punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Duke:....I was never a real Robin.I've been with you guys way longer than i ever was with Bruce-
Jason:Yeah,no shit you're not Batman's Robin.You're The Outlaws' Robin-You're my Robin and you always have been and you always will be
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roseworth · 1 year
reblogs off bc i dont know how strongly i feel about this but i think some people realized that they werent allowed to say "this straight ship sucks bc i dont want my fav guy dating a girl" so they switched to saying "this straight ship sucks bc it forces the girl into x role" even if they dont know anything about the character or whether or not what theyre saying is true. someone will talk about a straight ship and go "no bc the poor girl :(" then never talk about her again
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
someone must say it. dick grayson and roy harper have a more compelling dynamic than dick grayson and wally west and are closer or at the very least, more complex friends.
someone must also say this. dickroy are best friends regardless of who you ship roy with and it is so fundamentally out of character to have him hating and shit talking dick with someone instead of being defensive of him
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
okay ive seen like 4 posts in the last couple days referencing this part of quiver i need to clear it up
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this IS jason, but the whole point is that ollie thinks it's DICK okay. in the memories this newly-revived amnesiac ollie has, he never knew jason, and dick was still robin
sidenote look at his sad little face
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lesbianarchers · 1 year
I’m fucking crying a stupid fandom poll broke containment and now fucking Karl Marx is winning and people are accusing Ollie of being a capitalist
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arrowfam-bracket · 1 year
Since the Ollie poll broke containment and there’s now people hating on Ollie in the notes, maybe we should do the poll again? You could turn off reblogs to stop the problem
I THINK I'll allow it just because i think Marx winning is funny. People would hate on ollie either way because just given the nature of the site some people wont like him/ wont have read the comics(which is typically the cause of the hate). At the end of the day its just not super serious so ill let it slide
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authorityproblems · 3 months
the temptation… to block the jason todd tag… getting stronger every day
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jesamnelovelace · 1 year
Sometimes I’m like “wow I haven’t been in this character’s tag in a while.” And then I go into their tag and remember why I usually avoid it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Not a Roy Harper hater and my only belief in them is they should explode but i think it's so snort worthy when Jason fanonizeners(Mix of canon Jason and Jason's full potential writing you are so special to me)be talkin' bout how if you hate J/R you may as well be a Jason anti and then you read Rhato and Jason can't fucking stand Roy and highkey wants to get rid of him
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Seriously stop posting j*yroy it's literally the worst ship out there
You guys are really annoying, you know that? Lucky for me, annoying is where I live, and I just got a recent bonus that I feel like burning.
So here's what we're gonna do:
From now until 11:59 PM EST on Halloween (Oct. 31st), I want the folks reading this to reblog with your favorite Jayroy headcanons. The fluff, the angst, the crackpot humor, all of it. For each reblog this post gets, I will donate $1.00 USD to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund to aid the victims of the ongoing genocide.
BONUS: if you want me to reblog your headcanon with my own "yes and," just make a donation yourself at the link above and DM me a screenshot of the final page as proof (personal info omitted of course). It can be any amount, even just a dollar/euro/whatever denomination you use.
I believe in us. We have the power of gay ships and spite on our side.
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catboyollie · 11 months
It's very interesting when I see these J*yroy shippers, batstans and flying monkeys go: "Dick and Jason would obviously have beef with Ollie about what he has done to Roy".
And meanwhile it actually is: "Ollie and Roy obviously have beef with Jason because he almost blew up Mia"
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salemdrawsitgay · 7 months
An online friend literally haven't spoke to him in a YEAR got hacked and sent me a server for free nudes. I helped him change his password after he got back in and what not but like then we srat talking abt dc, i show him some tim art. He tries to explain how Robin isn't gay. Not just Damian but like all Robin's arnt gay.
Whole convo bc because of Tim Drake art.
Tell me why this collagekid was so pissed I 'made' Robin gay??? Like sir! Sir! May haps shut your mouth? I explained the the queer coding and shit and a whole rant about JayRoy aswell.
Also, what's wrong with JayRoy, theres an age difference. But they're adults. In their 20s. They don't injure eachother often. And let's say you do hate the ship. Guess what? SALT TAGS EXSIST dot flood the tag with spam and fuckin' censor it like is a severe curse. Like "stop posting J*yroy 🤬🥺🥺" like Jason Todd killed your newborn puppy and fucked Roy over top of the the dead dog. Like. Get a life you're so fuckin pressed. Over 2 criminals holding hands like they're gonna nuke an orphan preschool or somhing like. Touch grass. And the concrete, see family, log off Tumblr die idc just shut up
anyway the Tim art in question.
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dove00 · 3 months
I am so late to this but I just saw people talking about J*son (not putting full name so it doesn’t end up in tag) x Mia.
I’m not gonna tell what to do and who to ship. I’m just 😂. This is the guy that blew up her high school gym. The guy that did all he did in that Green Arrow arc.
Also, literally what does Mia get from this? j*son gets a girlfriend who will probably be ignored for J*yroy but Mia literally gets nothing from this relationship. You know how WallyLinda actually helped each other grow? Mia gets nothing!
Anyway, I will still be on team Mia is a lesbian!
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sinhal · 6 months
okay the worst thing about that poll tournament is that I keep on getting posts tagged j*yroy in my dash and they're hidden because I have both that tag and word blocked and I'm just :suseyes: what are you and why are you in my dash
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batmanshole · 1 year
i hate j*yroy cause no one who likes that ship is normal about addicts.¹ jason coming from a low income family with an addict mother and roy being a heroin addict² combined with fandom-y takes and the Yaoification Beam is a recipe for awful takes on poverty and addiction. i dont think people are normal about these two SEPARATELY let alone when the main focus is ignoring their actual characterizations in favour of shipping.
¹i also hate j*yroy on account of the character assasination and shit writing and misogyny but ive talked about that one billion times.
²yes i know he was an alcoholic in n52 when most of his interactions with jason took place. but here's the thing. that was a shit retcon by a shit writer and erases a lot of history with roy.
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Was just scrolling thru ao3 and noticed that apparently one of the prompt options for j*yroy week 2022 is “Roy chooses Jason over Dick,” and I just want to apologize to all of you who have been brain-poisoned by Scott Lobdell’s character assassination of Roy Harper. Whatever character yall see in your heads is NOT Roy Harper.
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