prism-wanderer · 16 hours
Listen. Regardless of how you feel about Yue Qingyuan/Shen Yuan. I don't even know their ship name. That shit slaps. Those writers write like they get powered through the angst of a million suns. I don't know what's worse. Yue Qingyuan KNOWING and still being that desperate/or maybe he does Love Shen Yuan or him being completely unaware and Shen Yuan is stuck constantly comparing himself and Shen Jiu. It also can be Hella funny. Especially when they make Yue Qingyuan the type that snaps and goes ape shit. Like holy shit that man is insane and it's high key hot. Writers never stop it's like a guilty pleasure for me 🙏🏾
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caibreee · 4 months
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Silly fella
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They started to be a thing since yesterday and I love them
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levia-kun · 2 years
me triyng my best to start a yuanqiu revolution at the PIDW forums lfjdsldjwlka
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delicioussshame · 5 years
I had a chat about YQY and SY, and this happened. Should have another part some day.
Yue Qingyuan had spent an unreasonable amount of time trying not to ponder the particulars of Xiao Jiu’s relationship with Luo Binghe. Nothing good would come out of him wondering if Luo Binghe really was as good a cook as he had heard, and how much that mattered to someone who grew up eating anything he could get his hands on because he never knew when it would happen again.
He has especially tried to keep his mind away from their bedroom. Sadly, he had always struggled with respecting this aspect of Xiao Jiu’s privacy.
The man had never made it easy, visiting brothels despite Yue Qingyuan’s jealous rebukes. As far as Yue Qingyuan knew, he’d stopped after his qi deviation, but if this was what he’d chosen instead, Yue Qingyuan would have preferred he kept visiting his anonymous mistresses. It hurt to know his gender wasn’t the obstacle he’d always thought it was. That the life he’d always dreamed of, and always dismissed as unrealistic, had only been slightly out of reach. If he’d pushed more, if he’d pursued Xiao Jiu with even half of Luo Binghe’s drive, would it have been enough? Xiao Jiu could evidently forgive major affronts, if Luo Binghe’s various outrages could be rewarded with lifelong commitment. Why not his?
It’s too late. Xiao Jiu wore red for Luo Binghe, not for him. Lingering on what could have been is useless. He would never get to taste Xiao Jiu’s skin, would never put the experience he’d gotten trying to forget him in others’ arms to good use. He had to accept it.
Or at least, he had thought he never would.
As the sect master, he was very cognisant of all matters of ridiculous problems the members of his sect could get into. He had, on more than one occasion, stared down at the poor disciple stuck with the chore of informing him of the latest debacle until said disciple was on the verge of tears, too flabbergasted by the utter nonsense being told to respond.
He still hadn’t expected the flower he’d found on his desk to randomly spurt pollen, coating both Xiao Jiu and he in bright yellow powder. They’d both stared at the flower instantly withering in a most unnatural manner before everything that wasn’t Xiao Jiu stopped mattering at once.
He’s never going to be able to work again without getting an erection. It’s a problem.
He’s still torn on the event. Part of him can still feel Xiao Jiu under the tips of his fingers, can still hear his beautiful voice break into his office, can still taste him on his tongue. He could never regret acquiring that knowledge.
Part of him wishes it never happened, if only because it only made him more aware of what he will never have again. It will only be harder to accept Xiao Jiu chose someone else now that he confirmed he is sweeter than in his wilder dreams.
But more than anything, Yue Qingyuan is angry enough he could slaughter Luo Binghe. In fact, he can barely control his rage. Luo Binghe won Xiao Jiu, and what does he do with him? He handles him so roughly that his imperturbable love couldn’t hide his bafflement when his time with Yue Qingyuan didn’t cause him pain.
At first, Yue Qingyuan had thought Xiao Jiu’s embarrassment couldn’t be helped. Who wouldn’t be embarrassed in his position? He, who was usually so in control, lost all of it to a man he spent his life denying. Yue Qingyuan himself couldn’t find it in himself to fake not having enjoyed this. He would have preferred Xiao Jiu’s enthusiastic consent, but since that was taken from them both, there was no point in mourning it.
He started getting worried when it became obvious Xiao Jiu wasn’t only tongue-tied, he was wondering whether to ask something of him. At that moment, when Xiao Jiu still wore the imprint of his teeth and smelled of them both, Yue Qingyuan couldn’t see himself refusing him anything. He gently prompted him to ask for whatever it was, expecting a request for a bath or clean clothes, desperately wishing for a confession of another nature completely.
Xiao Jiu’s actual request wiped his mind clear.
He had answered Xiao Jiu, as he always did. Had channeled Mu-shidi as he explained in his most clinical terms how to prepare a lover and what to use to make the process easier, while planning the murder of the man who couldn’t even bother to ask a whore how to make it good for the man he claimed to love so much. Not that he should have forced himself on Xiao Jiu. By all means, Luo Binghe should have been the one submitting to his shizun.  
He’s still not over it. Can’t get over it. Can’t stop himself from imagining how painful sex must have been for Xiao Jiu to dare ask him about it. Why not turn to the many prostitutes he knew for help? Why wait? Was he afraid of Luo Binghe’s reaction?
Yue Qingyuan is going to kill Xiao Jiu’s husband.
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greentrickster · 3 years
I want a Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System AU set post-epilogues where Shen Yuan and Binghe are doing well, they’ve finagled their relationship into something healthier and happier for both of them, and things are going well for. The System’s gone, the story’s ‘finished,’ they’re enjoying their lives.
Then one night Shen Yuan goes to sleep and has a dream about his old life, his old apartment - not a common occurrence, but not unusual. Except as the dream goes on he keeps... noticing things. For starters, he himself is still shaped and dressed as Shen Qingqiu and he’s kind of ghostly in that he can’t interact with anything physical. Not so strange, because dream, but his room... isn’t as he remembers it. Some of his PIDW merch is still up, but not as much as there used to be, it’s cleaner, the colour palette has changed, it’s his room but it’s different, and-
-and that’s when it gets really weird, because that’s when Shen Yuan, original-goods Shen Yuan, walks in the door drinking a soda, with some groceries and looking still like someone with chronic health issues, but a healthier someone with chronic health issues than Shen Yuan was when he died of food poisoning. And he’s wearing different clothes, and his hair’s longer, and this is when the second Shen Yuan looks up, sees the ghostly Shen Yuanqiu, and sprays soda everywhere before screaming.
There’s a lot of screaming after this, and at some point one of them realizes that they’re both yelling for/at the stupid System to explain this mess, they calm down enough to actually communicate, and it’s revealed that this new Shen Yuan is, in fact, Shen Jiu, the one who died in a ki deviation right before Shen Yuan got shoved into his body. He’d woken up in Shen Yuan’s body, in a hospital, with a System of his own telling him to whip Shen Yuan’s crap life into shape or he’d get sent back to his old, presumed dead body.
A bout of mutual swearing that the System apparently played them both with the same lie. In any case, since then as much time has passed in this world as the SVSSS setting, and Shen Jiu’s basically just been learning how to decent human, learning about Shen Yuan’s world, and feeling both guilty and grateful for getting to be part of Shen Yuan’s family. He doesn’t have the power or strength or authority or anything from his first life, he’s had to train his new body’s muscles to use even simple skills he used to have, like having good calligraphy or playing an instrument, and it’s been a rough ride, but he’s happy now. He doesn’t want to go back.
Except now we’ve got two human disasters realizing the person who had their new life originally is, in fact, still around, and should they switch back? Do they want to switch back? (No, no they don’t, Shen Yuanqiu’s married and finally has his peak running the way he wants and Shen Jiu has a soda habit and loves his new family.) But, like... should they switch back???
And the rest of the fic is a lot of them interacting, finding out that through some System glitch or something they show up in each others’ worlds as a sort of ghost when they go to sleep now, and I really just want Shen Yuan and post-character-development Shen Jiu having existential crises and also being horrible little gremlins together, and getting some closure in regards to their original lives and worlds. I want introspection, bonding, and hijinks.
Also, yes, Shen Jiu has absolutely read Proud Immortal Demon’s Way, but because he died during that ki deviation, to him it was never anything more than a harsh prophecy of what would have happened if he hadn’t died, perhaps a sign that it’s best for that world that he died when he did. He’s kept some of Shen Yuan’s swag for it around and out in the open on purpose, originally as something of a motivator to succeed in the tasks the System gave him so he wouldn’t be sent back, then eventually just as reminders of who he used to be, where he came from.
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zykamiliah · 2 years
so many new fics for the minibang (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) thank you so much fic writers!
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
I vote for LiuShen too. Not YuanQiu though, that also has some baggage attached to it. Though I find the possible dynamic of JiuYuan to be interesting too. But I agree, MXTX definitely knew what she was doing when she wrote it. I'm half-sure that BingYuan/BingQiu is a joke though. It certainly feels like a joke.
I don't hate or even dislike Bingqiu. That relationship is very interesting and worthy of exploring. It is just a kind of relationship that I, personally, am not drawn too, which is why I look at the alternative provided in canon.
YuanQiu isn't a ship I like to read, mostly because of the history between YQY and SJ. And while I find Shen Jiu interesting in some ways, I don't like him enough to ship him with SY.
Personally, I am happy to read some interesting Bingqiu and Liushen fics and be done with it.
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】
2nd Anniversary Shining Nikki Game 2021
【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】
2nd Anniversary Shining Nikki Game 2021
In the old days, the machine sounded; Yunxia floating brocade was woven for thousands of years.
Follow Nikki, go back one thousand six hundred years, go to the first time, get acquainted with Yunjin~
Singing:: 暖暖-Nikki
Song:: Traveling with Things
Composition/Arrangement:: Hui Yuanqiu
Planning/production:: Xiyinsha
PV Production:: Mochi Image
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dailypapernews · 3 years
Amid Henan floods, China authorities skirt climate change
Amid Henan floods, China authorities skirt climate change
ZHENGZHOU, China —  The mayor of this flooded city arrived at the tunnel at midnight. Muddy water poured across the road as workers drained the six-lane-wide underpass. Dozens of onlookers gathered, hoping to glimpse what lay beneath the water. Police shooed them away. Chen Yuanqiu lived nearby. He had witnessed the flood and knew that during rush hour the tunnel could be clogged with hundreds of…
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individualexplore · 5 years
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Tiantan Park - Yuanqiu and taiyuanmen.
Yuanqiu was built in the ninth year of Jiajing, Ming Dynasty (1530). The winter solstice is held on the platform every year, which is commonly known as the "heaven worship ceremony". At the beginning, it was a blue glazed round platform, which was expanded in 1749 (the 14th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty). At the same time, it was changed into a white marble railing and a bluish mosaic stone platform. The number of platform stone steps, mesa stones and stone railings in each layer of the circular mound is the multiple of "Nine" and "Nine", so as to meet the "nine heavy sky". Through the repeated use of "Nine", the supremacy of heaven is emphasized.
#Tiantan #Beijing #Photography #History #Royal
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eniyiyerler-blog · 6 years
Gök Tapınağı
Gök Tapınağı
Gök Tapınağı 天坛公园, Çin’in en iyi korunan ve ibadet törenlerinin yapıldığı en büyük yapı topluluğudur. Bol mahsul ve huzur için Çin tarihinde hüküm süren her hanedanın imparatorları, burada törenler yaparak, gök, toprak, güneş, ay, dağ, nehir tanrılarına dua ederlerdi. Bunların en önemlisi olan, göğe ibadet törenidir. Çin tarihinde imparatorlar, “göğün oğlu” anlamına gelen 天子 olarak adlandırılmıştır. İmparatorlar, devletlerini “göğün oğlu” sıfatıyla yönetirlerdi. Göğe ibadet etme, yalnızca imparatorlara tanınmış özel bir haktı; sıradan vatandaşlar, bu hakka sahip olamazdı.
  1420 yılında inşa edilmeye başlanan Gök Tapınağı, Ming ve Qing Hanedanları dönemindeki (1368-1911) imparatorların göğe ibadet ettikleri yerdi. Yasak Şehir’in güneyinde bulunan Gök Tapınağı’nın yüzölçümü, Yasak Şehir’inkinin beş katıdır. Gök Tapınağı’nın en güneyindeki dörtgen şekilli çevre duvarları, toprağın, en kuzeyindeki yarım çember şeklindeki çevre duvarları ise göğün sembolleridir. Bu tasarım, Çin’in eski çağlarında “gök yuvarlak, toprak karedir” düşüncesinden kaynaklanmıştır.
Gök Tapınağı, dış ve iç tapınak olarak ikiye bölünür. Gök Tapınağı’nın önemli yapıları, iç Gök Tapınağı’nın güneyden kuzeye uzanan eksen hattı boyunca dağılır. Güneyden kuzeye Yuanqiu, Huangqiongyu ve Qi’niandian vardır. Yuanqiu, yuvarlak şekilde üç katlı terastır. Her katta parmaklıklar vardır. Yuanqiu terası, imparatorların göğe ibadet törenini düzenledikleri yerdir. Genellikle her yıl 22 Aralık’ta güneş doğmadan önce düzenlenen törene, imparator bizzat başkanlık ederdi. Tören yapıldığı sırada terasın önünde büyük bir fener asılmalıydı ve fenerin içinde bir metre uzunluğunda mum yakılırdı. Yuanqiu’nın güneydoğusunda özel olarak yapılan bir dizi buhurdanlık vardı. Buhurdanlıklar, göğe kurban olarak sunulan hayvanların ve ipek gibi eşyaların yakılması için kullanılırdı. Tören başlayınca, tütsü dumanları yükselir, davul ve müzik çalınırdı. Tören, son derece ciddi ve ağır bir hava içinde geçerdi.
Yuanqiu’nın kuzeyindeki Huangqiongyu, yuvarlak şekilli tek katlı küçük bir salondur. İçinde tanrıların tabletleri bulunmaktadır. Hongqiongyu salonunun etrafı, çember duvarlarla çevrilir. Bu duvar, ünlü “Yankı Duvarı”dır. Bu duvarın bir ucunda alçak sesle konuşulduğunda, söyledikleriniz diğer ucundan son derece net biçimde duyulur.
Gök Tapınağı’ndaki bir diğer göğe ibadet yapısı, Qi’niandian Salonu’dur. Qi’niandian, üç katlı yuvarlak teras üzerinde inşa edilen yuvarlak bir salondur. “Salon” denilince, imparatorun her yılın yaz aylarında bol mahsul için dua ettiği yer anlaşılmalıdır. Bu nedenle salonun yapısının, tarımla da bağlantısı vardır. Örneğin, salonun dört sütunu, ilkbahar, sonbahar, yaz ve kışı simgeler. Eski çağda Çinliler, bir günü zamansal açıdan 12’ye bölerlerdi. Bu nedenle birinci kattaki 12 sütun bu 12 zaman dilimini, ikinci kattaki 12 sütun ise yılın 12 ayını temsil eder.
Gök Tapınağı’nın Yuanqiu ve Qi’niandian salonlarının yanı sıra, batısında müzik çalan ve dans eden görevlilerin kaldığı yerler ile kurbanlık hayvanların yetiştirildiği bölümler de vardır.
Çin’in eski çağdaki mühendisleri, Gök Tapınağı’nın inşa edilme sürecinde büyük yaratıcılık göstermişlerdir. Örneğin, yapıda genel olarak kullanılan renk bunun kanıtlarından biridir. Çin imparatorluk saraylarında genellikle sarı renk kullanılırdı. Sarı, imparatorluk yetkisinin simgesidir. Fakat Gök Tapınağı’nın yapılarında gök rengi, yani mavi kullanılmıştır. Örneğin, “Yankı Duvarı”nda, Huangqiongyu ve Qi’niandian salonlarının damları ile bu iki salonun yanındaki yapıların damlarında, hep mavi kiremit kullanılmıştır.
Gök Tapınağı, 1998 yılında Dünya Mirasları Listesi’ne alındı. Dünya Mirasları Komitesi, Gök Tapınağı hakkında şu değerlendirmeyi yaptı:
“Gök Tapınağı, Çin’de iyi korunan, en büyük göğe ibadet eski yapı topluluğu olarak, mükemmel tasarımı, dikkat çekici yapısı ve görkemli dekorasyonuyla dünyaca tanınıyor. Gök Tapınağı, Çin mimarlık tarihinde çok önemli yer tutmakla kalmayıp, dünya mimarlık sanatının da değerli mirası niteliğindedir.”
Çin’in diğer şehirlerini incelemek için eniyiyerler.com sayfamızı inceleyin.
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