#you can tell i have not drawn a side view ever in my life
s5oyaa · 2 years
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happy 300 days since he last streamed
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puckinghischier · 1 month
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nico hischier x fem!reader
summary - reader can’t bring herself to talk to her new neighbor
notes - guess who’s backkkkkk!!! y’all i have missed writing so much, and i’m so happy i could get this out to y’all. i’m a bit rusty so keep that in mind while reading, but i hope you enjoy it anyways. and as always, happy reading 🫶🏼
request - from my 400 follower celly - “Abort mission, I repeat, abort mission!” “What do you mean abort mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and he’s too attractive. I can never speak to him again” with either luke or nico
“I really think today is the day, Mia,” you speak in to the cell phone wedged in-between your shoulder and cheek, putting away a few decorative trinkets on the newly hung shelf above your TV.
“You’re telling me you’re actually going to talk to him?” She questions, her tone telling you she doesn’t believe you in the slightest.
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you miss ‘I don’t believe my best friend has the guts to talk to a cute guy,’” you huff out, stretching your arm as much as you can to reach the high shelf.
“I mean, your track record precedes you, Y/N. You’ve said for three weeks now you’re going to introduce yourself and the universe has given you every opportunity possible,” she references the several hallway and elevator encounters you’ve told her about. “but, instead of hearing about a meet cute to an epic love story each week, all I get are stories of why you couldn’t say more than a garbled hi to him before darting into your apartment.”
Finally reaching the shelf, you huff both in response to her statement and the large reach you just accomplished.
After moving in to your new apartment a month and a half ago, you learned on your second day here that your neighbor directly across the hall from you is the most attractive guy you’ve ever met.
You ran into him while carrying a few boxes up to your new space, almost plowing him over while stepping out of the elevator because of your blocked field of view from the stack of boxes.
You apologized profusely, your line of sight still blocked, telling the stranger you know you shouldn’t be carrying this many boxes at once, but you really didn’t want to make another trip down and up. You made a bad joke about deciding to test out your sonar detection incase your eye sight ever left, and gave a few low, drawn-out beeps resembling those you’ve heard on TV.
When you heard the deep chuckle from the other side of the boxes, you turned yourself sideways to see who you almost ran over.
The man standing before you was simply the most attractive man you’ve ever seen in your life. His dark, incredibly soft looking hair matched his dark brown eyes perfectly. The light dusting of facial hair covering his face was definitely working in his favor. The smile on his face was really what made your cheeks heat, though.
Feeling the embarrassment of your terrible joke creep up your neck, you slipped out one more sorry and then all but sprinted to your (thankfully) unlocked door, not even offering your name.
It was that night you told Mia about the handsome stranger, vowing that you were going to redeem yourself one of these days.
Since then, you’ve ran into him what seems like every other day, but never could find the brain power to actually speak to him. It’s either the cliché of both of you leaving your apartment at the same time, or you both end up in the elevator together in complete silence due to your avoidance of uttering anything embarrassing in the confined space. There was one time you unknowingly parked your car beside of his, the two of you walking together the entire way up from the garage to your floor with only a small hi and a wave from you, because you pretended to be listening to your headphones in order to avoid awkward small talk.
“Well, I was never ready all of those times,” you rotate your shoulder in a few circles, trying to work out the small sting you caused. “This time I’m ready. I can feel it.”
“If I was the one living next to him I’d be feeling something alright,” Mia quips back in a suggestive tone, leading you to scoff at her raunchy joke.
“Mia, I’m being serious. I think today’s the day. It’s Tuesday, so I’m pretty sure he should be getting back from the gym around three, which means if I go down to the lobby and pretend to be getting back from a walk around that time I’ll have the perfect in,” you confide your plan in her, having thought about your strategy since last night.
“You are being so insane right now, can you even hear yourself? Just go knock on his door and ask to borrow sugar or something. Then, when he asks what you’re cooking, invite him over for dinner and BAM! a date you didn’t even have to try for,” she suggests.
“Mia, that sounds like the start to a bad porno, I’m not doing that,” you refuse her suggestion right as you hear several loud voices coming from the hallway outside of your door.
Walking over to look into the small peephole, you see not only your attractive neighbor, but several other insanely good looking-men standing outside of his door. You look down at the watch on your wrist, noticing it’s only two, confused as to why he’s home right now.
You can hear Mia chattering away in your ear, but you have no clue what she’s saying, your brain too focused on the men in your hallway.
“Mia, shut up. He’s home,” you interrupt your best friend, causing her to pause momentarily.
“What do you mean he’s home? Did you not just tell me he would be home at three?” she asks you.
“I mean, that’s how it’s been every Tuesday until now. But he’s home. And he has…friends over,” you whisper, worried that if you can hear them they can hear you.
“Friends? Like, other guys? Or does he have a bunch of girls over? Y/N, if he has a bunch of girls at his apartment right now maybe this isn’t the kind of guy you want to go after. Seems like he can’t make up his mind. Or maybe he’s trying to be the next Hugh Heffner and is holding auditions out of his apartment,” you listen to her ramble. “And if that’s true you definitely don’t want to involve yourself with all that. I mean, can you imagine-“
“Mia, so help me God if you don’t shut the fuck up right now I’ll hang up on you,” you snap out, not enjoying her wandering mind.
Watching the men on the other side of your door laugh and converse has you even more curious. You’ve wondered since you moved in what he does for work. The hours he comes and goes are often inconsistent and don’t line up with any job you know of. He never seems to have the same days off, and sometimes you even go several days without seeing any sign of him.
You’ve wondered if he was a doctor, because it would explain the late nights and odd hours, but you’ve never seen him wearing scrubs, all of the men in the hallway currently sporting athletic wear. You thought maybe he was a lawyer, because you see him wearing suits pretty often, but he never carries a briefcase or anything else to prove your theory. You’ve even contemplated that he owns his own company, seeing as he seems to work when he wants and would explain the random down time in the middle of week days.
Of course, you understand you also have a lot of free time during the week, but you have a typical, nine to five office job, you just haven’t started at your new branch yet. Which is partially to blame for the new found obsession with your new neighbor’s whereabouts. You have way too much free time on your hands.
“Damn, someone’s grumpy today. It’s all that pent up frustration from not talking to mystery man. Just go outside and say hi already. Or is today really not the day?”
Even though she can’t see you, you roll your eyes at your friend’s words.
She’s teased you endlessly about this since the second you mentioned him to her. She’s even made a tally of how many times you’ve claimed you were going to speak to him and then didn’t (13 times to be exact). You know she’s just poking fun, but you also know she won’t stop doubting you until you actually do it.
It’s this that prompts you to tell her “You know what, fuck it. Today is the day,” and open your door.
The voices in the hallway stop, all four heads turning to look at you.
Your phone is still being held to your ear with one hand, while the other hangs down at your side.
Your neighbor, standing in the middle of the group, gives you a warm smile, taking in your appearance.
When you look down at your stained t-shirt and your neon pink pajama pants, you mentally palm your forehead, not even thinking to change before making your grand gesture.
Looking back up at the group, heat rising up your neck and to your cheeks, you freeze, the simple “Hi” lost on your tongue.
With furrowed brows and a tilted head, your neighbor speaks out a soft, “Hey there, you okay?”
You nod your head a little too aggressively and manage to squeak out a ‘Fine! Peachy! Never been better!” before slamming your door.
Turning and leaning against the cool door, you close your eyes and try to block out the memory of what just happened.
“Girl…I don’t know what just happened, but that didn’t sound like a hi,” Mia speaks from the phone, startling you, having completely forgotten you were on the phone.
“Abort mission, I repeat, abort mission,” you shake your head no.
“What? Abort mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor? Just go back out there and try again,” she suggests, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
“Yeah, and he’s too attractive. I can never speak to him again. Plan be damned, I’m going to have to move apartments again,” you whine out to her, letting the dramatics take over.
“Oh shut up, it’s not that bad. I’m sure he’s already back to talking about whatever with his friends. He’s probably not even going to remember it by the next time you see him,” she refuses to play into your drama. “Plus, you’re a catch. I’m sure he’s been as curious about you as you are about him. Sometimes the silent treatment works wonders.”
A knock on the door you’re leaning against startles you, causing you to jump away from it as if it’d burned you.
“Mia, someone’s knocking,” you whisper, looking out of the peep hole to see your neighbor’s smiling face looking back at you.
You let out a small yelp, jumping back again while covering your mouth with your hand, knowing it’s likely he just heard you.
“Mia it’s him. He’s literally knocking on my door, what do I do?” you ask he as he knocks again.
“Oh my god, you dumbass, answer it! This is your in!” she exclaims through the speaker.
“I can’t answer it! I’m wearing a ridiculous outfit! And I just opened and slammed my door in his face like a freak. Plus-“ you’re cut off by a muffled voice.
“You alright in there? I know you’re standing at the door, I can hear your voice. I just want to make sure you’re okay and didn’t need anything. Sorry if we startled you,” his accented voice carries through the thin door.
“I’m hanging up now, go talk to your man,” Mia chuckles and hangs up the phone, leaving you on your own to deal with the situation before you.
Cursing her, you bring your phone away from your face and wipe your hands on your fluffy pants.
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that,” you speak through the door.
“You know, if you open the door I won’t bite,” your neighbor jokes, causing another wave of embarrassment to settle in your stomach, not knowing why you decided that talking to him through the door was a normal thing to do.
Taking a step towards the door, you reach for the handle and open it. You’re greeted with the handsome stranger standing not even a foot from your door, no sign of his friends.
He gives you an amused, but warm smile.
“See? It’s just little old me out here,” he brings his hands up in a surrender pose.
You give him a nervous laugh.
Observing his athletic attire, you admire the poorly hidden muscles peeking out from under his compression shirt. The sight makes your cheeks tinge red once again.
When he senses you’re not going to speak, he breaks the silence instead.
“So, you sure you’re okay? You seemed a little…frazzled a few minutes ago. Wanted to make sure we didn’t scare you or anything,” he starts. “I imagine four large hockey players standing outside of your door might seem a little intimidating to a single woman living alone,” he brings his hands down from his face, sticking them in the pockets of his athletic pants.
You wonder if the surprise is evident on your face. In all the time you’ve spent brainstorming about his career, hockey never crossed your mind. You knew your new city had a huge hockey following, but you never thought you were living across from one of the sports’ players.
Realizing you still haven’t said anything, you clear your dry throat.
“Oh, no, you guys didn’t scare me. I just…I don’t know why I opened the door, to be honest. Guess I had a major brain fog moment or something,” you lie, hoping he buys your lame explanation.
The man standing in front of you lets out a small laugh, shaking his head slightly.
“Well, as long as we didn’t scare you, I guess we’re alright then.”
“Yup, we’re good,” you pop the ‘p’, rocking on your heels slightly, needing to channel your nervous energy somehow.
You expect this to be the end of the conversation, but he still stands there, observing you.
“So, do I get to know your name, neighbor?” he questions you, breaking the silence between the two of you for the second time.
His question surprises you slightly, not expecting him to drag the conversation out any longer.
“Well, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” you hear the words come out of your mouth, with an unintentional flirtatious undertone.
“Nico,” he tells you with a smirk, leaving room for your own reply.
“Y/N,” you move to cross your arms over your chest.
“Since you didn’t protest, I’m guessing you are?” he asks vaguely, causing your brows to furrow in confusion.
“I’m what?”
“Single and living alone,” his smirk only deepens.
Well shit. Is he…flirting with you? While you’re dressed like this? And have only ever made terrible impressions on him before?
“Well, Nico, that depends on why you’re asking,” your mouth is apparently miles ahead of your brain right now, not knowing where this sudden burst of confidence and flirty personality is coming from. “Are you asking because you’re curious about your weird new neighbor, or are you asking because you’re some kind of serial killer that’s stalking his prey?”
This earns a real laugh from him, not just a short chuckle, and you want to melt at the sound.
“I’m asking because I think my new, ‘weird’ neighbor just so happens to be very attractive, but I can tell that she’s far too shy to ever make a move on her own, so I figured I’d help her out a little bit,” he leans forward slightly.
His words make your mouth snap shut and causes you to stand up a little taller, not at all prepared for the conversation to take this direction.
All these weeks of you avoiding Nico, dodging him in the hallway and the elevator, flat out ignoring him from the car garage to your doors, not even being able to say one coherent word to him, and it’s all been pointless? He’s been thinking about you all this time too?
You feel so stupid in this moment. Knowing that he caught you, and knew that you were running from him this whole time makes you squirm, and not in a good way.
Your mind immediately goes back to Mia’s words not only earlier today, but every other time you’ve discussed the man standing before you. Her insistence that you were psyching yourself out for nothing and all you had to do was talk to him echoes through your mind.
“Oh…uh…well…in that case, yeah. I live single. Wait, no, I mean, I’m alone,” you wince, hearing the trainwreck coming out of your mouth. “Okay, I’m just going to shut up now and nod my head,” you shake your head yes, preventing any more jumbled words.
Nico laughs at you once again, clearly amused and not at all repulsed by your awkward nature.
“Well, I live single too. Just incase you were wondering,” he echoes your previous word stumble, shoulders still shaking from laughter.
“Twinsies,” you blurt out, holding your hand out for a high-five.
Before you can make your brain work like a normal, functioning person, Nico slaps his open palm against yours, biting his lip to keep from laughing again.
“I think I’m going to stop while I’m still slightly ahead,” you start, taking a step back into your apartment. “Thanks for checking on me, but clearly I’m lacking any coherent braincells right now, so I think I’m gonna get back to decorating,” you try to end the conversation, not wanting to give yourself anymore embarrassing moments to keep you up at night.
“Wait!” Nico quietly shouts, his face showing it was his turn to be embarrassed, clearly not meaning to have screamed in your face.
You pause the closing of your door, staring at him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. It’s just, do you want to grab dinner sometime? If you’re not interested that’s fine, but I wanted to at least put the offer out there before I don’t get the chance to speak to you again for another month,” he rushes his words a bit.
You’re so shocked you just stand there and stare at him for a solid minute, the braincells you lacked mere minutes ago now bouncing around in your head like a pinball machine.
Nico stands there expectantly, waiting on either an acceptance or rejection.
“Are you sure?” is what you manage to come up with.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Nico huffs out a laugh through his nostrils. “I’ll even do all the talking if you want.”
You knew you were already going to accept, but his offer made you feel slightly warmer inside. Obviously, he’s been victim to your inability to coherently speak during moments like these, but not pressuring you to carry a majority of the conversation and still wanting to spend the time with you despite your nervous habit sealed the deal even further.
Not trusting yourself to not botch your words once again, you nod your head yes, unable to hide the smile that makes its way onto your face.
Nico returns your smile, a triumphant look in his eyes letting you know he was genuinely worried you’d say no.
“Alright. Good. Awesome. Great.” Is all he says, taking a small step back towards his door.
“Well now you sound like me,” you tease, that small bit of confidence making its way back to you.
“Guess you’re rubbing off on me already,” he shrugs. “See you around?” he continues to walk backwards until he meets his closed door, jumping slightly when he runs into the solid material.
You giggle at him, nodding your head yes again, finding his sudden nervousness cute.
“See you around, Nico,” you give a small wave before shutting your door, taking in what just happened.
You unlock the phone still in your hand, clicking on Mia’s contact before bringing it up to your ear.
“Listen I know you’re mad at me, and I probably shouldn’t have hung up on you, but I knew you wouldn’t talk to him if I was on the phone and you needed a push, so really I did you a favor-“
“Mia, today was the day,” you interrupt another one of her rambles, grinning while hearing her screams to spill every detail.
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Thinking about…
Alastor and Bill Cipher after the same s/o (headcannons)
Hazbin Masterlist // Disney Masterlist // Navigation
Warnings: Obsessive behavior! Alastor being sadistic, Bill being a bit weird because duh, wrote this with Human form Bill Cipher in mind, mentions of death
A/N: I really like this dynamic, even though it’s kind of crazy and a lose lose situation for the reader, but it’s still interesting to write about. I hope you all enjoy!!
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• Alastor isn’t just charming; he’s obsessed with making you see him as the ultimate catch. He meticulously plans every interaction, ensuring that you are always impressed and feel valued. Every compliment and gesture is calculated to win your heart.
“Why there’s that smile I love to see my dear! Ever the beauty!”
Alastor can’t stand the thought of you being attracted to anyone else, especially Bill. He tries to mask his jealousy with his usual grace and horribly timed jokes, but it’s evident in the subtle digs he takes at Bill whenever you mention him.
When Alastor is alone with you he’s not above grand, romantic gestures. Picture him serenading you with an old-fashioned love song or setting up a beautiful, intimate dinner where he pours out his feelings and tries to convince you that he’s the best choice for a partner and way better than bill in all aspects of the word.
Alastor’s affection for you is deeply strategic. He genuinely cares, but he’s also careful in how he shows it. He’ll often try to subtly make you see how a relationship with him would be beneficial, not just for personal pleasure but for gaining power and influence. He’s a very strong man and his image is important, what’s not to want about him?
“Don’t you love this view dear? We could be here all the time, if you wished.”
Alastor envisions a future where you are by his side, helping him dominate Hell. His feelings are not just about the present but about creating a powerful, enduring relationship. He dreams of ruling Hell together, and he’s willing to go to great lengths to make that vision a reality.
But not all things with Alastor are good, you know how much he HATESSSS modern technology and well, it’s how the world runs now. this is something Bill definitely used against him
“Don’t get intimated by a big screen deer man!”
Though he hates how Bills joke makes you laugh, his smile tightens nonetheless
Alastor will often put doubts into your mind about Bill. He is partially right, so it does make you wonder…
“What if he were to suddenly get tired of you? My dear, he’s traveled galaxies and destroyed universes. You wouldn’t want to be subject to that would you?”
or maybe something like,
“That little shape is no better than a toddler. He can’t even take proper care of his toys, breaking them when he gets bored. How pitiful.”
Bill Cipher
Bill is intensely infatuated with you. His feelings might come across as chaotic and erratic, per usual, but underneath, he’s deeply drawn to your spirit and individuality. He finds your uniqueness thrilling and wants to be the one to make your life as unpredictable and exciting as possible.
“ Wanna see this guy dance with his eyes hanging out of his sockets? Gotta tell ya’ you’ll never see anything like it ever!”
Bill’s way of showing affection is through wild and flirtatious chaos. He might sweep you into a whirlwind of bizarre, fantastical experiences, always with an underlying flirtation that makes it clear he’s very interested in you.
Bill knows how to push Alastor’s buttons. He often uses his chaotic antics to draw your attention away from Alastor, playfully teasing him and making a show of his own appeal. For Bill, it’s not just about romance; it’s about proving he’s the more exciting option, you’ll never be bored of him!
Despite his chaotic nature, Bill genuinely wants a deep connection with you, even if he does have a weird way of being about it. He’s drawn to your complexity and wants to show you that his brand of chaos can be both thrilling and deeply meaningful. He might surprise you with moments of surprising sincerity.
Bill is not afraid to take big risks to win you over. He’s willing to gamble with the very fabric of reality just to create memorable moments. His love is unpredictable and intense, and he hopes you will find that thrilling rather than overwhelming.
Bill is the type of guy to take you to a different reality for a date, wanna go watch marshans fight? no problem! upset about something? let’s go to this dimension where you can blow anything up!
He’s definitely got jokes though, and he’s good at them too
“Hey furry, why don’t you cut that loose part of your hair? OH wait, it’s your EARS!”
Bill is no fool though, he sees EVERYTHING, so it’s really difficult to hide things from him, which means being with him also means you losing your privacy.
“He’s a sociopath dove, you can’t really believe that radio freak actually likes you right?”
He isn’t wrong, Alastor has proven multiple times he keeps people around because he needs them for something, and Bill loves this
“What if you don’t satisfy him? What if he decides you’re not worth being with?”
or maybe he’ll say
“ You never know dove, what if he’s just after your soul? Maybe he likes the fact you put up a good fight, eh?”
Both demons have their crazies to them. Picking Alastor means Bill might destroy your dimension and maybe rearrange his molecules. But picking Bill means watching Alastor rip hell to shreds at your expense, hurting anyone and everyone to get you, maybe even threatening whoever you love.
Dating Alastor means you can kind of live a normal-ish life
Dating Bill means you keep your dimension
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seekingflowers · 6 months
Future Husband Pick a Card (1-3)
I'm sure you all know how it works! Just relax and let your intuition guide you to choose your pile 🌕. Take what resonates and leave the rest. I am very honest and will not sugar coat what I see. Please don't hesitate to tell me what resonated with you! I welcome all to interact 🤝
Hello everyone! Welcome to my tarot blog. This is my first post ever, and a pick a card reading (1, 2, 3- cards) 🥰😍🥀
Pile 1:
Page of Wands
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- First and foremost, it COULD indicate he's younger- if not, he may seem younger with his demeanor. More than likely, he may have approached you first. He'll be the first you one hear when you walk into a room.
In the beginning stages, this person will feel like a breath of fresh air. They are lively and outgoing. Always inviting you to join them on outings with friends or see and experience new places.
They are very social and ready to be on the go-go go. If you're not, it doesn't matter. They'll go because they're ready. Decisive and quick. However, it may not always be thought out. This person tends to be optimistic and may seem naive, but do not berate them. Sharp and witty, they stand their ground. They do not like to be held back and smothered. They seek fun and spontaneity, keep them on their toes. At times, you may feel like this man flakes out on you because he is so quick to do other things or entertain himself with others. He may forget things easily, such as planned dates or activities, anniversaries, or make sudden changes.
Their curiosity and openess will show you how to appreciate the moment and accept changes. It's okay to experience new things. If something is wrong, they will confront you, and they will expect the same from you. Be open and honest, and communicate with patience. They're not afraid to voice their opinion and say it how they see it. Friends and family love and adore their presence, which brings warmth and laughs all around.
Please remember, we all change with time, and some things may remain, but nothing lasts forever. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Pile 2:
King of Wands Reversed.
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- He's definitely the one to approach you. Could be someone older or someone in an authority position.
This man may appear aggressive, often displaying signs of frustration or impatience. Can be very controlling and dominant overall. He has natural charisma and a fiery intellect, making it difficult to get a word in with him. Stubborn and hot-headed, he will likely dislike opposing views or opinions. People's views of him are black and white. Few understand him. There could be a problem with respecting those above him or taking consideration from others in general. There are few to maybe none that he cares for, but if he does care, he is fiercely protective over them and will come to their side to defend them. Even blindly.
About action, he's the one to get it done and have a go get it now attitude. Either do it or don't. Prone to impulsiveness and hypocrisy, his actions may bring upon consequences he isn't ready to handle and will break down in a tantrum.
Not afraid to approach others, he is relentless with his pursuits. On the good days, his humor and smiles are a sight to see and hear. Captivating and charming, people are drawn to him or are intimidated by him. His humor isn't everyone's cup of tea. It may be crude.
Highly competitive, spats between him and others are frequent. He hates losing and hates being wrong.
To be with this man, thick skin is needed along with groundedness. With you, he can be very loving, but ill tempered and stubborn.
He's very likely a traditional man who wants a traditional wife and family with him as head of the household. Although earlier in life, he may have had a desire of the opposite for the short term.
Please note that the future is not set in stone. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Pile 3:
Ace of Cups
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- This man off the bat is an emotionally intuitive man. More likely to be reserved with his words, but expressive with his love and affections. Expressive eyes with intent prying into your soul. He enjoys private moments with you and goes out of his way to get you alone. It may seem unintentional, but it's not. It may be a love at first sight, or rather, when they fall in love- they fall hard.
There could be this feeling of a deep connection between the two of you that feels familiar yet so foreign. However, do not drown with the feeling. Learn to swim with it, or it will create false imaginations of the other person. You open up this person's inner world, and they want to pour into your cup endlessly. Sometimes, feelings can become intense, and a struggle to sort through emotions with each other can be difficult. Therefore, there can be spurts of emotional outbursts. Clear communication is very important with this man.
Being one to love deeply, he can hold a grudge and keep score of what wrong he thinks you've done to him. He might think he loves you more than you love him. This man wants you to be open with your love and reciprocate his feelings with the same intensity. When you are in an emotional frenzy from work or a bad day, he's the one to comfort and feel you. He'd go out of his way to make you feel better. If he can't, he will beat himself up for it. People close to him are few, even if it seems like there is a whole crowd around him. He's the go-to therapist or listener for folks, and it may get to him from time to time, so please allow him some space when needed.
Some days, he may seem hot and cold, but that's just likely because he isn't feeling anything that particular day or hour. Or he is in his head thinking about anything. As all humans do.
Love each other truly and not just love itself. It is easy to get lost in love and forget the person. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Please remember, take what resonates, and leave the rest. One card does not describe everything about a person, and it is not the end all be all. Nothing is set in stone. People change - we all change.
Once again, please let me know what resonates and tell me what'd you like to see from me. 💫
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niftykin · 8 months
hii! dunno if you accept 2 prompts at a time but i'll shoot my shot!
can i request friends to lovers (from first link) and prompt 4 and 7 with sunny from omori? thank youu!!
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' Promise you'll remember that you're mine '
Starring: Sunny | OMORI.
Sypnosis: Sunny had been realizing that real life can become a daydram simply by your presence, how is that possible?
Prompts: "The realization that the hugs they share will never be something that they can reciprocate with someone else" & "Anytime they sit next to one another, they find themselves touching. Shoulders, thighs, knees, their honestly never entirely sure how it happens but have accepted it’s unavoidable."
A/N: I do not take request anymore, yet i would find intresting if you have an idea and you can share it with me. Im sorry this took so long, i have been working a lot. Im also sorry if this turns out to be kind of depressive in some parts, have in mind you will be seeing this mostly from sunny's point of view and i think it would be kind of normal that he would have this kind of thoughts, by the way this is too short and i know, sorry.
Warnings: kind of angst in some parts, very light.
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Whenever they sit next to one another, the inevitable brush of their fingertips, the undeniable caress of their shoulders, that feeling of comfort when their thighs touch, and the subtle heat that spreads through their bodies when all contact becomes inevitable, are all as familiar to them as breathing - familiar, and yet unrequited, as a soul tie - Despite the familiarity of these sensations, they remain unrequited due to fear. However, ¿what exactly is fear? ¿How do you explain the feeling that prevents you two from reciprocating each other's embrace?
¿Is it his fault? ¿Is there another factor that becomes a burden when he wants to hold you? He is at the very epitome of human feeling in this moment, he didn't feel that before; Despair and hope at the same time by the same person, yet all you make him feel is hope, in everything. Yet Omori still holds his darkest feelings, desires and thoughts.
Even if he knows that he craves a human tie he finds himself retracting in any way he can from you. ¿what if he does it again? he can't stop thinking about it, but you are just so ethereal that he can't help but be drawn towards you. He is a monster, an assassin, ¿what would you like about him? He loves you, and he hates himself for that. He will corrupt you one way or another, but being with you, oh what a dream when he's with you he finds himself in a fairytale, it's better than the headspace, he can breathe.
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Sunny was zoned out, but then he realizes that you were talking, he quickly apologized and asked you nicely to repeat youself as he tilted his head to the side. He was genuelly intrested in what you were saying.
"Im sorry, could you repeat that please?"
He was shaking slightly, ¿what could he do now? He doesnt even know how it really began, he can't tell anything about it else than the burning feeling on his chest and the suddent need to hold you in his arms for days, than the suddent need to protect you, for Omori is a waste of time, for Sunny love is something natual and real, something you make him feel.
He loves your voice, he loves it when its dedicated to him, he loves when he is the person you are looking at, Omori said it was egoistical yet Sunny only finds comfort on the sun that reflects on your eyes, its the only way he doesnt feel the soild falling on his feet, the only way he doesn't feel lost.
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Sunny loves you, nobody is going to ever deny that, but oh how wonderfull it would be to tell you just how he loved you, if you only knew what he would do for you. He would do near everything, he just needs a chance, he doesn't ask for much, ¿does he?
He is desperated, clinging to his only ray of hope: You, if you knew you would stay or you would leave? What if you leaved him, what would he do after?... No, you won't leave, he will do whatever you want if you dont leave, he will beg on his knees for you to stay if it is necessary, he won't loose you.
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© Cheshiseriko 2024, all rights reserved ONLY ON TUMBLR
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artful-aries · 1 year
Prosaic Introductions: Innocent Perspectives (Dottore x Reader)
A part two of my Prosaic Introductions drabble, this time in the point of view of the reader! It can be read as a stand alone though, but you’re missing out on some juicy context without part one. This has been highly requested for some time, so I hope everyone enjoys :3
Word Count: 1.6k
Content Warnings: none
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Dottore was by far the strangest man you ever had the pleasure of meeting. His presence brought a chill to any room he stepped into, maintaining a hard distance from anyone and everyone, and he never took off that weird mask. You wondered if he wore it for some medical reason or if perhaps he was self conscious of the top half of his face. Nonetheless, you still could somehow tell whenever his eyes would bore into you with an intensity that could probably put Archons to shame.
On the outside, the Harbinger seemed entirely unapproachable, even dangerous, and yet you found yourself being drawn in by him. Perhaps you were merely a moth drawn to the flame, or more accurately, the fly caught in his web, but you found yourself always throwing caution to the wind when it came to him.
It had been a few weeks since Dottore had given you a cryptic response about making time to see you after he helped chase away a belligerent idiot, something that you found more attractive than was probably morally acceptable. You would go days at a time without seeing the man and wonder if he had gotten busy or simply grown bored of you when he would pop back into your life, like he somehow read your mind and knew you wanted to see him. Given the nature of his role as a Harbinger, part of you wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow could read your mind, but given that he still interacted with you it was reasonable to conclude that he couldn’t read your thoughts. At least, not the embarrassing ones, which in your opinion were the only ones that mattered in this case.
Now you found yourself aimlessly wandering the streets of the market you always preferred to shop at with the tall, cold man in tow. He crept like a shadow as he idly followed you, seemingly wholly content with walking by your side in complete silence.
“So…what was it that brought you to the market today? Did you need more supplies for your research?” You asked politely, taking the opportunity to cast a quick glance at the Harbinger.
The corner of his mouth tapered up ever so slightly, so subtle that you almost wondered if you imagined it as he spoke, “I was not in need of supplies today, (Y/N). I came for other reasons.”
Getting a straight answer out of Dottore was almost like pulling teeth; he seemed to relish in your confusion, a fact which would have been extremely irritating if it was anyone else, but with him it was almost like trying to solve a complicated puzzle, one that you felt like you would feel very rewarded in solving.
You positioned yourself in front of him, walking backwards so that you could continue to face him as you grinned, “What’s the reason you came today then, hm?”
The attempt at being a little flirty was brought to a swift end by your own clumsiness as your back hit a shop’s shelf, making you give a small grunt at the feeling. A piece of pottery on the top shelf rattled at the force, rolling its way to the edge before it dropped off the side, falling swiftly towards your head. You barely had time to react before Dottore swiftly moved closer to you, catching the vase with one hand as he looked at you with what you could only assume to be an amused expression.
“It’s certainly quite fascinating how you’ve managed to survive this long,” Dottore spoke with a hint of mirth in his voice as he gently put the vase back, “You seem to be insistent on getting into all kinds of trouble that requires my intervention.”
The shop keeper, having heard the commotion, stormed up to chastise you both, but upon realizing who you were with, they turned pale and immediately spun on their heels and headed in the opposite direction. Dottore smirked in a way that you were convinced was his way of saying ‘See? I told you so’.
“Well, it’s not my fault you make yourself so dependable,” You teased, but you could feel your face flushing a little bit in embarrassment at your blunder, “At any rate, you still haven’t told me why you’re here. Doesn’t a Harbinger have more pressing matters to attend to than following me around?”
“Perhaps,” He smiled, showing his sharp teeth for a moment as both of you began to aimlessly walk together once more, “But I am here despite my obligations to the Tsaritsa.”
You didn’t know whether to be flattered or concerned that the Doctor seemed to be playing hooky with his duties to Snezhnaya, and it didn’t escape your notice that he continued to dance around your question.
Before you could press again, Dottore gave another cryptic answer, “You could say that I’m actively participating in collecting data for research as we speak.”
You gave him an incredulous look, not believing that he was doing anything even remotely close to research. He didn’t even have a notebook or anything, so what could he possibly be researching?
“And what is it that the Doctor is researching this time? Surely it’s something so spectacular that you don’t have to run any tests or take notes,” You replied with a small laugh, believing him to just be testing you to see how gullible you were.
“You,” Dottore said simply, not even casting a glance in your direction, as though it was the most normal response in the world.
You found your next words leaving your mouth before you could stop yourself, “Is that your way of asking me on a date?”
Dottore stopped in his tracks, making you nearly stumble as you stopped mid-gait as you looked at him. He stared at you intently, or at least you assumed so behind his mask. The damn thing kept you from being able to figure out what was going through his head at the moment. Was he shocked? Angry? Embarrassed? You had no clue. All you knew was that he was staring at you like his life depended on it, not moving a muscle.
“A date,” Dottore slowly repeated, more as a statement than a question.
You swallowed hard, clamming up as you worried that you somehow offended the man in front of you. Perhaps it was presumptuous to assume he was even attracted to your gender, let alone you as an individual.
“U-Um, nevermind, it was…I was just-“ You struggled to come up with a reasonable explanation for what you had said that wasn’t just writing it off as a bad joke, but you were drawing a blank.
Then Dottore gave a small chuckle, his arms crossing over his chest as he replied in an amused tone, “You mean a date as in a romantic outing, do you not?”
Archons, you would give anything to die on the spot right now.
“If you’re into that,” You answered, cringing internally at your own wishy-washy response. Why did you have to dig yourself into an even deeper hole?
The silence was dreadful, and you could only stand there and shift awkwardly as Dottore stared you down through his mask. You wish he would say something, anything, if only to break the tense silence. At this point, you wouldn’t even care if he laughed at you if it meant getting past this awkward moment.
“How amusing,” The Harbinger smirked as he stepped closer to you, making you snap out of your internal lamenting of your awkwardness, “Fine then, we shall go on a date, (Y/N). I believe this could produce quite interesting results.”
You gaped at him for a moment before blinking a few times, “Y-You’re serious? You’ll take me on a date?”
You couldn’t believe you had gotten this far with a man who terrified entire nations. At one point you had convinced yourself he was entirely aromantic and asexual with how little he seemed interested in your average interpersonal relationships. Yet here he was, this stoic, indifferent man was agreeing to go on a date with you. If it were anyone else, you would have assumed they agreed as a joke, but Dottore didn’t seem like the type of man to agree to such a thing on mere humor alone.
“I believe you’ll see just how serious I am very soon,” Dottore spoke with a smug look, “Don’t tell me that you’re trying to back out now, hm? It would be a great disappointment to miss this opportunity.”
There was a certain tone in his voice that felt…slightly detached, but you couldn’t put your finger on why. Considering the man was inherently detached from those around him, you simply wrote it off as just his usual cold mannerisms seeping through.
“No, I’m definitely not backing out,” You insisted, your cheeks heating up a little as you looked at him, “So…when will you take me on a date then?”
Dottore hummed at your response, clearly entertained at your embarrassed state, “I believe I’ll leave that as a surprise. Wouldn’t want to ruin all the fun, now would we?”
Before you could protest at how ridiculous that was, Dottore already started walking off, waving to you over his shoulder as he spoke, “Until next time, (Y/N). I look forward to our date.”
“I- Wait, you can’t just- Are you even listening to me?” You called out to him, but it was clear that he had no intention of returning to the conversation as he disappeared into the crowd. If that man didn’t interest you so much, you would have cursed him out by now with how often he left you puzzled and confused at his actions, you were sure of it. With an exasperated sigh, you began walking back home, but there was a bit of a spring in your step that wasn’t there previously. Dottore was a strange man indeed, but perhaps that meant you were even stranger for seeking his affections.
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The Song We Are Drawn Towards; Floyd Leech
A song rests in the heart, calling out to the one who completes the harmony. Their match pulls at them, as the moon does the tide.
Main Character: Floyd Leech
Supporting Roles: Mrs. Leech, Jade Leech, Azul Ashengrotto, Deuce Spade (if you squint)
Content: Soulmate AU (I use the term soul match instead), gender-neutral reader, hurt/comfort/crack, reader is not amused, can be read as familial, platonic, or romantic and that was done on purpose, some Azul slander
Content Warning: Swearing, blood (Floyd)... just Floyd things (I love him, but he comes with his own warning). I don't want to spoil the ending but do read it with caution if it's triggering for you.
Word Count: 5 K
Author's Note: Please do not repost my works to other websites or into AI software. I will be writing more parts for this AU, but for other characters; you can guess who based on the hints I left in Azul & Jade's stories. I switch between third and second-person point of view. I struggled writing for four days and then I wrote 4.7K in one sitting, help me; that makes like 15.5K words in like a week. Don't worry, I do touch grass.
Azul's Story & Prologue | Jade's Story
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Floyd was a bundle of energy, swimming all over the place, and excitedly talking to anyone and everyone who crossed paths with him. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” He would pull at the fins and limbs. “Tell me about your soul match!!!”
Ever since he was first told the story of soul matches, he has been obsessed, wanting to hear everyone’s story that he happened to swim across. Most merfolk would just quickly swim in the opposite direction of the hyperactive young eel-mer. Others would humour him and tell him what it felt like. But his favourite by far was that of his parents.
“Mommmmmm,” he whined, clutching onto her tail fin so that she couldn’t leave. “Can you tell me the story of what it felt like feeling your soul match for the first time? And what it was like meeting dad?~” He looked at her with his biggest pleading eyes, even though he has heard the story at least a hundred times from both his mom and dad. “Pretty pleaseeeeeee?!~”
Mrs Leech giggled, and sat down on Floyd’s bed, kissing him on the cheek. “Aren’t you tired of hearing it, my little eel?”
Floyd clutched onto her arm, “Nuh-uh!”
She shook her head, amused by his insistence. “Well, for me, the song felt like the heat from the hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean; down there it may seem dark and lifeless, but there was a scorching heat that feeds all life.” She hummed, smoothing over a little nick that she noticed on Floyd’s arm. “And the pull… hmm, it was gentle, like the tugging of a cool current.”
Floyd sighed with contentment, finally settling down for the night. “Mom, what do you think my soul match will be like?”
Mrs. Leech tucked his hair behind his ear, “There’s no way to tell before it happens, my little elver. Only the Sea Witch knows, and she’s very secretive about those sorts of things.” She got a mischievous look on her face and kissed his nose. “But whoever is your soul match, be they mer, fae, beastman, or human, they will be lucky to have you.” 
“Mommmm,” he tried to push her off, but he didn’t mean it, his giggling giving it away. He got serious for a moment and hugged his mom. “No matter who they are, I won’t leave the ocean for them. I love you, mom.”
Mrs. Leech squished her son against her, placing her head on top of his. “I love you more, baby… And whatever decision you make, to stay in the ocean or go live on land, I will always love and support you.” Holding onto him tight, she placed a kiss on his forehead. “And that goes for you too, Jade, I know you’ve been eavesdropping.”
The mass of blankets on the bed on the other side of the room stirred, revealing Jade who was acting like he totally wasn’t listening in on their conversation. “I know, mother. I love you too,” he whispered, letting out a yawn, tired from the day.
“Oh, how did I get so lucky to have not one but two sweet sons?” Mrs Leech, still holding onto Floyd, swam over to Jade’s bed and had him in a tight squeezing hug. “I love my little elvers!”
Both of the boys accepted the squeezes, Jade patting his mom on the shoulder and Floyd giving back his own tight squeeze. Like mother like son, as some would say. “We love you too, mom,” they said in unison. And they all sat there, in a big eel squeeze.
When he woke up on his sixth birthday he was confused. Why wasn’t there a song in his head? Where is his soul match? 
The good mood that he was bound to be in that day morphed into confusion, hurt, and anger. But not like the anger he was used to, it wasn’t a hot, short, spark, instead, it felt festering, an ember wanting nothing more than to combust. So instead of staying around his brother, who only pissed him off even more because, of course, Jade got his soul match. He swam out to the edge of the reef so that he could be alone.
“ARGH,” he lashed out at a rock, scratching at it with his claws. “WHY?! WHY ME?!” He screamed out into the drop-off, no answer but the dark looking back at him. He felt hot, briny tears start to fall down his face. He had dreamt of this day since he could remember. He wanted someone to not be scared of him. For someone to look at him with joy. For someone to accept him. “WHERE ARE THEY?!”
By the time he got out the initial rage at his situation, he floated down into the sand and looked up to the filtered sunlight coming up from above. He was still angry, but it was something small, and it felt like there was something stuck in his throat and he couldn’t get it out. Sighing, he closed his eyes… I really should go home, mom and dad are probably worried…
Wait, what was tickling him? Ugh, that’s annoying. “Scram off, would ya,” he muttered, opening an eye.
Beside him was a cleaner shrimp, going over the new scrapes he had given himself during his moment of anger.
“Eh? A little shrimp like you is brave,” he chuckled, poking one of its feelers. 
The shrimp ignored the poke, still cleaning the wounds before moving up and going through his hair. Floyd was half tempted to swat it away for bothering him, but he didn’t. For some reason, he found the shrimp’s actions comforting. Like the ocean sent this little cleaning crustacean to help him heal. He was still mad, hurt, and confused, but if some shrimp didn’t mind him, even at his most volatile moment, then maybe not everything is as bad as it seems.
Eventually, though, he had to leave his new little friend and go home, and face his family. He wore a happy mask when he entered the home, trying to hide the festering part of his heart.
“FLOYD!” His mom crashed into him, squeezing him tight. “Where were you?! I was worried sick! Are those scrapes? What happened to you?!”
He squeezed her back, not as strong as he would normally, debating whether or not to tell her the truth. But he saw his dad and Jade whispering to each other, no doubt talking about his soul match. His eye twitched, “I was just curious about where they were,” he whispered. He wasn’t lying, but it wasn’t the entire truth. The truth could always come later.
Floyd was walking around campus, bored out of his mind. Azul and Jade were at the entrance ceremony for the new minnows. As was his main source of entertainment. It wasn’t his fault that Riddle was so amusing when he gets all red from anger, just like a goldfish. So he was just going around, a bad mood apparent, so people quickly walked in the opposite direction when they saw him.
“Ugh! There’s nothin’ interestin’ hereeeee,” he muttered to himself. Even getting lectured by Beakfish is better than utter boredom. He rolled his eyes, thinking about Azul giving his stuffy formal speech to the new minnows in their dorm. “Tch, boring.”
Hmm, the sun did sure feel nice though. Maybe he would take a nap like Sea Lion did. So he found somewhere where he wouldn’t be disturbed, stretched out, and closed his eyes, dreaming about the Coral Sea. 
In his dream, he was back near the drop-off, by the rock he nearly destroyed during his outburst when he first realized he didn’t have a soul match. Over the years, he wasn’t nearly as bitter as he once was, but it still stung. But he was alone, his little shrimp friend was nowhere to be seen. “Little shrimp,” he called out, but his crustacean friend didn’t appear. Maybe they too got tired of Floyd and left. Or maybe they were… maybe a predator finally caught up with his little friend, as he always thought they were too brave for their own good.  “Little shrimp?” He called again, but still nothing. But then a net came down from above, catching Floyd in its wake. He struggled, but something else was there. A faint song.
Floyd gasped awake in a cold sweat, heart pounding and racing. “It was just a dream, snap out of it,” he hissed to himself, shaking his head. Ugh, why did it feel like he was still caught in that net though? And that song was still stuck in his head. Stupid dreams.
Oh, the sun is setting, Azul and Jade have got to be done with sorting out the freshmen by now. Heh, wonder if there are any interestin’ minnows around? Eh, Azul is bound to bring some entertainment by getting some chump in a contract. That at least would bring in some fun. 
Groaning, he stretched out and got up, making his way back to Octavinelle, still not quite in a good mood but not in a bad one. He was just floating in between.
Azul and Jade were conversing among themselves when he entered the room, Azul looking more agitated than he would normally. Huh, that’s intriguing. 
“Somethin’ has all your tentacles in a bunch, Azul.~” He leaned against the house warden’s chair, getting into his personal bubble. Ugh, he still felt weird, and that song was still there.
Azul shot him an annoyed look but ignored him trespassing in on his space. “It has nothing to concern you with, Floyd,” he huffed, massaging his temple. 
If even mentioning that it has nothing to do with him, it just puts Floyd on a mission to discover exactly what it was.
Jade chuckled, mirth in his eyes. “He will just keep on pestering you if you don’t tell him, Azul” his smile was sharp and he looked over to his brother, his smile widening. Floyd also smiled, getting further into Azul’s bubble.
“Fine,” Azul snipped, “if you must know the ceremony didn’t go exactly as planned.” This didn’t satisfy Floyd, as he just got further into the bubble, prodding. Azul sighed, knowing it would just be better to get it over with so he didn’t have to put up with the eel’s antics. “I had to clean up someone’s mess, chasing their wayward familiar throughout campus. They also sent the mirror into a tizzy. Satisfied?”
Well, that wasn’t all that interesting. “Awwww, and I thought you’d finally met your cuttlefish, Azullll,” he whined but got out of his personal bubble.
Azul’s eye twitched at the nickname Floyd had dubbed his soul match but didn’t say anything, knowing that if he did, it would just end up with him lying in bed with a splitting migraine. “No,” he dusted off his chest, “we have no control over when we meet our soul matches, and you know that.”
Oh, Floyd knew that very well, he didn’t need Azul subtly shoving it in his face either. Even if the other man wasn’t privy that Floyd didn’t have a soul match.
It’s been about three weeks since Floyd had that dream, still feeling like he was stuck in a net, and that infernal hum of a song hasn’t left his mind. By now, everyone on campus was aware that it was better to avoid him than risk getting on his bad side. Ugh, is this what it feels like to have a soul match? 
He squinted his eyes, and stopped dead in his tracks, pausing in the middle of the hall. Is this what it feels like to have a soul match? His eyes went wide, still frozen in the hallway. IS THIS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO HAVE A SOUL MATCH?! After all this time, was there finally someone?
He started running, letting the pulling sensation guide him. Feeling the ebb and flow of it, the only kind shared with soul matches. The dream! Maybe the Sea Witch sent it to him? Finally gifted him the blessing that she has given others? He tested the waters by messing with the volume of the song in their head and he felt it falter like they were surprised by it. Where are you? But as soon as he started giving chase he stopped. People gave him weird looks, but he paid no mind to them.
His hands turned into fists, and he shook slightly, his joy and excitement shifted into bitterness and anger. WHERE ARE YOU?! He shouted at them through the song, letting out over a decade of bottled-up emotions into the open. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! But all he got in return was the gentle hum that had started it all.
“Floyd, are you alright? You seem out of sorts,” Jade hummed, eyes boring into his soul, searching for what could have possibly caused the sudden running. Calculating.
Floyd frowned back at his brother, but he knew that he couldn’t just outright tell him, as he hadn’t told anyone about his soul match situation. So instead he bit down on the inside of his cheek, hard enough to draw a bit of blood to distract himself. “Eh, thought I just saw Goldfishie, but it was just someone else.”
Where are you? Where the fuck are you?! Where were you for all these years?!
You were enjoying some lunch with your friends — if you can call Ace and Grim your friends. At least Deuce was considerate enough to make up for it… most of the time. The four of you were chatting, mainly Grim and Ace complaining about homework and the professors, but your mind was elsewhere. In the three short weeks that you’ve found yourself in Twisted Wonderland, they have somehow squeezed their way into your heart, even though they make you question your life decisions on more than a daily basis. On some days it was an hourly basis.
But something else has also been on your mind than just being in some sort of dimension themed on a beloved yet problematic movie studio. There’s been a song playing in your head since you arrived. It hasn’t been very loud, but it seemed to change in its emotion frequently. You could tell when it was excited, bored, frustrated, and you had no idea why. It was fine the first day, as you just chalked it up to inter-dimension technicalities, but it has persisted.
So, there you were, sitting with your friends, enjoying your lunch. Or you were until you were rudely interrupted by the song in your head screaming at you. “Shit,” you hissed, dropping your fork, and covering your ears even though it did nothing to help with the sudden onslaught.
Ace, Deuce and Grim all gave you looks but turned back to the conversation they were having. Not thinking anything of it. But someone else noticed, pushing up his glasses before leaving. You paid no attention though, as your attention was elsewhere.
Inside your mind was a voice, it had started quiet, and full of wonder. Where are you? But then it turned venomous, bitter, sharp, and screaming. WHERE ARE YOU?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! You didn’t really know what to make of it, and it’s not like Crowley in all of his ‘kindness’ and ‘generosity’ gave you an encyclopedia to explain any of this stuff.
Deuce shook your shoulder gently, pulling you from out of your thoughts. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been staring at your food for a while…”
You shook your head, ignoring the screaming in your head, and gave him a reassuring smile. “Ah, I’m okay, just was thinking is all. Nothing to worry about,” you shoot him a smile as reassurance. Deuce still didn’t look convinced but he trusted you and dropped the subject.
Where are you? Where the fuck are you?! Where were you for all these years?! The voice seemed to scream through the melody. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!
Floyd’s mood has only been worse since finding out that he had a soul match. Even with the amount of obsessive screaming he sent their way, all they sent back was that gentle hum. Ugh, it was really annoying. He was half tempted to just hunt them down so at least he knew who he was mentally screaming at. But he would always clench his fists and stop himself. As much as he would like nothing more than to see their face as they saw him running at them, he wanted a good reason to do so. 
Yes, even though he was harassing them through the song, he wanted a reason why he should seek them out. He was just… hurt. He didn’t know how long he would feel like that, but it was something that was difficult to shove aside, even if they were the person that was supposed to make him happy. He couldn’t just forget about it.
Sighing, he clutched his shrimp plush to his chest, inspired by his shrimp friend from his childhood. “Eh, little shrimp, what should I do? Should I seek them out, or should they find me?”
The shrimp plush just looked back with its unblinking eyes. If it were his actual cleaner shrimp, they would have shuffled around in his hair, looking for scraps and reassuring him in their silent manner. Even though the plush was silent, it was still reassuring in its own way.
He heard Jade shuffling around in his sheets, but Floyd knew that Jade slept like a rock. He shook his head and walked to the Octavinelle lounge area, plopping down onto a sofa by the aquarium, criss-cross apple sauce style, still holding on to his shrimp plush. His reflection looked back out at him, eyes searching, but there were no answers. Just his own conflicted thoughts, the gentle humming of his soul match, and the snores coming from some dorms.
The gentle pitter-patter of footsteps took him away from just staring into the aquarium. “Azul?”
The footsteps and intruder on Floyd’s pondering and staring at the aquarium time was none other than Azul, wearing his house robe, matching slippers, and a hair bonnet. Azul squinted his eyes, as he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Floyd,” he sounded just as equally confused to find someone else awake at this un-Sevenly-like hour. “What are you doing up?”
“Eh, couldn’t sleep,” he wasn’t in the mood to tease Azul for his sleep get up. “You?”
Azul sighed, “You and I are in the same boat then… don’t you dare utter a word about this to Jade.”
Floyd looked down at his shrimp plush and looked back up, “Don’t mention it.” He looked back into the aquarium, most of the fish were hidden away for the night, but other sea creatures were swimming and scuttling about.
Azul cleared his throat and continued on with his business, whatever that might be at this hour, leaving the eel to his thoughts. Perhaps he could solve not just Floyd’s current down mood but also answer someone’s burning questions.
By some cruel twist of fate, you found yourself in the Mostro Lounge VIP room against your will, having been carried there by none other than Jade Leech. You would have put up a fight, but in all honesty, you would rather be carried bridal style than like a sack of potatoes. You don’t even know how you ended up in this situation, last time you checked, you hadn’t made a deal with the scheming house warden of Octavinelle. So why did he seek you out?
“Prefect, I’ve heard through the grapevine that you’ve been… troubled,” he said in his overly nice business voice.
You squinted your eyes at him, knowing better than to trust anything he says at face value. “And what exactly have you heard,” you countered. 
Azul looked at Jade and he exited the room. That doesn’t seem like a good sign. He waited for a few moments before continuing. “That you’ve been distracted, not all there. Oh, don’t give me that look, I don’t want a contract with you,” he rolled his eyes upon seeing the stink eye you were giving him.
“Then what do you want, Azul? Last time I checked you only did things for others if you got more out of the deal than them.” Yeah, you were being sassy, but he tricked your friends, your dumb friends, so he deserved the attitude.
Azul sputtered at the comment before pulling himself together. “I’m just looking out for others in the same boat as us.”
You raised your brow, “Us?”
“Yes, us, Prefect,” he pinched his brow. “I take it that you have a song in your head?” You nodded and he took it as a sign to continue with his monologue. “Much as I suspected then. You have a soul match, which I take wherever you’re from doesn’t have. You have a bond with a mer. It can be familial, platonic and or romantic, a match made by the Sea Witch herself.”
You blinked, letting all of that sink in. “Uh, but why?” Literally, why? Why would the Sea Witch match you with a merperson?
Azul just gave you a look, “Why not? It is not for us to question why the Sea Witch chooses our matches.”
“We should question it though,” you snap at him. “We should question everything! Like why? Who is it to determine our fate?” The stress of the past few weeks had finally caught up, and you were scared, stretched too thin, and tired, so damn tired. “I didn’t ask for this! I didn’t ask for any of this!” You smacked your hands against the desk. You were going to say more but shut your mouth. You were talking to Azul Ashengrotto, who was known for using others' weaknesses against them. Why were you letting this all out into the open with him of all people?
Azul sat there, with a small shocked expression. “Just let me know if you want help finding them,” he slid you a piece of paper. Despite your better judgement, you take it, shoved it into your bag and left without saying anything else. “Hope to speak with you soon, Pre-”
You slam the door in his face before he could say anything else, shaking slightly. Sighing to yourself, you take out the piece of paper, now crumpled and creased.
“A song rests in the heart, calling out to the one who completes the harmony. Their match pulls at them, as the moon does the tide.” That is what the Sea Witch told us. I know what you think of me, Prefect, but all I want is for you two to meet. If you wish to seek them out please feel free to see me. - Azul Ashengrotto
Floyd sat in the Octavinelle pool, still festering over everything. Even though he was still in his human form, he didn’t want to leave the pool. Everything was quiet until he hissed in pain. Ah, so after all this time his soul match decides to make a commotion? Damn, they sounded pissed, their anger clear in the song… but also tired, so tired. Huh, so maybe they weren’t too different from him.
Where are you? He sang, reaching out softly this time. He didn’t like this feeling, at least not from them.
Surprisingly the song snapped back at him, much like his shrimp friend would when he came to them all banged up. Why do you want to know?!
Well, that gave him pause. Heh, maybe this Shrimpy was more gutsy than he gave them credit for. Heh!~ I want to findddd youuuuu!~ He sang, a giggle escaping his lips.
I don’t want you to find me! Leave me alone! I didn’t ask for this! I don’t know you! Stranger danger! STRANGER DANGER! 
Floyd could imagine a shrimp scuttling back and forth, snapping their pinchers at him and it made him laugh even more. Awww, Shrimpy!~ I’mma hunt your ass down nowwww!~
The song rang sharp, oh yeah, he would be hearing a ringing in his ears for a few hours due to that. GO AWAY!
I’m comin’ for yo ass, here I comeeeeee~ He laughed one more time before pulling himself from the pool, excited for what was about to come. You kept me waitin’ for this long, only fair for me to find you!~
Azul could hear Floyd’s laughter from his office. This wasn’t exactly how he was imagining on helping Floyd find his soul match, but oh well, it’s best for them to meet on their own terms anyway. Hey, you could have done it the calm way, but with Floyd as your soul match, he should have expected the eel to do things the… well, the Floyd way.
So Floyd went running down the hallway, still soaking wet and dripping water everywhere, laughing like a madman. Some other mers looking for their soul matches gave him weird looks, but they minded their own business. “Oh, Shrimpyyyyyyyyy!~ Where are youuuuu?~” He sang out, still laughing.
Meanwhile, you were on the way back to Ramshackle, eyes shifting everywhere since your soul match seemed to change their tune all of a sudden. I’m coming to get your ass, Shrimpy!~ Kept on being sung in the song, so yeah, you were rightfully scared shitless by this entire situation. Who the hell wouldn’t be if they were in your shoes?! So you were trying to make a beeline back to the safety of your dorm. Maybe you should have made that contract with Azul after all… instead of being hunted for sport by someone that some octopus lady decided was your match. And why did they insist on calling you Shrimpy? Weren’t shrimps like the cockroaches of the ocean? What the hell my guy?
“SHRIMPY WHERE ARE YOU?!~” A loud voice rang down the hall.
Oh shit. Oh fuck. You chanted to yourself. Should you try to make a last-ditch effort to make it to the safety of your dorm, or should you hide in the broom closet until they leave? Run? Hide? The increasingly fast footsteps made the decision for you. It was a dumb decision, yes…
...You booked it.
I HEAR YOU RUNNING SHRIMPY!~ They sang in your head with glee. Heh, cute that you think you can escape me!~ Best hope you’re a fast runner Shrimpy!~
What was their issue?! LEAVE ME ALONE! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!
They pouted. They had the audacity to pout?! But Shrimpyyyy, you’re my soul match! Stop runnin’ so I can catch you! My ‘problem’ is that I don’t have you!
Oh Sevens, you can hear them catching up with you. You would never make it to Ramshackle at this point. Shit. Maybe you should have hidden in that broom closet… THERE! An open door! You got in and quietly shut the door, holding your breath.
“Shrimpyyyyyyy! Marco!” They called out, running past the door. “Come on, Shrimpy! It’s not nice to hide!~”
Once you couldn’t hear their footsteps or their horrifying version of Marco-Pollo, you took in some much-needed air. Silently thanking your lucky stars that they went by your hiding spot. Yeah, maybe you would sleep in here for the night since they would still be able to get you until the sun rises… if you could even sleep.
SHRIMPYYYYYY, WHERE ARE YOU?~ OH SHRIMPYYYYYYY!~ Yeah, definitely not sleeping. So you sat in the closet until you saw the rays of sunlight seep beneath the cracks.
Yeah, you’re taking Azul up on his offer, since this is starting to feel like a horror movie and not something from fanfiction you would read back at home.
You looked everywhere before setting foot into the Octavinelle pool room since your soul match was definitely in there somewhere. “Pst, Azul?” You called out, hoping that he would answer.
His head popped up from the pool, a faint glow coming from beneath the water. “Ah, Prefect. Did you change your mind?” 
If by change your mind you mean be scared shitless, then yes. But you held the comment back. Eugh, it felt like you were being dragged into the water, but you stayed on land, the song deafening. If it was this loud for you, then it was probably the same for them. “Help me,” you pleaded with the merman.
“How so,” he said, smug.
Your eye twitched in annoyance, “They are hunting me, Azul. Hunting me!” You hissed. The water rippled, but nothing emerged. “So help me, Ashengrotto!”
But the air of helpfulness he had earlier was gone, this bitch. “I could just go get him for you-”
“NO!” You shouted, realizing your mistake last minute. No, no, no! NO!
Oh? Shrimpy came to me instead? Oh, Shrimpyyyyyyy?~
You tried to get away from the edge of the pool, but you weren’t fast enough; a clawed, webbed hand latched itself onto your ankle. And a familiar face smiled at you with a wide grin. “Found ya, Shrimpy!~”
You gave Floyd a sheepish smile, “Heyyyyyy, can we talk about this? Hahaha…”
Floyd just giggled before dragging you into the water with him, “Nope!~”
Ah, shit-
Azul and Jade looked at you and Floyd, Floyd still curled around you like an extra-large living feather boa.
“You know, not even I would be so cruel to the Prefect,” Jade looked at Azul, giving him a side-eye. But there was a large sadistic smile on his face.
Azul rolled his eyes, “I gave them the chance to meet him peacefully, and they chose not to. It’s not my fault. And you are a horrible liar, Jade.”
Jade just chuckled before looking back at his brother. “Hmm, it’s Floyd, so we both know it would most likely end in something… chaotic.”
Azul sighed, but he was happy for Floyd… and glad that his bad mood was gone, dealing with that for the past few weeks has been hell.
“AZUL! JADE!” You yelled, trying to pry off the eel, “HELP ME!”
But the two just looked on and didn’t interfere.
I'm really happy with how all of Octavinelle's parts came out, and I had a lot of fun writing the characters. I have 7 more characters for the Soul Match AU planned for the future; no promises of when those will come out though, mainly waiting for more lore... since SOMEBODY seems to get the most traffic.
Hoped you enjoyed reading!
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amournoir · 1 year
hello! how are you? I hope you're fine<3
can I ask #11a & #11b of fluff scenarios for Elijah Mikaelson?
thank you🫶🏻
Fluff Prompt | E.M {request}
℘ prompt — late night texts (11a) & phone calls (11b)
℘ warning — fluff
℘ pairing — elijah mikaelson x f!reader
℘ count — 0.9k
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The moon cast a soft, silvery glow through my bedroom window as I settled into my pillows, clutching my phone. It had become a comforting ritual—a late-night text or call with him, the man who had captured my heart in a way that felt both surreal and entirely right.
My fingers danced across the screen as I typed out a simple message: Can't sleep?
I pressed send and held my breath, waiting for his reply. It didn't take long for his name to appear on my screen.
Elijah: Indeed. The night often finds me contemplating the mysteries of life.
I chuckled softly, imagining him in his distinguished attire, sat on his grand office chair in his study with his brows furrowed.
Me: Sounds deep. But don't let it keep you up too late.
A few moments passed, and I saw the three dots indicating he was typing.
Elijah: I promise, I'll try not to lose myself in the labyrinth of my thoughts tonight.
His reply came, accompanied by a playful emoji. My heart warmed at his words. Despite his centuries of existence, Elijah had a way of being both dignified and charmingly human.
As our conversation flowed, it felt like we were creating a world of our own, separate from the demands of the daylight hours. We discussed everything from literature to our favorite constellations, sharing pieces of ourselves that we might never have revealed otherwise.
Elijah: Tell me, my dear, have you ever considered that the stars might be the echoes of forgotten wishes?
His words painted a vivid image in my mind. I smiled, my heart fluttering.
Me: I've never thought of it that way, but now I can't help but imagine the night sky filled with whispered hopes.
The conversation continued, moving from dreams to laughter to the occasional playful tease. And as the night wore on, it was clear that neither of us wanted it to end. I started to feel my eyelids growing heavier with each passing minute so I thought I’d rest them for a moment. Before I was fully asleep, my phone loudly rang and jolted me awake. In a rush to pick it up, I accidentally pushed it and it fell but the ringing stopped. I figured it was probably one of my late alarms so I decided on looking for it in the morning, I couldn’t be bothered to search for it now in the dark.
Not seconds had passed when it rang again, the echo underneath my bed made it louder than before. With a frustrated groan and whine, I blindly searched the floor for it. My eyes were still shut all the while. Once I felt it, I pressed the answer button without a glance, clearly this wasn’t my first time.
“Hello? Y/N are you alright?” his voice dripped with worry.
“Eli? What’s wrong?” I asked instead.
“You didn’t respond to my texts nor did you answer your phone. I grew worried.”
I smiled in the dark to myself and calmly replied, “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”
“Aren’t you tired yet?" I could feel the sleep heavy behind my eyelids.
“Not quite,” he replied. “I just find myself drawn to the sound of your voice. It's as if the night becomes a little less lonely.”
I hummed in approval at his words and let out a soft chuckle, I couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for the man on the other end of the line.
“I feel the same way," I confessed. "Talking to you makes everything feel a little brighter.”
We talked for a few more minutes, at times we’d pause and the quiet intimacy of our conversation soothed my soul. Eventually, I yawned, unable to suppress the exhaustion any longer. I propped my phone up against my nightstand lamp so he could fully see me and pressed the speaker button. With a few turns, I was now comfortable and ready for bed. I heard noise in the background from his side and soon the view changed from his study to his bedroom. He placed his phone down then seconds later retrieved it and it was clear that he had changed into his nightwear.
“Elijah, I think it's time for me to get some sleep,” I admitted, pulling the cool pillow closer to me.
“Of course, my dear,” He replied. “Rest well, and know that I'll be here, watching, until you fall asleep.”
I felt a sense of warmth and security in his words, and I knew that I could close my eyes with a peaceful heart. I was almost sure that all the peaceful sleep I had gotten in the recent months had been due to him. He had a way of making me feel protected and safe even if we were apart.
“Goodnight Eli,” I whispered softly into the phone, letting the darkness and Elijah’s digital presence lull me to sleep.
“Sweet dreams, my love,” He responded with a smile as he made himself comfortable against the bed’s headboard.
With a contented sigh, I set my phone aside, feeling grateful for the unique connection that bound us. As I drifted into sleep, I could almost hear his voice in my mind, like a soothing melody, promising to be there whenever the night grew too quiet. And so, with the moon as our witness, our late-night conversations and calls would continue to stitch together the tapestry of our love— one text, one call at a time.
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⤷ @mrs-maximoff-kenner @thatfanficstuff @elijahmikaelsontrash @mxacegrey @thatfictionalwh0re @catmikaelson20 @loverswillowed @sweetwrathoflilith @panic-at-the-fiction @iiskittles16ii @original-siphon @hellotvshowtrash @onlyfreds @onlyfredslibrary @imgoingtofreakoutnow @slinthoex @i-love-nora @multiversediaries @decoffinated-vamps @hopester08 @aloneatpeace @hopes-wife @softcoremaybank @klaustopia @dreamingwithrafe @sweetestdesire @cottontears @cottonreads @buckyysdoll @spnandtvdudeservedbetter @impossibleheartflower @madetragic @spike-and-angels-gf
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hi! i just saw your analysis of the “treasure of my heart” quote and omg you have a GIFT for analysis! In that post you mentioned the “Rare Spices” billboard Inej talks about in CK; I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on that!
Hi, thank you so much!!! I personally think that the “Rare Spices” advert is one of the most important pieces of information we get to further both worldbuilding and charactisation, so let’s talk about it.
The advert is massive sign painted on the side of a warehouse in Ketterdam, near Sweet Reef, and alongside the words “Rare Spices” it depicts two young Suli women in “scant silks”, mimicking those that Inej was forced to wear at the Menagerie. When she’s first liberated from Tante Heleen, Inej begins to explore Ketterdam and one of the first things she sees beyond the city centre is this advert. It terrifies her. It terrifies her so much that she stands there just staring at it for an unspecified amount of time, before turning and running back to the Slat faster than she has ever run before. In fact, it terrified her so very much that she has a nightmare about the girls on the billboard that night. In Inej’s nightmare the girls come to life but are trapped in the paint, banging on the billboard to get her attention to ask her to free them, whilst she is powerless to help them. Inej at the time comments on the horror of seeing this scene mere miles from where “the rights to her body” were bought and sold and haggled over (I think most of that is quotation but I don’t have my books to hand so I’m not 100% sure), and it tells us so much about how the Suli culture is exploited and fetishised within this community; whether it’s Ketterdam, the rest of Kerch, or the world at large (we could argue this is highly implied through Zoya’s POV, but it’s a whilst since I read KoS and RoW so if anyone wants to weigh in on Zoya in this then please do I’d love to read it 😁).
In my post where I mentioned the Rare Spices poster I was specifically focusing on the way Inej’s culture was sexualised for the purpose of being at the Menagerie, and how we know that other cultures are appropriated and fetishised by the Pleasure Houses as well (the Fjerdan girl at the Menagerie wears the wolf mask, an animal sacred to her people, and Nina wore a fake Kefta that was made in Kerch and is described to be a pale imitation of real Ravkan-made Kefta). But for Inej, up to the point of seeing this sign, that was a small part of the world; the actions of the few, a localised evil that she understood to be the opposite of the rest of the world because she still viewed everything with a childlike innocence. Seeing this sign breaks that façade for her and is arguably the first step towards what she views as the ultimate corruption of her innocence: murder. Because once she knew that the world on mass would see her and her people the way she was forced to present them, to appropriate her own culture, and to be fetishised for her “caramel” skin and “farcical mockery of a Suli caravan” she was forced to admit to herself that there was no way of returning to the person she used to be; not only someone who had been violated, exploited, and abused but also someone who believed that on the whole the world was a good place and that as long as you avoided the small parts of it that were dangerous you’d be okay.
And consider the wording of the sign. “Rare spices” next to two young Suli women wearing “scraps of mint-coloured silk”. There is a long history in our world of sexualising the so-called “exotic”; even the English/British idea, that I assume is what led to this same idea in the USA and much of the English-speaking world, that blonde women are more attractive, often leading them to be over-sexualised, can be drawn back to the Roman Colonisation of England because the vast majority of Romans were brunette or dark-haired and they saw the blonde Anglo-Saxons as “exotic” and attractive. (To be clear, in our own society this long history sexualisation has been mostly aimed towards people of colour and I’m absolutely not ignoring that, I’m just using this example because it’s the furthest back in history that I know of being as the colonisation was around 43 CE). The presentation of not only the spices but these women as “rare” to increase their sex appeal enhances this idea of ‘the exotic’ and by comparing them to the spices it, very similarly to all of the language surrounding Inej at the Menagerie, labels the women as stock, as produce, as something consumable like spices.
But something that I personally find really beautiful that Leigh Bardugo does surrounding this sign as well, is that Inej never condemns the girls on the billboard for the ‘suggestive’ outfits they wear, as long as they are worn by their own choice. She imagines that when she has her ship and begins to hunt slavers that the paint will peel from the sign and that she will have finally succeeded in freeing the girls, that they will “dance for no-one but themselves” and this is so beautiful but also so important as a declaration of female empowerment and autonomy because they have every right to dance and wear whatever they want to, but no-one has the right to force them to do that.
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humdinky · 11 months
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hey all! i just wanted to take a minute to stand on my little soap box and tell you about a manga i picked up last december. it has gotten much more attention since then, but i'd still like to throw my thoughts into the mix.
on the surface, the summer hikaru died explores a pretty common horror trope: what if a person you loved changed into something unrecognizable? do you reject them, or try to connect to the person that they have become? of course, this fear is twisted into something more threatening in a supernatural horror format. what if they literally died and came back as something else that could potentially harm you and your family?
we follow two teenage boys: yoshiki and his best friend (and one sided crush) hikaru, who goes missing in the mountains for a week and miraculously reappears unscathed. he looks the same as ever, but yoshiki can tell that what came back is no longer the hikaru that he once knew. now, yoshiki must come to grips with the fact that something sinister has taken over his friend’s body - and that it has a strong attachment to him.
that's the basic premise, but this manga is still ongoing and there are plenty of different directions it could take. if you haven't read it yet, it's worth experiencing firsthand. beyond the body horror are themes of grief and repressed homosexuality, as well as subtext to read into. i'm not going to be spoiling any explicit plot details, but i'd encourage you to stop reading this and go check it out if a bl manga with gorgeous art, toxic but engaging romance, and body horror sounds appealing to you.
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the first thing you'll notice about this manga is that *chef's kiss* gorgeous art! it is uncanny, as you would expect, but it is drawn with so much care. the heavily detailed background art and visual horror create a rather oppressive atmosphere. the author also really excels at conveying character emotions through facial expressions, and there's a lot of very subtle bits of information that you can pick up from them.
being a body horror manga, this aspect is of course given extra care. when it gets supernatural, it takes on an oddly surreal quality. i'd even say that the transformations of hikaru take on an air of eroticism. that sounds out of place, but the author understands that the line between fear and attraction is thin. there is one scene in particular that would be very sexual if not for the absolute nightmare scenario unfolding before my eyes.
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one of my favorite things about this manga is the confidence the author has in the reader. yoshiki having had feelings towards' the previous hikaru is never outright stated, it's just assumed that the reader will pick up on it. the village yoshiki lives in views homosexuality as some kind of curse, and the insecurity this creates in him is shown very subtly. the camera's gaze and the little things he says all convey this, like his apparent guilt over staring at hikaru shown through the shadow on his face. his fear of and attraction to hikaru's transformations also conveys this idea. he's also coping with grief in an unhealthy manner, and this is shown through the almost experimental way he's sometimes drawn. but yoshiki is not the only important character, and hikaru also has some depth. his character is harder to parse, but there's more to him lurking below the surface. he's more delicate than his outgoing demeanor would suggest. hell, it's understandable - being a literal monster means his position in yoshiki's life is extremely tenuous. our two main characters form a codependent relationship based on a fear of being alone, something very human and compelling in a messy sort of way.
something that i do not see being brought up quite as much is how tshd uses horror elements to discuss the fears around coming out and dealing with same-sex attraction. so much of hikaru’s internal struggle is such a wonderful metaphor. many of the moments between him and yoshiki serve as a dual narrative - the surface-level narrative but also this very delicate story about two boys from a rural village who realize they have feelings for one another. the whole story in fact is one giant metaphor for dealing with the anxiety losing who you thought you were and embracing concrete truths about sexuality and love.
overall it left me with some very strong first impressions. it is both an excellent horror manga and a nuanced exploration of loss and sexuality. i also find it very refreshing that their relationship isn’t built on any sort of deception or lies, and that yoshiki is aware that he’s an imposter, just not the extent of what exactly he is or what is happening in the town.
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cellarspider · 7 months
3/30: Meet David
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We return to the movie I want to bite down on with all of my teeth, Prometheus.
This time, we meet a man so bored he has invented new solo sports and started doing his hair like his blorbo, T.E. Lawrence. 
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Meet David (Michael Fassbender). He’s implied to be a little over two years old, and he’s been completely alone for the vast majority of his life.
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Actually, I lied. The movie first wants to throw another small strain on our suspension of disbelief: David has a VR visor he can use to view the dreams of the human crew in suspended animation. This is technically a plot point, and thus it is delivered with all the grace of this deer.
I cannot emphasize enough how clunky the movie becomes when plot or deliberate character arcs are being communicated through dialog scenes. 
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We find out from dream-peeping that Elizabeth Shaw’s father (horror actor Patrick Wilson) was a devout christian of some variety, possibly a missionary, and her mom  died when she was young. She was given a cross necklace, which we see in blurry montage-o-vision before David wanders off.
We see David’s routine: Pick up tiny specks of dust, send out first contact messages and receive no response, perfect the lonely sport of solo bicycle-riding shootout, eat android breakfast and take a Proto-Indo-European language lesson, watch Lawrence of Arabia (1962) while dying his roots, quote the most Definitely Not Suffering line to himself over and over again as he does his hair like Peter O’Toole and wanders the halls, waiting for something to happen. “The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.”
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David is going to later profess to have no emotions, but I think that given the chance, he would at least admit his enclosure needs enrichment.
This is one of the strongest scenes in the movie. David is a novel creation of humanity, and he has been left alone, with only the memories and dreams of humans to extrapolate off of. He has been abandoned without thought for his needs, stuffed down into Plato's Cave. We don’t know yet whether the people on the ship see him as a person, but we know they’re thoughtless in how they’ve treated him. He’s bright, he’s inventive, he’s chosen a way he wants to be seen, but he’s seen by no one. 
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I’m sure this is going to turn out great for everybody.
And as a side note, while I didn’t know it at the time, David’s language tutor is the actual historical linguist that they employed for the movie, Anil Biltoo. His and Fassbender’s pronunciations were strong enough that even a hobbyist in linguistics could tell that they were really, really trying to get it right. They even reference Schleicher’s fable, the first piece of text anyone ever created from reconstructed Proto-Indo-European. This level of nerdy detail made me excited.
Side note to the side note, Biltoo also has an introductory textbook on Sanskrit you can buy, if you’re a maniac like I am.
This scene kept part of me hopeful for the rest of the movie, because it’s so strong. The “not minding that it hurts” line is a little on the nose, but overall it has the feel of something that could be expanded into an extremely melancholy short film. Or, hell, a Tarkovsky-esque feature film. Moon (2009) could be another point of comparison. In any case, this scene gives you a little space to feel all the quiet suffering of David’s existence. 
But unfortunately for the movie as a whole, this sets David up as the most sympathetic character. I personally had already been drawn in by the promotional “advert” for the David-8 model android (see part 1). Now I was invested in this particular David’s story. The rest of the film didn’t manage to yank back much sympathy for anybody else. 
Because the general vibe I soon picked up from the rest of the crew was that they were absolute hooting jackasses.
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Sources alt-text facts:
1. https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/how-ron-perlman-nearly-ruined-the-alien-resurrection-basketball-shot/  2. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0766970/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t50
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Daryl jumped at the sound of an abrupt yell on the other side of the heavy metal door. What the fuck? The hell was that? He stiffened in the chair and again tried to work his bonds so they’d loosen. He was quite sure all he was succeeding in was rubbing more of his skin raw... 
He froze as there were some more indistinct sounds in the corridor. He was straining his hearing but he couldn’t make out anything specific, until he heard the heavy clack of the bolt on the outside of the door being drawn back. His heart began to race. Then came the squeaking of the hinges. The door was behind him, so he couldn’t see who was entering, but hurried footsteps followed shortly. Daryl stayed frozen, bracing himself.
But then you came into view.
“Y/N?” he blurted out, incredulous, his eyebrows lifting. “What the hell are you doin’ here?”
You moved behind him and began to carefully cut the bonds on his wrists. “Oh, just hangin’ around. Taking in the sights,” you said lightly from behind him, letting out a wry laugh. “What’s it look like? I’m saving your ass!” You winced sympathetically as you took in the wounds on his wrists when the ropes finally broke away. “God, Daryl—your wrists.”
He was already shifting in the chair, eager to get up. “‘M fine,” he drawled.
You moved around in front of him and knelt down, working on the ropes on his ankles. “Your wrists need attention,” you argued, shaking your head. “As soon as we’re out of here, I’ll patch you up.” The ropes on his ankles fell away. You were about to stand up, but suddenly Daryl had fallen on his knees just in front of you, the chair he’d been on clattering away behind him.
He clasped your face in both of his hands and kissed you, pressing his lips to yours hurriedly. You stiffened for a split second and may have even let out a small noise of surprise before you felt a warmth wash over you and melted into him.
Daryl’s expression was intense when you finally broke apart. He still held your face gently in his hands. “I ain’t ever been so glad to see ya in my whole damn life,” he drawled.
You grinned at him. “I can tell. But we can continue more—more of this later. Let’s get you safe.”
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zhonglicious · 2 years
𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬 - 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 (𝐡𝐜𝐬)
☾✧ ft. rin itoshi x reader
☾✧ warnings. please take note that this is set after blue lock! rin's a professional player now. mentions of chubby reader. emotional ineptitude, familial issues, child neglect (on rin's part). light angst (itoshi brothers angst included). fluff!
☾✧ a/n. finally writing for blue lock. like most of my works this is done bc i procrastinated on something i rlly don't want to do. god. well either way this might be a bit ooc or not as Exact to rin's character. bear with me here <///3 i may have gone a little overboard. can u tell i love rin itoshi. lowercase intentional :D
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⋆ rin itoshi... our dearest rinny... where do i even begin with him :((
⋆ to be completely honest with you, it took you quite a while to get him to even remotely warm up to you. rin thought he didn't need anything or anyone other than soccer. after all, it was the only way he could be by sae's side again, as his brother
⋆ the itoshis grew up in a very neglectful household. sure, their parents fed them, clothed them, sheltered them, educated them, but they never really took care of them. not in the way a child needed to be taken care of
⋆ so all his life, rin has never known affection, not in the way everyone else does. the closest thing he's ever had to it are walks back home, stopping by the convenience store to get ice cream. a hand ruffling his hair gently, a few comments about their last play
⋆ when you were trying to get close to him at first, rin's walls were an impenetrable fortress. his time in blue lock mellowed him out just a little, but at the same time, sharpened his sharp edges even more. rin is blunt and curt with everyone on the team, and that behavior extends to you
⋆ so for the first few weeks, rin is cold and unfeeling towards you. as the team's manager, this was an obvious problem because you needed to know at least just a little about him to be able to do your job properly
⋆ rin viewed your attempts at interacting with him to be... odd. which is the mildest way to word it. he didn't know why you were trying to be so friendly with him, always there to hand him water or a towel after practice. you did it for everyone on the team, but something about it just rubbed rin's brain the wrong way
⋆ he didn't need your help, god forbid your pity. he would rather die than be pitied, which is why your relationship started off on rocky waters
⋆ but over time, rin found himself softening. yes, rin found himself adjusting, and sometimes even looking forward to your interactions
⋆ not just you, even the team noticed how rin starts being less harsh around them. his shoulders are no longer squared, jaw no longer set, and no tension pulling his muscles taut. this, ultimately, is how you start worming your way into rin's heart
⋆ now, as i've said, rin isn't accustomed to affection. he doesn't know how to show it, and he doesn't know how to receive it. however, whether he's aware of it or not, his main love languages are quality time and physical touch
⋆ when rin isn't on an overseas game or whenever he has free time, you guys spend it cuddled up in bed. usually, it's with the curtains drawn and the lights dim or completely off, your laptop on the bed playing a horror movie
⋆ sometimes, rin gets caught off-guard by really well done jumpscares, or he's tense when the movie is particularly suspenseful and/or eerie. he's holding you close to him, your back against his chest, and you can feel how his muscles are tense, almost as if ready to grab you and make a run for the nearest exit
⋆ of course, you've also taken a liking to teasing him
⋆ "are you scared? hehe" "i am not. shut up"
⋆ his answer is a low, embarrassed mumble, and you just laugh and burrow yourself further into him, knowing you're right and that you won
⋆ while all the characters love all body types i just know ong there's a special place in rin's heart for soft, bigger people
⋆ like. look at him, it just makes sense???????
⋆ he would love cuddling you. he's all hard ridges and solid muscle, and your plush skin offsets that. hugging you makes him feel safe, like he's being given a warm embrace that he never got in his childhood
⋆ yes this is me coping and self projecting but anyways
⋆ rin isn't really a big fan of pda. the furthest he'll go is hand holding as you guys walk, or a kiss to the top of your head or your cheek. however behind close doors i know he's the type to just absolutely cling to you everywhere
⋆ cooking? clinging to your shirt or hugs you with his arms around ur abdomen. about to sleep? cuddling the everloving shit out of you, sometimes even puts a leg above yours. just. he's surprisingly very clingy when in a relationship
⋆ he also likes to randomly gives you kisses. you're gonna be doing nothing and then suddenly he's padding over to give you a kiss anywhere he can reach
⋆ now, like all relationships, your relationship with rin has... ugly sides
⋆ rin isn't very in tune with his emotions. due to him emulating sae's behavior, he didn't dwell on his emotions, pushing them aside to find a more logical reaction
⋆ so because of that, rin never really learned to process his emotions. so he has a lot of difficulty sorting out his head, where you have to help him do so
⋆ at times, he seems cold and aloof. this was a point of conflict between you two at some point, because you felt like he didn't want to spend time with you or that he didn't love you as much anymore
⋆ this is especially true when it comes to soccer. sometimes, it's as if you'll always be secondary to his love for the sport. you know that's not the case, but sometimes you can't help but think that because of how absorbed rin is with it
⋆ rin loves you with all his heart but the problem is that he doesn't know how to show it, how to tell you. so you're going to have to be patient with him. he's trying, he really is, because he really really fucking loves you. he's trying his best because you deserve to be given as much love as you give him. so while he may not be the best at communication, by god does he try
⋆ on that note, rin has severe abandonment issues. he needs to be constantly affirmed that you love him, you want to stay with him, that you won't leave him, because he's scared he'll lose the most important person to him again
⋆ rin isn't exactly the "ideal" or the "best" boyfriend, by traditional means. but that just means there's more room for him to grow, so much more room for him to engrave your touch and entwine your existence with him
⋆ rin is unfamiliar to affection, much less love. but now that you've shown him what it's like... maybe he'd be fine with accustoming himself to the feeling
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tags: @softbajis (lmk if u wanna be tagged for future works!)
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I have just read the closest description to how my brain / heart function in relationships that I have ever found. And it’s in an erotic Kavetham fanfic. (forms of love, by acynthe)
Fandom and fanfiction is so surreal that way. It’s often seen and treated as trivial, but it can also be incredibly artistic, and it can have representation that’s otherwise hard to find.
Before this, the closest I had found was BBC Sherlock fanfic, and those didn’t quite hit the mark.
This one does.
(I describe this thing that happens in my brain as… keeping file folders on people I find interesting. All the observations I collect on that person goes into their mental file. And eventually those observations and data points click together to form a pattern, an interconnected picture of why the person acts the way they do, and of what’s going on beneath the surface. And new data points get added to the pattern/model of that person to flesh out a more complete understanding of them.)
(“interesting” can mean “infuriating, I don’t know why you act the way you do and so I’m annoyed by you, if I can figure out the why then I can more easily shrug off the irritating behavior”)
(and “interesting” can mean “I like you and am intrigued in a positive way, I am drawn to you and wish to make a study of you”)
(I imagine that Kaveh started in the first category for Alhaitham and over time moved to the second)
I have to flail about it somewhere, and doing so to my girlfriend of 17 years (who doesn’t play Genshin yet) wasn’t enough, so… quotes that I especially relate to beneath the cut:
Alhaitham’s also studied the interstices of Kaveh’s elegant fingers and wondered how his own would fit between them—the same way he’s quietly taken in the details of Kaveh’s life and wondered whether there could ever be a place for himself to fit into it somehow, amidst all that passion and all that ambition.
He collects these observations like he’s compiling a dictionary of his own—one defining all there is to know and understand about this man, about Kaveh’s relationship with himself.
Learnings handled with the utmost care. Alhaitham documents all these things far more conscientiously than any of the information he’s ever managed as Scribe. Some things are simply far more precious, after all.
“You don’t need to be a student of Amurta to know that’s not quite how it works.” Amusement flickers across Alhaitham’s face. “But if you must rely on physical evidence for some form of reassurance,” he takes Kaveh’s hand, and guides the palm of it to rest over his own chest, “then I’d direct you to look for it here instead.”
It takes a few seconds for Alhaitham’s meaning to register, to fully sink in.
“...Oh,” Kaveh whispers, as the rhythm of Alhaitham’s heartbeat makes itself comfortable in the home of his hand. He closes his eyes, willing his own to fall in sync, finding the pace of Alhaitham’s pulse to run unexpectedly fast for someone so seemingly unswayed and stoic on the surface. How swift and steady this heart beats—
“...For me,” Kaveh murmurs, with a quiet sort of wonder.
And that’s the issue with Alhaitham, isn’t it? He says such things so simply, so bluntly, like it’s the most straightforward thing in the world to accept, like it’s simply another truth of existence—and somehow they still send Kaveh’s heart in somersaults nonetheless.
Alhaitham soothes a hand down the curves of Kaveh’s sides. Studies him as he slips fingers into himself, opening himself up, like there’s something about the process worth analysing.
“Like what you see?” 
“On the contrary,” Alhaitham’s touch ghosts over the space between Kaveh’s ribs, “it’s rather regrettable that this is all there is to the view.”
“And what do you mean by that?” Kaveh narrows his eyes. “Pray tell what it is that you find so disappointing.”
Alhaitham’s gaze sweeps over him. “That this is all there is on the surface.” His fingertips ghost over shivering skin. “That there is much more to you that my eyes cannot possibly perceive.”
Kaveh closes his eyes, that blush deepening its reach down to the base of his shoulders. “So this is what you’ve chosen to use your Haravatat education for.” He huffs out a laugh. “Waxing poetry to fluster me?”
“Not poetry,” Alhaitham says, dismissive. “Such a subject isn’t in the curriculum at all. I was merely acknowledging something I found to be a pity.”
It’s difficult for him to see this as anything but that. For all the people who meet Kaveh, it’s common to get too distracted by the radiance at his surface to look deeper than his skin.
But Alhaitham has been around long enough to see through all of that. Perhaps because when it comes to Kaveh, he is always looking. And Kaveh has always been so much more than what exists of his corporeal form to be perceived—his body but a finite vessel for an infinite mind.
What a crime it would be, to reduce someone so brilliant to the simplicity of their physicality. Alhaitham has never wanted anything less than all of him.
This, like most endeavours, Alhaitham approaches methodically. Brow furrowed in concentration as he works his fingers inside Kaveh, initially in an exact imitation of how he’d observed Kaveh do it to himself—an exact replication of pace and angle and pressure.
Then he gets a bit more experimental, following his own intuition as he gets a better feel for the process. Throughout, he keeps his eyes on Kaveh’s face, watching his expression to assess his response to every touch, using that to guide his own adjustment of his efforts.
Alhaitham hums. “Let’s put it this way. I’m exempt from a certain sort of attraction,” he says, “but I’m certainly not blind.”
“...Oh.” Kaveh pauses, processing those words into something warm and hopeful. “And what do you like about what you see?”
“What I like?”
Alhaitham doesn’t even have to spare a second thinking about it—it’s like there’s a list already waiting for him in the back of his mind.
“The outline that the side of your face cuts against the sunset,” he says. “How your eyes are the colour of wine. Your hair could be an instrument of alchemy, with the way it catches daylight and transmutes it into gold. The shape your hand constructs when poised with a quill perched between your fingers. This arc between your shoulder and neck.” He traces the path gently, and the touch tingles like his fingers are stained in stardust. “I hope that answers your question.”
Alhaitham knows he may never be able to look at Kaveh the way he may wish to be seen sometimes, the way he may wish to be wanted. He can admire Kaveh for all his aesthetic appeal, certainly, but there are certain desires his mind simply does not have access to. And maybe that means he won’t be able to fulfill a need Kaveh may carry, one craving a certain sort of validation.
… “You’ve had other partners, I assume, who are able to properly appreciate a facet of your allure that is inaccessible to me.” Alhaitham pauses. “I can’t think of you like that. I don’t think I ever can.”
He wonders what he can do, wonders what he should promise in compensation. “I don’t know how it feels to think of you in that way,” Alhaitham continues, the space in his chest suddenly tight like it already knows the importance of what he’s going to express, “but I do know how it feels to be in love with you.”
“Maybe they will never be able to comprehend each other, not in their entireties. They are two pieces from different puzzles after all. But if what’s ahead of them is a lifetime of learning, there can be no other person more fascinating to figure out than someone so diametrically opposed to yourself.”
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eivorsjawline · 1 year
In The Dark
NSFW 18+
Tw: Strap. Strap Kassandra.
(Modern Kassandra x Female Reader)
My playlist to listen to while you read ♡
Kassandra brings you to a small but humble house on the edge of the city. She opens the door and the smell of freshly baked bread fills the room. She smiles at you and grabs a bottle of wine before pouring you a glass. The home is no palace but it’s warm and comfortable, unlike the streets.
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“Welcome to my little dwelling!”
Kassandra has a small smirk on her face and motions towards the couch for you to sit down.
“This is a nice dry wine from Kephallonia, the town I grew up in.”
She extends her glass towards yours with a cheerful smile on her face.
“A toast to us, two bold women living on their terms!”
The two of you make a toast.
“Tell me about where you grew up, Kassandra”
You ask patiently, ready to listen.
“Of course! As I said, I grew up in Kephallonia which is a very small island. I was practically raised there, it's an amazing place that's full of life. The people there have big hearts but unfortunately are troubled by hard times. We are simply people just trying to get by.”
Kassandra reflects on her childhood and smiles, some hard times plagued her mind but she can reminisce fondly. The two of you chat back and forth, listening to the music playing in the background. The conversation seemed to flow easily, with both parties laughing and enjoying their time together.
“There was a poet named Sappho, from the island of Lesbos. She was known for her beautiful poems about love. Much of her works have been lost to time unfortunately but she lives on as a legacy for many.”
When Kassandra speaks, a sort of fire appears in her eyes. Every word is filled with passion.
“Ah yes, Sappho. I’m a big fan, her writing had a significant beauty about it.”
“Love is something extraordinary, isn't it? Look at us, two passionate women living our lives to the fullest. A life without love isn’t a life worth living.”
You smile in agreement with Kassandra, and the two of you lock eyes. She stretches her arms and lets out a sigh of relief before lifting the sleeves of her shirt.
“You see this? These scars, I got them from a mistake I made when I was younger. They used to make me a little insecure but I've grown to appreciate them now. They represent growth and change, I cherish them”
You place your fingers on the scarring, feeling every bump and detail on her skin. Humans tend to be over-critical of themselves but typically not as much when it comes to others. Kassandra kept a solemn expression on her face, the light from the sun shined down on her from the window.
“So tell me, do you like what you see?”
Kassandra says with a soft laugh.
“I do…” You say softly afterward, returning the question.
“I think you’re a goddess among mankind. I can't help but feel drawn to you.”
Kassandra pours the two of you another glass of wine. You both talked and talked for hours until the sun began to set. Kassandra takes your hand in hers and leads you to the rooftop, where you can see the sun hit the sea perfectly. The air is calm and warm, birds flock together by the seaside and the faint noise of the bustling city can be heard. You look to your side to see Kassandra's brown wavy locks flowing in the gentle breeze, a calm and peaceful expression on her face. The two of you continue to sip the wine, you can feel yourself get a light buzz. The moment is perfect and both views are beautiful.
“I’m drawn to you… I can’t explain it.”
Kassandra turns you and tilts her head slightly, extending her hand out to caress your face. You stop for a moment, and the two of you lock eyes. At this moment you could see every detail on her face, how her brown eyes shimmered in the sunlight. The sound of the waves crashing could be heard in the distance. You both leaned in towards each other, and Kassandra’s rough hands touched your cheeks ever so gently. She pulled you in for a soft kiss as your fingers traced her forearm. The kiss started slow and gentle but progressively more passionate. Skin to skin, the sound of your lips clashing together. You could taste the leftover wine lingering on her lips. The moment fled so soon, you both pulled away as your eyes slowly opened up once again.
“Kassandra…” You said softly.
Her thumb traced your lips, her eyes attentively watching in admiration.
“May I have you here, all to myself?”
You nodded in agreement, the excitement all too much to bear. Kassandra led you to her bedroom, not once taking her attention away from you. After the two of you stripped, she left you on her bed alone for a moment. The smell of, “Kassandra” filled the room for this was where she got ready every day. The smell of her laundry sheets, the leftover cologne in the air, and the incense that was once lit. Suddenly, you felt her presence behind you and her shadow hovering over you. A dark cloth covered your eyes as she leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“Let this moment be all about you, allow yourself to feel my touch. The outside world is irrelevant, this is our moment.”
Kassandra blindfolded you, her breath was heavy on your neck as she began to place kisses on your neck from behind. Starting with the left side then the right and finally to the back of your neck and slowly down your spine. Her hands massaged your shoulders as she traced her way back up, cupping your face with her hand. Your lips locked and she kissed you graciously, slowly adding tongue as her hands grazed your skin. She began to nibble and kiss your ears, due to your sight being taken away from you, your sensitivity to her touch grew. There was a distinct excitement about not knowing where her touch would go next.
Silence filled the air as her presence moved from behind you to in front of you. Kassandra gently laid you back on the bed, your legs clenched together. The feeling of her hands trickling down your legs causes a whirlwind of emotions to course through your body. The room remained dark to you, all of your trust and all of your power is given to the woman in front of you. You could hear Kassandra moving around you before she began to place soft kisses on the front of your feet and ankles, slowly tracing up your lower legs. Her nose slid against your skin, her breath lingering with every kiss in worship.
“If you want me to stop, just tell me…” She hesitated.
“No, no… please, continue.” You shook your head.
“Lay down and relax…”
You lay on the bed, eagerly waiting to see what comes next. The thought of moving forward and her hands on your body filled you with hot and heavy excitement. Though you couldn’t see her, her presence felt substantial and powerful. You could hear Kassandra taking off her shirt and then undoing her belt, the clothes hitting the floor slowly. She gently hovered atop of you for a moment before you felt her bare legs underneath yours, her hands running up and down your upper thighs. The feeling of her breath hit your skin, she kissed you from your chest to your lower abdomen.
She readjusted herself to get comfortable, on her knees at the bottom of the bed. Before helping you slide your bottoms down, Kassandra wrapped her hands around your waist tightly to pull you forward, bringing you to the edge of the bed. She moved to your knees, parting them as her forearms gripped around your hips for support. A serious look fell upon her face, dark brown eyes filled with intensity. She started to place soft kisses on your inner thighs, tracing your skin with her fingertips.
“Say my name…” She whispered.
“Kassandra…” You said gently, the feeling inside of you growing stronger.
You lay there exposed in front of her, getting more wet with every passing moment. The sight is pleasing to Kassandra as if she’s doing a good job. Her lips met the warm spot between your legs, caressing your clit with her tongue. She started slowly before finding a pace that suited you as you struggled to remain still underneath her. Kassandra touched you perfectly with passion and patience. Her warm slippery tongue continued to flick at perfect speed and rhythm, occasionally coming back to kiss your thighs teasingly.
Her hands traveled along your body, gripping at your breasts and toying with your hard nipples as she pleased you with a fierce look that you couldn’t see. It was as if you could feel her smiling between every moan that you let out, pleased and satisfied with herself at how she made you squirm. You reached down to grip her locks before she firmly adjusted your hands back to the sides of your head, her body lifting and stopping before whispering in your ear.
“I’m in control right now…”
She lifted the blindfold from your eyes, revealing herself to you.
“So you do whatever I say.”
Kassandra sat down on the chair next to her desk before pointing at the mirror in front of her and patting her lap.
“Come, sit in my lap.”
You adjusted yourself and did as she demanded. She watched your every move in the mirror, her eyes darting up and down your body. She adjusted your legs and held you open, her hands gripping the back of your legs. Her large hands left an indent of pressure where her skin met yours. You could see yourself completely vulnerable in the mirror in front of you. Her fingers played with you, revealing how desperately wet you were. Kassandra smirked, a happy glimmer in her eyes. Your eyes darted lower at the sight of her strap between her legs.
“Now touch yourself for me while I watch.”
You were taken back yet excited at the command before you did as she said. There was a look of hunger on Kassandra’s face as you pleased yourself and moaned in front of her, her grip tightening and spreading you even further apart to get a better look. Kassandra’s passion only grew from the sight of you, weak in front of her. She realized the power she held at the moment.
“Just like that. You’re doing such a good job for me. I'm proud of you.” She whispered in your ear.
“Such a good job…” She repeated under her breath. “Let me help you.”
Her hand slid in between your legs as her other kept a good grip on you so you didn't stagger. She gently rubbed you, teasing your clit with the tip of her finger. Kassandra watched you eagerly in the mirror, her horniness begging to be unleashed. She slid a finger inside of you slowly, yet deeply. The slight feeling of her inside you encouraged you. After teasing you with a finger, she slipped the second inside you. You could feel the girth and length of her fingers inside you. Her middle and ring worked inside of you, hitting the perfect spot. Her fingers curled inside you slowly before ramming deeply into you. All focus on your G spot.
Your moans grew louder and heavier, but before you could reach any kind of climax she readjusted you. You turned around, facing towards Kassandra. You sat in her lap with your legs around hers. She adjusted her strap before sticking her girth slowly inside of you, looking in the mirror.
“Ride it.”
Her hands traced your back as you rode her slowly. You began to kiss her neck, her musky scent radiating off her warm body. Kassandra grasped onto the back of your neck to look you deeply in the eyes as you rode her. She pulled you in for a slow, passionate kiss. There was a fire in her eyes that couldn’t be sedated. Kassandra had the best view in town as you bucked up and down on her. She had a strong grip on your ass as she looked deeply into your eyes. The vein in her neck slightly popped out, beckoning to be kissed. Something animalistic began to stir inside the two of you. Kassandra guided your hips atop her as you took every inch that she had to offer. Your moans grew heavier with each motion.
“I want you on your knees and turned around, right now.” Kassandra said in a firm voice.
You readjusted yourself, head down, and ass up in front of the mirror. Before Kassandra continued with you, she took in the sight and basked in how weak you were for her. Still, your body craved more from the Greek goddess. Kassandra kneeled to your now dripping cunt before feasting on you from behind. Each motion of her tongue drove you insane and past the point of no return. She savored your taste, every drop your body gave to her. Her hands gripped onto your skin, a more intense experience at this point. Kassandra wanted to give you the experience of a lifetime, she wanted to bless you.
She stood up on her knees, teasing your entrance. She was in no rush to give it to you quickly as she enjoyed making you beg and plead for more. Her toned body stretched out from behind you to grip your ass. Her girthy piece slid up and down your sopping wet folds like butter.
“Say please.” Kassandra said as she teased you.
“Please, Kassandra. I can't take it!” You moaned eagerly as Kassandra’s lips formed a sly smirk.
“Say my name once more…”
“Kassandra…” Her name escaped your mouth with ease.
Kassandra stuck her tip inside of you slowly, making sure you felt every inch of it before steadily pumping into you with ease. Your hands stood firm on the ground, pushing your body against hers. Kassandra gave you a good spank before wrapping her hands tightly around your waist, pushing her length into your harder and faster this time.
“Such a good girl. Look how pretty you are when you take me.” Kassandra purred, pulling your chin up so you could look at yourself in the mirror.
Her hands traced up your spine to the back of your neck, her hands rested firmly on your shoulders. She pushed you back into her, as deep as she could go. Your moans were loud and heavy at this point as Kass pounded into you, mercilessly. Your heart began to beat fast, your body could barely take it anymore. You couldn’t help but close your eyes from the sensation being felt, a firm slap on your cheek caused you to snap out of it immediately.
“Up, look up at me.” Kassandra said with ease, in a stern voice.
She started pounding into you with almost superhuman speed, locking eyes. She grabbed your arms and pulled them behind your back, pinning them down. You could see the drops of sweat on her body and the muscles in her arms tensing. She made love to you like it was art, sensually and rough at the same time. Kassandra had one goal in mind: To get you off.
“Cum for me, baby.” She said, one knee bent over to the side of you for maximum penetration.
The outline of her toned legs could be seen in the mirror's reflection. Kassandra’s breathing grew heavy as she was fighting for air at this point, a drop of sweat coming down from her forehead. Your muscles began to clench as your body released every bit of ecstasy you had left inside you. Your moans were delayed and your body relaxed as you made a mess on her. You collapsed and turned over on your back, letting your breathing return to normal.
Kassandra removed her strap and placed it to the side before towering over your face, legs beside your shoulders. Kassandra looked heavenly above you, her stance was particularly fierce and strong. Your hands ran along her thighs, both of your bodies in agreement with each other. You teased her around her clit with your tongue, as if knocking before entering. Kassandra threw her head back and let out a deep sigh, her hands resting on her hips.
“Relax…” You assured her.
“Are you sure?”
“Kassandra, I want you to smother me.”
You nodded underneath her, letting out a, “Yes.” before she rested all her weight on top of you. You continued to flick her clitoris with your tongue until you found the perfect speed for her. Kassandra’s eyes close for a moment as she gets caught up in the heat of the moment. A smile spreads across her face, pleased with you. She lets out a deep moan as she rides your face, looking down at you as you eat her out.
“You’re so good at that… Fuck.”
Kassandra sits on your face with all her weight, you can hardly breathe. You become enveloped in the scent of her and the pleasure that you give to her. Your heart grows heavy as she moans deeper and louder, your name escapes her mouth repeatedly. Her eyes roll back before she drops her head down, biting her lip and getting another good look at you. She grinds and bucks, using your tongue to get off.
“I don't know how much longer I can last if you keep doing that.” Kassandra says, nearly out of breath.
You keep pleasing her just as she likes.
“Cum for me, I know you can do it.”
Kassandra lets out a deep moan, her bucking intensifying. You like how she uses you like a toy, focusing on cumming. Your heart skips a beat watching your lover ride your face. Kassandra becomes so overwhelmed and excited by your touch, she loses herself for a few moments before climaxing. You savor the salty-sweet taste of her on your tongue.
“Fuck…” Kassandra whimpers before collapsing on the bed.
She reaches over to the side table of the bed before sitting up, pouring you and herself a glass of wine. You rest your head on her chest and entangle your legs with hers. You can hear her heartbeat slowing down, the air growing more calm by the second. Kassandra hands you a glass of wine before proposing a cheers.
“To us…” Kassandra whispers with a sweet smirk on her face, afterwards giving you a kiss on the forehead.
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astrojulia · 2 years
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All about Gemini
As people I know, I have family, co-workers, crushes... There's quite a lot on the list. In my humble life before astrology, I swore they were cardinals as Gemini always approached me first and yes, it took a while to record that no, they were mutable LOL. In my experience with these people, they are people with active lives who are doing several things at the same time and who like to talk (and gossip too, but that's ok, where I live it's cultural 😆). However, they are not people I've had contact with for a long time and we always end up moving away as time goes by.
As a general energy, I cannot escape it, but it is that of duality. The angel and the devil, death and life, the yes and the no... Even If in my list of colors of the signs (which are made with the intention of bringing the strength of the sign in your life), I see Gemini like black and white. Simple but effective, it transmits its message effectively. This duality also reminds me of the air itself... we know that it exists and it is proven that it exists... but it is not visible, or smellable (you smell something, but not the AIR itself)... I say this because the occult sciences are ridiculed because they have no concrete proof... and neither is the air. This lack of proof, but still existing, reminds me a lot of Gemini (Am I spacing out 😆).
As always, I need to say that when I write in the post, I need to put what the experts and the most important astrological community say and think, because I am responsible for every word I write, but here I always say that it is just my point of view, my studies and my evolution, because I’m the type of person who always wants to be better the next day. So let me tell you this: for me there is no underdeveloped aspect! For me, the underdeveloped part will always be our “Shadow self” that will appear when we most need to defend ourselves! Underdeveloped is our deepest instinct and we need to look at it as a Digivolution and not a Pokémon evolution (nerd references!!!).
Gemini is known for their agility and quick-wittedness. They are always on their toes and ready to respond to any situation that comes their way. This is a valuable trait to have in a fast-paced, ever-changing world where quick thinking and flexibility are necessary for success. However, their constant alertness can also lead to impatience. Gemini can sometimes become restless and easily bored, always looking for the next exciting thing to capture their attention. This impatience can cause them to jump from one thing to another without fully committing or seeing things through to completion. Exhausting their minds and bodies in this process.
It says it's okay to have multiple talents. You know, in the world of work there are two ends (just like Gemini LOL), the one that says you need to be an expert in one area and the other that you need to know a little bit about everything... I won't go into detail on this subject, but when they say that Gemini never goes deep into anything but does a little bit of everything I don't see it as a negative aspect, their versatility is their individuality, but I won't sugarcoat them, they can be scattered.
They don't take things to heart, as they are more emotionally cool and mental, I'm not saying they don't feel because everyone has feelings and I already made a huge post talking about it... But they take everything more to the "professional" side " of things and not for the emotional and that makes them show in the exterior an aloof and uninvolved personality.
As I mentioned earlier, those born under the Gemini zodiac sign are often friendly and sociable individuals. They have a natural ability to connect with others and are often drawn to situations where they can engage in conversation and communication. However, communication does not only refer to verbal exchanges; it encompasses all forms of expression, including art. Their social nature makes them a social butterfly, and they often enjoy interacting with a wide range of people. They are incessantly talkative and may find it difficult to remain quiet for too long. Despite their talkative nature, Gemini individuals also have a strong listening ear. They are often interested in hearing what others have to say and may have a knack for putting people at ease in social situations… because you know, they are the Mutable Air… they’re receivers.
It can be said that the great love of this sign is freedom, they are an air sign, which has no barriers, and this gives them a natural inclination to explore and move around freely without feeling restricted. Their ruling planet, Mercury, also adds to their need for movement, communication, and change. While this free-spirited nature can be an asset in many ways, it can also make it difficult for Gemini to settle down and commit to a specific path or person. They may find it challenging to stay in one place or focus on a single task for an extended period, preferring instead to keep their options open and maintain their sense of freedom.
Geminis are known for their broad range of interests and their natural curiosity, which often leads them to acquire a vast amount of knowledge on various subjects. They have a sharp intellect and a natural gift for communication, which allows them to express their ideas and thoughts articulately and confidently. However, their wide range of knowledge can sometimes make them appear superficially opinionated. They may hold strong opinions on a variety of subjects, but their opinions may lack depth or nuance due to their tendency to skim the surface of a topic rather than delving deeply into it.
And last but not least, they’ve a light-hearted nature and the ability to infuse a sense of fun and playfulness into many aspects of their lives. They have a youthful energy and a natural curiosity that can make them seem lively and spontaneous, yet this lightheartedness can sometimes border on silliness and immaturity. They may have a tendency to engage in childish or frivolous behavior, which can sometimes make it difficult for others to take them seriously or view them as mature individuals.
So, in other words:
At their best, Gemini can be:
Intelligent: Geminis are naturally curious and have a thirst for knowledge. They are quick learners and have the ability to absorb information rapidly, making them knowledgeable and well-informed individuals.
Versatile: Geminis are adaptable and can easily switch between different roles and situations. They can be chameleons and fit into any environment, which makes them great team players.
Sociable: Geminis are outgoing and love socializing with others. They have an innate ability to connect with people from all walks of life, making them great communicators and excellent networkers.
Humorous: Geminis have a great sense of humor and can always make others laugh. They have a quick wit and can find humor in any situation, which makes them a joy to be around.
Resourceful: Geminis are skilled at manipulating the system to benefit themselves and others. They have a knack for finding creative solutions to problems and can think outside the box when faced with challenges.
At their worst, Gemini can be:
Deceptive: Geminis have a reputation for being two-faced and dishonest. They can present different personas to different people, making it hard to know who they truly are.
Treacherous: Geminis can be disloyal and untrustworthy. They may betray others' trust and use their knowledge and connections for personal gain.
Loud: Geminis can be talkative and sometimes dominate conversations, making it hard for others to get a word in edgewise.
Manipulative: Geminis may act nice to people they normally ignore just before asking for a favor. They can use their charm and wit to manipulate situations and people to their advantage.
Scheming: Geminis may constantly scheme and plan, even if it means backstabbing others. They may talk behind people's backs and use gossip to manipulate others.
As the third sign, Gemini speaks of our first desire to get involved with the other. The first two signs of the zodiac, Aries and Taurus, are associated with individuality, self-discovery, and building a foundation. It is with Gemini that we realize that we are not alone and that we need to express ourselves as well as understand, that's why he is also changeable, because first we listen and join a group and then start to put our own ideas.
We already made it clear that Gemini is the mutable air sign with all the communication parts already said LOL. But I see the air element of Gemini as the thirst to learn, to listen to improve, to also question all the world's problems because they are the ones who receive the information and need to improve it for the next ones.
Gemini individuals are known for their intense curiosity, but this curiosity can sometimes lead to distraction and a lack of focus, which can in turn create feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. However, the key to overcoming these challenges lies in embracing the symbolism of your opposite sign, Sagittarius. By focusing your concentration and attention on your greater goals, and by integrating with the energy of Sagittarius, you can transform any sense of dispersion into a powerful union of forces that will help you achieve your objectives and find meaning in your pursuits, ultimately leading to a reduction in anxiety.
As the ruling planet of Gemini, Mercury's influence can be seen in a number of ways. First and foremost, Mercury inspires Gemini's innate curiosity and love of learning. Those born under this sign are often quick-witted and able to absorb and process new information rapidly. They enjoy exploring new ideas and engaging in intellectual discourse, which can help to satisfy their need for mental stimulation. Mercury is also associated with communication, and as such, Gemini individuals are known for their excellent communication skills. They are often great at expressing themselves verbally and in writing, and are skilled at adapting their communication style to suit a range of different situations and audiences. In addition to these qualities, Mercury is also linked to reason and rationality. This can manifest in Gemini individuals as a tendency towards logical thinking and a desire for clarity and order in their thoughts and ideas. They are often able to see things from multiple perspectives, and are skilled at finding solutions to complex problems.
Now the association with the tarot, the suit of swords is a suit that in my view is kill or die, there is no middle ground, this energy of yes or no is Gemini. As The Magician, you can see all the duality he has, he can be alone as well as have an audience in front of him, he is surrounded by red roses (feminine) as well as white lilies (masculine) and his robes follow the same colors, it connects the high, the divine with the material and all these opposites connect it with a sign. As for The Lovers, I can already say that in the Marseille tarot and in the Rider-Smith-Waite tarot these card meanings are totally different and that is totally Gemini for me, but it talks about choices as well as people, again, the yes and the no.
Gemini men are often seen as charming and charismatic, with a quick wit and a love of conversation. They tend to be outgoing and sociable, and are often skilled at making connections with others. They may have a tendency to be restless or easily bored, and may enjoy pursuing multiple interests or hobbies at once.
Gemini women, on the other hand, may be seen as intelligent and independent, with a strong sense of curiosity and a desire for intellectual stimulation. They may be skilled at communication and may enjoy engaging in debates or discussions with others. Like Gemini men, they may also have a tendency to be restless or easily bored, and may benefit from pursuing multiple interests or hobbies simultaneously.
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