#you sent this at the PERFECT time
autopsified · 14 days
·:¨༺ ♱ ༻¨:· | | @thenightmareofyourdrems's last wish ; TUA verse starter call
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Eden really hadn't wanted to go to Reginald's funeral. She really fucking didn't. She only even showed up at all when Jonas called her to say Klaus was out of rehab and there, and by the time she threw on some clothes and grabbed all her things and got there everyone was already in the snowy courtyard waiting for her.
And thank god she did, since if she hadn't she wouldn't have believed them when they said how Five returned.
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He looks just as he had the last time she saw him. Which is weird, being older than any of the Hargreeves kids. Jonas is only a few years younger, but Eden still can't order herself a drink at the bar. They're just about the same height now, when Eden used to be half everyones size. She's whether and jaded now, at the ripe age of nineteen. And she thinks he might be the same.
His excuse of going out for a coffee might just be a way to avoid saying he needs to get away from them for a while. But it doesn't stop her from throwing her coat on and following him out the door.
"Hey, wait up!" she calls, jumping down from the top step to the sidewalk and jogging a little to catch up with him. "If you're a coffee snob, I got some you might like at my place. It's watered down or burnt everywhere 'round here, now. But a friend of mine's uncle has a coffee bean farm in Colombia, and I still have some he brought back for me. I won't even charge you for it."
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girl-please-study · 1 year
list five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. spread the positivity <3
Heyy thank you for sending this ask ! Things that make me happy :
1. Animals
2. Messages from loved ones
3. Food!
4. Finishing a book / Assignment
5. Academic Validation (nothing beats that u know I’m right)
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
Gimme that GOOD shit girlie 💅✨ (Starstruck x Galacta knight)
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✧˖°. give up what you love, before it does you in .°˖✧
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tangledinink · 10 months
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@theaspieasp thANK YOU SO MUCH he's precious and perfect and i love him forever.
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kajibunny · 1 month
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wind breaker official art by satoru nii
i take you KAJI REN to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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thebookofbill · 7 months
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“I’m broken, wanna fix me?” HE KNOWS WHAT HE’S FUCKING DOING.
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daily-tango-doodles · 6 months
flame puff tangotek 👀 little flamey boy? ball of fire?
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Day 56: flamey boi
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
TW // Food , EDs
Something about Usopp getting sent to an island where delicious food is used as bait and he has to actively fight to eat (thus probably ending up just straight-up not eating some days and relating food to negative experiences) and Sanji constantly using food to serve and make others enjoy but barely eating himself because it isn't as rewarding and he doesn't really care about his well-being because he is used to starving (both physically and emotionally).
Like-- Usopp not really refusing to eat but kind of having a defense mechanism/odd quirks around it (eating too fast, keeping food for later, feeling safer if he straight up doesn't eat, or directly not being hungry at all) and Sanji actively just forgetting to feed himself and when he tries to do so he isn't... Full? At all? or satisfied? It just leaves him emptier. He likes giving food to others, that's what completes him. Eating just because just feels wrong for him.
So you have this guy with strong defense mechanisms against food who treats it as a necessity to live instead of enjoyment and another who treats food as an enjoyment but ONLY for other people and never himself.
And I like to think Usopp, after spending so much time getting used to storing food just in case he can't go hunting for more, still does the same when he's back with the crew. But he doesn't even know why he does it exactly. He is eating. He doesn't need to do this. But then he realizes he always thinks about Sanji whenever he keeps food. Usopp notices Sanji barely eats if the food is something he gives to himself, but gladly enjoys it when it's somebody else's doing. So Usopp just waits until everybody is out of the kitchen to approach Sanji and go "Hey, um, would you like to share the leftovers with me?" and something like that. And Sanji does end up eating more than usual which is, you know, an average meal.
On the other hand, Sanji stays with Usopp while he eats and speaks to him. Makes him feel safe so he doesn't have to make everything quick and running. Make him see that he is alright and he can take his time to enjoy the food without any worries. At the end of the day, they end up eating together after the whole crew has gone away, but that's more than fine with them.
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fallenclan · 11 months
What's that?? Yarn anon out of his deep cave??? I'm NOT lurking for once???? Chat is this real?????
FOR REAL THO hi I have a playlist 4 you!!! Otterslip has me enraptured so,, its mostly folksy stuff which ik isn't most peoples cup of tea, but I think the songs fit him (or his relationships with the other cats in his clan) very well soooo here you go!! >:)
-🧶 (BTW I've loved the recent updates!! The new babies are so sweet,, Pebble is still my fav cat though. Literally my precious baby. ALSO i hope this link works, ive never sent playlists on Anon b4. Sorry if it gets messed up!!!)
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akko-kagori · 1 month
want a drink ? .-.
yes TT
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yeetspace · 1 month
Something I said that was extremely poignant and quick way to shut someone who was trying to moralize voting third party was reminding them well two things from two separate comment sections
A point I've heard many a Time from many different people so I will not try and pretend like the opinion is mine, the people who think that voting third party and being revolutionaries will actually work are able-bodied people who have never felt the sting of systemic prejudice or just a single of the MANY deeply intersectional prejudices and So can only conceptualize themselves as the katniss, the main character from maze runner cuz I don't remember his name, that type of shit. They want to be the one that walks up on the bodies and is the one that finally is the one that does the thing. The problem is is they never once conceptualize who those bodies are. And we people who would be in that pile that they would be climbing on to finally "win the day", would really rather make the option that would allow us to work together instead of violent destructive coup that will leave no one left that was actually in the groupings that most of the previous choices were made to try and mitigate the dangers towards.
Cuz now we shift over to the other point, people are acting like the disabled, or queer, or POC or all of the above folk who are desperately not wanting people to choose the option that will actually just directly lead to their death and or removal of Rights are fear-mongering or being manipulative for daring to be mean or sound too upset about it. It's literally just fucking tone policing and it's wild that people are just pretending like it's not. When disabled queer folk tell you that this person that is actively trying to get us killed wants us killed and it said such themselves you should probably not choose the option that's going to make them have the absolute power to do whatever the fuck they want including and directly bleeding to the exact thing they have only said they will do with that power alongside also obfuscating any sort of information to its people and making things worse worse just everywhere that we have our fucking decrepit creepy ass American fingers in.
But that's also my third thing I completely forgot about this one Joe was voted in so that the able-bodied people capable of making changes and doing things could go and try and do things and then none of those things happened and less happened actually and things were taken away, And yet somehow people are trying to say that the people who are only voting this option because the last time the last option that was voted to do anything to help us just no one did anything the entire time and now we're the bad guys for the situation that happened cuz we wanted to vote in the guy that was supposed to just be there cuz he was inept enough to where the people could try and work with the communities that needed help and then none of that fucking happened and things just got worse and yet somehow the people that are actively suffering the most and we're only trying to get help because of the choices made by others are now the ones at fault for daring to want to make the choice that won't lead to their direct deaths. Like Jesus fucking Christ get over yourself vote blue.
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man-squared · 1 year
People really think when you talk about lesbians being men or having relationships with men means you want them personally to go sleep with every man and not that you want every lesbian to have their own autonomy to decide what lesbianism means to them personally.
Like literally, the people who make large ass call out posts or posts that whine that there are people who are mspec lesbians or lesbian men or just that some lesbians have sex with men always make it so personal no matter if they are a lesbian or not. They seem to not be able to remove themselves from someone else's lesbianism and autonomy.
No one (seriously, no one besides actual lesbophobes) are claiming that you, a lesbian, has to have any relation to men. You do not have to date or have sex with lesbian men (or mspec lesbians), and guess what! We don't want to do those things with you either. No one is saying that because a small percentage of lesbians might have sex with men and/or be attracted to men, you as a lesbian have to. I don't know why you decided that you have to live in a world with communal absolutes. Not all lesbians are you, and you are not all lesbians (like really do you like the same women as every other lesbian? No, because you aren't other lesbians). Let lesbians have autonomy. Let lesbians live. Let queer people be!
Tldr: you don't have to do what other lesbians do. Just because a lesbian has any kind of relationship with men doesn't mean you have to. Other lesbians existing do not negate your lesbianism.
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inkandpaintleopard · 4 months
Smth I think is so neat with Pico's designs in Hellbeats is that he's wearing crosses
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Like in his first redesign, it's black cross earrings, and it's among the rest of his gold jewellery so it doesn't stand out as much
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But in his most current redesign, it's a single, gold cross necklace, placed front and center
I just think it's neat
It feels like a little sort of hint that he’s an angel, that alongside his gold accessories
He’s got such a great design I need to draw it someday
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marc--chilton · 5 months
how would house & wilson comfort their pup if she had a nightmare? like when she was still a baby and so small and too young to be able to explain what she was scared of, so she was just giving off ‘scared, please, scared’ energy.
like i can see them having very different approaches to how to calm her down/soothe her. pls tell me your thoughts !!
first of all, they have baby monitors. house makes fun of wilson for getting them but keeps the one for their room on his own nightstand. and this is AFTER having gone through the process of actually getting comfortable with the idea of her sleeping in the nursery (which takes house longer than he'd like to admit bc his instincts go a little haywire after the first time he holds her)
the first few times it happens it wakes house from a dead sleep and gets him moving only for him to fall back into bed with a gasp because apparently his body forgot, in its haste, that a pretty significant chunk of leg muscle is gone and We Can't Move Like That Remember?? and he just assumes the worst is happening and he can't get there fast enough and now his fucking leg hurts so he blindly punches wilson in the back to wake him up and check on her
back to the actual question. they DO have different approaches!!
wilson is all sweet words and soft smiles. "aw, you had a bad dream, didn't you, bug?" he coos at her, sleep-ruffled, gently wipes away snot and tears with his own shirt because this is his baby who's so upset, being gross isn't a concern at all. he sits with her until she calms down, holding her so her head is resting on his shoulder, closer to his glands to maximize the effect of the soothing notes in his scent. "you're okay, bug, abba's got you."
house, on the other hand, leans to a more primal route. he'll whisk her from her crib and weave a nest for them in the living room (or his and wilson's bed if wilson lets him) to hole up in. sometimes if it's bad enough house will be on full autopilot during all this, tense from the heartbreaking sound of his pup's whimpers but still purring for her benefit, all the while so dead set on making a custom safe space for them both. he barely actually talks, too, instead relying on instinctual vocalizations. not only is formulating the words for the feelings he's having incredibly difficult at times like that, but the wordless communication is easier understood by pups anyway. it's not a great habit to have -- for either of them really -- because sleeping on the couch destroys house's leg and makes him more irritable at work the next day but it's all secondary to giselle's wellbeing so he does it again and again and again
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 months
Interview. Interview. Oh Another interview. Interview. Interview. Guess what's next? An interview that a manager is like "Today at 2pm sound good?" which I took bc yeah, it was good...
I'm tired.
Now will ANY OF THEM ACTUALLY Call Me Back???
#taks speaks#literally woke up to an email from a place that interviewed me two days ago saying i wasn't selected for an interview#like??? What???#YOU JUST INTERVIEWED ME#there's one of them that i'm hoping for bc it has the lovely 8-5 hours. not per shift. just being open#and it's a tourist trap#that has good health benefits and gets me into other tourist traps around town For Free +3 guests max#like hello. dad can visit. bring both sisters. we're going touristing#and sea world at 50% off which is pretty damn cool#i'm gonna start harassing them daily on the phone as of wednesday#if that gas station food prep job doesn't get back#which pays a touch more with a 10% discount on GAS#BUT they're the ones who sent that weird email this morning saying i didn't make it to the interview stage which um#why? what? you talked to me twice?#I'm QUALIFIED? It's the same damn job i previously had but for a gas station. i mean come on#ugh. my lowest quality options are part time at a busier and more annoying tourist trap#or *sighs* dominos.#at least dominos gets good tips tho#everyday for like. the last week has been interviews#except yesterday which tbh i slept most of it#i need a fuckin job dude. come on#i have also created a list of managers i would rather be interviewed by#at the bottom of the list is intimidating older woman. next is slightly younger than that woman who thinks i don't look local enough#somewhere in the middle is that really chill old lady who gave me advice about chafing in the heat. great lady#and top is black man in his 20s. very chill. easy to talk to. i've been interviewed by two and the first one was younger than me#and i intimidated him. bc i knew more about interviewing laws than he did. whoops. missed out on the job but he was nice#today's though? KNEW HIS SHIT. Perfect manager. I'd want to work for him. Chill. easy to talk to and understood the laws well#...just realized the bar is that low. wow.#sadly he's the dominos guy and that job is second to last on my preferred list#i have most definitely noticed that the person interviewing you sets the daily tone for the job
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northern-passage · 2 years
Genuine thought as a fellow trans dude, I’ve seen a lot of (obviously non-serious) questions on other blogs about characters’ genitals such as “how does it look like?” and similar, and I think we all know & understand that such questions are extremely inappropriate to ask and (I hope) no one would actually go around asking these questions irl. Idk, I think we should treat trans characters just like cis ones, without any special “precautions”, so to normalise them and not make cis people treat them like fragile boxes, a thing which happens to a lot of us irl. Hope this doesn’t come off as an attack or anything lol.
no worries, i didn't take this as an attack at all. i actually agree with you, that's why i mentioned feeling conflicted about it and also mentioned that i've changed my stance on how i felt about handling Noel and Clementine in game and in explicit intimate scenes.
however, for me the problem comes from the fact that people... don't ask these kinds of questions about cis characters? i suppose people do get cheeky "who is the biggest 🤪" asks but i would hardly compare the two. to be a bit crude, no one is going to be asking if a cis character has a dick or not, or "what does it look like". of course it's natural for people to be curious, and i honestly encourage the open discussion and am happy to see trans bodies being talked about more in a positive way, but not everyone is going to be comfortable with it due to the inescapable transphobia online and in the community. sending me that kind of ask is like sending out an invitation for a debate or a discussion that i don't necessarily want to have. i also just don't think people should default to asking a random IF author on tumblr dot com to describe what bottom growth looks like.
and with most of these asks typically coming from someone who is anonymous, i have no way of truly knowing what the tone is, what their intentions are or why this is being asked - is it another trans person? or maybe someone who is just genuinely curious? or, more likely in my experience, is it someone who is going to immediately follow up this message with something transphobic after i answer? do i want to roll the dice and find out?
so while i agree with what you're saying, it's important to consider the context and the reality we live in. the IF community is not kind to trans people or trans characters. and as a trans person, my first priority is protecting myself and my mental health. so what i mean when i say "precautions," is that those precautions are for me, because i've had to deal with transphobic harassment here for years now, and i try to mitigate it as much as i can. it's also for my personal comfort - again, to be blunt, i'm simply just not comfortable discussing a trans character's genitals with anonymous strangers on the internet. it makes me feel vulnerable.
also i do want to say i didn't mean for any of that to come across as a dig at other authors - if you're comfortable answering those kinds of questions, that's really only something you can decide for yourself. like i said, this is just coming from my own experiences in IF and for my own personal comfort - i have previously talked a lot about trans stuff and gender and sexuality here, when i'm feeling up to it, but it is something that is very draining for me and can also be very upsetting.
basically: i do agree that it's important not to other trans characters or treat them any differently than cis characters, but i also think there are ways to do it that don't require me answering invasive questions or questions that i don't feel comfortable with as a real life trans person, you know what i mean?
#hopefully this better explains what i was trying to say#again no worries anon i've had this exact conversation before with other trans people#and it's something that i don't think has a perfect solution esp with the current... climate#and especially online with the anonymity it makes these topics really touchy. you don't know who is reading this or who is interacting#if it's sincere or in bad faith#things have changed a lot in the IF community for the better but it's still not safe and i always advocate for an author to protect#themself first#back when i started tnp it was not at all common for ppl to list characters as cis#really it was only nb or trans characters that got listed in that way#and it's why i chose not to do that and why i wanted the player to find out lea and merry was trans at the same time as the hunter#same with noel and clem and their privacy#giving them that agency was important to me#and it's still important to me now#but i got a lot of harassment because of that. the lea reveal didnt even end up in game it was on the blog and it was weeks of harassment#afterwards that still makes me anxious to this day whenever i talk about lea's transness#so basically like. it comes down to what someone is comfortable with and what they're mentally able to handle#edit: thinkin abt it more &im going to be honest if someone sent me an ask that said ‘what does it look like’ i would be very Not Happy#like cis people & cis characters do Not get treated that way so why would i allow it for my trans characters#so i stand by saying that these asks are inappropriate like. i obviously dont know the context of what ur referencing#but that’s a hard no from me personally either way#to me as a trans person that question in itself is othering and objectifying#ask#anonymous
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