick succession. There was just one thing if Scar shot The Hand in the head he would likely fall backwards killing the llama hybrid but if he shot him in the hand he would likely jolt forward and drop the axe at the same time, depending on the timing however the kid’s neck could get hit with the blade of the axe. There is really no solution, in his ear he hears a voice, “Hotguy, come in Hotguy.”
“Yeah? What is it?”
“Hurry up and shoot him. Cut your losses. One random kid’s death won’t end the world.”
“But I-”
“Hurry up an-”
The stern voice of the GFHA’s director is cut off as he hears a new one; it's familiar but he can’t quite place it.
“Thanks for breaking into the comms for me buttercup! Oh wait he can hear me already- hey there pretty boy. You seem to be in quite the pickle down there, need some help?”
“What the- who are you!?!” Hotguy replies. 
“Right where are my manners, the name’s Cuteguy! Now do you want help or not?”
On the roof of an apartment building stands an avian with dirty blond hair and a pair of black and yellow wings on both his back and where his ears would be, ink is dripping down his face. He wears a black tank top with a red and pink heart in the middle over it there’s a bright pink jacket with the same symbol and yellow tie dye patches, there is red ribbon functioning as a belt around his light pink shorts and later being used again to decorate his boots darker boots along with mini black wings on the ankles. Next to him is a red headed zombie in a simple pink crop top and shorts with a fluffy white headband, wristbands, and belt equipped with a pink leather pouch and a golden clock, on her head is a large white witch hat with a pink underside. She lifts up her head from viewing the scene below them and looks at him with a puzzled look on her face.
“Okay so as we just saw The Dogwarts Duo is here today, but how did you know that they would be?” She inquires.
“Oh, you know Cleo, I have good ways to get information.” He answers, it’s not like she’ll ever learn that they’re just chickens.
“Okay then, don’t tell me,” Cleo responds as she turns to face a pale man in a suit,”Are we almost into the system Mumbo?”
“Just about,” Mumbo claims,”so I would suggest that you two stop using our real names now as what we are doing is very illegal.”
“Aw you’re such a buzzkill,” he teases,”Anyways thanks for breaking into comms for me buttercup! Oh wait he can hear me already- hey there pretty boy. You seem to be in quite the pickle down there, need some help?”
“What the- who are you!?!” Hotguy asks. 
“Right where are my manners, the name’s Cuteguy! Now do you want help or not?”
“Uhm… sure I guess but I don’t even know where you are.”
“I can see you from where I am so there’s n-” Cuteguy starts to inform him before being cut off by The Red King.
“Oi! You have exactly ten seconds to drop the bow or the kid gets it.” He yells.
The Red Hand starts to count down, “Ten.”
“Well my undead friend.” Cuteguy says to Cleo.
“Care to work some of that time magic for us?”
“Uhm… Guys! What should I do?” Hotguy Panics.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Cleo responds.
“Should I just put the bow down?”
“Cast it on go.”
“Three, Two.”
“I’m just gonna drop the bow.”
“I’m about to drop it.”
“||𝙹⚍ ᓭ⍑𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ᔑꖎꖎ ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ╎リ⊣ ᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹!¡”
As she speaks her eyes blaze bright and time slows down, for everyone except the people she didn’t freeze, that is, those people being Hotguy, Cuteguy, Mumbo, the little kid, and her of course. 
“Hotguy,” Cuteguy yells while flying down from the roof,”you get the kid. I’ll take care of these two.” He says while gesturing at The Dogwarts Duo.
“On it!”
“Hurry up you two I can’t hold this time freeze forever,” Cleo yells,”!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ|| ⎓∷𝙹⨅ᒷリ”
Hotguy runs over to The, now frozen, Dogwarts Duo and carefully moves away The Red Hand’s arms and Axe, after doing this he picks up the crying llama hybrid in his arms. Meanwhile Cuteguy lands on The Red King and tries to figure out what to do with the two of them, he could always just turn them in but where’s the fun in that. Maybe he should just tie them up and toss them in a dumpster in some random alley way. He’s about to ask Cleo for her opinion when he sees Hotguy comforting the kid that they saved.
“Shh. It’s okay, I’m here for you,” he says,”Now can you tell me your name?”
“I- I’m P-P- Pizza.” sniffles the kid.
It’s pretty sweet to see such a touching scene but as he looks back over at Cleo he can tell that she is struggling. He’s about to call out to her when the light in her eyes starts to flicker and fade. Normally this would be fine but he still hasn’t done anything with The Dogwarts Duo and Cleo looks like she’s gonna burst a blood vessel if she doesn't stop soon.
“!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ⎓ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷᓭ, ╎'ᒲ ʖᒷ⊣⊣╎リ⊣ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣  ꖎᒷℸ ̣  ᒲᒷ ꖌᒷᒷ!¡ ⊣𝙹╎リ⊣ ᔑ ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ꖎ𝙹リ⊣ᒷ∷,” Cleo casts desperately,”Guys I can’t hold it any longer!”
“Please try, I still have to do something with these two.” he replies.
“I can’t, the fates won’t allow it, in fact they’re not too fond of time magic in the first place. 𝙹リᒷ ᒲ𝙹∷ᒷ ᒲ╎リ⚍ℸ ̣ ᒷ, !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ. I can only hold it for another minute, knock those two out and put them in an alleyway or something.”
“Okay!” he yells back.
Cuteguy goes over to the side of the street and grabs two sizable pieces of debris, he then flies back over and drops one on each of the duo’s heads. He then picks them both up and flies them over to a dumpster just as he had originally planned. He then flies back up to the roof, “well team ready to bounce?”
“╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ 𝙹⍊ᒷ∷.” Cleo says ending the spell, “Yep, let’s go.”
“I’m ready, this has all been quite an awful ordinal.” Mumbo adds.
“Okay then, bye Hotguy! See you soon.” Cuteguy calls in a singsong voice, and with that the three of them headout to get some rest as Hotguy returns Pizza to his family and goes to fill out a report.
As just as Grian got home his phone started chiming, he takes it out of his bag and sees that the person calling him is his roommate, Scar. Knowing Scar he probably needs a ride back from whatever client he was meeting with for a landscaping job, so Grian answers in a singsong voice,“Hello, Scar!”
“Hey, G. I was just wondering if you saw the news today?” Scar inquires.
“Nope, I haven’t seen it yet,” he replies but he does know what happened, as he lived it,”Did something interesting happen?”
“Yeah, so you know who Hotguy is right? Well he was fighting the Dogwarts Duo and they kinda ended up in a stalemate when they threatened a kid.” Scar explains.
“Oh… that’s awful.” Grian replies trying to sound surprised.
“I know,” Scar says,”but then some new vigilante hacked into the GFHA’s comm system and said that his name was Cuteguy. Then some random timewitch froze time for everyone except him, Hotguy, and the kid.”
“Wait what?”
“Yeah it shocked me to hear that too, according to Hotguy, the spell wore down really quick so Cuteguy just knocked the duo out and threw them in some dumpster.”
“So they’re still a threat?” Grian questions Scar.
“I mean I guess but they were both knocked out so it’s likely that they’ll turn up again any time soon.”
“I guess so.” He replies.
“Anyways,” says Scar,”I was wondering your opinion on the vigilantes that have been popping up.”
Oh no, Grian was not expecting Scar to ask that. How was he supposed to sound convincing when he is one of them, along with the fact that he has no idea what Scar’s perspective on it is. What was he supposed to say, “Oh yeah, I think it’s awesome, in fact you should know that I am Cuteguy!” that is not happening. Maybe he should just ask a question back to deflect having to answer. “I don’t really have one,” he lies,”what about you?”
“Oh,” says Scar as if not expecting Grian to want his opinion,”I don’t really mind it if they’re helping but it is illegal.”
“Yep, that’s kind of the definition of vigilante.” Grian responds.
“Maybe it would just be better for them to join The GFHA.” Scar continues.
“Well they might not agree with its ideals,” Grian argues,”and in any case they aren’t causing any harm.”
“True. True. Anywho I just wanted to call and get your opinion, by the way can you feed Jellie for me tonight?” 
“Sure,” Grian agrees,”but why exactly?”
“Oh, you know… I’m just helping Joel with something.” Scar answers in a voice that tells Grian that he’s lying through his teeth, but Grian doesn’t question it.
“Okay then,” Says Grian,”see you later Scar.”
“Later G.” With that Scar hangs up.
Grian is fine with Scar being out in fact he doesn’t even mind that Scars obviously lying, this just gives him an opportunity. Tonight Cuteguy would go out again to protect Hermitopia and get on the government’s nerves. Tonight he would make a name for himself as Cuteguy the infamous vigilante.
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49-ibr · 6 months
49: VOLUME 01 is out on May 7th 2024!
Aveline, the princess, wants freedom from her gilded birdcage.
Chrysanthemum, the hero, trusts too many vile villains and beasts.
Lucah, the pirate, will follow his blood-drinking captain until the end.
How will their love destroy them?
Do you like individual stories with something at the core connecting them all? Do you like secrets on every page, hinting at a mystery that will span several books?
Do you like high fantasy and kingdoms and war, with a queer cast and a vast, unique magic system?
And do you want to join a community with new writing and memes everyday, with author-written fanfiction to be posted regularly after the book is published in TWO DAYS?
Follow me, and read 49: VOLUME 01 when it's out on May 7th!
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Out of queue and definitely rambly but MAN
Ok last reblog (I’m on mobile so too lazy to add links) mentioned Solarpunk being more about settling down in a location whereas Lunarpunk is more nomadic and traveling on the water and such and
Image in my head
Of a romance story. Or coming of age. Or both?
Of someone living in a solarpunk community along the shore, and someone living in a lunarpunk ocean nomadic community that stops by that shore and stays for a few days/weeks every time they come around. There’s always gardens and extra seats kept in storage for when they come around, warm beds to stay in, etc.
And these two people over time become close friends and maybe even fall for each other? But on top of the song and dance of ‘do I tell them, how to tell them, etc’ they have to also grapple with the fact that one of them stays put and the other is nomadic and their group only swings by once or twice a year on average (for a few weeks each but still)
And they gotta decide (once they finally confess to each other) what they’re gonna do. One person would miss home if they left with the nomads and their family and friends, and one person would miss traveling the seas and THEIR friends and family if they stayed put.
Idk if the solution would be to stay some years and travel others or what but thats ‘not 3am Ani’ to consider
Idk if this makes sense idk if this’ll seem like a good story idea and I SUCK ASS At writing romances (or having them hahaha *crying sounds*) but like
Yeah thats my braincell rn
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scythegameing · 5 months
Conflicting Lives- Chapter 8: The ACTUAL Patrol, and a "Small" Conflict
Word Count: 3223
It was well into patrol, but Scythe and Joel could not get rid of the teasing comments of Voidling and iWork. It didn't help that they often did react very similarly (if not the same) to more than a few of them, only adding fuel to the fire. By now, neither Scythe nor Joel were saying anything to the other two in their patrol, and instead chatting with themselves.
They tried their best to ignore the two behind them, but when the four men heard a distant boom, the silence in the following moments spoke all that it needed to. With a simple nod amongst themselves, the four started rushing towards the area the sound came from, using iWork’s tech from Inventor to better help locate the origin point of it.
Without needing to say any words, Scythe ran over to Joel who easily picked him up and flew high into the air. iWork was close behind, helping Voidling in a similar way, the masked man instead holding onto a grapple-like rope that the winged man above him held onto.
The patrol made their way above and around buildings, the signs of what must have been an explosion become more apparent as they closed in on the source. The smaller and quieter explosion heard above the ever so faint laughter proved that, and she came into their view as they turned around the next building.
There she stood, in the middle of all of the chaos, living up to the name Wildfire as flames soared wildly in almost all directions. Her green skin illuminated with the orange of flames, Wildfire threw spears of flames towards smaller, lesser known heroes as they tried to land huts, to no avail. Luckily, she had her back turned to the patrol. Unluckily, a second villain was turned towards them, golden crown and crimson cloak glowing bright from the light of the flames.
As the cloaked villain leaned back to inform his partner of the incoming reinforcements, Scythe and Voidling dropped to the ground from the hold of Joel and iWork. As the four lined up and started to divide themselves into who would fight who, Wildfire’s voice rang through the air and over the sounds of the flames.
“Aren’t you glad I dragged you out here? Isn’t it just so fun to let it loose?”  Her voice was rimmed with mania, and when her partner in crime hadn’t responded, she continued. “Oh, is the great Red Winter too engrossed to respo--” she turned around, cutting herself off as her eyes seemed to sparkle with joy when she spotted the four heroes, “-- oh well just look at what we have here!
Four little heroes arriving just in the nick of time to save your friends!” She gestured to the scattered civilians, heroes, and police in the area as she spoke. “And here I thought that we wouldn't get the attention of the big guys, but I guess my little boom worked after all.”
Before she could continue, Voidling stepped forward, his armor helping to protect him from the small fires dotted around where the patrol landed. “That’s enough, Wildfire. You’ve done enough damage, and now it’s time for you and Red Winter to leave.” 
As he spoke, he drew his mace, the rest of the patrol pulling out their weapons and taking up fighting positions. iWork had his hammer out, but made sure to keep to a more covered and earthy area in case anyone needed healing. Scythe had a ryyk in each hand and had taken up a position of a straightforward and charge-like approach. Joel, with his battle axe in both hands, took up a position in the sky using his wings.
The expression on Wildfire and Red Winter's faces seemed to flip, a smirk growing on the cloaked wolf hybrid, a frown setting in on the zombie hybrid. “What a shame. I was just starting to have fun too!” Wildfire said in an annoyed tone.
Red Winter’s smirk only grew as he spoke, “I guess it's time to have some real fun then.” He turned to Wildfire. “Why not let loose on people who can actually put up a good fight?”
Wildfire found a smile returning to her face as she gleefully responded, “Oh, now that sounds wonderful!”
Red Winter charged towards Voidling, using his transformation abilities to become more wolf-like. Just as he reaches to swipe in a now werewolf form, Voidling raises his mace, blocking the attack and being pushed back.
In that same moment, Joel dives to where Wildfire is, dodging her spears of fire as they are thrown. Voidling starts to lose his traction on the ground from Red Winter’s continued blows, and iWork runs over to help him before Scythe can even fully react. iWork reached Voidling just as he is knocked backwards from the strongest attack against him, and Scythe comes up with a quick plan.
Slowly, he starts making his way towards where Joel is fighting Wildfire. He uses the light of the fires to his advantage, bending them slightly to help better conceal himself while also using his illusions to better blend into the ground and the flames around him.
Finally, he made it to where Wildfire and Joel were. He almost chuckled to himself as he realized the two were litterally playing with fire, then tapped Wildfire's shoulder, causing her to turn around. Seeing Joel get ready to launch yet another fireball, Scythe simply waved at Wildfire before jumping to the side. 
He had just barely missed the fireball as it came crashing down onto Wildfire. In the split second of quiet after the fireball landed, Scythe heard the clang of metal on armor as Voidling was pushed back as his mace hit his chestplate. Then as the flames fully clear, he decides to start up a conversation with Wildfire.
“Come on, you really chose to blow up a park instead of like, going to the gym or something?” He asked as he dodged one of her fire spears. She laughs as she responds, dodging a blow from Joel and reaching to attack Scythe, “Oh, don't be silly, you should know me by now!”
Scythe managed to dodge and grab Wildfire’s arm, but before he could do anything, she pulled him in, “I’m not one to shy from a bit of chaos.” A shiver ran down Scythe’s spine as she spoke, and he teleported away quickly as Joel dived towards her, axe in hand. 
Wildfire turned around just in time to see Joel diving towards her, and she quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding getting hit. “You know,” Joel started as he dodged another spear of fire, “a certain someone visited recently bearing good will from you--” he moved to help Scythe as he prepared to throw a small ball of light at Wildfire “-- and it would be such a shame if she found out you injured Lux.”
Scythe threw the ball of light, but missed Wildfire as she dodged it, replying as Joel ran at her. “Oh, I won’t hurt him, “ she gestured towards Scythe, “but I don't mind hurting you.” She finishes just as Joel gets to her, ducking under his swing and pushing her elbow into his stomach.
Joel stumbles back and Scythe teleports behind him to help him regain his balance as Wildfire continues. “And besides, she was technically the one that suggested causing some chaos--” she threw a few more spears of fire at the pair of heroes “-- I just so happened to take it a bit literally, that’s all!”
Scythe took cover behind a nearby piece of debris, while Joel took to the skies once more to avoid the barrage of fiery spears. Scythe noticed that his flight was a little unbalanced, and that worried him more than he would ever admit, but he had to focus on what he needed to do next.
Wildfire and Joel kept fighting, and her voice rang through the air once more. “Besides, this gives a good opportunity to check in with you!” She stumbled a little as a ring of light began to encompass her vision.
It was working. When he was satisfied with the intensity of the light ring, strong enough to disorient her but weak enough as to not permanently harm her vision, Scythe came out of his hiding spot, running back to where Wildfire was standing. Joel sighed as he landed back on the ground, walking to a now slightly-stunned as he put his axe on his shoulder, admittedly a little amused at the stumbling state of the zombie hybrid in front of him.
“Why can’t you just let off steam like a normal person?” Scythe askes, delivering a light but firm blow to Wildfire’s shoulder with the handle of one of his ryyks. He stops the ring of light he made around her vision as she stumbled over, trying to be courteous as to let her catch herself.
She chuckles a little as she starts to stand back up. “Eh, it was worth it if I had a chance to annoy you guys. And if not I wouldn't have minded if I ended up with some other heroes showing up instead, just so i can beat their asses too.” She looked up at Scythe and Joel with a smile on her face, and Scythe felt something off as she spoke once more. “Plus, what’s the fun of doing something normal?”
Then Scythe noticed it, the sound of a large fireball falling towards the three of them. He jumped to the side just in time to look over and see the large ball of flame crashing down to where he just was. The heat was far more intense than he thought it would be, and he worried for a moment what shape Joel and Wildfire would be in after the flames died down. He wasn't really quite sure he saw them both dodge out the way before it hit.
“You never did answer my question either” a voice said behind him ,and before he could properly react he felt something push on his back and was shoved forward, barely managing to catch himself before face planting into the course and burnt dirt.
Quickly recovering, he turned around and saw Wildfire giggling to herself. Joel landed between the two, his clothes almost burnt off and his hair littered with small embers and ash, though he himself seemed to be completely unharmed. He looked behind himself to check to see if Scythe was ok before turning back towards the smaller zombie hybrid.
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking,” Scythe said sarcastically, walking forward to stand beside Joel. Just then, Red Winter appeared once more by Wildfire’s side, Voidling and iWork both taking up positions on each side of their patrol partners.
Apparently, Voidling and iWork had managed to push Red Winter far enough back to make him retreat, and he re-joined his partner in crime. “Are you alright, m’lady?” the cloaked villain asked, and Wildfire simply nodded, a smile growing on her face once more.
Scythe sensed something was about to happen, and looked over to Voidling only to find the masked hero looking back at him with the same confused and apprehension-filled look. He then turned to look at iWork beside him, who seemed to be focused on the gap between the two villains. In the same moment that he seems to see something, Scythe turns back to look at Wildfire and Red Winter, only to find a third villain standing between them.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here!” Scarlet Moon giggled, her red moth wings fluttering behind her, eyes matching in color and almost glowing with excitement. “It seems this time I've been called in for the rescue, and how could I deny the pleasure of seeing four of my favorite heroes?”
Voidling stopped forward, keeping his mace firmly in his hands and speaking with a steady voice. “It is time for you three to leave. You’ve done enough damage, and you don't need to be causing any more.” iWork braced himself in case another battle broke out, and Joel started to stretch his wings in preparation to fly.
Scythe simply looked at Scarlet Moon, or rather Pearl, and she looked back. They held each other's gaze for a moment longer, then she looked back at Voidling. “I suppose so.” She put a hand on each shoulder of the two in front of her, and bright light started to emit from the trio. “I do wish I could have stayed longer though. Until next time, heroes.” She said, and a blinding light flashed, the patrol closing their eyes out of instinct.
When Scythe re-opened his eyes, the three villains were gone, and the surrounding fires were starting to lose their strength in Wildfire’s absence. He looked around at his fellow patrol members. Joel was rubbing his eyes from the bright light, Voidling was looking around and surveying the damage, and iWork was turned to Scythe. 
“Do you have any major injuries, Lux?” he said, reaching out towards his arm where he hadn’t quite realized he had a large scrape. “This doesn’t look horrible, but you should definitely get it cleaned before trying to heal it.” iWork continued, looking at the scrape closer through the dirt and dust stuck to it.
“Oh, uh, yeah I’ll do that.” Scythe responded, a little confused on how he didn’t see the wound before. The phantom hybrid looked at him with uncertainty. “I will, I promise! I’m just a little shocked that I didn't notice it, I guess.” he quickly added, and iWork looked a little more relaxed, though obviously not completely relieved.
He walked away from Scythe and to Joel, checking him over as well. Miraculously, he didn't have any damage to his person, but his uniform definitely needed to be replaced. Scythe could swear he heard iWork “lightly” scolding Joel. “You didn’t think to get your uniform in fire-proof materials? Come on, Stratos! Aren’t you a Blaze hybrid? You need a fire-proof uniform!”
Those were among the most tamed words of the scolding, but Joel did eventually manage to avoid the full-length of a scold by casually bringing up that Voidling might still be injured. iWork almost instantly stopped what he was saying, and begrudgingly walked away from Joel towards Voidling to make sure he wasn't badly hurt.
“Jeez, I almost couldn’t get rid of him.” Joel said as he walked towards Scythe, rubbing in the back of his head in slight embarrassment. Scythe chuckled and replied with a smile “I mean it is your fault for not getting fire-proof fabric, as someone with fire magic. That’s your own damn fault if you ask me”
“Oh, come on! You’re supposed to be on my side!” Joel pouted playfully, crossing his arm and looking away. Scythe laughed even harder, failing to apologize through all the giggling. Thankfully he was able to compose himself by the time Voidling walked over with iWork by his side.
“I want us to help where we can while we’re still in the area.” He said. Looking at Scythe and iWork, he continued” Lux, iWork, the two of you have Healing abilities, so I want you to check all of the citizens and bystanders to see if they need any help.” iWork opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again once Voidling put up his hand to stop him.
“Yes, I know I can heal too, but I want Stratos to come with me to clear the larger debris in the area to help clear up any major roads or paths that may be blocked.” He turned to Joel as he spoke, “Are you alright with helping clear, Stratos?”
Joel nodded, “Yeah sure. I can help lift and push stuff.” Voidling replied with an “Alright” before telling them all to split up and do what they need to do. Voidling and Joel went to the police and firemen that had arrived to check and see which areas needed to be cleared first, and iWork turned to Scythe.
“So here’s what I’m thinking. I have more disinfectant and cleaning things than you do for healing, I know that much, so I can start by cleaning any wounds, and you can then come in after and heal them with your ability.” He said. Scythe wondered how he thought of that so quickly, but he knew that iWork was a quick thinker, and the plan made sense anyways.
So he nodded, “That sounds good. What if it's a deep or large wound? Do we want to try and do anything different or extra?” He asked. He was genuinely curious, and didn’t quite know how much he could heal without running out of stamina, or risking his illusion fading, but he didn't really want to say that aloud and just hoped iWork understood.
He thought for a moment before responding. “If it's deep or large enough, I can do some initial healing after cleaning it. I understand your concerns, and if you think you’re getting too tired feel free to come and tell me or to step away for a moment.” He looked at the surrounding civilians before continuing. “There doesn’t seem to be many injuries, but still let me know if anything happens.”
Scythe nodded, appreciative of iWork’s concern. The phantom hybrid started walking towards the civilians, taking out his cleaning supplies and checking in with everyone. Scythe simply followed behind, stopping at anyone that iWork cleaned the wounds of, and made small talk while healing them, trying to be as kind as possible even when he did feel tired and ready to be home.
After about 45 minutes, everyone who needed assistance was helped, and enough debris was cleared to make the necessary roads and paths accessible to citizens. Voiding called iWork and Scythe over to where he and Joel were standing.
“Great work today guys. Go home, and rest. I’ll get a patrol with some of the other heroes to come and survey the area to make sure everything is still alright, but we all need some rest.” Scythe felt himself relax, and he took a deep breath as the masked hero continued. “You all did amazing today, both on the clean up, and in the fighting.”
The three younger men nodded, and iWork and Voidling walked in one direction, Joel and Scythe in the other. Joel didn’t even need to wait for Scythe to look at him before he knew what the enderman hybrid was going to ask.
“Yes, I'll take you back to your dorm. But you’re feeding me dinner and calling Cleo and Pearl to hang out too.” the winged man said, spreading his wings and holding his hands out for Scythe to hold onto.
Scythe laughed and grabbed his arms, still laughing as he replied, “Deal, and thank you, Stratos.” Joel rolled his eyes and flew into the air. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Also, it is so weird for you to call me Stratos, even if we’ve been on countless missions together.”
Scythe laughed and looked at the cityscape in front of him. “It is weird calling you Stratos, but we were still around the public eye so I didn't really have a choice.” Joel muttered a “Fair enough,” and flew back towards Cursia.
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