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shubhambahuguna · 2 years ago
Ayurveda Marma Therapy
This gentle treatment creates an opportunity to experience powerful and dynamic transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level by building a positive link with the unconscious mind.
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strengthandstability · 5 years ago
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Day 14 & 15 of #YogaTransit w/ @cyogalife ➡️ #dragonfly to #scissors and #pinchamayurasana to #babybakasana 🥴 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogateacher #yogaeveryday #mugla #dalaman #dalamanyoga #dalyan #ortaca #gocek #fethiye #mskü #yogatürkiye #practice #strength #flexibility (Dalaman, Muğla) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wg0lVn2jy/?igshid=1985q87qff22r
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akekris · 5 years ago
Day 8 #adhomukkhavrksasana #handstand #handstandnation #yogatransit #yogainlockerroom #yogaeverywhere #calisthenics #bodyweighttraining #exercise (at Bodyworx) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hKjudHZVa/?igshid=bprpw10e06i7
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shanakkian · 4 years ago
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Elephant yoga. #yoga #yogainspiration #yogainspiration #yogaposes #yogaadjustments #yogaisforalofus #yogawheelpractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogatransit #yogaslut #yogajokes #yogaqueretaro #yogasequencing #yogainspiredfitness #yogasuit #yogainspiredfitness #yogadrawing #elephant #elephants #instayoga #yogaillustration #yogalife #yogarozenn #yogaleggingsarepants #yogaset #yogatops #yogawithme #yogapracticedaily #yogaset #yogaover50 #yogacommunityfl #yogamagic #yogaanatomy https://www.instagram.com/p/CKoum_Mn4AR/?igshid=qs6xvhfnqtp8
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amandarileyyoga · 5 years ago
Elephant Trunk Pose Also known as Eka Hasta Bhujasana Day 23 @The_yogabee #theyogabeeathome - This posture is excellent for transitions. It links so many arm balances together and permits transition from seated asana to armbalances. In the little sequence I offer here, I include transitions between #elephanttrunkpose #eightanglepose #MarichyasanaA #compasspose - This posture helps strengthen the muscles in the hip flexors as well as the #core muscles (and arms). So very important for lumbar injury prevention and protection…. And for a Mummy like me… to connect back to these muscles after babies is a serious job! - While you’re gaining #strength you can use bricks under your hands. Helps to have a little extra lift! - Fly high Yoga Bee’s! - And don’t forget to check out the other hosts: Queen Bee @yogawithdebs And... @coleyoga @vics_yoga_life @syrena_yoga.rachael @ready_yoga_one @ryantierney__pt_yoga @lexsyoga @fitveganmum 🤍 🕊 - - - #armbalance #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogafamily #yogaathome #stayhome #blamejones #yogatransitions #yogaflow #30daychallenge #instayogi #fitfam #yogamommy #postnatal #altrincham #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogainstructor #cheshirelife (at Home Sweet Home :)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B--oxWeD93M/?igshid=pbu6akxhj38t
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yogatutorials · 5 years ago
@beachyogagirl on New Flows 🌊 ・・・ Finally back to my practice and super inspired to create flows again.💙 ⠀ Check out this transition from Lizard Pose to 8 Angle Pose ... it is way harder than it looks but easy(ish) if you focus compressing the core! ⠀ Core strength and hip mobility is a must in order to clear the leg through to 8 Angle Pose. Make sure to warm up first with lots of dynamic movement! ⠀ Should I post more transitions like this? Which poses do you love? I’ll create a flow for you! DM or drop a comment 👇🏻👇🏻 below! ⠀ beachyogagirl.com ⠀ #yoga #yogatransition #yogavideo #yogatutorial . . . #yogi #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogaaddict #yogaholic #namaste #yogalife #yogalove #yogadaily #yogaart #igyoga #igyogi #igyogafamily #instayoga #instayogi #yogaphotography #yogaeverywhere #practicemakesprogress #practiceandalliscoming #yogajunkie #yogalover #yogajourney #yogaforlife #yogagram #loveandlight https://www.instagram.com/p/B2CjYGLFYQV/?igshid=1f36w9zypuk4a
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detroityoga · 6 years ago
For everyone who’s been working on this sequence in class this week. Excellent job! #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #vinyasa #vinyasayoga #igyoga #yoga #yogatransitions #yogateacher #yogatutorial #yogavideo #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeveryday #detroityoga #michiganyoga #tostillthemindisyoga #payattention #svadhyaya (at Detroit Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTMuDvAs3Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11s4cn5ohln93
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kericyoga · 7 years ago
#IceWaterYogaChallenge - #1 - #chaturanga to #bhujangasana #drinkthewater ... It has been several years, but we used to do “Backyard Yoga” at my house every summer. One time, we placed Solo cups with beer at the front of our yoga mats while doing sun salutations. During each Chaturanga to Cobra transition, we got to drink beer, not all of which ended up in our mouths. Beer everywhere. Very fun. I take teaching and practicing yoga seriously, but I feel that there should always be an element of fun. If you’re not enjoying your yoga practice, then why are you doing it? ... This challenge is all about fun and trying something new. Feel free to add music, wear a costume, or edit your video. Please be safe and drink the water during the transition. ... This is the easiest of the 5 challenges. We’re just warming up. Please tag me, @kericyoga, so I can see your videos and feel free to post bloopers and outtakes. ... For a full suite of online yoga classes, including dozens of my own, please follow @icewateryoga and visit our Website www.IceWaterYoga.com. ... #yogachallenge #septemberyogachallenge #yogachallengeseptember #igyogachallenge #igyogachallenges #yogapractice #yogapose #yogaflow #yogatransition #yogavideo #yogaforathletes #yogaforfun #yogafun #yogalife #yogalove #yogainspiration #yogamotivation #yogateacher #yogastudent #icewateryoga (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnP5lt7nbcQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ncbmm62i555g
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findingmewhereeverimaybe · 7 years ago
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything yoga related so here you go 🧘‍♀️ This transition between Eagle Pose and Standing Extended Leg Variation is great for balance, core and leg strengthening, along with focus 🦅I actually had a lot of fun and found peace doing this repetitively on both sides ☺️ Outfit by @aquaburns . . . . #aquaburns #yogainthecity #funtransitions #yogatransitions #eaglepose #standingextendedleg #balance #fitwomen #yogagirl #yogaalmosteverydamnday #yogaholic #yogaaddict #livingabroad #hanoivietnam #livinginhanoi #rainydays #fitgirlslife #travelgram #backpacker #housesitter #asia #girlsgoneinternational #connect #peoplearoundtheworld #abroad #adventureenthusiasts #travelyoga #findingmewhereverimaybe #yogalifestyle #sheisnotlost #radgirlslife #followmefaraway #wakeupandyoga (at Hanoi) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnG4QyFBK45/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bckq0xvlborm
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theyogimattus · 3 years ago
There are many ways to build flexibility, my personal favorite is to increase strength. The reason it’s my favorite is because strength improves functionality of the muscular system allowing us to move better, sit, stand, walk better regardless of our age, or injuries.Get stronger, and take your practice to a whole new level - the October Immersion, “Strength” features 12 classes designed to increase your strength and mobility in all the majors areas of the body including core, shoulders, wrists, hips, legs, and ankles. Link in bio as always
REGISTER NOW: www.theyogimatt.com
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suchhikumarsblog · 4 years ago
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Enjoy lot cut cake and we real celebrate International Yoga Day It can make you feel active, energetic and positive. Live life to its full potential. #InternationalYogaDay #yogainspiration #YogaDay2021 #yogaday #suchhikumaryogapose #yogaforhealth #yogachallenge #yogatransitions #yogaposes #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogagirl #yogaeverydamnday #picsoftheday #internationalteaday #yogajourney https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXom6hpaYl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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strengthandstability · 5 years ago
Day 1 of #YogaTransit w/ @cyogalife . "Senin gördüğün yanağımdan süzülenler. Asıl içimde, içinde yüzdüğüm bir deniz var." diyor Şebnem Ferah, Can Kırıkları şarkısında. Ne kadar derin değil mi? 🎶 . Hayatın tamamı böyle aslında. Kendini tanımak, bir başkasını tanımak, bir durumu, bir olayı anlamak, bir şeyleri fark etmek. Her ne kadar anladım, fark ettim, tanıdım, gördüm desekte; aslında hep sadece o yanaktan süzülenleri görüyoruz. Bir şeylerin bu denli yüzeysel farkındayken de; algılanan ve o algıya göre yaşanan şeyler ne kadar gerçek oluyor? Yaşadığımız şeyleri ne kadar gerçek yaşamış oluyoruz? . Önceki paylaşımlarımda Hz.Muhammed'in "Hayretimi arttır" şeklindeki duasından bahsetmiştim. Ondan bahsettikten sonra, hayretim de arttı gerçekten 😅 Ona paralel bir tane daha var. "Eşyanın hakikatini bana göster." de demiş Hz.Muhammed. Tabi buradaki eşyayı, yaratılmış her şey olarak değerlendirmek gerek. O yazıdan sonra hayretimin bir nebze artması gibi; bu yazının açacağı alanla birlikte, gerçek bilgiye dair algım da derinleşir belki. 😊 Anlamak, fark edebilmek dileğiyle 🙏🏼 . "Karma is only a bitch, if you are" diye bir söz vardı. Kaç gündür bu dönüyor zihnimde. Bununla ilgili de yazasım var ama o da bir sonraki postun konusu olsun 😅 . . . . . . . . #yoga #dalaman #dalyan #ortaca #gocek #yogaeverywhere #yogatürkiye #yogateacher #ekapadakoundinyasana #bakasana #sirsasana #yogatransitions (Dalaman, Muğla) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9MdXuLjU6n/?igshid=1sexkcge89nye
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akekris · 5 years ago
Day 2. #pinchamayurasana #forearmstand #yogatransit #yogaeverywhere #yoginspiration #yogainlockerroom #yogabalance #yoga (at Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen's Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UJoe2nQ33/?igshid=ztfiqnhl4jwg
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jednorthyogaoutfit · 4 years ago
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Symmetry ain’t easy . . Having a bit of a rest day today. I like working on shapes on rest day, but they often turn out harder than I expect them too like this one. I’m just giving up on the symmetry today 😂 . 👉Follow @jednorthyogaoutfit 💖@yogdini . . . #yogini #yogagirl #yogaphotography #yogapic #yogavideo #movementculture #yogavid #yogaphotography #yogaphoto #yogapic #yogatransitions #yogapractice #movement #yogaskills #yogadrills #yogatransition #seatedpose #yogashapes #yogashape #creativeyoga #creativemovement #yogavideo #yogavid #yogapic #yogapicture #pistolsquats #pistolsquatchallenge #squat #squatvariations #squatvariation #pistolsquat #squats #squatchallenge #jednorthyogaoutfit (at USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPRB_8bMUY3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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detroityoga · 6 years ago
For everyone in class today who worked on entering #warrior3 from downdog. Excellent job! #practicepracticepractice #digasana #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #vinyasa #vinyasayoga #igyoga #yoga #yogatransitions #yogateacher #yogatutorial #yogavideo #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeveryday #detroityoga #michiganyoga #tostillthemindisyoga #payattention #svadhyaya (at Detroit Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxtGtpQh1US/?igshid=1w5wp0rhvqscn
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qiiimedia · 4 years ago
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Great yoga post by @sarahmoosavi - we love it 🙏 • • • • • • London, United Kingdom Have fun with it 😜 I always try to add something new, different or challenging to my practice - this definitely helps me to make my practice fun! . . 📸 @yogaandphoto . . . . . . #yoga #yogapractice #yogaphotography #yogaphoto #yogaphotographer #joy #havefunwithit #havefun #mindfulmovement #yogateacher #onlineyogaclasses #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclass #movetogether #transitions #yogatransitions https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_rmcoMox2/?igshid=shbp3o6xu5vj
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