#zhentarim test
my-favourite-zhent · 1 month
Baldurs Gate 3 Zhent Personality Test
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Big shout out to @thisaccountisagainstmywill @dustdeepsea @captainsigge @grossestjay and @theycallmeratt for help brainstorming and beta-testing! I stole a few questions off Aer who had the idea to write it as a narrative heist, and Dust had the idea for the security measures!
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truly-sincerely · 6 months
Even More Comprehensive BG3 Timeline
(Now with citations!) Years in (paren) are confirmed, all other lines are approximations. For my own sanity this timeline is based on available in-game information and not the Forgotten Realms at large.
Enver Flymm born
Gale Dekarios born (1457)
Enver Flymm sold to Raphael by his parents, renamed Gortash
Gortash learns about Crown of Karsus while a prisoner of Raphael
Karlach Cliffgate born
Gortash escapes the House of Hope
Gale Dekarios summons Tara the Tressym (1467)
Wyll Ravengard born (1468)
Lae’zel of K’liir born (1470)
Gortash in his Heapside Reavers period
Gortash rebrands as a black market arms dealer
Orin the Red born to Helena and Sarevok Anchev
Durge begins their serial killing spree in Baldur’s Gate (1477)
The Emperor dominates Duke Belynne Stelmane (1479)
Elminster resurrects Mystra (1480)
Gortash trades Karlach to Zariel for infernal machines & iron (1482)
Baldur’s Gate’s Beloved Ranger statue goes missing (1482)
Duke Abdel Adrian murdered during Returning Day speech (1482) - Bhaal resurrected - Ulder Ravengard replaces Adrian as Marshall and as Duke
Orin kills her mother Helena in self-defense
Gortash recruits Franc Peartree to distribute infernal iron weapons
Gortash establishes a cult of Bane in Baldur’s Gate
Gortash approaches Durge about an alliance
Gortash moves against the Zhentarim & Knights of the Shield
Ulder Ravengard named Grand Duke
Wyll Ravengard pact with Mizora, leaves Baldur’s Gate (1485)
Dead Three made aware of the Crown of Karsus (most likely informed by Gortash)* - Gortash becomes Bane’s Chosen - Durge becomes Bhaal’s chosen - Gortash & Durge are instructed to recruit Ketheric
Gortash tells Durge about Crown of Karsus (via correspondence)
Hall/House of Wonders test mission* - Durge gets Bhaalist memorabilia - Gortash gets a bunch of Gondian designs - Durge & Gortash get companionship
The Chosen visit Ketheric at Moonrise, learn about Illithid colony
Gortash & Durge visit the House of Hope (for intel on Mephistar?)
Gortash & Durge raid Mephistar - They get the Crown of Karsus - They get the book on the accelerated grand design
Gortash captures the Emperor
Gortash & Durge return to Moonrise - Their identities are kept secret from Ketheric’s people - Durge impresses the Moonrise Gnolls, but not Steelclaw - Ketheric yells at Durge in the throne room for an unknown reason
Durge proposes their plan to the Elder Brain who accepts
Raid on the illithid colony (1491) - Durge puts the Crown on the Elder Brain - Orin gets Durge alone during the raid & stabs them in the head - Orin tadpoles Durge, making them the first True Soul - Orin declares herself the Chosen of Bhaal
Durge is found by Kressa Bonedaughter
Minsc captured by Absolutists at a recruitment rally in the Undercity
Gortash gets weird and intense with unethical experiments - Some futzing to get the tadpoles to consistently remain in stasis - This is when the name ‘True Souls’ gets coined - Extremely questionable fun with brains - Getting the Absolute’s voice sorted out - Tadpoling his parents - Poorly conceived experiments on children & their parents
Gortash has Iron Throne converted to hold hostages
Gortash presents prototype Steel Watcher to the city council
Jaheira tracks cult to shadow-cursed land, meets Isobel
Minthara Baenre is 'recruited' by Orin and Ketheric
The Descent, Elturel fall into Avernus happens
Duke Vanthampur revealed as a diabolist, killed by adventurers
Guild Bursar Uktar launders money for Gortash’s Campaign funds
Isobel is resurrected by the Dead Three
The Elder Brain sends the Chosen dreams about the Astral Prism
Gortash researches the Prism, finds out that Vlaakith has it
Gortash tasks Ketheric with sending a team to get the Astral Prism - They send a nautiloid piloted by the Emperor and other illithid - The Elder Brain lets the Emperor slip its leash - Magthew Budj arranges for Durge to be on the nautiloid as well
Gortash deploys Steel Watch in Lower/Outer City
At this point Elturel is no longer in Avernus
First Druid Halsin captured by goblins
Nautiloid picks up Shadowheart & the Prism from Astral Plane
Nautiloid picks up Lae’zel
Nautiloid goes to Baldur’s Gate, picks up Gale & Astarion
Nautiloid goes to Avernus, picks up Karlach & Wyll
Nautiloid crashes, (20 Eleasis, 1492)
Some helpful links:
A page from Sarevok’s book: Sarevok - (Murder tribunal)
Accelerated Grand Design: Gortash - (Gortash's Office)
An Offer: Gortash - (Peartree basement)
Aquatic Labor: Gortash - (Flymm’s Cargo Basement)
Baldur’s Gate Temple of Bhaal: Yanthus - (Gortash’s Office)
Balthazar’s Notes: Balthazar - (Necrotic laboratory)
Clasped Book: Balthazar - (Balthazar’s chambers)
Devil’s Fee Observer’s Report**: Himberloo - (Nine-Fingers’ office)
Elder Brain Domination: Ketheric/Yanthus - (Ketheric’s Room)
Enhanced Weapons - Sales Ledger: Peartree - (Peartree basement)
Experiment on Cruor: Orin - (Temple of Bhaal)
How To Build a Watcher: deceased Gondian - (Steel Watch foundry) 
Journal of Enver Gortash: Gortash - (Gortash’s Office)
Magical Histories: Volume 2: The Spellplague: unknown - (Sorcerous Sundries)
Memoir Notes with Recent Addenda: Gortash - (Gortash’s office)
Missive from Gortash: Gortash - (Ketheric’s room)
Missive from Ketheric: Ketheric - (Moonrise, 2nd floor)
Mistress of Souls’ Research Log: Kressa - (Mind flayer barracks)
My Gratitude: Gortash - To Peartree (Peartree basement)
Next Steps: Gortash - (Gortash’s office)
Prayer for Forgiveness: Durge - (Necrotic laboratory)
Scrapbook of Letters: Gortash/Durge - (Flymm’s Cobblers)
Special Operations - Infernal Arms: Uktar - 
Studies of the Elder Brains: Gortash/Yanthus - (Gortash’s Office)
Suspended Ceremorphosis: Gortash/Yanthus - (Tadpoling center)
Test Mission with Gortash: Durge - (Temple of Bhaal)
The Astral Prism Heist: Gortash - (Gortash’s office)
The Dukes of Baldur’s Gate: unknown - (Baldur’s Mouth/Peartree’s house)
The Grand Design: Gortash/Yanthus - (Mind flayer colony)
The True Life of ‘Lord’ Gortash: a skeleton - (Wyrm’s Rock Prison)
The Ultimate State: Gortash - (Gortash’s office/Flymm’s Cobblers)
*an in-game contradiction between Gortash and Durge. See: ‘Test Mission with Gortash’ and ‘Memoir Notes with Recent Addenda’. I’ve placed it after, but there’s also a legitimate argument to be made that Gortash and Durge met and became allies much earlier, possibly around the same time as Gortash’s betrayal of Karlach
Additionally, the House of Wonders (church/workshop) and the Hall of Wonders (museum) are two different buildings in the Upper City. Durge writes that the Hall is their target, while Gortash writes that the House is their target. It is my opinion that they hit both locations.
**no link cuz the bg3.wiki doesn’t have it??
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Today's dialogue file exploration! Summon lines for all of your allies in the final battle!
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Summoning: Balm of the Moonmaiden (Isobel)
ASTARION: Isobel! A little healing magic, if you please. LAE'ZEL: Isobel, we're in need of your talents. GALE: Isobel - some healing, if you please. SHADOWHEART: Isobel - now's your chance! WYLL: Some healing, if you please. KARLACH: Hey, Isobel! Can the Moonmaiden perk us up? JAHEIRA: Time to save our skin again, Isobel! HALSIN: Isobel - lend us your healing touch! TAV/DURGE: Isobel! We need healing!
Summoning: Battle-Ready Owlbear
ASTARION: Get out here, cub! It's time to finally earn your keep. LAE'ZEL: Bare your claws, cub! GALE: My owlbear friend. Time for some of your fabled ferocity. SHADOWHEART: Owlbear, show them your claws! SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): Owlbear cub, let's test that armour of yours! WYLL: Let's see what the cub can do! KARLACH: Here, owly cubby cubby. KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): Bare your beak, owlbear! JAHEIRA: Come, cub - show them how you've grown! HALSIN: Young owlbear, show us your fury! TAV/DURGE: Time to bite, my owlbear friend!
Summoning: Black Fist Enforcers (Zhentarim/Roah Moonglow)
ASTARION: Zhentarim! It's time to step out of the shadows. LAE'ZEL: Zhentarim, show yourselves. GALE: It's time the Zhentarim earned their keep. Join me, Roah! SHADOWHEART: Zhentarim! To arms! WYLL: Come on, Zhentarim. Make yourselves useful. KARLACH: Zhentarim! Make yourselves useful! JAHEIRA: Come then, Zhent - earn your pay! HALSIN: Zhentarim! To battle! TAV/DURGE: Zhentarim! To arms!
Summoning: Florrick's Cohort
ASTARION: Florrick! Get out here, Counsellor! LAE'ZEL: Florrick - it's now or never! GALE: Counsellor Florrick - Baldur's Gate requires your protection once more. SHADOWHEART: Florrick, help us! WYLL: Now's the time, Counsellor Florrick! KARLACH: Florrick! Bring the Flaming Fist to my aid! JAHEIRA: If you would be so kind, Counsellor! HALSIN: Florrick - I need your aid! TAV/DURGE: Florrick, where in the hells are you?
Summoning: Guildmaster Keene's Fixers
ASTARION: We need you, Lady Keene! Time to honour your debt. LAE'ZEL: Lady Keene - your fighters! NOW. GALE: A favour given is a favour owed. Lady Keene - time to repay your debt. SHADOWHEART: Don't stand on ceremony, Lady Keene. We need you! WYLL: All right, Lady Keene. Send them in! KARLACH: Lady Keene - get in here! JAHEIRA: Oh Astele? Send in your ladies, would you? HALSIN: Lady Keene, we need you in this fight. TAV/DURGE: Lady Keene - we need your people. NOW.
Summoning: Gur Huntwardens
ASTARION: All right, let's see how the Gur fare against this. LAE'ZEL: Ulma, call in your hunters! GALE: Ulma - I need the Gur's strength. Join me! GALE (MIND FLAYER): Ulma. Your Gur hunters will turn this tide. SHADOWHEART: Gur hunters, aid us! SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): Gur hunters, attack! WYLL: Ulma? Call in your hunters - we've found their prey. KARLACH: Get in here, Ulma! We need your Gur hunters! KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): Ulma - we require your hunters! JAHEIRA: Ulma - we need your hunters! HALSIN: Gur hunters, come to our aid! MINTHARA: At our command, Gur. MINSC: Noble Gur, heed my hamster's call! TAV/DURGE: Ulma, gather your hunters! It's time to slay some monsters.
Summoning: Hellrider Platoon (Zevlor)
ASTARION: Zevlor! Tieflings! Now's your time. ASTARION (MIND FLAYER): Zevlor, dear, this is your cue! LAE'ZEL: Tiefling warriors, show your might. GALE: Zevlor! War summons you once again. Show me how you answer. SHADOWHEART: Tiefling veterans - put your skills to use! SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): Tiefling veterans - put your experience to work! WYLL: Tieflings, to arms! KARLACH: May this be your last battle, my friends! KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): Fight your last battle, friends! JAHEIRA: Zevlor - you are needed! HALSIN: Veterans - join the fray! TAV/DURGE: Veterans of the Hells - to arms!
Summoning: Hellstalker Yurgir
ASTARION: Yurgir, be a darling and lend a hand! LAE'ZEL: Yurgir - to battle! GALE: Yurgir! I need an orthon's might in this battle. SHADOWHEART: Come, Yurgir. The hunt awaits. SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): Yurgir, time to hunt! WYLL: Yurgir, unleash the Hells' fires! KARLACH: Get in here, you big devil you! KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): Yurgir - make use of yourself! JAHEIRA: Heel, hellhound! HALSIN: Yurgir, to the hunt! MINTHARA: Yurgir! Today, we hunt a Netherbrain. Join us! MINSC: Hound of hell! Boo calls, so come and serve a true hunter! TAV/DURGE: Yurgir - lend your strength! TAV/DURGE (MIND FLAYER): Orthon - with me!
Summoning: Ironhand Grenadiers
ASTARION: Ironhands! Let's see if gnomes are actually good for something. LAE'ZEL: Ironhands - alight! GALE: A blast of Ironhand ingenuity will turn this tide. To me! SHADOWHEART: Blast away, Ironhands! WYLL: Blast away, Ironhands! KARLACH: Ironhand Gnomes, time to make it rain fire! JAHEIRA: Show the Absolute some Ironhand engineering! HALSIN: Grenadiers - unleash your bombardment! TAV/DURGE: Bombs away!
Summoning: Mizora, Agent of Avernus
ASTARION: Mizora! Bring down hellsfire! LAE'ZEL: It's your move, Mizora! GALE: Mizora. It's time these creatures paid a devil their dues. SHADOWHEART: Mizora, we need you! WYLL: Time to make good, Mizora! KARLACH: Mizora, show your ugly face! JAHEIRA: Come and break a nail, Mizora! HALSIN: Mizora, aid us! TAV/DURGE: Time to do your part, Mizora!
Summoning: Retinue of the Vampire Lord (Ascended Astarion)
ASTARION: Come, my unholy minions - fight for your master! LAE'ZEL: Awaken your undead servants, Astarion! GALE: Lord Astarion, the armies of the undying must join this fight. SHADOWHEART: Astarion, call forth your army of the dead! SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): Astarion - send forth your army of the dead! WYLL: Astarion, bring in your undead! KARLACH: All right, fangs - it's all you! KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): Astarion, unleash the dead! JAHEIRA: Come then, Astarion - introduce us to your new friends! HALSIN: Astarion, bring forth your undead warriors! MINTHARA: Lord Astarion, unleash your nocturnal servants! MINSC: Astarion! Summon your pale and scrawny fellows! TAV/DURGE: It's time, Astarion - we need the dead on our side!
Summoning: Rolan's Firestorm
ASTARION: All right, Rolan. Let's see if your powers match your ego. LAE'ZEL: Where is that wizard? Rolan, to the fray! GALE: Rolan! Unleash fire from the heavens. SHADOWHEART: Rolan - bring down fire from above! SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): Rolan - unleash fire from above. WYLL: Come on, Rolan. Show off that magic of yours! KARLACH: Bombs away, Rolan! KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): Rolan - fire up that artillery! JAHEIRA: Time to make yourself useful, little wizard! HALSIN: Rolan, let loose your barrage. Rain down fire! TAV/DURGE: Rolan - bring the fire. NOW!
Summoning: Silver Harp Squadron (Harpers)
ASTARION: To me, Harpers! For Baldur's Gate! LAE'ZEL: Harpers - weapons ready! GALE: Harpers, stand with me. We defeat this evil together. SHADOWHEART: Harpers - attack! WYLL: Harpers? Out of the shadows. KARLACH: Those Who Harp, let's kick evil's arse! JAHEIRA: Harpers! For the fallen! HALSIN: Harpers - to me! TAV/DURGE: Harpers - now is the time!
Summoning: Sword of the Silverlight (Dame Aylin)
ASTARION: Dame Aylin? It's your time to shine! LAE'ZEL: Come, Dame Aylin. It's your time! GALE: Dame Aylin. Your light must shatter this darkness. SHADOWHEART: Now's your chance, Dame Aylin. WYLL: Daughter of Selûne, show me what you can do! KARLACH: All right, Dame Aylin! Time to tear these rats a new one. JAHEIRA: Dame Aylin - there are some here who don't yet fear your name! HALSIN: Dame Aylin will surely aid us. The Moonmaiden's very own daughter knows our cause is just. MINTHARA: Aylin! Bring your righteous fury to bear. MINSC: DAME AYLIN! WE HAVE NEED OF HEAVEN'S BOOT! TAV/DURGE: Dame Aylin! Lend me your sword!
Summoning: Veil of the Weird (Auntie Ethel)
ASTARION: Auntie Ethel? Be a dear and help, won't you? LAE'ZEL: Auntie Ethel, it's time you got up to your old tricks. GALE: Ethel - to me. It's time you made good on our arrangement. SHADOWHEART: Ethel, show them what you're made of! WYLL: Time you made good on your bargain, hag. KARLACH: All right, Ethel, show us what a hag can really do! JAHEIRA: Be a dear and come when you are called, Auntie. HALSIN: Time to put your trickery to good use, hag. TAV/DURGE: Auntie Ethel - it's time to hold up your end of our bargain!
Summoning: The Watch (Valeria)
ASTARION: Guards, come quick! Gods, that felt wrong. LAE'ZEL: I call for the City Watch! GALE: Baldur's Gate trembles. City Watch, come to her aid. SHADOWHEART: City Watch - reclaim your home! SHADOWHEART (MIND FLAYER): City Watch - fight for your homes! WYLL: City Watch, shake the ground! KARLACH: City Watch! Show us what Baldur's Gate is made of. KARLACH (MIND FLAYER): City Watch! Make Baldur's Gate proud. JAHEIRA: Where ever are the City Watch when you need them? HALSIN: City Watch! Defend your home! TAV/DURGE: City Watch - into position!
BONUS: Summoning Steel Watcher (available in the dialogue files but not in game)
ASTARION: Steel Watcher - fall in! Time to join the fight. LAE'ZEL: Steel Watcher - stand with me! GALE: Steel Watch! Subdue these creatures. I command it. SHADOWHEART: Steel Watcher - forward! WYLL: Steel Watcher, into service! KARLACH: Steel Watch - cousins! Time to shine! JAHEIRA: Watcher! You were made to save the city, were you not? HALSIN: Steel Watcher - those foes are for you! TAV/DURGE: Steel Watcher - on guard!
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mademoisellegush · 1 year
Enver Gortash, né Flymm: a tentative timeline
OR: I try to make sense of whatever the fuck is up with the Dark Urge's oiliest ex-fwb
enver flymm lives with his parents, sally and dravo flymm in the lower city, cobblers for generations, etc. he tinkers a lot, "traps and mechanisms", described as "needy, foolish, wicked, demanding attention, very crafty, smart boy - too smart" "He was always a little monster. Nasty to the core. He would've torn me and Dravo apart with his whining, his demands, the never-ending racket of him!" (note: they note that they made enver feel powerless, and this would have been the inciting incident that made him feel justice= revenge and fear)
the parents owe money to The Guild, the criminal organization that basically ran Baldur's Gate behind the scenes (everyone either owing them money or getting kickback / blackmail from it)
a warlock shows up and offers money for Enver. they sell their son to said warlock.
Enver seems to have changed his name then, either the warlock doing it or him denying the flymm name?
warlock then brings Enver to the House of Hope - I assume Raphael might have been his patron? which would mean raphael wanted enver from the start. Nubaldin, who used to work in the prison of the House of Hope, calls him "a mischievous little blot of a boy, who slipped through his fingers"
at some point during his stay in the prison of the House of Hope, Enver figures out about the Crown of Karsus held in Mephistopheles' vault. he escapes the house of hope
back in faerun's plane, he starts moving against the Guild. There's a report to Nine-Fingers, Guildmaster, of "upstart smuggler Enver Gortash making inroads on the illicit arms trade in the chionthar valley", though states it's more like "annexation", replacing the Knights of the Shield and the Zhentarim. definitely had a grudge to bear against them lol
Notes that seem to be from somwhere in this period of time:
"lavender scented diary of lady wisteria jannath" where hes like. seducing this old pariar for the diamond ring worth more than her mansion.
a letter to franc, a now deceased arms dealer, where hes like being a freak about how "weapons distributions continues like a parent saving their drowning child: swimmingly" and also how he loves "any man willing to birth a little more slithering wet malice into the world"
1482 DR (for sure, from dialogue with Karlach saying it's been ten years), he's selling Karlach (who looked up to and liked him !) to Zariel in order to get the prototype for his Steel Watchers. because i think he can't be satisfied with what he actually has, he wants *everyone* to like him, through being terrified of him and his weapons.
at some point, meets with the Dark Urge and ally together. they steal the crown of karsus with halsik's help. the Absolute hoax is put into motion
they get ketheric and myrkul in on it, after the crown heist, by digging isobel up so she can get necromanced.
Gondians fit here (as the note by Vance Farnol places it)
not too long before the game (at most a year? two?), orin poisons and tadpoles the Dark Urge and goes to Ketheric and Gortash to act as Bhaal's Chosen. Dark Urge becomes a test subject chew toy for Kressa Bonedaughter at Moonrise.
gortash tadpoles his parents "months" before the game, as sally flymm states if you talk to her.
My question: when did Enver Gortash find the Emperor/Balduran and bring him back under the domination of the Elder Brain, as part of taking down the Knights of the Shield? Or when he and the Dark Urge had acquired the Crown? does anyone have a screenshot of the interrogation sequence between those two?
(note: the emperor has a devnote for the emotions the Voice Actor was supposed to express when gortash proposes an alliance thats like. Yeah he's lying but i hate his guts, and you could always betray him first)
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abigailmoment · 1 year
Astarion's hands started to move. Opening and closing. Flinching up to his chest in quick, aborted motions. Like he was trying to stop something. Starting to protect himself but but unable to complete the gesture. He made a noise. A whining complaint.
Nightmare, Tav thought. That wasn't really a surprise, given the little she knew about him. She scooted closer and reached out to shake him awake.
But then Astarion made another noise. It was so quiet Tav could barely hear it. She wouldn't have, if she hadn't moved close. It was so much softer than any sound he ever made while awake. Something halfway between a gasp and a sob. Stifled, like he was trying not to be heard.
Full text below. Full Text On AO3
It was peaceful at camp. Peaceful as it only ever was in the dark hours of night when all of the powerful personalities were asleep.
Tav was ostensibly keeping watch. And she was at least keeping the woods in her peripheral vision. An observer would think she was toying with her violin. She adjusted the strings from sharp to flat and flat to sharp. She tested the tension with her fingertips, feeling the timbre of the silent notes trapped inside. But really, that was just something to do with her hands while her mind churned over her true occupation for the night: figuring out ways to diffuse the growing tension between Shadowheart and Lae'zel.
Solving interpersonal issues like that was pretty much her entire life since the Nautoloid crash. In her free time she stumbled through a crash course in wilderness survival, desperately searched for a cure for the tadpoles, and fought all the things that wanted to kill them.
(Gods, there were so many. She was never leaving Baldur's Gate again after this.)
But her main job was keeping her companions from murdering each other or having breakdowns.
Juggling her motley crew was like juggling knives. Actually scratch that. Tav had done both and the knives were undebatably easier. Because under all the surface problems this group had, all the different cultures and different values, was a simmering tension of fear. Everyone was afraid of what they were becoming. And that fear under the natural conflicts--it was like an oil spill shining under torches. A seemingly stable situation that might explode the moment someone dropped something incendiary. Like the wrong sort of comment.
So Tav managed them. She left everyone nice at camp when she was planning to buy things from the Zhentarim. She asked Astarion to steal something on the far side of the market while she, Wyll and Karlach covertly completed some hasty heroics. She minimized how much anyone but her ever talked to Lae'zel.
Gods, Lae'zel. Was she healthy for a githyanki? Tav just didn't have the context to tell. No one else was anything approaching emotionally intact. Years in hell, amnesia, pacts with demons, and broken hearts that might explode. Tav had only just started getting to know her new brain-worm-enforced social circle and she could already tell that everyone was sitting on years, or in one case apparently centuries, of extremely fraught baggage.
Baggage which they couldn't address right now because they were all busy with the very important collective job of not dying.
Tav sighed and decided to take a break from thinking. She played with her violin a bit more, but doing that was an unsatisfying tease since she couldn't play it right now. She decided to unsatisfyingly tease herself in a different way and shifted so she could stare at Astarion.
She did that sometimes while on watch because being on watch was boring and Astarion was extremely pretty and he had set the doing-creepy-things-while-we-sleep bar of their relationship extremely low when he tried to bite her. Her gaze was more appreciative than lecherous, anyway. She was an artist, and he was like some classical painting come to life. Face of perfect, pale skin drawn in sharp, eye-catching angles.
No, not a painting, she thought. More like a sculpture. He was so still while he slept. Was that an elf thing, or a vampire thing? Either way, the stillness and his pallor made it seem a bit like he might be carved from marble. Actual artwork. And the way delicate white curls framed his features looked faintly celestial.
Ha. That effect would dispelled the second he woke.
Gods, he was beautiful. Tav wasn't going to do anything about it of course. She was already juggling knives. Adding a romantic entanglement to this situation would be like setting the knives on fire. She'd just tuck these thoughts away and tell him he looked like an angel when he slept the next time he got maudlin about mirrors. That would make him laugh and cheer him right up.
As she thought and watched Astarion the statue impression fell away. Something disturbed the stillness of his not-quite-sleep. Tav watched the edges of his mouth tugging down from peaceful blankness into a frown.
Then his hands started to move. Opening and closing. Flinching up to his chest in quick, aborted motions, like he was trying to stop something. Starting to protect himself but but unable to complete the motion. He made a noise. A whining complaint.
Nightmare, Tav thought. That wasn't really a surprise, given the little she knew about him. Tav scooted closer and reached out to shake him awake.
But then Astarion made another noise. It was so quiet Tav could barely hear it. She wouldn't have, if she hadn't moved close. It was so much softer than any sound he ever made while awake. Something halfway between a gasp and a sob. Stifled, like he was trying not to be heard.
Tav froze, barely an inch away from him. Shit. She couldn't wake him up, she realized. She absolutely couldn't wake him up.
Astarion tossed his past around like caltrops, peppering conversations with horrific details, daring her to pity him. Tav knew a thing or five about emotional manipulation, it's why she ended up managing most groups she fell in with, but before Astarion she'd never met someone who tried to demand sympathy at knife-point. Even more novel, and somewhat impressive, he actually sort of made it work.
But when he talked about his past, it was on his terms. They were only just starting to be anything more than strangers, and she already understood--that was important. It was something to do with control. Everything she learned about him had to be on his terms.
So if he knew she'd seen this, if he knew she'd stumbled in on this moment of vulnerability, if he ever guessed she heard him make that sound. It would be like a betrayal.
He'd resent. Retract. It would shatter the easy rapport she was working so hard to build with him. It wouldn't matter that this was an accident. Stray cats don't care if it was accidental when you clip them with your boot in the dark. It's as good as a kick and they never, ever trust you again.
She'd just...leave it be. Tav scuttled back from him, quietly as she could. She resolutely turned to scan the dark treeline. She was keeping watch. She was a good party member, keeping everyone safe in this thoroughly unremarkable night where nothing at all was happening. Her companions' dreams were their own business.
She listened to crickets singing. She listened to the wind sighing. She listened to the branches of the trees brush against each other as the wind played its primal sort of music with them. She listened to Astarion make another barely-there noise. A whimper that threaded on and on.
He sounded like he was actively being hurt.
Tav clenched her hands and then sat on them. She lectured herself sternly in her head. She couldn't go wake him up. She was good at reading people and all her instincts told her that would be a mistake. Even beyond how much it could fuck up their relationship, it could fuck up his coping strategies, which involved a lot of feigned indifference and pretending awful things were funny. It was hard to feign indifference when you got caught crying in your sleep. They had a temple full of traps and goblins to go through tomorrow. If her rogue was off his game it might kill someone.
The worst thing about this, she thought as she listened, was that it sounded like Astarion was trying to be in pain quietly. Trying not to draw attention to himself. Which felt very wrong. What made him do that, instinctively, while he slept?
The whimpering finally trailed off, or at least quieted the the point of being drowned out by forest sounds. That was a relief for a moment, but then Tav found she hated the silence more. It meant she didn't know what was going on. She managed to watch the treeline and pretend that everything was fine for maybe a minute. Then she gave up, turned around and checked on him.
Astarion had rolled onto his side, half off of his bedroll. His face was taught and somehow even more pale than usual. His shoulders were hunched. Like maybe his back was hurting him? His hands still moved, but the movements had lost focus. He no longer tried to ward off whatever was happening in his mind. He just twitched.
Tav got up. Being here felt like an invasion of his privacy and was also unbearable. She'd go on a patrol around the camp. By the time she got back he'd be out of this. He'd have to be. A nightmare couldn't last that long, she told herself.
She stowed her violin and had just finished belting on her rapier when she heard Astarion speak. For a moment she thought he might have roused himself, but no. His voice was vague and slurred with sleep, so much she could only clearly make out the last word:
It was his tone that made her stop in her tracks. Astarion sounded so completely hopeless. Like the word was a perfunctory gesture. Like he knew begging wouldn't help, but he was driven to it by whatever was happening to him. Because there was nothing else to do.
Tav covered her face with her hands. She was having a lot of feelings. Most of them revolved around finding out who Astarion was talking to, in his dream, and arranging their gruesome murder. But that was a long term project. It wasn't relevant right now. She took a deep breath.
When she uncovered her face she had shifted into a different mindset. It was her problem-solving mindset. For when she needed to think fast and act precisely. For when she needed to micromanage her team to the point of shouting orders every six seconds. A mindset for when something was very wrong and needed to be attended to urgently. Like a burning building. Or an owlbear attack. Or this.
This was a problem. She would solve it. She spent all day finding creative solutions to terrible problems. She just needed to find the sneaking-past-the-lookouts-and-convincing-the-guards-you-were-supposed-to-be-here-because-the-lookouts-let-you-through solution to this emotional goblin ambush.
Begin by brainstorming. Consider the limitations: Couldn't wake him up. For stated reasons. Couldn't leave him to the nightmare. That idea was unconscionable.
Could she change the dream? Maybe tadpole brain-jump into Astarion's head and interfere with what was happening? That was fraught. On multiple levels. Call that plan C.
Maybe she could incidentally wake him? Sound a fake alarm. Adrenaline was good for clearing the head and shaking off nightmares. But...no. That would wake everyone else, and she didn't want to have to juggle everyone else.
She liked the idea of trying to interfere with his dream. She circled back to that. Could she do that without the tadpole? His responses were so visceral, she'd bet this was as much memory as it was dream. Could she subtly oust it? Change the context? Background music could dramatically change a scene--why not a dream? What's something that would be incompatible with his past? Something that he couldn't possibly have felt back when this happened to him?
She didn't know enough about his past. Vampires then. What can't vampires experience?
Running water. Dousing Astarion with water would wake him up. Not helpful.
Food? She couldn't feed him while he was asleep, and she wasn't even sure about that one.
Sunlight. That held promise. He loved the light. Turned to it like a sunflower every morning. But it was night right now.
But wait. She could fix that.
Tav took action. The thinking had taken no time at all--it never did when she was in this mindset. She hustled over to Gale's tent. He was a deep, slightly snore-y sleeper and didn't even stir. She rifled through his things. She'd given him the scrolls of they'd found in the secret laboratory, two days ago. And if she remembered right...ah! There it was. Parchment marked with a blue, starburst circle at the top. A scroll of Daylight. The power to enchant an object so that it shone with true sunlight.
Tav winced when she saw the complicated casting instructions. This was a little over her skill level. But it's not like she needed the full, shadow-monster-obliterating power of dawn. She just needed a handful of morning. She bet she could coax something out of it.
Gale had a dark-crystal ball that felt like it would be a good target. It was round like the sun, which felt right. And it wasn't too big. Tav rolled out the scroll of Daylight on the ground in front of her. She started going through the motions of the spell. Arms crossed, then sliding along each other until the backs of her hands pressed together. Then flip so her palms were together. She whispered the incantations as she pulled her palms slowly apart and felt the shiver of magic and light prickle into being between her fingers.
Halfway through the incantation Tav hit some symbols she didn't quite know how to pronounce. She just kind of hummed her way through them. The light in her hands flickered and dimmed, but she whistled a coaxing tune and it didn't quite go out. She leaned forward to press the light into the dark glass of the crystal ball.
There was a silent flare as the glass went from murky black to white. It cast a warm, pure light over Tav and Gale's tent. Even shoddily performed, the daylight was a stark contrast to the night. Tav grabbed a nearby basket, upended it in a shower of spell components, and stuffed it over the crystal ball, muting the light from afternoon to twilight.
She glanced over at the tent. She heard Gale snuffle a few times, but he didn't stir more than that. Gods bless wizards and their chronic lack of situational awareness.
Tav picked up the basket of daylight, holding it against her chest as she hustled back to Astarion.
He was entirely curled in on himself. Legs drawn up, arms folded against his chest. His face was buried in his hands, so Tav couldn't see his expression, but she could hear his teeth grinding together, clacking as molars hit long canines. Sometimes his shoulders jerked. Not flinches. More like spasms. Fucking Hells. What in the planes was he remembering?
Tav lay the basket down in front of him and drew the lip of it up so that the light crept out, spreading over the sleeping vampire. A very small dawn, just for one person.
The twitching tension did not dissipate immediately, but Astarion's hands flexed slightly away from his face. His head tilted, quizzical. Like someone listening to a new refrain in a song they thought they knew by heart. Not quite sure what it meant. Not trusting it.
Confusion was leagues better than suffering, and Tav would happily call this a success if she managed to bewilder him out of his nightmare. She lifted the basket a little more. The poorly-cast daylight spell had stabilized at gloaming dim, but the light was still sunlight. Clear and clean in that ineffable way. Astarion sighed. He seemed to be relaxing just a bit. His fingers flexed.
Then his hands shot out, rogue quick, and snatched the bauble of sun out from under the basket. The motion was so fast, Tav almost missed it in a blink. One moment the crystal ball was in her basket, the next Astarion had it cradled in his arms, clutched tightly, like the realm's strangest teddy bear.
Tav almost laughed, but stopped herself. Astarion's shoulders were relaxing more and the spasms had stopped, thank the gods. And while it was out of the basket, the way he curled around the crystal kept it from shining on anyone else. Greedy man.
Tav was filled with the deep and absurd desire to pet his head. Run her fingers very gently through his hair in soothing motions. Not now. Maybe someday. Maybe...she would reconsider her policy about juggling fire.
For now she settled back down. She had the woods in her peripheral vision again and new things to think about. Like taxing her bardic knowledge for insight about how vampires. Their culture. Their weaknesses. And how she might go about utterly destroying whoever Astarion had been dreaming about.
*** Next chapter >
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voloslobotomyservice · 6 months
thank you @necroticyuzu for the tag! 💫 and thank you everyone who participated in my poll! I love talking about my little Tavs and I can’t stop making them so I’m always down to be tagged in these sorta things!
no pressure tags: @beesht @grandmother-goblin @auspex-author (yk I’m always down for Shior lore)
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Name: Saoirse Nic’Phaid
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: mostly straight (but she’s working on defining it)
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Family: A complicated conversation. Older human father who’s unable to work, younger wood elf mother who abandons the family often, and an older brother Arthur who was tragically murdered five years before the events of BG3 took place.
Birthplace: Lower City of Baldur’s Gate.
Job: Criminal, I suppose? She doesn’t really have a traditional job. Instead, she’s spent most of her life stealing and then selling items to make a living. It even brought in more money than Arthur was making when he was alive and working.
Phobia: Thalassaphobia. She never learned how to swim.
Guilty Pleasure: Hooking up with problematic men. They oh-so-bad but oh-so-good in bed. Her own ex-boyfriend was a member of the Zhentarim, after all.
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Alignment: Neutral Evil - rather selfish in her actions, yet will help others who are similar her.
Sins: Theft. Lots of it. Jealousy, coveting what others may have knowing she could never have it. Will usually say whatever pops in her head without thinking it through first, which gets her in trouble. Can be very self-centered in different situations (ex. she refused to take poison from Nettie at the Grove after she didn’t help the party cure their tadpole)
Virtues: Loyal to those she loves, almost to a fault. When able to, very much a “steal from the rich to give to the poor” type. Believes honesty is the best policy (unless your life is at risk, then lying to save yourself is acceptable). Family is also very important to her, especially her father, and she tried to make sure he had well over a years worth of gold before going on the run.
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Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert - Likes to be social but also enjoys time to herself. Tries to keep a healthy balance of both.
Organized/Disorganized - in some aspects of her life, at least. When it comes to her money, she’s very organized.
Close Minded/Open Minded - No defining reason. She just is.
Calm/Anxious/Restless - Being on the run for a crime she may (or may not) have committed, she is constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure she and her companions are safe (but mostly her).
Disagreeable/Agreeable - That is, if you see eye to eye with her.
Cautious/Reckless/In Between - After the loss of her brother, she was very reckless in her crimes and overall behavior, but she has calmed down a bit. She will still do risky things for the fun of it, though.
Patient/Impatient/In Between - Do not test her.
Outspoken/Reserved - Almost too outspoken for her own good.
Leader/Follower/Flexible - Because she’s very headstrong, she easily fell into the leader position of the party.
Empathetic/Unemphathetic - To those that are like her: who’ve struggled, who understand how hard life can be. Won’t listen to the sob story of some upper class elitist.
Traditional/Modern/In Between
Hardworking/Lazy - But hardworking in the way that she’s taking from others… yeah I don’t like to think about the logistics of it too much.
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OTP: Don’t hate me. But. Saoirse is absolutely crushing on Aradin, despite how much of an ass he is. She thinks she can fix him. Maybe she can.
Other Ships: Hooks up with Rugan after rescuing him from the gnolls, which leads to an interesting throuple dynamic when they’re all in Baldur’s Gate.
BroTP: Surprisingly, she and Lae’zel get along swimmingly. Maybe it’s because they have similar personalities. She and Astarion also gossip about the drama between their camp companions, as well as tease each other over their romantic pursuits. Also apparently she and Shadowheart get along very well!
NoTP: Gale annoys her, but she also sees him as a powerful ally and a good companion. Thoroughly rejects any of his advances.
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brekkie-e · 1 year
yo! i dunno if you've made a post on this before, but i'd be interested to hear details about epione (+ any other tavs)! what's her story? what's she like?
Hey, yes, hi, hello! This is one of those questions that I crave to be asked constantly but also fear all who do will come to regret. I can not be normal about my kids. Especially Epi. She’s my little creature and I cry about her a lot. Thank you so much for asking, and I apologize for the wait!
I do plan on making a more in depth introduction post at some point, so if you like her that’s on the way.
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Epione! Far more commonly known as Epi though.
She is a grown up urchin, still trying to find her place in the world. Life has been testing her from the day she was born. Started out in a orphanage that didn’t treat her kindly. Ran away when she was seven to the Lower City, where she promptly met what would become her Mol. Her and her bosom companion, Vestia, grew up alongside eachother in a pick pocket crew and when they hit their teens started a chaotic ride or die relationship. It ended in tragedy when Vestia’s ambition and selfishness found her doing jobs for the Zhentarim as Epi began trying to “go straight” and work her way to a normal life. Vestia agreed to make the attempt, but continued doing jobs behind Epi’s back. When she found out and tried to confront her, shit hit the fan at the wrong time. Flaming Fist made an appearance, and Epi took the fall for the job Vestia was running for the Zhent- spending the next 80 years in prison for it while Vestia climbed the ranks of the Zhentarim and ended up one of their top dogs by the time of the game.
Epi got out of prison about 6 months to a year before the game starts. She found a job as a carriage driver, and essentially plays the role of a chatty cab driver. I do not know for a fact if that is lore compliant due to the animal ban in BG, but we see carts around all parts of the city in the game and it’s an important headcanon for me that I’m too attached to so it stays. It’s one of the reasons she has 3 levels in bard. She has no training but she is a chronic story teller. She has a shitty apartment, few long term friends, and a burning desire to make something of herself that is more than what people see. Above all else, she is a survivor and a hard worker.
Oh and like. As a minor, only slightly important bit- she’s also a cambion. A long lost daughter of Mephistopholees to be exact. One of seven cambion children he had with divine soul sorcerers to aquire enough divine energy to usurp Azmodeus to be exact. Her older brother was sent to fetch her when she was born, and was pissed at his dad so conveniently misplaced her at the orphanage. They cropped her wings in a bit of anti-tiefling sentiment (tieflings can technically be born with wings too so nobody suspected she was a cambion from the start.) So Epi does not find out about her heritage until early Act 3 of BG3 because of Raphael. Yes, he found her alliance with Astarion incredibly humorous because neither knew they were the run away missing ingredient in a plot Mephistopholees was trying to pull. I want to note, this was a plot I came up with in 2020/2021 so finding out Astarion’s infernal pact info was INSANE playing it real time.
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She will be getting her wings back courtesy of Raphael in Act 3, and it will be a bit of an ugly transition with a dash of identity crisis.
ALSO she’s supposed to be a lighter pink than shown in some screenshots. Her original colors were removed in the full release so sometimes she’s got a hot pink look to her when it’s really supposed to be a bit more pastel. She’s actually pretty insecure about being so pink, she feels like people don’t take her seriously because of it. It makes life difficult for Astarion when he wants to put her in nice clothes. She hates stuff that draw attention to her.
General info:
Age: 226
Class: 9 levels of wild magic sorcery (headcanoned to be infernal but unstable cause she’s got no training) and 3 of lore bard so CUTTING WORDS
Romance: slow burn rivals to lovers with Astarion
She has a mouse/rat companion named Todd that has had it’s lifespan unnaturally extended by her magic
Epione is technically a part of a custom party that has many more Tav’s in it which I will put much more briefly under the cut 💖
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It says Brendan, but it’s a cover name. This is the human form of Jehvka, which is Epi’s older brother. He’s always kept an eye out for her where he could from a distance, and tries to infiltrate the Mindflayer ship to save her. Unfortunately he gets stuck in the same situation and has to play along. It’s nice for him though cause he actually gets to know her and befriend her, but it sucks cause he gets deeper and deeper into the lie about who he is. He’s a very witty devil may care type. Comes off like the big scary brooding guy, but does it intentionally to throw people off gaurd when he gives a big smile and hits them with a pun. Romances Gale. Winds him up by playing dumb during his info dumps and pretending he’s never heard of basic things like “the weave.”
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Mizzyrm. She’s going to be the other half of Lae’zel’s evil cultish culture duo. Wizard from Menzoberazzan who channel’s her “evilness” in to extensive research. Which is so important she finds herself hardly leaving her lair, and thus is spared from having to attent soirée’s where no less than 3 murders will occur and everyone is mean to eachother. She is shaped by her culture, and definitely has a dark side because of it. Her research is primarily about how to magically hurt people faster. But she’s got a softness in her that makes her just kind of retreat from her peers when she can get away with it. Basically an evil introvert. When she get’s to the surface, it isn’t going to take her long to warm up to the idea that maybe there’s a different way to live. But she gravitates to Lae’zel because it’s familiar and a dynamic she understands. Also she thinks her mom would approve.
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TYPHON. My head empty no thoughts but “do you think lifting this boulder over my head will impress the babes?” Dark Urge boy. He’s going to be the fun stabilizer of the group who encourages everyone to work together. Probably unironically makes people do group huddles and say “go team” before getting into battles. Invented the “bhaal-tap” locker room maneuver. Is sufficiently horrified by his dark urges, his mantra about it is “be cool, man just be cool.” He will likely get a little more serious on a narrative level, but he will not stray far from his Ken roots.
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Anathema 2.0
Repressed Rich Virgin Syndrome has taken a devestating toll on her. She is the daughter of patriars who simply don’t have time to raise kids, so she was raised by a very religious nanny and then sent to a convent for a while. She’s only recently been brought home due to a politically advantageous betrothal. She doesn’t have much of an opinion about it because she doesn’t have a lot of opinions about anything. Other people tell her what to do and think. She’s insufferably naive and ignorant and rich. She’s going to turn red with embarrassment and mortification every time Karlach says fuck in her general viscinity, because she has literally never heard a swear word prior to meeting her. Yes, Karlach is going to teach her how to be her own person and be rebellious and think for herself. Yes they are going to elope. No it won’t be until after Gortash causes mayhem and drama.
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BONUS PICTURE: VESTIA. My toxic queen. Stay awful, my love. She’s the kind of character that is there narratively to cause problems but you feel bad about it because you know she deserves growth and good things too, but her entire point is to be an example of what happens when you DON’T grow and just get worse. Astarion wants to see his reflection so bad, this is it. A warning sign not to ascend cause it will leave you lonely in the end.
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
i just test drove my endgame plan for Petyr's build on Minsc in my "current", Iona playthrough.
well, uh.....
he may have joined the party all of one day ago, but the way he just carried us is VERY on brand for such a warrior of legend.
the fight in the Guild Hall took two rounds total. We took no damage whatsoever. And the only person we lost was the bodyguard that was standing in front of the Zhentarim fighter, nothing really that we could have done for her.
yeah, i feel like it's fair to say that this build is... viable lol.
(it's 5 levels of gloomstalker ranger, 3 levels of thief rogue, and 4 levels of battlemaster fighter, dual-wielding hand crossbows. it's.... kind of really OP. I felt actually bad for bullying the Zhents like this.)
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detectiveneve · 1 year
2, 3, and 5 under general for companion!emrys?also 12 for story-specific and 7 for romance if thats not too many fndhsh. i am so so curious, i adore emrys so much
tav as companion asks! thank you so much!!! reading about TAV was such a delight and. well. I kind of went off the rails in here, but I had fun, SO. thank YOU. <3
5. Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
-Slaughtering the tieflings at the Grove on purpose (if Arabella dies, she wants to fight Kagha & the druids right then and there, so there's... uhh. leeway here. for druid murder. sadly.) -Killing Isobel or Aylin outright and then doubling down on it, due to what happens to the whole inn (insert wild essay about the dark urge in here), and not by accident or circumstance + not without remorse.
and she won't leave, but disapproval for letting the hag keep mayrina or ditching the grove to be overrun or letting the tieflings be ousted by the druids, harming any of the tiefing kids, unnecessary cruelty toward victims or those weaker than you, generally dislikes conning it up with the zhentarim in act 1 (doesn't mind killing them.....), betraying another companion (so turning over astarion to the gur hunter, or karlach over to wyll, she would Not like that shit.) overall, being forthright with her and honest + be firm and resolute in your beliefs, even if she doesn't agree with you, will win her respect fastest. she's fairly, uhh. Violent? so she guns for smite first, think second, and over the course of the game she calms down more. act 1 she's like "and then I started smiting" at every other turn.
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin? How is Orin's deception revealed? How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
See I fucking LOVE this concept & I wish that orin would've taken your highest approval or RO companion ... it would've added so much more tension. Anyways, yes, of course, and her Orin Scene is her leveling a sword either at the player if they've been more ambiguous, or at another companion, stating that her oath demands they all die for what they've done, getting more and more vividly disgusted until of course. Orin mocks her ruthlessly for her oath-keeping. after everything that happens, emrys experiences a lot of internal shame & personal disgust for being taken, for being too weak to stop her; it weighs heavily. orin is someone she really, really wanted to strike down.
and I took the rest for ridiculous dialogue testing so... woe, DIALOGUE be upon ye.
7. What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test?
what is her most prized possession?
her sword -- Emrys grunts, looking askance. "Fair enough." but she's clearly not pleased.
her hair -- She runs a hand over her bound red curls, tied at the nape of her neck. "Was thinkin' of cutting it off, actually. Think that answers that question." and she rolls her eyes.
she doesn't have one -- Emrys chuckles softly, nodding. "Aye. No point in gettin' hung up on nonsense like that. Anything can be replaced."
2. where does she feel safest?
in a temple, praying -- Emrys shifts uncomfortably, looking away. No answer. She doesn't want to say no.
when she's impervious to most forms of physical attack -- A hard snort, and she shakes her head. "'s not wrong. 's not right either, though."
when she's alone -- A pause, then she slowly nods, "but I like bein' with you too. Sometimes." she gruffs out, though a small smile sits on her face.
3. what does emrys care for most?
tyr, of course. -- "Be praised." But there's a strain to her words and a flinch in her face.
saving squirrels in trees -- "Is that some kind of joke?" Emrys scowls a little, words biting, her voice losing its usual monotonous level.
protecting others. though sometimes she forgets herself. -- "I remember you." A soft, firm answer, tone low and warm.
3. Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
[ON RECRUITING ASTARION] hmm.... (long pause). 's your neck alright? that was a nasty trick he pulled. don't worry, I'll watch your back around the lad.
[ON RECRUITING GALE] haven't been around many wizards... do you think he'd-- no, never mind. (<- she was thinking about getting "fly" cast on her.)
[ON RECRUITING SHADOWHEART] shadowheart... 'bout as forthright as you'd expect with a name like that, huh. lovely, though.
[ON RECRUITING WYLL] the blade of frontiers, eh? heard of him. be interesting to see him in action.
[ON RECRUITING KARLACH] karlach’s got the kind of strength I could only hope for one day. glad she’s on our side.
[ON RECRUITING LAE'ZEL] I've never met a gith before... I've read of 'em, though. you think she'd mind if I asked her a few questions?
[ON RECRUITING HALSIN] Hm. (<- disapproving silence.) I only hope he left the grove in capable hands. abandoning post like that.... (she rolls her eyes, shakes her head; nothing else to say on that.)
[ON RECRUITING MINTHARA, without grove murder, ideal world] you ever think-- y'know, we've put down a lot of those absolutists... wonder if they'd all feel like she did if they had our--immunity, or what have you.
2. Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
sorry I saw my chance to be REALLY insufferable & test some dialogue voices in the process. woe, DIALOGUE be upon ye.
ASTARION: we've picked up a paladin of tyr. isn't that... quaint. so long as she keeps all of-- well, that on the other side of the camp, I'm sure we'll get along fine. EMRYS: aye. I'll contain myself if you do.
SHADOWHEART: emrys certainly seems... hm, formidable. only time will tell if that code of hers will prove more hindrance than help to us.
WYLL: it will be interesting to fight alongside tarian. she seems to know her own heart, and that's plenty admirable.
GALE: I've known a few tyrrans in my time. they tend to be rather of the stiffer variety, but at least we can trust what to expect from her, and that certainly can't be taken for granted in times like these.
KARLACH: I hope she doesn't get offended at us, y'know, offing the bastards up at the tollhouse. EMRYS: why would I get in your way? they've wronged you, most terribly, and we'll see justice done by sundown. KARLACH: oh, fuck yeah. knew there was a reason I liked you.
LAE'ZEL: the paladin's battle prowess is to be commended, if nothing else. leave her with wyll, I am sure they will get along well enough. (<- intended as an insult toward the do-gooding.)
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athalantan · 4 months
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( enable my rambling // always accepting ) @mindhallow WROTE: BARGES IN! I FINISHED THE AVATAR SERIES! how does el feel abt bhaal + bhaalspawn? 📝
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NOW THAT I'VE FINISHED THE Shadows of the Avatar trilogy and combed through BG1, I feel in a better position to answer this. I do need to finish the Avatar series, but tbh I don't think that'll change my thoughts. Interestingly, I think the best answer to this question comes from the Shandril Saga in something they said before bhaalspawn came into existence.
For context, the main protag of these books is, as the name suggests, Shandril. She has the rare and extremely powerful ability to use spellfire. This drew the attention of the Cult of the Dragon and the Zhentarim. Thus she ended up in Shadowdale to be protected by and learn from El. This exchange with the Simbul occurs after El has tested her abilities for the first time. I'm bolding certain sections for emphasis.
"Impressive, young lady," she said, "but dangerous — perhaps too dangerous. Elminster . . . all of you . . . have you thought on this? Here stands a power you may have to silence. She may have to be destroyed." There was a babble of talk and then a hush. Shandril stared, white-faced, at the archmage, but it was Elminster who moved forward to stand between them and speak. "No," said the old mage. He glared around at all on the hilltop with very old, sad eyes. "Ye," he said to The Simbul, "I, and all gathered here now, are dangerous. Should we then be destroyed out of hand because of what we might do? Nay! It is the right and the doom of all creatures who walk Faerun to do as they will; it is why we of that art frown so at those who charm often, or in frivolous cause. "Not even the gods took unto themselves the power to control ye or me so tightly that we cannot walk or speak or breathe save at another's bidding! It is their will that we may be free to do as we may. Slay a foe, sure, or defend thyself against a raider — but to strike down one who may some day menace thee? That is as monstrous as the act of the usurper who slays all babies in a land, for fear of a rightful heir someday rising against him!"
This a core philosophy of El's — always has been — and absolutely factors into their feelings on bhaalspawn. They are not ignorant of the yolk laid upon them by their father, nor are they ignorant of the prophecies surrounding them. They have studied Alaundo's prophecies thoroughly and have seen many of them play out. Nevertheless bhaalspawn are people with their own free wills. They deserve the chance to exercise that will, even if they fail in their struggle against darker forces or choose to pursue a bloodied path. From BG1:
Whatever the motives, independence is always a wise course to follow. My worry is that thy lineage is harder to escape than most. Thou hast bad blood in thee, though Gorion did what he could to teach thee well and true. Thou hast hungry blood within thee as well, and it will not let thee go without a fight. For better or worse, what’s bred in the bone will be dealt with in time. I trust thou hast the will to face what is within thee?
We have every reason to believe El was directing the Harpers who saved and found homes for many young bhaalspawn. We know for a fact they were involved with Gorion as well and advised him to leave Candlekeep with his ward shortly before the start of the game. Their goal is to give these children the best chance possible. Get them away from bhaalists, try to find them good homes, give them options other than bloodshed. It didn't always work out [gestures to Sarevok, who slipped through the cracks entirely], but an attempt was made to do right by as many as possible.
Interestingly, they said they desired to "remain neutral in this matter", but that doesn't mean they want to be uninvolved or uninvested. They are very invested and show up multiple times throughout the game lmao Rather I think they want to be able to approach the situation with a clear mind. The prophecies surrounding bhaalspawn are dire, and the demands placed upon them by their blood are even more so. Bhaalspawn deserve the freedom to choose, but El needs the clarity to intervene should their choices endanger others.
Also El doesn't believe in leading people by the nose. They'll get heavy-handed if they need to, but that's far from their first choice. Moreover, their "heavy-handedness" takes the form of cause-and-effect statements, not overtaking someone's will. "If you do this, I'll do that." The other party retains the right to choose — and to suffer the consequences. A subtle yet important distinction. But, I'm getting off topic. Point is El feels that forcing someone down the "right" path is just as wrong as forcing them down the "wrong" one. You can guide someone, advise them, teach them, set an example, but ultimately the choice between right and wrong must be theirs. Set consequences, sure, but let them choose. We see this again in BG1 where El has definite opinions on the actions of Gorion's Ward but does nothing to control them. They have to make their own choices, even if they're bad. That applies to all bhaalspawn.
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my-favourite-zhent · 8 months
New Tricks - Chapter 7
Status: Work In Progress
Version: 1.01
Pairing: Rugan x AFAB!OC
Rating: NC-17 (This chapter R)
Genre: Adventure/Romance Summary: Misadventures of Rugan and the original Zhentarim Gate's crew before and during the year of three sailing ships.
Table of Contents
Read Here on AO3 or below the cut.
New Tricks - Chapter Seven
“Everyone’s got their daggers right?” Rugan asked while double-checking his own in the side of his boot.
Both his companions nodded. They didn't usually carry their proper weapons when out of armor but it was best practice to always have something small and concealable at hand. Just in case.
Deciding it was too risky to take the main thoroughfares, the trio made their way down the side alleys in the general direction of the tavern.
It was slow going through the tight twists and turns. Checking every shadow lest they be ambushed.
“Maybe the fighting will be over by the time we get there.” Olly whispered hopefully.
“And if they've set the tavern on fire by then?” Rugan asked. “That's all our stuff you can kiss goodbye.”
“Wouldn't mind a good fight anyways.” Added Bellar. “Gets the blood pumping.”
Rugan noted that the adrenaline had already sobered Bellar up quite a bit.
After what felt like an eternity they wrapped around to the rear of the tavern. They were close enough to the main street now that they could hear the ring of steel on steel, the shouts and screams of combat. The smell of smoke was thick here and the air hazy with soot. The tavern itself was still intact but Rugan could see flames licking the roofs of the structures across the street.
Cautiously, Rugan tested the back doors and found them stuck fast.
“Locked. Probably whatever patrons that are still inside barred the doors to keep the fighting out.”
“Fat lot of good that'll do them if the place goes up.”
“Maybe we could gain entry from the second level?” Olly suggested.
Suddenly a large bundle wrapped in cloth fell at their feet. Rugan looked up to see Izzy peering down at him from the balcony.
“Did you know, you can see the smoke from this place clear to the apothecary in the Trades Ward?”
“Your things are in there.” She gestured to the bundle at his feet and Rugan hastily moved to open it. Sure enough his jerkin, crossbow and shortsword were there.
“I wasn't sure if that was everything.” She called out hesitantly.
“No, this is perfect, Iz. My thanks.” He beamed up at her and she returned a heartfelt smile.
She turned to address the others as Rugan scrambled to put on his kit. “If you two can tell me where to find your rooms I can grab your things too.”
“Let a stranger rifle through my things? Guess again love.”
“Fair enough.” Isolde slid herself over the rail before sliding down one of the beams that supported the balcony.
Reaching down she twisted a ring off her left hand and held it out to Bellar. The ring was copper in colour and shaped to imitate a braided rope.
“You can climb up there yourself pretty easily with this-” She pulled it back as Bellar reached forward. “but I expect it back as soon as you're done.”
“Give it here.” He replied impatiently and Isolde placed the ring in his palm. Bellar examined it, rolling it between his finger tips. “This is a ring of climbing.”
“So that's how you scaled the tower.” Rugan chuckled as he continued buckling the straps of his armor.
“Useful tool in my line of work.”
Bellar proffered the ring to Olly but he waved his hand. 
“I’m fine, it's not so high.” And with that he began scrambling up the wooden planks of the tavern's outer wall. He easily mounted onto the ledge of a second story window and from there leapt, grabbing the lip of the balcony before hoisting himself up and over.
“He's a rather good climber isn't he?” Izzy stood in awe.
“Even with the ring I don't know that I want to attempt that particular manoeuvre.” Bellar agreed.
Luckily Olly was already securing a rope to the balcony rail. He tossed the other end over the side.
“Oy. Where the hells were you keeping this?” Bellar asked as he grabbed the rope.
“In my pocket?” Olly wrinkled his brow in confusion. “It's not a very long bit.”
Bellar scaled the wall and climbed over the rail onto the balcony before turning back to Rugan. “We hopping into it once we've all got our kits?”
Rugan sighed. “Seems you've already set your mind to it.”
Bellar grinned. “Well we've got to look after the family.”
“You called the locals sullen.” Rugan's voice rising with annoyance.
“Well maybe they'll be less sullen after we help.” 
“Family first.” Agreed Olly, stepping out of the doorway back onto the balcony. He was already in his leathers, bow strung and at the ready.
“When did you?” Bellar was momentarily stunned before hurrying inside, muttering something about not being the last one out.
“I'm gonna check the windows on the north side, see if I can get a vantage.” With that Olly slipped back inside.
Rugan turned to Izzy. “You should get out of here, lass.”
She made to argue and Rugan held up his hands to stop her. “Look, I know you're not a fighter. I appreciate your help really but you shouldn't have even come down here.”
“I was in the area.” She lied.
“You just said you were at the apothecary's.”
She opened her mouth to lie again but no words came to her. Rugan smiled and shook his head before pointing back the way they’d come.
“The way through the alleys should be clear straight through. If this place isn’t safe by supper then we’ll meet at the Mermaid.”
Izzy pouted but did as she was told. “Don't let Bellar lose my ring.” She warned, then softer so that he almost didn’t hear. “Be safe.” Before slipping away quietly towards the eastern alley.
“Right, ready.” Called Bellar as climbed back over the rail and down the rope, armor on and morning star strapped to his belt. He brandished the mace as he landed and Rugan unsheathed his short sword in turn.
The pair stalked down the laneway between the tavern and its neighbouring building. As they rounded the corner of the building they could see fighting in the street. 
It took a minute to realize who was on which side, dressed as they all were in dark armor. Rugan noticed that two combatants with their backs turned to them wore cloaks emblazoned with an eye that looked something akin to a sun in splendour. Certainly not a zhent design, and conceivably something that represented a beholder like Xanathar.
The left most enemy seemed to be brandishing a blade in defense of her partner. The one on their right began gesturing and intoning the beginnings of a spell. Rugan and Bellar shared a look before raising their weapons.
Bellar's morning star crashed down on the caster’s head with a sickening crack. They toppled to the ground in a heap, brain matter oozing from the split in their scalp.
Rugan for his part thrust his sword from a low angle that would've easily pierced ordinary chainmail or leather. Instead it glanced off the plate mail under the cloak with a heavy clang.
The half-orc paladin spun on him, her eyes flashing as she raised her long sword. Heavily armoured as she was, the first sweep she took at him was too sluggish to connect, Rugan dancing back just out of the blade's reach. This forced him back into the alley however, with less room to manoeuvre out from her next strike. The slash whistled pass, just grazing the bridge of his nose and leaving a hot red line in its wake. Bellar was behind her then, his morning star crashing against her ribs, the reverberations of that blow flowing up his arms.
It stunned her for a moment and Rugan took the opportunity to come forward with another thrust to her face. She was faster this time, batting away his strike easily before coming forward again. Bellar moved to repeat his earlier hit but she whirled on him, it had been a feint and now her blade swept his weapon aside with ease. Bellar stumbled back over the corpse of the caster and had to roll to the side to keep from tripping. 
The half-orc raised her blade to strike at Bellar again but a spear point burst through her eye. With a grunt the spear's wielder thrust again, pushing the tip clear through the paladin’s skull.
The blonde elf danced back, abandoning their spear as the half-orc tipped over.
“Who the hells are you?” The elf turned to size up the duo.
“Family from out of Baldur's Gate.” Rugan supplied.
“Ah, Zarys' crew. She said you were halfway competent.”
“Probably the closest thing to a compliment we’ll draw out of her.” Muttered Rugan.
He noticed the sounds of fighting had died down and instead there were cheers from a little way down the street.
“That was a fine jab.” Remarked Bellar to the elf.
“I know.” Came their smug reply.
As the cheering grew louder Rugan saw some of the local crew carrying Olly while hooting and hollering.
“Do you have a name, elf?” Bellar asked.
“I do.”
Rugan approached the crowd. “What have you gotten yourself into now, lad?” He shouted up to Olly.
“Shot some mages!” Came Olly's reply.
“Kid got two with one arrow!” Came a cry from one of the zhents and Olly beamed.
“Good on ya’ lad.” Rugan smiled back.
“Alright folks, let's get the hells out of here before the city guard shows up!” The elf shouted over the cheers.
“The fighting’s already over, what's the point of them showing up now?” Rugan scoffed.
“Didn't expect them to involve themselves when it was actually dangerous did you?” They rejoined.
Already the zhents were putting Olly on his feet, scavenging from the fallen and scattering to the various alleyways.
“Come along then, lad.” Rugan called over to Olly. “Zarys will likely be at the warehouse, we can debrief her before trying to salvage our afternoon. Are you coming, Bellar?”
“The locals can debrief her.”
“They can but she’d rather hear it from us, and preferably before the days out. I don’t want to get another earful about slacking off.”
“You handle it, that’s what you’ve got seniority for isn’t it?”
Rugan sighed and waved him off. “Olly, would you rather stay with bell end over here?”
“Nah, I saw some stuff you two missed, better to come along.”
“Fair enough, lad.”
Rugan had been correct in assuming Zarys would want a report, she actually seemed pleased for once.
“You’ve done good work, but don't get involved in any more skirmishes if you can avoid it. They may be family but we've got to look out for our numbers too. We'll be back on the road again in two days after all.”
“Aye, Zarys. We'll keep our noses clean.”
Zarys snorted. “Might be a little late for that, Rugan.”
Olly laughed softly and Rugan touched his nose remembering the cut there. “Oh very clever.”
“Olly, you can take your leave now. I need to speak to Rugan.”
The boy obeyed without question. Rugan could hear some of the locals give Olly a few cheers when they saw him emerge from the office.
“He showed good initiative today.”
“He always does. I know a good recruit when I see one.” Rugan wasn't just bragging about Olly's recruitment but Zarys' too.
“He's smart, a terrific shot, keeps a cool head and follows the rules. I want to keep Olly on as part of my crew for a long time to come, Rugan.” The fact that Zarys hadn't yet made a complaint was a bad sign.
“I know where you're going with this Zarys.” Rugan sighed.
“You do? Well fantastic why don't you tell me then.”
“He’s capable in all the ways a zhent should be excepting one.”
“Which is?” Zarys prodded.
“He's soft, and not in the way men usually are. He's not squeamish or cowardly, those would be… more acceptable.”
“Go on, how is he soft then?”
“You know already and I know it's my job to sort it out.” Rugan could hear the frustration in his voice.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“He's kind. He's kind and one day it's going to get him killed.”
“What I'm worried about, Rugan, is not simply that he'll get himself killed. What I'm worried about is that one day he's going to make the kind choice, not the smart choice. The likelihood being that the rest of us would be worse off for it.”
“By worse off you mean poorer for it.” He scoffed.
“I mean what I said. Don't presume to correct me. You and I know better than most what the kind choice can cost you.”
Rugan winced at this, it was a memory he preferred not to dwell on.
“Aye. I'll see to it.”
“Good. Go on then, we're done here.”
With a resigned sigh Rugan turned to go. He descended into the warehouse and found that Bellar had made his way down as well.
“And I'm just saying who names a city ‘WaterDeep’. Like yeah water deep, I sure hope it is, mate!”
“It's named after the harbour.” Olly argued. “Where it was deep enough to dock the boats.”
“That's just proving my point Olly.”
“Having a rousing discussion I take it?” Rugan joined them at their usual cluster of crates.
“Bellar is being a poor guest.”
“Me? I'm perfectly amicable.”
“Take it you followed the elf here.” Rugan eyed Bellar knowingly.
“He's right smitten.” Olly was grinning from ear to ear.
“He's a right hypocrite is what he is.”
“Hey, it's different if it's one of our own.”
“Sure, different in that they're more likely to cut off your balls if they catch you messing around.” Rugan slipped back into his easy humour and lilting cadence.
“No problem for you then, Zarys already has your balls.”
“Just for safekeeping. Now if we're done here gentleman…” But Rugan realized that Bellar was already distractedly looking somewhere over Rugan's shoulder.
Rugan and Olly shared a knowing look, Olly snickering though Bellar failed to notice. Rugan simply clapped him on the shoulder and shook his head. “We'll see you later lad.”
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truly-sincerely · 6 months
Comprehensive Dead Three Timeline
Outdated! I've made a new timeline!
Obviously there's varying amounts of speculation here, but I believe this is as close to a reasonable order of events as can be achieved with current, in-game information
Enver Flymm sold to Raphael by his parents, renamed Gortash
Gortash learns about the Crown of Karsus while a prisoner of Raphael
Gortash escapes the House of Hope
Gortash gets involved with black market arms dealing
Durge begins their serial killing spree in Baldur’s Gate
The Emperor dominates Duke Stelmane
Gortash establishes a cult of Bane in Baldur’s Gate
Gortash approaches Durge about an alliance
Hall of Wonders test mission - Durge gets Bhaalist memorabilia - Gortash gets a bunch of Gondian designs - Durge & Gortash get companionship
Gortash trades Karlach to Zariel for infernal machinery & iron
Baldur’s Gate’s Beloved Ranger statue goes missing
Gortash recruits Franc Peartree to distribute infernal iron weapons
Gortash moves against the Zhentarim & Knights of the Shield
Wyll Ravengard enters pact with Mizora, leaves Baldur’s Gate
Dead Three made aware of the Crown of Karsus (most likely informed by Gortash) - Gortash becomes Bane’s Chosen - Durge becomes Bhaal’s chosen - Gortash & Durge are instructed to recruit Ketheric
Gortash tells Durge about the Crown of Karsus
They visit Ketheric and learn of the illithid colony under Moonrise
Gortash & Durge visit the House of Hope (for intel on Mephistar?)
Gortash & Durge raid Mephistar - They get the Crown of Karsus - They get the book on the accelerated grand design
Gortash captures the Emperor
Gortash & Durge return to Moonrise - Their identities are kept secret from Ketheric’s people - Durge impresses the Moonrise Gnolls, but not Steelclaw - Ketheric yells at Durge in the throne room for unknown reason
Durge proposes their plan to the Elder Brain who accepts
Raid on the illithid colony - Durge puts the Crown on the Elder Brain - Orin gets Durge alone during the raid & stabs them in the head - Orin tadpoles Durge, making them the first True Soul - Orin leaves Durge in an illithid pod - Orin tells the Chosen she now speaks for the Temple of Bhaal - Orin likely told Gortash, Ketheric, and Balthazar something vague about Durge’s disappearance being related to Durge’s religious crisis and let their imaginations do the rest
Durge breaks out of their pod & is found by Kressa Bonedaughter
Gortash gets weird and intense with unethical experiments - Some futzing to get the tadpoles to consistently remain in stasis - This is when the name ‘True Souls’ gets coined - Extremely questionable fun with brains - Getting the Absolute’s voice sorted out - Tadpoling his parents - Poorly conceived experiments on children & their parents
Isobel is resurrected by the Dead Three
Minsc captured by Absolutists at recruitment rally in the Undercity
Minthara Baenre is recruited by Orin and Ketheric
Gortash has the Iron Throne converted to hold hostages
Gortash presents prototype Steel Watcher to the city council
Jaheira tracks cult to shadow-cursed land, meets Isobel
Elturel falls into Avernus
The brain sends the Chosen dreams about the Astral Prism
Gortash researches the Prism, finds out that Vlaakith has it
Gortash tells Ketheric to send a team to get the Prism - A nautiloid piloted by the Emperor and other illithid is sent - Kressa’s husband arranged for Durge to be on the nautiloid
Gortash deploys Steel Watch in Lower/Outer City
At this point Elturel is no longer in Avernus
Nautiloid picks up Shadowheart & the Prism from Astral Plane
Nautiloid picks up Lae’zel (?)
Nautiloid picks up Gale (?) & Astarion in Baldur's Gate
Nautiloid picks up Karlach & Wyll in Avernus
Nautiloid crashes, game begins
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altrxisme · 6 months
for jackson:
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval? Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game? Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander? What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test?
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
Good-aligned choices will always raise Jackson's approval. While he's not wholly averse to intimidation or persuading others, his preferred method being the latter, being carelessly violent while knock down his approval. If there's a little... sassy, fun option available anywhere and you're trying to get max approval with him— GO FOR IT. Highest approval out of the three choices.
There's a couple in each Act of the game! Act I will have a young druid in the Grove fawning over Jackson from a distance who's talked to him in the past when he visited the Emerald Grove a few times for business. You'll get to hear about how he helped her with some chores and going the extra mile in doing so. In Act II, there's a small group of Harpers at the Last Light Inn that will comment that Jackson was considered as a candidate but turned it down for personal reasons. They believe that he thinks he's hiding something that the organization might not be privy too, that he's not as good and noble that people make him out to be. Act III has the most prominent NPC for Jackson: Jedaiah Gislebert. An exile of Neverwinter, Jedaiah was Jackson's childhood friend who was a horrible influence and fed Jackson's more negative traits until his younger siblings were about to become victims of a "prank". Jedaiah and his family were taken away by the city's authorities, exiled from Neverwinter, and were never seen in the city since then. He's been recruited by the Zhentarim and has made it his mission to either get Jackson to join him or kill him. (This is subject to change/expanded upon just fyi)
Oh boy, yes he does. Be prepared for the disappointed(tm) look from him when ressurected. This'll be one of those rare moments where the usual smile on his face has been wiped off. He'll even ask if getting the Blood of Lathander was worth leaving him in the rubble to die. If the PC is apologetic about it, he'll soften up about it and apologize. If dismissive about it, that'll be a disapproval point from him with a grumble.
What best puts the ranger at ease? Knowing his loved ones are safe. And having a sweet treat. What does Jackson yearn for? A simple life. An adventure. Both. What does he fear, above all else? Losing himself. For better or for worse.
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deathbind · 6 months
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This post aims to give an overview of the order and outcome of major events during BG3. I tend to think of the party as more of a consensus where they all get a say in what happens, but I do need a baseline to work with. So although this is written with the thought "what if Serot was driving the wagon", I am very open to alterations.
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Serot is very much in favor of helping the Grove. The party’s interests are somewhat aligned anyway as Halsin is their only lead on the tadpoles (at the time). They clock the goblins in Moonhaven and attempt to skirt them. This leads them to cross paths with Mayrina’s brothers confronting Ethel. They’re successfully knocked out. Serot can’t move on without helping their sister, though. Ethel is ultimately slain, and Mayrina is freed. He informs her of Ethel’s true intentions. However, he destroys Bitter Divorce without informing her (or the party, if they don’t notice). He helps her move Connor out of the wetlands, where they run into her brothers. They help her bring Connor the rest of the way.
There’s no way to skirt Moonhaven, though, so that’s about a day lost. He’s not best pleased about that, but he remains optimistic. At least they were able to help Mayrina.
They’re able to talk their way through Moonhaven. Serot stops to help Barcus. Otherwise, he doesn’t wish to test their luck.
They likewise talk their way into the defiled Selûnite temple. He dearly wants to explore but recognizes the danger and focuses on finding Halsin. He’d intended to assassinate the leaders rather than wipe out the temple, but Dror Ragzlin sparks his ire. The ensuing fight is bloody, but they manage. Somehow.
With the Grove thus secured, they spend a day or two gathering provisions before continuing to the shadow-cursed lands. He spends this time exploring Moonhaven more thoroughly, though still not as thoroughly as he’d like. Still, secrets are uncovered (i.e. Necromancy of Thay).
NOTE: Obviously I won’t hold any Karlach rper to this, but just in terms of logistics, I don’t think she was recruited til after the goblin matter had been resolved. So they crossed the bridge, went far right, and got her. Then they cleared the nearby “paladins of Tyr”. Next they stumbled into the gnolls / trapped Zhentarim agents. Finally, they came upon Waukeen’s Rest.
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He has his misgivings about going to the Githyanki Creche, but Lae’zel has earned trust by this point. His voice is behind hers when she suggests they seek them out. Thus they head to the mountain pass. He explores Rosymorn Monastery as they seek entrance to the Creche. Although all goes to Hell in a handbasket (he doesn’t attack the Dream Guardian), they do make it out with the Blood of Lathander without triggering the weapon. However, he is strongly opposed to anyone wielding the Blood of Lathander. He is not a Lathanderite, but that doesn’t matter. It’s a holy relic they went to great lengths to save. He believes they should safeguard it til it can be delivered to a Lathanderite temple. A cleric of Lathander has the best chance of changing his mind, though he’s still reluctant.
In any case, they flee the monastery pursued by Githyanki. I’m gonna diverge from canon and say they couldn’t continue across the mountain path as a result. Instead they backtracked to Waukeen’s Rest and used the Zhentarim’s entrance to the Underdark.
Serot can’t help but look at their surroundings with wonder. Perhaps there have been lifetimes where he explored the Underdark beneath Zakhara, but it certainly wasn’t his first life. Were it not for the sussur blooms briefly knocking him on his ass, he would be thrilled by this turn of events. In any event, they free the gnomes and completely wipe out the operation down there. He pursued no alliance with the dissenting duergar.
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Their escapades in the Underdark depleted their resources significantly. If they hadn’t stumbled on the Harpers at Last Light, they wouldn’t have made it. Serot clocks the spiked drink from Jaheira, but he chooses to drink it and answer her questions honestly. He also, of course, prevents Marcus from taking Isobel. He recognizes the signs of necrotic magic on Marcus’ wings; it sets his teeth on edge.
They make a direct line for Moonrise. They explore as thoroughly as possible without getting in trouble. Exploring Balthazar’s rooms all but makes him see red. He had intended to be cautious in his approach, but he is so infuriated that all caution is once again thrown away. He makes the snap decision to free the prisoners at the very least (including Minthara). This does mean they cannot return, but it's a compromise from his desire to burn it all down.
After that, they explore the shadow-cursed lands. First they sweep the Ruined Battlefield; then they zero in on Reithwin. Gerringothe and Thisobald both self-destruct after his conversations with them. He intends to talk Malus down, but he ends up so pissed off with him that he attacks mid-conversation. They then backtrack a bit to wake up Art Cullagh and free Thaniel.
Finally, they brave the Gauntlet of Shar. Balthazar doesn’t get a word out before Serot silences him permanently. It’s on sight. Where Yurgir is concerned, the deal with Raphael is fulfilled for Astarion’s sake. Serot finds that final Sharran afterward, though, and ultimately decides to let them be. Aylin is freed. Serot admittedly overextends himself during the assault on Moonrise, but hey, they win.
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Firstly, he refuses the astral tadpole. He has refused to consume any of the normal ones and certainly won’t accept a super powered one. He had nevertheless leaned toward trusting the Emperor / Dream Guardian all this time. Discovering Orpheus trapped within the prism calls that into question.
Once in Baldur's Gate, he is angry enough with Gortash to challenge him immediately, but the safety of Wyll's father and anyone else at Gortash's mercy tempers him. He agrees to an alliance. He makes a point to specify, however, that they shall be allies as long as their goals align. He won't break his word, but he will be clever about how he gives it.
He prioritizes taking down Orin and recovering their abducted party member. It is decided they should not move against Gortash until they'd resolved the matter with Orpheus. If nothing else, it gives them time to plan. Serot also takes this time to seek out Mystic Carrion and aid the rest of the party in clearing up their business. Once they learn of Helsik, things move quickly. They move from recovering the Orphic Hammer to disabling the Steel Watch to infiltrating the Iron Throne as rapidly as possible, hoping to prevent the enemy from catching its breath.
All that is left is to seek out Ansur, and once that is completed, confront the Elderbrain. He chooses to free Orpheus, though he appeals to the Emperor to continue fighting alongside them. The Emperor refuses. As for who becomes a mindflayer, Serot must refuse or risk Meresankh being lost forever, not to mention the possible damage to Refhremmit. (He is ashamed to know that he is also simply . . . tired of sacrificing himself. He has done so in too many lifetimes.) He refuses to volunteers others, however, leaving it to them to decide. The end result is the Elderbrain is destroyed.
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Assassin with a Heart of Gold
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Name: Admaer Daeneiros (He/Him)
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Criminal
The final one on the roaster is Admaer as we speedrun to get Halsin out. I mentioned this before, but initally, Admaer didn't care about helping the Tieflings and their quarrel against the Goblins. While the idea of getting Halsin out was on his mind, going to the Githyanki Creche sounded more reasonable than looking for a Druid who may or may not help them. However, when he finally unlocked his tadpole powers, Admaer decided that going after Halsin will help him do a test run with his powers. So far, only he and Astarion are enjoying these new powers.
This time, I didn't fuck up with saving the peeps at Waukeen's Rest and intentionally left it to burn as Astarion isn't holding his neck out for those people. He does learn about Wyll's father and while he's a pessimist about his fathers chance of survival, if they just so happen to run into the guy during their travels...Well, shit, it's the Duke of Baller Gate, so why not save him so that he gives us compensation for saving his life if he's worth that much to the cesspool city.
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After fucking with the Zhentarim because Admaer despises them; not so much because he hates their business, but they played a large part in his life of enslavement as he worked and killed for them time and time again. So any chance he gets to fuck up their own little business, he'll take it. But after dealing with them and helping a artist get free, I decided to pay Auntie Ethel a visit. Unlike the other four who went to save Mayrinna, Admaer could give a rats ass since whatever she and the Hag got going on is none of his business. He did refuse to sacrifice his eye for the chance of being cured by the old lady.
After doing those final side missions, I finally went to go and kill the Goblin leaders as quick and quietly as possible. Just to fit into Admaer's whole assassin deal. After freeing Halsin, Admaer only asked the questions relevant to getting the tadpole out of his head, immune to the buddy daddy vibes of the Elf Druid. During the party, Admaer finally got to lay Astarion and discover his tattoos. Admaer was able to deduce that it was written in Infernal, but he avoids asking about the language and mostly ask if Astarion even knows how to read it. Admaer also learned about Shadowhearts whole deal with the Shar worshipers...TBH, homie doesn't care that much lol. Though was able able to sus out that when the Shar worshippers found her, she was in the middle of doing a Selunite coming-of-age ritual
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Because Admaer was going above ground, I decided to take a peek behind the veil and see what the mountain pass looked like and OMG IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I was so at awe with the place! It's so beautiful that I couldn't help but take every opportunity to take screenshots. Looking for the Gith Creche, it led us to the ruined Monk monastery dedicated to Lathandar. While getting there, we met a elderly woman who wanted to take a Gith egg from the Githyanki. After using up MOST of my inspiration points, I was able to convince the woman to pay up first THEN she'll get the egg.
That bitch is never seeing that egg lol! That depends tho, Admaer might change his mind. While resting here, Admaer met his dream Guardian again and if I was able to add a free dialogue option for my lil guy, Admaer would ask the Guardian why they chose the likeness of Alex, a past flame Admaer knew. Admaer tried to get information about the tadpole and learn what could be done about it. Going forward, I was able to get inside the monastery and met a room full of little guys...It wasn't fun.
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thebrilliantretort · 9 months
My OC’s~
Drow Ranger, The Dark Urge (approx. early 40’s): shy but masks it with RBF and an obvious intimidating aura, extremely unaccustomed to humanoid interaction of any kind due to isolation, struggles to express herself
Raised by an adoptive family in the Underdark until the Urge caused her to kill them at the age of 12
Spent several years wandering and skulking about in the Underdark’s wilds killing and stealing from passersby. However, Morn ended up running into the Zhentarim, who offered her safe passage to the surface world in exchange for her unmatched stealth and killing skills
She spent a few years with the Zhentarim and was based in Baldur’s Gate. Her talents in murder caught the attention of the Bhaal cultists who began to test her with several assassination attempts
After passing these tests, she was brought to the Murder Tribunal and discovered her lineage and thus began the canon Dark Urge past until being infected
She wakes up with no memory of the past and only possessing the armor on her back and the unrelenting desire to spill blood. Morn’s conscious is slightly clearer from the Urge since waking up on the nautiloid, she has an inkling of right and wrong - as opposed to her childhood were impulse control is at its lowest in anyone’s life. She yearns to kill but is allowed to have the feeling of not wanting to.
Upon meeting her companions, she heavily guards herself - not only because of the Dark Urge (which slowly gets stronger along their journey) but she has had very little socialization, ESPECIALLY with people who not only want to be near her because of her abilities but because they want to be friends… maybe some want to be more than friends?
- NOTES: cannot read well (could barely read before meeting Gortash but was learning while working with him), has no romantic experience (if you catch my drift) and doesn’t really understanding flirting and things along those lines
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Half High Elf Bard, Nobility (30 y/o): joyful and sassy young lady, excellent people skills, just slightly naive, always sees the bright side of things and wants to cheer up everyone around her, just excited to be there and make friends
Grew up as an only child with a rich and learned family but has little experience in the “real world” (dad = human, mom = elf)
Had lots of friends in Baldur’s Gate’s upper city, spent her days studying music, history, and sword work
Preformed often at theatres for the upper classes but longed for adventures like those that the famous bards she looked up to went on and witnessed
Undeniably terrified but wants to be a beacon of hope and happiness for her newly found friends
Sometimes at camp, in her tent alone, she cries silently - scared of the possible loss of her companions more than her own. She fell in love so quickly with all of them and swore to herself to do absolutely anything and everything to save them.
As previously mentioned, a little naive to the ways of the world. She can be clueless and clumsy on quests which she profusely apologizes for later. Tola is teamed up with several skilled warriors and adventures, if she doesn’t keep up she will slow them down and could perhaps risk finding a cure. Because of this ideal, she does everything she can think of to be helpful to the rest of the party whil trying to sharpen her skills.
Tola often dreams of love, which she’s never experienced. Yes, she was well loved by her family and friends but she wanted someone to kiss and hold and share life with. She’s a little obsessed with love songs and finds herself frequently playing them on her lyre (and other instruments she’s picked up along her journey) while daydreaming of romance.
- NOTES: very affectionate physically and verbally, loves love and looks for it everywhere, very book smart
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El (Ordella)
Half Drow/Half (Mystery) Elf Rogue, Urchin (mid 50’s): cunning and sneaky, does not trust easily, sarcastic, mysterious aptitude for magic and entertaining, enjoys tricking people and making them look like an idiot with their own words, very street smart, “rules are meant to be broken” type - dark humor as a coping mechanism
El grew up in Braeryn, arguably the worst (poorest and most-crowded) district in Menzoberranzan. Living amongst “undercreatures” (orcs and various goblinoids), she learned how to scheme, trick, steal, and sneak to get necessities (and maybe some extra things like toys or sweets).
Since she could remember, El lived alone on the streets with few acquaintances (creatures she’d never refer to as friends) with little charity. The locals knew almost nothing about her parents but told her that they had abandoned her. Rumor was that her mother and father were murdered by drow nobles from the upper parts on a “Hunt” - a common activity for the upper class in Menzoberranzan.
Many years later, she was picked off the slum streets to work for a noble family in the upper district because of the novelty of being a half-elf.
El was kept as a slave for several years with many horrors befalling her during her time. (will elaborate in a different post)
Merchants from the surface met with the family she worked for. Quickly, El came up with a plan to sneak away with said merchants.
Successfully escaping to the surface world, she settled in the black market world of Faerun. She traveled and did mercenary work for coin but never making a home for herself anywhere.
El made a business out of controlling her emotions, exhibiting a poker face, keeping calm. So that’s exactly what she did, didn’t show how scared she was in her current predicament.
She welcomed any and all companions she met along the way. The more pawns to move around if needed, as long as they didn’t get in her way. People were easy enough to get rid of.
However, she slowly found herself caring for these people. El was mildly angry with herself about this realization - now she felt extremely possessive and protective of her companions and was beginning to worry about their well being before her own.
- NOTES: experienced with manipulation, has never had a romantic relationship, frightened by intimacy
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