#yippee shes done!!!
6lovelytenders · 5 months
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I'm way overdue on making my own Tugs OC, so... everyone, say hello to Cassiopeia.
Cassiopeia was an ocean-going tug that lived in Bigg City Port in the early 1910s. She belonged to a tugboat company that went under just as the Star and Zero fleets started to take up contracts. Due to the controversial reputation both the tug company and Cassiopeia had, they had all but vanished from the minds of everyone in the port. The only way she is remembered now, are from vague ghost stories about a spirit that resides next to Dem-der rocks, who warns lost vessels in the fog to be careful.
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
non-comprehensive haruhi autism creature comp
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i mean just look at him she's literally
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Gourmand: Any minute now.
Hunter: …I-
Arti: I’m sorry!
Hunter: Huh?
Arti: I-I’m so sorry. For attacking you, and for- for everything. 
Arti: I’ve been such an asshole to you.
Hunter: …Yeah you have been an asshole. But I fucked up too, I didn’t know what I was saying. I thought… 
Hunter: …it doesn’t matter what I thought. I shouldn’t have said that. I, uh… I-I heard about your k-
Arti: Don’t. It’s in the past now.
Gourmand: Is it? 
Gourmand: You attacked him over saying something that triggered you, so no, it doesn’t seem to be all in the past. 
Gourmand: It isn’t fair to hurt someone for not knowing something that you never told them. 
PART ONE IS DONE!!!!!!!!! Part two will probably come in about, uh, seven years, give or take. /j
(It isn’t perfect, but it’s been too long and I needed to get the first part of this comic out. I’m honestly super happy I finished, because it was unnecessarily hard lmao. Anyways I’m gonna ramble in the tags now)
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plulp · 1 year
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whitney (design kinda mid but its alright ill deal with it)
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lavaflowe · 1 year
CHPT 7-9
Chpt 7
•”All this was probably refined in his stomach by the Samadhi fire to form a single solid mass” I know other deities can use the fire but I’m wracking my brain for when it used before(this point) specifically- My understanding was the furnace refined the immortal elixirs and fruit- I’m going to assume Laozi is just theorizing and doesn’t know what actually happened
•Diamond body….👀
•Erlang gets absolutely DRIPPED out, he earned it FR
•eyes permanently irritated by the smoke churned up the the Xun trigram, someone get this man some eye drops
•he is extra pissed
•”this cosmic being fully fused with nature’s gifts passes with ease through 10,000 toils and tests”
•Big war form out to beat serious ass, he’s not jokin bitch
•” bright and luminous; ….illustrious pearl of mani he is indeed” MMMMM comparing him to a mani- a flaming (wish granting) jewel is hilarious 💀
•Tathagata bringing in the big guns (himself)
•”how tf do you know The Way and not know who I am?? And you’re so….violent” I can sense the side eye
•I wonder if Wukong has previous incarnations?? Buddha says he just reached human form this incarnation but if his rock was there at the beginning of creation, wouldn’t his soul be ‘baking’ (for lack of a better term) the whole time until he hatched?
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•” and with a total lack of respect he left a bubbling pool of monkey urine” Iconic moment LMAOOOO
•smart for Wukong to leave a momento- too bad it didn’t matter lol
•ah so he was jumping to visit the pillars again, not run away(supposedly)- he’d rather prove he’s right than escape💀 that checks out
•monkey has been squished, it is now party o’clock
•are you allowed to give the Buddha drugs if it’s an offering? Like wine??🤔 “wtf is this allowed? Wtf”
•”Wukong is wiggling out”
“Dw, take this”
*slaps tag on the mountain like flex tape*
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•enough room to breathe and move his hands- I would lose my mind
•Molten copper & iron pellets mimic punishments in hell (just learned this🙏), shedding the Karma like water -I feel like 500 years is pretty good tbh considering everything
Woe molten metal and iron upon ye
Chpt 8 + 9 under cut:
Chpt 8:
•lots of lovely poems in this chapter
•a paragraph recap of the past 7 chapters
•wonder what Feast of the Ullambana Bowl is? (the notes say it’s a mass for the dead and is also know as the Ghost festival, practiced by Taoists and Buddhists)
•”the Chan mind shines bright like a thousand rivers’ moon; true nature’s pure and great as an unclouded sky.”
Lovely poem, and I’m beginning to realize this book is very heavily focused on the Chan school, which I don’t know why I didn’t pick up on sooner? White-Robed Guan Yin is a Chan specific form, usually depicted in their bamboo grove
•Tathagata reveals his 3 baskets of scripture after everyone is done presenting their poems, feels almost like he suggested the celebration to announce these
•Each basket corresponds to scriptures of Heaven, Earth, and the Damned- a total of 15,144 FUCKING SCROLLS
•oooo Guanyin poem!! “ a golden body filled with wisdom, fringes of dangling pearls and jade, …dark hair piled smartly in a coiled-dragon bun. With brows of new moon shape and eyes like two bright stars, her jadelike face beams natural joy. …Her orchid heart delights in green bamboos; her chaste nature loves the wisteria. The living Guanyin from the Cave of Tidal Sound.”
•5 Talismans: Embroidered Cassock that will protect him from falling back into the Wheel of Transmigration, a 9 ring priestly staff that will protect him from poison or harm, 3 tightening fillets- the Golden, the Constructive, and the Prohibitive Spell.
•Guanyin thinks this will take about 2 to 3 years💀 hooooo boy….
•Green and Black complexion, Gleaming eyes like the lights beneath a stove, forked mouth with teeth like knives and swords, and disheveled red hair
•like that Wujing is using a priest staff he def took from one of the monks he ate lol
•Wujing fighting Moksa for his life only to drop everything to apologize and talk to Guanyin LMAO
•I like the interpretation that he could have been trying to signal a coup by breaking the crystal cup
•Guanyin hearing about Wujing’s string of skulls: it’s a surprise tool that will help us later
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•Wuneng is reincarnated, he got beat to death in Heaven for hitting on Chang’e LMAOOOOO GET REKT
•ah yes, casually mentions killing his pig family and then his life of eating humans. Lovely.
•I committed a little accidental arson, please bail me out
•Damn, he got a really short intro
•interesting that Guanyin id’s the Peach Banquet as Wukongs fall from grace. I would def agree with this- eating the peaches like he did was extremely reckless and the beginning of the end imo
•”who tf is talking shit up there”
•No one has ever visited Wukong, I’m guessing the Guards were horrible company
•I like how both Guanyin and Sanzang try to give Wukong a religious name- Guanyin is very happy to hear he has the Wu- prefix as well lol
•arrived in Chang’an, let the hunt begin
Chpt 9:
•Chang’an bb, all blooming flowers surrounded by 8 rivers (DAMN, that’s a lot of water)
•Guangrui got first place in the examination, good for him UwU
•”gave the girl to Guangrui as his bride” UM I THINK SHES THE ONE WHO GRABBED HIM LMAO
•Guangrui has some fated beef with these two random boatmen, Liu Hong and Li Biao- states that he was destined in a previous incarnation to be enemies with them, is this a result of bad karma?
•Liu Hong reminds me of Liu’er Mi-*gunshot*
•since they’re at the bottom of the Hong river, which Dragon King is this?
•Golden Carp coming in clutch, nice
•LADY YIN IS SO METAL LETS GO “she hated the bandit so bitterly that she wished she could devour his flesh and sleep on his skin” DO IT GURL, KILL HIM
•damn, too bad she’s pregnant with Sanzang….dw Girl I know you would kick his ass otherwise…
•there goes his toe…
•get named River Float idiot
•damn bro chill, that wasn’t very monk-like of you
•homie got called an orphan and cried JAKDJSJFJ I FEEL BAD
•she didn’t even check the toe I THOUGHT SHE DID- WHAT WAS THE POINT LMAO
•I guess licking the eyes is better than spitting on them…sigh…
•GODDAMN THEY RIPPED LIU HONG AND LI BAIO APART….good for them, deserved in fact
•Lady Yin committing suicide even after she was reunited with her husband makes sense, as there was a trend where wives whose husbands died or they were assaulted, killed themselves. This was show loyalty to their husbands and add weight to their claim of SA- Lady Yin’s husband coming back does not change the fact that everyone knows she was forcefully married :((
(I use the term ‘trend’ only as a way to describe the rise and fall in wife suicides tied to either a husbands death or as a response to SA)
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daphnalia · 7 months
faerûns most sarcastic, grudgeful, no-nonsense girlboss
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oh, to be consumed by the rain
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shima-draws · 3 months
Been having a rough couple of days. Send me asks?
#Long story short: I’m quitting my job! Yippee!! 🎉#Don’t wanna get TOO into it but I’m so fucking tired of being treated like shit and getting blamed for things completely out of my control#I’m done. I’ve BEEN done for months at this point#And now it’s at the point where my boss doesn’t think I’m doing my job right bc she keeps finding issues that again. Aren’t my fault#I’m sorry I can’t control everything for you! I don’t have that kind of power! I can’t make things magically happen the way you want!!#My other coworkers have been undergoing the same bullshit treatment so I know I’m not alone#But yeah I’m getting the hell out of dodge. My mental health has been sooooooo bad lately#I cannae. I’m going to end up dead in a ditch at this rate#Had the WORST panic attack of my life yesterday and my mom and I were both like. Yeah. It’s time for you to leave#Have fun running the department without me! Bye!! :)))))#Shima speaks#Vent#Anyway I’m a goddamn mess. Sorry. Lol!#I’m dreading going back to work on Monday I would literally rather claw my own eyeballs out#It SUCKS bc I know none of this is my fault but I still feel like shit anyway.#And I WANT to draw bc it’s the one thing that makes me happy but I just#Can’t. Right now. I’m not in a good emotional state#It feels like physical torture to sit down at my desk and put my pen to my tablet#Slams my head into the wall#I’m soooo tired girlies. I’m so over it#Anyway. Send me asks. Keep me company while I try not to have another breakdown. Tee hee <3
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cconfusedkat · 4 months
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Heket ref 🐸🐸 as usual the text is very small again extremely sorry fejfwfjj
⚠ Extra information below the cut and a Content Warning for a healed open wound !!! ⚠
Additional note: The "lady" of the cult, presumably the title, had been given by Lamb themself when she had scared them with her height and posture. Heket, the ex-Bishop of Famine, holds a better ability to be the cult's cook and resources scavenger. She goes on mission's every few days with a group of followers who are well versed and trained enough by both Lamb and Heket, with Leshy usually tagging along behind the line as support and to make sure no heretics get to the group. She provides to the cult by fetching abundances of ingredients and building supplies: strong, even helps out with construction. quite the stubborn lady whom most fear, yet she's fond of her fellow Amphibians/Anurans much more than the rest of the followers that reside. The only ex-Bishop Lamb /refuses/ to pick a fight with, in fear of getting injured themself despite being able to revive. In the fear of Heket ever dissenting (which she most likely won't, not even in a brash way Lamb believes she would,) they gave Heket a Loyalty Necklace. Loyaltly Necklaces are 'curses' of sorts to prevent a follower from ever dissenting.
Without her bandage, which is every week she changes them out, they healed up more properly. After a millennia and being converted to follower form, her wound isn't nearly as bad as her sibling, truthfully—but still, she's unable to turn her neck because of it and speak properly. It hurts in the present moment, a reminder of the past.
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melodyofthevoid · 1 year
Bodies are Business and Business is Good
Tw: blood, torture, amputation, etc. (It’s Heather) 
Word Count: 3,326
There were fewer things more satisfying, Heather thought, than the slight hiss of the gas lamp in her work office.
A frankly wonderful modern invention, much more controlled than simple wax candles and less likely to blow out at a moment’s notice when she had her back turned or was in the middle of delicate work. Natural light wasn’t exactly an option, not here. And her clients tended to demand their money’s worth.
Plus, it was so nice to listen to the small intake of breath when her victims realized she was there. And the narrowing of their eyes as she became fully visible.
She turned the key and struck a match, blinking as her own eyes adjusted to the light, bouncing off of the thick carved stone and cast iron tools lining the walls. The vials and jars just waiting to be filled. And, shining off of the few exposed scales of the exhausted mer panting and strapped to her operation table.
As expected, they flinched when she descended the stairs, pulling at the restraints with all of their might. Clearly not enough, but a valiant effort.
“Apologies for the delay, but since you so stubbornly held onto your disguise, it put a damper on my evening plans the other day. I’m sure you must be thirsty.”
The angel fish snarled, flaring their bright yellow tail and thrashing harder, their scales– iridescent– bright blues, yellows and greens that would make for excellent amulets or accessories.
She made a note to get more leather and wire for the necklaces. Accessories sold well. Not as well as her other products, but well enough. A status symbol to those who were in the know.
“Fuck off- you- you-”
“Bitch? Monster? I’m sure I’ve heard it before. Believe me, I have.”
A well in the back, hidden by a few boxes, caught her victim’s eye as she walked over to it, grabbing a nearby bucket and pumping it full. Saltwater smell filled the air, overpowering the metallic tang of Heather’s tools.
The mer eyed the bucket, thrashing less as she approached. Ah, good. Maybe this one would be cooperative. Or somewhat more cooperative.
“Actually… Before we get started, and I let you have this, I have a simple question for you. Do you happen to know the location of any other mermaid colonies? You don’t have to tell me all of them, just one or two.”
Any relief that the mer–oh what was their name again? It didn’t really matter, the mer’s relief vanished, eyes narrowing to slits and their fins flaring out.
“Tell you- no. Fuck you. You and your dog won’t get your hands on any more mer- not if I can help it.”
“Well, you’re right about one thing, he is something of a dog, look at you.”
She ran a hand along their tail, ghosting over the gashes that lined it. Wounds that’d barely scabbed over during transport. Other bruises and scratches marred their skin and fins. Heather scowled. Charles was new, but that didn’t excuse abject incompetence.
This would put something of a dent in what she could sell. Charles would be compensated accordingly.
“I told him minimal damage, and yet here you are. Can’t even follow basic directions right. But I digress. If you won’t offer what I need, there’s no sense in dragging this out.”
Heather mulled over where to start, eyeing her knives and branding rods. Carving took longer, but risked too much thrashing for a clean cut. Fins, for all of their use, tore rather easily if not handled properly.
Morro —ah, right that was their name— looked to be healthy enough that draining them first wouldn’t end in them bleeding out entirely.
The needle it was then.
“Now where did I put it… ah, here it is.”
She hummed under her breath, pulling out three glass jars, and her needle, cleaning off the point of it and eyeing Morro’s exposed forearms. A good thing that they were tense already. That certainly made things easier.
A particularly exposed vein on their right arm made for the perfect target and Heather couldn’t help the shiver that went down her spine as the metal slid into the skin, flesh giving way to the needle’s piercing point. So satisfying.
Immediately crimson blood filled the glass tank of the gun, flowing down to the tube and filling up the first jar. The lifeblood of her operation, so to speak. So many customers, all vying for that most viscous and vital of her products. And who was she to deny them when she was living testimony of its efficacy?
Of course she’d never give away all her trade secrets for her longevity. She wasn’t born yesterday.
Or even within the last half century.
In any case, the blood flowed easily, and already one jar gleamed with it. Full to the brim. Switching one out for the other, Heather placed it off on a table, taking a moment to admire the flicker of the gas lamp light against the glass and crimson. Perhaps one day she’d find some other substance, a gemstone, a resin, something that could capture the beauty of her craft.
She doubted it though.
With a second jar nearly filled, Morro’s skin showed the effects. Ashy, almost clammy in places. Their gaze unfocused and any attempts at thrashing much weaker than before. Reaching the limits of what they could give today.
Heather switched out the jars one last time, watching the stream slowly taper off as their breathing slowed down and body relaxed against their will. For their trouble, she poured some of the sea water in the bucket over them, giving them a pat on the shoulder as she extracted the needle from their vein and bandaged the wound. Some blood sluggishly seeping through the gauze.
“You,” Morro slurred, “you’ll pay for this. Indra will hunt you for the rest of your days.”
“Mmm, is that so? Tell me, how long do you think I’ve done this work?”
Her captive didn’t respond. Only glaring with bared fangs.
“Believe me, if your goddess really gave a damn, I’d think she’d have taken notice by now. I’m not going anywhere, and for the time being? Neither are you.”
“The debt will be paid- MHMPH!”
Heather tied the gag tighter, rolling her eyes.
“That’s enough out of you. I’ll spare myself the usual theatrics. Feel free to still scream though, I don’t mind. You’ll give me what I want either way.”
Finally, Heather could get to the real work.
Choosing the right knife to start with always proved to be the most taxing part of the work. She’d tried typical fish scalers in the past, but those were better suited for the fishmongers and fresh markets. The scales she worked with required more work than that. But on the other hand, using the back of the wrong knife chipped and damaged the scales, and no one wanted to buy half a scale.
Heather’s fingers danced along the different blades, intermittently picking one up, twirling it, feeling the heft and then setting it back down, moving on to the next one. Eventually she settled on her favorite, a long curving blade, sturdy and sharp. Tempered steel reflecting her own dark gaze back at her.
Starting from the base of the tail, as she’d done a thousand times before, she wedged the back end of it underneath the first line of scales, and pushed upwards.
The previously limp mermaid jerked up, a muffled yelp coming from beneath the gag. Of course, Morro barely possessed the strength to so much as twitch. Too tired to fully put up a fight, but Heather tightened the straps on their tail anyway. With that secure, she continued pushing up, the shining iridescent angelfish scales now tinted red at the base as they fell to the floor below. They’d be cleaned and polished later.
Despite the gag, Heather winced as the mer tried to shriek, to throw her off through the only means they had left. Admirable if it weren’t so annoying. She took a step back and stood back up, towering over her prey. Cooing with a voice as sickly sweet as she could make it.
“Oh relax, this isn’t even the worst part. But we can get to that if you want. It might make this seem pleasant in comparison. How does that sound?”
Morro shook their head, but she’d already flipped her blade around and dug it into the membrane of the main tail fin, slicing through with no resistance. The bright yellow would make for a lovely trophy for the right buyer.
It was a little too bright for her tastes though. It clashed with the decor.
Hitching breaths came from above, strained and hissing through clenched teeth. The poor thing was trying to keep themself calm even with the gag. She laughed, cutting through the dorsal and pectoral fins next, setting them aside to dry.
Muffled moans and cries left Morro and Heather checked their cheeks to see if there were tears. A frustratingly rare commodity. Not that they did anything but clients always wanted them. By all means she could just sell some sea water, but she had standards.
She clicked her tongue to see that there were no tears. A shame.
With the last of the fins removed, Heather spun her knife back around and continued peeling away the scales, with far less reaction this time, which was also in and of itself a shame. She liked the fight so long as she could still do her job. Heather’d done Morro a mercy if anything. After an amputation, pulling a few scales probably felt like nothing. Like pulling nails off of a hand freshly devoid of a few fingers.
Sometimes though, the sudden lack of fight signaled an end to that night’s session. Ignoring her subjects too much could be costly.  Brushing the last few whole scales into a second bucket, Heather stood back up, examining her work.
Morro was slumped over, exhausted from the strain and blood loss. Wiping any excess off of her knife on her apron, Heather did her usual checks, pulse, reflex, breathing, etc. They were still alive, which meant that she’d get at least a few more pints out of them by the time they eventually kicked the bucket. It’d be such a waste if she only got one day’s worth.
They’d hold out longer than that, she’d make sure of it.
With a sigh, she got out her needle and thread, stitching up the gashes Charles left and cleaning out the wounds. Bandaging up the stump near the tail. No infections, and no potential loss. The blood was no good from a dead mer.
As much as she liked the final processing steps, she still had other orders to fulfill, and going out of her way to catch another prospect? A waste of her time and resources. Nothing wasted, not if she could help it. 
Her hairnet came off, as did the gloves and apron, all placed in their proper places far enough away that any nearby officers couldn’t smell the fresh blood on her. She needed to replace the shirt though. Again. The price she paid for wearing white.
Ah well, no skin off her back. She disposed of any evidence once or twice a year. Fireplaces served a variety of uses.  
A quick shower and a change of clothes left Heather feeling far more accomplished and relaxed now that the euphoria of her work had passed. There was a certain… thrill to it, to the slice of flesh under her knife. But getting lost in that feeling led to less than precise work. In less vials of blood and damage to the organs she needed to sell later. So, for the sake of her own work, she had to take breaks. Balance was key, and experience taught her well.
Maybe for the evening she could fully unwind with some luxury time. She’d just have to find that bottle of wine and those chocolates she’d been saving.
The glasses were in the cabinet of her office, so here was hoping that there weren’t any last minute visitors. She’d had enough business for the day.
Though as she entered the room from the back, she sighed. No such luck.  
A certain red-haired captain stood in the main lobby, smoking a cigar. Blowing rings of smoke into the air with his usual air of disinterest. Odd, he’d delivered her fresh supply not even a year and a half ago. Confusion outweighed her irritation at the intrusion. For now.
“To what do I owe this visit, Captain?”
Fachnan exhaled, tapping the stray ash onto the floor. Sullying it.
“Ah, Heather. I was hoping you’d stay in that dungeon for a little while longer. I find it’s easier to take in your trophies without you drooling all over them. We were stopping here for a short time and well, I figured I’d drop by.”
The twitch in Fachnan’s hand and dart of his eyes didn’t exactly scream “casual chat”.
“Why’re you really here, and make it quick. You’re getting ash all over my perfectly good carpet. I do try to keep an air of respectability here.”
“My apologies, your majesty, I’ll be sure to clean your lair to a shine.”
Heather’s jaw tensed, teeth close to grinding. Unnecessary stress meant unnecessary aging, deep breaths in, deep breaths out. She forced herself to relax, schooling her expression into neutral disdain.
“False deference doesn’t suit you, Captain. I’d get your nose off of the floor before I lose my patience.”
“Fine, fine. Since you’re in a hurry I’ll make it quick.”
Fachnan gestured wide, splaying himself across the couch in her office with all the grace and respect she’d come to expect. Letting out a sigh, Heather grabbed the first open bottle of wine she could find and poured some out. Counting down the minutes until he left.
“The reason for my visit is simple, I want to do you a favor.”
She arched her brow, sipping at her glass.
“You’ve just been a source of income for me, Lady of the Sea. Owe at least some of my success to you. I’ve got a tip you might be interested in, for a small price, of course. Can’t just give this sort of thing to any ametuer.”
Actively sending Charles out on another hunt before she could properly chastise him for damaging this merchandise? She’d pass.
Besides, she paid Fachnan for tangible work. If she threw her fortune any idiot who walked in promising a lead, she’d have exhausted her coiffers long ago. Her decades of experience were worth far more than what one measly captain thought he knew.
“Charming, but I’m not looking to take on another project or search for one at the moment. Frankly, I don't like drawing more attention to myself than necessary. You know how these new officers get, all bright eyed and full of belief in ‘law and order’. The guard’s changed in the past few years, and I’m not exactly looking to make any waves at present. The fewer bodies, the better.”
She sipped at her wine once more, mulling over the best way to politely but firmly tell Fachnan to fuck off. Alone time was calling her name like the sirens she cut to ribbons.
“Well that’s a shame. Here I thought you were interested in a shark mer. Guess not then.”
With an inhale, the wine went down her throat and Heather choked and coughed. It burned all the way up to her sinuses, but nothing compared to the spark of interest. Still catching her breath, she unlatched a compartment in the desk behind her, pulling out a sharpened knife and setting it on the wood beside her.
He could lie or take out his sword if he wanted, but her reputation spoke for itself. There’d be one winner here.
“I see I have your attention then,” he smirked, “I’ll admit, the gold was a bluff. This one’s on the house.”
“Bullshit. What do you want?”
“Fine, this mer in question is something of… a thorn in my side. You taking care of her would be doing me a service, Madame Butcher. She appears to be a hybrid, if that sweetens the deal.”
It did. Quite a bit in fact.
“And you’re sure about this?”
“Dead certain. Last saw her face off the coast of Paign. Goes by the name of Delta. About seven feet tall, blue fins, blue coat, she’s fairly hard to miss. Has a whole crew of mer from what I could tell.”
A whole crew… she let out a breath.
“No shit. Typically I don’t get in the middle of feuds, or do bounty work for that matter, but just this once? I think I can agree with that. In fact…”
Heather stood up, walking over to a mahogany cabinet, carved with intricate flowers and vines. An inherited piece, and not even a forced one. They’d handed it over after the funeral, which was well and good. Natural causes were less messy to deal with generally speaking. She pressed the central-most flower’s petals and the compartment toward the bottom opened up, shining vials revealed within it.
“A gift, to a valuable partner. For your health.”
She held out a crimson vial. Heart blood.
“I’d like to keep my more reliable freelancer at sea for a few more years.”
Seconds ticked by, and Fachnan shook his head, “No, like I said. This one’s free. I just want her gone.”
Pirates and their honor codes. She rolled her eyes and set the vial back into its case.
Although speaking of…
“By the way, how’s that associate of yours doing? Changed his tune yet? I know he’s got quite the reputation for finding what he’s looking for. I’d like to use his expertise.”
Deep lines set into Fachnan’s face as he glanced away. Shoulders lowered. His bravado evaporated leaving behind only bitter salt.
“He and I won’t be seeing each other any time soon, gods willing. My only hope is it was quick.”
Ah. So it was like that then.
“I see, I apologize. I’ve been rather busy as of late, haven’t kept up with the times. My condolences for your loss.”
He grit his teeth, expression darkening further.
“It was his decision. We parted ways some time ago. He knew the risks of going soft, and look where it got him.”
“Well, that is how it is sometimes. Connections come and connections go. Time stops for a lucky few.”
The dots weren’t hard to connect, as hard as Fachnan fought to keep his aloof persona intact. Whatever drama or series of events led to this, frankly she didn’t care. What mattered was her prize. He could mourn his lost flame all he wanted on his own time.
With the last of his cigar fully gone, Fachnan stared at the embers before standing up from the couch, lifting his chin to look down at her. She met his gaze with a smile every bit as sharp as her tools.
“I’ll be heading off then. Send word when you need my services again.”
“Oh I will, don’t you worry. Thank you for stopping by, your help is much appreciated.”
He didn’t respond, only turning for the door and leaving Heather alone with her wine and her thoughts. Her smile stretched wider across her face and she let out a laugh, growing in intensity as euphoria set in.
A shark. A shark hybrid.
Looked like she’d have to clear her schedule to ensure that this… Delta could get all the attention that Heather could offer. Get the care and quality work that she deserved as the future crown jewel of her collection.
Morro could be rest assured that their suffering would be brief. She had preparations to make.
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kaslanist · 1 year
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only in cinemas!
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horsemage · 5 months
I think we should bring back basic etiquette lessons such as shutting the fuck up when you’re watching a movie in a group that is not exclusively your friend group 🙂
#welcome to another Mick Airs Out Their Grievances and by god is it a VERY long one#prob best if u don't expand the tags#am I being maybe a bit meaner about this than I would be for any other movie? maybe but pac rim is one of my favorite movies of all time#so I think I get a pass on this one.#one of the groups on campus is hosting movie nights & I went to this one bc I've only ever watched pac rim on my laptop and wanted to watch#it on a larger screen. yay yippee I love this movie!#there r maybe 10-ish of us in this room and a three person friend group is sitting on the couch one of whom has seen the movie and two who#have not. okay so far so normal.#and then the movie starts and they won't! stop! fucking! commentating! the whole fucking movie!!! I don't have a problem with doing that#when I'm in just my friend group because I know that I can tell my friend to stop talking or pause the movie or whatnot but not when I'm in#a large group w people I'm not good friends with ffs#and the comments aren't even funny or anything they're all oh this is JUST like in iron widow!! oh they're SO gay and autistic!!! and#they're talking so loud about this that it completely drowns out the movie audio which has already been turned up a few times#like. be considerate!! some of us want to yknow actually listen to what's going on and not whatever bullshit you're saying#I nearly walked out three or four times before I actually wound up doing so#I may have been a bit of a bitch at the end but I don't care. I got up to leave because this was not an enjoyable environment and one of#them offered to turn the movie down if it was too loud. this caught me a bit off guard since I expected them to still be so wrapped up in#their convo and. well. I may have said 'it's not the movie that's too loud' before closing the door#this also reminds me a lot about my issues with online shipping culture and it bleeding through into how we interact with media irl#this is probably heavily influenced by my aromanticism but I'm so sick of people constantly reading romantic relationships into everything#AND placing more importance on those relationships than any other form. I don't mind romance in media. I think if done right it has great#emotional impact on a story but when a movie is running and when other people who may not want to hear it are in the room watching it too#is not the time to be loudly saying 'he's autistic!' 'they're in love!' 'she has a crush on him!'#I have my own interpretations of the movie some of which agree with what they said and some of which don't but that's beside the point of#knowing how to coexist politely in public#anyway. I think they were awful and annoying and they ruined my night out.#I think I'm just so incredibly mad about this because I love the movie and I was looking forward to watching it in a group of people who#found it cool as well while still having some modicum of politeness#I almost wish I had been meaner but that's the extreme annoyance talking I think#hater hour over love u guys bye
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arkiwii · 7 months
ask game
1, at what point did you start shipping your otp
12, what actually got you into the game
15, what character for the chopping block
thank you for the ask, and for adding the question with it!! seriously helps lmao <- too lazy to switch between replying to the answer and the post
1. I think I already explained it in the past, but it's still a funny fact to me; I actually started to ship them before I even played Arknights. For those who fell asleep and did not followed, my otp is Saria/Silence. Why? Because a friend presented me some characters, and explained to me that Saria and Silence were exes and had an adoptive daughter. Which is, not exactly canon! But I DID believed it was. When I actually played the game and checked their files, I realized that there was nothing in canon that stated they were in a relationship pffft - basically I got gaslighted and believed there was something canonically romantic between them
Well that doesn't stop me. I can't remember when I really, really got into the ship, but mayybeee after I read the manhua? Anyway, all of this to say, I've been shipping them for a year now, and the insanity can't be cured
12. The. the birds. Well! Technically, it's because a few of my closest friends were playing the game and I started to get intrigued, but maybe I wouldn't have started if it weren't for the Liberi. "Imagine I play the game just to collect the birds /j /j" I said a year ago. yeah. that statement didn't aged well.
But the game seemed interesting too! and most of all, I already loved some characters my best friend presented to me, which were Aciddrop, Projekt Red and Silence. So of course I wanted to get to know them more!
15. I'm not sure if I understand the question, but I suppose it means which character I'd pick to kill in the story? mmh. Oren 💥💥💥
Jokes aside (all my homies hate Oren), I don't really know who I could pick. Arknights is already doing a great job at killing characters and making these deaths memorable and justifiable (FrostNova and Outcast,,,), I never told myself "why they killed this character??", and it's very good for a story. So naturally, I don't really want anyone in particular to die, and if I do, that's because they were destined to die in canon anyway, like Parvis, Gertrude or Mandragora (she's alive if you're delusional). The only character I can think about, and it's a really big hot take but also my extremely angsty side talking, would be Ptilopsis. Don't get me wrong, I love her! But she's already dying in some way, her fate is sealed - and god, it would be so fucking sad and angsty if it were to happen. I love my meals SPICY
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askyofexplodingstars · 3 months
One moonlit night, you're in the middle of preparing a little bedtime snack, when you get a surprise visit from a certain friend of yours…
(Sebastian x reader)
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walder-138 · 6 months
All day, I couldn’t stop thinking about this unhinged jackass, so I’d figure I’d post more info on her.
For context, I’d recommend checking my other post, as this covers everything after she was found and taken into CIA custody.
Annika refused to answer any questions, not even her name. Any question they asked, she’d either respond with ‘your mom’, ‘up my ass’, ‘kill yourself’, or something along those lines. Like I said in my first post: Bell’s a disrespectful POS. A very angry, very spiteful POS.
During the brainwashing, Bell was conditioned into believing she was an MI6 agent. Bell even developed a slight accent based off Park’s, and still has it even after the events of the game.
The comellowed her out a huge amount, and Bell didn’t express her anger as aggressively as she used to. That’s not to say it wasn’t there, she just couldn’t openly express it.
It did, however, tend to come out a lot on the battle field. Any opportunity Bell was given, she’d cause as much destruction as possible, albeit not all intentional.
She has bitten somebody’s ear off. I refuse to elaborate.
Bell, due to her constantly dilated pupil, is extremely sensitive to flash bangs. It feels like being stabbed in the eye every time one goes off. It also tends to creep people out. On a good note, it makes her sight in the dark exceptional. Bell rarely needs a flashlight because her right eye is already completely dilated.
If Bell didn’t lie to Adler, and miraculously survived the gunshots, she would be completely unhinged. She was used to following orders for both Perseus and Adler, that without that structure, she was confused. Bell didn’t spend a second of her life without authority over her, and the freedom overwhelmed her.
Nika’s fear, sadness, and confusion would manifest in, you guessed it, anger. If she were to mess up her hair, she’d rip a chunk of it out and spend an hour screaming and crying. If Nika broke a dish, she’d proceed to break all of them and the cabinet. She hated being alone, but she couldn’t be around other people. Both Perseus AND the CIA want her dead. Nika couldn’t take any chances.
Poor guy :(
I’m gonna end up putting up a part 3 probably in the next couple days.
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raspberrysmoon · 1 month
chat finale is KICKING MY ASS right now. eats rocks etc why did i decide it has to be one fic. becaus eits the finale ofc but UGHHHHHHH
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