pr0cyon-lotor · 4 days
*hands you abandoned WIP* you want this?
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Anyway context was that SY, YQY, and SJ grew up together. SY is a half demon who had his demonic side sealed away as a child. . They joined Cang Qiong and SY learns to cook because these bitches NOT eating. Anyway one thing led to another and Shen Yuan is presumed dead. A full on war breaks out between the cultivators and demons. And Cang Qiong lost too much and had to surrender in hopes of spearing the rest of their population.
Luo Binghe sets them in the care of "Lord Shen" who is just Shen Yuan. SY as soon as he was presumed dead decides to take care of and nurture the southern territories in preparation for LBH eventual take over. Anyway SY takes care of Cang Qiong and just randomly realizes they haven't eaten so he feeds them.
This is a gross oversimplification of the plot, but honestly, I'm too lazy to finish it. I'll do it eventually 😮‍💨
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amystarsmith · 6 months
Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu (SY) Drabble
Basically SY feels guilty about YQY calling him Xiao-Jiu
Word Count:720
Can be platonic or romantic!
“Xiao-Jiu.” The sect leader said calmly, beginning to address Shen Qingqiu. It was a calm afternoon, until it all suddenly blew up.
“Don’t call me that!!” The Qing Jing peak lord slammed his hand on the table, causing his own tea cup to tumble over. He didn’t care about the hot tea getting on his clothes or on his hands, he didn’t care about the cup shattering to the floor in an instant.
Yue Qingyuan looked startled, wincing when the cup broke. It was from one of the sets he had gifted the man, so seeing it destroyed hurt his heart a little. Shen Qingqiu didn’t seem to calm down all that much, his brows still furrowed.
Suddenly it hit him, there would be no reason for him to act like this. This was different then when Shen Jiu would tell the sect leader to shut up, a more raw feeling in his voice as he yelled.
Shen Yuan had tried to play his part well. Being cordial and nice to the people around him, trying to fix his body’s awful reputation.
But this felt so different.
Yue Qingyuan would constantly be calling him by a name that wasn’t his, a personal name that wasn’t his. The way the sect leader said it too was always so tender and warm.
He’d be looking at Shen Qingqiu as if he was the sunshine after a rainy day. Warm, ready to surround you and comfort you now that the clouds are gone.
It made Shen Yuan too uncomfortable. He wasn’t the one Yue Qingyuan had wanted to give that look.
It was meant for the original Shen Qingqiu, the irritable Shen Jiu.
The person Shen Yuan wasn’t.
“Don’t…. Don’t call me that, please.” His tone was changed as he said it a second time, sitting back down politely. He took his hand off of the table, ignoring the feeling of his wet and warm robe sticking to the wood.
The look Yue Qingyuan held now was… worry. Those sunshine filled eyes, warm and happy, were slightly glossy now, the man’s brows a little furrowed.
“Shen… Qingqiu.” The sect leader’s voice was soft, he was testing if that form of address was okay. The peak lord met his eyes, there was so much emotion that wasn’t usually behind them. “What’s wrong with me calling you that?”
It was a simple question, but to Shen Yuan it held too much weight. So many things could be said and asked about it, like that he wasn’t Shen Jiu and shouldn’t be called that.
But that would only bring more questions.
Shen Yuan breathed in shakily, remembering what the dreams he had showed him of Shen Jiu’s past.
His enslavement. How he had met Yue. How he acted to proud but in reality was just as scared as every other child there.
“Jiu isn’t a name.” Shen Qingqiu buried his nails into his robes, clenching down on the skin underneath it all. “It’s just a number. Slaves never got names.” Every word that left his throat felt bitter, like as it crawled from his mouth it left a burning trail. Shen Qingqiu felt his face get hot, the words struggling to make it out as he talked.
“I’m no longer a slave, Yue Qingyuan.” He made eye contact with the man, a fierce look in green eyes despite the tears welling up in them. “Saying such a title as my number is disrespectful and only brings bad thoughts.”
The look of the sect leader’s face changed. Thinking, accepting, looking at Shen Qingqiu with a look of pity.
Shen Yuan knew that Shen Jiu couldn’t stand that face.
“Okay… I understand. That makes a lot of sense.” Yue Qingyuan sighed, picking up a new cup and pouring tea for the man across from him.
“… if you must call me Xiao something, Yuan is a name I like. The wall version, not like yours meaning source…” he continued, ignoring how Yue Qingyuan stopped pouring tea.
“Xiao-Yuan.” The way the sect leader said it held so much weight, as if his name was the most important thing in the world.
“… Yue-Ge.” Was Shen Qingqiu’s informal reply, sipping on his tea as the sect leader beamed in front of him.
Maybe this new life won’t be so bad.
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heart2heartroses2u · 11 months
Perfect CP pairing, can’t wait for more collaborations between them
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her-lightbringer · 6 months
I got sniped again,,I'm immortalizing these in my memory forever obymgd
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gemkun · 6 months
anonymous said : dan heng, since the vidyadhara are self reproducing, does that mean marriage and dating don’t exist for your culture?
      ⸻       ❝   the   vidyadhara   are   not   self   —   reproducing.   they   undergo   the   cycle   of   self   —   reincarnation.   it   begins   with   embryonic   development   in   the   ancient   sea   and   once   the   egg   is   nurtured   ,   it   proceeds   to   hatch.   the   young   vidyadhara   are   then   guided   into   adulthood   under   the   elders   ,   where   they   acquire   knowledge   gradually   ,   and   discover   their   specialisation   to   depart   to   their   respective   places.   in   their   maturity   they   become   elders   themselves   and   teach   the   young   ,   who   then   realise   their   trade   as   their   elders   once   did.   after   seven   centuries   ,   they   return   to   the   same   sea   ,   lose   their   memories   ,   molt   and   revert   to   embryos   once   more   to   await   their   hatching   rebirth.   the   cycle   then   restarts.   ❞
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  ❝   this   hatching   rebirth   does   not   affect   romantic   inclination   —   marriage   and   dating   are   not   exclusive   for   procreation.   vidyadhara   are   capable   of   experiencing   emotions   such   as   love.   any   creature   with   a   consciousness   is.   on   the   luofu   ,   i   have   come   across   a   great   deal   of   individuals   who   express   their   affliction.   but   it   is   true   that   aversion   for   romance   exists   ,   which   largely   stems   from   the   removal   of   memories   in   later   years.   however   ,   love   has   proven   to   be   quite   powerful   and   challenges   even   fate   itself.   ❞
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beansssssssss · 6 months
Vidyadhara canonically cannot reproduce. Yueyuan in the alchemy commission tells us this very explicitly:
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If you are desperate this could also implies they don’t have reproductive organs. Even if you aren’t, the whole reincarnation thing means there is no need for reproductive organs and they should be canonically ace because there is no biological incentive for sex or organs. Why tf is there so much mpreg for the man who is physically unable to reproduce (more so than you average man). Also, man is basically a platapus, they are born out of eggs, why does he have babies that are not eggs in fanon?
Instead of canon diverging Dan Heng’s organs maybe we could instead have slay ace representation and take the opportunity to explore his relationship with other characters!
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strinak · 17 hours
anyway liujiu and yueyuan annoy me for the same reason: pretending two very different men are the same bc they have/had the same body. the lack of respect...!!
lqg didn't like sj at all, he fell in love AFTER sy took the wheel! yqy isn't into the body, he is somehow bewitched by the horrible bastard man IN that body!
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leahsfiction · 2 years
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cool thread about a ttrpg about a Daoist and their retinue of ghosts, Shrine: the Siege of Yueyuan!
The game was an attempt to evoke a sort of lived feeling and experience, of instinctual associations, and share them with wider audiences (who might or might not be Chinese/Shenist). With xianxia's growing popularity as a genre, we hoped players/ readers might be interested!
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im in love with the idea that yqy at some point finds that his xiao jiu isn't the same as who he was before the fever, this new sqq is demure and innocent in the way that no immortal should be. how could he not want to tuck this little one under his wing and into his bed. and oh, the new sqqs cries and keens are tiny and sweet. yqy is much happier doing his duties when he knows at the end of the day, a soft sqq is spread across his sheets, waiting patiently for him
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OMG ANON U DONT EVEN KNOW. I LOVE THIS SHIT. Seen it in a couple fics and I Just Can’t Get Enough
SQQ is like a present for him at the end of the day, so easy to seduce and slide in to make him sing. Qing Jing peak will go weeks without seeing their Shizun because YQY can’t bear to be without his little love.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 11 days
I've been thinking about my COTL AU for Svsss. I made some designs for the main guys :D
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Our simple but put together Cult Leader
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His cold and sharp right hand man and husband
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And their troublesome husband I mean— follower 👀
A little excerpt (im taking liberties with the lore because ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) ↓
The Bishop of Death was once a kind shepherd. He led lost souls to eternal rest with a comforting smile. 
No one knew where he came from or why he stayed, but he was loved, and he loved his kin back. It was like the heavens above graced their undeserving lives with a good reason for death. Just to be cradled in his arms and pulled to permanent sleep. It was something to love with him there.
No one knows when it happened, but the bishop changed. Something tainted the shepherd. Those smiles were no longer kind; there was a madness in his eyes, and his voice lost its warmth.
A snake and a crow always whispered in his ears, the culprits many guessed. Yet his devoted followers refused to believe their shepherd would lead them astray.
A little lamb and goat were the most vocal about their belief in their shepherd. They were saved by him long ago; they didn't believe that cat, who smiled so fondly as he shielded two herdless creatures from the cruelty of their world, was gone. That kind shepherd was in there, they swear.
Then their shepherd attacked the other bishops. They heard this information from the very same bishops, bloodied and torn.
It didn't matter to the lamb and the goat. All they knew was that their god was gone.
It wasn't long before the lamb was taken after so much senseless slaughter of his kind. The goat tried to stop it but only got discarded on the forest floor, drawing his final breath as the lamb cried out for him to wake up. Those cries turned to static as the goat closed his eyes.
It hurt. The lamb never thought he'd be the one on an altar, a knife puncturing through his soft wool and even softer flesh like it was nothing. His last breath came out in a muffled cry, and darkness met him.
Oblivion. The same oblivion their shepherd would lead lost souls to. If only they were led by him this one time...
Except it wasn't oblivion where they stayed. They were thrown at the feet of a massive, chained figure. Fear bloomed in their chests before a familiar voice welcomed them.
"Ah— My little lamb. My lovely goat. You visited me far too early," said that comforting voice. A veil covered his face, but there was a smile, barely visible under the dark veil.
It was almost worrying how quickly they agreed to make a cult in his name. Maybe it was simple devotion, although it felt different than devotion. It felt warmer. It was more.
They fought tooth and nail for their god. In those small moments of failure, they were greeted with a smile and sent back gently. They truly didn't see the insanity in the shepherd's eyes, or maybe they didn't want to believe it.
Bishop after bishop, they fell like cards. Each gave warnings about the shepherd, and their god's excitement turned to mania with each fallen card.
Once the last card fell, they were left with the last one. The Ace. It was truly no surprise that the shepherd betrayed them. The veil was ripped off during the fight; they were met with the insanity in those eyes.
It hurt as much as the knife that reunited them as they made a mighty mountain fall. No longer the colossal being that they looked up to, just a cat. Wounded and weak.
They approached, and there was a moment of clarity in his eyes. The fallen shepherd looked at them and smiled as he did that first day.
"My little lamb. My lovely goat," he said fondly, as if he wasn't at their mercy.
The lamb just needed to raise his blade and...
It would be so easy. So simple. Their fallen shepherd wouldn't have to suffer anymore, but...
There was a silent agreement between the lamb and the goat as they sheathed their blades. The lamb gingerly picked up the former god of death, careful with his injuries, and brought him half unconscious to the very same cult they made to his name.
They left him to their healer. Yes, their shepherd wouldn't have his madness healed overnight, but they were going to make sure he can once more see through his madness and see them again. No matter how long it took.
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hanauchuu · 7 years
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my IP twitter: @huahao_yueyuan
do not repost, thank you♡
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sy-is-sj · 4 years
SY is SJ rec list-
The Grand Unified Theory of Shěn Qīngqiū series by 00janeblonde
Continued here due to the banning of ao3 in China
Shěn Qīngqiū new game pluses himself into a happy ending and unlocks some premium content along the way.
Part of the The Grand Unified Theory of Shěn Qīngqiū series. Endgame Shěn Qīngqiū/Liǔ Qīnggē/Yuè Qīngyuán with fluff, character development, temporary character death and lots more. Very popular and the fic most people are familiar with on [tumblr]. 267/? chapters on the main fic on ao3.
being and time by Esmenet @chadlesbianjasontodd
He had thought it would stop feeling like this. He had thought that that final, painful conversation with Yue Qingyuan would have been enough to stop feeling anew, every time Yue Qi looked at him, like he was walking around wearing another man's ghost.
Platonic qijiu/yueyuan with feels. Very well-written with excellent characterisation and some cucumberplane friendship. Oneshot.
tangled in the hanging tree by technorat @gaygalaxyguy
Qiu Jianluo is a ghost, one whose resentment has driven him to gain new power.
Shen Qingqiu is captured.
Liujiu/liushen Whumptober fic with torture, angst, and hurt/comfort. Takes place during Luo Binghe's time in the Abyss. 3 chapters.
running out of holy places by technorat
Shen Qingqiu is brought to the Water Prison to await trial for his many crimes.
Liu Qingge fights against the ticking clock in order to save Shen Qingqiu.
Luo Binghe no longer knows what he wants.
Liujiu/liushen Whumptober fic with temporary character death, angst, and hurt/comfort. Some cucumberplane friendship. Explores Shen Qingqiu's guilt over Luo Binghe's blackening in the first couple of chapters. Plant Shen Qingqiu fic. 5 chapters.
voluntary victim (tie the noose) by technorat
Looking back at everything, Shen Qingqiu comes to a conclusion: everything that went wrong in his first life happened because of him.
Or, the Peak Lords search for Shen Qingqiu. Too bad he doesn't want to be found.
Liujiu/liushen/bingqiu/bingliushen time travel fix-it with character development and redemption. Angst, aftermath of torture, trauma, and hurt/comfort. Shen Qingqiu and the other peak lords slowly become friends. 9/? chapters as of 1/1/21.
Write What You Know by bingheluvr69
Shang Qinghua had a lot of regrets. In his original life as a cultivator, he never got to be a writer, he never really made friends amidst his constant paranoia and mistrust, and he never really learned more about his boss before Mobei Jun killed him (presumably, for his uselessness).
In his new life, he's broke, he has no cultivation, and he lives in a Modern world with a shitty System. But at least he has the spare time to start a writing career?
Part of the SV Stand-alone Plotbunny Oneshots. OG SQH is Airplane fic. Some cucumberplane friendship and very slight pre- Moshang. Fix-it fic with reverse transmigration, humour, and some amnesia. (and personally, it has a lot of things that I didn't realise I needed in an svsss fic until I read it). Oneshot.
(Note: only some parts of the summary have been added to reduce space)
Feel free to add more ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
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heart2heartroses2u · 1 year
Mr. Bad, one of the best drama’s starring Shen Yue and Chen Zhe Yuan as the main lead, to see. It’s simplicity and humbleness and light comical storyline makes this drama very enjoyable to watch..what’s more, the Female lead is down to earth, doesn’t need to dress to impress the male lead, her natural beauty, warmth and loving personality is what captures the heart of her leading man, no sex appeal is needed.. the natural atmosphere keeps you tentative and comical back to watch it over and over again.. and still gets the same feeling as if watching for the first time.. 💛💙
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her-lightbringer · 8 months
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What Your Favorite Scum Villain Ship Says About You
(credit to Eldena Doubleca5t for the excellent meme format)
BingQiu: you do not care at all how or why people wind up together as long as they're cute and in love by the end
LiuShen: regardless of what media you're consuming, your favorite character is always the tsundere
BingJiu: regardless of what media *you're* consuming, *your* favorite character is always the yandere
LiuBing: you think that the best way to resolve a love triangle is by ignoring the axis
LiuBingYuan: man, fuck a ship war, you're just here to watch people be helplessly in love
QiJiu: either you really really enjoy pain, or you really wish there was less pain in the world, there is no in between
YueYuan: somehow QiJiu's level of pain and Binghe's level of yandere were BOTH not enough for you
YueLiu: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of pairing the spares
LiuMu: you also believe in the inherent eroticism of pairing the spares, but you also think Yue Qingyuan has way too many issues to be in a romantic relationship with anyone
MoShang: you are a morosexual. you are attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively.
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jinrulanling · 4 years
" i'll be okay. I promise. " (Sizhui)
He felt faint and he felt like his heart might explode in his chest it was beating so rapidly he looked at the blood that colored the front of his pale robes and the hands of the other boy. He wanted to laugh but it made him dizzy. "Ah, I am not sure how alright I am." he stated he forced himself to take shallow breaths, to meditate.  
It would be his luck that he would only be able to meditate this close to death. He was silent though because he had to reserve his energy. His golden core still flared inside of him and it fought death very valiantly. "Please tell me you sent for my sister and not Jingyi " the two boys always good quarreled but that was absolutely from habit. Especially given he had been entrusted to his father and by extension his mother, when his parents had been killed.
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Still Sizhui looked so worried and it touched him. He brought a hand up to caress his face a gentle touch. He would have smiled for him if he could manage but currently all other functions were going toward maintaining pain. "I am going to hold you to that promise." he said softly. "Also, if I slip into a coma, promise me you won't let my sister draw on me." he didn't really think she would but if he made Sizhui cry he would feel even worse.
"I don't even know what hit me." he added.
They had taken cover in grove that seemed to be safe enough, though he was worried for Sizhui if he did slip into a coma, who would protect him. He nodded to Yueyuan. "If you draw Yueyuan and demand it protect it will defend you." he said. "You--can use my blade."
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