#you ' re welcome to unfollow
kaiasky · 6 months
I really truly hate to ask but in your bio when it says map enjoyer the map part is not an acronym. is it??? or u mean the paper maps
ah. a normal map!
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source. i think this is very pretty. this is a normal map. The idea is like. Suppose we want to have a 3d model of an old desk like this:
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If we just throw that picture on a texture and hit render, we get something like this:
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Which doesn't look particularly realistic! Notice how the light is staying in one place and all the highlights on the places where the pencil has dug into the wood don't move to catch the light. Our eyes automatically pick up a lot of detail about the texture of surfaces, and this doesn't look real.
in particular, the angle of the surface determines how much light is reflected at the camera. So we need a way to store the angle of every point on our surface! But it turns out we can use a neat coincidence; we see 3 primary colors and live in 3-dimensional space! To store the orientation of a surface, you can use the normal vector--the arrow perpendicular to the surface. (I like to imagine the object being covered in little tiny spikes sticking straight out at a right angle. We need a way to store those spikes.) Since we have 3 colors and 3 dimensions, we can encode the angle of the normal vector spikes as a color, where the red channel means the left-right angle, the green channel means the up-down angle, and the blue channel means the vertical angle sticking out at the viewer. So to go back to the old image:
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The cyan bits to the left (some green, some blue, no red) are spikes pointing to the left. The red/pink bits to the right are spikes pointing to the right. The neutral blue-grey color in the middle is a spike sticking straight up.
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There's lots of ways to make a normal map. You can paint them yourself, you can model a really complicated geometry and then calculate a normal map to apply to a much simpler geometry, or you can create it as the "derivative" of a heightmap (a greyscale image where white is high bumps and black is dips). There's even cool neural network things that try to infer the height/normal map from a picture or video!
Here's that normal map I stole applied to a totally flat grey square, with the light moving. Look how convincing the illusion of depth is!
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Here's two grey cubes smashing into one another except one has a normal map applied.
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So I think this is a really cool technique! But I also think that normal maps, the images themselves, are stunningly beautiful. That's why the background of my avatar is a normal map!
Shoutout to gif.ski for making those gifs. I'm not really sure why its quality is 10x what i get from imagemagick or ffmpeg but it sure as hell is.
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itrenchcoati · 2 years
unpopular opinion :
g / t should use origami more often
tinies using paper boats and twigs to maneuver outside on rainy days
giants making a house of little boxes for the little guy they saw
you know those water cup cone things ? put a tiny in there
tinies making paper hats for the giant ( s ) around
a giant and tiny having an indirect conversation or two with fortune tellers
giant coming home to a tiny making origami with instructions on their huge computer
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Inuendos and timelines? call it a wake up call Yesterday Cait followed Orlando Bloom again, after unfollowing him as soon as The Cut's wrap party took place. Today Sam reminds us that he was VERY distant from C between July and August 2021. I think C's absence from social media is about to come to an end. Promo season is upon us. Embrace yourselves.
Dear Wake Up Call Anon,
I posted that innuendoes and timelines thing also to see which brainless moron will take the bite.
Congratulations are in order - it's still you, as always. With the subtlety of a pick-hammer and really entertaining spelling and grammar.
I don't give a flying fuck about who C follows, unfollows and re-follows. And isn't that wonderful Social Zero a media manager ('additional personnel', anyone?), as far as we all know? Since he needed something (anything) to conceal the fact that their horribly dismissive cobbled narrative portrays him, in all logic, as sponging off C?
Couldn't that glorious, multi-millionaire media manager (nobody heard of) find one minute to say thank you, on that Instagram account? Really?
Nah. That is about something else and you know it as well as I do. And throwing confusion about timelines again is not working, not with this 2020/2021 post.
I also do not care about what you think. Promo season is not upon us by any stretch of the imagination and the Onlies' impatience is what prompts the hysteria on X, chez Terry Dresbach, for example.
Also, thank you for the laughs at 2 AM. It's not 'embrace yourselves', you cretin:
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Yeah: it's brace yourselves.
You realize that your stupidity severely compromises the credibility of anything you might write in that box, don't you?
Now fuck off and get some proper English lessons. You'll easily find something on the Internet, maybe even for free.
PS: Don't flatter yourself. You haven't hit a nerve. You're just an incredibly obnoxious imbecile, not welcome here. Go back to your people and wail collectively while you wait for The Goddess to throw you a bone, which she won't.
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transmascpetewentz · 6 months
Welcome to my blog! 🤍💙🤍
Hello everyone, I'm sure you already know me, but for the new people: I'm Lou, I'm a bigender (in a jewish sense) fem gay trans man, I'm white/slavic, and I'm converting to Judaism. There isn't really a theme to my blog, I just find sideblogs too hard to keep track of so I keep everything in one spot. Politics, my personal life, and fandom will be posted here all as one stream of consciousness.
Here's my old pinned post if you ever need it, though the information on there may be outdated and probably doesn't reflect my current views if I've said something contradictory more recently. You can find my tagging/filtering system, general content warnings, and more about me under the cut.
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To all the lurkers on my page, kiss the meowzuzah on your way in!
(all credit goes to @the-catboy-minyan)
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Longer About Me
I'm converting to Judaism. Currently, I'm working on observing Shabbat and beginning more serious Torah study. We'll see where this goes; I would say that the journey > the destination, if the destination wasn't so good. You'll see me shitposting about this a lot, because it's something that's important to me and my brain likes to make up jokes about everything I think about for a prolonged period of time.
I'm also learning Hebrew. Currently, it isn't very good, but I can hold a basic conversation using some Google translate for individual words. I had to re-learn nikud because of reading the Siddur and Tanakh. I'm not very commentary-literate, though I've attempted to get into reading some for the Torah. Also, I keep mostly kosher!
Tag Filtering
So, I'm not very good at tagging, but one that I use pretty frequently is #ask to tag and it's a catch-all for anything that you might want to proceed with caution in. I also use #long post and #arguing a lot, for long posts and arguing respectively. Other than that, I'll tag most things about a certain bigotry with #[bigotry], including examples of that bigotry. If you're affected by said bigotry, you can and should filter the tag for your mental health!
I recommend that you filter out certain words entirely instead of just tags if you are triggered by a subject, since I oftentimes forget to tag posts with adequate warning tags. I don't like to tag things a lot, so if you are triggered by things I post about a lot and word filtering doesn't work for you, feel free to unfollow.
Although this is not an ED blog, I have an eating disorder and I post about it under the tag #ed talk. If you are uncomfortable with hearing that kind of discussion, block the tag and don't engage with the posts. If you are the kind of person who thinks people with eating disorders should have to censor themselves online for the comfort of others, do yourself a favor and don't follow me at all.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a Zionist?
It depends on how we're defining Zionism. If we're defining Zionism as "support of the modern state of Israel," I am a post-Zionist because the state exists. If we're defining Zionism as "the right of Jews as a native people to live and have self-determination in their native land," (which is also my personal definition), I am a proud Zionist. If Zionism means "support for the murder of innocent Palestinian people," then I am anti-Zionist, but that is a definition that divorces Zionism from its historical context.
Can you reblog my donation post?
Probably not, unless we already know each other. Due to the amount of donation scams that have popped up on tumblr recently, I don't feel safe giving money to random people that ask.
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Well, well, well (Mapi Leon x Reader Part 1)
Ok so this is my first post. My plan is for this to be a little series. Hope you enjoy, though please stick with me as I get used to writing x 3.4k words x Hoping to generate some requests as well if anyone has any suggestions....
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Y/N Y/L/N….. the name everyone knew but no one spoke about. It was like an unspoken rule in the Barcelona and Spain camp, there were plenty of topics they were all very open about but she would not be one of them. The few times her name had been mentioned it was very clear that they didn’t want to talk about her, that she wasn’t one of them – not any more.
May 2019
Just a week before the team were set to fly to Paris for the world cup, the Spanish national team were gathered in the meeting room by Vilda for an announcement. However one person was missing, confusion spreading around the camp as you’d failed to report for international duty.
At only 20 years old you was the up and coming star left back, a record number of assists for a full back in the league that season with Barcelona. Newspapers had pinned you as this ‘classy’, ‘stylish’ defender that would be the player of the tournament. Spain had their hopes pinned on you to set the team alight that summer, give them that spark they’d been missing and provide some service for the forwards as well as helping the defensive line.
“Where’s Y/N?” Alexia whispered over to Mapi, the three of you were very close at Barca but they hadn’t been able to contact you when they noticed your absence last night and the two were starting to get worried. You was definitely the quietest out of the three, happy to observe from afar but those close to you got to see the funny, sarcastic side to you.
“I haven’t heard from her, she’s not answering my calls.” Though Alexia was close to the two of you, you and Mapi were inseparable, playing next to each other in the team you completed every drill together, always sat next to each other in the changing room and shared a room for away games.
“Hola everyone.” Jorge Vilda and the staff came out in front of the team and a select few journalists. “I wanted to announce to you all that Y/N Y/L/N will not be joining up with the national team and will not be taking part in the world cup.”
If you’d have looked around at that point everyone had their mouths open, wondering what had happened since they’d last seen you only a week ago seemingly fine after the final league game.
“The details will be staying confidential, but I wanted to tell you all this because of the obvious inconvenience this has caused to us all by her decision to no longer play. For now we have to focus on us and not let negativity cloud our minds before this tournament, we all actually want to be here and we can’t have people in the camp who don’t want that anymore.”
And that is where the tides turned.
August 2022
After that day the calls stopped and for over three years now you’ve not heard from the two people you considered your best friends and you knew it was all your fault. They had every reason to hate you because you’d kept the truth from everyone and it was only now that you felt you could come out of hiding. It was clear that whatever they’d been told they obviously didn’t want to be my friend anymore, unfollowing me on all social media and blocking my number.
You’d never be able to thank Barcelona enough for giving you another chance, during the last season you’d been able to secretly use their facilities to maintain your fitness. You’d proven to yourself that individually you still had that strength and aggression from before and thankfully they’d seen the potential to get you back to where you’d been as part of the team.
For weeks, months even, this has been the day you’ve been dreading. The day you would be re-introduced to the team.
“Hola Y/N.” Jonatan said as he met me at the back door of the training facility before the rest of the team arrived, “Welcome back.”
“Thank you.” You could barely even get those two words out as you were so nervous, your hands becoming more and more clammy as you sat down in his office.
“So the plan is to introduce you to them and then you can join them for the training session, get to speak to them again.”
“I don’t think they’ll want that, but we’ll see.” You admitted.
“You’ve just got to give them time.” When you left you had to be clear to both your managers what was going on, asking for them to keep things confidential and give the team your sincerest apologies. Jonatan was let in on the information on your return and he too was understanding of the situation and respected your decision. “Let’s get you some kit and get out there again.”
Pulling on the kit was a very surreal moment, the shorts and tank top needed in the Spanish heat. Slicking back your beach blonde hair into a bun on the top of my head, you took the time to give yourself a little pep talk in the mirror. “Come on, you can do this. Just tell them…” No you couldn’t, what if they react in the same way, you’d lose your last remaining hope.
“Ready?” One of the physios asked, giving you a reassuring smile.
“As I’ll ever be.” Listening from behind the door as they all walked out.
“Ladies!” Jonatan announced to the group as they met on the grass, welcoming each other back onto the pitch for preparation for the new season. “We’ve already welcomed some new arrivals and I’m sure there will be more to come but we have a player who arrived this morning ready for the training session. We strive for the best and I hope you can see why we’ve made this decision.”
“You’ve got us excited now coach.”
“I hope so, please welcome back Y/N.”
You knew the reaction you’d get but nothing could prepare you for that initial moment, walking outside and being met with a row of shocked faces, but behind that you could see the anger in their eyes, the frowns beginning to form on their faces. Even though she was injured, Alexia was with the squad along with the other injured players and you could see the looks her and Mapi were sharing.
“What’s she doing here?” Ouch, way to kick a girl when she’s down Patri.
“Y/N has shown to us her abilities and we believe she would be a great addition to the squad. This is not up for debate, please welcome her back to the squad and then we can complete the fitness tests.”
The handshakes were forced, the smiles not even appearing on their faces. Of the new arrivals, only Lucy had arrived yet and she along with the other girls you’d never met could obviously feel the tension and kept well away. It was clear that no-one was happy to see you here, most of these girls had either played with you here or with Spain and they obviously had their opinions on you leaving. Even though you should have expected it, the complete lack of a welcome from both Mapi and Alexia hurt the most, neither of them coming over to you or even meeting you eye. But in your eyes you deserved it.
It didn’t get any better during the session, consistently the last one to be chosen and therefore had to work with a member of staff. If you ran alongside someone they would immediately make a gap between us, there was consistently a five metre gap between you and anyone else. You could feel the glares coming from every angle, the little remarks about how you ‘didn’t deserve to be here’, how you ‘looked way more tired’. You was expecting it to be bad but not this bad.
You were thankful that you didn’t have a spot in the changing room yet and could get changed alone but you mustn’t have delayed your exit long enough as waiting by the door were your two ex-best friends.
“Well, well, well….” Mapi gave you the once over, glaring as she met your eye for the first time. “I knew we were struggling at left back but he must be out of his mind.”
“It’s good to see you both.” You ignored the comments. If there was one time you wanted to break the silence over the past three years it was when you learnt of the ACL injury, knowing how devastated she would have been but also knowing, you would have just been making the situation a whole lot worse. “Lex I’m really sorry about the ACL, it must have been….”
“Hell, it was hell. And it’s Alexia to you.” She snapped. “Not like you care anyway.”
“I do…”
“We would have won in 2019 with you, you was the best and you knew it. We needed you but you had to be selfish. I guess we never knew you at all.”
“Save it.” Mapi said. “Just stay away from us, best friends don’t abandon each other.”
As if you didn’t feel guilty enough already.
The rest of the first week didn’t get any better, though you moved into the main changing room that didn’t mean anyone would talk to you. Occasionally a few of the girls you didn’t know particularly well would give you sympathetic smile but you knew as well as they did that they didn’t want to jeopardise their friendships in the team by talking to you.
“Guys I have organised the team bonding for tonight, first one of the season.” A woman that you’d never seen before announced as she walked into the changing room as you got ready to leave. “7 o’clock at the restaurant I’ve sent to you all, don’t be late. Oh and you all need to be there.”
“I can’t make tonight.” You interrupted.
“Cancel your plans, this is a non-negotiable, one Friday every month we all have to get together.”
Realising there’s not much you could do to get out of this one by the stern face she was pulling, you quickly got sorted and then rushed to get sorted for tonight. You vaguely knew of the restaurant they’d chosen and could only hope that this could help in the peacekeeping act, we all had to be in the same place and they surely couldn’t ignore you all night no matter how stubborn you knew they were.
With sorting everything out you arrived a few minutes late but you knew this would just further annoy them all even though there was nothing you could do about it, they always were anxious about time keeping.
“I’m really sorry I’m late.” You said walking in and having all eyes turn to you though there were only murmurs of a greeting. With being late there were only a few seats available and you didn’t quite fancy taking the wrath of your former friends tonight so you took the safe option on the end next to Lucy Bronze and opposite Frido. “Hola.”
“Hola, you look nice.” What Frido wasn’t much but that could probably be classed as the nicest thing a player had said to you since you returned and it almost brought you to tears.
“Thank you, so do you.”
“I hope you like tapas.”
“I think I have to being Spanish.”
“This might be a weird question but is the blonde hair natural? Or are you just another Mapi?” Lucy asked.
“Ha, no it’s real. Even though I’d consider myself like fully Spanish, I got the blonde hair from my mother, she was English. I always liked to think that Mapi just wanted to look like me, though I don’t think that’s possible with my lack of tattoos.”
“You could have played for England?”
“Could have but I’ve lived here all my life, I’m proud to be Spanish.”
The meal was actually much more pleasant than you thought it would be, you could see everyone further down the table still had that family atmosphere, you just had to be patient and hope you could get back there one day. At your end of the table both Frido and Lucy were making small talk and though the conversation didn’t exactly flow due to the obvious questions they had it wouldn’t be considered awkward either.
Later on in the bathroom you was just washing your hands when the other cubicle opened and Claudia Pina walked out, she joined Barcelona the year before you left and you kind of took her under your wing, she was like a little sister to you.
“How are you?” You whispered, almost frightened that she would also shout at you. “You’re showing everyone how much of a superstar you really are.”
“You’ve been watching?”
“Of course I have, I might have temporarily stopped playing but you were all my family and I was definitely your biggest cheerleader, just from afar.”
“I probably shouldn’t tell you this but when you left they were all heartbroken, especially Mapi and Alexia. They used to get super mad in training, they were sad about you leaving but the only way they could express that was just by sort of hating you.”
“I know.” You admitted. “I deserve it though.”
“Why don’t you just tell us what happened, I’m sure they’d forgive you and we can all just go back to how we were?” She almost pleaded. “I missed you.”
“Oh I missed you too.” You said, pulling her into a hug. “Everything is just so complicated right now but I’m working on it. I promise.”
“They’d never admit this either but everyone was impressed by your fitness, you’re still the same player we all know. I can see in your eyes you’re doubting yourself you’ll prove to everyone out there how much you deserve to be on the team.”
“Thank you. You better go out before me, I’ll wait a few minutes before walking out.”
“It’s not that I’m ashamed to be seen with you.”
“I know,” You knew they were all just scared of the other’s reactions and being the first. “I’ll message you if that’s alright?”
“I’d like that.”
Getting a taxi home in the middle of summer in a busy part of Barcelona is not exactly ideal, overbearing men are much more likely to be seen than a girl stood on the roadside trying her best not to get noticed. You were almost about to give up and just walk it even though it was completely pitch black when a car pulled up in front of you.
“Get in.” The one person you wasn’t expecting to be revealed when the window came down was Mapi.
“You sure?”
“I wouldn’t have offered otherwise. You’ve got 10 seconds.”
“Ok, ok. You always were impatient.” This was the first time you got to see her up close tonight, from the jeans to the tight low cut crop top and you could see her doing the same as you did your seatbelt up.
“You still living in the same place?”
“No, I’ll put my address in.” She started the car again and began following the instructions as you sat back. “You know I wouldn’t have been surprised if you’d have just left me there.”
“I’m not the type of person to abandon anyone, unlike some.”
“Not whilst I’m driving.” Luckily your small house was only a short ten minute drive from the restaurant on the edge of the city and you could see Mapi giving it a once over as the gates opened, lights still on inside like you knew they would be.
“You always hated my apartment, said I had to move out.”
“Surprised you listened to me.” She chuckled though more out of annoyance than actual laughter. “You never did like taking orders.”
“Yeah well someone else pushed me. Plus it’s not like I had any friends who wanted to know my location.”
“And who’s fault is that?” She turned to you. “You was the one who dumped us all on a week’s notice, you didn’t answer any of our calls and then you don’t even give us an apology. Nothing, we went from spending every day together to you forgetting we existed.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The only person you told was Jorge and he just told us the truth, how you didn’t want to be with us anymore, how you couldn’t give it your all.”
Now it was all fitting together. “I never liked that guy.”
“Mapi you knew how excited I was about the World cup, you was the first person I told and we went and drove to the beach sitting ice cream until it was pitch black. You knew my heart was there.”
“But that’s why I didn’t understand and suddenly I had all this anger about why you made this decision without me, why you suddenly decided you’d had enough and wanted nothing to do with me anymore.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Then tell me what it was like.” She raised her voice, almost banging her hands on the steering wheel. “Because right now it seems like you ruined our chances and now suddenly you’re back three years down the line and you want us to forget about it.”
“Firstly let’s make one thing clear, yes I did withdraw from the squad but I told Jorge to tell you all how genuinely and truly sorry I was, how if there was anything I could do to change the situation then I would. But there was nothing I could do. I told him to tell you that the ball was in your court, if you wanted to message me then I’d always be ready but if you didn’t then I understood how much I’d let you all down and I’d stay away. Especially you and Alexia.” You exclaimed, finally getting the truth out there. “Look me in the eye right now and tell me that you believe I would ever just abandon you for no reason, that I’d give up on my dream just because I somehow didn’t want to play. I was so lost without you why would I ever give that up if I didn’t need to”
“You’re not making any sense. Just tell me everything.”
“I can’t risk losing you forever.” You said, tears rolling down your face.
“I hate seeing you cry.” She whispered, her hands gently coming up to wipe your cheeks before moving down your arm to link her hand with yours.
Nothing had changed, the way her hand fit perfect in your own as her soft fingertips rubbed the back of your hand. Her tattoo covered hands a stark contrast to your plain hands. Her other hand resting on the seat next to you though you could still feel the electricity as they just grazed your thigh.
“I thought you hated me.” You weakly said, meeting her eye once you’d calmed down.
“I could never hate you, not now I’ve seen you like this. I hated the fact that you ran away, the fact that you couldn’t come and just talk to me. Whatever happened we could have got through it together.”
“I had to do this by myself, I should go it’s getting late. Thank you for the lift.”
“I couldn’t leave you like that.”
Just when you thought you’d made it, when you thought you’d got through the whole evening and it had gone as well as you could possibly think it would do. You saw the door open and one big figure and one little figure in their arms come into the light, both with seemingly very distressed looks on their faces as you caught their eye.
“Shit.” You whispered, opening the door and almost sprinting over taking the small crying figure in your arms, immediately forgetting about everyone around you as your sole focus was on the toddler in your arms. “Shh baby.”
“Mama! Mama!”
“I know I’m here now I promise.”
Shit again.
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months
Fandom Friday, 07/05: Fanart
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Hello again, everyone...and welcome to another Fandom Friday: Fanart Edition.
Let me first begin by thanking everyone who stuck by me last week during my grieving period, specifically for Jecki and Yord from 'The Acolyte', and wasn't too embarrassed enough to unfollow me. You've been more than patient as well as good to me, so I hope not to let such positive things in my life go to waste.
Second, now that I'm in a better headspace, and certainly don't mean to make this a negative habit any time soon...here are the fandom recs for the week. Let's get started!
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The Acolyte Fanart--By @wendydoodles
The High Republic Fanart--By @orionis13
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @firelance2361
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @carhorno
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @dib-dab-art-attack
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @locitapurplepink
Star Wars Rebels Fanart--By @swordbladeknight7
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @aka-lorterian
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…this post will be continued in its second half: the Fanfiction Edition.
Thank you, good morning, and I'll see you in the next post!
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The No Pressure Tag List: @musicalselaw @gun-roswell @callsign-denmark @melymigo @saphiranishimurashan
@theosb0rnway @hastalavistabyebye @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @vincili @tlmtwelve
@bbtechsimp @thatflatfrog @algo-o-nada @ankossss @tazmbc1
@yeehawgeek @tech-aficionado @exquisitesarcasm @korribanarchive @msknight10
@sharpasanaro @that-gay-jedi @badbatchposts @quietgingerfangirl @sunshinechildskywalker
@universitysunflowers @littlefeatherr @riverside-of-neverland @pastasmoothie @cyberscorch
@ilovemedia @cinnamonsugar-pretzel @brownielocks69 @here-comes-the-moose @skellymom
@lilithastar @maxims-multifandom-corner @serinzatravel-blog @rott1ngbra1n @snap-my-kneecaps and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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novantinuum · 3 months
Anyways, probably relevant to state for the record re: the post I've just reblogged...
Please note that this blog is MOSTLY SFW, but not entirely.
I AM in fact a grown adult, and I DO in fact sometimes post NSFW content (including the occasional kink fic content) both here and on my AO3 side pseud. Because tumblr moderation is broken and shadow bans you if you mark anything as "mature" or tag it as "nsfw," I can't outright TAG it, but I do put any especially NSFW terms under a read more with a clear warning. These posts are fairly rare, but they do exist.
If this makes anyone uncomfortable, you are always welcome to unfollow. But I have zero interest in sanitizing this blog to be completely SFW, and so it will Not be. I expect people to moderate their own interaction with my blog to their own comfort levels.
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americanedpsycho · 3 months
i have done a soft block spree. this is for my own comfort. i have soft blocked archived blogs, without hiatuses notices & blogs that i have had little interaction with over the course since i've made this blog back in nov. you're welcome to follow me again if this is one of you, but please bear in mind, do not keep re-following me if i don't follow back. i've unfollowed blogs that i can't see our writings mixing together or again, there has been little interaction.
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terramythos · 4 months
Ok i gave this person the benefit of the doubt but they never responded to me so. Some rando decided to launch a spirited devils advocate defense of HP as good literature on my post about it being shit. And their main arguments were 'since kids like it it's good kids media' which is so fucking laughable as a serious literary argument. Something being popular does not mean it's good! Nor is children's literature exempt from criticism due to its demographic!
Their 2nd argument was that it shouldn't be surprising that it has fatphobia, racism, etc because why would publishers catch and address that 30 years ago. And this was only perpetuated because multiple people were involved with the franchise. As if people 30 years ago were idiots who didn't know better. and as if this excuses the author for having this in their writing at all, AND completely fails to address these problems in any meaningful way to this day. Come the fuck on.
This is why I can't take defenders of HP seriously. If you want HP to be treated as a legitimate piece of literature then you cannot use fallacies to dismiss criticism of it. Perhaps grow up and admit your childhood fave series sucks. I say this as someone who LOVED the series. I went to fucking midnight book releases for fucks sake. Yet somehow I'm able to disengage and re-evaluate my nostalgia in the face of the author being a genocidal bigot. Amazing how that works.
This goes without saying but HP fans unfollow and block me, you're not welcome here. I do not give a shit if you 'like the series but hate the author'. I cannot believe how often I have to say this.
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ruinsought · 1 month
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I'm not here for a reunion, I'm here for revenge . . . #RUINSOUGHT,   Arriane Salvatore, independent, highly selective, mutuals only original character for The Vampre Diaries. Blog is mostly based around canon events but takes some aspects and runs ten miles in every direction on five different tracks. (i.e. very chaotic).
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blog roll: @sacredslaycd, @oblitum & @cag3dsong uses: beta & x-kit rewritten (will not write with none beta users.) about: Leia, 28, she/her, gmt activity: low 001. caard, 002. opens, 003. memes, 004. commission blog currently reading: it starts with us by colleen hoover currently watching: the vampire diaries (re-watch)
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a study in: the loss or mortality, becoming a monster, being the black sheep, the cruelty of grief, surviving trauma, losing your innocence, the true meaning of family, battling your demons, running, always running, burying your rage, being forgotten, vampirism, humanity vs the monster inside, abandoning the ones you love.
[ 1 ] : I HAVE A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DRAMA POLICY, I will not tolerate people policing my blog, callouts are not welcome here and you won't find me participating in any either. I have no interest in dni's, people I cannot interact with or faceclaims I cannot use. fc's people consider to be toxic will be found on this blog I will be largely iconless and gif/photo sets will be tagged accordingly.
[ 2 ] : low to extremely low activity warning, please tag: self harm, animal abuse and disordered eating. please also tag smut/nsfw accordingly. I also ask you reblog from source. I am not a meme blog and will block for this. homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, etc, is not tolerated here. duplicate friendly.
[ 3 ] : smut is unlikely to take place on this blog, unless I am super comftorable with the mun ooc. I am a ship whore, if you ship it, I probably do too. canon, canon divergent, au and original character friendly. my writing preference is multi-para. para and liner starters may however, make an appearance.. If you have a length preference, please let me know ahead of time.
[ 4 ] : all edits on this blog, belong to me unless otherwise stated, i use a combination of psd's. mostly smolresources and endlesswood. alot of original characters on this blog may be considered 'stereotypical'. these will not be forced on anyone and often I don't write them unless requested or plotted. these muses will still be seen on this blog and very much loved, you may wish to unfollow if this isn't for you.
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sunlitsorrows · 8 months
09/12/24 Currently Reading:
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
Autism in Heels by Jennifer Cook O’Toole
Current Fixations/Fandoms/Favorites:
The Batfam | Pirates (in general) | The Hunger Games | Elementary | The Murderbot Diaries | Watership Down | 11th & 12th Era Doctor Who | Tattooine
Current Original Writing Project Tags
(all my writing will be tagged sunny writes)
Fantasy/Fable/Fairytale: TBW -> now TGW
Cyberpunk King Arthur: TCC
Lost In Space Opera: STJ
Pirate Adventures: TPQ
About Me
(formerly A Handful of Rest)
A friend started calling me Sunny the other day(year), and while I don’t feel like it’s a terribly accurate description of my personality it gives me such joy when I hear her call me I find myself quite liking it anyway, so! Hello! I’m Sunny! Does it carbon date me to say welcome to my twisted mind?
This is a Personal/Writrblr/Scrapbook blog, a lot of cottagecore and dark cottagecore with the occasional goblinposting, I like mystery serials and period dramas, more sci-fi than fantasy but I am a sucker for fairytales/fables; poetry and song lyrics, funnies, flowers, pretty bugs, etc. Most everything goes in the queue.
No DNIs, I don’t vett other folks’ blogs to see whether or not their ideology aligns with my own, and I prefer to block tags instead of people, but if you consistently re/blog things I find personally upsetting I will probably unfollow you eventually—it’s nothing personal, this blog is my happy place/break from IRL, and I’m SUPPOSED to be keeping my stress levels down.
(No, screaming/crying/sobbing over fictional characters doesn’t count it’s a cathartic release my blood pressure graphs say so.)
Tumblr Tags are more of a filing system than anything else; I try to tag things by… “who might like to see this, what tag might they use to look for it?” “who might not want to see this, what tag might they use to block it?” and “how can I find this on my blog later?”
Please feel free to me know if you need anything tagged a specific way for blocking purposes.
My Writing
My writing will all be tagged “sunny writes”, but it’s mostly thinking out loud/rambling/worldbuilding/occasionally a poem. Someday I’ll post something for like… actual story reader reading, but I’ve gotten feedback (from a real life actual editor no less) my writing might actually be publishable if I can just finish something, and… you know. A little extra grocery money might be nice. And the motivation to finish something so the potential enjoyer can read all of it seems to be helping me not give up/wander off to the next idea.
But the random ideas gotta go somewhere! So they’re going here! 🙃
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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re. about
ren (or rimz for cool kids). he/him. twenty five. black. queer. neurodivergent.
i'm redoing this because i'm losing steam (thanks work) and i'm pulling back on a lot of projects to mostly focus on things that make me personally happy. as is the nature of my brain, i will still jump back and forth between projects when i lose the flow for another, but i’ve narrowed my important wips down to just three main ones. other projects are currently being shelved, or put to the side as half baked ideas that i still need to keep in the oven before i introduce them to anyone formally.
(so if you don’t see a wip listed in the wips tab, it’s either shelved indefinitely or i want to work on it on my own for a bit. you can ask me about my other wips if you know/remember them but i can’t guarantee i’ll answer about them at this time. this also doesn’t mean i won’t ramble about them when i feel like it.)
important sideblogs = no pressure to follow just fyi
@babylonsfalling -> all my fandom and other nonsense goes here
@todazzlingreading -> this is a personal checklist for things i want to read by y’all that i don’t have time or spoons to get to at the moment i see it. once i read a post there i’ll delete it from that blog and rb it over here with any comments in the tags :3
to find my art commissions, please look here: https://www.tumblr.com/vacantgodling/715216537870532608/commissions-are-open
re. disclaimers / interaction
i mainly write fantasy; it’s a broad overarching label that covers all of my interests and it’s my first love in writing. horror and horror adjacent elements always make an appearance in my works. i emphasize complex mlm relationships and male leads, and romance is a great love of mine as you’ll notice from the king of my current wips. worldbuilding is also a great love of mine. i also love writing smut and talking about my characters having sex.
as such some disclaimers: following me is a very much curate your own experience. i don’t want to hold back talking about adult and mature themes so if you’re uncomfortable with anything i talk about i’d just suggest you unfollow lol nothing personal.
i’m open to asks and talking about anything but there’s no pressure. anons are always cool. i’m probably not gonna do writing based tag games too too much bc writing has been nonexistent lately but character asks or ramble ones i will do :)
also, as a personal ask: please do not refer to any of my characters as babygirl or girlie(s). shit makes me squick thanks.
re. main wips
linked are the main tags & once i finish the wip intros for paramour and tcol (revamping them) i’ll link them as well. feel free to ask to be on the taglist for any of these (i’m going to do better with these) — taglists will be activated for all writing and official posts. this won’t include ask games or random babbling.
PARAMOUR || “saved” from an imminent social death through arranged marriage, HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL is whisked away to The Chateau aux Aisles D’or, where an unlikely sexual relationship with his butler AMON leads to far more than he bargained for.
THE CHRONICLES OF LATHSBURY (check out the crash course HERE) || The Aegean Guild of Explorers, led by the mysterious newcomer to Lathsbury Madja Fandel welcomes its newest contingent after the guild bid: PIPER FAIRWIND a MBW with a fighting spirit and desire for money and glory, DEUX UNDERSHIELD a naive protector seeking answers for her brother’s spurn, SANDRA “SAN” DEARBORN a vicious hunter with a chip on their shoulder, CLEAR BRIGHTENDALE a medic with a host of dark secrets, and FORTE SYMPHONIA a ranger seeking his own destiny, are as ready as they’ll ever be to enter the fray, to conquer the mysterious and dangerous LABYRINTH. Forces that have been in motion since before their lives even began are finally reaching their peak, and the five of them will have to use everything they’ve learned and then some to stay alive.
re. navigation
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
ren fic -> all of my fandom related writing in one place
ren art -> all my art
q eh you eh -> queue
sex mention -> tag for any sexual content.
worldbuilding -> all of my worldbuilding notes across all my wips
find the word tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
last line tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
ren hot cakes -> specifically for my overly opinionated opinions
writing recap -> tracking my writing journey so i can hold myself accountable
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corrpse · 4 months
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Hello, & welcome to my writing roleplay blog, featuring Mukuro Ikusaba. I would like to state firstly, this series & things to it are infested with triggering content - this does not mean I condone any of it. I expect critical thinking to be used & not an immediate insults of 'you are just as bad! you are an apologist!' I will not out right explicitly write some of these themes featured. However, as Mukuro is subjected to emotional / physical abuse by her sister & mistakes this as romance, it can be quite uncomfortable for most viewers. Mukuro has developed a co-dependency on Junko, she is confused & has had no real relationships outside of her sister. She is a Junko apologist.
I am still learning about the series. Most of my knowledge is based on the anime, reading the wiki, & tidbits given to me by friends. So, please do not compare me to other DR writers or give me negative feedback if I'm getting things 'wrong'. I am here for a fun time & to learn more about a series I've been intrigued by for many years. This is my first time writing a DR character.
Due to the nature of Mukuro's story, along with events molding her into who/what she is, some heavy topics will be featured here. Such as, but not limited to: Death, PTSD, Suicide mentions, heavy depression, descriptive blood/gore, mature language, artistic nudity & descriptive sexual encounters. <- I will be writing Mukuro over the age of 18.
More on mains/exclusives/affiliates: I do not partner with just anyone.I'm very particular about who I tend to have heavy association with, as I personally believe most do it to have a badge of popularity on their blogs rather than genuine connection between the writer & their blog Canon. I apologize if this seems like a wild reach & assumptions, this is from personal experience who used to actively participate in affiliations, etc.
Regarding relationships in the romance department: Mukuro is multiship. But, forming romance with her will be quite a feat. She CAN feel romance toward others, unfortunately it is pushed down & ignored for the sake of her relationship with Junko.
In addition, please do not only approach me on Mukuro for romance plots. I will only do this with a select few - namely, those I am close friends to / associate with in my pinned posts.
A note on blocking/soft blocking/unfollowing: I don't just unfollow or softblock, I always out right block. I don't like being questioned on it, as my reasoning for doing so is such a long list. However, it's almost never personal... If I don't vibe with you anymore, don't enjoy your tone of speaking, overly aggro in your own guidelines pages, try to police people on how they write or what they write (i.e.; saying they should end their life over something fictional... yeah, no.) I will block, too, if you are overly dramatic, meaning, you like to stir the pot for no other reason than to do it & get clout. If you share callouts, or try to tell me who I can & can't talk to. I'm pro-free mind, as in not following the crowd on harassing someone over a callout. I block if you're a person who genuinely believes what media someone likes is a direct reflection on their own views & morals... grow up. I will also block, if I'm just simply not interested in your blog or character.
I think that's all, so here's a little bit about me: My name is Archeon, "Ark", 1995 is my birth year. I am a Polyamorous lesbian who uses primarily masculine pronouns, however I don't care much for what you refer to me to. I've been together with Yuri 6 years as of May 2024... She is my everything. My favorite color is red, my favorite Pokemon are Gengar & Umbreon. I also write a few characters, mostly known for Makima, Dame Aylin, Mei Raiden, Shadow & Dante... Currently, I am casually re-learning & learning the following languages: Spanish, Japanese, Chinese & German, along with going through a weight loss journey - as of typing this, I'm 6 months in!
Special notes** i.    I am against users who create art or feed writing/roleplay responses with the use of AI, or artificial intelligence. Please refer to this post for further info ->    ii.    edits / border is made by me, the heart & knife image in my icon is made by my friend, S.
Thanks for checking out my links & reading this far, I look forward to writing & chatting together. & Please give this post a "like" just so I know this page was at least visited!
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obl1tus · 4 months
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What have you become . . . ? #OBL1TUS,   independent, highly selective, mutuals only multi-fandom original character. Blog is mostly based around canon events from various fandoms but takes some aspects and runs ten miles in every direction on five different tracks. (i.e. very chaotic).
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blog roll: @ruinsought (sideblog) @sacredslaycd & @cag3dsong uses: beta & x-kit rewritten (will not write with none beta users.) about: Leia, 27, she/her, gmt activity: low 001. caard, 002. opens, 003. memes, 004. commission blog currently reading: it starts with us by colleen hoover currently watching: the vampire diaries (re-watch)
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❛ I'd bite myself and take out my feelings with my teeth.❜ Heavily affiliated with: @astormymind & @insufferablemonsters a study in: the loss or mortality, becoming a monster, being the black sheep, the cruelty of grief, surviving trauma, losing your innocence, the true meaning of family, battling your demons, running, always running, burying your rage, being forgotten, vampirism, humanity vs the monster inside, abandoning the ones you love.
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[ 1 ] : I HAVE A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DRAMA POLICY, I will not tolerate people policing my blog, callouts are not welcome here and you won't find me participating in any either. I have no interest in dni's, people I cannot interact with or faceclaims I cannot use. fc's people consider to be toxic will be found on this blog I will be largely iconless and gif/photo sets will be tagged accordingly.
[ 2 ] : low to extremely low activity warning, please tag: self harm, animal abuse and disordered eating. please also tag smut/nsfw accordingly. I also ask you reblog from source. I am not a meme blog and will block for this. homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, etc, is not tolerated here. duplicate friendly.
[ 3 ] : smut is unlikely to take place on this blog, unless I am super comftorable with the mun ooc. I am a ship whore, if you ship it, I probably do too. canon, canon divergent, au and original character friendly. my writing preference is multi-para. para and liner starters may however, make an appearance.. If you have a length preference, please let me know ahead of time.
[ 4 ] : all edits on this blog, belong to me unless otherwise stated, i use a combination of psd's. mostly smolresources and endlesswood. alot of original characters on this blog may be considered 'stereotypical'. these will not be forced on anyone and often I don't write them unless requested or plotted. these muses will still be seen on this blog and very much loved, you may wish to unfollow if this isn't for you.
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
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Drafts and inbox were fully cleared out aside from mentioned before. 👏
Unfollow spree will happen during the next week. Don't take this personally, you are welcome to re-follow. Reasons for unfollow/softblock: I have 0 plot ideas on how our characters can interact, Inactive Blogs for more than 3 months, Archived Blogs. 👍
I will be cutting down my FCs for Zarina, I'll make the True Main FCs for her just in case anyone ever asks because I've had that happen before. 🤗
Elementals Lore Revamp + Zarina's Abilities in her OG verse written out based on the updated lore.
Revamp of verses will take a couple of weeks if not month.
Due to how my work is now and how I have another blog at Black Swan, I will be limiting my threads/drafts to 15 maximum for the next couple of weeks/months. (They all will be on Thread Tracker)
I will be limiting my inbox to having 30 asks at most, I need to learn to limit myself to not overwhelm myself. 😂
I will be soft-resetting certain relationships but I will reach out about that personally.
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berryblu-arts · 5 months
i just relaxed i had you blocked for some reason. idk why you seem cool
hihi!! no worries lol (also ty <3) welcome back to percieving me hahaha, hope u have a great day anon :D!!!
also taking this answer to remind yall... you can block me or unfollow or whatever if you just dont vibe w me for literally any reason, i dont mind !!! we´re in this site to chill and have fun <3<3<3 i wish you the best on your journey if you do <3<3<3<3!!!
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