#you are also biphobic which is not very cool of you
sizzy-ling · 1 year
Nick saying he is actually bi is not cringe, you're biphobic
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mgc02 · 9 days
Random person commenting on ship art on Twitter
"I don't like radioapple because Alastor is asexual and lucifer is straight. Lucifer said he likes girls"
How to infuriate me in very little words
Me being aroace I decided to check this mfs account cause there is NO FUCKING WAY they are ace. Because asexual does NOT mean aromantic
And then to have fucking gall to think you are actually being the only respectful one towards ace people instead doing some fucking research
The art wasn't even sexual
Also bi people exist. Lucifer could be bi
I looked at this mfs account and I saw nothing but trump support shit and not a single lgbt flag let alone any sign they are on the ace spectrum. Stop speaking for ace people
If you headcannon him as aro
Which is not confirmed yet
That's cool
And honestly that's how I headcannon him but I don't mind ships and I enjoy engaging in them sometimes. I don't know what's gonna happen in canon and I won't push anything onto anyone or viv. But like to hate on a ship because you think ace means aro and that aces can't date which they can is actually ace phobic
Like I have a friend who is ace but not aromantic. She is biromantic and she's had plenty of partners in the past
Also insisting someone is straight just because they like girls is biphobic. If he's confirmed straight in the future that's alright but like his sexuality is still unconfirmed. Anyway I just... needed to rant
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orkbutch · 10 months
So I've been seeing A Viewpoint within the bg3 fandom occuring. And I gotta be honest. I disagree that the characters being bisexual in Baldur's Gate 3 means you cannot headcanon them as other sexualities for your own fandom content purposes. I think that's not reflective of how queer people and their sexual identities actually work, and its just antithetical to how fandom has always functioned, which is an exercise of imagination. I wanna clarify up front: I agree that someone saying that a character Can't or Shouldn't or Was Not Meant To Be bisexual because of whatever reason IS biphobic sentiment. The characters in Baldur's Gate 3 are canonically bi/pan, thats made pretty damn clear when you look through all their content. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about headcanons, au's; the kind of imaginitve play that is very much what fandom creativity is about. If you set a standard in fandom that depicting a character as a certain sexuality is Not Allowed, 1. you're kinda flattening sexuality in a weird way, like personally my sexuality is complicated as fuck and has changed over time, and 2. you're limiting creativity. And I think creativity in fandom is extremely important. It's the whole fun of fandom. Creativity is worth protecting and its worth establishing the nuance between Depicting A Version of Character who is X and Insisting That Character Should Be X in canon. Because like... we meddle with character's identities in fandom all the time. That's what headcanons ARE, they change appearance, social position, career, faith, species, traumatic experience, moral and political alignment, and SO much more. I think limiting what people can headcanon within fandom... is less fun! It's just less fun. Imaginative scope lets you do more, weird fun stuff. It lets you depict more complex interesting characters. Example: my Bad Nun AU. In that, Shadowheart identifies as a lesbian. Why is that? Because I wanted Shadowheart's experience within Bad Nun to specifically explore the history and context of lesbians within nunneries, especially how that manifested post Vatican II. These were also eras when 'lesbian' was more ubiquitos, had a different context and more flexibility; a lot of women that would probably consider themselves 'bisexual' now were identifying as lesbians, were in lesbian communities and events and spaces.
On that note: Flattening sexuality. You're gonna say people CANNOT depict these characters as ANYTHING but bisexual? That is not how most queer people's sexualities work. It simply isn't. I've identified as tons of different shit in my sexuality. I'm still not sure about it. For me half the time my "sexual identity" is just the words I use to communicate what I'm looking for, and that changes depends on What I Want at that time, what I'm looking to explore, my social context, ect. ect. like what. This isn't how sexuality works for real people. How are artists meant to be Creative and imaginatively depict real, complex, queer sexuality if they are restricted to depicting only what is within canon?? This is not how any other part of fandom works. Fandom art should work how all art works. If someone makes shit art, it gets dunked on and ignored for being bad or lazy or lame. If someone did Heterosexual Karlach fanfic, I would be like "what the fuck why" because they made Karlach less fucking cool. Het Karlach would be boring and thats More Egregious because they DECIDED to make her heterosexual DESPITE canon. But even then, EVEN THEN, I don't think that should be looked at as off limits shit, because I don't believe art should have many things off limits. Any limits must be very nuanced, because art and creativity is nuanced. Obviously my brain would go "het karlach? you deserve jail time and thats queerphobic", but I honestly believe creative license is more important than those feelings. I WOULD happily comment on their thing, "heterosexual karlach is boring, thats a shit idea" because I'm right
If you want good art and good writing, you need to protext creative license.
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
this gonna be a weird question but ever since i have know Aoinene. I have always found a consistent theme of Aoi being a lesbian. While it cool, interesting and all, it hard to found anything canonically to use to prove the interpretation beyond "it just a vibe" . It doesnt interfer with the shipping experience but it still an interesting HC that i would love to found some canon material to build on.
I’m so glad you asked this, I’ve been trying to find a way to talk about my feelings on the lesbian Aoi headcanon for a while now. I’ve written it in my own fics a lot but I have some issues with the way people treat it so I’d like to make this a more nuanced discussion
First off, where does it come from? To answer that question you have to keep in mind that as the manga chapters were being released, fans had no idea where AidaIro planned to go with Aoi and Akane’s relationship beyond what they could infer. While it seems obvious in hindsight that Aoi always liked Akane, a lot of lesbian readers overlooked those hints because they were able to relate to being pursued by a relentless man that they didn’t want. They found comfort in Aoi’s character because her perceived disinterest in Akane was something they could connect to their own experiences with their male best friends falling for them
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Then we have this scene, which is a whole rollercoaster in and of itself. At this point in the manga, fans didn’t know Aoi was faking her personality. She only existed as Nene’s popular best friend, the girl with the rumors. And, of course, the girl who kept rejecting Akane. Aoi and Nene seemed to have a very close friendship, so when this scene came out, many readers jumped to the conclusion that Aoi planned to confess to Nene. This, coupled with her constant rejection of Akane, led many fans to believe Aoi was a lesbian. Not just as a cool headcanon, but as an actual theory. To this day some fans still call her queercoded, and that’s where I have a bit of an issue with the headcanon
Because, despite all of this, Aoi isn’t a lesbian in canon. She’s not even coded to be one. In fact her and Akane’s characters aren’t able to develop without each other. Some fans chalk this up to bad writing or lesbiphobia, stating that Aoi never showed interest in Akane up until chapter 69, but this simply isn’t true. There were numerous hints that Aoi liked Akane back, since his feelings for her were first introduced. She’s shown to be absolutely devastated at the possibility of him dating someone else, and in the Clock Keepers arc we see that she’s been encouraging his pursuit of her this whole time. Fans may not like them, but it’s impossible to deny they’ve been set up since the beginning of the manga- on both sides
However, if you were to call Aoi sapphic coded/bi coded in canon, you wouldn’t be far off. In the Hanako-Kun Of Magic au, Mei fell in love with Aoi through a spell. After the spell wore off, they were confirmed to still hang out. They hang out so frequently, that it makes Mei’s little sister jealous because Aoi is stealing all her attention
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It wouldn’t be a reach to assume they’re dating in this au, which would make Aoi bi or bi-coded in canon (though it’s very up to interpretation so I wouldn’t say she’s as strongly bi-coded as Kou or even Nene). It rubs me the wrong way when people discuss her potential queercoding and entirely ignore her feelings for Akane just because they don’t like the ship, it feels biphobic. It’s also been implied that Aoi has liked men (or people in general) other than Akane, he joins school clubs based on whoever her current type is
Canon aside though, I’d like to talk about why people like the lesbian Aoi headcanon. Namely, why I still like it in fanon despite feeling that it has a very weak basis in canon. Because for some fans, Aoi’s true personality reveal only made their love of the lesbian Aoi headcanon stronger
Remember how I said fans overlooked Aoi’s feelings for Akane because they projected onto her? I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with that as long as they aren’t bringing their bias into analyses. I’ve read many Aoi queercoding analyses where the creator completely ignores Aoi’s attraction to men in canon due to their own projection, and I hate to say it but that is a bad way to analyze. I’ve mentioned before that I strongly relate to Nene’s shallow crushes on men because they remind me of my own experiences with comphet, but I would never call Nene lesbian coded because that would ignore her entire arc with Hanako. Project onto characters all you want but leave that out of your analyses
Anyways, the reveal that Aoi had been faking her personality only gave the lesbian Aoi headcanon more fuel. At this point in the manga, fans were already fully convinced that Aoi was a lesbian…so to find out the pretty popular girl was hiding her true self from the world?? I mean that sounds queercoded as hell. And I won’t lie, I relate to that a lot too. The need to hide who you really are is a nearly universal queer experience, so pretty much any character that has that storyline is going to hit home for a lot of queer readers. That same trope also plays into Mitsuba’s queercoding, so yeah. Despite all the romance stuff with Akane that happened in those chapters, the big takeaway for lesbian Aoi truthers was that Aoi had been hiding a part of herself that the world would shame her for
This is furthered by her relationship with femininity. Aoi plays the role of the ideal popular girl, a common archetype in media. These girls are feminine, passive, kind, humble, and all the boys love them. That is the image Aoi presents to the rest of the school. However, the real Aoi is nothing like that. I wouldn’t go as far as to call her masculine, but she doesn’t act like the poster child for femininity when she’s being her true self. She’s bitter, arrogant, spiteful, and she only really cares about two people. Lesbians tend to have a very complicated relationship with femininity, because heteronormativity asserts that the defining trait of being a woman is your relationship to a man. As a woman, you are someone’s wife, daughter, mother, sister. So when a woman has no interest in men, she loses a core part of her “femininity.” Some lesbians choose to embrace this, they have no interest in femininity so they perform whatever gender presentation they want. Other lesbians reclaim femininity as something defined by themselves, not society. So when lesbians see a character faking her personality to conform to the societal expectations for her gender…oops she’s one of us now lol. This is also why the transmasc Aoi headcanon is popular, though I won’t be getting into that today
There are more simplistic reasons people like the lesbian Aoi headcanon. It fits a trope, the popular girl who’s pressured to be perfect is secretly a lesbian. Then she falls for her fun and quirky bisexual best friend. Unfortunately this is where the headcanon gets very boiled down, people want Aoi to be something that she’s not in canon. They want her to be a trope rather than her own, unique character. The aesthetic girlboss lesbian. She hates Akane and has a huge crush on Nene, maybe some mommy issues and that’s all there is to her. I don’t like these type of headcanons very much, they reduce queerness to an aesthetic rather than an experience. As I mentioned, the lesbian Aoi headcanon does have potential for fanon content, but some fans sadly reduce it to a stereotype
I’ve written both bisexual and lesbian Aoi, and I think they both have their perks. Lesbian Aoi requires a bit of stretching/rewriting of canon, which can be fun but it has to be handled very carefully. Otherwise you get fics that villainize Akane and ignore Aoi and Nene’s complexities. It’s perfectly fine to project onto a character and headcanon them a certain way for comfort, but in terms of characterization I would recommend people try to look past those biases when they’re writing analyses. Fanfic is a bit different bcuz that depends on whether or not you’re trying to stay in character lol, this might be controversial but some writers just don’t care and that’s fine too. They’re just writing it for fun, it doesn’t have to be that serious. Still, I would like to see more fics that keep Aoi and Nene closer to canon (they absolutely exist dw)
The reason I hesitated for so long to address this headcanon is because I wanted to find a way to talk about it sensitively. Queer fans, especially lesbians, already get a lot of flack for their headcanons and I didn’t want to make it seem like I was invalidating anyone’s experiences. If the lesbian Aoi headcanon brings you comfort then, yes, Aoi can absolutely be a lesbian. Fandom is about fan enjoyment, not authorial intent, so headcanon the characters however you want. Just don’t push those headcanons into others, and try to at least be aware of what’s going on in canon. And again, don’t write an analysis if you’re going to be biased. A better way to do it would be something like “I recognize that AidaIro didn’t go this route but it would’ve been interesting if they made Aoi a lesbian.” An analysis like that might have some weight to it!! Aoi and Akane are a super cute ship, but another straight relationship is nothing revolutionary in fiction. However, canon lesbians in a shonen series?? That’s something you don’t see every day. People have valid reasons for wishing Aoi had been written differently, I just wish they would accept that she didn’t get written that way rather than ignoring canon
Sorry if this isn’t what you were expecting, I hope I explained all sides of the headcanon well enough. Tbh a lot of it is just “vibes” but once you look past the surface, it goes a lot deeper. I also want to clarify that Aoi faking her personality reading as queercoding could absolutely work with her being bi too, bisexuals also have to hide a part of themselves and that’s something other lgbtq+ individuals often overlook. The reason it reads specifically as lesbian coding to some fans is because of her projection of femininity being fake so, by extension, her encouragement of the men who pursue her must be too. That’s obviously not canon but some fans believe it would’ve been a cool route to go. Okay that’s it I think I covered everything lol
Thanks again for the ask, I’m glad I finally got the opportunity to talk abt this <3
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
I was finally able to post that jealousy fic I've been working on, I hope it is something you like. No pressure if you don't have the time right now, I know you are swamped with work hehe.
But, I did want to let you know that your writing has brought me a lot of comfort and clarity recently. It means a lot to me that I have that. So thank you. I hope this brings you a smile during your busy week.
P.S. They might seem a bit OOC because writing about Max's insecurity is still hard for me. Plus, they are not my characters so I am bound to maybe not write something the way you would, but I think that's why writing is great. It's all up to interpretation sometimes.
Anyway, I hope enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's pinned on my profile for when you have the time. on to writing the body-image fic I have in my head for them.
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Jade!!! This was so cool!! Thank you for writing (and sharing!!!)
First of all, gotta compliment you on this moodboard because it's stunning ahhhh!
This was NOT what I expected at all! I thought it was a jealousy fic but the fic being about David being frustrated over Max's lack of jealousy is very in-character! Of course, his insecurities would make him think it's because Max doesn't care about him that much. We def would've explored it in LDV if it was written from David's POV, so I was very happy to see it.
I love a good masquerade ball so this was AMAZING. I was wondering if you had any inspo for the outfits or had any songs you listened to when you wrote this? Just curious 🥹
Some of my favourite parts:
When Max said everyone was there for the prince, but he was there for David. That's it. That's the essence of their relationship.
The black mesh lace shirt 👀
"Every romance book he’s read, or movie he’s watched has shown that one couple in the club where one of them gets hit on and the other one gets super-hot and bothered. They get jealous because their person is important to them." - This bit was REALLY cool because it shows that every idea David has of love is from the media he has consumed (which is not healthy) and that is influencing his expectations for a real relationship. I loved this!!
Also there is always that creepy guy in a mavid fic istg NEED THEM AWAY FROM MAVID
" I want to make him jealous, not hurt" - a very David thing to say.
“He looks a bit too comfortable, no?” + “I mean yeah I guess, it's your relationship”  - MADELEINE STFU
“Do I care more about our boundaries and monogamy than him?” “Was that biphobic? I think that was Bi-phobic” - This was a very interesting/important connection to make. I loved that you did that because that is indeed a stereotype attached to a lot of bi people. At least my boi is self-aware 😌
“I’ll guard the door while you two imbeciles work this out" - Jackson 🩵
“No, you did nothing! That’s the problem.”  “I don’t get it?”  - THIS IS SUCH A ROMCOM FIGHT AND I LOVE IT.
Max calling David 'my man'.
"There are so many people in your life who tell you what to do, especially with your body. I don’t want to be one of them, I won’t be one of them. " 💙
"they do not threaten me because they will never love you like I do." - 🥹🥹
"You are a good man" SAY IT LOUDER
This was so much fun to read! Thank you, babygirl 💜
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emeraldoo · 10 months
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hi, my name is bastion!! i have lots of other names im ok with tho, like bb, b, 8, shiver, weird, etc! im not ok with the nickname EM or EMERALD!
i am a zombie, jumping spider, maned wolf kin and fict kin Shiver from spl3 <3 i am also NOT a minor!!!!!! 18 yrs :•)) im also a rogue of mind!! (homestuck hoe.)
i am a trans male! i use he/xe/it prns! currently questioning my romantic attraction (pretty sure im bi-gay), but i am asexual!
i am the host in the zipties system, a did system!! some of the head mates have their own blogs, which ill tag :•)
i am audhd, gad, ocd, and a general cluster b pd haver!! i also have some delusions from ~an unkown disorder~ so! working thru some stuff still!
HERE IS MY COHOST!! please please PLEASE follow me on here bc it is my current fave social media :)))
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SPLATOON AUGHHHHH most of my blog is splatoon....
i freaking LOVE nnsg :•3333 the anime of ALL TIME!!
SCIENCE!!!!!!! i plan on majoring in microbiology and synthetic biology but i luv ALL science!!
MUSIC/BAND!! i play euphonium and play in marching band and concert ensembles <3
i luvvv itsv and atsv and all of the spiderverse stuf!!!!!! my fave spider in spider man india btw.!
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not all of our alters choose to make profiles, and we arent going to force them to make them. if you need to know them, just send a DM or ask
* = written by alter
BASTION (☘️): DAS ME BITCH! im the host and core of the system >:•D i am the main guy in this blog soooo ya. (he/him, xe/xem, it/its)
EM/@riddlekid (🧪): the rat. horrible terrible (/hj... i guess..!) obsessed with horrible ppl sooo. erm yeah. he is also a prosecutor.!! also second most freq fronter :•P (it/its, he/him)
JON/@just-dr (🎃): jon!! he is a protector and a fictive of jonathan crane.. he is nice :•)) he doesnt associate much with his source tho so shrugsies (he/him, they/them)
MILES (👤): i actually dont know much abt them... they do their job rlly good tho! protector n stuff.. cool! (they/them)
CORNELIUS (🩸): um... so it just split and formed prtty recently (as of 12/8/23) and i also. don't know much abt it! other than it's a fictive of cornelius stirk from batman unburied.. and a prosecutor! (it/its)
JADE (🌐): cutey patootie wolf thing! fictive of jade from homestuck andddd yeah!! cool (she/they)
KARKAT/@karkat-cornbread (🔥): fictive of karkat homestuck guy. gets very angry very fast. idk role but yeah. the amgry one ig (he/they)
* DAVE/@karkat-cornbread (🕶️): yea. is this bitch predictable or what lmfao (he/any)
* HAL/9K/@timothy-timeaus (🛑): Beep boop. Coolest splinter of Dirk. I'm also cool with the name Odyssey or 9k. (They/Them)
* EQUIUS/@runningfromred (🐎): Yes hello I am Equius I am more active on the cohost but might still use this platform.
* TIM/ @timothy-timaeus (🔗): I'm my own subsystem of splinters. I'm just a ye ol Dirk splinter.
* CALUM/@timothy-timaeus (🧢): bro strider splinter and a real goof. heeheeee
* JAKE (🦎): Your caretaker and funny guy! im from meat timeline and have alot of pseudos, sorry if im hesitant to interact with sourcemates :B
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#emeraldo slay posting: all of my posts! that i leave words on are tagged with 8)
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DNI :•(
its not rlly. much? the only stuff i rlly care abt is jerks.. if ur a jerkkk (terf, racist, zionist, ableist, antikin, sysmed, transmed, antikink, whatever girl u git the gist....)
i don't have especially strong opinions on most discourse... slurcourse, syscourse, flagcourse, shipcourse... its kinda silly.! so um. whatever.
* (Hal writing.) Our take on pro/antiship is "It doesn't fucking matter". We aren't proship, we aren't antiship, we are just kind of shipping whatever the fuck we want. If you think it's problematic, we most likely won't care. Unless there's a genuine reason to be concerned, don't bother.
exclusionists!!!! i don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!! aphones, panphobes, biphobes, mspec gay/lesbian haters, antixenogender, anti neoprns, whatever! i do not like you at all >:•{
hp fans... you know why :•) please find a better media ..
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thrilling-oneway · 9 months
You are so right with m/f stuff! I’m not familiar with a lot of VBS shipping discourse, but it’s annoying to see how people can’t write an analysis on how important Tsukasa is to Rui without others dog piling them and saying they’re delusional and ignoring canon for their yaoi “with no content”. (At least on twitter, tumblr is much better with this) And as someone whose also bisexual, it’s so annoying seeing people use bisexuality as a gotcha to ship m/f and act as if its progressive and that it gives them the okay to hate on f/f and m/m pairings.
YES YES EXACTLY. God I hate when people keep saying that ruikasa has no content and their dynamic is underdeveloped whenever anyone talks about them. Like as biased as I am because I like the ship, they do have a very developed dynamic regardless of if you like the ship or not. Literally there's three events about it (potato and pandemonium + it was a pretty big background element in curtain call), one of which is the third event in the game. like if you don't like ritk that's perfectly fine, but when people are dogpilling ritk shippers for talking about their dynamic/pandemonium chapter 8/wtv and saying they're reaching, especially if the person doing this is an account dedicated to another rui ship/are a rui fan, it's a bad look because you're literally ignoring a very significant part of his arc. Ignoring massively important aspects of a character you claim to like just because of a ship is low. This fandom is way too set on everything being about shipping like bruh no one is telling you that you had to view pandemonium as romantic you can view it as platonic perfectly fine and not need to erase parts of rui's character to justify your rui/female character ship.
it's an especially weird situation with VBS as well. as much as I hold the earlier EN fandom to a higher standard there was a lot of discourse around VBS and the fact that they're implied gay. like it used to be a situation where if you admitted you shipped m/f vbs you would get jumped. as a comeback people would accuse biphobia but i never saw huge amounts of people being actually biphobic. saying "an and kohane are quite heavily implied to be lesbians (and it makes some people uncomfortable to see them shipped with men)" is a true statement but people didn't need to attack others over it. not liking a bi headcanon isn't biphobic unless you're actually being biphobic about it yknow? luckily it calmed down after a while but now you get jumped for not shipping m/f which leads us straight back to the statement about an and kohane. gbr the situation with vbs shipping nowadays is much worse than the situation when i first joined, obviously partially bc of the massive increase in fandom size but mainly because people are spewing actual homophobic rhetoric over akty ankh (someone literally tried to claim heterophobia was real bc of people not liking m/f vbs a couple months ago. actually this has happened multiple times).
AND YES GOD THIS FANDOM'S APPROACH TO BI HEADCANONS IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING. Like people only use it as a way to make m/f ships more queer and try to 1 up people with it because oh yes male/female couple are not the norm at all and they're so cool and different and if you add a bi/pan hc on top of that it makes you more progressive (/s). HCing a character as bi does not give you cool points and the fact that so many people only do it for m/f ships pisses me off to no end because people treat it like Straight 2 when bi people can be in m/m and f/f relationships. People can hc whatever they want ofc but it's so obvious sometimes that people are only using bi hcs as a way to quickly round off their hcs for every character so they can multiship or justify their m/f ships as queer and at that point I'd rather they just hc'd them as straight because I don't like seeing my identity used solely for the purpose of making a ship more queer because someone doesn't want their m/f to be a hetship.
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Infodump time part 2 ( I told you not to indulge me )
Time for lesbian flags history!!!
Ok SO idk if you know this but this
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Is the labrys flag. It was created by a gay man in 1999, but the symbols in it were being used by lesbians for decades, sometimes centuries before. It has really cool meanings! The color purple is used by the saphic sommunity, as you may know, because of Sappho, who used to give purple flowers to her lovers. If I'm not wrong, in the 1950s lesbians and wlw in general were excluded from one of the first internacional feminist meetings, called the lavender menace, and accused of being a threat to the movement. In the labrys flag we also have the black triangle which is to represent the saphics and feminists who were murdered during the holocaust ( the triangles were their organization system, black for feminists and sapphics, pink for gay man, red for Jewish ppl, etc). The black and pink triangles were both widely used by the lgbt movement as resignified symbols. Nevertheless, they are no longer being used, and out of respect for Jewish sapphics there's now a version of the sapphic flag without the black triangle.
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Then we get to the main symbol : the labrys ax itself!! It is said to have been a symbol of goodness Artemis, protecter of children and women. As a sapphic symbol it's very strong and one of my favorite things! ( I have labrys earrings )
Now, there's also the lipstick lesbian flag, which I hate and it's terrible! Created by a transphobe, racist, biphobic person and the concept of lipstick lesbian itself was not created by the community but by men who sexualized lesbians.
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Nevertheless, from it came the sunset flag, which has really cool meanings, is super duper cute and awesome!!
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There's also the sapphics community flag, but unfortunately I don't have much research done on that one. :(
There's so much more I know and I love to share!! And I LOVE lgbt history!!! If you have any fun facts or stories please share them! Sjjdndbs
I actually just learned about the lipstick flag and it’s creator unfortunately but it didn’t know about the history of the labrys flag or the symbolism of the sunset flag!
And you asked so here’s some random queer facts:
The bi flag was originally designed by Michael Page in 1998 with pink at the top representing women, royal blue on the bottom representing men, and lavender purple in the middle representing the combination of the attraction to the two (although many bisexuals date outside of that pool) and it’s intention was to a) bring more eyes to bisexuality and b) to start a Bisexual Visibility Day, which was made September 23 the following year.
In 2009, Rachel Crandell got on Facebook and started Trans Visibility Day on her own, and so now every year on March 31st trans and gender non-conforming people’s voices and we are able to further bring up issues that endanger our lives.
That’s all I have for now, but I did just wake up.
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transmhyra · 10 months
Hey there! And welcome to the hell that is my blog!
First things first: If you are
Racist, Homophobic, Biphobic, Transphobic, a Terf, a Zionist, ableist, queerphobic, misogynistic
Or anything else in regard, i.e. someone excluding and being an arsewipe to anyone else based on random criteria they can not influence
A filthy gatekeeper
Not kink or SW positive
Not on the political left
You can see yourself right out, else I will do it myself
To all the cool people not meeting any of these criteria: Hey Hey and welcome :D
On this blog you can excpect anything from Political Stuff, Shitposts, Memes, Pole Dance related stuff, Memes, cute animals
Or in other words: Basically anything that makes me laugh, ponder something or go aweee
In addition I sometimes post kink related stuff, but if it ends up on this blog it's usually more educational or psas than posted with horny intent. If my horny intent is something that does interest you, you can check out @mhyrasboudoir if you aren't on it's DNI List
My dms are open to all the queer cuties <3
Other than that: I'm a very gay european transfem, who's very much into gothic music, sometimes techno, does way too much sports, especially my eternally beloved pole dance (Despite hrt I'm now in a better shape than ever lmao), Also I'm very kinky, leftist and engage in the respective irl communities AND study engineering for reasons which I cannot discern myself
#Mhyras Tchotchkes: My personal weird shit wishlist, alternatively: A weird item shop
#Mhyras trans Stuff: What it says on the tin, things about my transition, which I have tagged thus so maybe you'll get some use out of my experiences
#only half conscious: stuff that my brain made up without too much conscious thought
Free Palestine!
The pandemic is not over!
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willkimurashat · 2 years
Looking for Gabi fans to follow and MC/Gabi fanfics to read. Some of my favorite lgbt litg blogs have either deactivated or are no longer playing litg Suresh fans are trying to hijack Gabi's tag with biphobia and hate posts. I'm scared to open her tag. Suresh fans are hating on lgbt players because FB made Gabi a LI and they can no longer use her to justify Suresh's action. We get enough bigotry from the writers. =( I have met some lgbt fans on reddit and IG, but they don't have blogs
Hello anon, and welcome to ✨Gabi Fan Club✨
From the second I saw her design, I completely swooned (and maybe drooled a little too, but we don’t talk about it🤫) and kept imagining the Frida Kahlo scenario between Gabi and MC, passing down the clown red nose of shame to Suresh lol!
In all seriousness though, I am so sorry you encountered hateful posts and biphobia, and I am not surprised - the Suresh debates can get heated. I think fusebox did us dirty for only giving us Dana as an li (who, let’s be real, wasn’t written great, especially with the kissing Eddie part) and Gabi aka the girl Suresh cheated on MC with. Idk what reaction they were expecting from fans because there’s something problematic with every single character this season, and I’m so sick of fusebox perpetuating these racist and biphobic stereotypes time and time again. So naturally, it sparks further hate and -isms from the players, trying to defend or offend some pixels. I am personally not on a Suresh route, so I don’t really care about that side of drama. I like Gabi and I think she is an interesting character, she has a cool back story, she’s interested in MC, and jee is she hot (sorry for being shallow). I also think it’s weird to shame people for liking a game character. Like, I guess I can understand it if someone’s into Dylan, who is just beyond problematic, and good friends wouldn’t and shouldn’t let you date someone like that. But other than that, my philosophy is that LITG is a game - that’s literally all it is, just a story with some 2d pixel art, and we shouldn’t be taking it so close to heart. If people like Suresh - you do you, if people like Gabi - please, by all means, suit yourself. They’re not real, so we shouldn’t let the hate and bigotry and racism get so out of hand that it hurts real people.
Anyways, this got very long, and idk if any of it is coherent, but in short: we shouldn’t bully people on which characters they like and we shouldn’t let the hate hurt others. What we should do, is criticize fusebox for continuingly villainizing and stereotyping LGBT characters and characters of color, and we should be able to have some fun playing:)
P. S. To people spreading hate and biphobia: check your privilege please. Before posting hateful comments about LGBT characters, ask yourself, why does this reaction come up to me in the first place? Why am I so angry about a wlw route? Who do I see in Gabi? Maybe it’s someone who hurt you before or maybe it’s internalized homophobia speaking? Food for thought. And honesty, if you do have so much hate on your mind, maybe just put your phone down, take a breather, and just.. close out of the post/comment/reply? Your bigoted opinion is not worth the pain it can cause someone.
P. P. S. Also, just wanted to mention as well, there’s definitely a lot of wonderful people on here, who I know would not judge you or anyone for liking Gabi or what have you, and I really hope you stay safe out here because cyberbullying is real, so please, take a step back if hateful posts get too much - always always always put yourself first, lovely!
P. P. P. S. Also also, I haven’t written any Gabi x mc fics and I don’t know if there are any, but you can definitely check out @litgwritersroom - they’re a bunch of wonderful, talented, creative lovelies that are very open and accepting of every player. I’m not sure if their asks are open currently, but they do take fanfic requests!;)
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menlove · 2 years
hi i’ve been on tumblr since 2011 so here’s some of the stupidest discourses i’ve been involved in (and fret not, people are still fucking stupid)
when frozen came out there was a really popular frozen fanfic in which elsa was a modern depressed teenager on reddit. i’m not joking. it was everywhere. i said it wasn’t that good. the author deleted bc of this one piece of mild criticism in a sea of praise and fanart. they were an adult, i was like 13. i got death threats and people telling me they hoped i got cancer.
one time when i was like 15 or 16 i made a post saying "tag the state you think sounds most made up mine is oklahoma" very obviously meaning had cryptid vibes/whatnot. i got at least 5 essays from white people telling me i was being racist towards native americans for mocking their languages. my grandma is navajo and mexican.
one time i called luke skywalker gay and the post broke containment. straight people were livid. mara jade fans wanted my head. i was sexist, homophobic, biphobic, racist, a snowflake, everything else.
another time i called a canonically gay male character gay instead of bi and people lost their fucking minds. i'm bisexual.
another time (and bear with me this gets a lil weird if you weren't in the fandom) i had a headcanon that a demon from good omens was a fallen archangel. it broke containment and became The headcanon. people wanted to see me hung and quartered for this. someone said i was being a capitalist. i was blocked by many people for this headcanon. neil g*iman himself responded to it but someone sent the wrong archangel name and this caused more discourse.
one time i made a post asking if you were an xyz gay but the theme was fanfiction and ppl said i was saying every gay person on earth read fanfiction, mocked me for being a virgin (i was not), and accused my friend of pedophilia bc they responded to them. a 19 year old.
made a shitty uquiz saying "pick some men but it gets progressively worse" and got accused of hating men bc i said abusers were bad actually and made light fun of benedict cumberbatch. also one result was "do you like men? if you do you just have the same vibes as lesbians which is a compliment they're cool" and got called all sorts of things for that one. again, i am bisexual.
there is so much more for every post that has gotten more than 1k notes i can promise you there is the weirdest discourse you have ever seen in your life hiding in the notes
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theoryofarson · 2 years
who wants to hear my idea for a bl - YOU DO!!!
2 young professionals who are roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
character A: a hopeless romantic, they fall in love with every other person they meet (no matter the gender - they're openly bi). they've had dozens of partners, not staying with anyone for long before they're on to the next person. due to this record (and, of course, biphobic stereotypes) they've got a reputation for being promiscuous, a player - when in fact, it's just the opposite. A is always very genuine in their interest for people - they just cant seem to help but fall, and fall, and fall, and they mean it every time. what nobody knows is that A is also asexual...and it seems to be one of the reasons people tend not to stick around. which sucks.
B: they're utterly reserved, and have never shown any romantic interest in anyone. to most, they seem aloof and cool, but only A and a few other close friends know that they're not-so-secretly a total dork. the working assumption among A, their friends, and the rest of the world, is that B just has no interest in romance. but like A, B is the opposite of what people think: they're desperate to be loved. they're also terrified of not being good enough. (what they are NOT is they are definitely NOT jealous of all the people A brings home. and they definitely do NOT have feelings for A. thank you very much.)
here's where the plot comes in.
A decides they've had enough. they want to kill their reputation, as well as the side-eye they get for always coming around to family events with a different person on their arm.
the solution? obviously. OBVIOUSLY. is a fake relationship.
and the perfect candidate? is B.
it's not like B is keeping themselves available for anyone else, right? and they already live together, right? it makes perfect sense. B can come to A's cousin's wedding, can show up in a few facetimes, can keep up the farce for the next 6 months or something - just long enough to keep people off A's back about never having had a long term partner.
what could go wrong?
well...you know. one of their acquaintances could see them together at the wedding....and tell their mutual friends...and even though A and B would tell their friends it was fake, their friends might not even believe them. and the whole thing might start to feel a little more real.
and, well. B might find that they can no longer repress the feelings they have for A, now that they know what it would be like to be loved by them...yet B would be unable to tell A how they feel, certain that it's only a matter of time before A moves on to someone else, because what they have isn't even REAL. (right?)
and MAYBE. maybe A would start to have feelings for B. and have absolutely no idea what to do about that because, as far as they know, there is literally zero chance that B will love them back. (but if that's true, why does B look at them like that when they're just playing pretend?)
cue pining, shenanigans, friend teasing, increasingly transparent rituals, difficult conversations, and the ever-approaching 6 month deadline when all of this will disappear like it never happened, except it won't, because it can't, because they will have felt and said things they can't take back!!!!
A is played by first and B is played by khaotung. btw.
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lachrimae-verae · 2 years
on straight tlt fan interpretations: I've also seen someone say that Corona is 'definitely straight'. Corona with her very obvious crush on Judith. Corona who flirts with Gideon. That Corona.
Lol, I've seen that too, and people saying she flirts with Gideon because that's something straight girls do for fun 🙄 like, not to meme again, but now we don't have time to unpack all of that. I feel the need now to say once again, are the st8s ok? Bc idk, all my straight friends are cool, and definitely don't flirt with queer women for the lolz
So far in my og post and in anons I've been called antisemitic, islamaphobic, biphobic, racist???, and bigoted because I said its gross. Supposedly, I'm all that because "don't you know muslims and jewish people marry their cousins?" which,,, I'm not gonna get into how incredibly fucked up that message was. Talk about projection. The only people I know who have had relationships with their relations have been white americans by the by.
I was called biphobic by a supposed lesbian, which is funny as I am a bi person. Y'all make it too easy sometimes. Aparently I'm biphobic for calling the locked tomb series the "oh my god they were lesbians" fandom. You know, bc some people somehow thing Harrow and/or Gideon aren't exclusively attracted to women. But you know, you can't make a dumb joke on tumblr without someone saying you're a bigot or w/e
You know, I even said in my original post that I'm not saying you can't, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Ship it. Go marry your second cousin. As many of them pointed out, its legal in the United States! Wow!
Just like with many things though, legality doesn't mean freedom from judgement, and I'm judging. Hard.
Sry anon, I let this reply get out of hand. I'm just befuddled by the responses I've received
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castielmacleod · 2 years
i was curious, what do you think of the other characters on the winchesters other than latika? (i know you aren’t actually watching the show)
Hello! Fair question lol
Obviously I do adore Latika, as you’ve noticed… I eventually want to steal her for my personal spn redux which is why I keep such a close eye on her despite not caring about the prequel or its canonicity at all. I love that she’s desi but also she seems like such a sweetheart in general with a lot of potential, and Nida Khurshid is just so wonderfully expressive in the role from what I’ve seen and I am just very peripherally fond lol. I could just make an oc but she’s captured my heart even from afar and I’m not much of a noncanon oc guy anyway so yea. Her <3
I also really like the look of Ada! I’m not nearly as familiar with her as Latika, I’m not sure what her personality is like, but I think it would be very hard to create an occult bookshop owner character who isn’t extremely cool. I’d definitely be willing to learn more about her. I hope she kept that demon bonsai as a decoration or something (sorry to the demon lol).
Carlos I have a lot of respect for, and I have a lot of respect for their actor too. They seem well loved and like a fun character in general (that bit with the sandwich menu exorcism was genuinely funny—not to give the prequel writers much but I’ll give them that one lol). I have seen both latino and bisexual fans comment on some racist and biphobic stereotypes Carlos plays into, though, so I’m staying mindful of that.
As for the rest: John the “loveable” Vietnam volunteer can go die idc, Mary seems fun but I’ll always tend toward Amy Gumenick’s young Mary before anyone else’s, and Millie seems very cool but you’re telling me this middle-aged woman rolls out from under a car covered in grease in her mechanic jumpsuit with 70s rock blaring from the radio and she has her wavy back-length hair perfectly coiffed and evenly divided down over her shoulders. On behalf of my dear butch friends: please just let her buzz it oml
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traumapyre-moved · 1 year
meet the mun
hi, i'm jess. my pronouns are she/her. i'm twenty-eight. i am biromantic/asexual, tends to get overly excited and my double respond. if i am annoying, just tell me to cool it.
i've been roleplaying on and off since 2014 and writing is a great passion of mine.
have a few mental illnesses (bpd, depression, anxiety disorder, ptsd && disordered eating. i also have adhd. please forgive my dumb brain, i can be very forgetful. this includes things pertaining to you, or if i have followed someone before or not, which can lead to accidental refollows. i never intend to try and 'force' anyone to follow back. just dumb..
sometimes i have a hard time telling how someone is feeling or meaning through messages, please be open, otherwise hints will go over my head.
the laws
to start, this blog is mutuals only and selective. i will not, under any circumstances, follow back minors. minors will be soft blocked, as well as anyone i do not intend to follow back.
i avoid drama, like the plague. call outs ( especially petty ones with no evidence.) this also goes for those that are racist, transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, you get the picture. this can include: white washing characters, or straight washing canon gay characters.
next: i love love love to ship. so long as our muses have chemistry ?? i'm down. i am not fond of force shipping ( this is not the same as ur muse flirting, having unrequited attraction, or sending certain memes to test the waters.)
with that being said, although i am more open about shipping, i am less so about smut. given bad past experiences. smut will often only happen under established ships or mong partners i know well.
this blog will and i mean will contain nsfw subject matter. given the nature of this blog, i wil not bother to tag anything blood related. it comes with the territory.
if i have done anything to upset you. please, all that i ask is for you to tell me. i am not a mind reader, and sometimes i make stupid mistakes. while i ever intentionally try to hurt anyone, i am human. if i have hurt or made anyone uncomfy, i want to apologize and fix that.
which brings me to, i apologize all the time. therapist says it's a trauma response, idk. i will apologize about things that may seem silly to you. i will even apologize for apologizing too much. please, do not think me saying, Sorry over something stupid," which means you upset me. i am afraid i upset u.
credits: Please note that all graphics, promos, icons, etc. all belong to me unless specified. other wise.the the only exception is my psd coloring, which belongs to kurocommissions
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charcubed · 3 years
#it’s midnight so I’m legally allowed to write a tag whisper essay right? right.#listen I solemnly swear I will not be making a habit of this. no for real. it’s bad form.#also if you have an axe to grind against me and have somehow found your way to my blog please for the love of GOD this is not about you#as it’s not about anyone in particular. okay? cool thank you. anyway. here is something interesting:#in one fandom my position of arguing that a character is gay has been called biphobic.#in another fandom my position of arguing that a character is bi has been called homophobic.#the most interesting thing about this is well… someone’s wrong and I don’t think it’s me. LMAO. no but seriously—#a lot of the shit that goes down in fandom faces tends to come from the fact that people take things very personally#whereas analysis—true analysis!—should not be (and is not) a personal affair.#and look… people get personally attached to stories. me included. personal attachment to stories is part of being human and it’s my SHIT.#but if you’re in the realm of analysis and interpretation (which you don’t HAVE TO BE) then a level of objectively should be aspired to.#someone having a well-argued stance for authorial intent and canonicity should not be a threat to your transformative variation#nor should your transformative variation be something you feel you HAVE TO say has significant basis in canon#. when it comes to queer topics this all gets harder because erasure IS a factor that can end up in play depending on harmful rhetoric#and because if people are like ‘well I want this character to be xyz even if it makes sense less’ you spiral down into realms of ‘why’#but the point… the POINT… is that this shit is not personal. or at least it shouldn’t be in the ways people turn it into.#probably a solid root of all this is that mainstream media lacks diverse rep enough that like#people feel they can and should mold anything that comes close to something that personally serves THEM because they’re starving#and it really is such a fucked up twisted way of viewing things? and so things that are well-arguable Reasoning are seen as Personal Attacks#because people are already predisposed to take it all personally. once again: nuance flies out the window. and it sucks!#this could and should be open dialogues. that’s what analysis is about and sometimes things are more open to interpretation#and sometimes they’re not! and that should be OKAY. because it’s not personal! this should be recognizable and when it’s not then unpacked.#but for many it will always be Personal by default and so nuance is impossible and a dialogue cannot be opened and Everything Is An Attack#anyway the point… the POINT… is that any attempt at discussion with this often feels doomed to fail. I am trying to make peace with that.#the frustration comes from the fact that I always want to start a discussion but the RARE times I tried people took as declaration of war.#so instead: a tag essay! so it goes! I exorcise these thoughts so that I may sleep. in the safest yet public method possible.#Not All Intepretations Are Created Equal and Someone Else’s Well-Argued Analysis Should Not Make You Feel Invalidated In A Personal Way.#also if there are typos it’s because I cannot proofread tags :-) yeeee
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