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green-ajah · 7 months ago
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Housesitter (1992) ⤷ Goldie Hawn as Gwen
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angelstills · 2 years ago
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Housesitter (1992)
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aspirationalbrand · 2 years ago
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housesitter (1992)
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wandernde-welt · 2 years ago
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Wer kann Haussitting anbieten? Nahezu jede Person. ❣️ Es gibt ein paar Dinge, die sollten möglichst gegeben sein in meinen Augen, aber es sind nicht viele 😉 😎1. Ihr solltet entspannt damit umgehen können, dass ein oder mehrere Menschen in eurem Zuhause alles nötige nutzen. Klar könnt ihr Sachen auch wegräumen, Zimmer abschliessen und co. Aber grundsätzlich solltet ihr euch wohlfühlen können damit. 🙂2. Ehrlichkeit: Eine genaue Beschreibung von Wohnraum und Tieren ist wichtig, damit ihr sicher sein könnt, dass alle mit der Situation zufrieden sind. 🗑3. Sauberkeit: Nicht blitzblank und auch nicht super ordentlich, aber Essenreste, Müll und Co sowie Schimmel sind No-Gos für so ziemlich alle, versteht sich eigentlich von selbst. Wenn das gegeben ist, steht einem erfolgreichen Haussitting in eurem Zuhause nicht mehr viel im Weg 😊 Würdet ihr eure Tiere von anderen Menschen in eurem Zuhause betreuen lassen? Könntet ihr Vertrauen haben? #haussit #haussitting #haussittingfamilie #haussitter #haussittingleben #hundesitter #katzensitter #housesittingfamily #housesittinglife #housesitting #housesit #housesitter #petsitting #petsitter #petsit #dogsitting #dogsit #dogsitter #catsitter #petparent #familieaufreisen #reisefamilie #reisenalsfamilie #familienreise #reisenmitkindern #mitkindernreisen #reiseleben #travellife #travelfamily #nomadenleben https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8IN8NIuO3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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butterflytherapies · 4 months ago
Pet and House Sitting
I am a pet sitter. I look after pets living at the pet owner’s home while they go away on trips and holidays. I love it. I love looking after the pets, cats and dogs and it gives me the chance to have a break myself and a change of scenery. On the website Trusted Housesitters, there are alsort of animals and birds, fish and reptiles as well. I have only looked after cats, dogs and fish up to now,…
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otoeuk · 2 years ago
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Calling all foodies! Indulge in a culinary journey like no other with Otoe Travel. Discover hidden gastronomic delights and savor the flavors of your city's vibrant food scene. 🍽️🌮🍜 Join our food tours today! #FoodieAdventures #LocalCuisine #TasteYourCity #FoodCulture #GourmetExploration
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pagangamerofficial · 2 years ago
I GUARANTEE You've NEVER played a game this SCARY
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marc--chilton · 11 months ago
had a dream that house and wilson had a huge fight over a misunderstanding, can't remember what about, and they were friends with benefits so going cold turkey after having a taste of something More with wilson had house pretty messed up. he like vanished for a while too i think?? then out of nowhere wilson gets a text from him to check the details of this specific cot in the pediatric wing and he's just like ??? so he does. and finds out the reason why house had been gone was because he was harboring a secret pregnancy and was too ashamed to admit he was wrong so he suffered through carrying a child alone to punish himself. i woke up to them reconciling with wilson holding their daughter (who already had some crazy curls like house and big sad wet brown eyes like wilson) while house was showing some very apologetic and embarrassed body language
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green-ajah · 8 months ago
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Housesitter (1992) ⤷ Goldie Hawn's Jeans
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angelstills · 2 years ago
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Housesitter (1992)
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karizard-ao3 · 5 months ago
What about the pool boy AU?
All I've got is this, which is a very short continuation of Historia and Mrs. Reiss' conversation after Mikasa hung up on them that I posted for someone in the comments of Poolboy 3:
Bonus: Mrs. Reiss and Historia Convo, continued
Historia gasped indignantly. "That little bitch hung up!"
Mrs. Reiss raised an eyebrow. "It sounds like she has better things to do," she said, unable to stop the smile that twitched at the corners of her lips. "And are you sure it was a drummer? I thought it was a bass player."
"He was after," said Historia. "I'm pretty sure she broke up the band."
Mrs. Reiss shook her head admiringly. "That girl is living the dream." She cast her daughter a conspiratorial look. "Eren's an excellent pool cleaner but the real reason I hired him was so I can watch him work from the upstairs window."
"Mom! Ew!" said Historia. 
"If only I was 20 years younger and single," Mrs. Reiss sighed. 
"Try 40 years younger," sniffed Historia.
Mrs. Reiss gasped, looking wounded.
Mr. Reiss glanced up from his newspaper. "What are you girls talking about?" he said.
"Mom is daydreaming about fucking your poolboy," said Historia.
"Just use protection, dear," said Mr. Reiss, dryly. 
"That won't be necessary," said Mrs. Reiss. "Mikasa got to him first."
"Oh, did she?" said Mr. Reiss, raising an eyebrow. "Good for her. Do you remember the time she was fucking that drummer?"
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cookinguptales · 11 months ago
okay SO I'm going to be in Texas for a few days in a couple weeks and here's how all this happened:
I was given a "please don't sue us" credit from an airline
I remembered that Meow Wolf had a new exhibition right next to DFW
so maybe a day or two there just to see that and then leave
fun little weekend trip
then I remembered the eclipse and that dallas is in the path of totality
so okay cool let's move my trip to coincide with the eclipse
MY DAD HEARS ABOUT ALL THIS he wants to come
he wants to rent a car and add on a few days
okay we'll go to the state park nearby where you can see dino footprints and do some stuff around dallas
we are now there for five days
dad just injured himself (poor thing)
now I will be going on my own most likely and will not have access to a car (as I can't safely drive) so no dinos for me ig
it's kind of a weird situation, I guess. my little weekend trip grew into five days alone in a location I don't have a ton of knowledge of or interest in, RIP.
so uhhhhh does anyone know the DFW area? any advice on fun stuff to do that doesn't necessitate a car? I can take an uber if it's not too far, but like. nothing outside the city.
also like. anyone know any fun eclipse-themed stuff going on between the 7th and 11th? I fucking love a theme, I'll be real with you.
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wandernde-welt · 2 years ago
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Heute geht's wieder ums Haussitting 😊 Was machen Sitter*innen denn so den ganzen Tag? Die Aufgaben sind meistens recht ähnlich, auch wenn Wohnort und Wohnraum sich stark unterscheiden können. Dies sind die üblichen Aufgaben: • Post rein holen und sammeln (alles, auch die Werbung, ausser ihr bekommt andere Anweisungen) • Haustür und Co abschliessen, wenn ihr das Haus verlasst • Pflanzen giessen, wenn nötig • alles sauber halten und auch mindestens in demselben Zustand wieder verlassen wie ihr es vorgefunden habt • dafür Sorge tragen, dass vorhandene Tiere entsprechend ihren Bedürfnissen versorgt werden und sie sicher sind • Zeit im Haus verbringen, es ist euer Zuhause auf Zeit, also schlaft ihr möglichst dort. Heißt aber nicht ihr bleibt die ganze Zeit im Haus! Alles was darüber hinausgeht ist vorher abzusprechen und kann nicht nachträglich von euch verlangt werden. Es ist aber möglich, dass ihr gefragt werdet, ob ihr bereit wärt Extras zu erledigen wie zum Beispiel Reinigungsteams Zugang zu verschaffen. Da könnt ihr dann vorab entscheiden, ob es für euch möglich ist oder nicht 😊 Und sonst so? Genießt eure Zeit! Ausflüge in die Umgebung, arbeiten, entspannen,Tiere kuscheln (wenn sie wollen)... Was auch immer euch glücklich macht 🍵 Ich mache eine Mischung aus allem eben genannten. Was macht ihr so oder würdet ihr gern machen, wenn ihr haussitten würdet? #haussitting #haussittingmitfamilie #haussittingleben #haussittingfamilie #haussittingmitkindern #housesitting #housesittingfamily #housesittinglife #housesittinglifestyle #petsitting #petsittinglife #dogsitting #dogsittinglife #housesitter #dogsitter #catsitting #catsittinglife #travellife #reisenmithaussitting #reisenmitkindern #reiseleben #reisefamilie #familieaufreisen #mitkindernreisen #travelfamily #hundekuscheln #hundesitter #katzensitter #hundesitting #tiersitting https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-UR83ol3j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frogspawned · 1 year ago
I was about to reblog the poll about the cats and I read your tags on it. Oh my god do you have or had a cat named Wobble? I have a cat named Wibble.
i did! he was born with an extra long tail that threw off his balance. eventually he grew into it, but the name stuck.
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^ the man himself
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can-of-pringles · 8 months ago
Found on an old Petsitter profile post/ad... this cannot be real 😭
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[I need a house-sitter for my home the week of June 4- June 11. My twenty year son will be there as well. I do not trust him to be home alone. I do not want to come to a party home and a huge mess. Water the plants and bring the mail in. I want to come to my home the way I left it.]
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otoeuk · 2 years ago
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Love nature? Otoe Travel has got you covered! Embark on a breathtaking eco-adventure in the stunning landscapes near you. 🌳🌿🦋 Immerse yourself in the beauty of your local environment. #EcoTours #NatureLovers #OutdoorAdventures #LocalFloraAndFauna #ExploreYourEcosystem
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