#zionist colonialism
documenting-apartheid · 3 months
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JUNE 24 2024- Zvi Sukkot, Member of Knesset from the Religious Zionist party, states: "and this is just the beginning" in response to an article estimating that 200,000 Palestinians have been expelled from the Gaza strip.
Zvi Sukkot was a former representative of the far-right terror group known as "The Revolt", which was responsible for the Duma arson attack which murdered a Palestinian family of three, including 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh. Between the founding of the group in 2013, and the Duma arson attack, the group was responsible for 11 other arson attacks and remains active to this day.
Sukkot was arrested numerous times, once even on suspicion of an arson attack on a mosque in northern West Bank, though he received no charges for it. Sukkot was not drafted into the IDF, which declared him “unsuitable” for military service.
In 2012, Sukkot was expelled from the West Bank under suspicion that he was part of a group of 12 that had planned and carried out violent attacks against Palestinians and their property.
Despite his violent criminal terrorist past, on November 1st 2023, Sukkot was appointed head of the Knesset West Bank subcommittee.
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pinkponkporpoise · 5 months
If anyone tells you that Zionism is a "#LandBack" movement, it is definitively not. Last I checked, Indigenous peoples don't relentlessly bomb and murder innocents (including children) and labeling them terrorists as they do it? They don't destroy landscapes and structures wantonly, polluting the air with warfare because!!! They have respect!!! For their sacred land!!!
Do you know who does do the above things?
Zionism is a colonization project, and I'm not gonna let anyone guilt me or gaslight me into changing my mind!
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violottie · 6 months
Hundreds of Jews and allies, including Writers Against the War on Gaza, sagaftramembersforceasefire and Film Workers for Palestine are present in the heart of Hollywood on the day of the Oscars to say: ALL EYES ON RAFAH!
While Hollywood celebrates, Israel prepares for the ground invasion of Rafah, where over 1.3 million Palestinians are seeking refuge. This comes as reports of extreme hunger continue to mount on the first day of Ramadan.
As filmworkers, Jews, and allies, we stand in solidarity with Palestinians. We won’t stop bearing witness. WHILE YOU’RE WATCHING, BOMBS ARE DROPPING" from Jewish Voice for Peace Los Angeles, 10/Mar/2024:
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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I also learned this today about her:
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Palestine will be free!
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la7ma-mafrooma · 2 months
Please be careful of pro-Israeli bloggers in your asks telling you not to reblog fundraises and marking them as "scams". They may suggest other places to donate to but please be careful of Zionists accusing vetted fundraisers of being scams. Always check the fundraisers and see if they're vetted but please do not blindly harm Palestinians on this website.
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fiercynn · 5 months
On 7th June 2022, Afro-Palestinians of the Old City of Jerusalem rejoiced; their brother Mohammad Firawi was finally coming home.  It had been five long years since Firawi – then a twelfth grader in the middle of school exams – was accused of throwing stones at Israeli police, taken away from his home and shuttled around nine Israeli prisons. Now aged 25, he was ready to be back in the African Quarter, and they were ready to welcome him.  The community’s joy was interrupted, however, when two days later, Israeli intelligence re-arrested and expelled Firawi from Jerusalem for a week. Their reason? That he “defied Israeli orders to refrain from celebrating [his release].” Re-arrest is common practice after prisoners’ release, for reasons as impossible to justify as they are to fight. When one’s existence is made a crime, even moments of joy are closely monitored and policed.   “[The] Israeli occupation wants to prohibit any expression of happiness in the community,” Firawi tells Skin Deep, “even adopting the policy of prohibiting any symbols resembling Palestinian identity, including the Palestinian flag. They fight anything they believe negates their alleged sovereignty in Jerusalem.”
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sissa-arrows · 1 month
Some of y’all need a reminder of the influencers and other people with a lot of followers who came forward to explain that the Zionist entity came to them offering them money to spread some bullshit propaganda. There’s articles online about the money they spend on online propaganda. For exemple before the end of October they had already spent 4,6 millions of dollars just on online ads destined to people in France ONLY.
When some big accounts who are “just funny accounts” suddenly turn against Palestinians vetting fundraisers and the Zionists and “Israelis” pieces of shit are all over said accounts’ comments and asks to support them, you need to have some critical thinking skills instead of immediately believing what they tell you. Especially when you KNOW that “Israel” does pay people (some people are just racist pieces of shit for free let’s not forget them).
I swear some of y’all are easy targets for propaganda and it’s actually worrisome for your future but even more for the future of minorities/marginalized communities. Y’all are the kind of people who would have believed the French when they were like “Nah we didn’t make concentration camps for Algerians they are regroupement villages”.
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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“Well everyone else destroyed the lives of natives too! Why can’t we?”
That isn’t necessarily the great moral argument you think it is.
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arabian-batboy · 10 months
Crusaders ruled Palestine and most of the Levant for far longer than Zionists have ruled Palestine and just like how the Crusaders no longer control even one inch of Palestine and the rest of the Levant anymore, there will be a time where Zionists will no longer control one inch of Palestine anymore.
Its only a matter of time before their lobbying money runs dry.
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thewoodbine · 13 days
Zionism doesn't mean what you think it means and you need to stop using it as a slur
I think this article excerpt I've included below sent by a friend does a great job of explaining why it is antisemitic, harmful, and misinformed to continue to use "Zionist" as an evil label.
If you're someone who values listening to minorities and educating yourself before you say something ignorant and hateful- this is an important thing to read and share in allyship with Jews everywhere.
If nothing else, at least consider that maybe learning what the word Zionist means from cultural Christians or people who generally have never engaged with Judaism isn't the best idea and try instead listening to Jews.
And before you start- this is in no way a comparison to Palestinian suffering or delegitimization of their need for respect and dignity. No need to comment "what about"ism It's just, believe it or not, possible to advocate for Palestinian's without hate criming local Jews to do so.
" The crux of the problem is whether Zionism must be treated as a dirty word. Because what most Jews mean by Zionism, and what anti-Zionists mean by Zionism, are not the same thing.
Most people are unaware, for example, that among the varieties of Zionism, one branch—the one advocated by people like Martin Buber, the famous philosopher, and Henrietta Szold, the founder of Hadassah—did not even believe there should be a Jewish state, but rather a binational state, founded on absolute equality between Jews and Palestinians.
Even the founder of the most right-wing branch of Zionism, Jabotinsky, believed that in the Jewish state, “in every cabinet where the prime minister is a Jew, the vice-premiership shall be offered to an Arab and vice versa.” In other words, the actual state of Israel is a very far cry from the vision of most of its founders.
But that kind of Zionism — the idea that a state where Jews would be safe and thrive could also be a state where Palestinians would be safe and thrive — is what liberal and progressive Jews, your friends and neighbors, are thinking about when they identify as Zionist.
People who see themselves as anti-Zionist are right to point out that from its very beginning, the nascent state of Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing, driving some Palestinian populations out of their homes during the 1948 war and not letting others return to their homes after the war, contrary to all of these aspirations. That's why cities like Khan Yunis are called refugee camps.
But Zionism, for people who identify with that word, is about the aspiration for safety and self-determination in the Holy Land, not an aspiration to oppress. "
(Citation can be provided upon request, I do not want to flood a poor local newspaper with random online hate mail)
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documenting-apartheid · 3 months
FEBRUARY 21 2024 - “I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did,”
Minister of Social Equality & Women's Advancement, May Golan of the Likud, during a Knesset hearing about the motion to expel MK Ofer Cassif.
May Golan has previously described herself as a "proud racist."
Subtitled by @/ireallyhateyou
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sscarletvenus · 4 months
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Ilan Pappe is a preeminent author, historian and speaker who has written about the Nakba, the series of calculated horrors and atrocities on the basis of which the apartheid regime called israel was founded.
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genocidal maniacs are persecuting anti-genocide intellectuals.
detaining and interrogating Jewish scholars is definitely not antisemitism...
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 7 months
Apps to help you do your groceries : NO THANKS
For more information on The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement and how to works for ending international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians : BDS movement website
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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And yes, the CEO is a zionist:
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hummussexual · 5 months
BY ABBY MONTEILApril 30, 2024
More than 60 LGBTQ+ organizations are calling for broadcasters, competitors, workers, and viewers to boycott 2024’s Eurovision Song Contest following the competition’s decision to include Israel in this year’s event, which takes place in Sweden.
Support for the boycott has come from LGBTQ+ organizations around the world, including QPEN in the United States, Queers in Palestine in Palestine, Pride in Protest in Australia, and Dyke March Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
“Israeli soldiers wave rainbow flags atop the ruins of Palestinian homes destroyed by the Israeli military in Gaza — a cynical attempt to rebrand Israel’s genocide as an act of queer liberation,” the boycott’s organizers said in a press release statement.
The statement likely refers in part to a viral November 2023 post from the state of Israel's official X account, which showed an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier standing amidst rubble it what was reportedly northern Gaza holding a Pride flag that had “In the name of love” written on it in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. The post said that the soldier is “a member of the LGBTQ+ community” who “wanted to send a message of hope to the people of Gaza living under Hamas brutality.” The post was criticized by LGBTQ+ advocates for being a prime example of “pinkwashing.”
The statement continued: “Allowing Israel to participate in Eurovision — an international pop cultural event with a massive LGBTQ+ audience — further contributes to Israel’s desperate pinkwashing attempts.”
The groups’ press release noted that although Eurovision excluded Russia the day after the country invaded Ukraine, similar measures have not been applied to Israel following the January International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling that it is “plausible” that Israel is committing acts of genocide in Gaza. While the ICJ stated that it would proceed on South Africa’s case charging Israel with violation of the 1948 Convention of the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the court did not order Israel to stop its military operations. Since Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel that killed 1,200 and took 250 hostages, Israeli military actions have killed over 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza and injured more than 75,000 Palestinians.
This isn’t the first time that artists and LGBTQ+ organizations have protested the international music competition’s inclusion of Israel. Back in 2019, over 100 LGBTQ+ groups endorsed a Palestinian call for a boycott of that year’s competition, which took place in Israel, following what Amnesty International described as “deliberate attempts” to kill and maim Palestinian civilians participating in protests in Gaza.
This past January, more than 1,000 Swedish musicians, including LGBTQ+ icon Robyn, called for Eurovision to exclude Israel from the 2024 competition in an open letter to the European Broadcasting Union, who said in a statement to Billboard that the Israeli public broadcaster KAN has met all the competition rules for this year and is eligible to compete.
Later, in March, over 1,900 queer artists and organizations called on the UK’s Eurovision contestant, queer actor and musician Olly Alexander, to boycott the competition out of solidarity with Palestine.
Eurovision 2024 is set to begin on May 7.
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fiercynn · 5 months
Most Afro-Palestinians in this tight-knit community came to the region as religious pilgrims during the British Mandate for Palestine, and many have been part of the Palestinian resistance movement since Israel’s establishment in 1948. Others arrived as volunteers with the Egyptian army to fight against Zionist militias taking control of historic Palestine during the Arab-Israeli war.  The community has played a pivotal role in the history of Palestinian resistance. Locals say that the first Palestinian woman to be imprisoned for a paramilitary operation against Israel was Fatima Barnawi, a Nigerian-Palestinian detained in 1967 for the attempted bombing of an Israeli cinema in West Jerusalem. Yet decades later, Afro-Palestinian youth continue to live their daily lives under Israeli control. At just 17, Abdallah’s cousin, Jibrin, has already been detained five times by Israeli forces, mostly over allegations that he threw stones at Israeli police and military officers. While he and his friends face the same harassment as other Palestinians, he said, they sometimes experience “double-racism” for both being Palestinian and having dark skin. “The soldiers are always cursing at me and interrogating me when I pass them. They try to provoke me so that I do something they could get me in trouble for,” Jibrin told Al Jazeera, noting that he has been beaten several times by Israeli police and soldiers during detentions. “Most of those in my generation have the same experiences,” he added with a shrug. “It’s routine.”
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