#z 🥝
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enchantedlandcoffee · 2 years ago
rose~ and mint <3
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Rose~ - aw thank you 🥰 this hellsite became a safe place during lockdown and then never let me go 😂
mint - ooh yay cookies. what flavour?
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piccoloswifers · 4 months ago
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 months ago
I follow you for Louis and know nothing about F1 so tell me please: is this Lando man a lil fruity? Bc I get vibes.
asgeshdjirjrkdkdnd girrrrrrrl (ng) I will literally not say one word and only present to you Exhibit A of ♾️
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miss-howletts · 2 months ago
Nie żryj tego banana bo to cukier i przytyjesz!
Siem. To będzie taki luźny wpis. Natknęłam się dzisiaj na posta typu "moje safe food" gdzie wymienione były owoce w dużej części i po wejściu w strefę komentarzy było sporo takich w stylu:
"Ale jedzenie owoców wcale nie jest takie ok, bo to też jest cukier więc i tak możesz przytyć lol"
Dobra, myślę że temat trzeba wyjaśnić bo ludzie znowu sieją farmazon i straszą innych - cukier cukrowi nie równy. Owoc owocowi nie równy.
Zacznijmy od podstaw: są cukry proste i złożone (monosacharydy i disacharydy). Cukier zawarty w owocach nazwany fruktozą zalicza się do cukrów prostych.
No dobra, ale to wciąż cukier, więc dalej jest zły. I co za różnica czy zjem słodkie winogrono czy batona, wyjdzie na to samo, nie?
Nie! Zacznijmy od tego, że owoce to nie sam cukier jak np. mamy w batoniku. Owoce to bomba witamin, antyoksydantów, błonnika i innych skladników odżywczych których nie znajdziemy np. w snickersie czy ciastku. I jest to bardzo ważne. Dlaczego?
Ponieważ kiedy mamy mega ochotę na słodkie i zjemy ciastko czyli tzw "puste kalorie" nasz organizm dostanie szoku, nagłego skoku cukru, który potrwa tylko chwilę po czym znowu będziemy mieli ochotę na słodkie. Natomiast owoce, które zawierają min. błonnik nie dostarczą nam tak gwałtownego wzrostu i spadku cukru we krwi. Będzie on uwalniał się równomiernie, wolniej przez co będziemy usatysfakncjonowani na dłużej.
Prawdą jest, że cukier pochodzący z owoców jest metabolizowany w naszym organizmie tak samo jak inne cukry proste. Jednak owoce zawierają błonnik pokarmowy, który wydłuża trawienie, spowalnia rozkład cukrów w jelitach i tempo ich wchłaniania do krwioobiegu.
I to takie basic. Dlatego pls. nie siejmy farmazonu i nie straszmy innych, że po zjedzeniu banana przytyją od cukru w nim zawartego i "to wszystko jedno czy zjesz jabłko czy czekoladę, bo cukier to cukier".
Masz, zjedz se owocka: 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍋🍌🍍🥭🥝🫐🍓🍒🍑🍐🍏🍎🍅🥥🍋‍🟩
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blueberrybeomgyu · 2 months ago
hihi berry :333 i have finally come to tell u about my maso sub taesan thoughts 🤫
im thinking overstimulating him until it hurts, but not only just through multiple orgasms but also stimulating him in different ways all at once. keeping a vibrator stuck to his leaky aching cock while you sit on his thighs, running your sharp nails down his skin hard enough to draw blood, maybe clamping his nipples and pulling at them. pinching his tummy and his thighs, yanking at his hair — when his head is pulled back like that you slap him till his cheeks are red and he’s drooling under you, skin tingling.
i think hed be a little bratty, a little mouthy just to get you to hurt him more. wants your slaps and degrading words to be genuine instead of you just doing it because he likes it. tie him up with rope instead of handcuffs so its rougher on his skin so he can’t squirm too much, and maybe shove a gag in his mouth or tape it shut, loves the feeling of you ripping the tape off <3
get one of those mini floggers even (the tiny whips that are stringy, idk how to explain them) and drag it across his skin before striking him with it, around his collarbones, nipples, stomach, his cock, and his thighs. he lovesss when you use it on his cock, it just hurts so good and he cant control the way his body jerks every time the leather makes contact with his most sensitive parts. pinch his thighs and coo at him while he just looks so pathetic under you, he camt do anything but take everything you do to him but he wouldn’t have it any other way !!
okay i got carried away… but im very serious ab this topic so i hope u fw it heavy <33 - 🥝🩷
MY KIWI GIRL 😣😣😣😣 u know wtf im talking about!!! let me think about how to make this masterpiece any better (impossible) small text cause there's a lot to say
taesan lovesloveslovesss when it feels like there's too much to focus on, he can't be too in his head about anything and will finally have a clear mind where he can just focus on you and how you make him feel.
he's already so sensitive cause of the vibrator, and he's trying to tune in on that feeling to calm down a little, but then you run your nails over his tummy or tug on the nipple clamps and there's too much calling for his attention, it feels like there's something happening on every area of his body and it's so overwhelming, when you slap his cheek he's shuddering through a sob and another orgasm, helpless to hold back his pitiful noises, he'll sound so whiny and pathetic in a way that has him humiliated when the scene is over
thinking of taesan and vibrators always makes me think of bunny's taesan a-z, vibrators on him are the best way to overstimulate him, i think he lasts pretty long typically but with vibrators, it's like he can barely think before he's cumming and he loves that, he also loves that you keep pulling orgasms out of him despite him begging you to stop, the lack of control is a little frustrating and that only makes it better for him -- that no matter what he says, he's powerless in this situation
he lovess being slapped and when you introduce floggers he's so turned on by the idea, he's a little impatient as you trail the flogger across his skin, he just wants to get on with it, but the built up tension only makes it better when you actually strike him with it, blindfold him and he has no idea where or when you're going to strike him next, trying so hard to tell where you are based on your condescending words
i love bratty taesan, he's not necessarily a mean boy but he'll say things like is that all? this is nothing, even when he's so sensitive and spent, he's finding a way to mouth off bc if he can form words it's not enough, he needs to feel so ruined and helpless that he can barely think, can barely defend himself when you insult him
i think sensory deprivation is a big yes for taesan, and overstimulating the senses he does have, make him wear noise canceling headphones, plug his mouth, blindfold him, and it's all the better when you press a vibrator to his tip and jerk him off, he has no idea what he sounds like so he can't hold back his muffled whines, he's hyper focused on the scent of your perfume clung to the sheets, and his fists are clenching and unclenching around nothing where they're bound by the ropes, can't use his hands to clean up the spit dribbling down his chin, he's so beautiful like that
i think he's mostly a whimperer/panter and his voice can get all soft and breathy, wincing when you peel the tape off of his mouth to ask him what he's so noisy for, and by the time you finally sink down on his cock, he can barely do anything but look up at you with shiny eyes, nodding along when you call him a slut or acknowledge that he'll let you do anything to him as long as he gets to bleed for you
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pixie-felix · 3 months ago
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h e l l o t h e r e ~
🧚‍♀️pixie🧚‍♀️ | 🧠ISFP 🧠 | 🪦'91 line🪦 | 🇬🇧 UK 🇬🇧
I'm pixie, let's be friends. I write skz x fem!reader smut, post a lot of kink polls, and usually let my intrusive thoughts win.
i n b o x : a l w a y s o p e n f o r s k z h a r d h o u r s
I'm basically a (rose) golden retriever in human form. Please feel free to fill my inbox with poll suggestions and any of your deepest/darkest/fluffiest/funniest/smuttiest skz thoughts :) or just come say hi, that's good too~
disclaimer: As the world's most unreliable virgo, fic requests often take me a while. As in, months. My intentions are good, but my mind is a mess.
this is a sideblog, so if I sneak into your asks I'll sign off with a li'l 🧚‍♀️ so you'll know it's me. I would tell you my main account, but it's in a different fandom and I like to keep things separated (if you can't tell by the separate gif, smau, and reblog blogs.) What can I say, I'm an autistic virgo 💁‍♀️.
2 4 - 2 5 b i a s c h a r t
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first bias: felix I now bias: bang chan I bias wrecker: han fav duo: 2min I fav song: bounce back I fav album: ate mv: stray kids I AMAs 50th anniversary special I hair: wet cat blond felix
M B T I m a t c h e s
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this is fun and silly and increased my delulu by only 14%. get yours here
p r e c i o u s, b e l o v e d a n o n s :
🇦🇺, 🥝, 🍭, 🥞, 🐶, 🏳️‍⚧️
new anons are always welcome, choose your emoji and come chat with me!
t a g l i s t
my taglist is always open 🫶 comment/ask to be added/removed
@sthaay @bluesungology @chrizzztopherbang @avnche @kemkem33 @mikaelless @lvrgrl-xo @eevenus @furioussheepluminary @sheerfreesia007 @aasthamoon, @amazinglystay @delulustardust @galaxy4489 @lil-bear08 @abby-loves-aphrodite
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a-mimic-and-a-jester · 10 months ago
🟥, ✂️, 🕸️, 🟪⬜🟩,🦎, 🥝, 🦖🦕, 🏁, 🍒
Activism nannies, Actual woman, Adult human female, AFAB trans woman, Agender (as in atheist), Aiden, Autoandrophilia, AAP, Autogynephilia, AGP, Autogynesmile, Autohomoeroticism, AHE
Be kind / be nice, Bio-trans, Blanchard model, Black Pampers, Boxer ceiling, Brave and stunning
Choker, Clocking, Clownfish, COIN, Cotton ceiling
Dildo, Dogs are TERFs, DropTheT, DropTheL, DropTheB
Erasing women
F-L, Febfem
GBTQI+, Gender abolitionist, Gender theory, Gender ideology, Gender-critical feminism, GC, Gender fandom, Gender ideology, Genderfree, Genderist, Gender socialization, Genderspecial, GenderWooWoo, Genital preferences are transphobic, Get your 'gina off of Grindr / Get your muff off of Scruff, Goody, Gynandromorphophilia , GAMP
Handmaid, Handmaiden, Healthy tissue, Homosexual transsexual, HSTS, Horse piss, Hygienic
I Love J.K. Rowling, I Stand With Russia, It's okay to be bi
Ladydique, LARP, Lesbian erasure, Lesbophobia, LGB, LGBWithoutTheT, Lily
M-S, Male-Exclusionary Radical Feminist / MERF, Male violence, Mixed sex, MtT / FtT (Male to Transsexual / Female to Transsexual), Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Mutilation, My sex is not a costume
Non-affirming therapist
Peak trans, Penis-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, PERF, Pornsick, Pseudo-bisexuality
Quesadilla test / Quesadilla meme
Rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), RespectMySex
Safeguarding, Save women's sports, SCAM, Sex-based rights, Sex is real, SexNotGender, The Staniland Question, STEM-TFm, Steroids, Stonewall Law, Swedish study, Super (prefix) ,Surgical wound
T-Z, TEHM, TERF is a slur, Terfragette, Terven, TheyCallMeTerf, TIM / TIF (Trans Identified Male/Female), Tiny minority of men, Tranorexia, Transage, Trans cult, Trans agenda, Trans industry, Transing, Trans lobby, Trans rights are men's rights, Trans-rights activist (TRA), Transsexual, Transvestigators, Trans widow, Transwoman / Transman, Troon, Trooning Out, TWAW / TMAM
Ultra / non-ultra, Urinary leash, Uterus-haver
Vegan cat
Womanface, WomenWontWheesht, Womyn / Wombyn, WORIADS, Worthy of respect in a democratic society
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transparentmoontraveler · 1 year ago
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Alphabet lore human
A:❤️🎧🍓 B:💙🌺🦋 C:💛💫🌻 D: 💚💫🍃
E:💙🪻🫧 F:🖤📼🎞️ G:💜🔫🪻 H:💚🪻🫥
I:🩵🍧🍬 J:💜🏄🎽 K:💛🦋🕶️ L💚😡♏
M:❤️♈♦️ N:🧡♊💫 O:💙😡♐ P:🩷🥰♓
Q:🧡🧑‍🦽🍂 R:❤️😖❤️‍🩹 S:💚🌿🐍 T:🩶🦈🧣
U:💚🌱🥝 V:💙⚧️🫐 W:💜🎎🍇 X:🤍☯️🥷
Y:🌻💛👘 Z:🌌🌠🌙
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deezmetr-opsia · 1 year ago
- Im Ril! i post whatever i want. I'm a Transexual man, Aromantic Gaybian. I'm a genderhoarder and Therian. -
🦎 - pronouns.page
🪦- pronouny
🎍- linktree
🕸 - carrd
🥝 - Agere tumblr
♟️- Main tumblr
🌿- Hoard tumblr
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Hyperfixations + Intrests
Sci-fi, Horror (Films, Books, Shows ex) Slasher Movies, Dracula, Renaissance art, Breaking Bad, Starwars, Golden Kamuy, Dragonball (Z,S,GT), Jojos Bizzare Adventure, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, FNAF, Hermitcraft/Mcyt, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Saiki K, Chainsaw Man, Hello Kitty and Friends, Star vs The Forces of Evil, Fairy Tail, OHSHC, Beserk, Trolls, Postal, Fight Club, American Psycho, Car Seat Headrest, Weezer, The Cure, Cruxshadows, Romeos Void, of Montreal, Will Wood, Shayfer James, Lemon Demon, Oyster Head, A Tribe Called Quest, Dungeon Meshi, Fallout, Dexter
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radfems/ terfs/ swerfs .. proana .. anti self dx .. discourse accounts .. transmed/truscum .. Flag discourse losers .. against any good faith identities (Xenogenders, Mspec Gays/Lesbians, Lesboys/Turigirls ex) .. dont believe transmisogyny or transandrophobia exist .. anti-neoprns/ pnc .. get into mental illness/ system discourse or criticize people for not sharing their mental illnesses online .. (no)map + supporters .. proshipper/anti-anti + supporters .. Vaush, Hasan Piker, Keffels or Destiny fans .. dream stan/ support dream .. Wilbur soot fans/ supporters .. HH/HB/ Vivziepop Fans/ supports
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real-total-drama-takes · 7 months ago
Headcanons for 🧯 anon and 🥝 anon:
🧯, you’re the fire-extinguisher in a NYC fire department and all day, you stare at hot firefighters sliding down the pole and listen to the blaring sound of cars and taxis beeping in the Big Apple traffic.
🥝, you’re married to 🍓-anon and together, you two invented the strawberry-kiwi flavor in fruit punches and Capri-Suns.
🧯, your favorite color is white, because it reminds you of the fire-extinguishing foam you expel that saves lives every day, and it reminds you of your heroism.
🥝, when you were born, the doctors diagnosed you with a speech impediment that makes all your “s” sounds sound like “z”, but it actually gives you such a melodic voice that you are called to sing in operas at the Sydney Opera House every year.
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enchantedlandcoffee · 1 year ago
would you rather a lifetime of free concerts but you can never got to any of the ot5 concerts again OR you can only pick one artist to see live for the rest of your life and the tickets are always super expensive?
oof z this is a really tough one
um i would not be able to handle never going to see ot5 live again so i'd have to choose the second option with Louis and let myself go bankrupt (i've also convinced myself that if there's a 1D reunion, it would technically count as Louis would be performing there)
it's time for a sleepover!
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cakiette · 1 year ago
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Hii!! I’m elle :3 ! She/her,,, i prefer to keep my age private
other me’s: @ask-steve-cobs-ii :: @skullputer
check me out on wattpad!11! I post bangers on there!!1 @skullputer
idm troll asks atp lol
i need friends idc what age i need friends idc what age i need frien
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・i rlly like object shows!! Since 2019!!! >.<
・my typing quirks r misspelling stuffs and s = z :3
・i luv using :3 and ^_^ stuffs like that (emoticonss,,)
・ @milkiette >>>>>>>>!!! BTWWW!! ILY POOKIE,,! 🦴🎀
・kawaiikore…. 🤍🤍
・i plan on doing art commissionz when i am confident enuff!! 🍥
・i will never ever!! Sell my ocsss Σ੧(❛□❛✿)!! I luv them smm
・reblogs + posts abt my object ocs, fanart, stuff like that (+ cute stuff prolly??)
・im pretty unorganized soo dont be surprised if everything on this blog is MESSYYY!!
・i dont bite if u wanna be friendz or ask me smth, even if ur an adult :3
・art inspos,, @/maxphilippa on tumblr, @/rawrvioli on yt, @/26nightmares on yt, @/cideramese on yt, bfyop/battle/@bfyopYT for your own planet on yt, kittydog on yt, moccabliss on yt, @/mothytheghost on tumblr, @_mecintosh on twitter.
・@laveries | freya <33 | UR OBJECT OCS R PRETTY!!!!
・@milkiette | yuna | RAHHH NEW POOKIE!! ILYSM!
・im looking forward to being friens with anybodyy :3333 idc what age as long as ur not a creep!! Then ur cool!!!!!!
・once i become friens w u i might take a while bc i have social anxietyyy
・be annoying af and ur buh-buh-buh- BLOCKED!!!!
・Dont treat me as ur frien right away,, i have social anxiety 😔‼️
・no dms unless we r mutuals ty im js a scared meow meow ><
・Pls no comparing my artstyle to someone else’s no matter how similar • 3 • i get uncomfy w that
・i put paws and clothes on my object characters, they aint furries fyi. If i draw animals,,, dont call me a furry artist idc if its a joke just please dont >:(( it makes me feel weird abt drawing animals.
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DNI: if ur overall a dick, comship, proship, basic dni criteria, oc stealers, hardcore Christian,, NFT art traders + collectors, creeps, ppl who shame artstyles gtfo, ppl who shame rarepairs/crackships/canon x oc, simps ermm.
BYF: I don’t post much,, i usually reblog/rb or just make fanart and stuffs for my fav blogss,,
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Oki thats all abt me baibai :33
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tonguetyd · 9 months ago
🥝🥥🥒 -🌿
🥝- I feel the need to protect you (really? I mean. Fair enough I guess, we all need protection from The Horrors)
🥥- chill vibes (I just did yours and forgot the fuckin coconut one but yes uno reverse you too)
🥒- great sense of humor (I try so hard. You would not believe.)
Thank you for sending Z 😘😘
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freeworldallahmbaclass · 2 years ago
Name of this page is suppose to be 50 Cent executive MBA class the New York Business class it's hot and I'm feeling it so without further interruptions we proceed to give what you need and get all that nonsense out of the game my name is Allen Henry my other name is Free World it really means to free the human race from all limits , plagues , diseases and ignorance and give them a new world a much better world to live in for all races of people ethnicity cultures all across the globe you got it thank you true humanity and treating each other with love and respect for each other
The story is that 50 Cent kind of dropped a hint to me on wanting to help cure the Aids epidemic in Africa and I heard it and I proposed it to send the cure for aids in Africa to the people in Africa infected with HIV Aids and this is the news headlines in March 2023 of it going through another accomplishment on my list of accomplishment thank you so much and they should be continuing sending it to Africa daily every day week month and years for generations and generations from now on a continuous basis that would be the right thing to do true humanity .
Check the news on CNN The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death sentence in Africa . The us is me and 50 Cent the rapper from his hit show power .
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa
Check the news on CNN on ending HIV Aids in Africa with the cure and new medicine Cabenuva HIV medicine that cures HIV Aids like the common cold and any other kind of communicable diseases
We did it congratulations on the cure for Aids in Africa .
The US helped prevent AIDS from being a death Sentence in Africa .
Cabenuva the new HIV Medicine is the cure for HIV Aids it knocks out HIV Aids like the common cold please send it to Africa to help heal the people .
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This is for young mothers without any help in the house feed your babies good food 🥝 so they grow up and play sports and make their mom proud 🪴. It is never too late for your education learn with your kids use free daycare services and self learn any skills you need to increase your value in the employment market .
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Celebrate Michael Jackson even now get his whole collection he still is the best to me thank you it has been a honor for me to help serve the people .
Thank you Dapper Dan for my Louis Vuitton Jacket with Junior on the back of my jacket thank you so much that is what the role consist of me playing the role of royalty in the Carter's home and palace thanks , goodbye and see everybody next season and shout out to Meaghan I love her and apologize to her for being late to the party that our fam invited me to see you soon hopefully I will make it there I made it so I just gotta clean up and show up to the party and I also see she doing her thing congratulations to her and the city of Houston . Jay Z and me is Joe Montana and Bill Walsh from the Joe Cool Joe Montana documentary on YouTube it starts until that comeback Joe Montana was just a rumor they say until I appear at work I'm just a rumor which is good for me because he gave me a year more to train to work for him and then I get to pitch and he gave me a job offering letter yep that is true I got that from Jay Z the rapper the owner of Roc Nation records and the owner of Tidal Music streaming service Brooklyn born Jay Z Shawn Carter sent me a job offering letter to work for him and that my brother and sister is a better card hand 👏 than I know a lot of people got right now but it's going to take a lot of hard work getting there let's hope I make it there remember it's get myself together and show up at the party , the game and the events , thanks so much , I love you still trying to get this curse off of me their is a curse on me and I need it off so I can go do my thing in the music scene and the business scene and that is a wrap and goodbye from me thank you see you soon . Hey ask Meaghan if she know Kedrian and Byron she way younger than us but it's Houston and she know the story last time I saw Kedrian he was working at Olive 🫒 Garden that is the savage video with her Beyonce funny story I walk into the Olive Garden and these girls black girls are just laughing at me and I'm like damn I played it off act like I didn't see them now I stay in the gym I got her on the new Elle magazine and another I gotta read she doing her thing I know the mad hatter rocking her music she hot all up here and through the south that's my sister for real see my net bag my shower bag I'm from out there shout out to Baytown Houston and of course my old home town the heart of Texas Killeen Copperas Cove and Highlands Texas I forgot my boys behind me they smoke hella weed now it's legal and I legalized it I'm the guy that legalized weed and South Houston on the map .
Yeah that's me in the video the prince getting my opportunity from the King and Queen it's 52 weeks of the year not 52 days of the year of staying on your A game and bringing your A game and brush the dirt of your shoulder and clothes from the Toure and his books the black carpet guy remember him he wrote a book and gave me my own form of music in music history and I can make that money back I did it for my city now I can do it for myself and I said no to any attachments from the media , music industry and the streets trying to sabotage me filming and recording me I will be the executive producer in anything I'm doing from now on thank you no disrespect to anyone and see you next season . No attachments to me I don't care who these counselors and social services is working for I said no and no I don't need permission from anybody to do anything with my life I go where I want to workout where I want and go anywhere in New York City where I want to go and no I don't take orders from other men or women about anything in the streets the media and the industry and other people and their entourage can stop following me everywhere I go and stop hating and heckling me ain't nothing between us no drama no friendship no disrespect we ain't playing no games together nothing like that and get out of my way in life so I can continue making history , haters thank you Jay Z and Beyonce . Where I'm at right now is that I'm totally brain dead I listen to Jim Rohn all day long but I could hear only drama death and violence in my inner ear and that is other people it's sad people could make you commit suicide or make you want to injure them they are racist very racist the people that's doing and yes they work with police I said no and I'm ignoring you and anything you got going around me and stop harassing me and building your life off of me unless it's the goodness of my page but the way they been shooting through me for the last ten years it's obvious my answer is no to them never about anything and get off of me because I said no to people controlling me anymore again sorry about all the people they disrespected through me they work with police and with police in jail get off of me with that attachment and voodoo period no get off of me with that curse I said no to the people putting curses that's from religious people , nurses , doctors , lawyers , the media , the music industry , Hollywood and women alot of them is straight evil witches and cowards and gang members no thank you nothing to do between us and never will be no disrespect to them but no thank you .
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br34king-bugs · 1 month ago
full headmate list !!
in charge of the account !!
💀 / e, stalker (any pronouns)!
🚬 / g, cig, ciggy (he/him)!
🤍 / a, the admin (no/prns)!
⚰️ / z, zeo, the dead one (he/it)!
new splits thanks to you !!
🦴 / comic!
others / existing emojis (some use multiple emojis, we try very hard not to copy emojis from other sysmates but with an existing population of 200+ thats not the most possible) !! this will get added to in the same way as our source list as more of us get confirmed emojis to sign off
🥊, 🍬💜, 🐷, 🍏, ⚔️, 🔎, 🌻, 🗡, 7️⃣, 🤡, 💩, 🥚, ❤️‍🔥, 🦖, 🪲, 💚, 🍎🩸, ®️, 🚩, 🤠, ✨️, 🥧, 🕸, 🫂, 🪦, 🪖, 🩸, 🧨, 🦗, 🦑, 🦋, 🥨, 🥜, 🥔, 🥒, 🥀, 😱, 🕷, 🔂, 🔪, 📚, 💿, 💐, 👻, 👓, 👑, 👐, 🐾, 🐼, 🐸, 🐬, 🐟, 🐎, 🏴‍☠️, 🏳️‍🌈, 🏈, 🎸, 🎲, 🎭, 🍻, 🍓, 🍑, 🍅, 🍃, 🌺, 🌭, 🌫, 🌞, 🌕, 🌊, 🃏, ⭐️, ❄️, ⛔️, ⚱️, ⚠️, ☔️, ☀️, 🧲, 🧁, 🦜, 🦈, 🥩, 🔨, 👁🔥, ☣️, 𖤐, ☭, 🖤, 🩵/💎, 🩷/💕, 🩶, 💜, 🍬, 🙄, 🦂, 💾, 🏹, 👀, 📬, 🍞, 🧬, 🪆, 🕊, 😈, 🥄, ⛏️, 💻, ⚡️, 🍌, 🌩, 🤘, 🥝, 🎹, 🔔, 💭, 🌋, ⚡️🎤, 🚌, 🛗, ❤️, 🐲, 🧡, ♦️, 📓, 💋, ☢️, 🚶‍♂️, 🤞, 🦇, 🦓, 🪱, 🐠, 🧵, 😻, 🐺, 🌼, 🦢, 🎃, 😷, 🔥, 🧠, 🧟‍♀️, 💊, 🐔, 🪓, 🌄, 🟢, 🪡, 🦊, ⚖️, 🍂
and many more who dont have an emoji at the current time, but these are who currently are here at least, shoot an ask to get to know about them if yer curious
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baby-mama-vienna · 1 month ago
🌈 Fruchtige Joghurt-Terrine – Das perfekte Sommerdessert ohne Backen! 🍓🍊🥝
🌈 Fruchtige Joghurt-Terrine – Das perfekte Sommerdessert ohne Backen! 🍓🍊🥝 🎉 Hol dir den Sommer auf den Teller! Dieses erfrischende Rezept vereint cremigen Joghurt, frische Früchte und farbenfrohe Leichtigkeit in einem Dessert, das einfach zuzubereiten ist – ganz ohne Ofen! ✨ Highlights: ✔️ Schnell gemacht ✔️ Perfekt für heiße Tage ✔️ Gesund und lecker ❤️ Lust auf mehr sommerliche Ideen? Schreib uns in die Kommentare, welche Frucht dein Favorit ist! #BackenOhneOfen #SommerDessert #JoghurtTerrine #ErfrischendLecker #FarbenfrohesDessert #EinfachUndSchnell
🍓 Zutaten • 🥣 200 g Naturjoghurt • 🥛 200 ml Schlagsahne • 🍬 4 EL Zucker (je nach Geschmack) • 🍦 1 Päckchen Vanillezucker • 🌿 6 Blätter Gelatine • 🍍 Verschiedene Früchte nach Wahl (z. B. Kiwi, Mandarinen, Trauben, Beeren) 🧑‍🍳 Zubereitung 1. 🍊 Vorbereitung der Früchte: • Früchte waschen, schälen und in kleine Stücke schneiden. 2. 💧 Gelatine vorbereiten: • Gelatineblätter in kaltem Wasser…
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