#your son
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wiirocku · 7 months ago
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John 4:50 NKJV) - Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.
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babygirl-but-a-boy · 1 year ago
A gift...
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... a Failsafe
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sec0nd-breakfast · 11 months ago
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cas-coding · 2 years ago
what if i wrote a heartbreaking trans!dean fic where mary doesn’t recognize dean at first. what then
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lindyloosims · 2 years ago
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They lost their cat to old age and little miss was distraught, so she gets a horse to cheer her up. Best daddy ever?
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"Daddy where my horsey? Waaaahhhhh!" Little brother wants one too.
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Daddy and uncle try to explain that he's too little to have a horse, but he has a counter argument!
"A pony then!"
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Little cousin is also feeling aggrieved, "How comes I no get horsey either?"
"Gimme a break! I'm your uncle, ask your own daddy to get you a horse kid!"
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alphie-in-the-sky · 2 years ago
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satansvoluptuousthighs · 5 months ago
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chloeworships · 1 month ago
Whoever is doing this sees how successful your son is going to be and is jealous.
For some of you, the LORD is revealing to me that this is actually your adult son because of the suit.
The suit also represents that your son will be successful in business also. He’ll have his foot in both worlds. He will be successful on and off the court or rink.
Coats usually represent protection or AUTHORITY. Remember Jesus has given us authority to trample on snakes 🐍 and scorpions 🦂
This son is going to be an absolute
Please ensure he is rooted in the Gospel. He will need to know who Jesus is from a young age because people are after his destiny, not just yours. Don’t leave him vulnerable to the elements. God has him covered though, but as a parent, you need to do the rest.
Some of you are single dad’s awwww.
I’m definitely feeling someone here is Canadian as per our beautiful geese.
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If your son is struggling right now, keep the faith. A major turnaround is coming, but this “problem” needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY 🆘
I heard Katy Perry’s 🎶Teenage Dream🎶 the other day and I’m being reminded of that…. Encourage them to stay focused but to loosen up and have fun, appropriately 😅 — what they do today, can impact them tomorrow. They have a dream, a wish, a prayer, they want to fulfill.
God please bless the children and this special child. Keep him under the safety of your HUGE wings like you covered Jesus in his formative years ���🙏🏾 Thank you ✨
Someone’s first or last name is
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If you’re a mama bear, this son is very protective of you even at a young age 😂 — recall my son was trying to help me fight off the demon.
This has angered me greatly, this sin against your son
God gave me Psalms 72 and I didn’t make the connection until now. This is for your son. Read it to him PLEASE, PLEASE then bless him with the oil 👇🏾
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Someone’s son plays for the Florida Gators or is from Florida. Perhaps they use to play for their school teams as well.
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I had a vision of a ton of gold coins and now I understand!!! This prayer has been answered babes!!! It’s not a coincidence we have our Canadian dollar that looks like a gold coin and it has a geese on it.
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Long the live the loonie, the King and his son 😂
From Jesse, to David, to Solomon… From Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, may the blessings continue.
Your son will do great things and God will make him strong like iron and like BULLS. He will take down everyone in his way (represented by the bull and the down feathered coat) but will be kind when needed. He will go through adversity but he will triumph over all his foes with the strength of God. As long as he follows the ways of the LORD, he will always be protected. The key is to follow the ways of the LORD to the T 🔑 so teach them to him.
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I just saw Jesus blessing this child behind a church stained glass window. He was holding him in his arms, cradling him; while he wore a crown of thrones on his head. Jesus’ head shone with the light from his halo 😇 and he was comforting your son like a Father would. This is a big deal. I am in shock and am screamingggggggggg right now 😍😍😍😍
I’m telling you, your son is loved and will probably become a Saint with the works he will do for the LORD and throughout his lifetime and career.
A depiction of your son and those who dare to stand against him lol 👇🏾 — Do you see that strength❓👀😅
LORD, who are these sons? lol 😂 Please reveal them to me so I can pray for them all the days of my life as the scripture states people would. He is deserving indeed ✝️
If you have more than one son, this is for you too. Wowwwwww. I saw LeBron who from the back looked like a bull with his arms and back muscles. His arms were around two boys who each wore bulls jerseys. They were walking on the court 👀😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰 my heartttttt — I’m guessing these are his sons as well!!! Maybe they will play together one day on the same team. That would be HISTORY in the making 😍🥰😍 Perhaps they will win a chip for the Chicago Bulls
I also just heard
“Cookie” 🍪
And I’m reminded of Magic Johnson 😍 His wife’s name is Cookie.
They will be entertaining to watch haha 😂 — when they are struggling, remind them God is preparing them. They in the weight room of life getting FIT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🏋🏾‍♀️🏋️‍♂️
The excitement right into the ARENA👇🏾
*im highkey so excited*
PS. I know not everyone enjoys bull runs. I am using the videos to illustrate God’s point of trampling down the evil one, and the strength and willpower of the bull 🐂 — the bull allows NOTHING to get in its way…. N O T H I N G. The Bull is
I watched several videos and wow; this creature is a BEAST. This is YOU, so be fearless cupcakes. Don’t allow fear to hold you back from anything. You want it? Go get it. Just pray about it first and get the ok from the BIG MAN upstairs ✅ The LORD told us to FEAR NOT ❌
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Why do you think the ancient Israelites erroneously worshipped the golden calf they forced Aaron to make? This animal has been revered and admired from the beginning of time ⌚️
One last *detail* — someone here has a nose ring. Omgosh I accidentally typed ROSE 🌹 Derrick Rose use to play for the Bulls. Oh emgeeeeeeeee
I just had another vision of a massive bull taking down a person with a green scarf 🧣 around their neck — these bulls are so strong they can kill you when angered — watch your temper Bulls.
Don’t pitchers have BULLPENS❓❓❓🤪
Stay strong cupcakes, God is not finished with you yet.
The King and his two sons reminds you of the British Royal Family eh? King Charles became a single father as well. It’s gon be a New Era when Prince William rules. I suppose this occurs with all changes in leadership. Mark it in your calendars 📅
I had to include this here: I saw the Red Wings logo with the wheel, and the wing looks almost IDENTICAL to the one on the key I saw used to open up someone's safe. The Red Wings are a hockey team!!
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The wheel reminds me of the cherubim. These were the angels that lifted me up when a graveyard ritual was done against me. They took my soul back from the grave. I felt myself being picked up and flown away. It was unforgettable!! It is so true what the Bible says
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I recently had a vision of God in his glory (the cloud) above someone's bed who's room had light baby blue walls. Beside him (the cloud), were two little cherubim BLACK angels as ballerinas. It was so beautiful -- if this sounds like your room or you have something to do with ballet, God is watching over you and getting ready to lead you out of a wilderness season.
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qwellterqustoinmark · 2 months ago
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my brother is a pyromanic, iv seen him light a candle and poor oil into it so it hits the top of his roof. He's held a burning stick to the sky as the rest of the kids and I chanted for him. He's such a fucking idoit. He's going to have to try better to be a biggest idoit on the hill though that goses to our uncle Zack and mabye me but idk
That was related at all, anyway we live in but fuck nowhere on a highway I'm going to make shit I'm bored MOM
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babygirl-but-a-boy · 1 year ago
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worldendercharles · 1 year ago
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my beautiful toxic mold spore
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fagknowledge · 2 months ago
Walter wide was many things but it is extremely funny how he neglected his own flesh and blood teenage son in order to be an even worse father to a wholly different guy
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insomniphic · 6 months ago
What's your take on Odysseus's trauma and recovery back in Ithaca?
*looks at all the comics I made*
Lol but really, I realistically expect it to be severely rocky. He’ll have good days, mostly bad days, but what keeps him grounded is of course his family, you know?
But imagine losing your entire fleet under your command...
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...only to come back to an entire population of thousands of people, expecting that you will lead them.
What if he fails again?
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blackbearmagic · 3 days ago
there's a special kind of glee derived from referring to your pet's collar as their clothes
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unidentifiedgothamite · 10 months ago
duke: who do you guys think is bruce's favorite child?
jason: it's probably fingerstripes
dick: me?! it's obviously you, jay
tim: it's jason
steph: facts. b lets him get away with everything, including murder
cass: jason
damian: as much as i loathe to admit it, father does treat todd differently
jason: ya'll are trippin'
clark: b, just curious, but, do you have a favorite child?
bruce: hn, what date is it?
clark: um, may 12th?
bruce: then it's batcow
clark: what
bruce: did i stutter?
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drulalovescas · 9 months ago
I don't know what's funnier. that jack looks like dean and cas' love child. or that jack's jacket looks like dean's shirt and cas' trenchcoat love child
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