guardpupleo · 14 hours
learn how your tdick feels. touch it, c'mon. jerk yourself off even when you can barely wrap a finger around it. you'll learn to feel when you experience some growth. you'll feel those sensitive spots as your dick gets bigger with every T shot you take. you'll feel yourself getting harder each time, too, getting boners like a real man. don't you want that? to play and think with your dick? don't lie to me.
don't you want your body to learn? learn how to grind and hump and move like a man does when he fucks? i know you want it even if you can't say it. you want your body to rut your hips into your own hand because you need to fuck something so bad. no better than a man, are you?
don't lie to me. you want to think with your dick and you don't want to think with your head anymore. let me do it for you.
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nervousyoungtboy · 4 hours
recently out trans boy, who gets super close with his dad after he starts transitioning. his dad is always so sweet and supportive, his affections always returned by his son. he wants to show his son everything there is to know about becoming a man. though, it gets hard sometimes, when his boy walks around the house in nothing but boxers and a tshirt. sometimes not even that. he lays awake at night, thinking of the young man sleeping only a room away. he wonders how his body is reacting to t shots. if he's gotten any bottom growth, how the hair growing on his chest and stomach feels. he fucks his hand to the thought of sucking him off, of making him writhe and whine, make him beg his father to let him cum. he feels like he's going insane, denying himself the only thing he wants, which is his son's wet boycunt wrapped around his thick cock.
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forcedtogrow · 2 days
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We’ll need to cut the sleeves off your shirts too if you follow my directions like a good dog. You won’t need thoughts of your own anymore, just be the obedient boy I know you can be.
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vampirefaggotrocks · 2 days
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when you were an innocent little girl, you would pray and beg on your knees to a god that wouldnt listen. now you’re older and a faggot who uses his position on knees to hear a man whimper.
(posting my nsfw forcemasc edit here)
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zabreus · 5 months
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my contribution to the masc hypno genre
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girls-to-men · 3 months
Saw a bumper sticker that said “your child is not an honor student. He is a dog.” I know that wasnt intended to be as horny as it is but i will take it. Your daughter was a good girl at the top of her class until i put a leash on him
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dumbjock-tshot · 5 months
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it doesn’t suit you well anyways.
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selfoftheseus · 4 months
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Has anyone made a Forcemasc post like this yet
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butch-patriarchy · 5 months
"Testosterone will turn you into a violent pervert", do you fucking promise????
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xpupslxtx · 2 months
wanna go to the bathroom at a punk show and have him follow me in and push me against the wall and make out with me with a mouth tasting of stale beer while he speaks filth into my ear calling me a slutty little fag while he shoves his fingers inside my already dripping hole and i rock my aching cock against his hand and moan so loud i can hear myself over the blaring music and crowd in the next room and then he makes me drop to my knees and pull down his pants and straddle his boot while he grinds it into my cock and i suck him off and he makes me cum on the bathroom floor all over his boot laughing at what a dirty and desperate pup i am while he cums in my mouth and i lap up every drop and and and-
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boytraining · 5 months
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ignore their incredulity. accept the truth. you have to be cut up to be made whole
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nervousyoungtboy · 4 months
he/him pronouns aren't enough i need to nut inside another man
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ftmfranknfurter · 3 months
Another reason why forcemasc is so appealing, especially to mlm transmascs is that so much of the time in our relationships with men, they want to feminise us. It’s almost a cliche that every transmasc has had a bad relationship with a “bi” dude who discourages then from taking T and tries to make them use they/them or she/her pronouns. It’s nice to imagine a fantasy where someone wants us to actively transition, who finds the masculinity hot, who romanticises the changes on T.
And I can only hope that this has made more transmascs have higher standards and realise that there are people who do will love you and find you attractive because you are masculine and not because you’re their idea of a hot tomboy.
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idiotman · 2 months
Taught my bf how to present (ass up, arched back, on all fours) and he got hard while i held his hips even though we were fully clothed. Life is good
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subqmale · 3 months
call me covid conscious the way i need a masc on my face
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theswitchking · 2 months
not to be sincere on the horny blog but i think the reason so many queer masc afabs and transmascs like forcemasc content is because it feels like being finally listened to.
like we go through life getting told we’re just confused girls, or we’ll never be man enough, or we probably just didn’t want to be like mommy, or it’s because we’re mentally ill, or a host of other invalidations.
and then we read a post that’s about someone who wants to see us being more masculine —who sees it as a good thing. who says “just take the testosterone. this what you really want, isn’t it?”
and we say, Yes. Yes, it is what I want. Thank you for listening to me.
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