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Alecto: You don't think I can fight because I'm a girl.
Amycus: I don't think you can fight because you're wearing a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Barty could fight in that dress either.
Barty: Perhaps not, but I would make a radiant bride.
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Amycus had become a friend to her under rather depressing circumstances, but she still appreciated the man’s kindness greatly. He’d become one of the few she’d allowed herself to care for, and it showed in her loyalty and openness with him. He’d been her Healer since she could remember, and with the wretched curse possibly wreathing in her veins, he’d likely be involved in her life for its duration. 
A soft hum left her as she walked into St. Mungo’s. The hospital wasn’t a place she liked to linger. It probed deep into the tunnels of her psyche and riddled her with crippling thoughts of disease and her own mortality. She was only here to meet Amycus before heading out for drinks. He knew how she felt about the place he was making a living in, and Ophelia hoped he wouldn’t keep her waiting long. 
Ophelia turned her head as a figure appeared at the end of one of the long hallways. As it approached, her circular eyes registered it to be Amycus. She tossed her hair over her shoulder, freeing her shoulder again as she collected her bag and coat from the chair she’d dumped them in upon her arrival. When he drew closer, the blonde flashed him a friendly smile before tilting her head toward the door. “Amycus, catch me up while we walk out?” Her words weren’t much of a question even though she’d posed it as such. She wanted out of this pool of disease and death immediately.
The night had passed much like any other. It was fast paced, hectic and full of moaning bodies and un-goldy issues. The wizarding world saw it’s fair share of muggle related illnesses but ninety percent of the bodies carried in through those front doors were tainted by some kind of magical ailment. 
Truth was, he loved the job. It kept him on his toes, kept his mind going a million miles an hour. What’s the best way to remove a hammer that had been magically inserted into someone’s body? Or the best way to reverse a spell gone awry. 
Then there were patients like his last call of the night. One Ophelia Greengrass. A beautiful young pureblood with an unfortunate predicament. He had gone in search of her, yet most of the patient rooms turned up empty. Just as he was heading towards the Reception desk to double check with the nurses, he spotted the glittering gold of her long hair. “Ophelia, darling. How are you this evening?” He asked as he closed the distance between them, falling in step beside her.
the healing process || o & a
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There were silences during their conversation and Alecto wasn’t made uneasy by them. She knew the subject was a thoughtful one and remained quiet without rushing her brother to answer. She understood even if she had never been in that situation. To be fair, she wasn’t sure she would ever be in the same position. It wasn’t as though she was void of any emotion at all–some just thought she was because she didn’t care about a lot of people. She could be cruel without guilt being triggered. Those she did care about, however, was a different matter.
“So you have discussed this with her and you are both on the same page, yes?”
Whether he had or not, the younger Carrow was pretty sure it would come up between she and Valerian in the next chat they had. 
“Then you have my full support.”
She knew Amycus knew his own mind enough to trust his judgement and saw no need to question whether he was certain or not. 
As she picked up the glass of orange juice and had a drink, the question he asked her next, wasn’t one that was hard to answer at all. So gently dabbing the napkin on either side of her mouth, she placed it on the table. 
“Of course there isn’t. I’m certain you would have known about it otherwise.”
If she ever did end up dating anyone, she wasn’t the type to go sneaking around and not telling others. That was her thoughts anyway but she guessed they were subject to change. After all, nobody can truly predict the future. 
Shaking his head, he dumped the pastry back on the plate. Trust Alecto to remind him of his own lack of thought. Not that she meant too, she was just so full of wisdom, he spoken truths hit like nails on a coffin. 
“No, I haven’t yet.”
He’d only really discovered how he felt, truly, in the midst of this conversation. But she was right, he’d have to be a big boy and have that talk with her eventually, given she had basically moved in. 
He liked where things were going with them, he was just afraid he’d scare her off with a conversation as serious as that. Living in fear wasn’t going to get him anywhere, either and he wasn’t one to shy away from the tougher missions.
“You never know, dear... with our schedules of late, I simply could have missed the signs.” He winked playfully at her, resuming his work of picking at his pastry.
Breakfast for two|| A & A
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death eaters.
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After the falling out with Narcissa, Lucius didn’t know what to do with himself. It was uncommon for him to feel so listless. After all, he was a man with a plan, and he always had a contingency. But what sort of contingency could he have possibly created for something like this? One didn’t plan for situations one never expected. Even that truth, though, wasn’t entirely accurate for Lucius Malfoy. He had been known to consider outcomes that might never come to pass. It was what made him so good at what he did. But with Narcissa, he had never imagined that it would be necessary. It was probably why he felt so utterly blindsided by the revelations that his queen had deigned to share with him before gracelessly abdicating the pedestal upon which he had placed her. He had thought that she would always be there, which was perhaps naïve now that he reflected on it. And yet, their torrid affair and the roots that they had laid should have been enough to render him correct. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that she would come to him to tell him she had replaced him like a glove that had lost its mate, or or shoe worn at the soles. Was he truly so disposable?
Clearly, he was a fool. It was not like him to think so lowly of himself, but he had no choice after the storm had settled. At least not to his own mind. She had stolen that choice. Perhaps she was the only one who ever could do such a thing so easily. He was exhausted after one conversation with her, one blow to the back of his head that left him reeling. She might have at least done him the courtesy of swinging hard enough to render him unconscious. Then perhaps he could all the embrace of merciful sleep before waking when all of this had faded to memory. Though, clearly receding from his hardships was foolhardy as well. After all, had he not made the conscious decision to pull back from her until she graduated so that the pain of not having her close and with him at all times would fade and he could bring the rest of the world back into focus. Look at what that had gotten him.
When the manor was finally empty, Lucius had afforded himself the luxury of a few burning tears. They felt foreign, as though they didn’t belong on his face. Soon, however, he sat on the edge of the plush arm chair with his head resting in his hands. He wasn’t sure if he cried then, or if it was just the posture of defeat that he allowed for himself. Even that was out of character. Lucius didn’t lose. He would never consider the possibility. Normally, he might take comfort in planning the next moves in the game, in working out how to reverse the situation so it was back in his favour. But he needed more information. He had to do more reconnaissance. He had never accepted defeat, but perhaps this was to be a draw. Could he live with that? He didn’t know. What he did know what that, in spite of the small physical breakdown, most of the damage was mental. Surprisingly, the conclusion that he reached as he pressed through each shrieking frequency in his head was that he wanted to drink, and he didn’t want wine. Wine did nothing to numb emotion. If anything, he found that it was enhanced with just the vintage.
No, he needed scotch, and perhaps just a bit of interaction that wasn’t designed to reach down his throat to grasp at his entrails and pull him inside out. The first could be acquired in many venues, though he had his favorites. Of course, he didn’t want to approach any of his favorite locations for scotch at the moment. Suppose he saw someone there? There were very few people he would allow to see him in any state of imperfection. He had just lost one of them. Merlin, the thought threatened to lay him low again before he shoved it away into the box in the corner of his mind where he had added the tears a moment ago.
After another hour to himself, during the entirety of which he stood in the middle of the sitting room trying to work through with any semblance of order in his mind the absolute chaos that Narcissa had left behind her. It didn’t work, and the longer he lingered the more the room begin to taunt him. It was a shame, because he had missed his home, he had missed being in England with the familiar. And in spite of that, he wondered if he never should’ve come back. Perhaps if he had elected to stay abroad, all of this might never have come to a head. He could have faded from memory, and Narcissa Black might have left his. But he had duties, and a life here. He had spent nearly thirty years building it.
He was not entirely sure if he would be sharing with anyone what had happened. Doubtless, some would find out. Narcissa may not feel so inclined to keep it to herself. Particularly after his distasteful outburst. Honestly, it was likely only a matter of time before Bellatrix was knocking his door off his hinges and threatening to kill him. After all, he had never seen Narcissa cry before. Normally, he might have treasured that she trusted him enough to be so vulnerable. What a sick joke that was to him now.
He still couldn’t believe he’d screamed, and yet the subtle pain in the back of his throat reminded him. But that was something he would have to think about later, because there was only so much he could take in this moment.
The urge to isolate himself was a dangerous one, but he knew he couldn’t stay in this house and there was nowhere he could go to be wholly alone outside of it. So he would use the next best thing. He and Amycus Carrow had been friends since Lucius had left Hogwarts. Before that, they had known each other from various functions held by the circles in which they had both grown up. Just when they had graduated from acquaintances to friends, he didn’t know, but Amycus was one of the few to whom Lucius would award the title. And his home, Lucius knew, would have liquor.
He didn’t bother to look in the mirror, because if he did he would never leave the house. After all, he’d always prided himself on his stalwart commitment to being put together. He had the good graces to run a hand through his hair and to straighten the tie he had loosened at some point during that pathetic aftermath. These petty adjustments were all he could really muster before approaching the fireplace. If he began to fixate, he would stagnate in this house. At least if he left, the house elves could purge every reminder of her from the room.
Lucius didn’t trust himself to Apparate at that moment. Indeed, in his current state of emotional upheaval he was sure he would manage to splinch himself. It is never happened before, but evidently there was a first time for everything that that night. And so he cast the powder into the flame, almost wishing the newly verdigris flames would burn him to ash. Fortunately, the trip would be quick.
The moment he stepped from the hearth at the Carrow residence, he contemplated turning back. After all, he was unannounced, and that wasn’t his typical approach to social calls. He didn’t think most respectable people dropped in unannounced, but he hoped he would be forgiven. And anyway, it was too late now. He was sure that Amycus would be aware by now that he was here. He took another shuddering breath before moving out of the main room to seek his friend.
He found him in one of the studies of the great house. However, as he reached the doorway, he realized that had no idea what he was going to say. He also noted that he was placing a great deal of trust in someone else so shortly after realizing that no one really could be trusted. Not even Narcissa. Perhaps he didn’t know himself half as well as he thought. It seemed to be a theme of the evening, people having no idea what kind of man he was.
Though his version of looking a mess was surely still more refined than most others’, he appeared in no way the coiffed individual he normally was. Still, he lifted his chin and tried to draw to himself some semblance of pride as he spoke.
“Hello, Amycus,” Lucius greeted, nearly wincing at the sound of his voice. It was as if he had swallowed glass dust, letting it tear his throat to ribbons. But still he had to push on. “It’s been a while, has it not?”
The evening had been a drag, as such. Valerian was off doing a show, Alecto was out with friends, Evan was busy doing whatever it was Evan did...and Amycus was left to his thoughts. A dangerous thing at the best of times. 
He and Valerian had been skirting around a conversation that needed to be had. One he was avoiding in fear of scaring her away. Since the poisonings, she’d spent every waking moment here in his arms. She came home to him every evening, returning to her abode only long enough to collect more things.
They’d been doing this song and dance for so long now, he wondered if there was anything left. Given the way his walk in cupboard was now filled with a ratio of clothing that leaned heavily her way, and favourite things from the apartment had found a new home in his bedroom, or littered throughout the mansion, something told him there wasn’t much if anything remaining.
She was here now, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Valerian had exposed a part of him he didn’t know existed. A kind of unique vulnerability, something that explained all the songs and art and poetry he cherished that referenced the weakness of love. He now knew it all too well.
Everywhere he looked throughout the mansion, he was reminded of his girl. The fist around his heart tightened. Was officially asking her to move in a rookie move? Should he just let it go and wait for the cards to be dealt by the hand of fate? Probably.
With a deep sigh, he headed towards his favourite study. Wanting to get lost in a good book with a glass of his favourite liquor in front of a roaring fire. The house elves had already tended to the one in this particular room, the air so warm he had to shed the outer layer of his attire.
Hanging the Gucci jacket on the coat rack by the door, he tugged at the tie around his throat, loosening it’s hold before picking up the leather bound novel he was half way through reading. Pouring a glass of scotch was next followed by sinking his weight into the dark leather chair closest to the roaring blaze.
His nose was barely shiny from being stuck between the pages before a figure appeared at the door. The platinum blonde hair a dead giveaway, even before the elegant drawl of his old friend sounded through the room. “Lucius.” His greeting was soft, a hand sweeping towards the chair opposite him, welcoming the younger male into his home.
“It has, and you look like shit.”
Popped Heart Seams | Amycus and Lucius
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Finishing the song only offered some relief from the pent up energy within him, years of dark thoughts, of macabre notions that came to mind in the dead of night, they’d all been released in blood and sinew and screams. A part of him was worried he’d never be able to feel such things again… Another part was eager to try.
He let out a sigh and rose from the piano seat, walking over the arm chair Amycus lounged upon and reclining on the arm of it, looking down at him; as covered in blood and as dishevelled as himself but just as happy. They truly were kindred souls, both finding such solace and happiness in the dark.
“Then we never will.” he replied softly.
“Amycus,” he paused a moment, “I’m glad we got to do this together.” He’d been somewhat nervous going into this slaughter mission but knowing his friend was there had helped tremendously.
“Though I’m still not ready for the evening to end.” He put a hand on the other’s shoulder an used it to push himself off the arm and move to a liquor cabinet, “Let’s drink, yes? Father’s best Firewhiskey.” It wasn’t like the man woudl miss it. “And you’ll need to clean your clothes before you leave.” he paused a moment, turning back, “Though, I’m tempted to keep mine as they are, a souvenir of my first time.” he laughed softly at the silly joke, still riding a kind of high.
He poured them both generous helpings and with a wave of his wand caused the glasses, and bottle to land on a table and float over to Amycus’ armchair. He again took up a seat on the arm and raised his glass, “To us,” he declared, “To a night that shall never be forgotten.” He waited to clink the glass with the other before downing the large amount in one go and wincing, “Oh, smooth but still burns.”    
Amycus was jittery to all get out, even as his exterior remained as calm as ever. His heart had been racing since the moment the first kill of the night occurred. His first human kill. He hadn’t felt the same kind of nerves that Evan had going into the mission. Instead, his body yearned for more, a kind of static euphoria had filled him from the minute he’d been handed the task.
This is what he was made for, what they were both made for. He couldn’t wait to bring Alecto in on this, his next mission was going to be with her, she’d just gotten her mark not long after the boys had. 
He felt the warmth of Evan against him as his friend perched on the armchair, his calm in an otherwise raging storm. Using his broad shoulders as leverage to lift his beautiful body off the seat, Amycus watched with heavy lids as the other sauntered over to the liquor cabinet. 
“No, I imagine he wouldn’t miss it at all.” His fingers rubbed across his lips and jaw as he sunk a little lower into the overstuffed chair. There were oh so many other seats in the room but Evan returned to his own, resuming his perch beside his best friend.
He picked up the filled glass, clinking it with Evan’s before raising it to his lips. The first swallow carried with it the most delicious burn, and the moan that escaped his lips was equal parts approval of the high quality liquor and satisfaction reminiscent of the evenings events. “To us, Evan.”
All Along The Watchtower {Flashback} || Evan & Amycus
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Evan had always enjoyed the feeling of such dark places, he half wished there was a piano present so that he could croon a small little song through the space and make that feeling of the darkness feel all the more encompassing. But, tonight was not for singing… Well, at leats not for singing sober.
“Well, it’s all good for us to call it is,” he smirked, “But we shall have to live up to our declarations hmm?” Evan smiled at the woman and had her enthralled out of habit, sending in her on her way with a little wink. A cute little thing, would probably break in under five minutes. Evan turned back to his companion and raised an eyebrow as Amycus’ next words.
“Well, there’s words I never thought I’d hear you say to anyone but me.” he smiled softly, “But, I only wish you both the best.” he took a breath, “And, even though you heal the injured, I’ll be here to pick up any of your broken pieces.” he added softly, “I had an engagement with her a little while ago you know.” he paused and smirked, “At a brothel.”
He smiled at his old friend. The man who knew every inch of his heart and soul and loved him regardless. Were Evan the kind of man who could belong to one single person, perhaps it might have been to he that Amycus was declaring his love for. There was always a place for him, though. Regardless of who he may bed.
They had too much history to simply walk away. There was no one he was closer with, no one he wanted to be closer with. Sure, there was Alecto, the light of his life - but to know someone intimately was to really know them and there was not a facet of Rosier that had been left unchecked by the Carrow Heir.
His hand reached over the table to clasp the others, a sign of his gratitude at a vow unspoken. No matter what they had been through, his friend had never left his side. Not once in fifteen years, not once since they moved past the rivalry that brought them together in the first place. They were better together, always had been.
“Oh yeah? I bet you both slayed the crowd.”
Ain’t Nobody || Amycus & Evan
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She was a woman of action, a woman of need. Being forced to wait in suspended animation as he took his time working her up, teasing her to the brink yet withholding what she desired most was a unique kind of torture. One that Amycus Carrow was well versed in. Valerian was used to being the woman in black, in control and in charge of any and every situation.
That wasn’t going to happen here.
He enjoyed allowing her to think she still had some semblance of control in regards to what was about to become of her. The way she bit back her moans and attempted to hide the way her body was desperately trying to squirm against him in a hopeless endeavour to increase friction was endearing. 
With Amycus, she had met her equal. Someone who understood her in mind, heart and soul. Who knew her depravity and loved her regardless, who knew where all of her hidden buttons lay and did not hesitate in pushing them. Repeatedly. Until it drove her made with desire and had her falling head first into an incoherent mess of pleasure.
Her restraint didn’t last long at all. A guttural moan escaped her perfect lips and every nerve ending in his body fired until he could think of nothing else but destroying every single hole she owned. As he tore her back, forcing that flexible body into a contorted position of his choosing, her small fingers closed around thick wrists. Holding him in place, as well as herself.
“That’s a good girl.” His chiding tone came from a place of pride as his lips brushed against her ear, nipping the flesh harshly. His name dripped from her tongue like wanton honey. Raised onto the tips of her toes, she tried to find enough leverage to grind against his achingly hard cock, but it wasn’t working. The grin that crossed his lips was wicked, hidden by the way he sought out the column of her slender neck, nipping against her. He moved back to her ear, loving the way it had her mewling like a little toy pet.
When he finally dove into the slick folds of her burning heat, he had to bite back his groan. She was exactly what he’d dreamed of, her walls so tight, they milked him for all he was worth... and the oldest Carrow was yet to even provide what she so desperately desired. She was right there with him, her hips grinding against his hand to the best of their ability.
Her moans and cries the song of angels as he picked up his pace. The sharp sting of long acrylics digging into his flesh had him biting down on her harder, reciprocating the pain as the fist in her hair tugged just that little bit more. He would fuck her soon enough, but not before she utterly unravelled for him. 
He needed her to shed the notion that performers facade, and find the raw and unfiltered woman beneath all the broadway lights. 
“That’s right, slut. Beg for me.”
She had become so loud, he was certain the elves could hear. Not that he cared. He could feel her reach the end of her tether, the way her cunt held onto his fingers like it was her only remaining life force not his only indication. Thighs quivered against the hand pistoning in and out of her. “Beg for what you want.”
He wanted to feel her cum over his hand, to feel the way her body slackened against his own in the throes of pleasure. The way she’d rely on him to help her remain upright as she simultaneously forgot her own name. Pumping harder, the veins in his forearms threatened to burst and he moaned against her neck, biting down hard just as she reached her peak...
Pas de Deux | A & V
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It might have been the atmosphere that surrounded the table they were placed at which gave Alecto and warm feeling of family, but either way she quietly soaked it up and enjoyed the way it made her feel. Somewhere in that cold, cruel heart of hers, was something more that she refused to let most see–in fact the majority of others she did not care about at all. 
Alecto believed in getting straight to the point. It wasn’t done in a tactless way towards her brother, but she saw no need to skirt around the edges of a conversation, waiting for a reply to a question she thought she already knew the answer to.
She nodded when he spoke and Alecto wanted Valerian to feel the same way about Amycus that he obviously felt about her. 
“That’s not a bad thing if she loves you too.”
Although the expression he sported right now, had the younger Carrow noting that in this very moment, he might have just realised the feeling between he and Valerian were strong and something he wasn’t used to.
“It’s unfamiliar territory all of this for you, isn’t it…..”
Her facial features softened and she gave him a small smile. Alecto had never been in love with anyone, though the possibility shouldn’t be ruled out regardless of whether some others might think she was a cold and cruel bitch. 
“I am happy for you Amycus…if that is what you want.”-–just don’t get burnt.
Amycus sank back against his chair, eyes studiously focused on the rim of his glass. The orange liquid of breakfast juice distracted him from the heavy subject they were dealing with and more so, the sudden realization of his feelings towards his lover.
Was lover even the right word? They’d not even discussed what they were to each other. Was she his girlfriend? He couldn’t picture Valerian being pleased with such a term.
One thing was certain, he no longer had eyes for anyone else. It was only now that he’d realized it had been months since he’d gone to Maize, since he’d used her to release his own frustrations, or any other body for that matter...
“It is what I want.” But was it what she wanted? 
Shaking his head, he focused on Alecto, waving his hand dismissively. “Enough about me, is there anyone in your life?”
Breakfast for two|| A & A
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Evan had spent a much more sedate morning working with a band for his next performance, one of the more upper-class wizarding families had asked him to perform and it was also an excellent time to scope out the attendee’s for anyone they could make use of. While he wasn’t necessarily wholly loyal to the Dark Lord cause, he did enjoy the process behind getting certain people ‘on side.’
Evan’s grin widened, “Excellent! I’ve got tomorrow free as well so I think we should thoroughly indulge ourselves this evening. With alcohol at least,” he added the caveat with a small wink. “We’ll fall down a little rabbit hole and crawl out utterly haggard in the morning.” He reached a hand up and squeezed the other’s hand softly in response as they neared the bar. “What a wonderful evening it will be.” They’d had many night like that when they were younger, granted those evenings had other pleasures to them as well but these days it was more of a reaffirmation of friendship.
He nodded in thanks as Amycus held the door open and sat in their booth. Leaning over he put a hand a-top Amycus’ and smiled, “I am pleased for you my friend. Keep her close, it’s rare for men like us to find another who understands.” He paused a moment, let go of the others hand and added casually, “Of course, if she harms you I’ll have to mangle her face.”
The room was dark, the thrum of noise pounding in the background massaged his tired brain like white noise before a good nights sleep. He was looking forward to a little unwinding, it had been far too long since the pair had gotten together and a night out was just what the Healer ordered. 
Biting his lower lip as he watched his friend, holding a twinkle to his eye unique to the few who mattered most to him. “What a wonderful evening indeed.” A waitress appeared at their side, flashing a smile towards the boys as she took their order. Amycus waited until her attempt at flirting with the pair ended, the drinks had been jotted down and the miniskirt had sauntered away before returning his gaze back to his old friend.
“She may just break my heart, Evy.” His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes before it faded. She had all the power in the world over him, a fact that scared him more than Fenrir Greyback or the Dark Lord himself. Emotions were weakness, and fuck was he weak for her.
Ain’t Nobody || Amycus & Evan
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➥ 𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 #O12 | grant ward, agents of shield.
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