#you should hmu see if these two have any history
risingsouls · 2 months
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[Okey dokey. Now that I've imploded and have picked up those pieces (maybe), I want to discuss what I plan to do moving forward. I want to preface this by saying I do not blame anyone but myself for getting to this point. I didn't follow my own rules, and it has made me uncomfortable with what I'm doing on this blog.
This is mainly about shipping so, if you ship with me, you'll want to take a gander. Under the cut for obvious reasons and to not annoy people.]
So, this has really been a long time coming but I do think I want to reset pretty much all my ships. Again, this is not anyone else's fault but my own, but I've just sort of become bored with what I've been doing in that realm. I went against my own rule of building up ships and allowed them to be rushed instead of built from the ground up like I like. I want to go through the stages of getting two (or more as the case might rarely be who knows) muses into a relationship. I want to see the messy parts. I want to do more than just having relationships be established from almost the jump after one or two small interactions. It's not fair to my muses who are all pretty damn picky. I don't feel like I'm doing right by them by not building these relationships properly. I do love all the ships that have happened, but I'm just not happy with myself for not sticking to my guns about REALLY building them.
What does this mean? Good question. By default, I think this means that I'm just going to wipe the board clean of all ships, save for a few exceptions. I'm also going to lay some ground rules for shipping in general that are honestly more a reminder for me, but also a sort of "this is what you can expect" thing moving forward for my partners.
First and foremost, I'm going to be pickier. I'm not going to allow people to just come at my muses from the jump with anything that's obviously shippy in an established way. Flirting is fine, but if I get something like "I've always loved you" (within reason on this one because that could be interesting) or "we've been married for sixteen years!" when there was no build up to this or they're basically strangers, I'm going to ignore it. Anyone is welcome to come ask me to ship, but, at the risk of sounding harsh, we're BOTH going to have to work for it.
If characters have a history, either in my canon or regular canon, I'm obviously willing to be a WEENSY bit more lenient. For example, Nabooru and Vegeta, in my AU crossover shenanigans, already have some history. Not necessarily as a romantic relationship (unless it's way down the line and even that's not traditional), but they did build some rapport with each other in that realm to some degree. However, since my Vegeta isn't the same as someone else's, I do still want to do the lifting with getting them off the ground. I want to see how it would differ with someone else's Vegeta than with what I've written/imagined in my AU. And I should also disclaimer that no other Vegeta or any other character needs to know Nabooru or any other one of my characters in the way they do in my AU.
This is where I'm afraid I might hurt feelings or lose RP partners, though I really hope I don't as it's not intended. As mentioned, I am starting ships over. I know I told some people recently that I was okay with continuing what we had, but it's become clear that I'm not happy with what I allowed and how I rushed things. Basically, I am very much still willing to explore the ships I already have again! But I do want to sort of start at some kind of beginning. To build it from the ground or close to it up. If you don't want to deal with that, I understand, but I feel this is necessary for me to feel good about what I'm doing again.
I think that covers everything. If you have questions, don't hesitate to pop in my DMs or hmu on dis.cor.d. Again, I'm not upset with anyone at all! This was definitely a me issue that I didn't get a handle on before I let it get to the point it bothered me.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 1/18: The Most Dangerous Bluff Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: Teen (for gun usage in later chapters) Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: After meeting Neal again and finding out he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and, upon inquiry, gives the first storybook name that comes into her mind. Unfortunately for her, that name is Captain Hook, but as soon as she remembers her ex's personal family history with him, she realizes this opportunity is too good to pass up. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: When I first came up with this fic, I didn't expect to ever finish it, or even get it past the first few chapters. I then made the mistake of telling a certain discord server about it, and they encouraged me to finish it. Anyways, without further ado, here's the captain swan s2 fake dating au! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Cars and taxis inched by in the usual hubbub of New York traffic- but Emma hardly noticed them as she stood on a sidewalk, talking to a man who she'd never wanted to see again- until she was called upon to track him down in New York.
 Discovering that her ex was Rumplestitskin's son was quite the shock, but she was handling it like a pro, just like she handled everything else life threw at her.
 "Emma, there's something else you need to know." Neal said. 
 "What's that?" Emma asked. She was already surprised enough that Neal had decided to come back to Storybrooke to be with his father and his son- especially after abandoning both before. What more could he say now? 
 "I, I can't stay in Storybrooke forever." He said. "I have a life here- a job, an apartment, a fianceé."
 "A fianceé?" Emma thought. "It figures that he would've moved on already, found someone else. Why should I care?"
 "That's nice." Emma said. "I'm really happy for you." She was thankful Neal didn't have her superpower.
 "So there's no hard feelings?" Neal asked. "No jealousy or trying to steal me back or rivalry or any of that?"
 "Of course not." And she even faked a laugh as she faked her next sentence, "I have a boyfriend too."
 As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them, but she couldn't take it back without looking like an even bigger fool.
 "Oh," Neal said, looking down at his shoes, "that's nice."
 Emma smiled a little. "Yeah, he's a really great guy."
 "Can't wait to meet him." Neal said. "Does he live in Storybrooke too?"
 "Yeah," she said, because the best way to lie is to stick with the first thing your brain says, so there's no suspicious pauses in the conversation.
 "So he's from the Enchanted Forest too?"
"Who was he in my worl- our world?"
 Emma tried to think of a guy in Storybrooke who she wasn't related to, and blurted out the first fairytale name she thought of. "Captain Hook."
Several curse words ran through her mind. Why hadn't she said "Pinocchio" or "Mad Hatter" or even "The Huntsman" or something?
 "Captain Hook?" Neal asked. He blinked a few times in disbelief, then ran his fingers along the bridge of his nose. "You're dating Captain Hook?"
 "Is that a problem?" Emma asked.
 "Is that a problem?" Neal repeated, then smiled. "I don't mind at all that the mother of my child is dating the same pirate my own mother ran away with. Doesn't bother me at all."
 She'd forgotten he had a personal connection like that with Hook- this bluff might prove better than she'd expected.
 "Glad to hear it." Emma echoed his previous sentiment. "No hard feelings, right? No jealousy? Trying to steal me back? Rivalry?"
 "Of course not." Neal said, seemingly unbothered by her rebuff. "I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy."
"Yeah, you too." Emma smiled sadly. She didn't know what felt worse, the fact that she hadn't found that happiness yet, or the fact that she was lying when she was glad for Neal's happiness- or the fact that she knew that when Neal said he was glad she was happy without him, he wasn't lying.
 "Well, I guess I'll be seeing him when we get to Storybrooke." Neal said.
 "Oh, yeah." Emma said, having forgotten entirely that now she'd have to, you know act the part. "That's not going to be awkward for you, is it?"
 "Of course not." Neal said. "As long as it wouldn't be awkward for you if Tamara came to Storybrooke with us."
 "My fianceé." Neal smiled. "I didn't want to invite her because I felt it'd be a little awkward for you, but since there clearly won't be any jealousy or tension, I see no reason why she can't join us."
 "The more the merrier." Emma lied.
 Emma had told Neal that Henry was unaware of her "relationship" with Hook, that she'd been intending to tell him about it on the way home from this trip to New York, but the double whammy of meeting his birth dad and finding out about a potential stepdad might be a lot for him, and Neal agreed, so he kept his mouth shut about the whole thing all the way back. When they arrived in town, she sent Gold and Henry to give Neal and Tamara a tour of Storybrooke, while she set out to look for the Captain- unfortunately for her though, she ran into her mom first.
 "Emma!" Before she saw Mary Margaret or even heard where her voice was coming from, Emma found herself wrapped in a hug from her.
 "Oh, uh, hi, mom?" she said.
 "How was New York?"
 "I called you, like, eighty three times while I was there." Emma said. "I found out Baelfire was Henry's father, we brought him and his fiancee to Storybrooke…" she saw Mary Margaret's face fall as she mentioned Tamara. "Are you disappointed?" Emma asked.
 "In what?" Mary Margaret asked.
 "That the father of your grandson is engaged to someone else?"
 "Why would I be…?"
 Emma saw through her lies. "Look, mom, maybe fairy tales are neat, cut and clean, but whether or not we come from them, our stories are still messy." Emma bit her lip and decided to change the topic. "Speaking of 'messy,' is our friend from the Enchanted Forest still in the hospital?"
 Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. "Hook is doing fine. After he got out, he unleashed Cora's giant- who has now befriended us and is one of the dwarves- and we haven't seen him much since. Why?"
 "It's a long story." Emma said, not even trying to consider how a giant became one of the dwarves. "Any idea where he is now?"
 "Probably hanging about near the mayor's office." Mary Margaret said. "He's been working with Regina and Cora."
 "Alright." Emma started to walk in that direction, but her mom called her back.
 "Where are you going?"
 "Long story." Emma said.
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akechisjustic · 4 months
5, 7 & 8 for the munday meme
What kinds of characters do you like to roleplay?
Assholes. I love writing all kinds of assholes, assholes with a heart of gold to assholes with an heart of asshole. I find characters who are complete and total jerks absolutely fascinating and I guess I'm not too bad when it comes to writing them |D (If you need someone to write an asshole villain, hmu I guess LOL just for reference I think kyuubey is one of my favorite characters to write :') )
Do you have any advice for people who struggle with writing canon characters (or OC characters)?
So this is a sorta tricky one. Unlike OC characters, you have to have a good sense of the canon character and what makes them tick to really be able to portray a canon character well I think. I would say that if you want to write a canon character, pick a canon character that you relate to and can pick apart their thought process for. That doesn't mean that you're only limited to canon characters that reflect your own personality or history, but you should at least understand what drives the character and why they react the way they do :') (It's a bit like writing an OC, but with extra steps. The extra steps here is that the canon character isn't your OC, and you're actually roleplaying someone else's OC if that makes any sense :') ) I would definitely spend some time analyzing the character if there's a canon character you're struggling with writing. Consider how they see themselves, and what drove them to see themselves in that way. (Also if someone else's perspective makes a character click for you, you're totally free to riff off of that.)
What kinds of characters do you struggle with roleplaying?
You know, I really can't say. I think I'm at the age where I prefer writing older characters, but that doesn't mean I can't write characters who are in their teens or younger. I guess I don't really write happy go lucky, no thoughts characters a lot so that might be something I struggle with. (That or the kind of character that would forgive almost anything while having an extremely positive outlook on almost everything. I might be able to wing that sorta character, but I feel like I would grow bored of them lol ) ... Actually, I would probably struggle with writing any character that I'm not familiar with that only has two lines describing them in the wiki to be honest orz (and this would be more of a case of 'I don't know enough about them to tell if I'm portraying them right' than anything lol)
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burntliam · 2 years
intro !
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hellouuuu my lovelies! i'm so pumped to be here and plot w/ all of you and get this party goingggg. here's my intro for my chaotic son liam! if you'd like to plot feel free to like this or hmu on the ole discord!
⋙ did you see LIAM O'NEILL at that rager last night? i think they major in ENGLISH as a JUNIOR. from what i hear they’re LOYAL & CREATIVE, but they can be pretty SELF-DESTRUCTIVE too, depending on who you ask. there was a rumor going around last semester that HIS MOM IS IN PRISON, but it seems way too wild to be true- maybe i’ll get to know UCSB’s resident BURNOUT better & find out.
liam o’neill
FC: charlie heaton
Age: 22
Birthday: july 15th
Gender: cismale
Sexuality: questioning
Major: english
✔ loyal, creative, adaptable
✖ self-destructive, pessimistic, aloof
The O’Neill family is, in short, chaos. They party, work, and love hard. They probably don’t know the definition of moderation, but they also probably couldn’t care less.
Liam is the second oldest, with his older sister Dana in her mid-twenties. He has a sister who’s a year younger, two brothers, Sean and Henry, in high school, and a little sister, Maggie, in elementary school.
The siblings are all there for one another no matter what happens. If even they make a mistake. Hell, especially if they make a mistake.
There were times Liam’s thought he might really go to Juvie or get kicked out of school—all for his family. Luckily, his siblings love him just as much, and have helped him get out of those situations.
His parents, on the other hand…Were absent at best.
His father, Hank, has been in and out of their lives since Liam was seven. He only shows up for one thing: Money. If he cares about his kids or wife, he doesn’t show it. The siblings aren’t even sure in they’re all full siblings, given their parents behavior. But none of them make the distinction. More than once, his father has stolen from the family, making their lives even more difficult. Liam prefers the long stretches of time when he goes without seeing his father at all.
His mother, Laura, tried her best at the beginning, she really did. Liam remembers when she would read him bedtime stories and they’d make pillow forts with Dana. She worked hard at a diner during grave yard shifts and did anything she could to care for her kids. He knows she loved him and his siblings and wanted to be a good mom. But, in the end, she hasn’t done much more for his family than his father.
She cycles through crappy boyfriend after crappy boyfriend, occasionally taking Hank back, and then going through bouts of loneliness where she tells her children they ruined her life. She drinks perhaps too much wine than any one should, but it was the fact that Liam knew she was mostly sober when she tore into him or Dana or his younger siblings that hurt him the most.
He and Dana took it upon themselves to raise their siblings, knowing that if they didn’t, no one would.
From elementary school on, Liam’s grifted and scammed and worked his ass off and sometimes just straight up stolen for his family. He’s willing to do whatever it takes for them, and would sooner risk his future and his entire life than have them risk theirs.
He didn’t want to go to college, but Dana insisted he at least apply, and to his shock, he got enough financial aid and a scholarship to afford UCSB.
That didn’t mean college was easy for him. Especially at first. He didn’t know how to navigate the culture or the money or the other students. He didn’t know how to handle not being the smartest kid in every one of his classes. He tried though, intent on showing his siblings they should strive for the same and proving everyone who doubted him wrong. Eventually, it paid off. Though he still thinks he hates most of the student body. Either believing them to be posers or far too sincere for their own good.
More than once, he’s threatened to drop out of school, but Dana never lets him take it further than that: a threat. They both know that the family needs Liam to do well. To show his family they should yearn and dream for more that what they currently have.
He’s cynical with a dark sense of humor that might piss off the right person—or make them good friends. Maybe even a bit of both, depending on the day.
Still working every angle he can think of, Liam’s out to make money to send home to his family, hoping that they’ll be able to fulfill their dreams and have the lives he knows they want.
Bandmates with Ricky and Dahlia. As the band’s bassist, he thinks of it as something that feels his own, where he actually feels at peace and a part of something that matters.
To make his life easier, he lets the other students view him as nothing more than a burnout. Maybe even a loser. Someone who definitely doesn’t draw much attention, and when he does, it’s never good.
Shortly before Junior year started, his mom was arrested for getting involved in a car dealership scheme with her latest boyfriend. Liam doesn't want anyone to know, but he's all too aware half the school probably already does. He thinks of it as just another thing to keep him going, to keep him pushing people out and hiding his true self from everyone else.
He is never going to admit it, but he’s lost. He doesn’t know who he is without taking care of his family, and doesn’t have the slightest idea of who he is meant to become.
Somewhat inspired by Lip Gallagher don’t @ me lol
Younger sister: The sister who grew up a year younger than Liam. Open to her being a half-sister as their father was in and out of their lives. Definitely utp for personality, history, etc. but interested to plot things out together.
Tutor student: Someone that he tutors in English or creative writing. He might be prickly, but I figure he would actually care enough to do a good job at this because of that money lol. I would love if this was a bit contentious.
Hook-up: Someone he uses/who uses him maybe?? For sure want to plot this out a bit more specifically. 
Painful ex: Someone who he dated in the past, but they broke up for reasons we can plot out. I imagine Liam would be a really difficult person to date, so there could be a number of avenues we could take this.
Party buds: Liam may know that he needs to focus on school and making money, but he can’t resist having a little fun every now and then. Especially when someone’s got a packed bowl and a six pack. Basically, people he can get into shenanigans with.
Poetry/Writing-Reader: Someone who somehow found out about Liam’s poetry and fiction writing. God knows he would never want to share it with anyone but maybe this person managed to get around that. Maybe they’re the one person he can bounce ideas off with, and doesn’t have to hide how much he cares.
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mjvnivsbrvtvs · 3 years
Might you have any art tips/advice for mediocre artists?👉👈🥺 I really love your art and it’s inspiring me to try and work on improving since I had given up a while ago on getting better.
hell yeah I do! I’m very passionate about this! so! there are many words under this cut!
first is: be kind to yourself! art can be hard! it’s important to be gentle with yourself and your art when you can!
on to the actual art of drawing! if you get stressed out about making things Look Good All The Time, buy a nice sketchbook, and then buy a really cheap one. The cheap one can be your buddy, your pal, your low stakes ‘I just kind of want to draw a bunch of circles but I don’t want to do it on nice paper’ friend. cheap sketchbooks are a godsend. I have two really nice quality ones, and four $1.50 ones I bought at a daiso. every comic you see on this blog? I did the extremely messy layout sketches in one of those. it takes so much stress off the ‘creating’ part of art.
also expensive tools don’t mean anything. pick a pencil you like. use a ballpoint pen. whatever feels good! the only thing I ever think you should spend Money on right off the bat is a nice eraser, and tbh my favorite erasers are like....$2.
a lot of people recommend doing life drawings and studies, but leave out the important part of this advice: there are a lot of ways to do studies, and some are more fun than others! you don’t have to do all of them, but I do recommend trying out the different methods until you find something you like. I like contour drawing a lot!
improvement isn’t always a straight line, nor should it be, because you should also be having fun! and sometimes fun is sideways. my routine in art school was usually: 15 minutes of casual studies and warm ups [(warm ups are different from studies, sometimes a warm up is practicing drawing straight lines, or repeating circles, it’s about figuring out muscle memory imo) and the studies can be either something you want to focus on (for me, I do a lot of warm up studies focusing on anatomy) or something you enjoy or find interesting!] and then after I’d pick something to focus/study on for half an hour. I feel like a good balance is alternating between working on something you’re familiar with and trying out something new.
this is my own personal thing, but I believe that anyone who enjoys or wants to enjoy making art should look into art history! nothing wild or intensive, but familiarize yourself with art movements through the ages and see what you like from the masters of the eras that you enjoy! I’m VERY into the italian renaissance, so a lot of my preferred techniques are based on the academics and the old masters!
my favorite teacher once said: ‘all the great art movements have already happened, so all that’s left is for you to make something you enjoy’ and I try and keep that in mind when I open up my notebooks in the morning.
on the topic of that: if you see paintings or sculptures that you like, those make for really good warm ups and studies! 5-minute sessions blocking out the main shapes and compositions is something else I really enjoy doing, it feels like I’m assembling a puzzle and having a conversation with someone from hundreds of years ago
this is like, very general, very broad strokes for art! but hopefully there’s some advice in here that you’ll find helpful! a lot of this is what I found was most important to me when I decided to get back into art after quitting it for a yea and a half, but I think most importantly: what matters is to find something to love in art and that it’s okay to draw a bunch of flowers if you just feel like drawing flowers
(as a side note, my area of extreme enthusiasm is anatomy, so if you ever want specific recs for learning human anatomy, hmu!)
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carinyms · 3 years
(I don’t know if anyone who follows me even watches Loki, but if you do and feel compelled to analyze it with someone please hmu, because no one I personally know cares about this show and listen I care SO MUCH)
Anyway, here’s an extremely disjointed thought dump on episode three, it’s a lot :)
1. I got so much serotonin from them playing that Hayley Kiyoko song over the opening credits, oh my god.
2. I love Sylvie, I LOVE her. Just an iconic badass—so snarky, so powerful. 10/10. (When she took that cape off?? That outfit?? This whole show is just Bi Panic for me) I’m sure they’re setting her up to be very sympathetic and then she will inevitably stab Loki in the back at some point, and you know what that’s fine.
3. Their screen chemistry and banter is incredible, nearly on the same level as the scenes with Mobius and Loki. (Which is good bc speaking of which, I miss Owen Wilson). I can’t wait till we get a scene with all three of them working together, it will be fantastic.
4. God, I want to see Loki truly in full power just annihilate someone in a fight just once. I do think it’s purposeful that we’re not seeing that right now — the writers can’t seriously think the audience collectively forgot that this guy took down 5 (6?) dark elves with his hands bound and now he can’t throw a knife and hit a target that's not even moving?? There has to be a reason. I’m choosing to have faith in Kate Herron here. (But I’m tired of seeing him getting tossed around like a sack of potatoes :( )
5. I think Sylvie explaining how to enchant someone has to be foreshadowing, right? By the end of the series, either Loki will have puzzled out how to do it and tap into Sylvie’s mind, or vise versa, Sylvie will get into Loki’s head an unearth something nasty (This is SO dumb of me to hope for, I’m setting myself up for disappointment, but maybe Thanos memories here?? I’m really going full fanfic narrative with this one lol but wow can you imagine.)
6. Or, Loki will use this tactic to get into Mobius’ head and wake him up to the truth. (Also, can we talk about how concerned he was when he was like, ‘But the TVA workers don’t know they’re variants!!” Loki you little SOFTIE. Headcanon that he’s now not gonna want to hurt any of the TVA workers because they’re all brainwashed and our guy knows a thing or two about that?? BEGGING the show to acknowledge this. (Please, could we have a little bit of recognition of trauma Marvel? As a treat?)
(I will be let down lol)
7. Speaking of the brainwashed TVA workers, I have questions about how this works. Mobius remembers jet skis, but Casey didn’t know what a fish was? Is it just because Casey doesn’t work in the field? Does Mobius just have a stronger mind that Ravonna has to keep continuously wiping because he remembers snippets? That would explain the multiple water rings on her table they drew attention to— but why would the TVA let him have that magazine if they didn’t want their agents remembering anything??
8. Also, uhh…Is Ravonna a timekeeper? This is a theory that keeps popping up for me.
9. Loki and Sylvie’s conversation on the train was wonderful.
10. We LOVE a confirmed Bicon.
11. Him talking about and remembering Frigga, and his viewpoint on love feels like lines out of a fanfic come to life and I love it. Part of me is like “this level of vulnerability feels OOC” (and don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of other things that felt truly OOC) but this particular aspect feels more like we’re seeing a more apathetic, carefree, nihilistic version of Loki than we’ve ever seen, so maybe he’s just given up on the masks? Anyhow, I love this side of his character we’re seeing.
12. Loki singing in Norwegian. That is all.
12.2 Actually no, that’s not all. It had such ‘Aragorn singing at his coronation vibes’, in that it both caught me extremely off-guard and got me very emotional. Apparently the lyrics (someone translated) are all about missing home, and wow he’s really just missing his family and a sense of belonging *so much* that he’s chosen to recreate what I’d imagine an Asgardian party was like — getting drunk (although he clearly wasn’t drunk, just acting drunk), singing asgardian songs, smashing the glass on the ground and saying “Another!” (Which we can now assume was just an asgardian custom at parties bc how would he have known Thor did that?) Someone pointed out the planet that they’re on is called Lamentis, and dang this whole episode is all about Loki grieving and longing for what he’s lost? and I’m so hyped for when they end up in Asgard again. I don’t know what will happen but there will be Angst and tears, perfect recipe for a good time.
13. Speaking of Thor, is he going to tell Sylvie about him at some point? Because I will cry. Like, I guarantee it.
14. My only gripe here is that drunk Loki was giving me big Jack Sparrow energy towards the very end and I am Not About That
15. Why does Sylvie understand Norwegian?? This song meant something to her too, clearly, she was getting teary eyed, like it was something she was familiar with and I just have so many questions about how her timeline was different/similar.
16. And going off that, I’m just going to say it—I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW VARIANTS WORK. Because if a variant is created by someone branching from their ‘true path’, wouldn’t every variant have the same base-story? Thus all look the same, have a similar past? (The same parents, the same origin?) I know the TVA’s sacred-timeline thing is all BS, that much is obvious—and Sylvie’s history is making me wonder (that is, if she truly IS a Loki ‘variant’), is the TVA’s description of branched timelines really accurate at all, or are some variants from a fully alternate reality overlapping with this one? I’m trusting they will make this make more sense.
17. I love the moments of humanity we’re getting from Loki, but especially the one where he’s surveying all those people in the town and goes “they’re gonna let these people die…” Like, what a great comparison to Loki in Ragnarok, who goes back and rescues his people because he couldn’t let them die in good conscious when he could do something about it. I like to think that being raised as a prince, there is an inherent feeling of ‘rulers should look after their people” buried under everything, and that what was going through his head was “how could they abandon these people without thought?” I love that even though that was a different Loki, they’re showing (not just telling) that the core of him truly does care about people, and the person he developed into in the original franchise is still there.
18. Also that line perfectly sets up what I’m sure is going to happen in the next episode—that they’ll find a way to escape the planet and save the people (or some of them), which will create a branch and alert the TVA to where they are, thus Loki getting brought back in.
19. the Rolled Up Sleeves look is. mhmm. It’s Good.
Alright I’m done now, this was so chaotic, but also I really just wanted to document my thoughts on the show for myself so it's fine
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reversecreek · 4 years
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clicks onto the dash wearing kitten heels n coyly holding my bang....... hi. me again. it took me so long to select a gif to use on cricket’s intro n i settled on this one bc he looks so unsure abt his smile n it’s rly his essence <3 u can find his pinterest board here n his (work in progress) spotify playlist here. hmu to plot!!! 
* alex wolff, cis male + he/him | you know cricket donahue, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, all of their life, on and off? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to should have known better by sufjan stevens like, a million times this year, which slipping on wet leaves to photograph a tree struck alight by lightning, delivering a tedtalk to your own reflection to hype yourself up to buy groceries, hiding your hands inside of your sleeves in case you grew an impromptu megan fox thumb overnight thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 1st, so they’re a libra, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt, she/her )
cricket ws born to a couple tht lived in lilac ridge. their trailer was tucked closest to the woods n always fell under the shade. it was like the leaves wanted to pretend they were a perpetual hanging cloud on the family n that was kind of fitting. their only reason fr having him in the first place was a kind of shrugged like........... we’re under the income bracket we’d get child benefits so why not! may as well try it to rake in some extra cash! needless to say they didn’t rly think it thru or anticipate all of the responsibilities tht came w children n wound up seeing him as an extremely large burden n boy didn’t he know it!
(child neglect & abuse tw) i’ll try to keep this part vague n brief but things were Not Good for cricket growing up. people in lilac ridge didn’t like his parents n it was for a gd reason. he remembers foggy things. being little n wandering around combing the grass with a stick to search for wrappers to suck on bc he was hungry. feeling uneasy when the front door opened. finding out his name was cricket bc the insects used to crawl into their trailer thru the vents n his parents liked to squish them into the carpet -- his mum told him as much once. i think this says a lot. to excessively trim the fat of the story he wound up entering the system at around 8 after his latest and most serious hospital visit. his parents hd to deal w the authorities n last he heard they bounced to evade charges.
(anxiety & violence & trauma tw) cricket sustained a few lifelong injuries from his time in lilac ridge. his knee didn’t heal right which meant he had (n still has to this day) a limp n he’s partially deaf in one ear. he’s always been an incredibly insecure n anxious person so this mde him rly self conscious going into a strange n new environment tht wld b difficult fr any kid to adjust to, nvm w these added worries. he jst felt like something weird to ogle at honestly. he probably wld have felt like that no matter where he was or what he looked like. he cld be in a huge hall of 200 people all wearing the same uniform n he’d still feel like the odd one out. needless to say this didn’t rly help him make friends
cricket’s coping mechanisms were romanticising the things tht other people found ugly or embarrassing or painfully ordinary. he liked it when the rain hit clunky drops against school windows n forbid everyone from playing outside bc he could feel the vibrations through the rubber soles of his shoes n it was a little bit like hearing all of the world at once fr just a moment. he liked medieval fantasy lore about stout gnomes w crumbs in their beards n cheeks red from ale. he liked fallen nests with the remnants of hatched eggs still dirty from the branches n soil they’d hit on the way down. he liked the way the sunlight leaked thru the leaves of the trees in the woods and how, when he sat very still, he could tune into the ringing that was always in his ear n pretend it was coming from the same place, that light thru the leaves, that the angels were trying to talk to him.
he spent a lot of time in the red room at his high skl (i’m begging u this is not a 50 shades reference) (after googling i jst realised it’s called a darkroom bt i’m leaving this fr the sake of sexy bimbo authenticity) n felt quite at home in there. he borrowed a camera whenever he cld (maybe he did yearbook) n photography became his way of immortalising the world as the romanticised version he wanted it to be. his memories were bad bt his photos were beautiful. maybe if he took enough they’d paste over n bleed into each other. maybe bad cld be replaced w beautiful if he tried his very best.
he got placed into fostering w a family once bt apparently didn’t meet the vibe check of their tastes so he wound up returning to the group home he’d initially been placed in. overall this is where he grew up n he aged out the system rather than getting adopted. there was a sense of floundering/isolation/not feeling gd enough in tht bt cricket made do the best he knew how. 
that said there were some gd points! (shocking i kno bc his life hs been so fking bleak so far bt please it’s ok........) (is it?) (🤔). basically he interned as an assistant at this local photography studio during high skl working under this kind of whimsical yet endearing old man. suspected wizard possibly in cricket’s eyes, as an avid fantasy genre reader. for one of his bdays said old man / his boss bought him his very own film camera n cricket cried bc he’d never been bought a bday gift. this ws rly embarrassing bc this old man didn’t know how to emote n neither did cricket so he ws jst sort of sat wiping his eyes n sniffling saying he wasn’t crying as the old man pretended to suddenly clean his lenses. when cricket graduated he offered him a full time position there. they do like. wedding photographs n family portraits n all kinds of things...... pay isn’t huge bt it’s something n he Loves taking photos so it’s sexy <3
SUCH an anxious person it’s actually unreal. overthinks absolutely everything he’s ever said. one morning he might hv put green socks on n for the rest of the day he’s nervously looking around like omggggggg they’re all looking at my socks probably thinking im a little green sock boy thinking i’m a fool n a jester this is all everyone’s probably thinking about i hv to hide my green socks..... even tho literally no-one cares
once saw a girl eating a chicken wing n in his head was like ok she likes chicken good future gift idea..... n turned up at her house with an entire rotisserie chicken
probably thinks WAY too hard abt what to write in bday cards n googles like generic ideas that he can use.... u open a card from cricket n it always says smthn weird like “Warmest wishes and love on your birthday and always!” or “You deserve everything happy. Wishing you that all year long!” tht he got off google
nervously fiddles w things a lot. literally anything. his hair. the cuffs of his sleeves. a thread on his bag. u name it
struggles w eye contact sometimes............ it’s like. he wants to talk to ppl n make friends bt he’s honestly so bad at it. he’s fumbling thru life like a nervous headless chicken
ALWAYS has his camera on him. like always. will tke a photo of u bc he thinks u look nice then be like im so sorry im so sorry...... bowing his head shakily holding his camera bc he doesn’t even kno what possessed him he jst thought it’d be a nice photograph bt boundaries exist. probably breathes very heavily over this later in his room panicking thinking he nw seems like hannibal lecter
probably more confident online bc he has time to think abt what he says more.......... i can see him hving a group of online friends tht he’s more confident w. honestly he’s pretty witty at heart he jst has a hard time verbalising things so ppl overlook him sometimes bt once u get to know him more / he’s more comfy he can b a funny little man.....
loves photographs where he cuts something out of them. loves missing spaces n voids. thinks it’s a rly interesting concept when something that isn’t there becomes the focus of a photograph where everything else is. probably loses his mind fr a collage like a front row 1d stan. likes experimenting w light n perception. pretty artistic honestly hs probably made a stop motion film in the past bc that’s just an extended form of photography in his mind bt i doubt he showed anyone
ummm...... very sweet bt like. he reminds me a lot of this quote. “he had the awkward tenderness of someone who has never been loved and is forced to improvise.” feel like tht sums him up quite nicely
someone he met at a wedding: cricket probably ws forced to photograph a wedding fr his boss one time n it cld b interesting as a place to meet from that....... like. i can imagine either it being rly awkward maybe he accidentally spilled a drink on ur muse n was stuttering rly apologetic n it ws just a train wreck. or mayb they took pity on him or even (in a shocking turn of events) a shine to him n invited him to drink n dance. omgggg the thought of cricket trying to dance makes me wna die n probably mkes cricket wna hyperventilate bt idk maybe he went wild n let loose. mayb they wound up damaging the camera somehow. mayb they had to scramble to get another one n ur muse covered the cost n it was a strange late night excursion tht cricket thought about a lot since. cricket probably vowed to pay them bk somehow no matter what. idk. we can work things out. lots of diff options here. doesn’t have to b a wedding either can b any event tht required a photographer
ppl he went to school w: pretty self explanatory i suppose...... maybe they were frm completely different worlds..... mayb ur muse was popular n cricket was definitely not but they got paired fr an assignment n had to work on a project together....... mayb cricket asked ur muse on a date one time n it was completely embarrassing bc he didn’t realise they had a bf n it haunts cricket at night still bc he’s rly dramatic.... mayb ur muse felt sry fr him n ate lunch w him n inducted him into their group like a lost puppy finding a home.... world’s our oyster
neighbours from his brief time at lilac ridge: not to reference taylor swift but i’m gna reference taylor swift n say we cld do a seven inspired plot here. sighs a little..... then sighs a lot. he was here ages 0-8 so idk. we cld work out childhood plots perhaps....
sickening simp: i mean.............. cricket probably gets crushes on ppl so easily like just. anyone who’s the slightest bit nice to him.................. he’s a disgrace. ok i take it back. bt also please get it together freak............... i didn’t say that. he’d probably b extra nice to this person n try n pay close attention to things they liked so he cld get them little gifts. just a bit embarrassing n lovestruck bless his heart. wldn’t expect anything back tho honestly that just isn’t something he tends to do.
let’s go gays: cricket’s bi but he probably was rly in his head abt liking boys n tried to sort of squash it internally during his younger yrs...... i think he’s more comfy w it now MAYBE idk bt back then i picture him having a friend tht ws kind of like. similarly loserish as him perhaps (no offence to ur muse potentially filling this plot or cricket bt let’s face the facts) n they’d hang out n play games a lot n one time it jst kind of happened n he was like............. *struts in looking around sharply* What going on here? except not. bc it’s cricket. more like *shambles in looking around anxiously* What’s, uh... What’s... the happenings? S--... I’m sorry. (immediate apology for saying what’s the happenings bc nobody talks like that n it was an impulsive panic bc he didn’t know what else to say)
those who grew up in the system w him: maybe at the group home or i’d also like the family that fostered him n said sayonara. honestly i imagine the parents just thought he ws a bit too much of a handful / had too much baggage which is rly quite merciless n terrible but. if u think that aligns w ur muses home situation hmu......
um. can’t think of more bt just anything honestly. jst go wild.......
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beeboomachine · 4 years
Hi! I was tagged by the hilarious and beautiful @majestic-seagull (go follow her or else). I can’t promise I can commit to the same charisma but I will attempt
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar:
Honey and lemon; I love love love honey and lemon juice is nice when am sick
Musicals or plays:
Musicals; plays are nice but adhd dictates at least once every 20 minutes something loud and obnoxious should happen for several minutes. After being around theater kids for all of high school either are awful and inescapable, might as well throw a high kick in (theater kids DNI /j)
Lemonade or unsweetened iced tea:
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hate lemonade (and Carrie I love you but sprite isn’t lemonade and I’ll fight you) so unsweetened iced tea, the lesser of two evils, will have to take this one
Strawberries or raspberries:
Raspberries; I love strawberries but something about them taste so weird to me I can’t get behind them wholeheartedly, raspberries tho? Timeless
Winter or summer:
I wore a dress today in 40 degree weather (Fahrenheit), and i will wear one tomorrow as it snows. Winter
Beaches or forests:
*Insert brooding-anakin.gif here*; I like the beach in theory because sometimes you see crabs and shells are pretty but forests have such power to them I cannot help but feel so much happier being in them
Diners or cafés:
Real answer? Wherever my friends are; but! Important thing to note: you cannot get a breakfast burrito sweet potato fries and strangely bad but satisfying diner coffee at a cafe (also they are much smaller and I like big space)
Unicorns or dragons:
The knight in me says unicorn, it’s what is to be strived for. But dragons objectively fuck harder, and have way more culturally different ideals and designs, so dragons (side note: jawzahr can hmu anytime 👁)
Gemstones or crystals:
Gemstones are cool, but crystals look like candy and I like to bite them, so crystals; also people who know a lot about gemstones freak me out a little lol, but anyone will see quartz and be like “pretty”
Hummingbirds or owls:
As a frog and crab lover, small and cute things that are vicious are peak aesthetic, so hummingbirds; also my grandma loved hummingbirds, and had little hummingbird things all over wherever she lived
Fireworks or sparklers:
Sparklers; fireworks are 1. Loud 2. Obnoxious 3. People don’t give a shit about anyone else and gladly freak out pets and people with ptsd like some unthinking curs (side note: can we get sparklers that don’t fizzle out after like 10 seconds?? I want to hold the flame stick for 10 minutes at least)
Brunch or happy hour:
I don’t drink anymore, so brunch; besides it’s nicer cause your friends that stay up til forever o’clock can still eat breakfast with you even though you’ve been up since like 8am lol
Sweet or sour:
Sour; I don’t really like consuming either very often to begin with, but esp with gummy candy sour is best
Rome or Amsterdam:
You think I have money to leave the country? Like at all? Like in my lifetime? To give an answer, probably Amsterdam haha weed 420 420 420 420 haha weed (also I just fucking hate Italy) (Italians DNI /j) (god help you if you’re an Italian theater kid)
Classic or Modern art:
Uhhhhhh there’s elements in both that I really like so I will not decide; I think it should be noted I only consume art, I do not know or will ever study its history (art history majors DNI /j)(god help you if you’re an Italian theater kid who majors in art history)
Sushi or Ramen:
I cannot consume anything that has touched the ocean, so ramen; I know there’s the little uzimakis and they are on thin ice
Sun or moon:
This is a question that physically hurts me. I like staring at both for long periods of time, they are my girlfriends. Both
Polka dots or stripes:
I turn 30 in 6 years, find out then
Macarons or croissants:
Croissants are just objectively better; like I enjoy a good macaron every now and then but I could eat a croissant at breakfast lunch dinner as a snack between each meal and then one after I eat dessert and not be sick of them. Also have you ever had a chocolate croissant? Bliss
Glitter or matte:
If this is about makeup, I don’t wear it but glitter; if this is about nails, also glitter
Degas or Seurat:
I flipped a coin on whether or not I wanted to learn something new right now and I will abstain on answering this question
Aquariums or planetariums:
Aquariums are nice but I always have a slight tinge of fear I’ll get murdered in the weird twisty hallways they always have, planetariums have those too but if I get murdered in them at least I can see beetlejuice, so planetariums (side note: I’ve never been to a planetarium before so if any ladies wanna take me to one and kiss me under Jupiter I would like that very much 😳)
Road trip or camping trip:
Every time I’ve gone camping it has thunderstormed, and also someone scares me, so road trip; also there’s something about pushing 100mph with all the windows down screaming Whitney Houston lyrics while your friends just beg to be anywhere else but in the car
Colouring books or watercolour:
I hate arts and crafts, with a burning passion. I can’t fold shit, I can’t color good, glue and tape get stuck everywhere and make me fucking manic. Coloring books are nice to just pretend I’m 5 years old tho, so that will be my answer
Fairy lights or candles:
Candles smell nice but fairy lights can make your backyard party from a 7/10 to an 8/10; there is no clear winner here
Wow I have to tag people now! I will now be throwing a dart (that I’m not responsible for any injuries from) at:
@mecasloth @bottled-chaos @sugaredrefrain @moofahdrome @500daysofbecky @bisexualsnufkin @esspurrr
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hczcls · 4 years
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hello hello hello !! it’s been a minute since i was in a group setting so forgive me for any mishaps, i am but a lost soul. anywho under the cut is a bit about my child lottie, she’s a mess and a thousand but love her anyways! hmu if you would like to plot or have any wanted connections you can see this child fitting in!
tw:  alcoholism, drug addiction, death, grief, overdose, child neglect, child abuse, underage sex, porn.
( dove cameron, cisfemale ) - Have you seen CHARLOTTE HALE? LOTTIE is in HER JUNIOR YEAR OF STUDY year. The JOURNALISM MAJOR is/are 23 years old & is a SCORPIO . People say SHE is/are CHARISMATIC, INDEPENDENT, AGGRESSIVE and CRUEL. Rumors say they’re a member of CALLOWAY. I heard from the gossip blog that HAS A ONLYFANS.  (mon. 25. est. she/her.)
the last breath during a chilly night out, champagne flutes and forgotten cigarettes on bar counters. melodic laughter of a child unhinged,  fur coats and ripped fishnet stockings, warm hands on cold bodies, spinning until your ears ring and your stomach curdles, the 3 AM headache from a long night out. the screeching sound of the electric guitar, broken glass scattered across an unkempt home, the hollowness of loneliness, blasting music echoing through empty halls, sandy hallways and discarded clothes, screened phone calls and short voicemails, stacks of medical bills and scattered chips of redemption.
- here’s her board!!
In short, Lottie Haze fits into the cliché realm of a spoiled rich socialite. Growing up the daughter of a famous rockstar did nothing for her humbleness, being the heiress of a family fortune made before her father in the fashion of famous Las Vegas casinos, Lottie was doomed to a life of narcissism and selfishness from the start. Her life is a blur before coming to Yates, she doesn’t delve much into her past and doesn’t stand for the curios pokes and prods from her fellow peers after they watch all the documentaries about her past. Drug abuse, life on the road, the death of her mother, her own overdose at such a young age before being plucked out of her father’s arms. Lottie doesn’t think about it, doesn’t speak about it, but it’s all there, edited from time to time on Wikipedia. Famous for being nothing but the child of the rich, Lottie’s a lot more than meets the eye, but at paper-thin, she’ll allow most to think she’s the typical Instagram influencer, rich, pretty girl plagued with basicness and ignorance.
Charlotte Haze’s parents weren’t good for each other. It wasn’t a healthy relationship; it wasn’t made from start dust and fairytales. It was a match made in hell, two selfish souls uniting in a mix of tequila and heroin in the back of the Stillborns’ tour bus. Ricky Danger was her father, a name coined from the mind of a self-indulging teenager with too much time on his hand and brain clouded with too many pills. When Jeanette Haze, daughter of a multibillionaire hotel and casino owner, told him the news of their child he was excited, not thinking of the dangers and responsibilities that came along with a child born of wedlock and on the road. Charlotte couldn’t remember a time in her childhood when things were normal, nothing was the cookie-cutter dream house that most children fantasize about, they had no real home, she had no real toys, no friends her age, everything was clouded with smoke and glamour, money and gifts sent to her by her grandparents who couldn’t gain control of their wild daughter and her idiot of a boyfriend  who was too busy dragging their toddler all over the world with them.
Her mother died of heart failure when she was eight, something that happened so fast that she barely had time to register what it was. There were two funerals, the respectable one full of family members she’d never met who touched her blonde curls, cradled her chubby cheeks, told her how much she looked like her mother and the one thrown by her father. Where men all spoke highly of her departed mother, where alcohol was passed around, stories were told, and the friends she grew up with made her smile and laugh, instead of feeling lost and alone. Lottie was too young to know what was going on behind closed doors, too sheltered from her grandparents to know that they were doing everything in their power to take her away from her father, who simply brushed the death of her mother off his shoulders, and carried on in life, numbed by booze and drugs. This lifestyle wasn’t something a child should grow up in, an idiot knew that, but Ricky didn’t see a problem with it, he didn’t see how damaging it was, he didn’t care, and once he thought Lottie was old enough, he shared it with her.
Charlotte was 11 the first time she got drunk, 12 the first the time she smoked weed, 13 the first time she had sex, and fourteen when she first got addicted to cocaine. The list grew as she did, the perfect little star on the road, the daughter of the world’s ‘best’ guitarist, the lead singer of The Stillborns. He was so proud of his girl, he loved her more than anything, and she lived to make him proud. She could remember the concerned looks from tutors on the road, her father hiring them to make sure he could keep Lottie at his side, having her learn from the strangers when she could, paying them off not to speak about the things his daughter was involved in, and everyone turned their head, said nothing. Charlotte didn’t know any better, the life she lived was all she knew, all she loved. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll, just like her mother, she was truly the perfect girl, just like her father had wanted her to be.
That all changed when she was seventeen. when one night her father must have misjudged the dose he helped her shoot into her veins. Ricky had had his fair share of overdoses, his own, his buddies, even the one that put his wife into cardiac arrest and took her from him. Though when his daughter started to convulse, he couldn’t bring himself to do much of anything but push her onto her side and dial 911. He left her in the dutiful hands of his band manager and a family friend before he left her alone to wake up in the hospital with no clue what had happened, no idea where her he was, and an onslaught of CPS agents, police, and paparazzi.
It was all that was needed for her grandparents to finally get custody of Charlotte, proof of her father’s neglect, proof of his horrible influence of the young girl. Lottie waited for him, waited for him to show up at the hospital, show up at court, show up to fight for her, but he never did. He never called, he never wrote, and when Charlotte was moving in with her grandparents in their little ranch in Las Vegas after spending months in a rehabilitation center, she still heard nothing from her father. The tides changed then, Charlotte realized she couldn’t go on living the way she had, the way her mother had, so rather than wait until the day she was eighteen to go back to her old life, she made a new one, or at least she tried to. It was a twisted Cinderella story, at least that’s how the news showed it. The once tragic life of a child of rock & roll turned into the sugary sweet life of a beautiful Instagram star, Charlotte Haze coined a new life for herself, with the watchful and worried eye of her grandmother.
College seemed like something that would be good. A set routine, a new chance at life, a way to start over…  sure she didn’t do the best at school on the road but was that her fault or the environments. It would be something normal, a true school environment she never got to experience.  Vermont was far, but with some tears and lots of convincing, she was able to get them to agree to let her leave. , and they made sure to give her everything she needed to get on well, with a few standards she had to meet at least. Music would always be apart of Charlotte’s life, even if her father wasn’t, so she figured journalism would be good for her, getting to explore the lives of all the musicians and artists but while also keeping a safe distance from the true lives some lived on the road, not wanting to break her vow to herself, to avoid any and all triggers to her past.
She’s been sober for a while, though the bumps of life have given her a few setbacks, relapsing is part of the process, after all, at least that’s what she told herself each time she embarrassingly returned to her NA meetings or faced the disappointed look of her grandmother who controlled her allowances, basing how much money she fed to the spoiled girl by how stable her life seemed to be at the time. Lottie was going to live her life for herself, she did what she wanted, how she wanted it, though she put on her best appearances for her grandmother, after all, it wasn’t like she was actually going to get a job to support herself, not when she had all the money she could ever ask for in her namesake alone.
Lottie is used to having things handed to her, she’s used to being able to spend her money frivolously, with no care or worry of consequence. But when her grandparents cut her off and the cash flow stops coming in, there’s not much for her to do to keep her materialistic life up. Sure she could get a job on campus, work at a book store, the coffee shop, the record store… but Lottie doesn’t like to work… and she has little patience for tedious things… and so her genius idea was to make money off doing the one thing she never got bored of, sex. Lottie has a secret camgirl/porn account that she earns extra cash from, it’s not something she’s ashamed of at all, but she doesn’t want it getting out on account of her old money grandparents and her widely known father, the last thing she wants to be is a cliche, even if she’s happily living as one.
So basically, Lottie’s got a tricky background, she’s rich af, spoiled af, bitchy af, and kind of just does what she wants whenever she wants. She’s up and down with her sobriety, views everything pretty cockeyed, considering she doesn’t want to trigger herself into using again, but will down a bottle of Grey Goose with little consideration of the consequences. She’s got a lot to hide still, gets her inheritance from her grandparents and that can be easily toyed with, considering they view her life with a magnifying glass. Connection wise she’s open to anything, hookups, passed hookups, ex’s, FWBs, frenemies, best friends, she’s bi and ready to cry so please, love her.
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leahsilbers · 4 years
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「zoey deutch & cis female」⇾ silber , leah, the junior radcliffe student’s records show that she is a sagittarius and 21 years old. she is studying creative writing, living in gorham and can be ardent, high-spirited, sardonic & self-involved. when i see her i am reminded of the pen you lose behind your ear, the rapid click of a playing card stuck in the spokes of your bike, and a blinking cursor mocking you from the top of a blank page.
hey hey!!!! my name is liz (she/they, 23, est, gemini, etc) and i’m so excited to be here with my 3 fools. i’m gonna try and be Concise since i’m throwing out a few of these but its just not my strong suit so bear with me!! i’d love to get some plots up in here so hmu @ 💫hello, emperor💫#5957. without further ado here’s ms. leah:
a history.
leah was born to in the david and abigail silber, in lovell. her family wasn’t old money, or technically even new money, but they were good at faking it. leah and her siblings were raised under a microscope. after he father was hired of a professor of earth sciences at radcliffe, her mother felt they had something to prove. her family was friends with the type of people her mother wanted them to be, even if they don’t necessarily live the same fast paced life style. their kids are products of the public school system, they never joined a single country club (unless you count her mother’s involvement in the local jcc), and they never strove to live beyond their means. but that didn’t mean abigail didn’t do her most to keep up an illusion.
her mother’s high expectations always lingered over leah’s head. she knew she had to give them what they needed to talk about at her dad’s work mixers or when her mom had the ladies over for book club. she played the violin, she kept her grades up, she was an editor of the school paper her sophomore year, and truly, she didn’t mind it all. she liked to give them things to brag about and ultimately, that sort of desire for a clean composure rubbed off on her. she loves the feeling of a pat on the back and of having the kind of resume that reminds everyone that, against all odds, she does in fact have her shit together.
as most writers do, she found a love for literature when she was young. above all else, she loved the characters. she loved the idea of people being that formulaic and predictable: in books, you can always track their motives, figure out what makes them tick, and see how things will work out for them in the end. while her family assumed she would explore that all through psych, she instead choose to approach it through prose. for her, nothing is more satisfying than getting to build that arc, that rise and fall, and she looks for it in her own life as she plugs along.
she enrolled in radcliffe’s english literature program right out of high school, hoping that if she couldn’t make writing work for her, she could at least find herself teaching it. her ultimate goal remains to write the great american novel. in the meantime, she peddles short stories to local literary magazines. like all those before her, she’s got enough rejection letters to plaster the walls of her little dorm. but little by little, she continues to funnel into her novel (working title here and again. don’t ask her what it’s about unless you have eight hours for her to give you a page-by-page breakdown). 
most recently, she’s gotten caught in a particularly bad writing dry-spell. she’s blocked, and it’s a new feeling for her, as someone who historically always seems to have the right words. she wants nothing more than to be a novelist. she wants to check this too off her list of achievements, she wants the gratification of holding her finished book in her hands, or even of just getting to move onto editing, but she’s stuck, and because of it, she’s spiraling a little. but rather than really plugging away, and funneling all she’s got into it, she’s looking for any distraction from the task at hand.
odds n ends.
her whole people and characters thing makes her a good writer but ultimately. it makes her not great at relationships or connecting with people because she really tries to see everything as making literary sense. like she doesn’t get that sometimes people just do shit or that it rly be like that sometimes because she wants to be able to explain it all away and have people make sense
leah isn’t low on confidence. she’s proud of what she’s accomplished in her life.   but she’s worried that she’s already peaked, and maybe it’s got her for a second a little worried and insecure. she’s a little bit of a know-it-all, just because for literal years her parents had her convinced that maybe she really could know it all.
she’s that bitch in the bike lane taking up as much space as possible because its her RIGHT don’t try anything.
fully obsessed with all things someone as pretentious as her when it comes to literature should be disgusted by. exclusively watches tlc and far outdated reality tv. owns two von dutch pieces. swears up and down “this i swear” will be the first dance at her wedding. and it’s literally not even ironic it’s just something she derives so much of the happiness chemical from thinking about. in a field where she has to argue about deep literary analysis with pretentious Academics she just adores it as somewhere she can turn her brain off. early to mid aughts culture just brings her so much joy.
here are some stats!! thank u for reading!!! again i’d love to plot so just hmu!!!
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I don't know how much this adds to the discussion regarding Animorphs being children's lit, but I think it's important to keep in mind that kids' books can get away with heavier themes than kids' shows tend to, so if someone's coming into the discussion with the framework of "for children" they may need to keep in mind that as a book it can cover more ground than a tv show that grownups just have to glance at to decide if it's "too much" for their kiddos (whether it is too much or not).
This definitely adds to the discussion of Animorphs as children’s lit!  I think you’re hitting the nail right on the head.  Many people don’t realize this (I didn’t realize this until I was in college and had a class on the subject) but television shows have to justify themselves to a metric shitton of people before they’re allowed to go on the air.  Books only have to justify themselves to a moderate-sized committee, if that.
People who have the power to veto content on TV shows include (but are not limited to): individual writers who have a particular idea, head writers who don’t like the idea, script editors who might take it out, directors who refuse to film what they don’t like, videographers or artists who add their own creative vision to ideas, visual effects teams who can cut things based on budget, voice actors who can protest decisions they don’t like, episode editors who might take an idea out, producers who won’t back anything that might cause controversy, studio executives who can pull content that’s not “on brand,” national network crews that can decide not to air certain content, local network crews that can also decide not to air certain content, and future “backers” who might decide not to invest in a show based on its content.
People who have the power to veto content in books include: the author with the idea, the agent who publicizes it, the editor who polishes it, and the publishing agent who sells the idea.  At most.
Nowadays, one can self-publish one’s own work with ZERO outside input, or else very little.  The Martian was read by exactly two (2!) people before Andy Weir put it on the internet, and it became an international bestseller.  It would be possible to make a self-published TV show with that little outside input… but most platforms wouldn’t promote it, and would probably take it down if it got hate-reported or had content violations.  Not only that, but (as Cates pointed out) books get edited as content that has already been written, in a story that already exists.  Shows get edited in the context of deciding whether it’s worth the trouble to write an idea that’s still hypothetical.
Television is ultra-conservative (in the sense of never rocking any boats in any direction) because it has to please hundreds of people with creative input and to justify its multi-million-dollar budgets.  Books can reach the minimum production value necessary to be good with the influence of one person (okay, lbr, two people) and fifty bucks for printing or web-hosting fees.  That’s the reason that only 42% of non-animated roles and 39% of animated roles go to women on TV, including only 12% of non-animated roles and 4% of animated roles going to women of color.  By contrast, 63% of children’s lit on The Atlantic’s bestsellers list is written by women, about female protagonists; that’s not counting books by men about female protagonists.  (They didn’t collect data on authors’ ethnicity; if anyone has this stat, HMU.)
It’s the reason that Arthur just made national news THIS FUCKING YEAR by depicting a same-sex (traditional) (Christian-coded) wedding ceremony, one that local networks in Alabama chose not to air.  Meanwhile, in 2015 Cates presented a conference paper about the history of kids’ picture books with queer protagonists, a history that goes back to 1981 (Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin) and covers such mainstream 1990s series as Bruce Coville’s Magic Shop and Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants.  We see the importance of the lack of gatekeepers: for instance, the author of Heather Has Two Mommies struggled to get a mainstream children’s press to pick up her book, so she went to a lesbian publisher, which ended up creating an entirely new branch for children’s books.  (Apparently there were entire publishing houses just for lesbian books in 1987?  The more you know.)  One other interesting case study for queer content is Gore Vidal: in 1948 he published what would today be classified as a YA gay romance novel (The City and the Pillar) but in 1959 he had to “code” and hide the queer content in the Hollywood film (Ben-Hur) that he also wrote.  Television to this day uses queer-coding in lieu of actual romance, especially when it’s kids’ TV (see: Legend of Korra or Adventure Time), while children’s literature has already made the push all the way into demanding that the queer romances in Grasshopper Jungle and Geography Club be more intersectional.
To be clear, it’s not like children’s books have carte blanche in this regard — Applegate and Grant have both apologized for having to code Mertil and Gafinilan rather than just marrying them off, and have expressed regret over not getting to write an openly bisexual Marco or openly trans Tobias.  But kids’ books can still fly under the radar of the wowsers in a way that kids’ shows often cannot.
Anyway.  Queer representation is obviously just one of a plethora of issues that get very different treatment in children’s books vs. children’s shows.  There are plenty of others.  Children’s shows can depict violence, but have to treat it as silly or inconsequential and avoid showing blood.  (Because that’s a great way to teach kids about not harming others!!!)  Children’s books can have as much blood — and, apparently, as many spilled entrails — as they would like, as long as those things don’t happen in the first couple of pages or make the cover summary.  Neal Shusterman is responsible for some of the most cringe-inducingly silly AniTV episodes, and also some of the most brutally unflinching works of children’s literature I’ve ever read.  American screen media are no longer subject to the Hays Code, but its marks still remain.  American literature has pretty much always been the Wild West, and with the advent of online self-publishing, the west is getting wilder.
Don’t judge a book by its movie.  And don’t judge a book by its show.  AniTV is tame and silly, treating its violence as inconsequential and its characters’ mental health struggles as harmlessly or innocent.  Animorphs has the courage to show that when you shoot a man he doesn’t just silently fall over and disappear but bleeds and screams and dies, that being a victim or a perpetrator of such violence can leave even “innocent kids” fighting for their lives against PTSD and depression.  It has the courage… but it also has the freedom to do so.  That’s an extremely important distinction that should not be overlooked.
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sunnykeysmash · 5 years
Unresolved threads
For a while now I’ve felt like sunny has suspiciously started to leave open or barely resolved/addressed “plot points” (for lack of a better term).
Now, for me this feeds into two suspicions that I’ve had for a bit, the first one being that there might be a flashback episode at one point to resolve them all, the second one being that this has been going on ever since HOHC, the first status-quo altering episode. A list of all the things that have been left suspiciously open/unaddressed is under the cut.
Note: Elements introduced in one episode and then brought back count as belonging to the continuity, elements that are self contained in a single episode count as throwaway, unless not properly resolved by the episode itself despite clearly feeling like they should be, or unless not addressed entirely.  Example: we never see what Mac does with the 14$ from the winning ticket, but it’s never mentioned again and it’s not something potentially impactful to the characters or canon, so it is irrelevant. Example pt2: Imagine if the Dennis Doll was just present in the background of one episode, never pointed out or used. That’s the second category of unresolved threads that I’m counting, despite being in a single episode and not brought back or pointed out in any capacity in future episodes.
I’m gonna start with the most pressing and obvious ones.
The RPG: Introduced in Tends Bar, brought back in DDL, but Dennis never gets to fire it. Counting the additional symbolic significance of it, it’s especially important.
The Waitress being pregnant: Introduced in DDL, addressed again in Clip Show, it’s still unclear what really happened.
Mac’s Text at the end of The Gang Texts: Never explained, feels significant considering Mac echoes Gets Romantic before sending it (”I’m gonna speak from the heart”) and considering the choice of emojis.
The Symbolism in The Gang Escapes: Completely unnecessary to the plot, never addressed.
The Shakes: Dennis never finds out they’re “poisoned”, Mac never stops making them as they are referenced again in Texts.
The Dildo Bike: Introduced in HOHC, present in Mac’s room in s13 in Escapes, is mysteriously missing in s14, despite Megan Ganz referencing it before the s14 premiere party on twitter. Since it’s clearly part of the continuity at this point, its unexplained absence from Mac’s room feels weird.
Mac wearing sleeves at home: Started in s14, never pointed out in canon in any capacity despite how out of place it feels considering Mac is known for mostly only wearing sleeveless shirts.
Charlie’s exposed knees: Similarly to the previous point, it’s known thanks to  The Waitress Is Getting Married that “people’s knees” is what he dislikes the most. One could argue that maybe rcg just forgot, but considering how the other elements from the same scene became established canon (ghouls, milksteak), I’m counting it.
Ok, those are the most obvious ones that come to mind. The next ones I’m gonna list are a little more speculative, but still suspicious. 
Dennis’ feelings: Constantly referenced, not only in Dee Day (”what about my feelings? now that’s interesting”), but ever since Tends Bar (”I have BIG feelings”). Never addressed properly despite clearly playing a role, especially in s14 where we see him gradually getting angrier as the season progresses, peaking in chop with no apparent given reason as of yet.
Frank meeting Jackie: The encounter openly suggests the natural evolution that is expected from the situation (”My son is actually a big fan of yours. I mean, it would really get under his skin if he knew I was standing next to those.”), it’s never followed through though, making it feel like Jackie’s presence in the episode is entirely irrelevant/unnecessary. Bringing back a guest star for no reason feels odd, especially when pointed out in the episode itself.
“You gotta stop kissing me”: Phrased like it already happened, but we’ve never seen it happen or heard it be mentioned. Despite this very phrase, Dennis goes out of his was to sit uncomfortably close to Mac, thus leaving the viewer feeling like they’re missing something. This, coupled with the actual message Dennis was sending to the gang being “we need to be more careful so we don't get accused”, and NOT to stop (as he states right after) plus Dennis removing Mac’s hand despite their history, it all feels like there is something more going on, but the episode never addresses it.
“We will return here in exactly one year from today”/”I guess we’re not gonna get that romantic comedy ending after all”: It feels purposefully left open-ended, especially with how the episode frames Mac and Dennis as being the real “meet-cute” but never openly addresses it in order to make jokes or anything, and never resolves it inside the episode. Gets Romantic is also subtly echoed a little bit in s14 so its importance in the continuity rises because of it (Texts: speak from the heart; Jumper: the tv show mirrors the song used in the background of the confession).
Dee’s instagram: Had it stayed contained in the episode, it would’ve been fine. However, a real one was created on IG, but has currently never actually been used.
Frank likes Blue: Unclear if this is on purpose or not, but Frank explicitly states his distaste for blue flavored foods in Goes To Hell.
Additional points that I’m unsure of, but that feel out of place or that could have some relevance later on.
“I just don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship”: Mac says this in MFHP, despite us knowing of his love for Dennis. He also openly denies said crush again in Texts.
Chokes, as a whole: Dennis’ character motivation throughout the episode is left exceedingly vague, it’s unclear what he truly wants from Mac, and why Dennis being able to depend on Mac would in any way correlate with Mac making his own decisions that actively go against what Dennis says. It’s unclear why he’d want that, especially considering his tendency to control Mac, and the episode does nothing to make it clear at any point.
The Thundergun Timeskip: Thundergun’s final scene in the bar necessarily takes place at least an entire year after the screening, considering a new movie came out. [[Also, according to the dates in the flashing newspapers, the new movie (the ”loveletter to hardcore fans”) comes out in 25/09/2019, which means that either all Thundergun scenes before the bar scene happen during s13 in the timeline, thus the final bar scene is the only one in the present along with the rest of s14, or all of s14 except for Thundergun’s final scene take place in 2018 at the very least. But I digress.]]
Finally, some out-of-canon points that I feel like adding as well.
Mac’s Boyfriend: Introduced as a concept by Rob in the s13 premiere, hinted at again for the s14 premiere (interviewer: “is Mac getting a boyfriend out of the AirBnB episode?” Rob: “Maybe”). Hasn’t happened yet, but clearly Rob is thinking of something. Possibly echoed by the choice of calling the kid in the finale “Big Mo”.
“S14 is getting weird” promotional photo: The bible and Jesus placed inbetween Mac and Dennis, it is at no point part of the actual episode and thus was knowingly put there for the sole purpose of taking the picture. Reason for it is unclear.
That’s all that comes to mind to me. Hmu if you can think of more.
Now, I say this starts with HOHC specifically because with rcg making the decision to alter the status quo, it becomes almost a necessity to discuss what other things could be impacted long term by it. So to me it’s natural that it would require them to come up with a general plan for it. 
Also, generally speaking, HOHC is the milestone that separates episodes without the possibility to alter status quo in mind, before it, from episodes that can be thought of specifically with the ability do so, after it, because Mac’s coming out is the first decision to impact it consciously. 
This means that anything that happens after HOHC has the potential to have been made with the conscious intention to alter canon on RCG’s part, more so now than it could before.
And finally I don’t remember previous seasons having this much stuff left open, but who knows.
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frankics · 4 years
Tumblr media
hello  all  you  lovely  lovely  people  !  thanks  again  for  applying  to  this  rp,  you  have  NO  idea  how  excited  i  am  to  get  this  going.  i’m  lily,  i’m  newly  20,  in  the  est  timezone  and  my  pronouns  are  she/her.  i  love  trash  tv,  my  puppies,  and  the  collected  works  of  the  greatest  band  in  history  (one  direction).  this  is  my  trash  daughter  frankie,  she  truly  belongs  in  the  garbage  but  i  love  her  so  much.  below  the  cut  is  my  long  ass  intro  for  her,  i  forgive  you  if  you  don’t  read  it  all  because  looking  at  it  now  i  wouldn’t  want  to  either  !  anyway,  if  you’re  interested  in  plotting  with  me  and  frankie,  hmu  on  discord  and  you  can  check  this  blog  for  some connections  i  would  love  to  see  !
( alisha boe, cisfemale, she/her, MUSE E ) — oh my god, i totally just saw FRANCESCA ARCHER walking through greenwich village! you know, she plays SKYLAR ELLIS on that new netflix show, the village? i can’t believe they’re already famous at TWENTY-ONE. i’ve watched all of their interviews, and they totally come off as IMPERTINENT and RECKLESS, but they can also be ROMANTIC and WITTY. based on their social media, i’d describe FRANKIE like ( worn out black high-tops, mischievous smiles, nails painted different colors, peach vodka, swimming in an ocean during a storm ) — totally makes sense that people call them THE SPITFIRE.
important links: bio. statistics. filmography. muse posts. social media. 
warning: death tw on the 5th bullet point!!
the frankie archer story begins in 1996, when her mother yasmiin moves from her home of somalia to brooklyn to pursue an art career. she moved into a tiny apartment halfway across the world, knowing nothing and no one, looking for inspiration. she found it in the form of lorenzo archer, her next door neighbor. they dated for two years, but neither family approved of the other as a match: yasmiin’s family wanted her to return to somalia, and lorenzo’s roman catholic family were not pleased about their son selecting a non-catholic woman. but lorenzo and yasmiin didn’t care, and got married at new york city hall with the court appointed witness. two weeks later, yasmiin was pregnant with frankie. 
francesca simone archer was born on june 9, 1999. she is a gemini sun, a scorpio moon, and an aries rising. she was named francesca for her grandmother on the paternal side, and simone after nina simone, the singer that was playing on lorenzo’s record player when they first met. her two siblings, nala archer and zahi archer, were born in 2001 and 2003 respectively. 
her childhood is generally quite happy. lorenzo and yasmiin were born to be parents and they love frankie, nala, and zahi endlessly, the type of supportive love that makes children thrive. frankie possesses a natural wit and excels academically, nala is the star athlete, and zahi is a wizard with watercolor. frankie loves the movies and decides she wants to be an actress when she grows up, so lorenzo and yasmiin enroll her in acting classes and improv camps. things chug along in the archer family beautifully. 
that is, until frankie gets a high school scholarship to packer collegiate institute, located in the affluent neighborhood of brooklyn heights. she takes it, of course, with her parents’ full support. but she is nothing like anyone else who attends packer, and for a 14 year old who wants to blend in, that is the worst possible thing. she is suddenly, painfully aware of her worn-out clothes, her used books, her strange mother with paint stains on her bleached out jeans. frankie lashes out, screaming and storming off and slamming doors. she and her mother are hurricanes and the rest of the family simply battens down the hatches. one day when frankie is 15, she tells her mother that this family is her worst nightmare. it is the last words she will ever speak to her mother. 
a few hours after, the archers get a call that yasmiin has been in an accident. it was a hit and run: a drunk driver t-boned her, and they’re rushing her to the hospital. when the family arrives, the doctors break the news that yasmiin is comatose and that things aren’t looking good. lorenzo refuses to take her off life support, insisting she’ll recover. she is in a coma for nearly a year and a half before he is convinced to pull the plug. 
and now, the part of the frankie archer story that everyone knows, the serendipitous hollywood beginning. she’s just a charming, talented, grieving, all-american girl from brooklyn, heading off to juilliard in the fall. on her 18th birthday, the first one spent without her mother, she attends an open call for a role in an indie film called thursday mourning. she thinks it’ll be a fun way to spend the day, or at least distracting enough. and then she gets the fucking part. 
long story short, the film blows up. it’s shown at venice, winning the golden lion and a prize for frankie as the most promising young actor in the festival. it’s nominated for four oscars, including a best supporting actress nom for frankie. she doesn’t win, but it’s created a path for her to do whatever she wants, acting-wise. she does three more films in the next two years, gaining a reputation as an indie darling before realizing that indie films don’t make all that much money. 
and she needs money, because her father is drowning in hospital bills from yasmiin’s death that he can’t pay. that’s when the offer comes through from her agent: a starring role in an ensemble cast netflix show called the village. she’s planning on throwing the script away. she’s not interested in any television show, much less a teen drama. she’s a serious actress and she certainly doesn’t want to be the next veronica lodge, made fun of on the internet by strangers with discerning taste. but with a little coaxing from her agent, she reads the script, and the role is good, the writing strong. so she takes the village, even though she wants to do movies more, even though she might get memed into oblivion. one episode will halve her father’s debt. 
frankie was tapped for the village because while she’s definitely not as famous as some of her other castmates, nor does she have the hollywood background, she has consistently received acclaim for her performances. the producers think it will bring them some clout with the critics, and she has a sterling reputation as a hard worker on set.
so that’s the basic bio of frankie! now onto her personality >:-)
first of all, and most importantly, if you call her francesca you are DEAD.
frankie’s described by the media as a spitfire, and she definitely lives up to that description. she’s not particularly patient with interviews or paparazzi, she has a nasty mouth and an acerbic sense of humor, and to the general public she probably comes across as quite guarded and private about her life. she got into this business to be an actress, not a celebrity. 
nevertheless, if she wanted to be a celebrity, she could probably be a pretty beloved one. frankie has a very charismatic, charming way about her, that probably lets her get away with more in the public eye than she should. there’s just something about that hollywood story that makes people relate to her and root for her. 
the number one defining characteristic of frankie is her passion. she throws herself intensely into everything she does, feels emotions too vividly, fights for what she wants. she cares so much about everything. acting is her main passion, her forever love. it’s why she’s so good at what she does: she’s not the most talented, she doesn’t have the most training, but she feels so intensely. it also makes her very emotional (classic cancer!) if you’re close with her
also because of this passion, she’s probably the most competitive person you’ll ever meet in your entire life. she’s like, slightly insane about it? she wants to win everything, but she hates losing even more than she likes winning. she’s the type to throw a tiny tantrum if she loses a game of uno. 
frankie’s always been bold, likes to live life on the edge, but it became something much uglier after her mother’s death. she’s reckless to the nth degree: doing her own stunts, drinking and partying the night away. she’s not suicidal, but in some ways, it’s like she doesn’t have a huge regard for her own life. 
in her private life, frankie is pretty different. it’s not so much that her negative qualities disappear -- she still swears like a sailor and is less than patient. but rather, the flaws become less apparent when you get to know her. she’s sort of a goofy little marshmallow wearing a giant suit of spiky armor. 
one of the most loyal people you will ever meet, because she throws herself headlong into friendships and relationships. she’s sort of an all or nothing type gal, so if you befriend frankie expect it to be a very close relationship whether you like it or not. 
she is kind of the crazy friend? she’s baby? like she’s absolutely the person who’s encouraging everyone else to do dumb shit, and she’s always coming up with ridiculous ideas and pranks. side note give frankie a prank buddy on set!
she’s really quite witty. she absolutely loves twitter, which is basically the only glimpse the general public would get as to who frankie is in private. her twitter filled with her dumb jokes and random thoughts. in another life, she might have been a twitter comic.
she is a hopeless romantic, which she will never admit to anyone in the world unless it’s layered under 100 miles of sarcasm. the only relationship she’s really ever known is her parents’ relationship, and they were madly in love til the bitter end. she desperately wants something like that, but hasn’t quite found it. she’s been in exactly one pr relationship, but nothing particularly real or long-lasting.
she loves fashion. her mother taught her to sew and she sketches and makes some of her own clothes. her absolute dream is to collab with a designer on a fashion line: some of her favorite labels are marc jacobs, jean paul-gaultier, sies marjan, and moschino! she’s also had a lot of positive press for her red carpet looks. 
she has a dog, who she loves more than anything! his name is duke, he’s a staffie rescue, and she brings him on set frequently. she’s lobbying to get him cast as someone’s dog. 
she’s playing skylar ellis on the village, and because this is literally so long you can find some info about skylar at these links: statistics, muse posts, social media. i haven’t finished writing her entire bio yet but here’s the rundown: skylar appears to everyone like the pretty princess who has everything she could ever want. her parents are rich, she’s beautiful and smart, and she has a perfect relationship with phillip. but on the inside, she’s drowning. her dad wants her to take over the family company but she wants to be a writer, and the worst part is that she’s good at writing and horrible at business! she’s always been content to go with the flow (aka, what her parents want) because things are good in her life, but after her encounter with james over the summer, she’s realizing that she is completely trapped in a life she doesn’t want in the least. now she’s a conflicted mess of emotion trying to figure out what to do. 
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hello, this is your fbi agent
okay so i have no explanation for this im sorry
ship: ralbert
genre: crack with memes
warnings: first person (????), memes, more memes, this is not related to spies, the worst crack and even worse writing, idk fam
editing: ha
words: 1099
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yes, that’s me, Albert Dasilva, sitting behind a desk, spying on someone through their phone camera for the FBI. You’re probably wondering how i ended up in this situation. Well, frankly, I am too. I always knew that I was a walking meme, but I never thought that I would actually become one.
See, I had just finished college and, like most college graduates, was looking for a job. One of my friends who asked to remain nameless *ahem* jAcK keLLy, told me to apply to work at the FBI because apparently you only need a college degree to do that. And me, being the dumbass that I am, decided to do it as a joke cause fuck it, why would they ever hire someone who had been arrested for stealing oats and cream cheese from Target when they were 14? (Alright fine, I technically wasn't arrested, the cop was clearly caffeine deprived and let us off with a warning. Although they didn't catch us the one time Jack and I stole one of the Target balls in broad fucking daylight. Wait. Forget I said that. I’m a good wholesome Christian child and have never stolen anything, anything I may or may not have told you was a blatant lie.)
Plot twist, they fucking hired me.
(Jack got a real kick out of that, believe me.)
And, as part of my intern training, I had to do only the most memey job on the whole internet:
Watch people through their phone cameras.
Yes! We actually exist! This is not just some dumb meme that the internet made up! And I would know, because the idiot I’m assigned to watch doesn’t sleep so therefore I don't sleep and I have the dark undereye circles to prove it!
God, I want a fucking nap.
But no, instead I’m watching an idiot look up fucking lazytown quotes at two in the fucking morning.
*muffled shouting* Oh, and he’s hot. Thanks for reminding me, Jack. Not like that's WHY IM WRITING THIS YOU ASSHOLE!
*deep breath* Okay, anyway. Back to the story.
Why am I doing this?
Right. Cause I hate myself, that’s why.
Anyway. The kid that I have to watch through his phone camera. His name is Race. And no, before you ask, I do not know why he goes by Race. It’s not my business. I only watch his every move on the Internet, I don't know his whole life story! What kind of organization do you think the FBI is, huh?
Just kidding, we definitely know your whole life story and its definitely recorded in three different places, one of which is a vault hidden under Argentina. But you didn't hear that from me.
*more muffled shouting*
Jack is telling me that I’m “beating around the bush too much and need to get to the point.” Fine. I know that’s what you came here for anyway.
In short, it was a stormy night and the power had gone out, but I, a dedicated FBI intern who did not want to lose my only source of income, was using my rapidly dying iPhone to watch my assigned civilian through his phone camera. That night, the man had looked especially enchanting, the light from his phone illuminating his luscious blonde curls and accentuating his deep blue eyes, making it seem as though I could drown in their-
Okay this just sounds like shitty Wattpad fanfic. Is tHAT WHAT YOU WANTED JACK?! Also I don't know what Wattpad fanfic is like because I’ve personally read any. I spy on people through their phone cameras alright, I’ve seen a whole lot of weird shit.
Essentially, what happened was I caught some feelings. And, my supervisor figured this out by reading my weekly reports and told me essentially to “tell him you like him so you can go on a date and I can reassign you so that I don't have to keep reading these lovey dovey reports because they make my brain turn to mush.”
Thanks for that Katherine. Love you too.
And now, here I am, having this fan tas tic  monologue while trying to figure out how to compose a text message.
(Before you ask how I have Race’s phone number, I work for the FBI. There’s a lot of information I have that any normal citizen would want. Like what is actually kept in Area 51 (baby iPhones), if mothman is real (he is and secretly is the president of the United States), and if Canada is real (its not). But you shouldn’t trust any of this information because I work for the FBI and I could be lying to you.)
Here’s what I have so far:
Hi Race. My name is Albert and you might not believe this but I am actually the FBI agent in your phone...yes, we exist. I’ve spent the last 5 months watching you and I think you're kinda cool and pretty cute and was wondering if you would like to meet up some time. (Also stop looking up lazy town quotes at 2 am, I now have the whole show memorized because of you.)
Overall, it’s not bad, but there’s some things that I think could be improved and- wait, Jack, nO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP GIVE THAT BACK I’M NOT FINISHED!!
*10 minutes later*
He sent it. Jack sent my fucking message before it was fuking finished and now Race isn’t going to fucking respond and I’m going to be alone forever and Katherine is going to reassign me and I’m never going to see Race’s angelic face ever again and-
He responded?
What the hell?
Honestly, I guess I should have seen that coming. Race has no common sense.
What? I’m allowed to say that! I spend my days looking at what he googles, alright!
Anyway, I’m sure you're dying to know what he said, so here it is:
Hi Albert! You better not be trolling me because this has been the biggest and I oop moment I’ve ever had. Please tell me that you haven’t exposed my two am lazy town search sessions to the public. No one is supposed to know about that. And yes, I would love to meet up with you. Mostly to apologize for my google search history and for the memes (hehe) but also because anyone who can spy on me for 5 months without going to therapy than maybe you can actually put up with my craziness! Xx Race.
Maybe this job isn’t so bad after all...
im so sorry please dont unfollow me
feedback is always appreciated, hmu to be on the taglist
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masqucradings · 4 years
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hold!  who  goes  there?  why  ,  is  that  𝒄𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒈𝒘𝒚𝒏𝒏𝒆  the  𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔  of  𝒓𝒆𝒅  𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑?  they  do  look  𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆���𝒐𝒖𝒔  for  a  𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏  of  𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚  -  𝒔𝒊𝒙  years.  don’t  they  call  𝒉𝒆𝒓  the  𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒆  𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏  𝒐𝒇  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?  i’ve  heard  they’re  also  𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒚  though.  don’t  take  my  word  for  it  but  they  do  look  an  awful  lot  like  𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒌𝒐𝒌𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒓.  (  pinterest  /  google  doc  )
NAME  :  cecily  gwynne
PRONUNCIATION  :  ses  -  uh  -  lee   g  -  w  -  ih  -  n
TITLE  :  courtesan  at  the  dovecote  brothel  (  in  actuality  ,  she  is  a  spy  and  assassin  ). 
AGE  :  twenty  -  six
PLACE OF ORIGIN  :  red  keep  ,  elysi
FAMILY MEMBERS  :  her  mother  ,  isolde  ,  and  a  slew  of  aunts  and  cousins  she  left  in  red  keep.  her  father  ,  nicholas  ,  passed  away  when  she  was  young.  her  older  sibling  distanced  themselves  from  the  family  when  they  were  eighteen  (  see  wanted  connections  ).  
HEIGHT  :  five  foot  five
HAIR COLOR  :  brown 
EYE COLOR  :  dark  green
GENDER  :  cis  female
BUILD  :  soft  curves  ,  lean  muscle  in  her  arms  and  legs
ANY HEALTH RELATED ISSUES?  :  not  physically  ,  but  cecily  deals  with  anxiety  sourced  from  her  own  paranoia.  
for  a  woman  who  makes  her  wealth  by  offering  her  company  ,  a  coldness  radiates  off  of  cecily  gwynne.  under  her  poise  and  cunning  is  a  woman  desensitized  to  violence  ,  a  stranger  to  warmth.  cecily  works  incredibly  hard  to  sculpt  her  reputation  into  one  that  reflects  seduction  and  mystery  ;  the  queen  of  the  night  ,  not  a  title  to  scoff  at.  those  who  find  themselves  in  her  company  are  entertained  by  a  witty  and  blunt  courtesan.  she  does  not  sugarcoat  things  for  her  regular  clients  and  typically  they  appreciate  her  (  what  appears  to  be  )  honesty.  around  friends  and  at  events  ,  she  carries  some  of  her  courtesan  charm  over  ,  but  she  feels  free  enough  to  embrace  her  dry  sense  of  humor  and  carefully  crafted  insults.  she  likes  the  drama  of  things  and  will  never  say  no  to  indulging  in  her  bad  shopping  habits.    
at  her  core  ,  cecily  feels  hollow.  everything  she  does  is  for  her  family  and  yet  she  is  so  far  away  from  them  that  she  has  no  one  to  anchor  her  to  the  person  she  once  was.  sneaking  along  in  the  shadows  or  aiming  a  knife  at  someone’s  back  is  when  cecily  feels  at  peace  ,  for  at  least  she  has  a  purpose.  she  likes  to  feel  powerful  and  smart  ,  but  her  inflated  ego  has  turned  those  into  weaknesses  ;  for  she  always  thinks  she  has  the  upper hand.  it  is  difficult  for  her  to  maintain  friendships  that  are  deeper  than  superficial  since  her  loyalty  is  hard  won.  
POSITIVE  TRAITS  :  clever  ,  poised  ,  intelligent  ,  charismatic  ,  thoughtful  ,  patient  ,  strategic  ,  captivating  ,  observant.  
NEGATIVE  TRAITS  :  arrogant  ,  indulgent  ,  insensitive  ,  cold  ,  stubborn  ,  untrustworthy  ,  dishonest  ,  dangerous  ,  paranoid.             
HER  ESTRANGED  SIBLING  :  her  sibling  had  always  disapproved  of  cecily  and  her  mother  ,  especially  their  dabbling  in  low  magic. they  left  the  home  to  pursue  magical  studies  when  they  were  eighteen  and  cecily  has  not  seen  them  since  ,  making  it  almost  ten  years  of  no  contact.  cecily  remembers  them  striving  to  climb  up  the  social  ladder  properly  through  the  magaesterium  and  assumes  that  they  remain  with  them.  for  cecily  ,  her  sibling  is  a  distant  memory  she  tries  to  forget.  there  is  a  deep  seeded  anger  she  stores  just  for  them.  she  resents  them  for  abandoning  their  family  just  because  they  didn’t  like  what  the  gwynnes  did.  the  sibling  is  two  years  older  than  cecily  &  would  be  twenty  -  eight.  
HER  MENTOR  :  they  found  cecily  pickpocketing  in  red  keep  ,  her  fingers  attempting  to  lift  the  pretty  watch  wrapped  around  their  wrist.  they  promised  to  train  her  for  a  life  that  would  lead  to  riches  and  prestige  ,  not  to  mention  her  mother  would  be  taken  care  of.  when  cecily  agreed  ,  she  and  her  mother  were  sent  to  a  remote  farm  where  her  mentor  trained  cecily  and  others  in  the  art  of  espionage  and  killing.  this  person  raised  cecily  out  of  nothing  and  she  owes  them  far  more  than  she  would  like.  they  keep  contact  mostly  through  letters  but  from  time  to  time  ,  cecily  drops  in  on  her  old  home  at  the  farm  to  visit  both  them  and  her  mother.  her  mentor  will  also  stop  by  the  brothel  ,  pretending  to  be  a  client  when  really  they  and  cecily  are  sharing  a  cup  of  tea.  
HER  MARKS  &  CLIENTS  :  nobility  who  frequent  her  courtesan  house  ,  may  they  be  regulars  or  new  to  the  dovecote.  cecily  picks  her  clients  carefully  so  to  only  have  to  put  up  with  those  who  definitely  have  information  she  wants.  when  her  main  business  was  not  serving  her  well  ,  she  took  other  clients  and  those  are  the  few  she  has  amiable  relations  with.     
CURRENT  HANDLER  :  submitted  to  the  main  as  a  wanted  connection  but  if  any  other  muses  fit  hmu  !!  cecily  was  recently  hired  by  the  house  this  person  is  either  a  member  of  or  loyal  to.  the  person  was  then  chosen  to  be  cecily’s  handler  ,  which  means  to  meet  her  in  glasswater  keep  to  receive  her  reports  and  to  also  keep  an  eye  on  her.  they  have  a  back  and  forth  rapport  /  frenemies  kind  of  dynamic.  i  can  see  this  dynamic  developing  in  a  few  ways  so  i’m  open  to  anything!     
the gwynne women were purveyors of fortunes and other low magic. they served with a knowing smile , as if they already had your whole future laid out in front of them and they were laughing at what was to come of you. cecily came from a long line of these women who never married but instead took lovers and bore them children. the partners were always welcomed to stay and raise the children among the gwynne’s , but they rarely stayed. cecily’s father surprised her mother by refusing to leave. when he did go it was unwillingly. she remembers his scratchy beard and thundering laugh , and then she remembers her mother’s sobs released in the dead of the night after he died. in the day , her mother wore a bright look , eyes gleaming with excitement and curiosity. cecily adored her more than anything in the world. she wanted to be her when she was just a child , wishing she could grow up faster so to follow her to wherever she went. 
soon , she did grow up and was allowed to join her mother as she swept through the streets of the red keep. cecily treasured those stolen moments in between job , her mother would entertain her with stories and anecdotes , all to keep a smile on the young girl’s face. all she wished was that her sibling enjoyed the outings as much as she did , and that her father was there too. but the lines had been drawn in the sand and cecily grew distant from her older sibling when they decided to pursue magic. they thought cecily and their mother inferior for involving themselves in lowly magic, but it was all the gwynne women knew to do . . . until cecily’s sibling left home to properly study what they called real magic. cecily’s mother was distraught , though she wouldn’t say it to cecily. the girl , only sixteen at the time , knew her mother’s tells and the walls of their apartment were just as thin as when her father died . . . though this time her mother’s cries were softer and more hollow , as if she could not believe someone else left. 
the gwynne family maintained their business of fortune telling as the years went on , but they lost some of their regular clients and money became tight. cecily and her mother always knew how to cut corners to survive but this was an even tighter corner to cut. cecily took to pickpocketing in the busy areas of the city and got fairly good at it. her desperation to care for her mother led her to the path that changed her life. she attempted to lift a fine bracelet off of someone when they caught her wrist. cecily thought she was going to lose her hand but instead the person laughed and admitted she had attempted to pickpocket a rather skilled thief. they took an interest in her and her mother and would return to talk to cecily every day , often with a loaf of bread or fresh fruit to share. eventually they offered to take care of cecily and her mother. cecily had been suspicious , never really trusting someone she met on the street , but the person explained they would be teaching cecily a trade. 
the trade was not what she expected when her mother and her were brought to a remote farm north of red keep. she had not cared what it was going to be , only that her mother would be cared for and that cecily would get a job out of it. when it was presented that she would train to be a spy and assassin , cecily was of course shocked but she did not leave. rather , she dedicated herself to the training and came out a superb fighter. she trained at the farm from seventeen to twenty - one and harnessed her natural skills of stealth and persuasion , while learning the grittier parts of the job. she didn’t at first have the stomach for the killing , not even when they went out to hunt. it was her mother , who helped in the kitchens , who reminded her it was all a matter of survival and to think of how she was raised — her mother and father tried to give them security but the gwynnes never rose out of poverty in red keep. nobles would walk by the slums and gawk but never help. the reminder of their arrogance and lack of compassion made something in cecily snap : why should she care whether another noble lives or dies . . . they didn’t care what happened to the common folk. if they wanted to pay to kill one of their own , cecily would not stand in the way — in fact , she would happily help them along. 
her mother gave her the encouragement she needed to throw herself completely into training. when she turned twenty - one she had a job waiting for her in the northlands and then in another part of the world and another. cecily realized she and her mother would never starve again. while she traveled to carry out jobs , her mother decided to remain at the farm and take responsibility for the kitchens and other household duties. cecily was sure that her mother would be safe and free. they lost contact with her aunts after her mother made the decision and cecily, to this day, still aches for her family. in the past when she visited red keep she would sneak around their neighborhood just to catch a sight of a cousin or aunt but she kept her distance , for their own safety. 
cecily spent a fair amount of time traveling to do her job but three years ago realized that she could serve a greater purpose by installing herself in one of the capitals where there was sure to nosey nobles who wanted secrets sniffed out. she came up with the idea of posing as a courtesan — she felt no discomfort with the job as she had spent her early twenties training to kill people. she was used to the uncomfortable. besides , she knew if she collected a group of clients and established herself she would have more access to the nobility. there was the downside of the total isolation. she was far away from her makeshift family when she settled in glasswater. it made her cold and distant. no longer did she have someone reminding her of who she was before she got into the business of espionage and murder. 
most recently , cecily has taken up a contract with the (tbd) house , gathering information on their behalf and then sending it to them. it pays well but she knows she’ll trade loyalties as soon as someone offers a heavier coin purse. she has little investment in the growing rebellion. though as she was originally from red keep and had looser morals instilled in her , she finds their sentiments against interracial marriage to be in bad taste to say the least. though she can’t help but be enamored by their dreams of choosing their own ruler. cecily has her own share of distrust of the current establishment , but she knows who pays her bills and she cannot afford to lose her biggest clients. cecily is prepared to become a wartime spy and assassin , not to choose sides but to survive.
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nadiafm · 5 years
( camila morrone, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen NADIA PEREZ around ? they work as a ICE SKATING INSTRUCTOR at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 21 years old & they’ve been working here for 11 MONTHS. they tend to be +AMOROUS & +CONVIVIAL, but can also be -LICENTIOUS & -WARY. the other employees have labeled them THE ROMANTIC. thanks a lot ! gold hoops , floral mini dresses , pink lipgloss , overly dramatic eyeshadow , freckles specked across your nose , mascara running down your cheeks , tequila shots chased with salt and lime , lana del rey blasting in your headphones , mirror selfies , golden hour , glitter and rhinestones , blue raspberry dum dums , piled up books you keep forgetting to read.
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hey y’all !! i’m so excited for this wow. i’m sam, i’m 22, and i live in pst !! i’m a sucker for cooking shows and dogs and candles. but more importantly...this is my freaking baby nadia, an absolute idiot with a heart of gold ! i already know this intro is going to be too long but bare with me i will include a tldr at the bottom i promise. also hmu on discord to plot ! capricornmom#1278
here is nadia’s pinterest & here is her playlist
aesthetics : gold hoops , floral mini dresses , pink lipgloss , overly dramatic eyeshadow , freckles specked across your nose , mascara running down your cheeks , tequila shots chased with salt and lime , lana del rey blasting in your headphones , mirror selfies , golden hour , glitter and rhinestones , blue raspberry dum dums , piled up books you keep forgetting to read
character parallels : jackie burkhart ( that 70′s show ) rachel green ( friends ) , cassie howard ( euphoria ) , brooke davis ( one tree hill ) , bianca stratford ( 10 things i hate about you ) , april ( palo alto ) , erica vandross ( flower ) , gigi & triple a ( booksmart ) , snooki ( jersey shore ) , jessica day ( new girl )
full name : nadia paloma perez
birthday : july 23, 1998
zodiac : cancer sun , pisces moon , pisces rising . god help this emotional ass girl
nationality : american 
religion : roman catholic
sexual & romantic orientation : bisexual , biromantic
hometown : aventura , florida ( 20 minutes outside of miami )
languages spoken : english ( fluent ) , spanish ( fluent ) , french ( still learning , takes it in school , somewhat conversational )
likes : candy ( sour punch straws , lollipops ) , watching soccer games ( messi stan till she dies ) , rex orange county , writing , magazines , making empanadas with her abuela , romantic comedies ( her fav is how to lose a guy in 10 days ) , tequila sodas , sex , lana del rey , chipotle burritos , iced chai lattes with almond milk from starbucks , gossip girl , craft beer , margaret atwood
dislikes : quinoa , nuts in things like salad or cookies , star wars , watching golf , oatmeal , church , screamo music , california ( a grudge ) , spoiled rich kids , condescending business majors , quentin tarantino ( and his avid fans )
Born and raised in South Florida, a little aways from Miami ! Her mother, Paloma, was an Adventura native while her father, Santiago, was an immigrant from Argentina. Her parents met in college when Paloma was studying abroad in Argentina. They fell in love, rather quickly, and the rest was history. They had planned on moving back to America together, but Santiago’s visa was denied. So, after only four months of knowing each other and 2.5 months of dating, they got married. 
Turns out sometimes you should know your partner better before getting married !! shocker right. It wasn’t so bad at first, though. They were young and in love and their honeymoon phase seemed to last forever, until it didn’t. 
By the time Nadia was born, they’d already begun to realize each other’s faults and flaws. Santiago was a good looking guy, and with his thick Argentine accent, he tended to come off as overly friendly and at times overtly flirty. Paloma was jealous and needy. It never seemed to mesh well when she thought her husband was flirting with every other mom in the neighborhood. 
So, for the majority of Nadia’s childhood, all she remembered from her parent’s marriage was them fighting. She had a close relationship with the both of them, though, and she was particularly close with her father. He was her biggest supporter !! Always hyping her up. He was the one signing her up for sports like soccer (they’re a huge soccer family, the only time her parents weren’t fighting was during Argentina games), gymnastics, dance, and ice skating. Her favorite was soccer, and her for most of her adolescent years, her dad coached her team. They formed a really close bond because of it. 
The marriage was sort of non exinsistant at this point, but in some sort of last attempt to salvage any love they might have had for each other, Santiago and Paloma had a baby. It was more Paloma’s idea than anything. Santiago, at that point, was only sticking around for Paloma. She was seven when her little sister was born, Caterina, and Nadia absolutely adored her. They may have been seven years a part, but they were the best of friends. 
When Nadia was twelve, she woke up with a note on her bed side table. It was from her father, and it read: “Nads, I’m so sorry I couldn’t say goodbye to your face. I wish I was stronger. I am so proud of you and I promise I will be in touch. Te amo. Papa” He hadn’t left anybody else a note, and not even a word to her mother. As close as she was to her mother and sister, she couldn’t help but blame them for her father leaving. Still, she was pretty certain she’d hear from him soon. That he’d come back once he cleared his head. Only, he didn’t. 
Word spread pretty fast around school about what had happened. Suddenly, Nadia was a charity case. PTA moms were coming up to her and offering to bring her lunch or dinner, if she needed it. She was the girl who’s dad left them high and dry. It didn’t help that on top of that, her body was going through changes much more rapidly than any of her friends. She already had gotten her period, and by the time she was in seventh grade she was wearing a D cup bra. So in addition to the sudden spotlight as the girl without a dad, boys started treating her differently. Boys that had never talked to her previously suddenly wanted to be her friend. In eighth grade, Hayden Walker rolled up a small piece of paper and shot it like a basketball into her cleavage. He high-fived his friends after and thanked her for the backboard.  
So middle school was rough. And while Nadia had had one or two boyfriends during that time, she’d never gone past kissing them. That’s not how the rumors went, though. That was the part that hurt the most. The things people said, especially the things girls said about her. Girls she thought were her friends. 
At the end of eighth grade, during the summer before high school, she got a text from her dad. The first one in 2 years! She’d idolized him her whole life, so obviously she was ready to forgive him as soon as she heard from him. He told her he was living in California and Nadia was like, I’m sold! Let’s go! Only her mother was like...are you fucking insane you are not going to California to visit that man. Long story short, she found a cheap cross country bus ticket and essentially ran away from home to see her dad! He was shocked she had come at all, despite his text message leading her to believe he wanted to see her. Apparently it was more of a courtesy text, a text so he could let go of the guilt of leaving an entire family behind. Because in the two years he’d been gone, he managed to start a new one. He had a new wife, and two newborn twins. 
Nadia was pretty furious, but she stayed the summer anyways. She had full intentions of starting high school in California and not going home to Florida. Things were tense at her father’s, though. Her “step mother” obviously didn’t like having her around, and though her bond with her father was slowly rekindling, there was still a sort of distance between them. But they were trying to make it work, at the very least. 
Then came the end of the summer. Nadia had made a few friends around the neighborhood, and was invited to an end of summer kickback with a bunch of high schoolers. Naturally, she lied about her age at the party. She was 14, but told everyone she was 16, and everyone seemed to overlook her baby face thanks to her ass and tits. At the end of the night, a boy drove her home, and the two ended up hooking up in the car. Apparently she had misjudged how much her father actually cared, because he’d waited up for her to come home, and after seeing car headlights out front, he’d stormed outside to find her in the car with a high school boy, half naked. After allowing her to gather her bearings, he essentially humiliated her right there on the front lawn, screaming about how irresponsible she was amongst other things. The majority of the conversation has since been blacked out from her mind, but she’ll never forget the look on her dad’s face when he said, “you’re nothing, you’re just like your mother, and i don’t want you anywhere near my family.”  whew !! ya girl was hurt.  
So, obviously, she was back on the way to mom’s ! Honestly at that point her mom wasn’t even mad at her for leaving she was just thankful she was back. 
GODDD okay this is getting long so I need to wrap this up. I haven’t even gotten to personality KJSHG Okay let’s wrap up high school in one bullet point. Basically she sub consciously searched for every man’s approval because she lacked the approval she needed from her father! This meant lots of boyfriends and never saying no. In her four years of high school, she was maybe single for a total of like ... seven months. not seven consecutive months lmao, 7 months in between relationships. 
one of those boys was connor perch, her first official boyfriend freshman year ! they were really sweet n young and nadia really thought she was in love. but then she gave him a blowjob and this mf recorded it ! and nadia found out after the fact, asked him to delete it, he said it was just for himself to look at, only to find out he’d sent it to his friends a few days later. so that basically set the precedent for how she’d be treated the next four years of high school ! she tried to act like it didn’t bother her but dang. high schoolers can be very mean !
oh my god i seriously have to wrap up okay this will be quick. basically when she was a senior in high school she went on a ski trip to big bear and met a boy named ethan, who she like fell in love with so fast like literally a week give it a rest girl. he was from Colorado but when she left they kept in touch and basically talked every day for the rest of the school year and throughout the summer. She’d decided to apply to Boulder University to be closer to him because this time it really felt like the real thing ! SURPRISE AGAIN ! She got to school and found out he had a girlfriend. She was really mf heartbroken over that. But did she learn her lesson? No. Does she still fall in love with anyone who looks in her direction? Yes. 
Okay and lastly she has been working all sorts of jobs throughout college because her mom is helping her pay for tuition and rent so she’s gotta cover spending money ! She ended up getting a job at Big Bear Resort during her last winter break as an ice skating instructor because she used to do ice skating back in the day. Now she works at Big Bear during her school breaks and on some weekends ! 
Hopeless romantic with major daddy issues
Will overanalyze every interaction she has with anyone because she thinks they might like her
Probably will have a crush if you are even remotely nice to her 
Really dumb but means well. Literally no common sense. Complete bimbo
Cries A LOT. Complete crybaby. Happy or sad she’s probably crying
Heart of gold!! She really always means well even when she fucks up so bad I SWEAR her heart was in the right place 
Can outdrink anyone. She would drink a 6ft5in, 200 pound man under the table any day
Tequila is her choice of drink, but vodka is for her #sadgirlhours
Obsessed with Rosalía, Lana Del Rey, & Rex Orange County. And also 2010 bangers. Anything she can shake her ass to !
She pretty much used to exclusively wear mini dresses because when she realized everyone was just gonna sexualize her anyway, she was like FUCK IT, i’ll show my ass n titties n legs. Except it’s fucking like negative degrees in Colorado so she can’t do that ! Bummer. (she’ll still probably find ways to wear mini dresses)
Obsessed with makeup!! She loves doing adventurous things with eyeshadows and lipsticks  like ok euphoria 
Kinda crazy. Major crackhead vibes especially when she’s drunk! She loves going out, she’ll go out on a Tuesday, she just likes to have fun ok and dance on tables and make out with cute people
She’ll have a one night stand but just know for HER she’ll probably get attached. I’m so sorry it won’t last that long but she’ll pine for at least a week
ok that is all i’m so sorry for this shit show of an intro but here is a messy list of wc !
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