#you are allowed to be angry
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brw · 8 months ago
When people talk about my favourite minor character: omg Hiiiii do you like Blorbo Dongus too? That's soo cool! I love talking about them! Doesn't matter that your interpretation is different than mine, isn't it so cool that such a minor character can still have such varied interpretations?
When people talk about my favourite popular character: Everyone But Me Is Wrong, This Place Is A Freakshow And I Respect None Of You, Next Person To Misinterpret The Source Material Gets Executed On Sight, You'll All So Fucking Stupid–
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hajihiko · 6 months ago
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cobaltfluff · 7 months ago
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I dont care that it happened you to kanji. it should have happened to ME.
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bucksaiga · 2 months ago
When I feel extremely overstimulated, I take a soft blanket into a dark quiet room and I nap on the floor. So I was thinking about Autistic Tommy who never lets himself unmask, even at home and Buck finding a way to get him to unmask and not be so grumpy.
Tommy plops down on the couch and grips the remote by Buck’s side, turning down the TV without a warning.
Buck turns to Tommy, wondering why the TV is on bedtime volume (3) at 4PM.
“Hey wh—why’d you do that? I can’t hear the video.”
“Just put the captions on.” Tommy snaps, nose wrinkled at the TV.
“J—“ Buck relents with a sigh. “Okay.”
“I’m sorry, Evan. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I-I couldn’t even finish the dishes. I know it’s my night but…the sound of the water was irritating me and the soap felt like it was drying my hands up, and the feeling of wet food pieces.” Tommy scoffed. “I hate that.”
“It’s okay, babe.” Buck reassures. “You tired?”
“A bit, yeah. I’m just so irritated. I don’t know what’s going on with me. The sound of everything is pissing me off.” Tommy frowns.
“A nervequake.”
“You’re experiencing a nervequake. It’s like an earthquake in your brain. Everything feels more overstimulating than usual, and I know exactly what to do.” Buck jumps up and starts running around the house.
Tommy watches in slight annoyance as Buck zooms through the house, making noise with his every movement.
He turns off the lights and the TV, sets a blanket on the floor, along with a small box, then returns with a drawstring bag.
Buck opens the bag and hands Tommy a pair of noise canceling headphones. “Put these on.”
“I don’t need them. I’ll be okay, Evan. I just need a break.” Tommy resists.
“You need some calming time. Otherwise you’ll be grumpy for the rest of the day.”
“I’m not grumpy.”
“You snapped at me about the TV 5 minutes ago.” Buck reminds him. “I-I got you cake.” Buck smiles.
“Yeah?” Tommy smiles back. “Can I have it?”
“You can have it on the blanket.”
Tommy groans. “Can’t I just eat it here?”
“Nope. C’mon.” Buck nudged. “I brought your favorite blanket out.”
“I don’t have a favorite blanket.” Tommy replies flatly.
“Yeah you do.” Buck argues. “Any time we’re in bed with that blanket, you hog it and snuggle up with it. It’s really cute.”
Tommy lets out an elongated sigh. “If it’s my favorite blanket…then why’d you put it on the floor?”
“You’re being difficult.” Buck pouts. “Just come have some quiet blankie time.”
“Blankie time?” Tommy narrows his eyes. “I’m not a child. I don’t need blankie time.”
“C’mon Tommy. You hardly ever let yourself unmask a-and just…let go. You just close up and you get grumpy when you’re overstimulated. O-or you go to bed upset without even saying goodnight. It’s hard enough that you have to mask at work or whenever we go out. This is supposed to be our safe space.”
“What do you want me to do, Evan? When I feel like this I just feel like punching something or crying or both. That’s why I go practice some Muay Thai or I sleep until the feeling goes away. I hate taking it out on you.”
“But there are other ways, too. Ways we can do it together if you want. We can have soft time. On the blankie.”
“Stop calling it a blankie.” Tommy frowns. “It’s silly.”
“So what if it’s silly? It’s okay to be silly. And soft. And a little childish too. If it makes you feel good. We’re home. It’s just us.”
Tommy smiles again, finally. “Okay. We can have soft time on the blanket.”
“Blanket.” Tommy insists. He stands and follows buck to the blanket and they eat their cake in silence.
Tommy puts the headphones on and lays down after finishing his cake.
He pulls Buck on top of him and runs his fingers through his hair.
“I like the way your hair feels. It’s so soft. It makes my fingers tingle.”
“I like the way it feels when you run your fingers through my hair.” Buck mumbles, being slowly lulled to sleep by Tommy’s touch.
Tommy is over the moon. The house is quiet and calm, his stomach is full, he has his beloved Evan’s soft hair in his hand and his warm body pressed against him.
“A-am I crushing you?” Buck worriedly asks.
“Yes.” Tommy replies. “Don’t move.”
“You like the feeling of me crushing you?” Buck huffs out a laugh.
“Mhm.” Tommy hums. “You’re my blankie.”
They both break out into a fit of laughter, eventually falling into an amicable silence.
His hand eventually fell from Buck’s hair and he began to softly snore.
Buck would have gotten up but Tommy had a fistful of the side of Buck’s hoodie.
Buck rolls the other half of the blanket over them and nuzzles into Tommy’s neck, eventually falling asleep in their soft, safe space.
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m45t3rc0mput3r · 1 month ago
I've seen multiple people frustrated with Doey as "bad DID rep," citing the "evil alter" trope. I, as someone with DID as well, respectfully, disagree, and I would like to explain why. Explanation and spoilers for Chapter 4 below.
My main argument is that Kevin, the "aggressive" alter, is not evil. He is hardly even painted in a bad light.
Kevin is a scared, traumatized, tortured child, and he acts like one. Can anyone blame him for reacting with violence after being turned into a toy monster? After being experimented on? After being abused and parentified? After his home and loved ones were destroyed in an instant, just when things were looking up? I would be more baffled if someone DIDN'T react aggressively to such horrible situations.
Like the other components of Doey, Kevin seems to want to keep the younger children safe. This sometimes involves aggression, which is also a completely natural response to everything he's been through. At no point does he really do anything "evil." Doey is an antagonist, not a villain.
In my opinion, Kevin seems like a rather fair example of a protector role in a system. The job of a protector is to, as the name suggests, protect those in the system and possibly others that system must care for. This can include through PHYSICALLY protecting the system and others. Some pieces of media bastardize protectors particularly by turning them into evil monsters, but Kevin ONLY reacts aggressively when it is completely just to do so.
If you walk away from Chapter 4 thinking he was an evil alter that deliberately ruined everything and not a scared, traumatized, abused child reacting to horrible circumstances, that is missing the point and is reactionary. Not all protectors are perfect. Not all systems are perfect. Especially not ones in this situation. It is not "bad rep" to have an imperfect system rather than one that is perfectly held-together and acts perfectly at all times, never doing something possibly morally disagreeable.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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greencarnation · 1 year ago
eleven is fascinating to me because he came right off the back of tens horrible traumatic breakdown after he lost everything and he immediately tried to establish himself as the opposite of that. he is funny and goofy and almost childlike, and he bulldozes on in his adventures with amy like nothing happened at all. but then something happens and his masks slips and it's like oh! the core of this man is still anger. he is so so angry all of the time and this façade is the only thing stopping him from being consumed by it. he isn't over any of it and he hasn't moved on. he is wearing a fez and laughing but under that all that exists is age old anger and grief and it is going to consume him
#i do think that this pit of anger was eventually covered and soothed by the ponds#but he didn't adress it and he couldn't even look at it until he was twelve#when he stopped pushing back and repressing everything and finally allowed himself to exist as he was#but ok listen#its all layed out in the first 3 episodes of season 5 and in the way amy sees him#episode 1. here is the new doctor he is energetic and reeling and fun#episode 2. the space whale comparison. here is the new doctor. he is unthinkably ancient and almost godlike but he is so so kind#and patient and good. he is ancient and lonely but he can't stand to see children cry. so the doctor helps people#episode 3. daleks. the doctor is a soldier. these are his age old enemies. he wants them dead and he will stop at nothing#all logic and reason vanish. he is hitting the dalek with a pipe and yelling his head off while amy watches in horror#like obviously we know why but amy didnt#this is not a sane or rational man he is unstable and angry#and in that episode he was stripped back to what he largely is: hate#you would make a good dalek ect ect ect#anyway 3 episodes with 3 very distinct and equally definitely traits layed out like: here you go#i don't like elevens era much but those first 3 episodes were great#doctor who#eleven#amy#eleventh doctor#matt smith#dr who#dw#i mean idk this is what river literally had to spell out for him#eleven was careening completely out of control#how long til doctor means warrior indeed?#mine
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konohamaru-sensei · 7 months ago
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ah. it hurts
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sugashook · 1 year ago
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reposting ANGRILY.
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notmoreflippingelves · 4 months ago
A Timeline of Dick Grayson's Unrelenting Trauma Era (circa 2004-2006 in comics)
So as I was coincidentally reading the Outsiders (2003) and Teen Titans (2003) runs, I became gradually aware that some of the events were overlapping timeline with the Batfamily "War Games" arc. As I had previously become aware that "War Games" overlapped both the Blockbuster + Tarantula arc (Nightwing) AND Under the Red Hood, I became shocking aware of how many new traumas were rapidly piling onto Dick Grayson in very quick succession across multiple ongoing series.
So I did a lot of reading of both specific comics that I had read--and summaries of a few that I hadn't-- to do my best to make a definitive timeline of this absurdly stressful period in Dick Grayson's life. (Most of which seems to have occurred with around 6 months or less).
(I am no expert so feel free to add/clarify anything that I may have overlooked or misinterpreted).
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shaottzang · 10 months ago
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bioswear · 2 years ago
I think more people should make peace with their dark sides, and I don’t mean that in an edgy way, I mean that in a “letting purity culture infect you to the point where you get frightened by even your own darker thoughts and impulses is NOT the healthy own you think it is” kind of way and
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beartes22 · 3 months ago
Season 2 Jayce with season 1 Viktor this, beard Jayce with young Viktor that….fools, all of you. I raise you, season 2 arc 2 Viktor and season 1 Jayce.
#like…not putting Viktor in his whole machine herald get up not because this would not work on season 1 Jayce. it would. we all know it would#I just have a terrible weakness for Jesus viktor with his grape blu hextech body and the blanket as a tunic#what a look I mean#but yeah. young enthusiastic dreamer Jayce that just wants to bring magic back into the world Mets very much magical and balayage hair Vik?#Viktor is eating him for breakfast. he is having a tea (science) party in the cosmos everyday with this young fascinated Jayce#he is explaining the wonders of the universe non stop until Jayce has a nerd meltdown and just catapult himself into Viktor’s arms#Jayce being like a yappy chihuahua to whoever doesn’t notice Viktor is the best thing ever#(he is inoffensive but very annoying and loud about it)#and getting very angry about it ‘he killed people jayce!’ ‘he did not! he just make himself their life support! because he is so supportive!#Viktor is just like spiraling at top speed but without actually moving bc season 1 Jayce has so many questions and he has to answer them all#so logically the world has to wait for Viktor to fix it bc first he has to explain to Jayce how it works#season 1 Jayce accidentally saving the world bc of the joy of discovery! viktor slowly being like wait…I ain’t dying anymore no need to rush#and being like let’s learn everything about a butterfly and then try and recreate it with magic or sth#and then they try some other things and Viktor realizing slowly (by the time they have a hextech zoo or sth) that his way#does not truly bring life or evolves for life but stagnates it. the beings cannot adapt cannot grow cannot change and thus are not alive#and Jayce being all ‘oh no what about you?’ and ‘I will love you forever’ and ?you are so intelligent pls devour me carnally’ idk#the way the stumble into the joy of a fix it bc they are too busy nerding out - also Viktor realizing Jayce still has human needs and all#and realizing those allowances are not weakness - this is a reach he would never do that but oh well this is also fanfic.#ANYWAY. season 2 Viktor season 1 Jayce! hear me out!!#jayvik#arcane#jayce talis#viktor arcane
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humandisorderincarnatedean · 6 months ago
SCREAM just saw someone say that castiel deciding to protect Kelly and her future angel baby in s12 was their favourite turn in his story, because it was 'the first time he made a choice out of himself, without being blinded by heaven or by the winchesters' morals' SCREAM
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lethal-effect · 5 months ago
Not sure where all this “K didn’t have consent or ask Evan for permission to fix his arm” talk is coming from but that actually isn’t what happened. Evan was confused obviously, because I don’t think anyone expected THAT. But K very explicitly asked for permission to fix some of his previously healed injuries and Evan agreed to it. Like I get where the anger and the sentiment is coming from but that’s just not what happened.
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gailynovelry · 1 year ago
Thinking a little bit about that one "I'm an English major and a professional as opposed to you amateurs" anon. Gonna roast 'em a little bit, but with the intention of addressing a thing we've had in mind for a while.
Real talk, coming from someone who WAS an English major; majoring in English is not necessarily a guarantee that someone is a good writer. For one, you can be bad at your major, full stop. For another, it's not even a guarantee that someone identifies as a writer to begin with. English as a major is pretty broad, and it covers reading too, among other things. There's library science, analytical academia, historical preservation & interpretation (MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS HELL YES), editing, nonfiction trades (often crosses over with STEM majors), marketing (crosses over with business majors), and also book design and typography (<3 <3 <3 our favorite, crosses over with art majors).
Someone can major in English and take a specific minor with the goal of falling into a trade that is not writing literary fiction. In fact, we would argue that most people who get something useful out of their major are the ones that do that.
It's also worth noting that it's possible to be an English major focused on "lowbrow" fiction. There are people who major in English and use the experience towards the end of writing erotica. There are people who major in English with the intent to write genre fiction. There are people who major in English to study the history and social context of fanfiction.
These things are, in fact, worthy fields of study! The realm of the "amateur" is the realm where a lot of cultural conversations and innovations happen!
Expecting English as a major to be a tract specifically for producing acclaimed literary fictionists is not realistic, not how the discipline typically works, and it's certainly not a thing you can use to hold over other writers' heads. It is perfectly possible for people to write good things (professional-grade things even) without ever touching a college course.
I sat through so much bad writing in college. Technically bad, thematically bad, gramatically bad. And I routinely bump into non-graduate authors who write texts, formal and informal alike, that blow my own writing clean out of the water with their quality.
In short, dismissing other people in your general field as "amateurs" who are beneath you is an incredibly unprofessional thing to do.
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